""""""^^mm^mmmmmKimKim |p|H«|flMl.llJ. W 'h^ ft I- I 4 '4 1 1^ if i â- » â- r I •:?â- _^; !i .. 8: " %â- :(r '.* •" ^1 M ^r ii- a-^1 If if! J p.) â- ^^.-^ Mmm^w 'V m ' V J^â€"^.' »-3a *fcaf i»B.-.- .-. -V- i-^-T«ri:«- ' i-.m^^K-i^vf^'JS"?^^ ic yyC .^)v • vf*.' tr â- 't *9t«^' *^"'--"' ^ix;;r;?S? j WJj*i\ a Over tlte Fails m a BMbWr BaUI. Buffalo, N. Y., Sept. 15.â€" Oliver Wormald, a Buffalo fresco priDter, ^^ te Niagara llalls to-day to perfect arrangements for going over t/ie cataTaet in a rnbber ball, fifteen feet ill diaiiic'ter. for a purse of $1,000. W" S. Grabain (jf Cieveiand, and Peter S. Granf^, a Buffalo busiopss jTian are mauaj;iEg the affair. Worm- aid's ball, will be of rubber, tliree- ThifrConncametat Pevettham on the 19th Aag. Members all pre8|eDt. Gommaoication from A. K.i'awcelt, bill $48.94, printittg MiBUtes^ 100 Koad Lists and pdvertifiiog Court of Revision. C. W. Rutledge, account $30 05, printing and advertising. Voter's List and lOO notices of ap • of Toionto,'«mea It Zx'lLldeitaaD Tfcyhw poictment to office. D. C. McFarlane, will be of -rubber, tbree- 1 account ;$5, postage stamps for Clerk. quarters of ati iuclithick, covered wiiii] i\ Fieetby, account S8.50, -meuding closely braded tarred rope and filled with compressed air. He expects the ball will receive sufficient momentum to hull it a CRsiderable distance scraper. J. A. Bannerman, account $1.60, plank for pathmaster. G. Moore and 28 other petition re devia- tion road on Gun. 14. James Elliott, beyond the Falls and he will be picked j application for collectorsbip. County up by one of the ferry boats plyinp j Clerk rates for 1884. Estimates and at the Prospect park mchned railway. A miebigan Ttanndcrstorm. Alpena, Mich.. Sept. 11. â€" There was a voilent tiuuider squall here j'esterday. Rain fell over an inch in eight minutes. Tlios. Scarfe was •killed ou the street. Another man's arm was broken. A horse and mill, were blown down. Forty thousand feet of lumber were blown into the lake. Canadian PaciflcRailway (OXTAKIO OITISIOIV.) Cliaiig-e ot Titne- COM'Clt^G TUESDAY SEP. 9, '84. Toronto,Grey and Bruce Division. TORONTOâ€" Depart 7:2(t a. m., 4:40 p. m. Arrive 10:45 a. m., 310 " D, McNICOL. W. WHYTlil. Gen. Pass. Agt. General Manager. MARKDALE STATION. TKAISS liEAVS AS roLLov.-s GOING SOUTH.â€"Espress 6:80 Mixed «:48 Mail 4:20 p a. m. •GOmG NOETH. -^fail 11:50 a. m. ?rixed 5:00 p. m. Exjiress 9:09 ' J. C.ESAK, Agent. requisitions for T. ,S. Moneys frona trustees of sections 2, 8, 4, 6, 7, 8,, 9, and 10. Orders were issued to pay above accounts. Taylor, Mclntyre, That the Clerk be instructed to notify the Council of ColJingwood Tp. that the Council intends expending $10 on the town- line east of Sykes saw mill, proyided that they garnt an equivalent. Carried. Speers, Mclntyre* That D. Buie get $8 in full to Jaauary 1885, being an indigent. Carried. Speere, Mclntyre, That by-law 227 to assess and-levy rates for county township and school purposes for the year 1884, be introduced and read the lirsu time. Carried. 'J'his by-law was carried tlirough the several stages and passed Johnston. Mclntyre. That Georgp Scutt receive $17.60 for work done on 50th side road2nd north, and that the Reeve issue his order for I be same, and that said amount may be retained out of the ai)propriation for division 1 and 5 next year. Carried. Johnston. Taylor. That Robert Morrison be paid $9, John Winter $8, W. Davidson $8, John Speers $13, A. Mclntyre! 12.50, W. Milne, $26.75 and Thos. Gamey $85, being expenses )e appeal to county judge against the cqujilization and valuation of the Municipality by the County Council. Carried. Speers. Johnston That the Clerk communicate with the Council of Col- liugwoodcoucerninga on hill the town- line opposite Lot 1, Con. 9, Colliug- woo(] and Lot 18, Con. 14, Osprey. Car lied, Speers. Taylor. That this Council adjourn to meet on the 15th October at McLityre. Carried. W.Milne, Clerk. SSEh after aH otherrem6die« had faile4. Shelburoe Foresters had a. success^ fuJ excursion tp Gait recently. BUCKLEN'S AENICA SALVE. The best Salve in the world for jut3,hrm«fej» sores, ulcers, salt rheam. fever eores-tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, cotos,. and ^u skin eruptions, and positively cores pUes_or no pay required. It ia guaranteed to gT^e perfect satisfaction, or money ref^ded. Price 25 eents per box. For Sal«,by.A. Turner Co. The Meaford Jlf tVror says that the editor of the Dnndalk He^aJd is a (jmtleman and a sclwlar. So say we, A SAD NEGLECT. Neglecting a constipated condition of the bowels is sure to bring ill-health and great suffering Burdock Blood Bitters regulate the bowels in a natural manner, purifying the blood and promote a healthy action of the stomach, liver, kidneys and bovrels. November 6th has been proclaimed by the Governor-general as Thanks- giving Day throughtcut the Dominion. A CUKE FOK CHOLEEA MOEBUS. A positive cure for this dangerous com- plaint, and for all acute or chronic forms of Bowel Complaint incident to summer and fall, is found in Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry to be procured from any drug- gist. The Owen Sound Fall Kaces takes place on the course' October 7th and. 8th. Prizes will be oflFered to the amount of $1,000. EESPECT AGE. Age should always command respect, in the case of Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry it certainly does, for 25 years that has he.en the standard remedy with the people, for Cholera Morbus. Dysentery, Diar- rhoea, Cohc and a'l bowel complaints. The Fifth Division Court of the County of Grey will hold its regular eittings in the Town Hall, Flesherton, on Thuraday, October the 30th next. A STEONG ENDOESEMEXT. The Clergy, the Medical Faculty, the press and the people all endorse Burdock Blood Bittern as the best sj'stem renovating blood purifying tonic known. Its work bears out their best recommend. "Success. â€" We congratulate the Markdale Standard ouits safely reach- ing its ninth birthday. It has missed the calamities usually fatal to youngs- ters, and is iii a fair was to success. Friend Eutledge is a pushing man and deserves to succeed." â€" Shelburue Free Press, a«l fiiifer» liW 1^ «W Tioeroy ' lolia.'^^ Franco -mm NothwithEtanding 41, **'ftil war now raging iu ChwT'^Sl increase tue price of Te«l i^aS "**' at tile ' Havms imported .pi-ior mg of hostihti.s, !rsufiic,:;;"^°I»ii.| to supply 20,000 SJEm f' "^^titi 12 months. In othei- «eni^"'^il the Grocery fade tl?fc HOUSE has KILLED byS-i SAND- those who as.su,,et business by purcLiis:'!.- of sn °^ ers exorbitant rates of iaterest, i)uv imports of Fall Show Fairs. TREEMAN'S WORM POWDERS^ Are pleasant to take. Contain their own Pnrgativo. Is a safe, Bnre, and ctfectnaM destroyer oi worms in Children or Adoltfl JOHN NOBLE, MARKDALE GENER'LByCKSMITH HORSE SHOei NO SPECIALTY. Also agent for the celebrated CHATHAEl^ WAGONS. Osprey, at Mclntyre October 9th. Provincial at Ottawa Sept. 22nd to 27th. Western Fair, Liondon, Sept. 22nd to 26th. Proton, and 8t,h. at Dundalk October 7th iCiT r.V'^r-* ' Hil-* ;u.i:.L::;t-_ti tu rive saliif:^ct:~n. T. MiLiJUKIn .Ic CO., i'roprieLois Toioino Melancthon, at Shelburne October 7 th and 8th. Glenelg, at Markdale, on the 2nd and 3rd October. Fast Grey, at Flesherton, the 23rd and 24th September. Dominion Exhibition at Montreal September 5th to 13th. South Grey, at Durham, the 30th September and 1st October. Collingwood township, at Clarks- burg, on the 25th and 26th September. Normanbjr, in Ayton on Sept. 24th. Sydenham, at Annan, Tuesdav. Oct. 7th. Holland, at Chatsworth, Thursday Oct., yth. Derby, at Kilsyth, Thursday, Oct. 9th. â- Sullivan, at Desboro, Tuesday. Oct. 7th. North Grey, at Owen Sound, Thursday and Friday, 2nd and 3id Oct, Artemesia, in Priceville Oct. 7th. St. Vincent in Meaford the 8th and 9th October. Horticultural, at Owen Sound, Wedresdav and Thursday, 24th and 25th Sept. I â€" I Holland Centre, at WilUamaford on the 8th October. PATENTS ttamB toaet as 8(dioitors iorfateaiS^^a^h^^ A liAEE PLANT. The "Wild Strawberrj' Plant possesses rare virtue as a cleausiug, cooling, astringent, au- teseptic and healing med'ciue, and when corabiued with other valuable yegutable ex- tracts, as in Dr. Fowler's Extract of "Wild Strawberry, it is an uufaiUng remedy in all bowel complaints. The Canadian Farmer has entered upon its seventh year. It has greatly improved during the present year and now comes out in a new dress and otherwise improved. It is an excellent weekly agricultural journal, publisbed at Welland, Ont., Only §1, per year. McGEEGOE'S SPEEDY CUBE. Every purchaser of common sense business capacity, when requiring an article for a certain purpose, purchases only that which has been tried or is allowed first to test before buying. You are aUowed a free trial bottle of McGregor's Speedy Cure, the gjeat remedy for Dyspepsia, Impure Blood and Liver Disorders at HiU Bro's. Sold at 50 cents and $1 per bottle. See testimonials from persons inyour own town. 'A:.S. 6 Don't Do It.â€" Don't box your child's ears. Numerous incidents are re- corded with serious results, often permanentinjury have followed such treatment. Nature hasprovided every child with a place where corporal chastisement may be safely admin- istered and that place is not on the head. A LIFE SAVING PEESENT Mr. M. E Allison, Hutchjnson, Kan Sa- yed his hf e by a simple Trial Bottle iung's Ne~ ^-•- which caujea nam to procure a large bottle: that completely cured him, when Doctors' tZf ^{"^^^ 1?*^ everything else had faile*l. Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness Severe Coughs, and all Thr;,at and S diseases^ it is guaranteed to care. TriS bottles free at A. Turner Go's Drag Store Large size 91.00. » ^rug Diore. There has been much talk of late about India becoming a rival of Canada in the prodtiction of wheat but a Bombay dispatch says that the crops are almost, a complete failure '°il"f,"°'..*"'"'S*° ^^ drbught, and that the distress is so great tbat many women are killing themselves because they cannot find food their ehildren. Sar go^or^general l^at G«^ ever had. ahd lie has since^s^own him self to be an accomplisbed (ilplpi^at NalaonaJPjlM P«^e« the blood, regulate Btomat^.itt'ff and bowels. 1' W"ii^epleaseajtp notice tliai Mr. W H. Heai-st, of \r. Ma«^on's pffice, secured 5rd gcholargliiF ($40) at the 1st Intei-rtlftdiate Examma/tions at Osgopda Hall latei held tberd We understand, this, is the first scholarship .ever obtained by any. of our law students from town, but now. that-Mr. Hearst has sucoeded in breaking the ice, we hope td chrjnicle many more. Eruptions, and all skin disoasea^ use Prof. Low's Sulphur Scap. The names of, over 100 ladies ap- pear on the Owen Sound voters list this year The Advertiser says the man who stays out late at night won't be Mayor next year. Dr. Low's "Woim Syrup will remove worms and" cause, quicker than any other medicine. Gen. WoiiSELEY left London Sunday for Eeypt: He was greeted by a large crowd at the railway station, and was enthusiastically dheered as the train left. A cEBtAlN very humorous editor was once asked what made him so mirthful and witty H0 said let he took nine hours sleep every night, 2nd he ate threo hearty meals per day and 3rd he had u good salary; but the greatest of these is salary. Go8sip.-r-What is the cure for gossip Simply culture and education. There is a great deal of gossip that has no malignity m it. Good-natured people talk about their neighbors besause- â€" and only because^â€" they have nothing else to talk about. Gossip is always .1 personal confession to either malice or imbecility, aud the young sbould not only shun it, but should with the greatest watch fulness guard themselves against every tempta;tion to indulge in it. It is low and frivolous. There are country neighoorhoods in which it rages like a pest. Churches are split in pieces by it neighbors made enemies for life by it. In many peisons it degenerates into a chronic disease practically incurable. credit. LOBSTERS, SARDINES BAC0N,A8S0RTED ^m and every articlc^egroce:ym LIQUORS Of the best brands and qualilv for Sacramental purposfeB w' pure. Brandies direct from tbe nfactm-er and all other Mudiof linn I Coffees, Teas and Toi.accoescl fail to give satislfiction. Lemons, c. Family Hcur at Lowest Hates. THOJS. MgNEA BELI^ST HOUSE, ra GROCERY si IN CONNECTION ^-ITH Plewes' Flour and Feed Stari supfltj School Report. S. S. J^o. 6, Holland, lor month of August 1884. First-â€"!,. Louis Haslip 2, Eobert Sanderson; 3, Willie Smith; 4, Jennie Martin. Second Part Jr.â€" 1, Annie Smith; 2, Minnie David 8, NelUe Bowe 4, Willie McKay. Sr.â€" 1, Gerty Allen Eobbie We' b. Second Class Jr* â€" 1, Mintie Welsii; 2, Emma Ewart 3, Lizzie Kitchie 4, Sarah Brown. Second Class Sr.â€" 1, Sadia Eowe; 2, Bella Gillespie 3, Thomas Bradley; 4, John Sargent. Third Class jr.â€" 1, Latetia Sand- erson 2. Albert AUen 8, James Blaney. Thu:d Sr.â€" 1, John Sargent; 2, Maggie Walker 8, Lizzie Sanderson. Fourthâ€" 1, Mattie Gillaspie; 2. Addie AUen. â- 'â- ,, E. J. Bailbt, TeaoLor. Having just received 2 i Choicee, Fresh and Seh STOCJli OF Teas, T'obaccojc Which will be soii YEKY CHE^ I respectfully solicit tha publit patrouaije. J. PLEWES 193 CHATSWORTH HOUS (l.^TE :.IORF.OWJFOroE,) CHATS^yOKTil, Ont. TUCKMcLEOD PROPEiiioiiB. Seventy Thousand JLtves. THE NUMBEB LOST IN A JAPANESE INUN- DATION. The best braml af li(iuors and e ways in stock. (.*ood meals and cmforti rooms guarr'ateed. (iood stabling iffil tentive hosticr. 11^1 HOUSE FASNTEI GEAINER. GLAZIER AXDPAPij HANGER, CALCIMINIl AND WALL TLNTLNG. Residence op})osite' Plauiug Fi Obdebs Solicited. EsiimatjsGi P. DUCOLON LIVERY n IN HULL'S OLD STAND. MILJ^ STREKl a pestilence has b^oktn was San Feancisco, Sept. 15.-Adyices from lokohama, Aug. 80, say that in- J^^eoy a simple Trial Bottle of Dr l^.^f^^O'^.l^as/eached Canton of a New Discoyery, for Consumption' "g'ltful mundation in Eiang Lai aus^edhimto procure a laree h^tt\J proymce. The news is dated from King Tak, chief center of the pottery manulacture. and one of the fourl great markets of the empire. The floods lasted four days, and the entire country is submerged to a depth. of 8i;.ty,feet., Whole towns haye been swept^ away. It is beUeved that seventy thousand persons We perish- ed. It was feared ^at ..«^l-iâ€" would, follow. Cholera oat in the army. MARKDALgposT OFFtOE; foi?^ ' 'i^^^dBle ore clo8e4 as folkws commencing Mondky August llth^loB«a bagfbr Toront/e, a! m General MaiJ Boufti ft-^ „** ^• C^eralMafll«hi^,|^^^°^ '*;^OweaSotti.47.p,JSL ' ReadaUyete-ba^^r -«oi*t;«diapei.iikea-inan I â- - for ThefoUowingisfrom J.-W. .rroieiny 01 GiLesby, of Hamilton and .Griini.wT^ l*tolepy, of GrinubT ' ' "'"y years niueh afflicted iwfih a^y8l)Q)sia. I suffered v^rynjuch' and trifed many different medicines.' ^U^^y^ ^^ only temporaxjr ^f andthen^W«f4? asever agajn. â- t waa rpcommeSd b^a trmia, who had befen restored to hSifc hv It, to try McGreiror'BSnp-^WT â„¢ "^,r, "y ^^^^^r^^^:'i^^iÂ¥mi^ K4^ t* ' â- «W nwwu^tni^ O-ood. and comfortable RlfSj moderate charges. 195 ROOKE'MAIFJl BJRIlJ.i^X tiie staff of life' your wife,* always ou hand, w the demand. So when your Stock is lo^ I Step in and let us kno^i x\nd we'll your wants sup^ 'Or you'll know the rea why. E. ROOKE, Manufacturer of all Kin^ ' t' 'prop Valve. 'Cylinder, Force, Pumps. Aa kinds of ^Sgg-i^ IRON PU^ gnppiiEP' VOL Is issned evi Tbemsâ€" not paid wit Professioi space and u Wfejlecolui Half columi Qaarter colt Two inch sp Th»ee inch f Oasnal ad insertion, 3 insertion, nc Editorial nmn 10 cen •each subseqi Stray anii •fl, the akiv lines. No psff-er are paHIexc â€" ^J( The Stas] ment of post cial attentio iilled with d: o. ^^^. EDIT* HANI (SUCCES BADEISI taries, ioau at lowe? Offi 199-251 BAKEISI Law, S ancers, etc., riesherton, heretofore. AunED Fbop Countv BAREIST] in Chan oer, (fee. A NUM Offices â€" Poulett St.; I ItfeFarland's •every week. Crea AEm^_ anc.es, .i Offices in â- over W. F. \^ B Over W. J. !»J and Friday ol CS"Fuuds 1 •John Cbea^oi Markdale, ' ISSUEE of Life Insi in B. E. frc Auctioneer fo Merchants, a tended to and Priceville, i ISSUEE o: Commisi Conveyauci attended to ai N. B.â€" Moi curity. lANS Jas. Bi ClTl 'ohn MeJ I'his honse • ated on Mill s lie may depe iation. Uni( MARK MAEKC MRS. RUT OVBB A PEBFE(