Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 10 Jul 1884, p. 7

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 (already in thklS' the hunirecU. ' ^1 hitcs, t littla oonoera, bi^ ^^CEDTOSIBEiai. "IjAt on Feb. ll. 1«». i« t • citf i*JS Nibaiet»wo«MriJ[T^ M^beueged and «Hptaied brjUM litl^tbe point of bungneta. Tbmf T!?iMt aho*. Oa« door '^tLtiaitabot. .-. ' Mken in, bat not baion '•^.totwevoby the iholi iMd froa "f Cept. Sadoikh and hk him fSrf o"« "?*^ y*!* ,*_- rw on the ipot, and Mtenl â- " Both biothen Irioheviloh w«re wounded. N. Bnntetr Mid an- liW, ,,^ Mrionsly woondod. The ' I w*re overpowered, amatad, _«ht to liie polioe headquarten. K?ttine night in another hoaeel wm '•"«d brought to the aaiM poliba jn what a plight I bahatd my Itbcrel N. Fojenand B. Slablin- • were standing with their anna behind their backa and held jies. In a comer of the aaiiM I tat sitting Mies Armfeld, MIm Pak- tfd F Sarandovitch, all boond and i. The room w as filled with polioe- Fud KiD^ gendarmes. Amid a roar of liere anddenly appeared the gigantic of oar brave comrade, known noder ' led name of Antonoff. He waa behind him two policemen who PS hold him by hia arms. Never oan Mthis appearance. Pale waa hia face, bis eyes, disorderod hia black, ^air, and trembling hia frame from Itofoot. Vtft is that?" he thundered, pointing at (lad Kamensky. •'Arms tied I Away Itlie ropts!" ise calm yourralf," Eaid the police â- â- we will nntie thorn." otiy the lopes weie taken away. Ifiterl I want a drink!" roared An- r water at once," commanded, the Presently a colonel of gendarmea ,.., and ordered that each of na jbe taken to a separate cell^ EStyonr swords and bayoneta in caae of "aid the colonel to the gendarmea. (the next day wewerb transterred to I where scores of our frienda had niningfor years, waiting for the "quick ttiial" which has been solemnly pro- 1 by the Czar Alexwder. Of course, fcrs llBJECMD TO SOLITABY CONFIKEMENT. irer, wekept Up a lively corraapon- We telegraphed to one another by h|; 03 the wall. 0.-cauon8lly we to each other in cipher. The fort- luthorities tried in vain to hinder na 1 ttlkisg in one way or another. In pve were tried by the-military court. •were not allowed, though we had the |ii;Uw, to chose our own counael, we 1 not to take any part whataoever in atrial. to! oar party of fifteen â€" ^Antonsff, |liiv,and Owinsky â€" were condemned to i,ind the reat to hard labor in the Si* minea for fourteen years and ten When the aentenoe ol death was la lady priaoner awooned. The swho packed the hall ware greatly lonriosity prompted aome to aland y tin benches. tdo yon stare at7" thundered An- |[fith his eyea fl»min|r. "For shame, 'n spectacle of thia thing!" The pec* Dbick and tamed to the exit. ttiie trial we condemned i^isonertâ€" (thowere to die and those destined aâ€" were allowed to pans a part of ^dtf together. It ia impoaaible to dea- lou feelings. On the eve of the exeon- our three frienda we bade them a last fi}. 1 must say that on that moment- oing the three who were aboat to i their best to sheer the rest of oa. I was anxiooa about only one thing tliii Droper name woald not be dis- He loved his mother dearly, and ttiiat she might remain ignorant of It is hardly neceaaary to say that 1 died bravely. ' sfter that we were sent to eastern The two of as who did not belong |iubility were sent on foot, like the the noprivileged orimintda. Their }nn half shaved, and heavy obaina pt on their feet. According to the e noblemen do not lose their privil- they reach their deatination. in ud ao some of oa drove in rude Oar heads were not shaved, smd Jfree from chaina. All, however, l««ed alike. We had caftaas of a ^P»7 cloth, with two diamond shap- â- ^ patches oa our backs to signify ««re teotanced to hard labor. Tae ^•riles proper wore only an ace of I* Prom Kieff we went by'Ml" ll^^ipacial prison oar, aocompamed by ^^ Thus w« paned Orel, Moscow, "d Nijoi-NovBorod. Then we were a barge, which was towad by a 't) Perm. Then again we wwt by fp to Ecatermbnre. Aft* tiiai !«i.before us the fiunons Sibariaa " u a common poet roate, -with *^ph wires stretohed on one sifde. *u^ lead to the very shores of the Asch of us noblemen had a troika, owai accompanied by -two armed ^^' From Kieff to Euaterinbnrg.ire ™»nce to look npon the world ex- fl^h iron bare and nets, bat now '"'"joy the view with ho obstacle "w^es. What a joy it was forme! ki* "freedom waa retuvinK tome. fy" the firrt day of my arreat the nsr to eaoaps never Mft my â-  w, "«w that I locdEed upon «ie firee r^» the thought tamed into a bom- [^ which controlled all my actlona. Siu! ^^^ ^^^ the gendarmes were **»» TO PCLL OUT HIS PISTOL. But ehalBanuidMrpMftf, •«%Ardaf^t»r^ thepiiaoafor tha to wllk • large haU for «S*SL£r^ roon. Of thanNMna inai nooi B Ufa. 'Eaohgnmp al "•"WM absoiatdy 'f^edin gettingthrt P^'l I •-^ffl^""S£SifeSSS " tried tnv 1a»a kn* 4-ka aSD- .il^QMRlVn â- ^^â- ^^^ttSmU ^f0 iM, ^**^ â„¢y leg" but the gen- ^e.and I parted for the time with It7t^° bandred miles and reached t!^^ tbit town np to Tomsk we HBiB^**^ with hundreds of comn^ LWitoJL °*'8«- We ran np tba Ob. Kli(^ called oar barge a fiooltry lS! ** **â-  oovwred with a solid ^^priaoneiswecapaidudin the llriiJ^gsinabox. We.tbapoUI- I ^••rt, were allowed to ««|fc many none. Besides llMoiBoara awl the soldiers two pUy an impsrttotnJ, fa thVpSJneK Baohgnmp ol miaooan â- itniTf the coauMnintanst. ropreas^SJEShaS befoie the aath6ritiea,^5fcs»2«thr»S onersftads. Tb^dSlVi^^iSS:. »n angel to the prisoBa«. KttJLfSS uaaaaaelof quto a dMbcaa^ eharact^ J^rafFs^sr "" •^-^ a clob for the pnaonara. Ha u a priaobar whooutbidahu oompeUtors forhMprini- ege. Hakeaps forsab tea, sugar, tobacco tm topeoks, or five cents each day. The officer tarns the money over to the elder, who diatnbn tea it among the priaoner*. On entering the heap house and being counted oyer the pieonera are let Iree, Whereupon they make a lively rash, each one scrambl- ing for a good sleeping place. He who getii a bed of plain boards is deemed lucky, and whoever secnrea atAaoe nnder such abed i« a!eo contented. The remainder sleep on the floor. Before bedtime the priaonera make firea in WMi yard and prepare their porridge and tea. This forms a unique acens. Soorea of woDd pilea-burn brightly in the yard, and around each the prieoners awarm, adjnating their iron tea kettlea and atirring parridge. Here and there men are taking off their worn out boo^B, unwrapping their feet, and examining their chains, which often cauae bad acres. Some of the priaonera deftly remove their irona altogether, and others, a»aiated by apeoialiats, try to amoothen the leg ruga or even to atreteh them ao much that the foot will eaaily piaa through. Hwe are two men ready to fight, andtherdia a sEroup cautious- ly whiapering, diacassing aome oonapiracy. Preaently a aong, "Dawn tae mother Vol- ga," ia heard. A young priaoner pofeaeasing a melodious and atrong voice pours hia very aonl into that favorite Rnsaian ballad. Tne priaonera' camp ia hnahed at once. Every- body drinka m that melody, and happy re- minisce ncea of tae past, of wives, aiatera, aweethearta, motaera, companiona, aad children, chaae one another through these aaddened minda. Some of the mer, though rough looking, ahow tear dampeno' eyes! IT IS A SAOBIO MOMIST. Even the gaud aent to order the priaonera to bed, Btopa aa if patr:fied, his heart me'to 1 by the fanuliar air. Many of them do not care t» sleep. Here and taere they light candles and play cards. Bat the tradeeman's comer is the liveliest sp(^ niere piles of coppers constantly ap- on the tabla aad as rapidly disappear. he prisoners play for oash, and occasion- ally tae tradeaman advanoea a few eopecka, onder the giiarantee that he will get the priaonera share next day. Sometimes the play is for tae "Government things," that ia to aay, the priaon dothes are pawned, and tha wretehea man aaorifioes his neceasities to his pasaion. The further we went in^ Siberia tae harder it waa to move on. The men grew tired, and many fell aick. Bread waa dear, aad the "hanger tvphas" was apreading in oar party. As the etap hos- pitals were far apurt, we ware compelled to carry oar sick and dyiiu( patienta. Now taere wereatranger aoenea in thereating plaoea. In one oomer men gambled, in an- other a story teller provoked paroxysma of laughter; here waa heard a merry aong, and there came forth the laat groana of a dying man. Bat it waa only the world on a min- iatnre aoale. .... On the route we often met with ranawaya. The guards did not bother with them. Some tim«B oonvarsatioBa were held betwa^ the ronawaya^ndtha priaonera. "Halo, Ivan, yoo are again in ttie ragu- tawl" a runaway wwdd remark "Hallo, Semanl are yoa not satisfied wita f(«e boardf ' a prisoner retorts, ' ••I say. Semen, you aM • good nmning horse," patai afaater. "yet yoO will not Mcaoa hia Msjeafey^a atablas." Tba oonditton olthe poUtioalprisoaat. was far bettor than ^of tlK^talcrtoa^ The political friMMri got j^/'^^^J^ dav.nd^in wwgoas, and had a separate SoSilSrthemaeKes. It waitheGjvem- SS SJSrSa* the PoUtical prfaon« Batottthe joamaywn* «wer *»â- ;*â- â€¢ ways ox^mted. ^W •J^fifoiet; riioiiMthe pcisoiaswof aU f^*"*^**^ ^^iJii^HmSS fate o'-bia feltow ^ss^:?.^;?i^i^^inss^4 an exila, â-  rubber, to roleforapair of l«»**i,*^t flannel lam told that V«t tha "marda and the authoritloa SiSjaGSit. A. a rale, the pn.on«i do not betray one another. My new role I waaa medical .-u'^^ hie oonHWBid had^ f?*^^ mTlnb^te ^e l^e iirtin««^ 'hoia cOnda«M»* :** to their nMrhoBB^^^ Oa «M(«ve road ImaHstho aeqaabt- 7flid taBawftyi,wiMgave ma •^^^** beeomfag asao- ^i^a,^^r^^ I«8ibpdaii;»S;rto,» turto ttkaosand raaawam IkMuJw aa the •ntfeattbamwell ao 1«M aa tMydo^ ujue property or etbarwise mSb^yT v-S*!.' '*V I*"** thom Ilka wild beailte. let, uanaawiqrisbadlybaadledbyviU. !?**»• J" ««»•*. the. roaaways adge tbaaaaalTis to have revwBge. Insen- Miam M metad oat for the whide village â- ad death for the iadiridaals. I amtold that m the lekntak pfoviMw there waa a nafava who made it hia basineaa to haat »Pti»eB. 'If yoo kiU a aquirrel," he used to aay, "you cam only fifteen copscks,^bnl km a runaway and yon are aura of earning fifty copecka at least, for hb dreaa ooata that «um." That brute was in tarn fcUled by ronawaya. A^feasiooal runaway, B?loff, who for twmty.fiwe years has trampxl Siberia ea^it- ward and westward, from the Ural Moun- taina to the island of Saghalien, told me that for many yeara it waa impoaaible to escape from Saghalien, because tae Guilaks, the nativea, uaed to kill everyfngitive they aaw. At laat a party of runawaya, thirty atrons and well armed, banded together for their freedom and revenge. They ransacked sev- eral Gailak settlements and killed everybody in them, after that tae Guilaks ceaaed to hunt runaways. When my health was reatored I atarted back to Huaaia in the moat dignified manner. I went by the official poet road, changing one troika after another. My paaa waa all riciht, except that it belonged to a retired officer recently dead. In May, 1881 1 reached Geneva. ALL SOBTS. The aofter aexâ€" The dude. A ••Nick"-nameâ€" thedevil'a. Oft aa the youth haa bent the twig'a in- clined. Useful domestic codkery â€" Making both enda "meet." Simpletons in councils never simplify mat- ters. By the will of nature, honey ia tae noiver- aal beequeat. The parson at the wedding ia the right man in tae riyht place. A button is one of thoaa events taat are always coming off. The firat cyclona happened in Eden. It waa a perfect barry-Cam, People who go to the moantaiaa in tae aummer enjoy high living. Although crematien re!atea t» dead aab- jacta, it ia one of tiie live qneationa of the age. It is a singolar ocntradiotiOB that whaa the mosquito visite yon he sti^s to hum. The easiest way to marie table lin^â€" Leave the baby and a blackberiy pie aJone at the toble for three minutes We are goias to poblish phrenolc^ca oharte of oar saSscrtbers' heads. Those who pay promptly will have speadid heads. "Thou canst not rive to me the old time Bweetneaa." â€" Lilia Cu^maH. How much better thia aooada than "you can't give me anytaf^." Who wrote the most, Dickens, Warren, or Bolwer Warren wrote " Now and Then ;** Bolwer wrote "Night and Mom- ingf" and Dickens wrote "All the Year Boond." "Why ia taia batter like Samaon " aaked tae aprace young man who tends the ribbon counter, bat the landlady looked sternly at him. romaricing "Yoa^ batter settle laat week'a bill," and the cream of the joke waa lost. A magistrate ftt Syraoasa, N. Y., has de- cided that tae tanning of a human skin is a crime, and that the persons who engage in that bnsfnnaa are liable to the aame paniah- ment as grave robbers. Sohool boys should cat this oat and show it to their teachers. Two leading Canadiaaoitisa are diatasaing the qoestioa which ia the more S^bath oo- â- anriiur. Haaoilton bow lead a srita the claims that "evaa tha G«c« Paric fountain is not permitted to plav on Saaday."â€" Detroit JTree Preat. It ooold not pbqr onlaaa water- worka, and it wont do a tap. "Deetor, I wmit to thank yoa for yoor oraat patent madunna." "It helped yoa, £d itf ' aak^d tho dootor, rm moch pleaaed. "It hrtped me wmiderfally.^' "How many bottiesdid yottffaiditneoaaaary to takef ••Oh, I didn't take any of it. My ancle took one bottto, and I am his sole heir." Hew reoshing it is to the ei^ man to ^k thioaigh tho «roea fields, of ua coontry when titoy are adomod with thoosands of wild bat beaatifal flowers^ and how it arOBsaa hia alnspah energy aad a«ada the blood oourainglhrongh his voins when he carelessly kicks over a wasp's nest and has to run for dear life. When yon T^t or leave MewT«* Ci^«J2 Basaasa uinmsssra aad Osunria«o Hire, ana S££idX3eBttsaD«ot eoo eteaatrooma fitted noUrt ^Tw^ oSemOUoB d^kn, nswd up- WmrSi mrd^- Burenemi plan. Bevator. Saatennnts^Ued with ttie beat. %ne«in, SSsMttd^evMBd raOrMHis to aO depots. SSmaaoia Uve better forlaaa noawat O^dTunion Motel than at any otter flist- dasahota^iatheeitv.i If the fanlta of man ware tamed to virtaea and hiaprtuea to failf, he woaldJ»e ao naariy pttfcot th%tâ€" «rell, he couldn't atoy here, t£u'a the trOta Of the matter. Xol MMfhtr no sfaaU so doimivttoMt • :!â- â- 'â-  •ffijn IUI(ilTIU£. do ao* nb eft lU4t 1m ifplr»f^ VwH «sa l ss a ..ter A. KAM8AT 80M, M^HTBIAL. Tbooaanda oC yonaf r Imitations. " 8eot wMVper, OB reoeipf _^^^^^^^^ BOX, v^^^^^^^ OL '-»-â- =â- Â« â- =. Box UL l^MMlra. Ob^ M ^w ygnro. w» Aa«BtxerTT. a. mbSoSmiiSl W. F. Pi GURRIE Oo. 100 Oray Nun Street, Montreal. latKctenot ^ila PlMS*. rartlaad Ceaaeat* WMssISm, nMOonren, Whitiny. XlieBrieks. PlMtorof FMii, nnCHj, Bonx,BomMi Otoent, ObiaaCOar jfiuiiifaataMn at Baaaemeg Steal saga, cnair Bad gprtat a Alkn LmB Eoyal Mail SteamsMps. Sailiiut daring winter fhua PoitUDd avoT TlnuMar apSBllbz «nnr SaBuOif te Utb^ooI. sod in (luaan boss QaSbea M^ SatariarSo UtmpooI, eidlias at Lob- donderrr W land maila andpanengera for Sootland aad Ireland. Also from BalUmora via Halifaz and St. Jobn'i K. v., to LtTflrpeol fortaUghtly daring sommar montfaa. The Bteamen of the Gteatow lines (ail during winter betwaan Portland and Qlai«ow, and Boston andCHaagow altematelr; and daring ninmier between Qaebeo aad Qlaagow and Boston and Glasgow erery week. For freight, pasaage, or other information apply to A.Sohamacner Ca, Baltimore; S. Canard ft Co., Holifax Shea Co.. St. John's N- F. Wra. Thomson ft Co., St. John, N. B. Allan Ca, Chicago; Leve Alden, New York ;H. Bouilier, Toronto AHana, Bae ft Ca, Qaebeo; B A, Allan, Portland, Beaton, Mon- tre^ STOCK BR0EEB8 _^_ (Memtera of the Toronto Stock SxchaogeT Buy and aell on oommiaaion for oadi or on inar gin all seonritieadealt in on tae TorBa(a,Moa« tresU BBd Hew Terk STOCK EXCHANGES, Alsoexeouteorderaon the Cktcase Beard •r Trade -IN GRAIN AND PBOyiSlONS.- wsmmuM BT MiilLABEN^ MMJiTaiAIi, F.EaDiXQN«0O Ijeatber dooUalMvlwt JDominmLineofStasBnshipt; Bb' nine in eoaaaelioB with the bnadTMnk Ballwiv a(isaa4B. B»i|lrslloasQaabaaoTar»8atafdardari^ MM aoBSMW aSMlte sbA from FoMlaad «*ai7 Annday Mi^thewiiBarBMntbs. Sailing dates troas 4UBBBO 10 lifVBltrOOU *Ta«BeaTar« iSwtr, U. Tavaaaa, aaljr, Mu *» s as B B a Jaty, SO. â- aatraBt. Aag. S. *6anda. Am, H I â- l ee kly a. Aaa. l». Bates of HBSsas: OsUn. OMbse to Ufeipool ML m tas. vo. ^Siim. wTinK^T, jn^^eSgtB steamer aad tSW- Intsmedlate (OIA aSaMas* •* lo Bi a i r H as. TfcTstfaBM aad S a t sTBgiai to a tgm e is marked tlws: aitMBidahini, wttrabBSHtM* aotioB is felt. aad BB satlUBt ahasB li sawiW SB Vtma. Itefav tber partiealara aaiilr to any OiBBd Tinaak BaUwar Afeat or loeal «saa« ot tha OonuaBy, or to •AVia wmrniUcm jt c*.. Osaeial 4gaBts, MoBtrsal, THE MOEEL Washer Aim BLEAOHEB Weii^battpoan^ Oan be Mrrlad ia a small Tallas laMsB alwBi MsJiins to boilar. --"--â€"â€" Dteed or msBM fstandad. gi araBt eed WMuSsBBdaUtfitaadoaW' wâ€"whjtinsBiirMahBpethws bBTettet .. Tha M^ii mtf othM'ainiln nf Snas. iSorabtalag ravalrad, bo triaiioB to iaJoie'tlH fabrla. AltrearoUsMeaBdetha waahiag asBettas an older peraoB, To Blaee b to ovary boasahold tbb rBioBHASBBBB ticitp to 9ta», aad it net fonad aaSistaetary, GONBOY'SGARRIAGETOPS 1b one of the best. Not tliat a oarrisge top is nioe, but the great waat of something more perfect than the heavy, expensive, inoonTenient tops in ose, suggested the inTontion ef the Coabor adjustable top, whieh lias been altered and improTed until it now stands without a rivaL The styles and grades now manu factored a-e the most popular, and are varied enough to suit all tastes. Mr. Oonbov is the Pioneer in we business. It has been his aim since tha commenoement to merit the patronage and oonSdence of the trade and the puhlio. by producing durable and convaiient, and at the same time, elegant and stylish tops, that could be sold at exceedingly low prices. That tliis end has been attained is abund ntly proved by the thousands sold, and the namerous letters received from the leading carriage builders through the country. Since moving to ToroBte, Mr. Oonb^ is giving his whole aim to Vht improvement and manufaotare et carriage tops, where bis tocreased facilities, his practical knowledge as a carriage builder, and liis numerous patenteed improvements, i^ve him great advantage over all competitors. 4§l KIR« aTBSBT, WBBT, TmUOITW, 9XV. GnRBEYS lARfi, rstandad. 8aa what tha "Oanada Prasbrtarlan." sus about Itâ€" Ths Medal Washss and Blaashsr BUsh lb O. W. Dennis oflMs to the pablie has aiany aad Tslaabls advantasas. It ia a tiasa and labor-aaving maahlaa, s SBbataiiTlsi aad aaAulag, and ia vest aheap. Kreas trial to tha hoBsahald waeaa taatite to ita ax oall enea." DaUTSMdtoaarespfBasoflee to the Prortoeas of Ob- tarioaad Qnsbae. Obarses paid tS-OO. SsBd for al» oalanL AGENTS WANTED. C. W. DENNIS, TOBOSTO BIBGAIR HOUSE, ns ¥•â- Â«â-  aTBBBT. rmmmm; •bt. 30 DAYS' nUAL aad aU UMMB dfssBses Ota EUOTBO-vOLTAIO BELT and other BLBcnio AmiAMaa are sent on 80 Da^' Tilal TO WEK ONLY. TOTINa _pB OLP, who are sofEa*. Ibb ftpoBt ABBvoea wiURneWBAxmssa. Psaatwu. Vatbbsu resnllliit. ban â€" OiBBB Oausbs. Bpeedv relief and eomideta restoiBtloB to Vauaa, Viooa aad^Hiiaooo OBABAiriBBlu Bend a* PBBiplil«nMa. Address VoltaioBeltOo., oaoe tor DlnsttBtad STAliRDSClLES. THE BEST, THE STRONGEST, THE MOST REUABLK TTnrivalled to material, eonstmotton and Sniii pgr. feot in acoaraey and unequalled to dwabUlty. Gtoaa. anteed to give entire satisfaction. THEY EXCEL ALL OTHERS. BAILBOAO, W. :oon AHD mUi Mills* Alam Money Dnirera; ^7 SBND FOB XCLXraaCBAXBD PBIOB GUBNE YS WARE, â- AMttTWr. •BT ^â€" :) KAirUPACTUBBBa OF (:â€" gintst (^Udxtt HtfUi mA Mlvtt Wkit, Keir Toric Meridai (CL), CbSimnOt SaBFrnneiMO, LoadoB, C^*)« BBIICH FACTOBr-€ar. Chui«b lad WaUiagtmi Stneta, naBdlto% OaL h^Si piiinhssws havinc itr of nsnaa parohsaad otiise inte tialiivtaasiaB "Oa* «li» i,BBa»eiMinp.ll. IB to tha aboT. TBADB IbS Cast that onr iMsKhsaiBlMiaBaoaioao. ir imitated Aeidd ba a raHidens gnaraa- â-  tM to tlMBoWie that onr wane are the I BBST HX ZHB WOBLIX 1847 Bofns Bras. KABK. NEW WIUUAMS High Ann Machine ia ooir rsoojoiaed as the Sewing laeluie of the Period. tt la Uafet amd Baay to nu. ailMit aa« BivM im aaovcaaent. riatm aa« Masale ta Beam. It is strong, dnraU*, aad well bnilt, of the rery beat material that moneyou boy or akUl pwdnce. It waa aamded five nedids aad three first priasa at the Donunkn ExMhition last Oetobar. It is rapidly sapecaedfitg all the old fashioned .mafcca ev my w hei e.^ See it, try A^ bay fl^ itid maka sati Oat yon get it. ^l ^; ^i! 1

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