Lo^B: iMITH turc oi iHia. «r,H,p. tis uuil satisfacticn. ;ors Toionte mm fEARS. oprieior k used aud ployed. A gle. Heavy ys on liand. s.Blaukets^ OF STOMACH 8T( "^(SiaSC VOL. MAKKDALE, ONT., DEC. 18, 1884. Conn OF TBB SxilMsak 'Mwamim^gm U larkdaie Standard Tj issue 1 eve.sv Tlmisday, at tlie difice. Mill btrw.'C, Aliirkdale. TBir'i-^ â€" ^1 per veil r in jXiU uiict; 1,2"» • jatj,a!il within thrw uu.uihs. Proff's-ional and hu ir.oss cards ofte inch Mace and liinler, uer y: ai-, If 4. 1 YR 6 JIf 3 Mo. â- Tliolo column "(: mO §27 oO Slo Dc flslf column 27 00 lu tK' l.» i.ki jujrter column .. .. 1" 00 10 00 « 00 Two inch si-ace 7 (iO 4 00 Three i«cb space .... 10 00 5 00 Casnal advertisements 8 cents' petljiie iirsi inserts: )U, 3 cents per lire each sulisequenL insertion, nonpareil measuie. Editorial notices, or notices in local col Jinn 10 cents per line first ijisertion' 5 cents eacb subsequents insertion. Bti^y animals Ac, advertised 3 weeks for }4, the advertisement not to ei«eed twelvt lines. No Inper discontinued nntil all arrears ire paid except at the aption of the ptiblisher. -â€"JOB PRINTII^C.â€" The Standabd oMce has a splendid equip- ment of poster ds well as fietiijob typte. Spe- dal atteritiott to orders iljy 'mail. 'Orders filled with â- dispatch. EDITOi; AND Pli PEIETOR. ^.egal. HANDSPERRY, (sLCCESSOliS TO LAUDER it HANUs), BA::lt: t.'ir ItlSTERS, Solicitors Proctors. No- ies, t'ouveyancers, c. Mcwey to loisi at lowest rates of interest. Offices 16 Ki53g Street East, I9J-25l ToBONTO. 9B io Sewi, 25 CeaU, Tliit's imili Ym It you hiTC Fu't Ite^- u:hr, LiYrr te 'i • pk. Are Bilioa,-^PP't I' Foair, Bowelt are Co'tivr. 4 avc â- Ba4 Emth. Want your StoolBch ihoreuglily CleMpcd, \*ty uo the moiilPine *o'-\ife. Work likca^MiMi. Are purcl; Vcm- ablr. ildest Fill evertaken TKY TttkSt. Sold by Ucdkic* Dosicri. ,, 'Riamiocutt.^fup'r*, Itock IilaiHl. f.Xl., aud Berkshire Boar, mt^itt^ B. ahent, M,D., M.R-.^ P. S., O, Ptiysician and Snrc««al6, Priceville, Graduate of University. V«a. College. .. ,. Ne*r York, tind Hon. Gradqate, of tbe naaae, .. ., Avleth Medical Institute. t „ Opthalmic Hospital, H.Y. Member CoU. Physicians Sorgeor s»0. J 04 J. P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. »1BNT1ST, '^â- RADDM'B OF TOEONTO SCHOOL T Jf Df»ft.i8try, will be »t Rutledge's Hotel, MarkSale, on the 1st and third Wed- nesday ol%ach month and also at Munshaw's Hotel. Flesberton. the day following the third Wednesday m each month for the prac tice of his profession. 122-47 W. G. RICHARDS, BUILDER. CONTRACTOR. ARCHI- TBCT. â€" Kasidouce on jjill Street, Mark- dale. I241y A FINE thorongfabred boar 1-5 months old. for service at his pen, mile oot of Markdale. Terms â€" 75 cents cash. 321 B. COLEMAN. Teacher Wanted B^ Frost Frowfc, ARRISTERS, AND ATTGRNEYS-AT Law, SoUcitors in Chancery, Convey •sneers, itc., Owen Sound, have resumed at Flesherton, Office open every ISiarsday, as heretofore. Alfred Frost, J. W. F«ost,LL. B. Goi«r.4v Crown Attomev. 1 J. OTASSOM, BATiRISTER, MASTER AND^EP. REG iti Chancery, Notary Public, ^ConveyanS cer, c. A NUMBER OSi-TAKMS TOR SSIiE. Offk ESâ€" Owen Sound, in Vidiar's Block yPoulett St.; Branch office in Jilarkdale, over JleFarland's Store, «n Friday and Sato day kvery week. »7-ly B IpOR School Section No. 17. Euphrasia, ' male or female, holding 3rd class oertiti cate duties to commence firstfif 1 880 state salary. Apphcations reojived up to noon on Saturday, Dec. 2Uth, by JOSEPH MANAREY, 221-23 Goring P. O. AGENT WANTED. EHptarasia CoBBcil. WANTED, a good man to act as agent for the sale of Reapers. Mowers, and Self-Binders,manufacturcd by A. Harris, Son Co. of Brantford. Address R. J. McKITRICK, General Agent, 221-24' Orangeville, Ont. Suffolk Boar. A FINE SuffolK Bear. 8 months old. bred by Edward Shaw, Colliugwoori Township, for service on lot IS. con. 10, Euphrasia. Terms â€" %1 at time of service. 221 24 JOSEPH MANAREY. Cs^casor ^1^ rrrson, ARRl*" .x^»,SCLICITORS.CONTEY- Fances, c. fcc. Offices in Owen Sound, Dtfferin Block, lover W. F. Wolf's Store and in MARKDALE; „, ' Drer W. J. McFarland's St»jre on Tlsarsday |iQd Friday of each week. CS^Fundsto lenilon reasonable teians. |f0BStCKEA8OB, Q.Q. DUNCAN MtHUdON Ifcrkdale, March 15,3882. 7»-lv ikiexander Brovn». SSUER of Marriage Licenses, Fiw and Life Insurance Agent. Commi«sionei B. R. c. Conveyancer and Licensed |iictioneer for the County of Grey. Farmers, lerchants, and Land Sales, PuaetaaUy at- tended to and charges made very isoderate. Priceville. Sept. 17. 1880. 1-y Wm. Bro^im, ISSUES JF MARRIAGE LICENSES.c Comraissianer in B. R. c. Conveyancing in all its branchee promptlj ittended to and carefully executed. N. B. â€" Money to Lend on Real Estate se turity. SAmJEl^ WAKDELL., TTrELL DIGGER AND DRILLER. ALL VV orders piomptly attended to. Itesi den««w-SmdM-'s Hill Owen Sound 122-35 HAMILTON'S Photocraph gallery OVER THE STAyDARD OFFICE. Pine work executed in all the latest sizes ami shapes, fully equal to city Wtork. Special attention given to A. large stocks of moulding to choose from. Call and leave your measure for a picture, v .Ta.s. IiJa,]Tiiltoii. COMMERCIAL HOTEL PRICEVrLijE. Ont. Large and commodious Sample Booms Good Bed Rooms, e. The Bar and larde well supplied with the best the market af Cords good Stabling and attentive Hostler's TflOS. ATKINSON. Proprietor JOSEPH GIBSON CONTRACTOR. ^Contracts taken for all kinds of BUCK MD STONE WORK, Plain Ornamental Plastering. CaUominin^ in all Shades and Colon. For Sale Cheap SOUTH J Lot 3, Con, 12, Euphrasia, 100 acres. 20 cleared, and balace good womi; never failing stream crosses the back end of it, and a good well close to the house a log house, and lo^ stable of fair size. Also for sale by the undersigned, cne good faim horse, five years old one cutter and one single horse waggon. For lurther particulars apply to T. S. SPKOULE,. Jlarkdale P. 0. P. S.â€" The timber on farm, would more than pay for it. .-. 22126 Teacher IVanted The coQDcil met pursuant to ad- jonrument on 5tb Dec. 1884. Memb erb all presbut. Minutes of last ses- tion read and confirmed. The amount of $76.86, which tvas c 'Hr.Hd as arrear? ou the Collectors Boll for the year 1888, agaioBt the S E i ot lut 2, con. 4, was struck off said roll as tlie County Treasurer's receipt for the same was produced. A ibbolution for a new survey of tbe Walter's Falls road, y^as moved anil seconded but lost. By-Law No 841, establishing a de- viation road in tbe second concession; BjfrLaTV No. 842, to close and dispose of partiof tbe original s^lowance of road iu tb« second concession, and By Li»w No.. 343, appointing deputy re- ' turning o^^rs to hold the next muni- cipul election, aud apf)ointing polling places, were carried through the difif- erent stages aud passsd. The Beeve's orders were issued on the Treasurer to pay as follows, viz *;ToJ. Mclutyre, $7, road work; J. Farewell, $88.20, printing up to date; W. Bea, $4,26. road work J. Stru- itbers, Esq., $11, service as school re feree; J. ilume», $118.02^.road work; J. l^ecnev, 60 cents, road work J. Wilsuu, 75 cents, road work John Feeney, $6.25, road work H. Hurd Esq.. $28.12^, to pay for work on bridge B. Lougheed, $9, repairing bridge W. Hewgill, Es^q., $13 26, plank and labour ou road B. Allen, $7.2oi.road work G.Blackwood, $26 road work C. Enott, $1, road work W J. Jjpugheed, $6, road work B. Camplin,.$8.60, road work. CouaciL adjourned until the last Friday, in December,. inst. B. DuijLOP, Clerk. ODDS AND ENDS. 1710R School Section No. a, Holland. J Apply personally, or by letter, stating salary to ROBERT CLARKE, Secretary, Williamsford P. 0. Or to JamzsQdwn.I^ Wh. ViBTCE. J "°"" -â€" »i â- Holland Council., 221-23 Berkeley P. 0. MARKDALE FURNITURE ST@RE. MANSION HOUSE, MARKDALE, Jas. Bryan Proprietor. CITY HOTEJU •ohn ITlcAleer, Proprietor. »^ ,_ This house is fitted up iH good style, ata- iproveineJ"*.^ ^^ jj^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^1^ travelling pnb- â- nt I «*" «« may depend on the very best â- ^tion. ON HAN Union bus to all trains. acoommo- Ivery Day\ Filled »tt alwa^ ckLofit«*» erkdale house, ONT. MARKDALE, feRUTLEDGE, PROPRIETOR. l^ashionable Tailor, OVeb HACFABLAND's 8TOBB. l^fERP CT FIT GUAEANTBBD. Charges moderate and satisfaction guar- anteed. Orders left at ahe Standabd office will receive prompt attention. 126-ly. ISAAC STliVSON, Builder and Contractor In all kinds of Brick and Stone â- work. Estimates given. All work Kuaranteed. (hrdeis bj auul promptly attended to. 195-6m* MABKDALE P.O. STOCK COMPLETE -IN- HAM CLOTH SU/TS, BEDSTEADS, SPRUIB BEDS, MATTRASSES, Extension, Side^ Center, Fall*leaf and Kitchen Tables3id«boards,Dre8s- ing Cases, Lounges and Cradles, c., c. If we have'ut what yen want w» can have it on short- notice. â€" ALSOâ€" Lnmber, Sash, Doois. Door Frames, Newel Posts, Stairs, Balusters, Hand Bailmg, and all such at GRANT A CO'S, lMa,i*kdale. IFIL: Send six cents for postage, and reeeive free,a eosUy bos iof goods which will lielp aD, of either sex t3 moie money right away than anything else in this world. Fortones awiit the workers abadately sor*. At onoe addzeas Tain «k Co., Augnsta. Maine. 187-889 CHAT8WORTH HOUSE (iiiSa aoBBowlHovss,) CHATSnrOBTH, OHt. TUCK A lidiEOD PswamoBs. The beat teaal of Uqnors and dgan alp iraTsiastoek. GMd neals and enafotlaUe tm emr^^itmi. Ctood staWfat andrt. ieoftiTeluMilitfr. s^ -T^' The undersigned begs to inform the pij^o th«( he han bis SAW m mmM wll In fall op(««li0BiKiWi«Bd is prepared to paw all imtdb d Inunber and Shingle (toif, and gtye yon your Lumber ft SluDRles home with joa dor- ing the winter season. Will saw on sharea or for caoh. Cash for Good Logs. Tours ti^, W.J.BOWB, Holland Centre Dec. la, 84. Council met for the transaction of busioess, Beeve m the chair.- Members present â€" Gaibraith, Howey, Norton and Williscroft. Miontes of former meettB^ read and aj^piroved. Moved by Mr. Norton, sec. by Mr. Howey, that Arthur Cherry, be em- powered to sell timber on 26, 26 side road and expend the amount reeeiyed on the road and report to eounoU next spring. Moved by Mr. Norton, see. by Mr. Howey, that Bobt. Mcllwain be asses- sed on Boll ior $200 for lot pt. 8, con. 7, aud part 4 on the 6th, the same being omitted from the roll. Moved by Mr. Williscroft sec. by Mr. Howey, that lots 57, 58, 69,60, con.2, E. T. B, be assessed to Capt. Geo. Wright, at $700 th« same being omitted from the Boll. Moved by Mr. Norton, 6eo. by Mr. Williscroft, that John McCartiny be exempted from taxes for the year '84 on account of having tbe misfortune of getting his bam burned last fall. Moved by Mr. Galbraith, sec. by Mr. Howey, that James Ireton be 'ex- empted from taxes on account of hav- ing the misfortune of getting his stock of leather and most of his wearing ap- parel burnt by fire. Moved by Mr. Gdbraith, sec. by Mr. Howey, that pt. of lot No. 23, on tbe 6th COD, be extended on the col- lectors roll for collection. Moved by Mr. Williscroft. sec. by Mr. Howey, that Jas. Campbell be re- funded the sum of $8.60.Henry Jack- son $1, B. Givens, 79 cents and B. Stewart $1, being errors on the assess- ment loll. Moved by Mr. Williscroft, see. by Hr.Gaibrsith that the follow n? widows be exempted from taxes: â€" Mathews, Jackson. McGregor, Graham, Cham, hers Thos. Shea and Samnel Watson. Moved by Mr. GaUraith, sec. by Mr Norton, that Samuel Watson get ua ttrder for tep doUars on treas. being in jp^gsnt cipenmi|inBee. Moved by Mr. Ndrtoo. sec. by Mr. Wflfisoroft, that we acyonm mm dh. Gamom CncK, Clerk. CTBK3KI FBOX XXCHANQKS AND BOILBD DOWR rOB THB STANOASD. D. A. Creasor, Esq., Mayor of Owen Sound, is seriously ill. Owen Sound citizens tendered to the officers and officials of the variousi steamboat lines, trading at that port, to a grand banquet on the 10th. Over 150 was m attendance. The Orangeville Gazette has been purchabed by Messrs. Ketchum Me- Guire. They propose to alter the paper in forn\i appearance and politics, to chaxig^the name, and to print it attr at home. Wm. @larbntt of amaraoth, plowedt. a ^eld of sod this month. Mr. SajEuoel Edge, of Gldn«kt, recently killed eight hogs which when dressed weighed over a ton. Seven of this number were May spring pigs, and averaged about 250 pounds each. Mrs. Kibvan has moved from Dnn- dalk to Meaford, and has opened a millinery and fanc} goods store. Euphrasia cheese factory has wound Up busineus for the ear with satisfactory results. Five inches of snow fell at St. .Loui last Thursday. Storm was general' throughout the West. The total arrivals of immigrants in the Dominion for the eleven months from January l^t to November 80th, were 144,842, of which 84,198 were intending settlors. The total majority^in Brant coupt^^ for the Scott Act is,6Jpi. THxThornbury lodge of A. (). U. W. have contributed $20 to the Buffering brethren of the late Port Perry fire. George E. Wingate, who abscoudecVj from Toronto n few days ago with nine thousand dollars, was arrested on Sunday in New OrleacA. A public meeting was held in^ Toronto on Saturday evening to dis- cuss the question of the abolition of tax exemptions, when a resolution was unanimously passed io. favor of the movement. Lord Dufferin has arrived safely at Calcutta. A special to Mail says. he was very warmly wi^comed and. the city was magnificently illuminated^ at night. Bsv. Db. Bick, senior superin- tendent of the Methodist Church, died Monday afternoon after a protracted illness, at the advanced age of 69 years« Thepan.cake social took place at Orangeville last week all right, and there was both honey and molasses, but there was no salt in the pan-cakes.^ Wm. Duke of Lyons Head has been arrested and lodged in Walkerton jail to await hi trial for embezzling township fands and making fals entries on the collector's roll for the township of Eastnor. of which he was collector. The Dominion Parhament will mee for the transaction of business on Tuesday tiie 29th of January. -â- ii a IT SHOULD BE BEMOl^BP.' B jOm huuB are obrtraoted hf phkgn, â- sad bv ooM. do not trraek ihsmbf ^wogh- J iiw, lAcB the aoogh an4 soreoeu can ba ' eand I9 Sward's Fietoral BatMiB. t]|» x^ MoBtbljr F^irs. Markdale â€" Saturday before Flesh erton. Chatsworth â€" Monday before Dur- ham. Dandall â€" Tuesday before Orange- yille. Fleshertonâ€" Monday before Orange- ville. Orangevilleâ€" The seoood Thursday in each month. Mount Foirest â€" ^Third Wednesday • in each month. Priseville â€" Mondav before Durham. Durham â€" Third Tuesday in eack month. Hanover â€" Monday before Durham^ Walkerion â€" ^Laat Wednesday in ev ery month. Fluid LigbiaaBReOMaNmualgia in 1 aunnte.; FlnidLi^tD^ aorta T ootb aohe in 1 ainnte. ' Fluid Lightaiivc eores tmo» Adie in 1 Qihiate. Vft 1 Bun7\»t in o|i(io. Moid Ijghtning spres FlnidLiithtningrelievea' ininate. Fhdd aebeinatao^. FkvM HlgBiA'a.. ' -â- -5 J. i~ Ui- ;.iT^;q ii^* !f p/ nlh Wh^ ill mmHiHimiaAJam