Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 21 Aug 1884, p. 7

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 ?^^^: I, -ff;! °1 ^, Prewn 'rites tinido ' that oomrai* ance M^i^JIJ*" "' ortuie. Hit n the 8^r*et.. Hi 'f official tsbif^J^^' i straight c«SJ trousers anito*, M olive tint. iTiS =k beard an J WW ?. Thooghcm^J ind above middkhJ and amUWerf^JI Qt his re«rttdj,jj before alittla table CI e. sits his aeoretirv I PREFKCT. 1 the room a dtek â-  Ihe Prefeot off«4, tvitationltakaaiM cgro, cladiaalons, OQ his head aa an ring" me a Iittl« » of cigar 3ttes. Ail] isimpojingswTitor.l ' two goards, tn u These unfortonateii] orest of the people ' iir clothing ia r la tremble ema,^ «gard, and tkair insion as they lii the words addra it. Bat theyantv, erish vivacity, and ew words two of tiu. n the room. Thai i are the tortiir8i%| or hans;-dog tliant aed. Foar of them] itill standing befom or wretch, as he ii] owa at him a xIum and fear, bat the i remains fixed laL kes no sign of giaceJ E VICTIM, 3 then placed on I best resting on thei e wa3 held by two others next noe. rere in a horizontal hich they were ret fastened to eithe. u held the stick i the ether he keiit| rab's legs. In the fal and expert a to move and writhe. On thill ad taken no part in| nings, came foi a sort of lash com isted gut or hida singularly hid"on and tawny "kin, and eyes, dnllM" yebrows, the vak. rem coarse, thick iwed cheeks, ii^f i the chief exeoat- d bestial stupidity. IMENTOB. isedbisarm anditii f a pendulum the Ipless victim. At ' .lab ntterad a en sh stroke the o^ e cry became »W^ iaibly shuddered,! ed with redandj n'lly on my onm jT the tobacco « I e, I could not it the sight of 101 I were unJ.r »' ;b niahtmara. 0« ;he five execuboi laister featnresi Ij. da sight, seeBnHJ â- eations of "" beings of n** thud of their victim recalW I wassoreloo i an pjnishmeatt lastly face, anS i |h trembling, " Inlly before t» ' â-  been so orneujj uard, forhii* bd to nipP?' ' loanioiT with "B] Kr. fbeP^ Is punished » I past three ,• lutting on »» his orl«* *^ llice. ItheB' from the pl«2; leal applic«**»' »_The ealM ret, Mr, »â-  Eine.«y««25« iy'39pflf*-2r [r. Bfl'" so 7 â- 'â- i tlizeei yon ran'six."** POLE. .uaeKepatr«r'»M«T. "r««mD«nioi s bad a i I of*?. compsnioi qntwer tx- ^k cf the whole .pa^ ipretpanl lap I nanlatOE« .Th» 'ftontolafottrtVstcry " not nlor* tihan'£( building. .A bby q:h«|MlB»fallifl|! ?d^k *!»« *P*" ""'^•^^ 5 I » -^ iaade he found he wa* in i nice, l^oom with little bozea of ""7 jnmerons bottles of perfiunery /Cat on the stands and shelve*. Jim f't lightest idea what to do. He f!r»ttempt to climb back on the polo, f'"V*jj hear voices in the next room. 'r, j^iow for him, thinking hecwai( ^wn the inside stairway while he rifflbline ande for fear the regnlar fflt of the room might enter. Finally, ^ner to a thread and let it down. What the d-1 shall I do I'm I here m some infernal old maid's 1 \VeIethim stsy np there half ^jgQ^er, and then went np and made right with the tenants." Ljglaii Imitations of Amtiqnes. Ljirt of manufacturins; " Brnmagem " JjpMars to be rapidly extending all globe. Japan ana China, not to gf France and America, have icng r taken np the trade, but among the (recent to enter the field are the sub- the King of Kings, as he likes lied, the Siiah of Persia. An Ameri- ICocsnl in that conntry gives an inter- .jcconnt of how the modem Persians It by the present craze or mania for an- I among the British and American, flithas been lost by Persia in the pearl seems likely to make np in part HieDevmdaBtry of mannfactming imi- â-  of ancient Persian armor and coins Uthe extensive demands of Entopean ^ors, But the museums of|Enrope long I ibsorbed most of ths best specimeiu most interesting of the industrial arts (East. Specimens still exist but are liiily obtained and only at a high price, ise able to ferret out the old fam- I! there are ro armies now to be clad (â- red and inlaid helmets, breast platw, there is an army of collectors, ,iuid viit'josi, studios or banqueting ^ud the artists of Persia have taker up mm of nsanu'acturing old arms which [be purchased for reasonable prices. na these pseudo-antiques are sold tlittle attempt to conceal the fact that (ire new, whde in many cases much cun- |hu been exercised in giving them the Bce of antiquity. Only an expert le^ect the difference between some of Ji imitations and the genuine antique, [jtws of Hamadan also curry oa an ex- mnafacture of spurious antique That city, the ancient Ecbatana, Didi above any other city in Persia, pro- ' in antiquities, and the i oil seems to i of gold and silver omaaaents, omns, Itbe hke. Although pretty well dug [o! late jears, yet the supply does not itobe exhsuited. Fine examples of I of Alexander the Great and the lids are comm }n, but the greed with 1 they have been snatched op by trav- btuled.the Jews of that city to con- kit easier to counterfeit them than to lirthem. A steady supply of sparious fis therefore constantly furnished the Mfrom this eoarce. Even gold an- am thus imitated, having a coating of Isold, and cleverly simulating all the naeof age." LiTing on Human Flesh. iWinnipeg special to the Chicago Trt- [ttys W.B. McBride, of Chicago, who Tived here ir^m a trip to the Rooky 08, brbga word that a man named Owens, a California miner, was ibysime railway navvies near Kick- wie river a few days as!0 in a fam- aod putiaily demented condition. •â- aid he started June 13, with Joseph '~~0D, from Kamloops on a prospect- 1 expecting to strike the Columbus Km their supply of provisions gave Note reaching there. They travelled I" days and a half without food, WUliamson laid down aud died* â- then cut strips of flesh from his dead Bion's legs, which he ate sparingly, Fceeded on his tramp. He had been II Bi days on human flesh when found l*fâ„¢ a quantity of the dried flesh in Jliandkerchief. He was very weak and and told his story with difficulty. fPated the horrible details on several I and all who heard him are con- 'tnat the story is true. He had a P'oUof bills with him. The police have I 'lie matter in hand and willinvesti- »8 or T«MNR. WouiaafhRMtoi ,^ The Cherubs. L'"«td sends the loUowing "Last jj,, '6*eMr8, J went up stairs to Pwe^ohildren had hung up their stock- J'crbanta Glaus, and tound that little "*.' pmned up his in a prominent â- ""Jnaslip of paper attached j con- Sthig paper suggestive sentence, 'The L'-rd » cheerful giver, f^why do you not need torchlight pr6- '^askea the 8 year old. "Give Because the drums are tor- Whack I Whack I Whack 1 "goring the campaign when we liave «»pa " askea the 8 vear old. "Give ly eon." loagh." dipper. '(^ent astronomer says " it (#9ald K^*° photograph the hMvens. '"tty near as long asifwonldto ^JJpk the baby. |li1n» f? y°°°8 gentlemen and how rJ^H hke to get your hair cut "Oh, K^'^P'eare-with a little round 1^ r»ar/i.TT»«" " • brfrfttJittSf iZL f *^ brought a piece of brwid mZ !? ^^' mother wldob ahe had "» tntfloor butter aide down. ., '"Mda wife to liar |W .P*"y of men ahonld "â-  I'kjt i.?l' **"** would you dof •i • not a suppoaeablo case," ho ra* aay fifteen lair. *^,J«bi^,it u not likely to ooeur, bat Jui^l "ible." SS "*rtainly oan WM^bMA" ^s my dear." J. ... tiMBOMiB It i«aembHatrafli. r. .^. -- la mw MiOri^ aAwna and def enda. kilSli"?-^**^!*^** "'â- *' Md hiatontue seepefeh hia aoul from trouble. •*«•«« ToiuwieedoM mnat aometimea be very DOia, and sometmiea very prudent. lJif^'""^V^^^'^- Tb think now to be nncere u the w«y of man. There is no knife tfaaa cnta so sharply and with sueh poisoned blade as treache^. As to trouble, who expects to find cherries without atones, or roees without tbomsl Vanity keepa persons in favor with them- Wlves who are out o! favor with aU others. Rsligion ia not a thin» of nciee and apa»m but of ailent aelf-aacrifice and quiet growth! Live on what you have live if you can oa law do not borrow, for vanity will end in ahame. If yon had the abUitiea of aU the great me n paat and preaent, you could do nothing welL with out ainoerely meaning it, and settins about it. Many persons fancy themselves friendly when they are only officious. They counsel not ao much that they should become wise, as that they should be recc^ized as teachers of wisdom. Verily, verily, teavellershave seen many idols in many coun1a:ie but no human eyes have ever seen more daring, grcas, and shocking images of the Divine nature than we crea- tures of the dust make in our own likenessea of our own bad paaaiona. Christianity means to the merchant that he should be honest to the judge it means that he should be just to the servant, that he should be faithful to the schoolboy that he should be dilij;ent to the street-sweeper, that he should sweep clean; to every woner that his work shall be well done: There is a "divine discontent" which lies at the root of all improvement, and without which we should stagnate. The indolence which craves nothing but quiet, the rtnpi- dity which sees notning to hope or woik for, and the. vanity which is self -satisfied through its ienoranoe of better things are all foes to happmess and clogs upon pro- gress. â- ; â-  » â-  â-  An Old Enemy. Macpheaton, an eminent oholera histoiisn, says that the oholera ia one of the moat an- cient diseases of which distinct descriptions exist, and there are few disei^es respecting which such an interrupted chain of evidence has been preserved. Sporadic.or spaamodic, cholera prevailed in the t'me af Hippooiates (B. C. 460), of which he ^. V a a at8cription,showing all tne cbaract- eristica oi tbe disease at the same time. Avurvtda, of Sncruta, in Sanscrit, de- scribes a tatal disease called visnohika. .em- bracing all of the striking symptoms cf the oholera of tbe preaent day. In A. D 7, Csleui givea afull account of the disease i»i ihat time, as, also, Galen in A. D, 381; Alexander, of Trallaa, 460 j Fanhis ^gnreta, 760 Bfaazes, of Bagdad, 900, Ariaenna, in 1000, and we find a history of its prevalence down to the present date. The birthplaoe of cholera is admitted by all cholera hiatoriana to be in the delta of the Gangea, spreading thence over the globe through the medium of the religious and oom- mercial gatheringa. An Indian Fable. An owl, pufifed up with pride and vanity, was repeating hia doleful criea at midnight, from tne hollow of an old oak. ' -How ia it," he aaid, "that silence prevaila in these woods, unless it be to allow my melodioas voice to be heard with effect Surely the groves are charmed with my voice, and when i sing all nature listens. " An echo repeated the words, 'A11 nature listeas." "The nightingale has usurped my rights," contin- ued the owl "his note iaaweet, it ia true, but mine is much more nralodious." "Mnch more melodious," repeated the echo. Ex- cited by the approval, the owl, at the rising of the sun, instead of going to sleepaa usual, continued to join his horrible hooting with the matin songs of other birds. Bat they were disguated by the aounda, and with one conaent attacked the owl and drove him from thar aociety, harassing him wherever be appeajred, so that to escape from them he waa glad to avoid the light and retarn to obscurity. Vain people fancy that their imaginary parfectiona are the cause of ad' miration in others, and mistake their -~" flattery for tiie voice of fame. bis wnrderar^ baoaoaa the knufia too«aad«^ ahown » Itahr. where ooneien^oM aaranks •"PPJ*^ »• cxeeationar fiwn doingUa *!^-" P«fM»nta. who tri^tom^r Kmg Humbirrttl878,iaoonilned to the UandofEtba. Ha is aeeoiwl to tiie waU dfanakooat darkeellbya efaainfive feet m length which ia riTatedto an icon ring tfound his anUe, and iHiich doea not allow !?" *° take â- uwettum oaa stapin aoy direo- tion. Hia keeperaard forbidden to wptt^ to or aaawer his qiieatioBa. He baa be- him come imbecDe. French novelist __ worse than this of the B^sbls in ita pidmiiS days. Toe most aeoaational never iavented anything UO OM^Nim SInet, MeBtraal. WatarlSM. Ctatr Bf4«9rta0i- A Qood Meal. Charlea Dickena used to say that he judged the quality of house-keeping by the con- dition of the castors on the tab'e.. If the mustard was freshly made, the viiu«;ar omet stainless, 4he silver brilliant,a id the pepper- boxes perpendicular, he expected a giod, clean, well-served meal, "with beUvour to mateh," If, on the cmtrary, the castors were unclean, and out of order, he knew what he had to expect, and was seldom dis- appointed. It is, in truth, simple things that denote quality. The test of a good cook is not the ctke she can make, nor the mysteioos sausage she can concoct, nor the rich pudding she can produce. A gooi co k is known by her boiled potatoes, her mutton chop, her roasted joint. Such plain things require personal care and judgment, and are the basis of "a go 3d meal." seU- Direetions for Intelligent Lying. 1. Never toll an unnecessary lie. 2. Never tell a lie at all unless require! by honor or tiie exigencies of sooioty. 3. When you tell one, remember it and stick to it. ,. ' 4. Tell it with perfect pohtenea and an air of conviction. 5. If your atatement is questioned, fay, aa to those parte of it whiob are true, tbrt you may be^itaken (you can prove tben); plMga your word to the not if It n a tiiMiol! toor. Fair Patientâ€" "fiaveywn tbotnattarwftli too, dootwr "Doctorâ€" "Why. I " ^^ ;Mise, Briaa; witkmy ovwalw*^ bins tho matter wiUi yon r naiadiMi ._. Fair Pali«nt-"W1»J. J biflk kom a wbob vbBtn i IsliMltbtsaBOf^" 4 .„ Unirersal Testimony Cannot be disputed, aad ttie case ia yet to be beard from in which Pu'nam's Painleaa C jrn Extractor has failed to perfoim a per- f set cur a. Tnis with painless and rapid action and freedom from annnyancs dnring use. The great corn and bunion cure stands unrivalled. Sure, safe, painless. Beware of frauds offered as substitutes for the great corn cure. Putnam's P^unless Corn Extract- or. N C Poison Co., Kingston, propri- etors. Use no other. Bnesia on several occasions sent expedi- tions to the Poles and got around them very successfully. Catarrhâ€" A Now TroatmOnt. Perhaps the most extraordinary snoeeas that has leen aohieved in modern Bdenoe has been attained ig the Dizon Treatment of Catarrh. Out of 2.0uO nattents treated dnzins the past six months, rally ninety per cent, nave been cured of this stubborn malady. This is none the leas stattlinK when it Is remembered that not five per oent. of the patients pnwentlng themselves to the roRuliv praotittoner are benefitted, while the patent medicines and other aaverdaed cures never record a cure at aU. Starting with the oiaim now geaerslly believed br the most seientiflo men that the dlseewe is due to the presence of llT- ing paraaltea in the tissues, Mr. Oixoa at onoe adapted his cure to their exter- mination; this accomplished the oatarrh is practically cured, and the permanen7 is un- questioned, as cures efSsoted dt him (Our years ago ue cures still. No one dae haa ever at- tempted to cure oatorrh in thia manner, and no oth*r treatment has ever cured (^tarrh. The application o( the remedy is simple and can he done at home, and the preernt season of ton year is the most favorable for a speedy and permanent cure, the majority of oases heing cured at one treatment. Suflerera should oor- reeyond, with Mesani. A. H. DIXON SON. 305 Eing8treet West, Toronto, Canada, and enclose stamp for their treatiae On catarrh.â€" JIfontrecri SUar. Eno I ays he will reside in Canada per- manently. Enos where he is weil off. Oh t how tirwl and weak I feel. I don't beliere I will ever get tbronxh Uili Spring honse-oleaaing i Oh yes ydU Will I yon take a bottla or two of Br. Oanon'i Stomaeh Bitters to inrifr roar .blood and toae op Use Qstam. Ia uga botUaa to oaoti. There is nothing so tiresome as the dude except the talk alMut him. A Slnxle Trial I« all that is needed to prove that Poison's NERTn.iNB is thO: most rapid and certain remedy in the world tor pain. It only coste 10 cento for a trial bottle. A single trial bottle wUl prove Nerviline to be eqna'ly ef- ficacioua as ao external or internal remedy, and for pain of every description it has no equal. Try a 10-cent sample bottle. Sold by druggists. Large b}ttles 25 cento. Avoid substitutes. To count but few things neoeaaary ia the foundation of many virtaea. Touir Mem! Bead TbiM. The Voltaic Belt Oj., of Marshall. Mich., offer to' send their celebrated Electro- Volatic B jit and other iSleetric Appliances on trial for thirty days, to men (young or old) afflicted with nervous debility, loss of vitality and manhood, and all kindred tioubles. Also for rheumatism, neuralgia, paralysis, and many other diseases. Gom- glete restoration to health, vigor and man- ood guaranteed. No risk is incurred as thirty days trial is allowed. Write them at once for illustrated pamphlet free.. Happiness ia like the Btatae of Isis, whoaa veil no mortal ever raised. .,-, When you visit or feaveNelrToi* ^, save Bamce oiJi ess ego and GaRiaare ffiie, Mid Qrand CeatralDepot «» ^enntmaia fitted np lat a oast of op emJlll on Qouirs, fl_Mia up- MACHINERY, i^iphdo: lo CHdrrtMnOo.. 1 8 !». » To rt a W j t T t itfn e m iiI IWkr ja Skidr 13Sh.p.HoiOKmtaIb»liortkr. ldo.lirWa- tarou with eat off valve, and SO anginas an hoilats af smaller sizfs, aU thotou^to laittod feetora, laaviag â- hop. S9HndiVI»iic#aiMd.1(at$ien. Iia4^cik.tttaa Planer. 1 Iron Tlrame Tenoning maehina. 1 Blina Slat Tenonar. 1 Bmov Plainer or iointw. S bead mwb. ISSawTaUea. I TSe^Phxtf «ate. IJel»«UrsBoob SteeL 1 Book-BiH«' Sceewfteaa.. 1 tflaeb Fraaeh BmParUbleGrUtJUIL l«HDehfiia*tedItoUi-aaw ko.,^0. Bend tor new list. No. 9, contnining full de- aornition of nuMdUnary ia tto^ Addreaa. H. W. PBtKIB, Brantferd. Out. to liTSiVeoIIMb ttO â- nonffllin to D aaa wg a at in Hiaw lAMabatlttttossaUea aifflad oa thask Pw tw ..^ «»«ir«(Mi7'Ttoafe BaUmy Aflant or loeal an^ of the OuBpaar, oi to AM Line M^ Mail StsamiUpg. SaiUiig dmingwiirtar from Portland aveiy nanoav- -r==-ii -4,erpool.andi«aa»»m JTatpool.aalHMa* L enm for SooUaad I aBaltfazandStJol HOUSK CLEANING TIME. If roo want your hooaea to be attiactiTe, use Bamaay^ Im^ro^etf Ca^aovfne the of a- for Unting WkUa.'Owa be oaed Painter and do not nib oS. Hade' in tinta. Apply to your looal dealen for them. MANUVACTOBBD BT â-  A. RAMSAT SON. MONTBEAL ^»»*^rg^. SMOKED SMA6ES. nie moat oonTenient meat for tannera in their bniy season. 'Vbeee meata are cooked and ready for nae. Bold by grocera thraagfa the Dominion. Bend for nrioe to W. OLABK. P. O. Box .. F. E.llXOJNCO., Manwfacitwrers et Star Klvct Leather Belting I n Kins 8tveat# Vast, Vaiianto Large double DriTlnit BiatS^ apeelalty. Bead r Pcioa fjists and Oisoounts. SaiUnii dm id HaOfaz erery Saturday to IiiTerpool, and ia a ftajga iQMbae eapiyaataidarto Vf dDBdiaRf to land aUulcaiM paaaee belaod. AlaofromBaltimtweTial N. P., to^tiwpoolfar nM ateaman cC lle( between Paetlaadandaul^w^dl „.„ alternately: and daring aummer BeCw^an QnAee and GHaagow and BoetMi and Olaagow ereiy week. For freight, passage, or other information apply to A.SehnniMmer (C Co., Baltimore; S. Cunard ft Ca^alifax Shea A Co., St John's N. F. Wm. Thomson ft Ca, St John, N. B. Anaa ft Co.. ChicaijO; Leve ft Alden, Hew York H. Benrlier, Toronto Allans, Rae ft Co.. HA. AUaa^ j^ivtland. BoatOQ. Moa- rnADti 7:0m The White Gtyc- erlne-The Sharon Bouquet â€" Pirn MARic Oil Bath Soaprr Oa-tmeal Stein Soap, and The Baby's Own Soap. ^HXDS BT =- The Albert Toiiet Soap Oo-'y ABK ONSCBFASSXD FOB Purity and Excellence. i^* Sold by aUleadlng dmggiata.'Ca THE MODEL Washer AND BLEACHER Weigha bat 6 pounda, CanbaearriedinaamallTaliae. ninetration ahowa Maehine in boiler. Satiafaotion guarsntead or money refunded within 38 dM8' jflMO.OOKBWABD roR ITS aUFCRZOB. Washing made light and eaay. The elothea hare that pure whiteneia which no otlier mode of waaliingoaa pro- duce. No rubbing required, no friotiaa to injure the fabric A 10 year old girl can do the waahing aa weU aa an older peraoa, To place it in eVery hooaeheld the fbick has bkbh SKDUOXD to S8.E0, and if tiot fonnd ratiafaotory, money refunded. Sea what the "Canada Preabyterian," aaya about itâ€" The^todel Waaher and Bleacheririiidi Mr. O. W. Denniaoflera to the public haa many and valuable advantagea. It ia a time and labor aaring waflhih e, aubaianMal aad endnrinci and ia Tery .ohaap. IVom trial in the houaehold we con teatify to ita ezoelleDoe. BaliTered to any expreaa office in the Frovincea of On- tario and Quebec. Chargea paid 13.00. Send for circulara. AGENTS WANTED. G. W. DENNIS, TORONTO BARGAIN HOUSE. 8U T«M«« SV8BBT. VOSOKTO, OHT. msim ARE THE Latest, Neatoiat, Lightoat, Stxongeat, CSieapeafe and most Sl^liah Top in the market. /M^Bnyjma ytfcer â- â- tU-yen see (keat. ^at For sale by all the leading Carriage Boildera. Maaatsetwred la creat rartety at 4*7. «•». and 411 Klas St.. W., 8TA1MD8CALES. THE BEST, THE STRONGEST, THE MOST REUABLt. TTnriTalled in matarial, eanatraeUon aad flnidi, par feet in accuracy aad nnequallad in chnrnUUty. Ghav. anteed to give entire aatianction. THEY EXCEL ALL OTHERS. BAXIAOAO, ' API oasm AKD mub Mills' Alam Mimey Dnnran; 8EKD FOK B^VSTBJkSMD PBICB GURNBYS WARES, ' ' ' -â€" :) MAJTOPACTUKEBS OP (: gm»i (S^Mxif ^M mi Mvn New 100^ JlerideB (Ct^^ iGliieait«, Sda TniiidM% Ltindon, C BRANCH FlCriOBtMidi' (:^iuun imd Wdflng^ HaDdlton, OnL TRADK i ia^v^ff io iisa-*" |{ I "iM • ' â-  i:-i 1 J 'I, #1 i-

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