'^(lMt( igt. LEAtB AS rH.â€" Exj^: nship Expreai 12 Mail 5j3| P ExDre68,fioito, rday. FH. â€" JJgjl jj2^ Mix«4. 33 p Express, goipgi )us between RKDALl S EMPOl 5HED 19 YEA » 40^* -^ 'HEWS,I fc good s^oek b| ibanies employ le and Single,] irB«ss always o| unks.Tafise^l ^ays in stock. -^'I â- â- .'ij. IKDU "Ci would resp [ny custpBiers i support «co(a^j id\?-onld 8o}i«il8( fs we are now J tiusted to ootJ [NG, FUU1» -dasa style.' At Ind made othef i layor te do wi [t better, i^i ta b»T* 0^ i inttt bli ^, cBtthave tHejir 59otyJ Ithe place, I Station. „-:' rCRIESi iage K^" !„.â- f«Jl-i s)t *ilT iff Hty t^^^"** ' i otO" af*l beioaUacmb **£|vr rfihr J»m8 »/ «.,» '*-E^ fiftmfc-l^d^H .^,,^.^^^^^^ •*r."'^;«4 a«d» tMs jrairf tm ,i-£l :?« jftoi tJ' ;|aitt«»t ,a^di has ;3aa«Ii« -lb tJ-"^f£'^J'?s«: si^ft ie^srr Wi Jsif « baa •jidM^«liAE-siS )h. 4.-NO. ?i[^ 1 eve' at the office, -Mill ,.v Tbnrstlay. Jlarii'iale. artvaace; $1.2.5 if ,jv yeP.r HI i'l th'rtie WoH^iis. â- ._ aid business cards one inch peryeai-, ?4. • 1 YK. 6 MO. 3 MO. .?5a ')0 §27 5) 515 00 27 00 15 Oe 10 00 It 00 10 0 8 00 â- ' 7 00 4 00 ' .. 10 00 5 00 •' ' !.r.\Sisy.-- EUifSifiaMiatB Mis jeolnmn Ljii space.. lin.'h SP'ICi.' ,. o laiiveiti-ic-ments 8 cents per line first 3 cents per lire each subeeqaent fen noni-areil measure. ' iiial notices, or notices in local col. ^ats Fcr line first insertion,, 5 cents ibsefiueiits iristirtion. „ vanimnls Ac. advertised 3 weeks for j]vert!bmeut not to exceed twelve Ipper •(liscoii tiies"" Umied nutil all arrears a; aption of the publisher. â€" X • M^fpi^*. shfill JbAva any aetbn againstt; anj Ha^way Company in respect to the same betii" iso killed." .^-' ♦•â- --» -ej:-" -op THOiB. CARTER, M|.fdl, Physician Surgeon, c. Eeaidence MARKDALE HOUSEr MABEBAI.X. -JOB PRINTING.; oilice lias a splendid «»qaip- \vell as fine, job type. Spe- orders by mail. Orders liteutiflu hv. K IT ni' I ^K o GiE: \miOl\ AND PS.)PRIETOK. i,t$ni. litCCEsd PERRY, ,:.:\ TO LAUDER it HANDS), s tXSTL-'o. Solicitors, Proctors, No- es, â- . .avevaiicer.s, c. Honey to pijv.'f-. â- iiitcrt?st. iig Stieet East, ToEOXTO. B. Ghent, M,D., M.R.C P. S., O. ^ysician and Burgeon, Prioeville, Graduate of University. Yivt. College. ., „ New York, and Hon. Graduate, of the name, „ ., Avleth Medical Institute. „ ,, Opthalmie Hospital, N.T. Member Coll. Physicians Surgeor s,0. 104 J. P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. deivtist, " baduaIe of toeonto school VT of Dentk^, wUl be at Butledge's Hotel, Markdale, on the let and third Wed nesdav of each month and also at ManahawV Hotel. Flesherton, the day following the third Wednesdsy in each month fm' tlieprae tice of his profession. ;-47 There is *Jdlly Saxon Trt»vel*, '" _*l'hat is very much like this,' '*â- *' That a man is half in heav«n '*• When he has a woman's ki* rs-'^; But there"daufier in ddayingf,- • ' ' And tbfl sweetness may forsake it, Sol tJell^ou, bashful lover, • Ji you want a kiss why take it, ,Nav^; let aQother felloir .- Steal a march oh you in this Nevor left a laughing n^aidon ' " See you spoiling for a kiss There's a royal way to kissing. And the joUy ones who make it Have a motbb thait is winnings If you want a kiss, why take it. Any fool may face a cannon, Anybody wear a crown Cut a man must win a womani, If he'd have her for hia own Would you have the goldfn apple. You must find the tree and shake it, If the thing is worth the baying. And you want a kiss, why take it. Who would "bum upon a desert ' With a forest smiling by Who would give his sunny summer For a bleak and winter sky? Oh I tell you there is magic, And you cannot, cannot brake it, ' For the sweetest 'pait "f loving. Is. to want a kiss, and take it. CUpliirR^ift c:»viicB^ .•'I Geneml IVews. ffilSTKi;^, AXD ATTORNEYS-AT lias, ii.i 'i.i')s ifi Cijaiicerv, Convey ff.ite., U'.n Sound, have resumed at non, u:-i'jc opt-n every Thursday, as tore. -r, ,T.W. Frost, LL.B. (.'n.wu Attoruoy. 1 J. ?JASSOPii, l?J;I^T]".,:. MA.STEF. ANDDEP.REG pChnci} Notary Public, Conveyan' it.:13i: kilatd'i .r, F I'AIIMS FOR SALE. 11 r-jound, in Ticker's Block cii office in Markdale, over ;c, on Friday and Saturday 57-ls W. G. RICHARDS, BUILDER, CONTBACTOB. A ABCHI- TECT. â€" ^Residence On J4ill Street, Mark- dale. 1241v Crea* or M^ rrison, i' .,.â- ^.S0L1CIT0RS.C0NVEY- Eft^. i'c. ecu. Inciiii)wju Sound, Dnfierin Block, If. F.V.'oIi' store and in ,^ MARKDALE p.J. iltrarlaud's Store on Thursday syof (.^ch week. Runusto lendou reasonable terms. [CsEAsoR. i^.G Duncan MoBuoN idale, ihirch i5. 1882. 79-lv HAMILTON'S PHOTOfiRAPH GALLERY OVER THE STA^iydBD OFFICE. Fine work executed in all tlie latest sizes and sbapeB, fully equal to city work. Special attention given to A large stock of «onldiDg to choose from. Call and leave your measure for a picture. «Ja,s. HaOTilton- ile\:inder Bro^rn. ER of ?.Iarriage Licenses, Fire and; 'â- Insiriiuce Agent. Commissionei â- E. Ac. Conveyancer and Licensed ^iieer for ;ue County qi Grey. Farmers, sits, aud Land Sales, Punctually at- Pkto and charges made verv moderate. wiUe, Sept. 17. 1880. 1-V Um. Brown, pERUF MARRIAGE LIOENSE8.0 rommisf ioaer in B. R. c. Nyancing in all its branches prompU} "i to aud carefully executed. S-Money to Lend on Real Estate se COMMERCIAL HOTEL JPBICBTXLiLjB. Out. Large and commodiouB Sample Booms Good Bed Booms, itc. The Bar and larde well supplied with the best the market af fords • good Stabling and attentive Hostler's TflOS. ATKINSON. Proprietor A Jewellery store at Uxbridge was burglarized on the morning ol the 8th, aud 82,000 worth of valual)le3 taken. By a new time table, trains will run ftom Montreal to Toronto in twelve hours. Mr. Limen of Durham has opened in the butcher business in Chatswort. The steel steamers, Algoma, Alberta, and Athabaxka, now carry the mail. Mr. James Noble of the Royal Hotel, Meafordbas erected a driving shed 165 feet' by 40. Durham boys of all ages bathe in their birthday attire in full view from Lampton street bridge. The sheeting for the Owen Sound elevator will cost $6,500. The con- tract has been let and work already commenced. Shelbnrne engaged a brass band from Owen Sound lor the 12th.- The annual railway employees Pic- nic will be held on Saturday 26th in Grangeville. Fare 40 cents. We are pleased to note a decided improvement in the CheSley Ew«erpme under its present management. JOSEPH ION HOUSE, MARKDALE, Bryan,' Proprietor. flTY llofEL, " " ' •Contracts tdten liar aUkiiids of BUCK UP STOIE WORK, Plain Ornamental Plastering. CaUomininQ in all Shadet and Colon. I mt* The Council met pcrsaanii to. «d- joummcnt on July 4tb 1S84. t Members all present. Minutes of last session r^d and confirmed. By law No. 838 appointing a referee 00 union school banoess. Carmd through the different stages snd pas- sed. ' A committee of the wboje members of Council was appointed to examine rock on 11th line at lot 80. 'A grant of $15 was made to im- prove bliud line botfi^en drd and 4th cons, at lot 2. The Reeve and Deputy Beeve were appointed a committee to examine 12 imd Ifi side road, from town lin6 to 8Ed line, aud re^iort at next meeting of Council. A grant of $15 was made to im- prove deviation at24 25 sideline. A grant of $25 was made to repair 15 16 side line in 5th and 6th cou- cessions. The Reeve's orders were issued on the Treasurer to pay as foUowSi viz â€" To Hugh Currie, $32.50 road work John White, $41 work on Mitchell's hills Samuel Caswell, $2.50 repair- ing road scraper Wm. Baker, $18 road work Joseph Howe, $44 road work Francid Eaton, $71.50 road work R, Dunlop, Clerk, $30 iart salary E. E. Hicks, $100, road work Christopher Kelly, $45, road work William Wilson, $2.76, cedar for road and $1, road work Arch. McCauley, $5.50 road work James Stewart, $7, road work W. J. Loug- heed. $1-12, lumber for road; Thos Ellis, $28, road work Samuel Wiight, $5, repairing plough broken on road J. B. \Vinter, $15, gravel for road Samuel Braidner, 174, road work Jacob Neely, $12. road work. James Ward, $12, r6ad work Israel Lougheed 96 cents for plank for road; William Dales, $40, road work Ed. Manning, $2. 50, repairing road scrap- er David Lewis, $17.25, road worfi Arthur Burns, $5,: road worli James Patterson, Esq., $30, grant for Oth line rock. The Reeve and Deputy Reeye were appointed a Qommittee to arrange with Joseph MeMoirris, 000- ceming deviation ou side line 27 and 28. Council adjourned until the first Friday in August next. R0BX.DU11I,0P. fv Tp. Clerk. and l^ecjrge-S. Harrison^ of 19i/^a8hiug« ton, is secretary is prepariug to hold a convention, ' Aiigast 6, at Niagara Fs^l^' ' All the fiiends of the ^fdject, ol iriMnediate% (br soocrer^ aoiiexingl: the Dominion to tuer XJnitect ti^tes ar^ invited to be presf nt, and a general invitation is exti^rided to the President, "members of Congress, Governors of states, members of state legislatures, ~^ ta^yors and ' aldermen of cities, aad with all the lest^ the governor general of the Canadian Domiuiou, who, as thd representative ot tlie British crown, is supposed to be qeeially favorable to the scheme. According to the call, holding the cQUYention at Nisgara Falls, which is especially stated to be "the great natural wonder of the wcrld," is expressly intended "to aid in an amicable and iratcrual union of the two countries." Wliy •Uiiiidreu Should Honejr. Eat CANADIAN PACIFIC BAIL- ITAY. (OMTAKIO DIVISION.) NOTICE Cattle at Larg:e- Chaises moOera^ and aatisfactioli gn«r- Vill receive prtompt atteftjion Orders leift at she StitoA^to olBoe BestJ iksbed ' '^cAleer, Pc«ffri«jtof. 'â- '^Ws, Â¥^AU\^ is fitted up in good style, aitu-i \Q i 'â- 'â- "'*- ^^'leio the travelling pub-' "" ^^A on the vm- ^niou bu Catting Their Own Throats. /Thousands and tens^ of thousands of children are dying all around us, why, because their ever developing nature demands sweetness, crave and eagerly demolish the adulterated "candies" end' "syrups" of modern timeSi If these could be fed on honey insted they would devlope and grow up into healthy men and women. Children would rather eat bread and honey than bread and butter one poun'l of houey will reach as far as two pounds of butter, and has beside, the advantages of being lar more healthy and pleasant tasted, and always remains good, while butter soon becomes rencid, and often pro- duces cramps in scomftch, eructations, sourness, vomiting and diarrhea. Pure honey should always be freely used m every family. Honey eaten upon whaat bread is very beneficial health. The use of honey instead of saga\ for almost eyery kind of cooking, is as pleasant for the palate as it is healthy for the stomach. In preparing black- berry raspberry or strawberry short- cake it is infinitely superior. It is a common expression that houey is a luxury, having nothing to do with the life given principal. This is an error â€" honey is food in one of its most concentrated forms. True, it does not add so much to the growth of muscales as does beefeteak, but it does impart other properties no less necessary to health and vigorous, physical and intellectual actron. It [g^ves vigor to all the vital functions. To the laborer it gives strength â€" to the business men mental force. Its effects are notlike ordinary stimulants, such as spirits, etc., but it produces a heahby action, the results are pleasing and permanectâ€" a /sweet disposition apd a bright intellect.â€" TrutAl â- mtrntUipumydyMteifdeAto « u â- f- ^i 10 best ' to all trains. a6comio-| ig4 mmui$u, ;-' !*LEOGE, PROPiip JSAACi STlfllSQN ^4J^^«d8Qf,Bd9)l.«' .,Xatii«iat«.giwm--fe« "«"f " 1»'S Grdiwihy msiiipKHiiptlrat*""*^' Notice is hereby given that all horoes, sheep, swine or other »ttle found atraying near the line of tlje Ontario Division of the, Canadian' Pjuiific Sail- \ray, ip oontraveption of the Ba)^w{^ Aefe, mU' be impounded^ All^'parties ihaefore are cautionisl to prevent i^dt dt^ttle ;ir'o«n 'sti^jfiBg., The folWwiBg clauses of the Bpilwfiy Act a^ those^hearing upon the subject. '^obowes, sheep, swinb *tt other ciattlQ shall, be permitted to be at Itirjjes ujibii fmy highway sfichin half a mile of the intersection iof siwh highway with any Railway on grade, unlebs such (Jiattle a^e 'in charge of some tqeiii, J 1' A ' tJ" CX PIT GUABAMTEI^l iMtaang-or slois^»o«!0* «weh m^^ afe^ueh interseetioa.^' IS- «-= ' ' ;|^ ^AfltJattfe fbund at Ikr^ m' ]Bon. traventlaojl qf.th^.4^8|i^eciei^hg ^ect^fti. may, by inj persop Imdwg Uio -W^e ak kifeei bs impbuBd^ iu the ^wrest' ftdftnil W'ihe phttJe irliirt* iii«t ^^ «f gMMftoin thii wrttnT •" tod sabieet to the li^e Tlie Hamilton Titles Miysrâ€"Tbo Globe, o\mia that it I^ won in tiie striker but tlie it ail still looks very sick. The prc^rietors of botb Olobe and MatI ha^e been playing tiie fool for a long time. They sell fheij; weekly editions at less than cost, in at foolish and hoggish endeavor to drive the country papers to the wall. They sehd eVenth^ editions to Hiimil* ton and otiier: cities,, to be sold for less than the cost xif the wluto paper, find the pepple buy them fojr wiap|)!ng paper!. Jjjately, oijis of the nvals xe- duced, the price of advertisements, fend the other has bem pubhshing advcStisements for nothing. .„ Haying cut theit'6Wn^h^Ofttstmiheirf^ll*'f'^^o"^.«| la a register to b; hea^s are nearly severed from, their kept: i«^ the Secretary a office. No bddiea. the;(?4o6«Viaiid:ifaasftek-to. names wiU b^ made public beyond, leplenisb th^^ttt Add at tiie exfeB*o "o«» " '»|« ?aBners.o^ Prises for Types of Beawty. The Committee of the Industrial Exhibition Association having charge of th» ladies' department have decided to offer two valaable prizes for the portrait!) of the two most beautiful Uving Canadian ladies. Titose who wish to enter into the competition are assured that the utmost secrecy will be preserved, no names will be attadied to the portraits, but each picture wiU bear a numiber to corres- pond with the owner's name, which in a register k^a^Mo i^4r4 4p through p^iif^pi,.' ibotr ib iobe ^Okd Mail have ft6 Ix^^ ito»be^iiard B^ Thc»» is a g(ki pnoiit Mii- Tm ;l- i «fic»83S 'beedme i^otfaf dl ' aud^^ 'ireek ivBj^'fiia on'^od cohtaininlf an excesfir^' 6f'^^6a^1i;^^pb. as cpri^ in TftcV alll|^j \iti^$i^lii^if}^iiph ^ttst Jie ooivsamedsw ._ p/eiC0oiaiTe qttaj)^i^siti'«rdflr to' g86-4 t fBQonla ^oii •( i?f7 S^iiy traia aisiwbpwntof i««lb»ction fh^ A im 1 i iiJ' ly^'t^^st^'^endeacy, ^^e^ l^prseS,ii [Wi^ai^,^!^,^ of :^olpw^8,i injUimk worir;"«^y -^01^ thojt^t*"*^*f the feua6ir^;.A9i.j%«t^aA#i|uiiiD io^ 4»in*lrtfi 'iSe Jivw rtntoo-'slfeHifeni^^^cj^ [ftMnspreaaeai z^xfi â- k», ' .$i»J^"'*^" m 1 5+ »l| ii! â- I !i UB :l :m m |V|; 'â- â- '" 'â- ' W h^§ V'vlr 1 1 â- ;- r"3 :- WA^ -.1;:- ..:'J£i,iM£^ti;^ i^iittiillMiiJiMi