Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 18 Dec 1884, p. 4

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 i ^^y.-fi^^'^mmmmmmmmmmiKfWII/ii^ MiiV PiMii t. 1 P»^«T*-:(-«^r«fW«*(^-V-*' -•â- Mfcl- • "^P 'â-  -w!ifey»Jt«f** ^* -- «J ' r 'ifW •^i /^y ^i 3fr^ n i» -la^k*^ t* t J t .fttlojii; I' :iH: r/^-- •:7i.f,'iir KL m m O.iS NEW AOVERTISEMFNIS. Holliday Goodsâ€" A. Turner Co. Farm for Saleâ€" Dr. S]^t«mle. Teacher Wanted â€" Joseph If anarey. Teacher Wanted â€" Wm. Jaekeon, jr^ Agent Wanted â€" "R. f. McEitrick. Berkshire Boar â€" ^B. Coleman. Sealed Tenders â€" Br. H. Stmson. Suffolk Boar â€" Jos^th Matiiarey. Teaclfer Wanted--B. Clarfee. Apprentice Wwited â€" W. A. Brown. Attention â€" Wm. Hoeg. Notice â€" W. J. Rowe. Merry Christmas Uappy New Yearâ€" A. Ttirner Co. Booms to Let â€" B. S. Bae. Teacher Wanted â€" Bobt. Mathers. Tha Standard. MABKDALE DEC. 18. 1884. stc^ are ever sbtonded in dariinestf This is the qoostion of thctlioar whiefa just now prominently claims the attention of our merchants uid otben #ho wish to £uard their premiseB against such intrusions. To all those who are frnxicrtts to procure the most absolute prote4(tion the writer is pleased to announce that for the small sum of $50 he will make known a plan for setting an automatic "Spring Gun," or a self acting "Torp^o Flash" which will effectually dispose- of till intruders in stidi a way that more than the "Boots" will re- main to discover the culpnt. It cannot b^too widely known, that there are other means oi guarding our premises than by the faithful "watchdog" or the expensive "police- man" both of which experience has taught us may be tampered with. Markdale, Pec. 15. 1884. Wu. Bbown. Was It Dynamite. MUNICIPAL. The municipal elections are draw- ing near, and it becomes every rate- payer to consider the Hituation- In Glenelg, the largest and most wealthy and influential ward, in the township is without a representative. This is not as it should be, and we â- sfm^gost that a meeting be called in. forder to select a candidate for the eoau«g contest. Markdale is paying H very important share cf the town- ship rates and is entitled to at least one repi'esentative, and it is our own fault if we are without one. Monday the 29th will be nomination day, and something should be done before that time. DECIDED TO BUILD. Ac adjourned ineeting was held in the Methodist church here laat Friday evening to further consider the ad- visability of erecting a new church the coming year. There was a large atteadauce, the country being e^ecially well reprebented. The question was thoroughly discussed, during which time a most harmonious feelicg existed. Besolution was unanimously passed in favor, of building the coming summer on conditions that the sum of $8,000 be first subscribed. This uondition is not considered an obstacle, as that amount will readliy be subscribed, two thirds being already promised, without coivg out of this yillage. jnidniffht lUechanics. On Friday night, about half past twelve Mr. John Hill, painter, who resides in Dr. Sproule's block, over Benson's grocery and Uquor store, was awakened by what he supposed to be breaking of a window in the shop below, he listened until he was sure that some one was making a raid, when ho jumped up, dressed, and thinking he would go lighter and make less noise, he pulled on two pair of ebcks and left bis hoots behind. He .. first went apd aroused Benson, who lives a block distant frpm the grocery, and then returned to watch proceedings vhiie Benson got dressed, |but before the latter arrived the buiglar made iliis exit from the unexpected part of the store, when Hill gave chace pursuing the thief around Hill Bro's corner and up Sydenham street 'to the street leadiug to the agricultural ground, when the latter sealed the .high ieace abd esct^ed- lu returning fiiil found a pair of boots, the thief having droyped^ his' boots which he bad in his hand, he also lost one sock, wiiicliHill fdiiiiH oh his' return ,-tnp. On examination the next moruiiig it was found tbat entrance was made to fhe c liar by a side window, but Ttothin7 of smportauce was missing. The burglar was evidently either ItUBgry- and -dry, and simply desired a feedi ot else boiug disturbed in ,his plunder made a hasty retreat without acuoinplishing his purpose. A strong suspicion rests upon a Markdale ritizen. To the Editor of the Standard. Deab Sm, â€" A serious occurrence, and what might have turned out to be more serious still, took' place on my premises and in my pt^sence some time ago. The matt^' wa» kept from the public, as tlie young man. who was the victim, was seeking an help- meet, and did not wish that others would have too much fun at nis ex- j pense. It occurred as follows At a certam time, and in a certain place, I wanted to divide my flo«k ot sheep. In order to carry ouF my Wishes I appoited three young men to attend to the matter. A few of the sheep were in tbe yard, thegentleman of the flock being one of tbe numbev; but the greater part were in the stable. One of ^the young men was placed in side to catch the sheep another out side to keep those that were out a i proper distance from the dour; tbe third, an injured one, was placed at the door, which was about four feet high, to guard both sides. The door being low heihad to stand in a stoop- ing attitude. All being ready, the in- side party commenced to catch the sheep, which became very much excit- ed, running firsc oneway then another, some rapidly running for the door, the guard always managing to turn them. The noise made by them created un exciteipent among the flock outside. Finally a large ewe made for the door, determined to be out guard or no guard. Summoning all the fortitude he possessed (which was' no little) the guard endeavored to stop her, but to no avail, on she came striking him first on the forehead. The gentleman sheep wishing to get in, was at the same instant, coming up behind, with all the force cf a steam engine struck the guard behind with such force and in such a fashion, that up he went as though blown from the earth by some volcanic agency We watched for him, he came down, and great was the fall; but, oh I the looks clearly proving the effect the atmosphere has on a person when raised a distance from the earth. Every drop of blood in bis body seemed to have flown to his head, his eyes protruding from their sockets, leading the spectators to fear they would fall out of the place assigned them by nature, after which he began to change and the change struck terror to the hearts of all around him. Ue seemed determined to have revenge some- times he would run at the sheep; other times he would make for the young men (who had been assisting him), but they managed to keep out of his way. After a time he began to come to his senses, and sitting down my feeble protest. I have been a readier of the PfeAy- tttitm tocnuiaj year* and I haw al- ways iregarded it as a trell condacted journal wlios« editorial and selected aiatter, with few e-«oeptions, ktre traces^of comprehensive echolarsbip, cultured leaiming and a depth ot re search which would do credit to the bestof metropolitan publications and though I am nat disposed to set much store by my own opinions m thi» re spect yet I am happy to fiiwl* that this opinion is strengthened and- con- firmed by that of iMiny otlier better able to judge as the» following extracts which ftfipear'«d m last weeke Truth will show. ••The; Canada F'lfetbyteriari' ahowa in "the front rank of denominational' "journals on this continient. â€" Thorold "Po»t." "A most aJbie representative of the "press and of the church fur which it "speaks evidently bound to keep up witli all the requirements of our rath- "er exacting time. â€" Toronto fVortd." "Its columns are thronged with "strong and editorial articles and par- agraphs, news of the churches and "general selections, together with a "valuable advertising patronage.^ â€" ' "Toronto Globe." "It « ill now compare favorably with •'any of the New ISork religious week- "lies. â€" Port TLo^e Ouids^' "It is conducted with marked ability "and filled from week to' week with "matter tbat should' be iu the family "ol every Presbyterian. â€" :t{erlm Tel- '^egfavh." "The general editorial matter sLows "a bvedth and liberality of view tbat "renders the: paper welcome in any "household. â€" London Adcei-tiur." Besides the foregoing, the names of a few of its stated contributors are a sufficient guarantee that the Canada iPresbytenan will continue in the futu- re as in the past to reflect the noblest quired lor a bdM^ dri«%^, aud dlesrfrfed him to drive the« to Mr. Faweatt's; It oeiMired tons ai the time that^ it was Mine of Mr.. £'8 relations comius to vistC Mvo^ and we were strengthened inoursWmiseBby tiieir compleauou, but were- both astonisheJ and Mnused to leartt lifter tha* they were the Ball family el jubilee singertf. THESECBET OUT. Theseoi«t (4 success of Burdook Blocd Bitters-iJi that it acts upon the bow^, the liver, tlM kidneys, the skiO' and the blood; remo^ng etstructii/ns and iuqju-ticg health and Tigoiv Sale Begiater. Mr.. Henry Hard, lot 8 con. 4 E uphrasia, will sell by auction a very extensive stock together with im- plements e., on Tuesday nsxt. Dec. 23rd. Commencing at 12 o'clock, twelve mouths credit^ on approveu paper. W. J. Shepherdsou, auc- tioneer. I Tuesday Dec. 30th, Mr. Johu Wilson, lot 12 con. 9, Euphrasia, will sell by auction, live stocn, lui- plemencs e. c., sale nt 1 o'clock, usual terms, Geo. Noble, auctioneer. YELLOW i iMI^lMMattotake. ^^DEasi ^^tainthefro "ChfldisB SEEDS ttAdal^ â€" IMPORT. 1 sentiments of the church and the purest moraUty of the age. Bev. Principal McKnight, D. D.; Rev. Prof. Forrest, M. A.; Rev. G. D. Mathews, D. D.; Rev. R, Campbell, M. A.; Rev. John Lang, D. D Rev. R. R. Burnn, D. D.; Principal Mc- Vicar, L. L. D.; Rey. W. Cochrane, D. D Principal King, D. D.; Sir Wm. Dawson, L. L. D-. Magill Un- iniversity and many others who are as household words in muuyPredbjteriau families throughout the laud. I cannot imagine,, Sir, why any Presb^iterian should' have written in lihe atnuu of the article nefeired to un- ;less from interested motives of a very low order, and yet it is hardly likely that any one of another communion would have ventured unsolicited to proffer his council in a matter wherein he was not concerned. Thanking jm Mr. Editor, for this privilege I will close lor the present. Wm. Brown. Markdale, Dec. 16 '84. BUCKLEN'S ABNICA SALVE. The best Salve in tbe world forcut8,bruiseB sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever soreb, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all akin eruptions, and positively cures piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to ipve perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 2o cents per box. For Sale by A. Turner A Co. UsB FitoF. Low's SuxjPHEB SoAP for Friok- ]y Heat, Nettle lla8h,.Bcaley Eraptiwi, Itoh, and all diseased conation of the Skin. NotieeM ofBirtht, Mamaget, and Deatik, twetiity five cent*. MARRIAGES- F1.EWS8 â€" Spencs â€" Ua the 16th inst., at the residence of the brides parents, hich Hill Farm, Amaranth. Mr. Simon Plewes of Markdale, to Miss Spence of Amaranth. FIELD UD aaRDEN SEEK The place to buy jonr Seed. ij„ PARKER'S, Drusrstore, DURHAM. New Bfltcher kep^^Sd^^f "'"'â- ^^^"«°^- DELIVERED TO ALL PARTS Of THE TOWN WHERE ORDERED; y t^^ °^ ^^^^^' patronagsrespeetM^ Eemember ftie stand in MaNes's block 1811 W..H. ROTLEDGE. DEJtTHS. Oalbbaitb. â€" In Artomesia on the Srd mst., Mn. Wm. Galbraith, aged 59 years. WiLLiscuorr. â€" ^In Winnipeg at the residence of her brother on the morning of Ilth Dec.. Elizabeth H. Wiiliseroft. aged 26 years 4 months. UtarJtrt Pe|»0trt«« M.\liKDALE. Fall Wbeht $0 65 Spring Wheat 65 Barley 58 Peas .-. 52 Oat 27 Butter 15 Eggs 20 Apples 50 Potatoes ............ 18 Hay 7 00 Pork 5 00 Flour 8 75 to 50 6« to 67 to 00 to 00 to 00 to 17 to 00 to 75 to 20 to 800 to 5 60 to 4 25 FARM FOR SALi A valuable property of 75 aciea, compriaiw Lot 40, and west half of 42, 1st East T. 4 S, Boad, Holland one mile from Williamsford Station, tbe place is in good shape, fit to mo a reaper and mower, good orchard, well fenced, picket fence around orchard udfroit. of lot with maple trees phnted inside, gool dwelling house, also good barn (ind oit houses. Title good, no tranters from the crown. For farther particulars apply onthi premises to owner. ROlSER'i CLiM- Williamsford Station P. 0. 209-211. Pd, -T^IJVE WATCHES. CLOCKS JEWEmi FlesHerton. his head, wished in his inmost soul that he had never been t)orn into tiais world of triiftls and tribalations. We are ilea8ed to say that, all things considered, he is recovering. Out of regard for the ybong man's feelings we forbear guying the name. MbAFOBD BoAD COBBESPONDBHT No. 8. tramcniir own eorreepondent. rhe entertainment under the auspices of the Sons of Temperance held in the Town Hall last Thursday evening was in every respsjct a decided success. The lengthy andinterestin g program was eanied out to perfection. Mr. Galbraith of Toronto was present and add«d much to the program. Dr. Christoe occupied the chair in a moat pleasing and graceful mamner. Going West.â€" Mrs. W.G. Duncan and family, Mijs Duncan and Jolm Sampled wife started from Fleshertoa statisn Tuesday morning for tbe Western States there io join SUBSCRIPTIONS. Subscriptions received at this office for any of the following papers to the end of 1885 far one dollar in advance each, viz: Markdale Standabd, Toronto Weekly Jl/at7, Weekly Globe, Montreal Star, Montreal Witness, or the Farmers, Advocate. Now is the time to subscribe and get the balance of this year free. New goods arriving every Treek, consisting ol WATCHES, CLOCKS, CHAINS,, CHABMS, S1ECT4CLES, PIPES, PURGES, VIOLIN STRINGS, etc. 18 k. Wedding Rings always in stoci. tVatcibs, Clocks and Jeweller} Bepaired by myself and satisfaciiraigii;!- anteed. IS" NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. Cjrive me a Call. James G. Russell, Watchmaker, JewellWr 217-269 Flesherton,. H arMaieRoUer on the straw, he placed his hand on a "n^n'ian Ti'^T "L^^^m^" f' his head wialiPd in !»« ,«t. ^^i ' â- L'ancan_ who has keen there for © arr asputidanca* NoTicK.-^We wish it distinctly understood that we do not hold ourselves responsible for thHopinionsezfuressedby our oorrespondentiB To the Editor of the Standard. ' ttt ti^M Editor of the Standard. Dbui-^b, â€" The ibrci*)le entry with 'bu^irioaff IntAOt which aome ' w^ivitd. efiae^ list yteek mto jPftyon'a eataMJahmwit biioga {iror 9t|tiWiS -l«efo' V* qneatian of t;ili|||l!t^^|f0aBti(m«? Hpw «ge ire to agiinrt, tbkma Dbab Sia, â€" With your permission I eraVi) the privilege of saying a few Words in reference to aii article which appeared a few weeks ago in the Standard reflectuig upon the Canada PresbyUrian and calculated to lower that journal in the estimation of those tor whom it is intended. To that article I would gladly have replied "at an earlier date bat waited expecting 'that answer pen than mine would. --... „„.„ ^^ task. Apparently I haye waited in vain.henee now even at tiie eleventh hour lest it should be thou^t that there is not anffieient loyalty anumc tfaePrMbytetiaaatf IfidUala toAs dd **B|6a Banner" or a st^eMotlv mtedigant regaEd |or tha xepotakioa and W4||fi|ra UJi^^ o% *«0!vhi** «r M«init^in,tiit,|to«ia«a tn lliMM fB^ I tlM inilElt; I am eMistiinN 40 some months. The above came too late for last meek. The Ball family Jubilee Singers gaye a concert in the Town Hall last Thursday under the auspices of the Boyal Templars of Temperance here. Thei« Was full house an,d the audience {Seemed to enioy the songs- from the colored smgers. A large number were present from Markdale. A very Inendly feeling exists between this and the sister society in that village Last week. Mr. McMilhin of Meaford held a public Sobtt Act meeting in this village m the Town Hall which was very well attended. Mr. Mc Millwi ga?e a very interesting address Which wasUstened to with wrapt at tention; after whioh a central com- ?l?*??-!?f '^** township was formed in this WANTED A N intelligent, honest young man to learn rX. Clock, Watch and JeweUery bnnness. For first 2 years will be required to help with the mail. The right boy will be rightly dealt with, W. A. BROWN, Jeweller, Markdale TEAGHERWANTED FOR School Section No. 14, Euphrasia, female,Jioldin« third dasa certificate, 1885. Apply, duties to conunence 1st Jan, gtviag salary wanted, to BOBT. MATHERS, 8«.-T»ts., BoeklynP.O. S33.24 to#nahiptpa sneoessfnl issue. Mr I^w«ei^ Editor of the Adeane^ o^npiadtteohair. Hiaword. m few but weU ctosen. Ifttxana.â€" On Thutiday last mh EntraiiGe Eiaiinations. V PUBLIC SCHOOL, DURHAM. â-  oa The 23 124 mst,9 a.m. eachday AppUaations to be made to Deo. JAS. WINTERBOUBNE. W-'W- HidMa.ter. The subscriber begs leave to annonncet the farmers of the surrounding coanti7^ he is turning out flour equal to anj O" roller mill. No rnoM waiting while the grist is Mi" ground. l|The foUowing is the scale of excbsnge:- Wheat Weighing 62 lbs, 40 lbs. Host- el " 39 " " •• *• 60 " 38 " "â-  •• »• 59 " 37 " "" " •• 58 " 36 " " .. .. 57 .. 35 " " with offal in proportion to amoant of flo* I find the average weight of new wbe« be 60 lbs. to the bushel, and the meit (A if properly cleaned, would weigh 61 orw the bushd. John W Ford Teacher Wanted, FOR S. S. No. 6, HoUand, male or holding 3rd class certilieate; oaw commence Jan. Ist, 1885. \m Applications received up to Deceino» by letter. WM. JACKSON, Jr-. Sec. Trustee. 921-28 Berkeley f-"' MEW GROCERY STOBl i IN CONNECTION WITH Pkwes Flour and Feed Store^ Â¥^^ •â- wiJ7^i"pw^;a family •^ gtriimaia "'"^^ VY: «w wain laqt ft«| 4' :ihil1jl (Partly Thank. Having just received Choicte. Fresh and $*« ^Xobacco,^] Which wiU be sold VEBY C^^fl I wspectfully solicit the P« ^m m lED p Stock See prices IV. A. b i3 Notices â- â€¢ any indivia cents a lim tents a lim BuSIXEi BCLK I Hanbury'i THBdai Beadt I J. R. Trin Does 3'c week? 21 lbs. f J. R. Trin About c Sunday ni 20Ss.{ at J.S. Tj Labge Marketed 21 lbs. casb, at J J Thresi season. Don't fd Boot, laced Menthl 4inre for he 16 lbs. casb, at J. Fob Si CowB in DCNDAS I Tea for tea-pots. HanbubI and Liquc All whl pieased wf A, Browni Mens' ^1.85 perl Trimble's] TheD« pnblisl edition $^ the Stani No friej the best Dondas a| The have rent where th^ TheordeJ FokOI Toys, Dol Hall, tjee Co. BbeadJ «U kindsl gomery'sl Mr. Braoebri^ Yon ^^mi\ Mliiii

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