Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 9 Oct 1884, p. 4

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 l!Wllfl'i'PW??i!PiR*lll '^i' y'!,"'Jh'i'M'^):W- « i i i i 'n iii j iiiiii n » •~""" ' 'ii'v' iriii '•- •i'iii"|ii"'i iifwwiiijii *» i r ij- » i ' i i i u » j mvm j iawwri^ u " jii i w iitiJ iiii m 'm\ t ti^ #t^ *jj* ;;*' â-  t-i Ht t.^-^;-?}0,r?fl ,:?) .••n' .t«J! â- â- ^twff/a^ nsiflvfj?? â- ""^JL, Itl^. The Standard. MAEKDALE OCT. 9, 1884. We are called upon tbis week to ckronicle the death fo Mr. Thos. Irwin, who passed away on Monday last after a liDgering illDess at the age of 49 years. Mr. Irwin was an old resident of Artemesia, well known and highly respected. His* remains were followed to their last resting /place by a large concourse of surrowing Irieuds and acquaintances. FLESHEETON. "While visiting the County Show at Flesh- erton, we were pleased to notice that it is waking ap and not at all disposed to give np the comnetition for trade altho' placed at some disadvantage for railway facilities relatively with other places on the T., G k B. railway. The hnsiness buildings in course â-  of erec^on are of a character that bespeak t permanency and durability. J. H. Heard ' Gons are preparing for extensiye building operations next spring. Dr. Christoe's block ' is rapidly approaching completion, and is not only handsome, but when flaished will be equal to some of the best business blocks in sbowihiBt 'An opeitti^ in 4he earner of tli*. boot mn-toom le«da np • inr ttegs into the ololhing.dqMiuneBt. It is pa the same level as tae â- liDiiieijr and abof • the bai^vsre. It IB wdl lifted irith tiie large arched window, ettibraeiiig the whole of the soath-eastem Bi There is a stairway from tiie arch to the boot toom, descending which we found on the level of Durham street. The hard- ware and crockery store in tius is also kept a fine display of silver-plated goods fine China, beautifidly ornamented in gold and hand painting, and a large assortment of glassware and lamp goods. The thonsand and one nseful articles needed to be kept iu a weU-fumished hardware store like this would seem enough to tax the full attention of one busy brain to keep supplied everything from ladies pen-knifes to mounted grind stones. Another ware-house was still needed and is being- fitted up in which to store window glass, nails, iron, oils, paints, cord- age, and all the heavy unsightly, but not the less nseful materials which are incorporated in the building and furnishing of our homes. The counters and desks, etc., are beautiful specimens of cabinet art, showing also the beauty of some of our native woods, when wrought into artistic designs by skilled workmen, and the superiority of the natural •(rain to the most skilled imitations of the painter's art. On the whole we congratulate the village on the acquisition of such a hand- some building, beautiful by night as well as by day, as it is brilliantly ht up by gas ex- ternally as well as internally, and when it receives the finish of a large mirror to be .,H i x- The annual faU show of Arteibesia township- was held in FneBvMB ou Tuesday, the 7tb. The weather' ^im most fiivoraible and as ixesutt 4 large number turned out. The instde show was held m Watson**, new bnck wagon shop, and was a very spitable place. The show was on the whole a success. Further partioQlaw with list of prizes awarded will be given next week. r*s" iki»#«4«* cnspssJ mukoale. Fall #^, r.. V i ^^M' UpTiMfg Barley Feias Oat Bujtter Eggs ,• .,. ...... •,. ' L L ;â-  ' â-  â-  • â-  ' IL '48 as VI 16 Apples ....'.^........ SO Potatoes 30 Hay ................ I Ov Pork 7 00 FJoui- .......... 4 25 to to to to to to to to to to «0 70 7^, 60 QO 00 00 00 35 00 00 7 .50 4 50 AN ^ive to I good '«». i^avvespnnd^nce. Notice.â€" We wish it distinctly understood that we do not hold ourselves responsib'e for the opinions expressed by our corresjwndents To the Editor of the Standard. Dbab Bib,â€" How is it that bakers bread still remains 12 cents which it was when wheat was a dollar, wheat being now only 70 cents. Hamilton, Toronto and Shelbume, where there is no competition, get bread delivered at 10 cts. There is a screw "fast" somewhere. CONSUMEB. A liAHE r-LANT. The Wild Strawberry Plant possesses rare virtue as a cleansing, cooling, ascringent, an- teseptic and healing medicine, and when combined with other valuable vegetable ex- tracts, as in Dr. Fcwler's Extract of Wild Sirawborry. it is an unfailing remedy in jdl bowel complaints. External ite^--^' Use.LardhieMachi«^*% machinery, sold '"" "" Toronto. older frontier towns. The new Presbyterian Church is very wdl situated on an elevation ^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^^^ the'mlllinery depart- ment, and which will be so placed as to re- flect the whole interior of (he main store. It at the eastern end of the village, and it is one of thejprettiest ecclesiastical Ftructures in this northern country. The style is gothic with some elements of the French Benaiss- auce which may be observed in the tower at the eastern angle the finale to which, intend ed we suppose for belfry is the only objec- â- tionablo point in the building. However as we are not sufciently skilled in architecture to suggest what it might, could, or should have been, we forbear further criticism other than to say it did not present to our eye the best point for a picture of the edifice. We should not do justice to this subject did we not notice the fine business block erected by "M. Eichardson, and into which he has recent- ly moved. An attempt was made by our ccntemporarj' the Advance, to give its read ers some deszription of the building, and such as it was it might pass, as the most of them live within a limited area of the village and can, from personal inspection, get for themselves the information the Advanee at- tempted, but tailed to give. As the Standabd reaches many a home and greets many an eye far from Artemesia who, 1 /ova. earUer as- 6o.ciations,stiU have a love for and interest in its progress, we will give a short description '^f this the finest business premises in the • County of Grey, The bnilding is of brick and cut stone with mansard roof, three stories, frontage on Sydenham street, and as there is an incUne from the corner on Dur- ham street in the length of the building of ten feet, it presents a four-story frontage on that street. The streets do not run at right angles, and the sight is an obtuse or open angle spreading from thirty feet ou the front to sixty feet at the rear of tne building. The shape of the lot and the unequal leyel of the streets having been utilized to the very best advantage. There is an annex in the rear of the building which has a front entrance on Durham street to the hardware store, the front of which has a yery handsome design, as tiie window in form of a beautiful arch takes in the upper story which lights the clothing department immediately above. Approaching from Sydenham street we were Agreeably surprised to note the wide, lofty door space, the handsome black iron pillars wi^ flutiugs in gold at the angle of each window, where behind the large clear sheets of olate glass we saw on one side what looked like an array of headless ghosts all out for .parade in the nobbiest suite of latest fashions mens' youths and boys, with a background will hardly be surpassed by any of our city establishments. Ten years ago Mr. Bichard- son built the store he has just vacated. It was then the best in the country â€" nothing in Markdale to equal it, â€" how, for our village soon outstripped that style of building may still be seen, and before half another decade passes we hope to see his last effort as far excelled here as his former essay was. PRESBYTEEIAN CONCEET. f The cencert held in Rae'e new hall on Friday evening last, under the auspices of the ladies of the Presby- terian church, was in every respect a success. This ha'l is located on the 8rd flat of Mr. Kae's new building, entrance at side, near rear end, and will seat about 200. The place was well filled and a very enjoyable evening was spent. Several amateurs appeared for their first time before a Markdale audience and equitted themselves in a creditable manner. Mr. F. Porter gave a recitation in a most able and masterly manner, while Mr. E. B. Currie appeared to advantage in song. Instrumental music and in recitmg. He is a whole team in himself. Mesisrs. A. Parks and Currie gave, on their violins an imitation of the "Highland Pipes" which was highly applauded. In fact all did well. The songs were of a suitbal character and well render- ed. The instrumental music some- what lively, arousing the murthful propensities of quite a number, while the Eeadings and Eecitations were such as are «eldom equalled. The following persons took part: Mr. CuKie, Mr. A.' jarks, Miss Katie McDuffie, Mrs. Trunble, Mr. W. A. Brown, Master A. Mofiafc, Miss Ellie Wilson, Mr. A. McFarland Miss Emma Damude, Mr- F. Porter and last but not least the audience saug "Auld Lang Syne" with great en- thusiasm. The receipts of the concert were over $31, while that of the dmnerand bazaar, which was held on the Agricultural grounds during the day, and which was also a success, amounted in all to $61, To the Editor of the Standard. Fort William, Oct.. 1st, 1884. Quite an exciting contest took place here Friday, the li^th ult., between your old townsman Mr. A, McDougall and Mr. Eobt. Dunbar of Winnipeg in a match for winner of four in seven games for fifty dollars a side. Mr. McDougall won five games without any training whatever, while his opponent has been putting himself to a lot of trouble the last two months training and trying to arrange a match. Mr. McDougall still retains his athletic abilities and did some bi" work, surprising the Port Arthur folks who turned out to see their man an easy winner. The games were won as follows â€" Standing jump â€" A. McDougal], 12 ft. 10| inches. E. Dunbar 11 ft. 9 inches. Three standing jumps â€" A. Mc- Dougall, 87 ft. 6 inches. E. Dunbar, 35 ft. 9 inches. Standing hop step and jump â€" R. Dunbar, 35 fd. 7 inches. A. Mc- Dougall, 35 ft. 4 iuclies. Puttmg 13 lbs. shotâ€" A. McDougall 47 ft. 3 inches. E. Danbar, 47 ft. 2 mches 300 yard race was won by E. Donbar, and the 75 yd. race and hurdle race race by A. McDougall. E. S. E. AUCTION SALE â€"OF VALUABLE FARM, In the township of Holland, in the County of Grey. There will be sold, on Wednesday, tlie 22nd DAY OF OCTOBER, 1884, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, at Rutledge's Hotel, MARKDALE, By virtue of Powers of Sale contained in a certain Mortgage which will be produced at the Sale, the following Property PARCEL I. Under Mortgage from Thomas English, Lot 27, in thd 4th Conoession of the Town- ship of Holland, in the County of Grey, containing 117 acres more or less. The following improvemsnts are said to be on the premises Niaety acies cleared, one frame dwelling, one log dwelling, two log bams, one stable, good orchard and well. TEBMS â€" One-tenth of the purchase money to be paid down on the day of sale. For balance, terms will be made known at the sale, ii'or further particulars apply to JONES BROS. MACKENZIE. Solicitors, Masonic Hall, Toronto. Or to JOHJy L.YOIVS, JEsq., Markdale. Toronto, 29th Sept., 1884. 212-4in CURES^ WORH IMiyM i^Eiam^ powbi A» pleasant to take. (w. Itegative. Is a aafcimT*' Strayed or Stolen. to $61, making a „ Kjfal of $92, for the day and evening. drapery of tweeds and suitings of fine texture Ihere waS also a 10 cent social given and novel patterns. The other window was °° Monday evening which Swelled the total amount to $100. Personals. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Jones, of Mono Mills, yisited Markdale this week. Mrs. Arch. Donaldson, of Muskoka IS visiting friends in this district. Edward S. Eutledge arrived from i'ort Arthur on Sunday last. Mr. Eobt. eldest son of the loto Mr. Ihos. Irwin, arrived from Eritish Columbia last week. Eddie Beynolds has accepted a situation m Norwood and took leave of Markdale last for that place. Wm. E. Burnett returned from ralmerston recently. From the farm of Bichard Shears, Lot 1, con. 11, Euphrasia, about the 18th .Sept. A lam, 3 years old, (Jotswold, marked with red lead along back. Any person giving such in- formation as will lead to his rwovei-v will be suitably rewarded. ShouH any' person allow above sheep to stay on their premises without gmng public notice of the same they wiU be dealt witii according to kw. „ ^^ BICHABD SHEaBS, Markdale P. O. 112-114.* VISITGKS TO owin THE "BON MAI TIIEY HAVE the" LARGEST BEST and CHEAPE ASSORTMENT or CEOCKEEi A\D WILL SELL l.ower tlaan the Xon ilouscs. I-»oo3^ at T] A GOOD ENGLISH- SERGE sul (Tliis is no Shoddr.) BOYS' .- FEOMd YOUTHS' ' MENS^ Everybody should looi at the Bon Marcl They sell everything ROCK BOTTOM A ALLEN'S old OV/EN SOUl Pakofa lliustrated. A 32.paee paper descriptive of the North- west and Far West and a County Map of Wakota sent free for 2-cent stamp. Send your address to A. V. H. Oabjentkb, Gener- al Passenger Agent, Mawaukee, 212-115 on hiB Wednesday â- i» » SAI^K REOISTER, filled with such a miscellaneous assortment of dry goods arranged with all the attractions of the city window dresser, we shall not at- tempt to describe or enumerate its contents. On enterin({ we weie again agreeably im- pressed by the beuty and finish of the in- terior. The ceiling is divided into five large panels, in the centre of each of which is a ' beautiful specimen of the moulder's art in plaster casts. The divisions are made by a projection in the ceiling, resting at each side on mouldett brackets placed on pillasters runnmg up the walls on each side. The floor has a rise of one foot in seventy-two, which has the effect of throwing the interior to better yiew from the entrance. At this dis- tance from the front there is a rise of four steps to the millineiy department, which is lighted from thoroof with spacious sky-li^^t. The cashier's desk is placed on the left side entering, about midway np the store. It communicates thro' an arched opening with the business offices. Abont fifty feet from the front, on the left side, is an opening into the boot and shoe department, which ap- pealed to be filled with every description of boot and shoe ware. lu' the siehway is a dour opoiing into a large wareroan osed for storing groceries in unbroken packages, ex- cepting tea, which is Istored in the next flat HOLLAND CENTRE SHOW. The geconi annual show of the ab^e Agricultural Society was held at Holland Centre yesterday (Friday) The weather was very unfavorable,' the raiu poured irom early morninff until after noon. Notwithstanding this a goodly number turned out, and the exhibit, both in the haU and field was surprising both in extent and quahty. Had the weather been favor- able we have reason to believe this exhibition would have far ecUpsed the neighboring township fairs as it was It was fully up to the average. We will give the hst of prizes awarded next week. A STABTLINO DISCOVEBT Physicians ue often startled by renMrkaUe discovenes The fact that Dr. S? New Discovery for Consumption and^TWt and Lung diseases is daily ourii^piSS that they have pTen np to die. iT steS Tuesday. Oct. 14th, at one o'clock onthefarniofB.S. McLaughhn S lot im ^^^^^^•*°" *^«^ t^e above l^x. «"^«s» will be sold, togalher Stin; w"^^t^S^^' Auctione;r ' ^^^^^^^^, Thursday, Oct. 16th, at 1 o'clock Z 1 q' ^*^ °f «»« l»te John Manwey lot 19, con. 9, Euphrasia, akrgeS ofhDrses, cattle, -sheep; sS S implements. W r v;i,„ i ^^ Auctioneer. ^^- "• ^b«Pi»erdsou, \J^ft^^^l *^°*- 22nd. at 1 o'clock Mr.^^^HcArtLur will sell on S AS, con. 8, Euphrasia, an extpn«;«^ farna stock, cousii^ti^i ^f^^S^.'^^ cattle aheep, swinefanfl impW^ Hay. c. Joseph Manarey. ASueer' I o^olock. Fâ„¢ 8 Jf • Sr^' f ' ka H li f^T .°'**"*» iniplements. *c. ±t.M. Qalbraith, Anctionew. IN THE GOODS AND CHATTELS. â€"OF THE LATE- JOHN MANAREY, (deceased.) notice]tq^creditors. _Parsuant to Section 34, of Chapter 107, Ji. S. O. the creditors of John Man««y late of the township of Euphrasia, County Grev ^ed who died on or about the 3o£ mayiBSi, and al parties upon his estate are, on or having claims DAY OF NOYEMBEb7i884 !^'sendlyV/t' ?i*rt *° '^^"^P^ Manarey, giving PQ u» tlie County of Grey, administerator of tte chKi'lt* ""' '""' °* deceas J.°;hei? cnnsiian and surnames, adresses ami a statement of their accounts and r tare °n defrnn**'"i*e°y^«l' by them, ^^d Xm^ tli!« ' Y^" "8»rf only to the tK.? «wp^received, or those of the the adnunisterator then have notiw The undersigned is i;iaiinfa3timii{^ Cri'llent .issortmeut uf School F'urnitii Consisting of SC OOL SEATS aiJIi TEACHEKS' desks, etc., of design and most approved patwni. recommended by tjcliool Trustees anJj ers, for cheapness, comfort andcoiii!«r whei-eYer tried. An assortment of" School Bells kept always on liand. catalogue to Chatswoi tli P. 0. 181 ANDREW M New Butcher SM The=best meats the country csi* kept on hand and DELIVERED TO ALL THE TOWN WHERE ORDi was or those of them whioh ien have notice. JOS. MANABET, ^^t^g^p^^^^^^ Administerator S^lL^t?"1 °°""« from wSamsfori Station, the oUoe is in Rood ghaniT^T! dwelhng h^ S!f SS**^ "^®' «ood h6nses.^ ?Sr^^ o'^^ni*â„¢ ' ««» premises to owner »™RPto«'^P^Zr°° "»* WaH|^ford sS P. oJ^^aS'w: A share of public patronage i solicited. Kemember tbe staml in Mce»s" 181 W. H. RUTLED »n^y_yea« much afflicted me into tte m«it. of-,hi;;;;,;dSf5"d^- «y lemlfang ia hmnlr^ of WtettwS^" Moi»B8 nsiBg it in their pnwtiM^ t2; bottles ftee at A. Tnin«!J cJ?S;iS? BeRoIar Size #1.00. *^^ ^*«* tried me "wmm bad «*ny different aiSintt ^SS.*^ as eyrr agwa. I .Jr^fr" *•• " ttend.wK4 4l^L!^!»»eBd«d by « •no tt ^»»8 notlobff lifefeM^T* ii^"4 Vy Bis it w IPS r-v n6»0ETiEl--L NOTICE! TO ALL TO WHOM IT UiJ «" AChattle McrtgaRe, made bj^ Hewitt and Josc^pli Pay'f'ff flhip of Glenelg, iu '.ho County « favor of Alexander ilcPhee, « ^^ place, dated 22nd March, A-V- ,« certain stock and chatties menW" mortgage, and for wliich tli^ .wr*" odved no value. The P^^"^^ cautioned against purchasing s*^. •8 no value has been received " JOSEPH If^l JOSEPH PA^I Dated Glenelg, 20th Sept., 188^ ~ESTBA^| May. 8 head of yearlings-" ^ofi steers, all spotted and grey-T" jj i nick out in the left ear. and a « Mme ear, made with hot jro":^^ Any person giving s"""^!*! will aad to their recovery " Bfilkiid, Sept. 18, 198^ Notices tn thes any individual or ttntt a line for t Vmts a Une each s Don't forget te's hall ou S The Weekly 1885 for §1, sii SlANDAliD office,

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