g LLLIlUiilj i JEimifacttired from and Best Improved d finished with 1 T^arnish. prompt attention. !cated in the shortea sihle time \i good workmanship. :K A S PCIALITY. Dp, opposite the Cheapaid SHANAHAN, Proprietoi 2nd. 1881. 6i NOTE OF IT. ETWEEN AND C ions, leaving ToronW odays excepted) 30 X»- M.,- y( Saturdays excepts IS DP- 3«-- etween the two Citiei iroper. ION UNSUEPASSBD. tS OIV TRAIJIS D. MclJCOLL, t. Gen. Pass. AJ KBALB, â- er of all Kinds oi ader- Force, anS ' .|K^ •IT • â- j-i^S'ii d aJsaljtea erS ^tia Hifi M'tff^ Ml Mt turn HiTW Palm ot arrisetn Wo ttoq •*«»" CMi*Iirto *p»ooow M .»tt9m?]wurii9 3oe}»«« ,xqcifil -wd ai«M » •» i.Aedi woTwV iaWeis Ai^ fe^ikaoiq I •• a Boa ^ssianfj »^-fOjhu "t'jt Jt«d ,etjnsi naC lOiow « ot saotitl-faoogi •di bad I Mwlr •^^IJhr'l^i .liaH z'alanU aiH He Markdale f* ifisuel evesy Thursday, at the officg, Street, Markdale. TeWâ€" ?1 V^^ y^*' ^° advance Sl2S if got paid within three months. Professional and business cards oiie ixich, space and uuder, per year, ?4. 1 tR. 6 MD. 3 MO. Tliole cohimn .*-50 J0 ♦27 50 fl5 00 Half columu 27 00 15 00 10 OO Quarter c 1 mm • • •• 1*^00 10 0) 6 00 "I'wo inch syaco 7 00 4 00 • Three infill space .... 10 00 5 00 (y'ftsiiai ailveitiscments 8 cento per line first inswtioii. 3 cents per line each subsequent insertion, nonpareil measure^ Editoiiiil uotices, or notices in local col- Mnin 10 cents per line first insiirtioa. 5 cents cacli siibsecjueuts insertion. ^iray animals e., advertised 3 weeks for •§1, the advertisement .not to exceed twelve Ijjue-S. No paper discontinned until all arrears iare paid except at the aptiou of the publiHher. â€" JOB PRINTING.- The Stasdaud office has a splendid eqaip- meut of po^?ter as well as fine job type. Spe- ci.il attention to orders by mail. Orders tilled with dispatch. EDITOR AND PEOPRIETOR. jiTi^auu HANDSPERRY, (suLCE^soHS TO LuaJDEit J: hands), jAi'lilSTEES, Solicitors, Proctors, No- taries, udnveyanfier.^, c. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. 'Oilices 10 King Street Ea.it, i[)9-251 ToBONTO. Frost die Frost, BAREISTERS, AND ATTOENETS.AT Law, Solicitors in Chatfcery, Convey sneers, ttc, (Jwou Sound, have resumed at Fleslierton, Office open every Thnrsday, as heretofore. j AuhedFbosc, J. W. rB08T,LL. B. County Crown Attorney. 1, J. IWASSOM, BAIEISTEE, jMASTEE ANDiEP.BEG in Chancery, Notary Public, Gonveyani ser,tc. " A XU1I3ER OF FARMS -FOB SALE. ' Offices â€" Owen Sound, in Vicker's Block Poulett St.: Branch ofiice in Markdale, OA-er lleFarlauda Store, on Friday and Saturday. â- every week. • â- 57-ly Crcasordir ni«rri$on* BABEl^- -xo,SOLICITORS. GOKVET-. ances, A-c. Ac, OrncEs in Owen Sound, Dufferin Block, OTer W. F. Wolf's Store and in MARKDALE; ^^ OyerW. J. MeFarland's Store on Thnisiiay and Friday of each week. ' ' ' EsTund-s to lend on reasimable terms. John Cbeasob, Q. Dhhow MoBidOM Markdale, March 16. 1882. 79-ly Alexander JBrowii. ' ISSUEE of Marriage Licenses, Fire^ and Life Insurance Agent. Uommissionei in B. E. e. Conveyancer and Licensed Anctioneer for the County of 6rey. FaroiflFf ij Merchants, and Land Sales,. .PimctuaUy at 'endei to and charges made very moderate.' Priceville, Sept. 17. 1880. " ., 1-Y W^m. Browi|4 ;} o rSSUEE OF MAEEJAGEfLXCliJlSE'St^feo X Commissioner in B- E.Q. Conveyancing in all iti^ranches piomptl} ♦ttended to and carefully executed. .â- â- \^-: N. B.â€" Money to Lend on St^l ,Eftta*e:Jf imm MARKDAi-Ef^ Jas. Bryan Proprt gttt^ ClfY~HOTEE, John McAicer, Froprieto^i. }^h honse is fitted up in good style, sitni- on Mill street, where the traTelUng ptb- Tf|Q«.CA«t«({,l|.«J MABXOAI.X. B. hent,M,D., M.B.GP. 84 O. Physician and Sntceon, Priceville, Graduate of Univtosity. Vict. College; „ •' «• New York, Hfad Hon. Graduate, of the same, « V, :* Atleth Medical Institnte. I. ,.V Opthalmio Hespitai, N.Y. Member Coll. Physicians Sorgeor s,0. J 04 J. P. M^RSHALL^ L.D.S. DEIVTIST, GRADUATE OF TORONTO SCHOOL of- DrajtiBtry, will be at Butledge's Hotel, Markdale, on the Ist and. third W«d- n^davof each month and also at Munshaw's Hotel. Hesherton. the day following the third Wednesday in each mimtii for. tiie prao tice of his profession. 122-47. W. G. RICHARDS, BUILDER, CONTRACTOR. ARCHI. TBCT. â€" ^Residence on Mill^treet, Mark- dale. 1241V HAMILTON'S Photosrapri gillerY OVEE THE STAyUARR OFFICE. Fine work executed in itU the lat^^t sizes and shapes, ft^y ^qaal to cify work. Special attentidii given to ' IF' ise j^j^:j^jt^ A large stock of moalding tp ^.^.^^i â- from.- ' '^^ â- â- .. ^â- }:- i Call and l^ye yonr- measure for a picture. ' ' IHK Warden read ftoyerabiflott-i otonwAtfefl* flujcl iMSootmts. wKch w^e' referred to the I '" naittees. cona- I'o-i/- ' ;- ' ' Mr. McKecfanie pret^tit^, report of the Finance Commicte*. rwtom- mpnding a further payment of ^$Sk for die arrest and coaviction 6f a h^ne^ thief; also recommending that vliile satisfied with the manner in which the Assistant Clerk preforms the duties the resi^ation of (i. J. Gale as Cferk. be not' dceepted. On motion oi Messrs. Rogers and Gamey, the report was adopted. Mr. McKeebnie introdnced Bj-Iair 824. to repeal By-law 140 respeetiog horse thieTe8,wfaicH was read first and second times. Mr. V.Lang moved, seconded by Ifr. Mes- senger, that a committee Ls appointed to re- vise and consolidate the By Laws now in f»ir«e in this county, the committee to consist of Messrs Frost, Chiistoe, Middleton, Mc- Keefanie, and \he mover. This was lost, and the Council then passed By-Law through committee of the whole. jii iwji^i'hfnuiiiis t^\ â- â- â- "9 '..l.I ^m'luHiuij (PM|aaiil^tetaipmtecl«t itiefet fledt^taiffi^ .tiOAl*|rtMfr sail^et«l» HtaMion i«. -• pro^ehM-ufaseMiite^t'^Bf lOpfer'^e^nt." te npt ^htiti duKatfA and Saira^rdt;aBid jHis iter- .MMi piop«ttf IM tdw^ b^' t»inimiJM at 15 â- V^. MJiMleol saidi he' ^|sf/ no.'ceaaon w]^ ' BA^^. and SiuawAk^ aJifyUf tw zdieVed of assessment for j^rsond.,' ftmertji ^Iwongh ho thoQ^ t^ imiipiuUm iowns^lbonld^ reduced. Large aud oommodioas/Sfimple Rooms Good Bed Rooms,. Ac. The Bar [and larde well supplied wLihftlie, best the market af fords good^tabliig andAttentive Hostler's TH03. ATKINSON, Proprietor TEOBSDAT. â- The Warden read report of School In- specter for West Grtiy. • Mr. McKechnie piesented Report No. 3 of Finance t'OmmittM, recommending a grant of J2S0 each of the three Riding Agricultural Societies, to be distributed on tiie same basis as tiie Oovemment grants. Messrs. Dayis and Norton moved the adop tion ef the report. Messrs Campbell and Read moved in amendment thkt the Council go into ooramittee of the whole. The amend-, ment was lotfe, ttnd repo^ addpted. Bfcr. Chri^oe preseiited i^ort of County Property Committee, leeqmmend^ig the pay- ment of seventl aocounts also' recommending tbat the committee be anthorixM: to Obtain iniormatien as to the pdst of eredting a puit-' kbtefbuitding for '^ees for th^e Gcfuhty Judge and otherio€9fli«flB,ihft pifesent a^itoms^Odatioii being ' altogether 'linadeqnte. The report' was'adoptedv ' ;: â- â- My. ViLaagT^teBBnted-rfefwrt of Printing I Committee, recommending paym^ent of sev- " J eral a«coant«, which was adopted. Aftersome^pent in committee, on By-law. 824 respecting horse thieves, the B^-law was read a third time aind passed. It offers a re- ward of $50 in each case of the apprehension of a person gailty of horse stealing in the eoonty. 6I6B0» CONTRACtOR. {Contracts taken for all kmds of BRICK MD STORE WORK. ;Plain Ortiamental Plastering, Ciihotnininitm Alt' Shades and Colon. Charges 'moderate and satisfaction gnar- ,;at^V^ Qc^s Wt atal)e,.r8TAWik»D oflSoe 't ,.. ., V â- *â- ;â- .-.- o^J**"V*' ' '• ^. 1 1 r ICflOfeV "'â- builder and panttiw;f|fwc ' 'Estimates ©yen- â- ^-. ,â- ,- -â- â- â- ; ' « ' '^- â- ^ti( niay »n. tlepend on the very best aofiopmo- Uninu bus to all trains. .,r. ' ^^ lARKDALElW Maeki; )M.E, (MHPJ^- i- ^5j^UTLED GE, PRQPfliE«i fBRPBCT FIT dfr Mr. Hewgill presented report of Education Committee. It recommended tiiat a' com- mittee be appointed on the re-adjnstment of sections in Proton as petitioned for, and tiiafArch. Mclntyre be appointed to act; bat tiiftt the Ceimcil had no jorisdiction in, th» ease of Union Secti.m of Normanby and Btremont, with respect to which petition had been received. It also recommended that the petition of Peel County Council, with refpeet to changes in EtliopI law, .be adopted with Fome modifications. Th^ re- port was adopted. Mr. Davis. Reeve of Gloielg, asked for iii- fo'mation ae to whetHir the ' County or' Township Councils Uavte jurisdiction over jieriotit^ns nnee the graVcS toads were' atia'n- tbmed by the ooonty. "He said there wierc, difficulties aboot fenci^ en^ese deviS,tion'S, and he did not kBw o had autaority f o ' oompdl their rttiotid.- '"" Mr. Hewgill introduced By- law to iaSsess the dIflereaC ttnnieipilitaes foi'ia '^uivalbnt to the' LegislativA School grants. ' ' Mr. Ghithcfeh 'moved, 'second^ by S(r.' Davisv^thatACgriMelrCds'be resumed by the County and a Bylaw to that effect Jt|i^' p«ipt«d/ â- 'â- â- â- ^-â- ' -^!-'--^^- 'f;.^ « yaoiioChKlitoe. PCdlat; ^Klci)!, ^u^-' ger, McCallum, Robertson, ^rian, DomVllc- BfiUaiki l)o»tk'^W:'Biii^. 6to]^, ^fffinoi^ i ddsholtai foet, IfilNtt. Tlibmiitod.|fiBKeSn- Inie-lO. • â- "â- '-•' "â- "' "' I 'Naytâ€"Mefy^y, Cmpbli H^Wg^, Gil- rAt,^»i*om;N. tKhgiOontfeid, ']^^;'Tb|; bt«n .ca«*j e*(tfra»,"Widin^iw,*^ U-., «•; TT7ELL M(W«a Al^IBrtIiER ALL Bcsi 1 MMk£t«u,flCgers,-Dbiria^j|ton f asey, BeiidMcK«iglifei-».' %â- ' :2le, |[e£CcMie^ fiRiinliM the report of tFinaiMe CoaattitUfi ' ifr 'td' egtinli^titidn ql assesimentei- Thk tk!ptn\ iyite (he valua- tor's assessment as to real mtate- adduig iff per cent, ^totowneh^, and^a. |«r,ceiit: tb town*yfc»"leL*«*ii profiei^V • i ;MT^MnBeohiiiein'tirMlCc«aB7-Uw to levy ioxnito of 740th ^k^A^iam Ibi^ totm^tfuritbse, ^liiBfc%o«14*i»««g^tt*19.«J3. I 3iietionficirthett'^«Mtit^ eonnomej ;df tho ieOt^nihei^^^f'^^a^iLOM iMaiiiit' tmrUriMeKimafbi'^lluiaiiiSt. .. ' "'"" McNicol. that the yatturt^feB^^lS^ vkifed me^ioocd tontt^ipe ac nlJswv ' «2 Osjjfey 1 32' .)»nd 2,000 fem at »1. • Proton 80 30 10 4 Saiawak 85 24 1*^ 6 and fi«,328 9f Brooks. And ihat f 18,080 be t^en off Dorfaau tod tlO,00Q off Mealord on aoconnt of fira» and the townah^xtf Sallivan be. redoced H ftt acre over the whole toinnhip. Mr Ghish(^ sail the.mover of the resoln- tioD had a feitUe imaniga,tion. He thought, yesterday to catch a few mimicipalities by: holding ont baits to them, and now he hoped' to tope in a few more, but the most of these; municipalities no inducement at all,' for ttie amount taken of a few would keep up their proportion of county rate. Mr. Middleton indignantly denied that he was seeking exceptional advantage forl^oton and went over the figures to show tnat what he was proposing was fair. Mr. McKenny said he opposed tampering with the report, on the ground that council- lors were incapable of properly equalizing without a knowledge of the whole county ;. but il the valuation was to be altered, he- claimed the right that the representatives ot each township should be heud as to their claim to reduction. Mr* Gordon read some figures from the Agricultural Commission, showing the crops Taised in the different townships but 1^. McNichol said these figures were not worth a straw. Mr. Mclotyre claimed that there was great injustice to some towusbips while Mr. Clark pointed to a large quantity of unoc- cupied land in Keppel to prove that it would be unfair to put that township on the same footing as othei-s as to personal property. Mc. Dunnington said Mr. Middleton was ^getting new light. Yesterday neitiier Mea- f ord, Egremoot nor SuUivan were suffering, but now they were to have relief. He waa opposed to his principle of taking in^ust en- ough to carry the point. After some further remarks by Dr. Christ toe and Mr. Read, Mr. Middleton's motion ' yoe lost by the. following voto â€" Yeas-^hsistoff, Peddler, MoNiahol, Me-i- sengOT, DaVis, McMillan, Norton Gamey, Mc- lntyre, Middletonj Rogers, McKechnie. Nays â€" McCallum, AIcKenny, Campbell, Hewgill, Robertson, Brien, Gilray, Fawcett, Caulfield,.Paui; Totten, Clark, V. Lang; 0,'Farrdl, Widmeyer, Dunnington, 'Vasey, Bowes, .l!toad, W. Long, Gordon, Homing, McNaught, Chisholm, Frost, Miller Thomp- son â€" 27, Moved by, Itfr. Middlrton, seconded by Itb-. Bogers, that rural municipalities be assessed at 10 per cent, for personal' property, and towns 15 per cent. audi, that ^18,000 be ia]^en t^om iesestment of Dorkam, and 110,000 from Meaford. on aoooont of fires â€" Lost by 6 to 83. Messrs. Totteo and McNatight withdrew theij; jamendmei^ en the assorance that the cases of Eei^l and Saramk: would be con- siieie^W.a directiltaoney vote aj;d the re- port of Finance Committee, as amended the ]»revions evening, wlft then Adopted; 'i'^cConucil agreed' in case of iqpeat to hay^^ final eqaal2btion made by the ' CojoatK. judge. BjCfUtwa leyying.' Hie county rate, and als» ' i3ie rate for railway by-law. wCre uia pas. sed. ..â- â- j • â- â- ,r â- â- * Messrs. Gilray and Fawcett, mo^Md tooor- rect an encor in va^iuitor's lepwt in connec- tion, with .Euphrasia, amoonting to 12,000 â€" Lost. ' Mr,XJhiskdsi9kv«ltbniake a grant of 015U to.Eeppoi and 9100 to Sarawak, to be 'deducted.from their fsoomiysatai tot as the- Mr. Gordon said iSuA when tbe yaloatorB appointed tbcy rcceiTed great jwaise, fMl^ were ccnddfic^ just' the men for the position. Wftfa4^^ to hear im^ Iecemblr that they were not infallible, and- now they were worse still. Be quoted the statute and read 'fron Harrison's manael tu show that the COnnoil could not ,fdtcr the valuators re- pott. 'Even if they had th^ power to ^ter, how conldthey value ' townships of winch many of ibem had no Imowledge, and set op their ^^ii^ atpiinst that of men who had gonelon^ the township for ^the purpose and were sworn to do their duty. The Ctenty Solicitor's opinion being ask- ed, he said the words of the statute were not quite clear bqt he thought while errora might be corrected, or a manifest increase during the time might be taken into account they woold not materially alter the report. Mr. Frost was not sore but the Council had j)ower to modify the valuators' report, but if they commenced they wonld never stop. He thought the only proper course wiu to standby the report, and if any town- ship felt aggrieved, let them appeal. Ad to personal property, he thought the towns had no more personal in prcportion to their real estate than townsliips, and quoted figures to show that the Sullivan assessor had made the personal of the township mere than was assessed in Owen Sound. He mOved in amendment. That it is not rdesir^lc to make any change in vahutois' report, and thata niiloriurateoflO pereeitf. on. real property be made as an eqn^ization for personal pfid|erty. Mr. Clark said he had been figurin g on Mr. Middletou's amendntent, and Eeppel would, be ijrOrse th^-. Jt^fore. .Thmre was some reduction made* hot the, o^er Teduo- tions juade Jtiii^:pinportioa' greater "than before.' .. :?...,. ;.; • '.â- .."Mr. ^(iddleton .aaid-tiiens'WM ia, mistake in the resolq^iem as to Kepflel, aid correctM- it by inol^insiiithiB^^lass' land 1^ -per 'acre. Hewa8iwnling.t» do justice to iSie- towns by- redueing pCtssnal to I5p^r Cent., but the ripreaentattves,of the tu«ns wanted to take that and preyent other municipalities gettilig justice. As to Keppel and Sarawak, no reason' had been given farexoeptionai trea;tmeht as to persQoal property: He took il' broad view, and would do justice to all around. ' Mr^ AlcSechnie contended that the equal- ization lf ^persmtalptopeifty was unjust to the towns, and asked'Vrhy Durham, with a popu-. lation di 14)00, shOuM be tated'^o p^ cent.. wliileDundalk^ with 700 Of a' population, got off with 10 per cent. Ae pointed out tht there was $1,188,158 village property includ- ed in the townships. Di' Christoosaid it wae.nottlje Beeves of Arten^esfia. Proton or O/^rej* "»o wore .f^* posed to ttie r^rt, bu( ^.*ne, wh^le people the of tl^ese townAm^ ' ^Ba aupc no reason why th$y shoiiU nqt diapapbibm report, if ^yi WU^i^ i*^ l»e wtpng., Itjbad never lieed .U^inod thi^ Ij^o ^fiiuner. yidua- tiort conM"iwt Jl^ filfere^, anit V ww altorfti â- l%ere httd nways berore been a^ .inoUnatioa to meet each other's viewa, uid he^ l^pud laey iroHldct^deal juetl^. As to ^sbnal ha did not thuik there shodl^ he mvfdi 4i^er- encebetween^wnsljips and towns.. ' ' M#. Bea4 sSiii if th^, 'di|!^iiotr age^ the vahiatotfi' report it w^ ^oite evident tfas |neinU^^,,the C(^wciLivefenotin atposi* .,_,.j_^i-T-^ ^~« â€" 'â€" tt ~.~, tion 1i^iuaendit.a3tneyn:id not the icquisitou: rules m9,,;u^ pergH^^.-soch naotion without luiowl^e of ]|he locnUtie.„ dCtae omy thing nt^Lice, ^t ?as def^lie^ till DacaittlHr aetoion. !^a^Sli°3^^*'*,5?i°*â„¢'?Â¥5*'"**" ' 1 Mr.'MoKanny *iov«d tu mettoittlize tha Wtt,Wwhere could thev got bereft men *; Ontwia Gowanmenfc cf aid to effisftihce the He had pjj^pM^ to #t;On^d^Bra£e«*)nai I ijnjyia^^ wa» fettsei^ to pteViJnt "drifting t.theCijwHpItouJdnottheatiioiij • â- A.1^oUA;h.,qppofedr to the appoiifttment of these icalmilprs. he.was Mi^iUiag to accept tt^ir report" ' and i|wa9 atnpgl.iUiitt the verjr men;w^ sn^ftdfte^ of th67ufaatd^:ja^i^w^.i^.6r«j^ tbe^ re^ P**^*^M" i â- :.^" v- •-â- '" ' in-.,y. 1'vt M^fGL^IteiiCgill, Jkwestt» Bcmw iuSd J3nd- ning^ IP9ka in i»inoK infrataBdinK by4;iie i%-- poirt of the y»6i«tDi^ Jand thduf^t ' IthCrC shpnld not^^ mqchidifiBEettee In ^p^seitaS between towns and townabipa. ' .MsssrsirClorki McKichoI, Middtet^^ hnd Cameron, again spoke af^aimtt this r^pt^ the tw8 lattfer.^ving'idBfuiiCes iif bLyider^ {p it. ^he adatioa to stand by the i^N'ot %t Talnatora^ )|ut nudce personal in townshipii odd towns a'^Mtfonn htte of 10 j^r cent! m realeatatewaatheiiaarii^"SdtoiV, land tbaeoBaillte^nMe «bd}oancit Mflof along pubEc highways â€" lost, Mr: Middteton'nto^ that ainemorlal be^ prepared' and entpibbd to Dr. $proule M. P- asklAf^ the'Ddmni^ dovermnent to ' refund the^iftount the municipalities have ^ven to ijaawbys in the ebuii^, ail'%ey !fa^ve heen 'â- assiained by the' DcNininion, whieh 'iuts carried by aodamaliau amidst laugb^rl 'Ifekseotittnl^efiulkedW Tuesday. De^. M.WTpfto. • II. â- • SfSDitnTrmaiAnK iMntotfOB«r)bV'UUiiUpdC^-]^w S^, tote«y\KlMMc4i^vU^tV w£| reni ii,: {^d tion. â- â- ' J -â- '--•' â- . "'â- ' "^^ ^^â- Mr. Frost moved, aeconded by 'Mi^ that repâ€" tiO^f ihiswB ^ofatt^ite^ bo ad( JMed in- Jinwdhiimfe lyt'lfe TdttA; sec«pdedibzJ(r.iMsNaaKM. mmtbkt fO^ eap» gdJBi U BggM»db«ljprti«fctjf in^.*r |!intw«kifaii«tBiflk aff. â- o '-^ " ' i^QMBtoeauU»MtIlJlMdiM!ii1^ pell»Pdi9M**^*«4^M noFuirw M 'Ji baa Owm tt tt mi llmhtd aaA iqrlirMcHi^lol, tlMt the sfwut be I siif wd htA to alter ft» baair of €«ttUh»- tioB fai tks TibMlMm* n|«rt, u f^llowv ;â€" 'â- -^â- ^ W r FavaIi BeiLBB BxPLosioiT. â€" The hoiler ia-Bogers' saw-mil, three miles ,;ea6t of Tara, explpdedat,eieveuit'elock thfs fortjBpoii. ijr^y 4th. The building was eutirei^ deaiolisbed« not a stick 'cir board being left s|,anding. The erhgineerja youQ^ miip uau^tid Wm. yjV'jit^" was klQed, aiKl 1|. iieunetu J '^aiqd^HiOllMiiWorkaianseriiUHlyiajnrBd '^h3 cause of the explosion is unknown.. [The voting man AV^ailk^r Wa s a *ti anger lieif^i^j"^,»hd the ,wherfitouW of iji^ • ...friend is uotkuowa, bathe is beli«ve I tb have beloiigpd'Beai: ToWHt« .- ' ' )gitjoii^,Pilk tbp lav(9iat«i^ pnrga ira 4nd a^^ilipii4 ue^iini^^i (Inyo aaK:in.it u and. -,.-,.,. ,-u.^h«3afc WJ.^ {!â- -/ii):/:-.'.^ a SS- â- oleb eowi, n» UwtofoodaMria WBBOVN. ll«MrierMj»8*d4». |W»iB. OaAdr •?i'ii q ana l-©^tl*s\I MaeuUy ealrai' "'rl I J h.-: 1 iti i^ lij »l ifj i'-r 1 1 â- f 11