Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 22 May 1884, p. 8

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 :E^o'tot- S. lESa-e, 1^^ SYDENHAM STHEBT, W M. HO G G, FLESHERTON STATIOiy, llespectfuUy auuouuces that be has reeeivL-d a larye supply of I X Dry Goods, Winter Clothing, Boots and Shoes, c o -As these Goods were bouf,'ht to the best advautage they will be sold very low in Di'ice, and will be found well worthy of au inspection by the general public, also on hand a full stock of Fresh Groceries, Provisions, Crockery, c., all of which will be sold cheap for cash or farm produce. I offer for sale or to lei my water power ?aw Mill at Little Falls with about 400 acresof timber land. A good man liberally dealt with on either purchasing or leasing the place. AV:vx. HOGJ^O, Flesliei'ton StatioTX. Nov. 1st. 1883. Good Work Guaranteed -AT- FLESHERTON. OSlH 3."t C3n.C© a-nd see samples of work which we are(i not ashamed to show. All kinds ol Framing done cheap at WHO IS UNACQUAINTED WITH THb MEOCRAPHY OF THIS COUNTRY, WILL SEE BY EXAMINING THIS MAP, THAT THE ii GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE, » As it Is familiarly called, offers to travelers alt the advantages and comforts Incident to a smooth track, safe bridges, Union Depots at all connecting points* Fast Express Trains, composed of COMMODIOUS, WELL VENTILATED, W^U MEATED, FINELY UPHOLSTERED and ELEGANT DAY COACHES; a line Of the MOST MAGNIFICENT HORTON RECLINING CHAIR CARS ever built; PULLMAN'S .atest designed and handsomest PALACE SLEEPING CARS, and DINING CARS that are acknowledged by press and people to be the FINEST RUN UPON ANY ROAD IN THE COUNTRY, and in which superior meals are served to travelers at the low rate of SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS EACH. THREE TRAINS each way between CHICAGO and th« MISSOURI RIVER. TWO TRAINS each way between CHIOACO and MINNEAPOLIS and ST. PAUL, •la the famous ALBERT LEA ROUTE. A New and Direct Line, via Seneca and Kankakee, has recently been opened, between Newport News, Richmond, Cincinnati, Indianapolis anu- La Fayette, and Council CtufFs, St. Paul, Mlnn«apolls and irrtermedlatp points. AU Through Passerilsers carried on Fast Express Trains. For more detailed information, see Maps and Folders, which may be obtained, as wail as Tickets, at all prtrtoipal Ticket Offices in the United States and Canada, or of H. R. CABLE, Vioe-Pres't 4 Oen'l Manacer, CHICAGO. E. ST. JOHN y -«wiMT'k't* 'rAsfto Feaver colic, unnatural appetite, fretfnlnesB weakness, and conv.ilsions, are some ol the effects of worms in Children destroy the worms with Dr. Low's Worm Syrup. The Hectic Fhisli, pale hallow cheeks and precarious apetite, indicate V.'orms. Free- man's Worm Towclers will (luickiy rtnd effect- ually remove them. '^Whv! What's the matter?" Lalyâ€" (Vv'ith fp.ce cuvploped in roll of hut cLuhs)â€" "Oh I'm crazy with that Nouralj^'ia that continually troubfes me." â€""\\ ell, how foolish Whv don't you 'o to Hill Bro's. • and j^-et bottle of Fluid Lif;iitiiing It cured I me in less than one minute. I always keep a bottle m the house. It only costs '.io cents. A.. " -M. 2 I School HorsK Burnt.â€" The new ' school house on lot 24, con. 0, Mu ' iir«l Xli mur, was burnt witli all its contents 1 YnE KEY TO IICALIIIa on Snndiiy, Anril 27th. Loss §1400 msured for $900. It is the intenfon of the trustees to erect another pchooi at once. Cause of fire uukno".vu. â€" Shelburue Free Pirsx. NOT[CE. FIRST-CLASS FAMILY FLOUR, In small lots ^5 per barrel; TWO BARRELS AND OVER, S4-75 pel" barrel. Bran and Mill Feed for Union Carriage Works Chicago, Rock Island Pacific R'y, Ttelng the Great Central Line, affords to travelers, by reason of Its unrivaled geo^ graphical position, the shortest and best route between the East, Kortheast artd: Southeast, and the West, Northwest and Southwest. It Is literally ^nd strictly true, that its connections are allot the pr{nel#al^Hnef».i of road between the Atlantro and the Pacific. By its main line and branches It reaches Chicago, Jollet, Peortar Ottawa^ La S^ille, Ceneseo, Mollne and Rock Island, In Illinois; Davenport, Mascatlne» Washington, Keokuk, Knoxville, Oskaloosa, Fairfield, Den Moines, West Liberty, Iowa City, Atlantic, Avoca, Audubon, Harlan, Guthrie Center and Councit BtuffSr In Iowa Gallatin, Trenton, Cameron and Kansas City, In Missouri, and Leaven- worth and Atchison in Kansas, and the hundredi of cities, villages and towr(» intermediate. The FLUID LIGHTNING. Thai c are but few that have never suffered almost intolei-able pain from Toothache, Neuralpia, or klie acute ]iains. To them such an instant relief in Fluid Lightning is an untold blessing in time of trouble. No disgusting olieusivr? medicines to be taken for days. On application of Fluid Lightning cures. Sold at Hill Bro's. A. tfe M. 1 THE EFFECTS OF WHISKEY. The effects of whiskey are always evil, and these who feed upon alcoholic stimulants, vainly endeavoring to cure coughs and con- sumption, but nurse a viper. Harvard's Pectoral Balsam is a remedy that is always reliable for all throat bronchial and lung troubles, and never does harm to any one, I would'nt be without the STANDARD iio how: the people. CURE FOE DEAFNESS. As numerous testimonials will show, there is no more reliable cure for deafness than Hagyard's Yellow Oil. It is also the best remedy for ear ache, sore throat, crv)up, rheumatism, and for pains and lameness generally. Use externally and internally. FRAUDULENT TRANSACTIONS. There are many frauds perpetrated in medicine, and many ad\^rtised remedies worse than useless. Not so with Hagyard's Yellow Oil. It remains as eyer the best internalgand external medicine for all pain, soreness andinjuries with which human fiesh is afdicted. Sabscribe for the Standard, only $1.00 a year in adyance to any address. National Pills are sugar coated, mild but tlioroH{:h, and are the best Stomach and Livei Pill in use. A WIDE RAi;OE OF USEFULNESS. The groat hotsehold rGmely so popular with t)u' i)eopleâ€" Hiigyard's Yellow Oil â€" is alike valuable for external and internal use, curing rheumatism, colds, sore throat, croup, frost bites, burrs, bruises, and all lameness and soreness of the flesh. Letter Heads neatly prin- ted and put up in pads at this office. SPRING CLEANING.- Every good housewife will renovate the entire house at least ever}- Spring and Fall. Our systems often need renovating also, and there is nothing better to make pure blood and cleanse and regulate all the se- cretions than Burdock Blood Bittars, pre- venting diseases incidental to the season's changes. A RELIABLE WITNESS. R. N. Wheeler, of Everton, speaks highly of Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam, baying seen its effects in his own case, a severe inflam- mation of the lungs and distressing cough, was quickly and perfectly cured, which has resisted other treatment. Body Found. â€" On Tuesday morning last a boy about twelve, named Fred. Clark, found the body of a newly born infant in a ploughed field on Lot 9 in the 3rd con. of Sydenham. The field has been ploughed about three weeks ago, and seeded, with the exception of a corner reserved for potatoes, and OB Monday evening that portion I was harrowed preparatory to ploughing again On goipg out to the field next day the body. of Ihe child was found, It was naked, and.had-«vidently been buf iedtsntee.'^ltietret!^ jjJtsMigiiinf "'"U«|' ' dragged to light by the harrow. As yet there is no clue to who placed it there. An inquest was held by Co- roner Cameron on Wednesday, whfiD, the evidence of Dr. Denhart, who made the post mortein examination, was to the effect that the child had been bom alive. The jury adjourned for two weeks in the hope that some iD'formation may be elicited in the meantime.â€" (9. S. Times. A PAINFUL OCCURRENCE. Some of the most painiul sufferings that afllict mortals occur from rheumatism. Either the acute or chronio form may be eradicated from the bloon by an early use of the grand pmifying system renovator Burdock Blood Bitters. A BAD INFIEMITT. The loss of the sense of heariqg is both annoying and dangerous.- Those Buffering from deafness should try Haforard's Yeliow Oa according to direotionB. This invaluahie house hold remedy- cured John Ckrk, oj Millbridge. Ontario, restoriag hia heada m one week. •wwMvti Unlocks all the clogfjed avenues of the Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carrying off gradually without weakening the system, all the impurities and foul humors of the secretions at the same time Correcting Acidity of the Stomach, curing Bili- ousness, Dyspepsia, Headaches, Diz- ziness, HeartDum, Constipation, Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy, Dim- ness of Vision, Jaundice, SaltBhenm, Erysipelas, Scrofula, Fluttering of the Heart, Nervousness and General Debility all these and many other simi- lar Complaints yield to the happy influence •f BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. Sample Bottles 10c Regular size $L For sale by all dealers. S^niiBVKIV A CO., Preprleten, Tor«Ht* MUTUAL AID ASSOCIATION. HEAD OP FICE TORONTO, ONTARIO. V Union Carriage lurks. Ail v,-urk niaDiif'actnrcil !V;,in mi Oliss In tlic J. atest ai d Best iiiiinuvetl Style, inid fir.ihliiMl witii Painting Trsmsumg Bigs will receive prompt atlcmion. All liepairs executed iu the ^liortest IXTssible time coiisibtent "with good woi-kmaii.sliip. Good Work a Spciality. Remember the Simp, oi)p()site the Chcapside D. J. SHANAHAN, Proprietor Markdale. Bee. 2ud. 1881. CI. ROOKE'S BAKERY, INCORPORATED AUGUST 24. 1880. Under Charter Act 167 of the Eevised Statutes of Ontario, entitled an Act to Incorpor- ate Benevolent, Provident and other Societies. BONDS TO THE AMOUNT OF $60,000 Filed with the Hon. S. C. Wood, (Ex-Pro- vincial Treasurer of Ontario), as Trustee for the Association. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: William Rensie, Esq., Toronto, President. A. GiFFOKD, Ef-q., JVIeaford, Ont., Vice-Pres. W. Pemberton Page, Esq. .Toronto, Secretary E. H. HiLBouN, Esq Uxbridge, Treasurer. K. H. Robertson, M. D., Toronto, Medical Director. Geo. H. W.'Tson, L.I.B., Toronto, Solicitor. S. W. Hill. E8(i., Ridgeville, Membershii) Superintendent. J. P. Bull, Downsvicw. C. H. McIntosh, M. p., Ottawa. Lewis Wiole, M. P. P., Leamington. Thos. Meszies, Peterboro. Peter Graham, M. P. P., Warwick, I3FtE^lLr Uie 6taff of life and l-^A.JjiTK.Y' that, ^lU please your wife, always on baud, to supply the demand. So when your stock is low Step in and let us know, x\nd we'll your wants supply, Or you'll know the reason why. E. ROOKE, Markdale. NEW GOODS, CHOICE GOODS, CHEAP GOODS! -AT- EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: WM. RENNIE, W. p. PA.GE, J. P. BULL. J. E. LAUDERQO'S GROCERY* LIQUOR STORE, MARKDALE. all Communications to the Secretaru: W. PCITIBER PAGE, j 87 King Street West, Toronto. THOS. MANN, Agent, Markdale. IS* Aleo agent for Dominion Grange Mutual Fire Insurance Association. rS- MAKE A NOTE OF IT. Tie Oiiario i Ijnsbe, (CREDIT VALLEY DIVISION-) â€"ANDâ€" MICHIGAN CENTRAL Now run a through line tf Palace Sleeping Cars BETWEEN TORONTO UD CHICAOO, In both directions, leaving Toronto daily (Sundays excepted) â€" u^T ls30 P. M.,â€" and Chicago daily (Saturdays excepted) The only line between the two Cities proper. ACCOMMODATION UNSURPASSED. DinriNO CARS ON TRAINS. WM. WHYTE, D. McNICOLL, Gen'l Supt. Gen. Pass. A^t. 1 "r^RESH arrivals of Tea, Coffee, Susir. H Tobacco. Pickled and Cauneii Fruit. HACYARDS PECTORAL BALSAM. H» n?«I»»l for the p«inan«it cure of Oranges, Lemons, Candies, Biscuits, Fifli, Sap Bnckets, Wash-Tubs and Wasli-Board Flour alvays in stock. Crockery and Glat^t- ware selling very cheap. A Fnll stock of liquors fresh and pure. Your patronage respectfully solicited. Remember the place, OTcIntyi'c's Old Stand, next door to the MEDICAL HALL- J. E. LAUDER, CO Proprietors â-  Franco Chinese Wai. Nothwitbetanding the desolating war now raging in China it will not increase the price of Teas at the IM louse, UarU flaying imported prior to tie open- ing of hostilities, a sufficient quantity to supply 20,000 MEN for a period of 12 months. In other departments of the Grocery tiade the BELFAST HOUSE has, KILLED BY THOU- SAND those who assume to transact business by purchasing of small deal- ers exorbitant rates of interest on long^ credit. Our imports of PRESERVED MEATS, SALMON, LOBSTERS, SARDINES. HAMS, BAGON,ASSORTED PICKELS and every articles in the grocery trade LIQUORS Of the best brands and quality. Win for Sacramental purposes warrauteil pure. Brandies direct from the man- ufacturer and all other kinds of liquors. Coffees, Teas and Tobaccoes cannot fail to give satisfaction. Orauges- LemoDB, c. Family Flcur supplied at Lowest Bates. THOS. IcIVEA, BELFAST HOUSE, MARKDALE Feb. 6th, 1884. L. 4.--N0 KdaleSta [evesy Thursday, at tlie btreet, Markdale. fcsâ€" H per ye"" i» advance i within three months. y,ual and business can nd uuder, per year, ^4 fllumn ^iuimn r column space Dcb space 10 4 .5 1 TK. J .$.50 'JO §27 27 00 I.' 1=; 00 7 iK) ^_,^ .10 00 1 advertisements 8 cent.- 1; i,u, 3 cents per lire each bn! nonvareil measure, lorial notices, or notices J cents per line first insert tbsequents insertion, f animals Ac. advertised ' advertisement not t cx Ugper discontinued until Id except at the aptiou of th -JOrPRlNTINC 1 Standard office has a spk bf poster as well as finn jdb Iteution to orders by nia Irith dispatch. VV. R^IT^'IvK IeDITOB and PEOPIUE' NEWSPAFEP. LAW. jiy person who takes new? Jrom the post offioc, whiit!) Iname or another's. 'Jt wljet tibed or not â€" is repantibl. a person orders hi^ paj^ei jmnst pay all arrearages, o [may contmue to enJ it un fle, and then collect the is-hi ker the paper is taken oat ol Subscribers refuse or nc-sli tlicals or newspapers from ti itheyare directed, they u Dble until they have i-ettk-d be Courts have decided th ke newspapers and periodica office, cr removing and Ic; led for, is prima facie cvidt bnal fraud. fegaU Frost Fro*.!, REiSTERS, AXD ATTO I Law, Solicitors in Giiiinct ps, itc, Owen Sound, have ^erton. Office open uvery T ofore. edFeost, J.W.Fi County Crown Attoruf-y. J. MASSO:^, ElEISTER, ilASTEll AND [in Chancerj-, Notary Public i KUMBBE OP EAKMS FOP. ricEs â€" Owen Sound, in Vi lett St.; Branch office in ifa lorland's Store, on Friday a week. CreasoJT' M'^rrisK IAP.E1F_ -xws,S0LICIT0U!: Inftes, c. (fee. Es in Owen Sound, Puf f n, P^Wolf's Store ana in ,-, MARKDALE: J*. J. McFarland's Store o |rrid*y of each week. "Funds to lend on reason ah "Cbbasob, Q.Q, Drsi "ttkdale.Mar^h 15.1882. Alexander Bron BUEE of Marriage License "6 InsurAnce Agent. C • fi. c. Conveyancer a loneer for ihe County of Gn J^ts, and Land Sales, P fj«to and charges made ve: •"WTiUa, Sept. 17,1880. Wm. Broviii, SplR OP MAERL».GE LP 'OnuBiBsiotier in B. R. c. ^yanchig in aU its branc: "nrod to and eftrefnll,.v execut 'â-  " â€" Money to Lend on Ret *VERE HO flARKDAI.E PROPRIETOR. .^, popular Hotel has ch lfli«^\, ® '^â- ^ ^n cater HS; ^«x^ vtabling f. The best brands c â-  good meals and comfo J^^aercial room. [Hatsworth I {late MORROW JHocs: ?^CK4McLE0D Pbopj tin^J*'*^ of liquors t!*«*t Good meals an ChMd uUi,

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