Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 23 Oct 1884, p. 5

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 nmtrn immmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmm â- t 3. and e ildreawj CALL AT ,.,/ lARGHE \old and Silver Cases IN aM Gents' Sizes. »f THE nd lEAPEST, lNT of EEYfl SELL ToroBt» ae .I8H-MADE SUIT Shoddy,) FROM $4 00. 6 00. 8 00. ould look in S lOuadruple Silverware for Wedding Presents. yding Rings, 18 k, :old Silver Jewellery fiOLIHS AND STRINGS. fine Repairing a Specialty. J pS* Square dealing in Sales M Work. Jair Prices. W. A. BROWN. MARKDALE. teal and Other Items. Dims Goods in gKNit variety, nt greatly reduced prie^ afc V J. B. Trimble's. Mb. JoHH GiLUimB. oi Berkeley, exhibited the best speeunenft of winter apples at the HoUaod Center fall show tlaat we baive yet seen. Six rf them w^]gfa8 29 ozs. each and are U inches in Qirciiinference. They may be seen at ^le Markdale House. The -ithahasca, Tvhieh arrived down on Sunday moruiog, brcuzht 17,000 bushels of grain, beinsr the first to pass tbrouoh the new elevutor. The Algoma arrived on Tuesday with 20,000 bushels, and the Alberta tim morniag with 28,000 bushels. Every boat coming down now brings Manitoba wheat, and a lively business is being done at the C. P. E. elevator.â€" O. S. Times. Settled,â€" Kev.W. H. W. Boyle, who completed hia college course this summer, has accepted a call to Dum- fries St. Presbyterian church, Paris, the induction took place last week, and Key. Mr. B. commenced under very favorable circumstances. He is a clever speaker, an ernest christian and will be a great influence for good to auy community that will haTe the good fortune to secure him. Bev. Mb. Andbews, Stinday School Agent of the Guelph Conferance of the Methodist church, preached an exceedingly interesting sermon in the Methodist church, last Sunday, to a large congregation subject, the duty of parents, the church and the State, to children and yonth. He also addressed the Sabbath School in the afternoon. His services were highly appreciated throughout. Commendable. â€" Bev. Mr. Grandy is proving himself a thorough worker and a valuable citizen. Thiough his ejQforts, together with the liberal sup- ' Tjjjjj^liuj i liiL WMi,HAialianr'iaovolife forthj mt the "ffelCiuit Qonse" andis^pBred to wait on iha paUie with cturicaj groestiea asid A 1 l^oora. Xxive him acalL J? ' i ' jjj ' JDJ i! tIp^ MM Tl m ftfi«lt BIT mmtmm H ISoTicES ill these columns intended to benefit nindiriduiil or Society will be charged ten lifj (I line for the first insertion and five ^s a line each sub.equent insertion. arche ry thing at 5 PRICES, old standi SOUND. Inufacturing an ei- ient of Irniture, [eats and DESKS, tc, of tne laiff Id pattern. BigW Trustees and leacli- [t and compaetne*] ttment of Farm » in hand. SendJc 0. )EEW McGDii' sr t^ l)untrj' can PJ IL PARTS 01 |e ordered. Nonage reap |McNea'sbloc iUTLEDGE. ^tractors inelgconncil.^ gaturdsy. J-l tolet cooO^ PlfWJS lat Thoe. I S.BI^ Geain is coming to market in incres- 1 quantities, hV. .J. I^owE raised his new sawmill llIOilllilY- IIhi-: woiither prophets are forecast- Kaliiilit winter. Illfis.rLKMiNG and family removed iTaesdayfor Rat Portage. [Will Lyons arrived from Fort lilliam on i\Ionday. Mr J AS, F. Sproule of Winnipeg pent a week with friends in this pirict, and returned on Tuesday. 1Mb, a. G. Huxteb of Dundalk gave iapleasiiut call on Monday. Foe Sash, Doors and Mouldings, to grant Co., Markdale. I Potatoes are an abundant crop U selling at twenty cents per bushel. 1 Call at J. K. Trimble's and see his 3 lbs. sugar for $1 it cdy,'t be beat. [W, J. McFarlano bought P^eynolds |Ws bankrupt stock and is now lling it out by auction. I Fob Bodsteade, Spring Beds, and ^Itrasso!:, go to Grant Co., irkdale. iHEpews iu tiie Methodist Church " be re-let on Saturday, the 1st fowmbei- at 2 o'clock. fi'R sideboards, dressing cases, bed- Ms, lonnges and cradles, go to pnt Co., Markdale. MW. Ford has quit grinding old, â- frozen) wheat, as he does not wish "ojure the new with it. [Moffat Bro's. are now very busy FgGp millB through the district. py are excellent machinists. port of his people, he has made a thorough overhauUng of the parsonage, premises, giving the house a new roOf, and lining the outside with felt, and dressed siding over it, besides " other material repairs which adds much, to the value and comfort of tlie premises. S. S. Annxversaky.-^TJig Markdale Methodist S. S. Auuiversaiy tea meet- ing and Cantata will take place on Tues(i:tv October the 28th. Tea will be served to the children iu the Orange Hall at 5:30 and to adults from 6:80 to 7:30 p. m. after tea all will repair to the church when the popular Gantata.entitled "The Choicest Gifts," will be rendered by the children, choir and others. Admission to the whole only 25 cents. The St. Marys Carriage Manufactur- ing Company, an enterprise" managed by capitalists of that town is meeting with great success, having sold already over twenty-three thousand shares. The surplus stock of the Company amounting to $106,000 will be divided on October 22nd. Shares are $2 each and all those desiring to partici- pate in this Grand Division, should buy a share at once. Address H. A. L. WfflTE, Sec'y., St. Marys. *112-115 Attention. â€" We are in need of funds, and about half of our subscrib- ers are in arrears for 1884 now this is not using us fair, we i have to pay cash for tdl our material, cash for wages and a cash outlay of $100 a year for postage and express. We call upon every one who is indebted to us either for subscription or otner account to come forward with the needful at once don't wait for a personal call but remit the amount or hand it in. HioHLY PLEASED. â€" I liavo had this summer a dwelling house erected aud completed, and wish to express my entire satisfaction for the mauuer Omr respected towDMuan Nn B. B. Canie took his departure a few days ago for Elora, and will return withhis bride to-day. /We welc-ome tbemto dnr 'village, and wish ihem true happinais and prosperity. • i- Bemeubeb the B.'^, AniniVersarr in the Methodist Church next Tuesday evening. Sabbath Schools richly deserve a lib^al support, aud great pains have been taken to make this entcrtainncent h^hly interesting.,^ • Mb. John Fobteb. has^purclutBed the saw null at Corbetton, four miles south of Duudalk on the Bail way from Mr. Shook. Mr. Foster has called a sale of his farm stock' implements c., and will remove to Corbetton in November. The sale will take place next Wednesday. "WEATHER PBOBABIIiiTIES. ForteUing the weather is a useful science, but relieving the effects of itK sudden changes is a H^Kyard's Pectoial Balsam cures coughs and ooldsr incident to sudden changes. ,..„ Paib'd. â€" Our esteemed young foln, Edward S. Butledge aud Miss Anna J. Thibaudeau, having decided that â€" "Two is better far than one, For enuncil or for fight" have been united ih holy bonds, for better or for worse. We wish them a happy and prosperous journeythrough lite. National Fills acts promptly upon the Liver, regulate the Bowels and aa a purgative are mild and thorough. A Fighting Editoe, â€" On Saturday last, a person dressed in female ap- parel struck our village, and proceeded to make a personal canvass for sub- scribers to a sporting paper inTaronto and claiming to be, herself, editor of the same. During the canvass, how- ever, a dispute arose between her and a worthy citizen, and the plucky female editor repaired to a harness eetablishuieut, purchased a whip and proceeded to chastise the above citizen. He had lier promptly arrested, but soou after she was liberated then it was that the question was hinted ai-ound is she a female she uses the whip Lke" a man she walks like a male, c.. c. but later, the disputed quttstiou as to her sex was settled by a youuj, man affirmiug that she teas a female, he having found out. A GREAT DISCOVERY That is daily bringing joy to the homes ot thousands by saving many of their desr ones from an early grave. Truly is Dr. King's King's New Discovery lor consumption, coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis, hay fever, loss of voice, tickling in the throat, pain in side, and chest, any disease of the throat and ungs, a positive cure guaranteed. Trial bot- tles free at Turner Go's, drug store. Large size *1. 6 m â-  a '..t V,i .â-  kit CJl 10.5 Thi ttrMRvM* tMM fii^ lNali4(iigj@i||Biff â- 4! â- ^TJ{i;-'t| 'epneealfl! the eyidenee.iif' a^. plTcMdon wiU B^e the mo^ stable _,^ ,, and rou^ bandiS beantlfid^ ab|t apd 1^^ Bemember Oiat ' 'MAT DJiiW^' if M xmja^i or powder thai' fills np tbe'poresif Qie skin, and that is injurione 16 the s]^,]tja^ a i^ew and ^eat discovery, a .vegetanile^ ^S^ V^ causes the dhefk to k}ow vdth' health, the neek, urm? [. and hands to rival the Lily in, whiteuess.. impossible to detect in. the^j beauty It coofeis any artificial character ^V.-^ It cures greasy Skin, jSreckles.!. W^l9fi, ' " FimpIes.B^ack Heads, Orow'aJFeet.Blqtisbe^tj!,.,, Fc)ce Grabs, Sun Bun^. Tuii BJogwoi^,' C/hai^^ Hands, Sore or Chapped,, laps. ;/.j Barber's Itch,. Tetter, etc. Il^.^ees we por- es, oil glands, aud tubes 'from, the u^uiiond ., effects of powders an:l cosmetic n^i^hes. Bj its use all redness aud roug^es^ are pre-r,.. vented it beautifies th^^k^and will mal^e. ' it soft, smooth and wh^i^; m^artiogt^de- 7^j licious softness" imparting a, pertotly healthy, natural and yo;a|£i9l appefu:auce The best face lotion tiiat the world eye^ pro-: ducad. We will send "A I4BOK bottue" to any address on receipt of priC*!^ )|1. Wluen ordering mention thispajper. Address all letters to the MA.T' DEW AGENCY, 167 Chufch Street,'Toronto. Ont, Parlor and Reception Room igir La4ies. Mal'lc. OFFIiCp OF 'TUe; MMle All kinds of Mfiirljle and TWronilmeiital "Works, such as Monuments, Tomb Tables, Headstones, Counter and Table Tops» â€" in American and Italian Marble, and made on shoi^t notice. Also Mantles in Mairble and Marbeleized Slate, c., c. ;,-i-- iSatistaction. Grixaranteed. in Every XSespey^ ROBT. S. RAE, •?-â- ( in' which the contractor, Mr. Thos. j^- R- Trimble's great clearing ^^.le j^j^j^^^jj.^ ^^ jjja work throughout; bcomiiifr. Customers are clehgbted ^^ having done a first class job INTHE800DS AND CHAHELS. â€"OF THE LATE- JOHN MANAREY, (dereased.) NOTICE TO CRED ITORS- Pursuant to Section 34, of Chapter 107, E. S. O. the creditors of John Manarey, late of the township of Euphrasia, County Grey, deceased, who died on or about the 30th May 1884, and al parties having claims upon hia estate are, on or before the 1st DAY OP NOVEMBER, 1884 to send by post, prepaid, to Joseph Manarey, Goring P. O.^ in the County of Grey, administerator of the personal estate aud effects of deceased, their christian and suinames, adresses and description, the full particulars of their claims a statement of their accounts and nature of the securities (if any) held by them. »Bd in default thereof the assets ot said deeeased l_«|^ AC I nm IVI I Hfl^B Smtedistributed,having regard only to the WaCCS, I rimmin«», claims then receivel, or those of them which the administerator then have notice. JOS. 2JANAREY, Administerator Date September 4th 1834. TAILOR, /o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/n/o/o/o/O/o/o/o/o/o/o/6/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/ /o/o/o/q/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/ ^o â€" â-  â€" o~-â€" V- "o" â€" ' â€" o^ â-  â- -' o: â€" o: â€" o: â€" O! â€" 01 â€" â„¢ the bargains they are getting. l^oR Saih, Lumber, Newel Post, "IS. Pplusters and Hand-railing, P^n Grant Co., Maafkdale. I t\"Ei;Y person should call at J. B. "ble's and secure some of the "gains he is giving. His store is ""^ded every day with eager cm^topi- 'Eliope those in arrears .will not ^t ns to accept $1. as full settle- 'â- ' so near the end of the year. ^viu however.if yoo pay « year in. "^Qiie at the same time.' ' iBASKs.â€" We highly anpwciate ' patrons as Alex. Webster, now' E^kstown, and Wm. Matrie, of "^.both of whom havealrea4y **ed their subscription foar 188 JJ^l^s gentlemen.â€" â€"Still â-  tiM^ i4-":;-«nce the. above was in:^ fe^ l5-%er8. Bochester,. li(^;.j^'»m and proyed himself honorable in his deal- ings as well as competent in his work. I also wish to thank Mr. Henry Gill, painter, for the very fifttisfaetory manner in which he did the pamtiog. Wm. Deaver, Hollantd. A VAI.TJABLE Nest.â€" Mrs. Madill, who resides near l^unedin hM worked very hard in her lifetime. «»^y ^^^ efibrt had aooomuhited vabout $600 from the sale of bijttsir, poidtry e%^.' The odd lady did not believe m banks nor in juiy_^ the various methods provideitec the iuveatment of m^ney, sa she stowed her pJe ^efully^ 4iw^ ia a spot known only to WJt Wishinrto »*«» *» ' ^^ foSd^hat her vmmm '^f^^ Apprentice Wanted, To learn blacksmithing, a emart stoat boy A good opportunity to leam the kasaMBs. Apply to I'hos. SMgent, Beftkatey. We are now showing special drives in Jifeiir, Stylish and Fashionable "' • Dress Goods^ Mantle Cloths, Buttans, Hosiery^, UDIES GENTS IMOERGLOTHING IT9. -10'.- US1 â- i\' 5 Sealed tend«B will be'reeeiv«a-tl|'W* aSth October for "eato tafaW^ ^tiw Sociefies, Hall, to fight fin«, Bl**^* oteaa lamps, to.. «^' *»»?»,J?*^^*^S!t«i4 meniBer itf one of the-ofdert pt«enr» CANADIAN, SCGTCH and WEST [of ENGLAND for Mei'i and Boys' [SuitSi. Overcoats^ and Garraeiitsi-^ ll J C|i#a| J|^siljbii*ll^ |«jd Sty4i/sii. i '%. ' ' ?F^atJJi'g^ :ondi;^jtJ^$ from the lieavy'St^^td finest? kidi'These-epods.a»e[ wisufp^^Met^pricej Vahife atfldg ,. quality/cQRsi â€" " ^â- '^^^^^mm ra- q^ had S.^ icid8a*^^«est: '^oh^i r|wsmtecra»i»nittB«^ UablkiB -^Hgggljgll

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