Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 14 Aug 1884, p. 8

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 ' {•. ,,^fj-,jl*-,,4k- ' -wapswi-i ' 'â- ^•"•' *: w-ffiitf J J â-  I W f I ' f -I- ':] ^- ;J â- %. ~K,^ ««agpaM^'i».c«:4«^» BROWN'S! £lor. Brown Toronto St's MARZDALE Is the place to get BARGAINS in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Crockery, Glassware c dtc. NEW PRINTS from 5 cents up, New DRESS STUFF ID cpnts and upwards in NEW DESIGNS and LATEST FASHIONS. ^Gloves, Hosiery, Ribbons, Laces, Embroidery, Small wares c c, at greatly reduced prices. Our 25 cent T is unsurpass'd Being determined to curtail credit trade, we offer special discounts and inducements to cash customers. The Highest Price for Butter and Eggs. A lot of seed oats (White Australian), free from all im- purities also Potatoes, large and small, of finest quality, ior sale cheap. WM. BROWN. April, 1884. 190-tf ROBT. S.RAE, £ TAILOR, SAIV MILL AND TIMBER LAND FOR SALE In the Township of Artemesia, County of Grey, 4 miles from Flesherton Station, on the Canadian Pacific Railway. The mill is situated at Little Falls, in a block of about 400 acres timber Ind, with other limber land surrounding. The building is substantially built on stone foundation. The machinery is all good and driven with great power by a 23 inch Leffell wheel, under 36 ft. head of water. There are one large circular saw for cutting logs, 2 small circulars for sawing lath and broom handles, i guage lathe for turning broom handles, etc., i shingle machine with jointer and packer complete. The water power is excellent, the stream being very regular. There are several other good mill sites on the proyerty. The land in the valley is considered the best in the country. The place would ^make an excellent stock farm when the timber is taken off. This offers a good opportunity for a practical, energetic man to go into this kind of business, as the place will be sold or let on liberal terms. I he bush is so convenient to the mill logs caii be trucked in summer time. Immedinte possession given. oM's litem BHbrt ^Bitnv eipdthamffointlii, aft^m. To ittman daadnff* CSmam « dpB^rtfnlMedMrtwl ac«p ior tiia toBflt: Syden^uun fall show will be bl^d on the 7ih October. A ajing evil. Children: we often tnit^ and ill when Wonns is the eanse. Br. Iiow^ Worm Symp nidj expels all Wbnna. Good Tbb Yxab Botnn»-r-N»tRHial Filbate a good Uood pnriier, liver regalatWi » mUd purgative fax all aeaions. FOB OLD OR YOUNG Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawben^ la the remei^ for Cholera, Colic, Ifiarrhoea aUd Dysentery. No person is safe withoat it. The Thornbury Venture is a yew old and will ventare on. F» Th« .CoMPuaaoH.â€" For Pimples, Blotohea, Tan, and all itching tomots of the skin, nse Prof. Low's Magic Sttlidinr Soap- Worms often cause serious illness. The cure is Dr. Low's Worm Syrup, It destroya and expels Worms effeetuedly. London, Aug. 7.â€" Sir Leonard Tilley and Lady were presented to Her Majesty the Queen, at Osboroe Gasde to-day by the Princess Louise. The Signs of Worms are well known, but the remechr is not always so well deter- mined Worm Powders will destroy them. PREJUDICED PEOPLE. Many people are prejudiced against patent medicines but aU who try Burdock Blood Bitters are compelled to acknowledge it worthy a patent as a valuable discovery. Melancthon Council ia afraid those in ueighbcring townships would drive the bears into that township and shoot them, m order to get their boun7 shoul^ they ofier cue, so they wo'nt offer any. Every municipality liionid offer at least $5, for bear scalp and double that amount for that of dogs, then sheep raising might be entered into with very little risk. A BLESSING TO ALL MANKIND. In these times when our Newspapers are flooded with patent medicine advertisements, it is gratifying to know what to procure that vtill certaijoly core you. If you nre billious. Blood out of order. Liver inactive.or general- ly debilitated, there is nothing in the world that will cure you so quickly as Electric Bit. ters. They are a blessing to aU mankind, and can be had for only fifty cente a bottle at A. Turner Go's Drug Store. 2 County Valtiation. â€" We were un- able last week to give our readers the result of the appeal against the County valualion taken by the town- ships of Osprey, Proton and Bentinck owiog to the Judge bavmg received his iudgment. The following changes have been made â€" Normanby, in- creased $287,226 Bentinck, decreas- ed $75,781; Euphrasia, decreased $2,100; Eeppel, decreased $48,561; Osprey, decreased $105,884 Sarawak, decreasetl $10,000.-0. S. AdverHser. beat ww4y^^«»«*»*^^««'**»«' :tlie audket. ' " V;,; " ' /^^ " "'•. 'l wai iiM»«t on fcbe jhi t)t^ey Omaeii 19tb. ' WOMAN^ WEAKNBSSi, Gbinese || tStRTtilincr 4.1.. Kothwithstanding t))e W Bow^raging in China itW incroBse the price of Teas at fiT^ Hueh ei the we4ry weiAn«^,.,,i^B-^: ^„^^ females ii censed by ii««n^«^ **'^? be promptly remedied with ifcat 1^«*«n* t^yi^iatirtg Tonio/ Borctoek Blood tt«n. A lodge of Boyal TempUra of Temperance baa been institated at Meaford. CAN DEAFNESS BE CUBED. Mr. John Clai-k, of Milldridge, Ont., declares it can, and that Hagyard's Yellow Oil in the remedy that cured hjn. It is also a specfic for all inflamation and ipin. Arran Council has decided to Meisi farmers to erect wire fences where de snow drifts bad) j, A ST. ANN'S "VICTORY. Mr. John Morrison, well known in St. Ann's, N. S.. had seiiims tidney Com|ilaint that bordered on drc^Niy. After hcje had nearly fled, he was eared b|f Bnzdook Kood Bitters. A^j..y to the proprietor, WM. HOGG, FLE8HEET0N STATION P. 0., ONT. 'Good Work Guaranteed -AT. All over the land are going into ecstasy over Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump- tion. There unlocked fOr recovery by the timely/Use of this great life Saving remedy, causes them to go nearly wild in its praise. It is guaranteed to positively cure Severe Caught. Colds, Asthma. Hay Fever. Bron- chitis. Hoarseness, Loss of Voice, or any af- fection of the Throat and Lungs. Trial bot- tles free at A. Turner, Go's Dmg Store. Large size Sl.OO g Grat Medtcine Company. â€" Will some of our exchanges who have had dealmgs with this company inform us as to their reliability. We have tendered our account till we are tured of doing so and if many of our brethren are bimilarly situated, the only course open to us will be to denounce them as deadbeats. â€" Bruce Herald. We had dealings with above Company in 1882, they paid half their account the other half we haye been unable to coUecfrr-Ed. Stansabd. BUCKLEN'S ABNICA SALVE. The best Salve in the world forcut8,bniise8 sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever swes, tetter chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and ali skin eruptions, and positively cures piles or no pay required. It is guatant^rfHo aiTe perfect satisfaction, or money refunded Pnce 2o cente per box. For Turner Co. U FLESHERTON. OSuU a-t C33lC© and see samples of work which we area not ashamed to show. All kinds of Framing done cheap at T^^S. IBTJlLiILs^SESIB'^. FLESHERTON. JOHN NOBLE, -^ ikARKDALE HACYARDS PECTORAL BALSAM HORSE SMIIEI MO CHMmmm The Orangeville Gazette has sus- pended publication owiog to financial difficulties. A CI7BE FOB CEOLEBA. Procure from your druggist one bottle of Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry and take as directed. It cures all Summer Complaints. Fall wheat of year's ^owth, pur- chased from a Tuckersmith farmer, weighed 62^ pounds to the bushel, and yielded forty bushels to the acre. This is said to be a fair average of the crop in that neighborhood. The following is from J. W. Ptolemy, of Winnipeg, formerly grain buyer for William Oillesby, of Hamilton and Grimsby: 'I was for many years much afflicted with Cotiveness, Biliousness, and ultimately Dyspepsia; I suffered very much and tried many different medicines, which gave me only temporary relief and then I was as bad as ever again. I was recommended by a friend, who had been restored to health by it. to try McGregor's Speedy Cure. I did so, audit was not long before I felt like a new man. and I have enjoyed. excellent health ever since. I first commenced taking it February 7th, 1879. Sold by Hai Bro's. A. 4 S. 6 Thr condition of the crops through- out the whole Canadian North-Went is most gratifying. The yield of wheat will be the largest yet known in that portion oi the Dominion, the amount available for export being estimated at five million bush«Js. The Canada Pacific experimental farms have proyed abundantly successful, and !iave placed the suitability of the region for cultivation and settlement disiiute. OfH. liitJoiise, Hffviiig imported prior to tb^ ing of hostilities, a suflacient to Bupidy 20,000 MEN for » i, 12 months. In other departS' the Grocery trade tbe BPTprii HOUSE has KILLED BY S?' tJAND those who assome to w, business by porcharng of sinlHlf ers exorbitant rates of interest on credit. Our imports of ""t PRESERVED MEATS, 8ALII(l» LOBSTERS. SARDINES, Hjys BACflN,ASSOfiTEO PICKEU' an4 every articles in ihe grocery b|i» LIQUORS Of the best brands and quality, ^i for Sacramental purposes warranW pure. Brandies direct from the mu ufacturer and all other kinds of lioBo! Coffees, Teas and Tobaccow iJi I fail to give satislq^tion. Ori^ Lemons, e. Family Flcur smSi at Lowest Bates. â-  gELFAST HOUSE, MARKIAul MEW GROCERrail IN CONNECTION WITH Pkwes' Flour and Feed Stoit Having just received a Choicee, Fresh anil SiUl stock: of Sng^a,i*S4 Tolacco, C, I Which will be sold VEEY CHEAP, I respectfully solicit the pnblie'i patronage. 193 J, PLEWE8. CHATSWORTH H0U8E| (liATJS uoBEow|Honsi:,) CHATSWORTH, Ont TUCK Sc McLEOD Pbopeieiobi. The best braad of liqnors and ciganil'l \ra J8 in stock. Gcod meals and C(^infoiiiililr| roonus gtiarvMteed. Good stabling ana it-l tentiye hostxtsr. 114 HOUSE PAINTEI.I Prominent among the greatest medical di coveries, by the nuuay cores it has effected, MeOregor's Speedy Cure leads the van. Subjected to the minntest chemical analjsis, it has been fotmd to contain none of those "S sj^SSriy^fl'^tS^pnbKctlGBAINER, C:rLAZIER ANDPAPEB| Every ingredient possesses a peculiar adapt- ability to the various complaints for which It has been compounded, and its efficacy is being established by testimonials hourly received. We are therefore confident that we have a preparation which we can offer to the public with the a«surance that it will be found not only a relief but an absolute cure for Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, In- digestion, Constipation and Impure Blood Free trial bottles at HUl Bro's. A.AB. 4,' Sale by A. Thb potato and bucliwheat crops in parts of Northern Michigan have been rained by a heavy frost which occjurred on Friday night. llIeGM9ttr*8 SpeedjCure. Every porehaser of common sense business capacity, when requiring an artide for a n«a been tried or as allowed first to test before hujmg. You are allowe4 a tr^e faiS ^^y.'~,»y^P«a, Impure fitood%Sd LiTjrDMorfersat HiU Bro:. Sold at 50 frompersonsmyouroTOtOTni. A-1. f^ Tot writ for tlie eledabik df k n-eaiber cf the C^tario Legiflfftfiw ^unox, m ^aok of, the !»? Cg Koe, has«ed. mrn^t ?h«% w **^^ •' Nap.,r^^ t^lBtrust.,^diheel^3^^ Wbat is an JEditor 1 Tosh Billings says An editor is a male being whose business is to navi- gate newspapers. He writes editorials, grinds out poetry, inserts deaths and weddings, sorts manuscripts, keeps a waste basket, blows up the "deyil," rteals matter, fights other people's battles, takes white beans and apples for pay when he can get them, raises a large famUy, works nineteen hours out of twenly.four, knows no Sundav, hves poor, dies middle-aged, and often broken-hearted, leaves no money, is often rewarded for a life of toil with a short hut frifte obituary puff in the newspaper! ui.rf'^iT^^" ^* Hopetille, Oht., says Peotbnal Balsam to cure prevailing iLoat and lung tronUeis. â- â-  """•» â- **k^ :rfc^ Westera Fair. J^!i*^!J®®«^^*4»*»«A««ome prise het of tto Wesferrt Fair at London w to the 26Ji. inoluaivi,. Vtima to^e f««^jrf f 17,000 itil be.^ „d I* exhibitions of t|ii8 kina, thwtt^ be JalJpon. ia«SS^ ^oS^ »-««ii -utxiio yUM i WM HANGER, CALCIMINING AND WALL TINTCnG. Residence opposite Flauiug Factojrj Obders SoLicirED. EiiisaiEsGnttl 192J»| P.DUCOLONS LIVERY, IN~ HULL'S OLD STAND, MILL. STREKT.! O-ood. Slorses and comfortable Rigs 8^1 moderate charges. 195 ROOKE'mKEEl BRE:^I tbe staff of life' lE^A.I^mLY thai wiU pljJI your wife, always on baud, to soiifO| the demand. So when your stock is low Step in and let us Inovi, And we'll your wants supp" Or you'll know the reaso^ why. E. ROOKE, ^^ Markdalc mabkda:lf., Manufacturer of aU Kinds of. Drop Valve* Ojlinder, Force, «»^ ' 1 â-  â- :' ,. jjt Unds of |f .PUM 0'0" ij'i liAij i;; S^LffSf rrtOi EDITOB A Janeea, c. c! QmcBs in Owen pver W. p. Wolfs MAI OverW.J.MoFari mdFridsyof each ^Fands to lea Poroi Cbbasob, Q. Markdale. March m tuMamiuim

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