I 1 i ' M "t** L^airv^' 'i listStj Jji- LtartJ'*!:: €.!: ^IiiaUfiliCT» WwflJ*«3i: A •^^".♦O 'T'-^v m ,r«!i -^ " *-**.â- ' -~ --.Ji^*^:*. :^j.h:j ..^WSJ. "U^^^a *5^ an?. Brown ircMsaitp .ii.j[*i^ -tsi â- r-tta- 3. • 5?: i iisffnr- 1 '.TS^â- -it" Is the place to get BARGAINS in Dry Coods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Crockery, Glassware Ac c. :NEW prints from 5 cents up, New DRESS STUFF 10 cents and upwards in NEW DESIGNS and XiATEST FASHIONS. Gloves, Hosiery, Ribbons, Laces, Embroidery, Small wares c c, at greatly reduced prices. Our 25 cent T is unsurpass'd Being determined to curtail credit trade, we offer special discounts and inducements to cash customers. The Highest Price for Butter and Eggs. A lot of seed oats (White Australian), free from all im- purities also Potatoes, large and small, of finest quality, lor sale cheap. April, 1884. 190-tf WM. BROWN. HOBT. S.RAE, £ TAILOR, SAW MILL AND TIMBER LAND FOR SALE u:Eirr In the Township of Artemesia, County of Grey, 4 miles from Flesherton Station, on the Canadian Pacific Railway. The mill is situated at Little Falls, in a block of about 400 acres timber Ind, with other limber land surrounding. The building is substantially built on stone foundation. The machinery is all good and driven with great power by a 23 inch Leffell wheel, under 36 ft. head of water. There are one large circular saw for cutting logs, 2 small circulars for sawing lath and broom handles, i guage lathe for turning broom handles, etc., i shingle machine with jointer and packer complete. The water power is excellent, the stream being very regular. There are several other good mill sites on the proyerty. The land in the valley is considered the best in the country. The place would make an excellent stock farm when the timber is taken off. This offers a good opportunity for a practical, energetic man to go into this kind of business, as the place will be sold or let on liberal terms. The bush is so convenient to the mill logs can be trucked in summer time. Immedinte possession given. A^ ly to the proprietor, WM. HOGG, FLESHEBTON STATION P. 0., ONT. -Good Woric Guaranteed- ^AT â€" 1" â- Si .â- i:K^â- s*ia {•• Worn «y«P â- •ft*r«l-«* •" '*^ ' I A Neirlwro faninir* vmSi^m^ 3(»ttop, liad eight oows powmed reeently. Goo» Thb T«ib Bodm).â€" M:»tioniJ Pai«are a good Wood purififlr,' liver regalator, «d mildpiuifatiTe for all seaeons. Much of the fruit coming to market these days is loaded with stomachache. Fob Tmt Oomplbmon. â€" For Pimples, Blotches, Tan. and all itching tumors of the skin, use Prof. Low's Magic Sulphur Soap "Canada, my Home," is a very popular song among Ameriean bank- ers and bank officers just row. Worms often cause serious illness. The cure is Dr. Low's Worm Syrup. It destroys and expels Worms effeotnaJly. P. F. Teeple ot Inistioge has sold his farm for $1,750 to one Mr. Ham(BS of Napanee. â- The Sighs of Worms are well known, but the remedy is not always so well deter- mined Worm Powdeis will destroy them. The foundry and machine shops of Messrs. Hiller and Nesbil of Port EUin were burned on Thursday night last. Loss $6,000 Insured for $800. A WIDE AWAKE DBUGGIST. Mr. A. Turner is always wide awake in his business, and spares no pains to secure the best of every article in his line. He has secured the agency for the celebrated Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. The only certain cure known for Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Asthma, Hay Fever, -Bronchitis, or any affection of the throat and lungs. Sold on positive guaran- tee. Will give yon a trial bottle free. Begu- lar size $1.00. 3 Hanlan was defeated by seven lengths, on Saturday, by Beach, in the match for the championship of the world and five hundred pounds a side, on the Paramatta river. New South Wales. THOUSANDS SAT SO. Mr. T W. Atkins, Girard. Kan., writes: "I neyer hesitate to recommend your. Electric Bitters to my oostomers, they give entire jfaotion and are rapid sellers." Electric Bitters are the purest and best medicine known and will positively cure Kidney and Liver complaints. Purify the blood and regulate the bowels. No family can afford to be without them. They- will save hun- dreds of dollars in doctor's bills eyery year. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by A. Turner Go. Enoch Ebt, a respectable farmer, near Port Elgin committed sueside last Friday by hanging. BUCKLEN'S ABNICA SALVE. The best Salve in the world forcut8,bruiseB sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, duipped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles or BO pay required. It is guaranteed to giye perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For Sale by A. Turner Go. Fifteen thousand men are out of employment in New York city on ac- count of the strike of the bricklayers. Of course there are not so many bricklayers on strike, but many other trades are affected. Car- penters, plasterers, painters, glaziers, plumbers, and man; others have to wait until the bricks are laid before they can do their part of the work. McGregor's Speedy ure. Every purchaser of common sense business capacity, ' when requiring an article lor a certain purpose, purchases only that which has been tried or is allowed first to test before buying. You are allowed a free trial bottle of McGregor's Speedy Gure, the great remedy for Dyqwpsia, Impure Blood and Liver Disorders at HiU Bro's. Sold at 50 cents and 91 per bottle. See testimonials frompersonsinyourowntown. A.bS 6 biMsd,i(iiohulb0aBMitami»l«iH*tth b^ it. to try l^oGreg«r'B ^P^^T^-^^^^^ «idi^.W88 «'^i?w^^?:2,i^g^ t^ man. and I have enjoyid Wodl^P* *»«** since. I .first compsi^ced takmg « ever 7th. 1879. '8014 'io^ Sm, \At «*w «»ging ii (g M!^tb9pnoeofiC; rt.4 ke, ires, 5 FLESHERTON. Csill at OTUOO and see samples of work which we ared not ashamed to show. All kinds of Framing dcme Cheap at ^=^ FttaiERTON, '.^aspj.; fc..-ia 'iisfii' -^ j n HACYARDS PECTORAL â- BALSAFs*-. I ae '^^feSfefgsgBftgsssr t^ Everv bottle gwe iwtHftcticB. OR8E SHOEING SPECIALTY. Alfp agrat for the celebnUed '" PHATNMM WACQM^ A vote was taken in Moncton, $?. B., last Thursday, to have the Canada Temperance Act repealed, and was defeated by a large majority. A vote was also taken in West Midland fo^ the same purpose, and defeated by a email majority. STRONCJ ADJEGTIVES. U.^L"' inunenBdy. in fact it has the jMgest sale of any patent medicine in Sum- S»JIf^.'-^,!°^*»^ *«»»*. DiBliville, wmedy for Summar Gomplaints d.^fqwler: 'â- Br.' February A.S. In probess of tiOKe all ib^ oars used on the Crfedit VaU^jr- and!rf G-. B, divisions will be rattled aloHg under the name of the Canadian J?acific Railway. Instructions iiave i been issued whereby all the cars belonging to these roads wilt be repainted, renumbered and renamed in order to prevent qonfudion in keeping a record of them. A very large number have already undergone the change. Prominent among the grratest medical dif coveries, by the many cures it has effected, MeGregar't Upeedy Cure leads the van. Snbjeoted to the minutest chemical analysis, it has been found- to contain none of those injurious ingredients characterizing the worthless specitics daily offered to the public. Every ingredient possesses a peculiar adapt- ability to the various complaints for which it has been compounded, and its eMcacy' is being established by testimonials hourly received. We are therefore confident that we have a preparation which we can offer to the publfis with the assurance that it will be found not only a relief but an absolute cure for Dyspepsia' Liver Complaint, In- digestion, Gonstipation and Impure Blood. Free trial bottles at Hill Bro's. A. S. 4 Several new buildings are in pro- gress m Shelburne. Mr. Jelly is building fiye new stores and a hotel. Mr. Marshall has erected a fine brick residence in the east end. Mr. B. Mc£ay is building a residence on Main Street. Mr. E. F. Bowes has completed a very handsome house on Main Street, and is busy building another on one of the back streets. â€" Shelburne Free Press. A VALUABLE FIND. Mr. Isaac Brown, of Bothwell, declares that he found one bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters worth $500 to him, Ii cured him of Salt Bheum from which he had suffered years after other treatment had failed to relieve. As far as heard from, says the Howick Entet prise, the fall wheat crop will average fully twenty-five bushels to the acre in this neignborhood. Spring wheat looks very promising and will be ready for the reaper by the 20th of August. Having imported priori.,, ingofhostihties, a8ufficip!r to supply 20,000 MEN for"" JffWhe. In other depil th^ Grocery tiade the S HdbsE has KILLED m SAND those who assume to business by purchasing of J ers exorbitant rates of iutet^" credit. Our imports of " PRESERVED MEATS. SAll meSTERS, SARDINES BAC0N,AS80RTED PiS and every articles in thegrocetjJ LIQUORS Of the best brands and quality for Sacramental purposes «L, pure. Brandies direct from tkl ufaoturerand all other kindBoflii Coffees, Teas and Tobaccoest fail to give satislaction. On Lemons, c. Family Flcnr i at Lowest Bates. THOS. McIVEa.1 BELFA ST HOUS E, m NEW GROClRYi IN CONNECTION WITH Plewes' Flour and Feed THE FBUIT8 OF FOLLt. Eating green apples, cucumbers and nnripe fruits generally, may be so termed. Dr. Fowler's Ertract of Wild Strawberry cures aU Summer Complaints. The Dominion Government has consented to a vote for the repeal of the Scott Act in Halton, though it has only been in operation for two years. The antis say that the Act has been a failure and that there is more liquor sold than ever but if this is the ease, why are the liquor men so desirous of its repeal From aU we can hear as to the working of the Act in Halton, we are satisfied tJiat it nas given general satisfaction, and we belieye that the effort to repeal It will be defeated by a larger majority than it had when it passed.â€" Oranee- viUe Advertiser. NOT BAD. t^li « '^„^^^l° «iat even an infant will Sw ' ^°"o°«^.. colds, hoarseness, croup, Sw^**vâ„¢v?°¥*^' Hagyard's pUorS Balsam IS rehable for youngbr old. The last township hearl from in «^e egg contest is Holland, where Mrs. wm. Howey has a common hen which was ambitious to enter the lists, with the result of an egg which has been ?:?« "f' "^«^^-i^« Gi by H inches. Keppel and Brooke will now have to take back seats.â€" 0. S. Times. WAENING. and Fall are and Taiions forms of Bowel \^Z^^^:^^ ftr. bowler's E?trS S Wdd Strawberry wfll promptly temeST " jatotsi^ p^t^^S^^ rama^ bltaunta^apaxwaj^JJ^jg;^^ at a social gatheripg, a MariicM^iS Baid to a Tounir mkl^^-u. ;» cwmected Having just received] Choicee, Fresh and STOCK OF Teas, Tobacco, Which wiU be sold VERY CB I respectfully solicit the pol patronage. 198 J. PLEWEI CHATSWORTH H( (late XOBBOWJHOCSE,) CHATSWORTH, Oil TUCK McLEOD Pbofbietoii. With the RkiS^S' oafi i i7??'iii8ad' res! J v7 n iifi 'oH The best brand of liquors and c ways in stock. Oood meals and wm rooms gaarvateed. Good stabling i tentlTe hostier. h:e]vry OIL.U HOUSE PAINTEJ GBAINER, (jhLAZIER AND Pi HANGER, CALCIMINISel AND WALL TINTING. Residence opposite Planing EsTimrasI! IS Obdbbs Soucited. P. DUCOLON^ LIVERY, IN HULL'S OLD STAKD. G^ood. Soxss and comfortable R^\ moderate chargeSj 195 ' ROOKE'UAKEtiMSIO BRSAD* the dtaffof liftj i»-aLSTRY thai wJl your wife, always on hand, to the demand. So when your stock is It'*] ^;Stepinandletusknoi'j And we'll your wants sup Or you'll know the re»^ c^" why. LBOOKE, WJ-J â- '4«!- w;^ ""jlfaiiWnrero/ all Kinds" ,v.-i ijw* Yalifoi Cyjinder, Forcfii (sd!l iMs, ";i^^^♦^^^^^ Att kinds of IKON PU^l HM^^ 81