Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 18 Sep 1884, p. 1

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 •' 'â- """•^I'TTr'n- litLUiai. â- â- ^sfimiisl iw;;!!' ji;»»«Mg»y»ijiii uMii JIU ?4 *â- ?£'•' -O'ij? ij aors aud cigsn a is aud comfoitsbll stabling and tl foL. 4:^--No. 31.0 larMale Standard f 1 ,vfi V Tiiuv'=il.4v, at the olSee, Mill p-*' Stivct, Markdale. â- i*i ai:^Al^V- H tk MABKBA]:.E OKT. SEPT. 18, 1884. COPISB OF THE SXiNDAB FlYB CSHT8 KJLCH. L,,;--! 11^-1- ycHi- m .j.JffltUi" hree months. advanee; §1.2.5 if |p'p-'oi:al ftiid business cards one inch ^^lunacr.veryear.Sl. â-  1 Yll. 6 MO. 3 MO. .?.iO 00 ?27 50 915 00 27 00 15 OC 10 00 15 00 10 00 6 00 7 00 4 00 10 00 5 00 'col'i""' • • 'jierrclraaii inch Sluice. einch 'p:'!*" ,• « X rj.-;aai advL-rti.-ements 8 cents jjer line first don 3 CL'uts per lire each subsequent ^jur.. iiDiipaieil measure. fjitoiial iiotices, or notices in local col- ,lti ceuts rer line tirst iusertionj 5 cents 1 snb-eqa"i;t inst-rtion. llMva'jimais Atr,, advertised 3 weeks for lihe iiJTt'itisument not to exceed twelve iraper discontinued until all arrears 1 except at the aption of the publisher. -JOB PRINTING.â€" Ee office has a splendii equip- U of poster is well as fine job type. Spe- 5tteut!o;i to orders by mail. Orders J with cli-jpaieb. .\V. mJTL'I.KI3GHi: EDITOR AXD PPvOPRIETOS. £e^ktU DSPERRY, (5VCCEiS0!:.S TO LAUDEEtt HANDS-), ;)ACrdSTr.i;S, Solicitors, Proctors, Xo- taiies. V ouveyancers, c. Money to ;aticwe.-t races of interest. Oifieu.? 10 Xing Street Ear,t, 2-Jl T-OKGiNTO. Fi'ost Fro,«it, ).\P,El;VrKi:S, AND ATTOENEYS-AT ILaw. Solifitiira in Chancery. Convey ,Ae., O'VL'ii Sound, have resumed at •tiertoii, Oii'i'cc open every Thursday, as rDforo. KID F ST. J. ^V Frost, LL. B. Gonii'ii' (^•n-,vll Attorney. 1 )iErJ,TE::. r.lASTEB AXDDEP. EEG HnCkinccry, Noto.ry Public, Conveyan! fie. ' ' i N'VMTiF.r. Of yAUX'S FOR SALE. |Orr;ci;-â€" Owen Sound, in Viewer's Block slett bi.; iiriihch oflJcu in Maikdale, over filial (i' bioiL' on Priday and Saturday |sr TCfk. o7-ly ItelCE: iSRl" .xvft,SOLICITOES. CONVEY- 'anws, iVe. etc, siiiOwen Sound, DuSerin Block, W. F. Wolf's Store and in ' ^^ MARKDALE; f*. J. McKarland's Store on Thursday fridfiyof oftdi week, """uudsto lend on reasonable terms. sCiiE.i=ur,. Q.G Duncan MoRidON ' ittale, March 15, 1882. 79-lv A!exaM4ier Srown, ISSUEEof :\[r,rriage Licenses, Fire and ILife lusurance Agent. Commissionei AC; Conveyancer and Licensed 'â- oneer I'or ti;e County of Grey. Farmers, *-*ant.5, and Land Sales, PanctuaUyat- â- Jecto aud chRrges made verv moderate. I'^ceviUe, Se;.t. 17, 1880. ' 1-V ptEE OF :.rAEi:iAGE LICE?SES,c Unmiis^iaiierini;. K.c. â- j^'Syaiieii;,:: in all its branches promptlj -^ â„¢d to aiiil c:-,rf:.aily executed. h/i"â€" Money to Lend on Eeal Estate se â- Ktv. liKSION HOUSE, MARKDALE, ^8. Bryan, Proprietor. r HOTEL, M All I-vr A L. JE "' i'ScASeei-, Proprietor. ^l^M^]"' '" '"'â- ^ "p ^^ g^^ 8*yi«' ^^*^- Y """ ^^erc the travelling pub- ^Itpend on the very best aceoinmo- "• ^nioii bus to aU trains. 194 ARKDALE HOUSE, ^KBALE, â- - ONT. I^DGE, PROPRIETOR. ^^hionable TailoiP, i ^^^ ilACFAKLAND'B STOBE. ' ' '^ECT FIT GUARANTEED. JPUHT^ 25 Ssseii 25 Cenfa. niBt's MaMraJB PflB It you have Sick Xlecd- acM, Liver is Tojpid. Are Biliou., ApprtUo L Poor, BoTTcI* SK Cortivp, Have « Bod Breath. Want your btomacli iliorougiilv Creanaed, tliey ue tht medicine to lue. Wtrk like-a'chanu. Are purely MiWwt Pin ever taken. THY TIIEJI. SoIdbyUedjcine Dealers. J.I.PLIOTCO., Fhaniiaciats, Frou'rs, Rock Island. P. Q., and Derby Line. Vt. P«He»U B. Ghent, M,D., M.R.C P. S., O. Physician and Surceoa, Priceville, Graduate of University. Viot. College. â-  ,. New York, and Hon. Graduate, of tbe same, " M Ayleth Medii^al Institute. I. M Opthalmic Hospital, N,Y. MemberCoU. PhysiciansSurgeor8,0. 104 J. P. MARSHALL, L.D,S. IJENTIST, GRADUATE OP TOEONTO SCHOOL of Dentistry, will be at Butledge's Hotel, Markdale, on the 1st and third Wed- nesday of each month and also at Munshaw's Hotel. Flesherton, the day following the third Wednesday in each month for the prao tice of his profession. 122-47. W. G. RICHARDS, BUILDER, CONTRACTOR, ARCHI- TECT. â€" Residence on jlill Street, Mark- dale. 1241y HAMILTON'S Photograph gallerY OVEE THE STANDARD OFFICE. Fine work executed in all the latest sizes and shapes, fully equal to city work. Special attention given to A largfe stock of mouldiog to choose from. Call and leave vour measure for a picture. JTas-Ua^milton. COMMERCIAL HOTE~L. PEICEVHjLiE, Ont. Large and commodious Sample Booms Good Bed Kooms, c. The Bar and larde well supplied with the best the market af fords 'good Stabling and attentive Hostler's TH03. ATKINSON, Proprietor JOSEPH GIBSON CONTRACTOR. 'Contracts taken for all kinds of BRICK AND STONE WORK, Plain Ornamental PlasterinR.- Calsomininq in all Shades and Colors. Charges moderate and satisfaction guar- anteed. Orders left at ahe Stansabd office will receive prompt attention. 126-ly. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, ACCOUCHEB, All calls promptly attended to. AND mm. ISi^AC STINSON, Builder ^nd Contractor In all kinds of Brick and Stone work. Estimates given. All work guaranteed. Orders by nxail promptly attended to. 196-6m» MARKDAIiiS P.O. â- r-fTELL DIGGER AND DRILtEE YV orders promptly attended ♦ denceâ€" Snider's HiJl Owen Sound AT.T. BMi l22'-36 mL Sffiid six centsiot postage, and receive free.a costly box tof goods which .^vill h^ aUi of either sex t3 more money ridit asray than anything dse in thdb worl|. FOTtrmes await the ,«orkers absdately anre. At once address Tbue Co., Augusta. Main^ .... -_. -.v^---. 187-239 -i- Across Tke Sea. iLPLBASANT CONVERSATION ABOUT VAHIOOS GOUN PBIUS IN EUBOPE â€" WHAT BEV. MB. CHISHOLM NOTICEP IN HIS TRAVELS. From Kingston Daily News of 2nd inst. We had a very pleasant visit yesterday from the Rev. John Cbisholm, B. A. of Mdntyre, Ont., a re-jent gradoate of Queen's, who hap just returned frdm an extended tour of Europe. He visited England, Ireland. Scotland, i^nce, Switzerland, Italy and Belgium, ani brought back new ideas, and tales of the sights he han seen and plac«8 be has visited. He has a high opinion of the North of Ireland whose people he found clean and contented, frugal and industrious. While at Londondarry he attended a fair at which were farmers and the people of the whole surrounding district, and in appearance and intelligence he considered them the equals of the people who would be brought together at a siniilar gathering in Kingston, Toronto, or any other Canadian city, while the -quality of the horses, sheep and cattle was infinitely superior to anything he had ever seen in the best counties of Wastem Ontario. I was particularly struck, he said, with the absence of tiees, and the peculiar shape and smaU size of the f aims. This however, was com- pensated for by the superior quality of the stock they raised, cows there selling for 80 dollars. "The people" don't grow wheat, but import their flour from this country, finding it more profitable so to do. In regard to their polities, the feelin.; AGAIK6T THE FBAXCHISX BUJi is something intense and the name of Gladstone is perfectly abhorred. The reason of this is that the property is chiefly in the hands of the Protestants and in the event of the bill passing they will be outvoted, even in Derry, by the Ecman Catholics, who own only a small portion of the property and ruled by people who haye really very little interest in the land. In tbe North the people fear Catholic supremacy more than they do the rule of the Landlords, with whom nevertheless, they are bj no means satisfied although they pay the rent and keep the law. From Derry I went to Bundooran, a seaside watering place, and there on Sabbath afternoon I attended a meeting of Nation- aUsts which was addressed by Pamell and other celebrities. Parnell then expressed his assurance tnat at the next general elec- feund the peopile divided in their politics into the Church party and the Liberal party, the chief subject of dispute being the school question. From Antwerp I retomed ' to London, from whence I went to Liverpool- and set sail for Canada again. NEWTODNnLAKn 1IATTEB8. Before coming we%t, however, I visitisd Newfoundland and found the people there strongly opposed to confederation. The majority of the people are Irish Roman Cathohcs who have the idea that union with Canada would be as bad for Newfoundland as they think Ireland's tmion with Bnf^and is for her. Hence they are bitterly opposed to confederation. Among tha Protestants also there aremanywhoopposeiiitin 1866 and who still feel as strongly as they did then. Owing to the recent riots between Orange- men and Cathohcs, party politics are hkely to be divided on religions lines, Protestant against Catholic. The school system ot the island is the most contemptible that eould possibly be deyised. Tae govern- ment divides the money fer educational pur- poses in proportion to tiie numerical strength of each religions sect. The consequence is, each denomination has its own public schools, and small towns have several very poor schools instead of havesg one large good pubhc school where the rising generation could be pr*perly educated. As now conduct- ed, each religious denominatinon forms a set of its own. the children as well as the grown people minghng with none but those of their own set. POLITICS m THS MABITIHE PBOVINCES. I also spent some time in the Maritime provinces and I think' Fielding's success in Halifax was due. chiefly to his personal popularity. The views of the people of Noya Scotia and New Brunswick are just the same as they were in .1882 and a general election would have the same result as it had then." "I have been spending a couple of days here seeing some of the friends of my col- lege days and as I have more to call on yet I will have to leave you. So long " Olenels Council. Town Hall Gleuelg, August 25th 1884. „ Council met this day pursuant to tionhe would have seventy followers, not ad journmant all the members present, one of whom would be brought out unless ^j^^ j^^g^^ -^ ^j^^ ^^^^^ Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed, road ioba were paid for as follows, in Ward No. 4, under Mr. Dunsmore. D. Sweeny, gravellmg at lot 7, con. 10, $8.75 Arch. Robertson gravelfing at lot 1, con. 13, $39; Murdoch Mc- Quarrie, gravelling at lot 1, con. 18, $10; Jas. Vanghen, repairing approach to Cliff's bridge $6 in Ward Na. 8, under Mr. Neil. Jno. Gallagher, gravelling at lot 16, CDn. 12, $16.23 John Gallagher, at lot 22, con. 12, $6.15 John Fogarty, work at lots 19 and 20 con. 10, $10.70; John Byan, repairing bride at lot 12, con. 6, $5 B. MoCaskell, cutting hill at lot 25 con. 8, $12 Thos. McAssey, repairing crossing at lot 15, con, 8, $5 John Tuohy, work at lot 18, con, 8, $4 MaU Campbell, work at lot 20, con. 6; $1 John Carney, crosBway at lot 14, coo. 12,. $25; John Wilsoii, work at Barrhead Mills $86 Henry Boyce, work at Barrhead Mills in 1888, $8; James Lauder, work at lot 18, con. 5, $2 John Cameron, work at Idt 9, con, 2, N. D. E. $5 W. J. Bo we, plank for repair of bridge, $1.25; Micheal Henry, work on town-line A. G. $2.62^; Edward Hatrison, cutting hill at lot 18, con. 2, S. D. K. $85; Amos Ohislett, plank for culvert, $1 Members of C/Ouncil were paid as follows. J. A. McMillen, committee work 5, days, $10 P. Neil, 4, days on com- mittee, $8 P. Neil, cbmmisiou on appropriation $14,50; N. G. Dans- more, committee 1 riny, $2 Com- mission, $5.10; A. McCnaig, com- knittee 4, days, $8 Thos. Da^is, oonunittee 4 days, $8 the Treasurer committee 1 day^ $2; The Beeve, Treasurer and Cterk were paid $10 each, for pay ^d expencea in attending Ooatt of .Appeal against report of County 'Yalaatioik ISamael- Oter-i ^eldj, w*d paid $1.50 mendinfj Scrapera, Joba Qniliicitin; wds paid $1.2|»; for re^^r, of plough, broken at statute lab^, %i6 ipaft granted to repair bridge «t m 9/e6ia. 1 E: G. B. ' ^The itiiB^ and Mfcylf^U tfejgNtJrted on ftt(^d«i^€»^|lkis, the; eaoneEgiSM^ted nill tot Ibal ' MBoiist Bj4»« brought he was perfectly free from party poUtics and bound himself to follow Pamell and the National party through thick and thin and this number he said would be sufficient to block all legislation and force the govern- ment to give them what they wanted. I was told by a number of priests with whom I conversed that idthough Pamell is a Protest- ant, he is held higher in the estimation of the people than even O'Connell. They name bridges, stieeta, squares aed buildings after him, and even Pamell potatoes are numerous. IN THE SOUTH AND WEST. After leaving Derry I visited Kerry, Galway Donegal, Cork, and all through the west and south, but I much preferred the north, rhe 'people of the southdo not cultivate their lands as well as their foUow countrymen of the north, and have not the same thrifty and well-to-do air. The prospects are that there will not be a largs emigration from Irfeland for yj'ars to come. The priests are strongly opposed to it fiom the fear of losing the people to the church the politicians are opposed to it because of the support they would lose in the event of tne passage of the franchise bill; and the people themselves are opposed to it because they confidently expect soon to be made absolute owners of the land by act of Parliament. I sdso visited Scotland and fotmd the people of the northwestern highlands and western islands as mdch dissatisfied with their land laws as the Irish. The people there are naturally Uberal and opposed to the Lords. They are not in favor of the abohtion of the House of Lords, but agitate for its) reform, arguing that it should be elective and that they might just as well have hereditary judges and hereditary phy- sicians as hereditary legislators. UJNIK)!! AMP THE CONTINENT. I spent ten days in London and was present at the groat Liberal demonstration in West Kensington, at which there were over a hundred thousand people present. From Loudon I went to Paris and spent six days there. Paris impres^bd me with its beauty and cleanliness. It had not the vast' awe and inspiring effoet of London, bat had a Ught fantastic air which vras a rpeUtion' to me. The homeilile is there almost nai- kuown to tiie peoiF^, the people spemling the most of their:time ^in fiacoa of .amoM- ment. A tonsist cai| hve much cheaper in Pazis than in Londoai. by making the. proper hargams with the landlord befor* he â-  moves in. The chntoh has lost much of its hold apoO'the people oidng to the attacks of In- fidela^ gamis^-in soimbera evcijd^. I fitart«a, mt fr^a Faria to go to Itafy bat while ^Musain^ throng j^witserland I «as informed^hftt I «roaU havtf to pasfrfiVie days fii » Uzaretto both tf^ Md jratortung, if ever I £d retonw- mA be fumigated for ionfteKS «M^ ^»: iB^ ait' b8|«ie» bnht at^deftn. 3«saai t «taM itm «»%^«y ^hetiiiMmi ' I was passed striking rdtes as follows. County and county Kailway 4siz tenths mills in the dollar. Township and railway 5 mills m the dollar. School Equivelant, 9 tenths of a mill in the dollar. Total 10 u)d 5 tenths in the dollar. The Council adjourned lib September 29th, at 10 a. m. J. S. Black, Clerk. Personals. Stanley and Eddie Beynolds re- turned last week from a trip to Mont- real. H. Foster, Merchant of William sford returned from Perth two weeks ago. Bev. Mr. Hart and lady of Williams- ford returned recently from an exten- ded visit East. Mr. Traynor P. L. S. of Dundalk was in Markdale last week. \John Catneron Esq., Warden, was in town last Friday, he gave us a pleasant call. ' Mr. Thos. J. Spears of Williamsford has removed with his family to Essex Centre. Mr. Jas. McDougall of fort William has been spending a few days in Markdale. Mr. Oliver Daunis. ihiner from Algoma district near Port Arthur dropped off a day here on his way to Toronto last week. Mrs, John McKenna is visiting friends in Tara. Mr. G. S. and Mrs. been visiting friends at Georgetown recently. ' Mrs. Grant and Mrs. A. McParland are making a prolonged visit with friends distant. We pity the grass widowers had a trial ourselves recently. Miss Laura Rorke returned last week to Whitby to take her last course in the college. Mr. and Mrs. Saunders of Begina N. W. T. are visiting at Mr. J. B. Trimble's, Mrs. S. being a sister to Mrs. Trimble. retarned this Bowes haye Milton and Mr. Alex. Mathers week from Caledonia. Meaford Boad. From our own correspondent. Rev. Dr. Strongman of Eagenia, preached in the VVesley Church last Sabbath afternoon om the text. 'fWhat is man that thou art mindeful of him" at the close of the service a collection was taken up in aid of the Educational fund. Mr. William Buchanan Jr. has been laid up with a severe attact of rheumatism, Mr. David Johnston met with a serious loss last week, by a fire which he had set out in an old slash, running acrosR his meadow and catching in a stack of hay .in which there was some eight or ten tons, this should bo a warning to be careful about putting out fire during such dry weather. The Scott Act will be voted on in Simcoe on the 9th October. The »cott Act was passed in Hamilton Co., in 1881 by 81 of a- majority, aud sustained on Tuesday the 9tL inst., by amajority of 188 whea a voat was taken for its repeal. C. P. B. The Ontario and Queb^ division of the 0. Pi B. between TorjSato and Smiths Falls which was open aboat -^ mouth 9go, ^s now doing an ettensi'v^ freight and passeoger traffic, It iS: noir the' short line to Montreal, isr eqiiipped in first dass condition, iiavins first cLoiSs di;aiwihg room and slcebiog eara, attached, ,r«^r^menW starved oo' tiie tirAin, 'eorteoas ti-aiu officials irad ever^ffling which c«ti bedoue 'fat ih$ tiomfoFt hud dpe^dy conyejr^jjice of i^«6 pnblio is^ |^ fM^Uft'otrthis'Vevir imei •Wehad-ts tr^. ^ves uiOc Uuo a;id caQ^s«i%f.|foiK^lperteA^« th^ro Ik tknir ftli^ai^ iiifeeii«efltfei!!lb Sivjar the foad, .;'"'â-  V" " " â-  " ' i. 1 1i • *^ J ft!' 'i 'â-  • V El r. S i ]% iw-vijfjirtt^-. ^.--i ^: iMi^iiiiiiMiiMHiiiiiHiiMiii iiiliiliMiiiili

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