i 5 i 'Xo. 185 rw -P«?iiijjFx _m-iuTM^u:i»K MAEKDALE, ONT., MARCH 27, 1884. f Copies of tb7. Standard I FiVB CENTS EACH. itUiiiciiU 1^' :lt U:,' ':^1 V. ..[..1 'â- fiCiO m I ' i-y tii« HP p. -â- â- ; U !,â- -â- ; li' Is n ' inc-,1 :.. ' M' '"â- ir 1. ' 'â- ' ^-' r â- " I ' Oi; 1 1 1 i .; ,i â- i M " I ' ili ;M I. I,; I 7 1M lp,i -^ ,-1 iiS ;i I I" ;!r' t â- : ' 1 I ii'itu'es '.! ,.â- !â- li (â- â- '1. I'T '1,1' :." iJiiril'.uii o i/oMs ;.- ';nui 1!'L to L\Cct'd vV' Ivt; 'â- . ,;: ii;' ;i" i-ili of the |iul'll^llij!' THOS. CARTER, M.O, x^iiyacidii SnrgeoB, k. Ko.r.cnco MARKOALE HOUSE- Mai:!;iiai,e. -JOB PRINTiNG-- ,;;,â- â- â- â- â- ,l~ NV, li ;i tint' joil tVfiL' :-jii' ,; lit:. ;: to oIihH'.- oy JUiiii. OrJi^i'.^ L. 'â- :: AN: i'i,i!i'i;iKTOi;. .v.'iich \vi ;hfrijh '11 w',1 I riki si i\ n;;v;iaiior rosu- |i'i-; I iVicc, wlioliiir oiroctiil â- ;â- :.'.,'tlirr' or v.'hs'liifl' lie uas I,-' â- - !â- • " â- u.-io'iL' I'ur till o:iy- â- : 'rhi' iiis pai'i ;â- dispoutii;- ,.' [[. :â- â- â- â- ; I !• a^i'-, o" tiif iiuli .."..â- lo ;• T'lui k U'llii 0:' lU.'i.t .. r. li, !•; ill.' \% il'.l.' H!lloUll" .;â- â- lakiii ijii: of [liJ ot'tiCti ' â- ;â- )â- â- 'â- :-â- ov ii( k1"' 'â- "Cn- ;i'" |i O'.f- !Vt);ii thw o!;; â- â- â- to â- li â- r'co. ;iicy ;i'i' inlii i c- ;: 1 y iiavo -i-ai'-J tln-'r lails. :â- , hasr iLci.ird that rofii^in'.: â- â- )'â- ':â- â- ui 'i ]H'iio:|i(Mi-. fi(j;;i t^ic 1 D.iviiii; :;::' i.avaii: llii";i :- 1 iiniA i'ALti: cviilt'iiL-v of iu- i^Oit!. !1 t â- ;sNl bi. AX] ATT(::xr;^;-AT â- ; !;; iiaiici â- v. » ouvrv â- 'â- â- ii'.Mii. have ro^r.iinMl at â- •o._n (-\La y Tl.r.r. d." •'.•' .T. W. 'l.r,'-,T,LT,. "â- . Att'o-.y. 1 B. G!i3-;t. M.D., M.^.C P. S., O. I'liysiciaii aaiil Siux'enn, Prieu\iile, uradaate of Uuivc-i'siiy. Vict. ColUne. Ni".v Yorl;, ami IIoii. uraduatc, of tl e saiiu.' ••^.vli'tli iic-llf-nl IiiPtitiiie. Oiuhaliiiic Uosiuliil, N.Y. MenilierCoU. I'iivsiciansA- Suiireor s,0. JO-i J. P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. " llADUATE iW TORONTO SCFIOOL \jr of Dciiti.stry, will be at ItutlrdKe's Hotel, Mai-kdak' on the 1st and tliird Wed nesdav of each month and also at Munshaw's Hotel. Idcsl;. I'ton, the day fqllowinp the thii-d Vw"-duesday in each mouth for the prac tieo of his Jirofossioii. January J:li, IS.s.T. 122-47. w )k of .1 all and and Ivec- clies rim- llars 3k is eap lOct I AI; itty, ard- l at gars rars chants lerton, stafl .;.ik. â- â- ;:^â- Tssn-; i La,. â- - ii. " ' ri:i; ax]1)EI' k;: â- .•,..i :iy Tkddic, Coir.i y; lu :â- :â- iâ- â- .-:^:s rot: sale. ;â- â- '•'::']. in "it•k' 1 i koci â- ! ok!ir, :;i Mai ii ialr. cwv i,:\ i-'ii lay and S,-nu la^-- -.s(iLUTT()i;S. (.(iXVEV- o Soiiiid. Diirieriii iUock, ' k' r^toi'r and ill â- 'lARKDALE "' â- .â- .:!â- ; i' Store oil Tiu;r?di;y .â- I. wr. 1;. 1 :. 1 .â- •â- ii'asonahlc tt^rnis. â- y Cj, L'fNCAN MoRI.v.N y â- â- io, ls^^;. 7D-Iv "" aaEf'ioi" SJcown. .!,!)i;a^i- t.:i:i.:ises, Fire and 11: i.'-e Ayeiit. (Joiumissionei â- ' aiV" aiu'ei and Jacensod ' til' I oiititv oi ;ir(\v. Farmers, i k.iui] .Sales, i'linctutiliy at- â- 'i ii'L'^s I'la lu »" rv moderate. :. 17. ls-^11. " 1-y "t r.t. ESrowis, 'â- â- - •â- ' â- .i:I:;a:.i. ],I(.;!-:ns;:;-;,a:c â- â- : 111 .. .^'c. 'I ' 'I 11- rancij.. i j.-oiuptlj â- ' " â- .ii! '-ein o, •' k I, i ;i .• ,1.1 i-'.»tiite se *^EVE^E MOTELj Joii: "1 MitiOMA:. Tik,:;ki;iK!Oi;. ^-k'l'iikr (ii,!,! ;,;i,s eliam^ed hands â- f t' o' "•"' " '""â- "â- "' '"iter to the wants 'o^m" "â- "'â- 'â- 'â- " ' 'i'll'ii-'io' -D(l attentive ",4ip" 'â- â- 'â- '"' hniiils of lienor and '"' 'iB""l in, :,!., and eoijifortable rooms, .ar^e Con "!erc; J room. IHO-lv. ^hatsworth iiouse "' "â- y.( .OW .HOUSE,) ^HatsswortH, Ont. Tl'CK i McLEOD Proprietors. Way, in s®"'""'"' of liquors and Rigars al- riyjjjg ""' (-'oo-i meals and comfortable £«ativ££j^"""' ".^ood stabling and at- ELL lUGGEIl AND DllILLER. ALL orders piomptly attended to. Kesi- deiiec â€" Sniderks Hill Owen iSouud 122-35 w W. G. RICHARDS, TlH,l)r:i;, CONTKACTOR, t ARCHI- ' y :i' T. â€" lUbidLiuer' ou .dill Street, iMark- dalt Markdale, J.an, 21th, 1.S83. 1311T UiaiJuHi .TfLood, BOOT AXI) SMOi:MAKER, MARKDALE- Orlers p;-imptly attended to. Sewed Work a .^iH eialty. All our work Kiiaraiiteod. Tet Ills .strictly a-^. liemember the staud. Opposite Revere Lotel. ir/J-3m ovKi: m-\cfak'o.\nd's stoke. A PERFKCT FIT GUARANTEED. ARKDALE HARNESS EMPORIUM ESTABUSHEO 19 YEARS. TiOSJMTTHEWSjProps'lefor Nothing but good stock used aud the Lest mechanics employed. A stock of Double and Single, Heavy aud Light Harness always on Land. Also Whips, Trunks, Valises, Blankets, liobes, Ac, ahvays iu stock. HAMILTON'S Photograph gallerY OVEE THE STA^'VAnD OFFICE. Fine work executed in all the latest sizes aud shapes, fully equal to city work. Special attention given to :f^ IK ^A^ :iv£ ij:t 3- A large stock of mouldiog to choose from. Call and leave your measure for a picture. .Tas;. Hamilton. COMIVIERCIAL HOTEL PBICEVHjIjE, Ont. Large and commodious Sample Rooms Good Red Rooms, Ate. Tne Bar and larde vveU supplied with the best the market af fords • good StabUng and attentive Hostler's THOS. ATKINSON. Proprietor MARKDALE HODSE, MAEKDALE, ONT. MBS. RUTLEDGE, PROPfilEIDR. ff The under.s'^rned is inannfactnriiig an ex- cellent assortment of Consist in.L' of SO OOL SEATS and DESKS, TilACHERs' DESKS, etc.. of tne latest desij;!! and most a)ipioved pattern. iHif;lily r.ici.inimenned bv School Trustees aud Teach- ers, foi- cheapness, comfnit and fompaetncss, wiieicver tried. An assortment of Farm and School Dells i;ept idwavs on hand. Send lor eatalotiie to Chatsworth P. 0. l«l- AX DREW McGILL. JOSEPH GIBSON CONTRACTOR. 'Cicmtr.acts taken for all kinds ot STOIJE W RK, I'lain Ornamental PlasteriiiK. CalsdviiKirKj ill all Shades and Colon. Charges moderate and satir.faction guar- antee" Orders left at ahe Standaud oiBce will receive prompt attention. Markdale. Feb. 6th. 1883. 12G-ly. EUGENIA Grist, Saw andlath Mills Having mad(.' extensive improvements in my Gnst Mill I feel confldeut I can give good satisfaction GOOD FLOUR ALvVAYS ON HAND Chopping Done Every Day. Custom Sawing aud Bills Filled on the bhoitf: t notice. LUMBEIi AND LATH ALWAYS ON HAND. Chcr-ry, Eui-ornut, ^^'hite Ash, Black Asli Basswood, I'me .uid Hemlock Luga wanted G91y. M. AKITT, Eugenia. MARKDALE, iManufactiirer of all Kind- of Drop Valve, Cylinder, Force, and Cistern Pumps, All kinds of IRON PUMPS scrrLiEP. FIRST CLASS lor sale at J. W. FORD'S FLOUR MILL. $5 per Barrel. WILL CURE OR REUEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DROPSY, FLUTTERINQ Of THE HEARTt] ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH, DRYNESS OF THE 8KIH, DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, JAUNDICE. ERYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUM, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, And every «peele« of J»««^«H«ln§,fr|0«» ditordered LIVER, KJONEVa TAAOH, BOWELS OR BLOOO, Stubborn Facts. BY JACOB FAITHFUL. The conspiracy is the great and all absorbing question of the hour. It's a huge scandal at boat, but the end is not yet. Party before couiitry, and self before party seems the order of the day. It's a strange thing that the law- abiding and christianable people oi Markdale have to submit to so much annoyance, caused by the unnecessary and illegal extent to which the liquor traffic Las been 'ind is likely to be ex- tended. One or two hotels is perhaps necessai-y m a place of this size for the accommodation of the uublic while more than that number only becomes an evil in itie place. Preparations are being made for the opening ot a fourth which should not be tolerated. 1 wonder what the Inspector is doing. Intoxicating liquor is being illegally dealt out week after week aud Sabbatb after Sabbath (not at the hotels I hope) aud he (the Inspector) is, I believe, aware of it. Public servants should discharge their duty more faithfully. You, Mr. Editor, have been silent on the incorporation question for some time. I can see no valid reason why this progressive movement is not pro- ceeded with at once. The village hu- ances are beiag drained year after year without a just return. These funds might be profitably expended in another class of draining for one year at least, which is much needed, especi- ally about this eeasoii of the year. If incorporation would have the effect of enforcing law and order, aud thereby elevating the moral tone of tlie town, it is surely a desirable aud worthy at- tainment to which every respectable citizen would favor and appreciate. More Axon. Artemesia Council. EAST GREÂ¥ ELECTIOIV. FULL RETURNS "F THE VOTI.N G. The following nro the compl turns from East Grey election McColeinnn. Artemesia 27'i ete re Main: IKC Colliugwood 8:2 Euphrasia 220 Osprev 282 ISl P)9 71 Proton 218 Holland 211 i)7 1.487 005 905 Artemesia Council met in the Ton^n Hall, Flesherton, on Monday, March 3rd, 1884. Present â€" Messrs. Pedlar, Elliott. McArthur and Pleakley. Mr. Pedlar in the Chair. Minutes of last meeting read and approved of. A communication from 1\. McL. Purdy re Eugenia road divisions was present- ed and read. The following accounts were presented and ordered to bo paid :• â€" P.,. J. Snroule, postage, $2, GO Hart Co, 'Municipal Act," §9.25 W J. Bellamy, division register fees fur registration, SIO.GO, the committee appointed to examine the Treasurer's bonds repcrted that they considered the sureties good. The comiuittee on the Eugenia bridge reported that it W'as absolutely necessary to have the briJge repaired at once, aud that they have let the contract for $28.50. By-Law No. 359, appointing munici- pal officers for 1884, was introduced and read twice and to receive its final reading at next sepsion. Moved by Mr Bleakley.s sconded by Mr. Elliott, that John McArthur be paid $13. 30, his expenses while attending meeting at Gorrie re the land Improvement Fund, which should be distributed amongst certain Muni- cipalities, Artemesia being largely interested. â€" Carried. Moyed bv Mr. ilcArthur, seconded by Mr. Bkakley, that A. Elliott be paid $3 tor services on committee re Eugenia bridge. â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. McArthur seconded by Mr.Bleakley thatPiobt. McGownbc refunded $24. dO, being taxes charged in excess on account of error in as- sessment. â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. Elliott, seconded by Mr. Blenkely. that John McArthur be and is hereby appointed to meet delegation at Toronto on the Ithiust., re Aiteracsia's claim in the land improvement fund. â€" Carried. Council adjourned. W. J. Bell.j^my, Tp. Clerk. Swai'Riin^, anl How It. to "Tlan- MajorityforMcColeman 582 The late Mr. Lauder's majority in 1879 over botli his Con seiwa live op- ponents was 2G5. lu the last election in 1883 his majority over Mr. Myles was 1G7, the latter on that occasion polling 1,381 votes. Canadian Emigrants Injured BY AN ACCmENT ON THE MILWAUKEE AND ST. PAUL RAILWAY. Minneapolis, Minn., Mp.rch 23. â€" TLe emigrant party on the train which was reported wrecked last night were for Winnipeg, and came through from Durham, Out, Seventeen were injur- ed, a lied Wing correspondent tele- gi-aplis that two at least of that number were fatally hurt. Among the injured reported are Alexander Payne, his wife, two daughters, Nina and Matilda, and two sons, Georg-e and John. All are seriously cut and hruifcd. The father had Lis arms broken. W^illiam Piuddy, his wife and inut, Maggie, were all wounded in lie liead, the cLilJ Laving its skull crashed. The Heir to FourMillions. TopEKA, Kansas, MarcL 24. â€" H. J. Blythe, attorney, of this city, when an orphan at Bedford, Weatchester county, New Y'ork, was given to Elder Green, of the Presbyterian church. A yt ar ago Blythe saw a paragraph announcing the dear,h of his uncle in ban Francisco. Mo was worth four raillions, aid left no wiil or known heirs. Blythe feas just proved his soJ^JbeirsLip if* ihe estate. Ill the wrifer's afiary two largo tin pails hlled with water are always kept mar tiio shop door, with a founlain pump haiig'iig over them; and if a swai in sluAvs any disposition to leave, or is slow in clustering -when other swarms arc expected, it receives such a sprinkling that it soon '-hangs itself up to dry." Willi such a pump aud piei ty of water it is next to iiupostiblo lor a swarm to ab.scond. The imple- ment is also useful to prevent uniting or- clustering of sv/arms issuing at the same time. Near the tin pails stand two splint clothes baskets, lined with cotton cloth, aud each basket is furn- ished with a burlap cover stitched to one side of it. As: soon as a swarm has clustered it is shaken into one oi these baskets, the cover flopped over, and if another swarm or something else demands immediate attention the basket and its contents can be set one side, to be disposed of at leisure. After seeing the ease with which bees can be managed when allowed to swarm naturally, the energy witli which ihey work, and the excellent re- sults obtained, the writer is decidedly opposed to artificial swarming â€" and also to queens with clipped w.ugs. In the iirst place, when the bees swarm, the queen lias to be found and caged. The bees roam around a long tune, and sometimes finally cluster. If an- other swarm comes out they are cer- tain to unite with it. ^\'hen the bees do return they often go pilino into the wrong hiye. perhaps hives and if they do catch on to the jiidjiei- oi.e, instead of going in they cfteu cluster all oyer its outside. B^'metimes, all( r the queen has been allowed to run in she comes out again then of courso the bees will follow her. In my ex- ]jerience a swarm libviugan uuehjijied quten can be hived aud be at woik in that "wh-joping," "zipping," goaliead f.tyle, in just about the fame lime liiat it takes a swarm with a clip)ed queei to make up its mind, Bu.ienly and doggedly, to go back Lome. â€" W. Z. ' Hutchinson, in Jmrricsi'H Aij/icuitunv* for April, iM