The Standard. MARKDALE FEB. 21, 1884. NOTICE. Subscribers ""or the Spandabd who ^ave in the past called at this office •for their paper, to'^ether with those hn the village whobe papers haye here- tofore been delivered, are hereby noti- fied that after this week (2lBt Feb.) all such papers will be delivered in the post office. This will doubtless be more satisfactory both to publisher and subscribers, as the latter have to -call at the P. 0. for other mail mat- ter and can therefore kill the two 't)irds with one stone. and moral objections against the phrenolo- gical theory axe utterly futile, I have from the first been fully ecnyinced" says the learn- ed and pious Richard Whately D. D., Arch- bishop of Dublin. We hope soon to find at least those who assume to become teachers of the people in sacred things, cease to oring such futile ob- jections figainst scientific truth, for in so do- ing they woi;k only against the great cause they advocate, that of religious and moral elevation;- they furnish arguments to the skeptically inclined and certainly a persis- tence in this course would justify the lan- guage of the French cayiUist, when he spoke of certain men as "ignorant" teachers of this weak world. Bkindallc.. The Franchise Question. MEENTAL. SCIENCE. We had thought that intelligent people had vceased to object to phrenology on the ground that it teaches that the emotions and affec- "iious are manifested through the instrumen- itaiity of the brain, and do not originate in the heart. Yet we find this old objection still revived occasionally, and sometimes it jjomes from a eoui-ce that we had thought to ihe better informed. This objection is so weak and futile that a majority of wi'tei-s on phrenology and physiology do not think it worth their notice, for they know very well that reaUy educated men never commit themselves to such an absurdity as to oppose pkrenology for any such reason. We have cbefore us arathervoluminusdefenceof phren- ology published in Leipsig Germany, by a talented and learned author. Dr. Gustavus Scheve, in which we find that he does not -once mention this point; another from that elegant and classical writer, George Combe, â- we have carefully examined with the same result. The opconents of these men, as also all medical men and all others who know enough of anatomy and physiology to have a right to say any tiling authoritatively of the structure of the human system and its func- tions, know very well that the heart has a different duty to perform, that it is the cen tre of the arterial or venous system, the prin- cipal blood vessel, a muscular structure ad- mirably adapted to its office as the principal instrumeni in the circulation of the blood. The heart has two vital properties irritabil- ity and contractility by the first of which the stimulus of the blood is perc by tlie second of which the muscular fibres of the heart shorten themselves, or in other words, contract and close the cavity. It may in fpct be considered as two hearts, a right and a left. By the right heart the blrod is sent to the lungs, by the left to the arteries. Each of these consists of U':o muscular sacs; the venous, or dark blood, is poured into the iirst sac of the right heart, caUbd the auricle, this, when filled, closes like a sensitive plant and forces the blood into the right sf.c, called the ventricle, the ventricle then contracts and forces the blood through tubes into the lungs, Here the blood is vivified, and rushes into the left auricle or first envity, of the left heart, which contracts and forces it into the second cavity or the left ventricle, this con- tracts and forces it into the gTcat canal for the conveyance of arterial blood, whence it is distributed to all parts of the body sup- jlying nourishment. It returns turough â- other tubes called veins, is received into the right auricle and passes through the same route as before. The body contains, it is iUDposed, from twenty-five to twenty-eight pounds of blood, and it is estimated that tvro ouDoes pass through the heai-t at every beat, according to which all the bloodtnust pass through the heart every three minutes. Thia is the otdy function of the heart, which is principally a muscular organ. Perhaps the wiseacres who think it is an organ of mental action, beheye that muscle is better adapttd to be the instrument for the exercise of af- fections and emotions of the mind, than nervous structures such as we find in the brain. They quote scripture in support of their viewp, not knowing that in scripture Rnd in poetic language the word heart is used when the inner nature, the disposition, the actuating principle in the individual is meant without any reference whatever to any par- ticular organic structure located in any part of body or brain. To teach the sciences of anatony and physiology was not in the mission of the BacreJ w iters. If they wsre inspired to know and teaoh rehgious truth that does not iiiipty that they shanld be inspired as well to know and teach that tlie earth revolves on its 8xis, that the sun is some ninety five luiihoiis of miles di;tant from the earth, or to be acquainted with the physiological fact of the circulation of tlie blood, of which the \-i.ria nt\er heard until tLe time of Dr. Karvey, about the year 1616 of the Christian era. resides if we were to suppose that these men were favored above others of their time witli knowledge such as we find since leveloped s'owly by scientific research, what should WB think of their msdom were they iu teaching rehgious truth and reformation to begin by makuig war on the opiuiona and Botiouf of the people in matters not in any way i»5wtiu;{ religioiaa belief. "That tii^.religions Both in the Dominion Parliament and the Provincial Legislature the franchise question will be considered this year. There can be no doubt but the Governments in each case, will propose a.^ Q9nsiderable extension of the franchise. The race appeara to bD which will outdo the other in liberties in. this respect. Sir John evidently appears to be a good deal ahead iu one particular at least, â€" in extending the franchise to women of two classes. Mr. Mowat's only chance now is, if he intends to establish his reputation as the leader of the most liberal party, will be to include women of aU classes, so long as they possess the necessary property qualifications. Sir John proposes to place the franchies in the hands of widows and unmai]-ied women possessing a certain amount of property, but witholds it from other wives and mothers, even though possessed of a large amount. There is an anomaly in the proposal which the opposition will be sure to make the most capital out of, but will the ojiposition propose to remove the anomaly by urging the extension to all classes Time will tell. â€" Truth Capt. Webb's widow is cow compel- led to maintain herself and her family by doing seryice as a book-keeper in a Boston book store. There is nothing discreditable to her in thus earning an honest Hving by honest industry it is certainly much more creditable than passing round the hat arcoung her husband's old friends and admirers, but it certainly is not very creditable to the man himself that he should e'lved and I ^° recklessly jeopardise his own life ...i__ l:u 1 when he kLew tlie position his wife and family would be placed in, should his venture fail, as it did. Men who have given hostages to fortune are certainly not wairante^J in being reckless about Lealth or personal safety. The unfortunate Captain was no doubt a very plucky man, and many adniiied him because of his i pluck, bui new that his wife is a widow the admu-ation of the world is of preciouij little value. â€" Truth. â€" Few^er RepreseiiktEiivcs. Representation by population was the great cry a few rears ago. It '"as to be the great pauiicea for all the ill? jlitical :!a Canada, so the rufovm pf ._,. \vc huTe gotten ii, arJ. io-day both lae Domiiiwa and On- tario ItousoL are crowded vrith represtnta- tivei, so much so thut there are rumora to vh J eCect both houses v.iil have to b« enIdj;;od to accommodate iho ijembors. Now instead of euL-^giug the buildj-^gs, we suggest thai the nuLaber of representatives be reduc- ed, thus savinf,, not only the expenje of en- larging, but ;he sefesional iJlowance, etc., now foo»ishlj spent in upholding that bug- beai-, lep. by pop, W e behe^e that one-half the nuu.ber o- repreGoiii^ti\fc5 vtould do the â- rrork in a shorter time. Siad much better than iu now done. Two representatives from each county, one for either house, is all that is needed, and would be a saving of thousands of d ILrs snnually. That is what we want. â€" Truth. « ♦-^ SJistrict Bashes. From our own eorretpondent. Dr. McWilliams intends to buiid a place of busines during the comiug Bummer. Mr. Teeple, blacksmith, has given up business, having sold out tea party by the name of McArthur from Euphrasia. Mrs. C. If. Jewell, arrived on Tues- day evening, and was met at the S5a- tion by her friends. Tbe newly married couple have our best wishes for their future prosperity. Fair day was Tuesday last, the attendance was larger than for some months. Quite a number of cattle changed hands at very fair prices. Our township council do not intend to hold so many meetings as were held lash year. Injustice of the late County Valuators to the poorer town- ships 18 felt very much in Proton. Business has been brisk during the past week. Large quantities cf gram have been brought in from the town- ship of Osprey and Melanchton. The station yard is well tilled up, huudetJs of cords of wood, pile? of ties, paving timber etc. having been brought in. The failure of the crops, owing to the trost, drives the farmers to the necessity of using the products of the forest, to raise the needful. (The above was mailed in Dundalk on Wednesday tbe 15th, and readied us the following Saturday. Ed.) There is some talk of a foundry being established here soon. The station yard has been a busy scene during the past week. Trains have been busy taking away products of Proton and Melancthon forests, such as ties, wood, etc. The former deputy-reeve of Mc-lan- otho|a feels sore at his defeat, and threatens to have the new survey seperated from the old, and a new township formed of the latter. The residents in the flourish imj settlement of Shrigley and Badgeros are highly pleased with the prompt- itude with which Dr. Sproule at- tended to the matter of the change of mail route. As you are aware Mr. Editor, under the present arrange ments, it takes nearly a week for a ' letter to reach either of the above places, though only a few miles distant. To reach Shrigley, 7 miles away a communication requires to travel, about 40 miles and be 4 days on the road. But through the aid of our M. P. we are cow to haye tri- weekly mail from Dundalk via Shrigely and Badgeros to Maple Valley. MARRIAGES- Notices of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, twenty five centf. £owi,sToM â€" Fanning. â€" At the lesidence of the brides parents, on Wednesday the "^Oth iiist., by Rev. J. Hart, Mr. Joseph Bowls- toii, to Miss M. J. Fanning, all of Holland. AiLisoN â€" Radlet â€" By the Rev. C. Shaw, on tb« 13th inst., Mr. Joseph AlUson, to Miss Annie E. Radley, all of Osprey. MAKKDALE. Fall Wheat 80 60 to fl 00 Spring Wheat 40 to 1 00 Barley 42 to 60 Peas CO to 66 Oat 2 to 27 Butter 15 to 17 Eggs 22 to 00 Potatoes 30 to 00 Hay 7 00 to 00 Pork 7 00 to 7 ftO FJour 4 73 to 5 00 CFFOLK BOAR. Oueoftbefina, brous'ai lulo this district fo, Gou 7, Euphi-asi,,. Age auimals ovci servicu at Jjot year past. 171-80 Terms ftl at time of service. D. K. ELLIS. Credit Sale Register. Friday Feb. 22â€" Mr. Thomas Mann, On lot 1, con. 8, Enphrafia, town line Arttme- bia 2J miles from Markdale, la'ge quantity of Stock, implements, choice seud oats (Egyption,) Hay Ac, Ac. Terms, sums over j.5 tt:n months credit en approved joint notes. Sale to commence at one o'clock. Geo. Nobie, Auctioneer. Wednesday, March 12.â€" r At lot 1. con. 4, Sydenham. Extensive sale of bred horses, cattle, sheep, also implem^ts c., sale to tomm«»nce at 12 o'clock noon. Terms, 12 months credit on Approved paper on smn:^ over 95. Mr. Geo. Inglis, proprietoi W. J. Shepherdson, auctioneer. W::dnesday, Mabch 5th. â€" At Mr. Jopoph Henaersou's, IJoi North half of 5, con. 7, Euphrasia, commencing at i.2 o'dock. Farm Stock, Implements, Grain, c. Termc, 10 months on approved paper. W. J Shcp- heidsoD, auctioneer. â-ºâ- â- MERIT PROVEN. Dollar 77pon dollar is frequently sjient on tbe faith of recommendations for articles entirely worthless. Not so with McGregor's Speedy Cure you are not asked^ to purchase it until its merits are proven. Call at Hill Bro's and get a free trial bottle, and if not convinced it will cure you of the worst forms of Dyspepsia, Complaint, etc.. no mutter of how long standing, it costs you nothing. Sold in 50c and $1 bottles. See testimonials from persons in your own town. F. M. TTIOR SAL.I:. ,jO Dwelliug House, shop 'Suitable for grocery store, or other busiuesg with dwelling above, and stable on the lot' on milTstreet, corner lot. good business site' 9pply to S. DAMUDE, Flesherton, or C w' BUTLEDGE, Markdale. i; OG§ 1Â¥AMTED. The undersigned IK prepared to buy all the Baswood, llurch Ash, Hemlock and Maple saw loss perfectly sound, to be deliver d at Davis' Mill, ilealori Road, for whicn the highest price will be given in cash. Parties bringing custom lojig can get them cut either on shares or by the thousand, satisfaction guaranteeu as the proprietor has engaged a first class sawyer EDWARD DAVIS, ' " Proprietor. FARIVIS$ FOR SALE. Lfit 117, con. 1 weft, T. S. Eoad, Artemesia, contairrii»e 50 acres, 40 of of which are clearsdauil under ultivation. Lot S part 15, con, 12. HollaiiJ 63 acres, 40 cleared; ail necessary buildings thereon. Lot 13, con. 13, Glenelg, loO acres all bush. For terms and particulars apply to J. G. IRVING, Markdale. Oct.16.1883. ic TTlARm FOB $$ALrE. -i} Lot lis. con. i West T S. R., Artemesia, containing 50 acres, more or less, all cleared and under cultivation. A good bank barn, and log dwelling house on th^ premises, also a tliriv. iuK young orchard just commencing to bear, situated ab ut 2J miles from the thriving village of Markdale. For Terms and paiti- culars apply at few cffice or to JOHN HAZARD. Flesherton StatioD. 'WiilEaHiSk«rd. CRUELLY MURDERED. In the Province of Ontario evory year thousands are beiuR slowly murdered by taking unsuitable, untried uostronas lor such complaints as Costiyeness, Indigestion Liver Complaint. Kidney Troubles, etc., who mi^ht easily regain lost strength and energy by usiiig McGregor's Speedy (Jure. To convince them that such is the c.i«e we wiU give them a free trial bottle at Hill Bro's Price 5Uc. and $] See testimonials from persons in your own town. F. M. FARHI FOR SALE. To sell or rent Lot 8 J 14. Con. 9, Euphrapia, 8 miles from. Markdale and 3 from Rocklyn, containing 100 acres, 70 acres cleared and in gtod state of cultivation, to run reaper and mower, and balance hardwood bash with sufficient cedar for fencing. WtU watered with never faihng spring only 10 rods from bam. Has a young orchard, house, barn and stable. There is a new steam saw mill on next farm to it. Clear deed can be given. For further particulars apply on the premises to SAMUEL WRIGHT. Eocklyn P.O. Mr. H. Durie, of Owen Saund, who has been connected with the T. G. B. nine yearc has resigned his positior as station agent and gone into the costom broking and general insurance and vessel agency businesp. Owen Sound is to be the terminus of the C. P. E. steamers, and the Government propose granting an additional sum of from ^20,000 to ^30,000 for harbor improvements. The new Presbyterian church at Flesherton is to be opened the 16th March. Meaford is having an additional Government grant of $5,000 for Har- bor improvements. Prof. Morgan and wife, of Durham, were injured by a runaway team jf horses at Mt. Forest recentlv. Mrs. Mor^r.'i received a wouod on the head. Mr. James Brown, of Mt. Forest, took wrong medicene and was neaily poisoned last week. The police Trustees of Dundari hold regular meetings and report pro- ceedings in tlieir village p.ipsr, Pre- fecily right. Db. Low's Worm Sykcp has removed tape wonn fron 15 to 30 feet in length. It a£o deStsoja all kinds of worm. From our own correspondent. Mr. J. L. Patterson has sold his blacksmith business to lut. G. Y(. Dunbar, who now 'ield8 the hammer. Mr. John Deever. is to leave to- morrow, Thursday, for Eavana, HI., to look after a legacy left him. Kev. J. liart is i,oing io Illinois, on a visit, this week, Le will return in about ten days. Mr. N. Handley, hat. purchased the property formerly occupied by W. Vogan, as an hotel, irom E. Givens. Mr. Handley has opened a flour and feed store. Miss Bladed will open b millinciy and mantle making establishment tbe 1st March. She appears to be well posted in her business anc! will likely do well. Quite a number of piii-k fcnd otlier lots have recontly changed hands, and prospects are brightening for '^\ i,. liamsford. Our station yard ia now full, it is not near large enough to ac- comodate the place. There is a bad pole in it which if filled would t. tally improve and enlarge the yard. We hope the E'y. Company will irake the necceisary improvement. A fire broke out in the hardware store and dwelling of S. "Watson about noon on Wednesday. The fire origi- nated in a partition from a defective chimucy and was soon got under con- i-'ol and subdued, considerable damage was done to the house as also the furniture, and to add to the misfor- tune $12 was stolen from a bureau drawer which was carried out. The person who did it would do aiiythmg.' On Monday foernoon a powder explo- sion took pl-tcj in Hobbs, Oriburue Uobbs hardwere estHblishment, Lon- don, completely destroying this fine establishment and killing three men. Origin accidental; loss $50,000, the report was lieard 11 miles distant. All over the land are going into ecstasy over Jr. King's New Discovery for Consump- tion. There unlocked for recovery by the timely use of this great Hfe Saving' remedy, causes them to go nearly wild in its praise. It is guaranteed to positively cure Severe I Caught, t^olds, Asthma, Hay Fever, Broa- j chitis. Hoarseness, Loss of Voice, or any af 1 feoiion of t'..e Throat iid Lungs. Trial bot- tles free aw A. Turner, A Go's Drug Store. LarfcC sixe $i.00 2 A BLESSING TO ALL MANKIND. In these times when our Newspapers are floodbii with patect medicine advertisements, it is gratifying tc know what to procure that will oerta-uly cum you. If you ire billiou«, F.^'ood ouo of ore' •, Liver inactive. or general- ly deLait;i.iKjd. -e is nothiug in the world that will cun u po quickly as Electric Bit. ters. Thej- u blessing to all mankmd, and c*ia b. d ior only fifty cents a bottle at A. Tu d Co's nrug Store. 2 8KEDS SEEDS â€" IMPORTED- FIELL AND CiJDEN SEEDS CLTDBSDALE STALLION FOR SALE. That splendid Clydesdale Stallion "Scot- tish Champion," from imported stock, and the property of Wm. Sliepheirdson. will be sold cheap. The horse stan,la 16§ hand-i high, is 5 years old, jet black m color and a sure foal getter. Any one wishing to get a bargain bhoukl take advantage of this ofier. Stock taken iu part payment. Also a few purebred Cotswold Rams audafine Berkshire t Boar for sale. Address to the undersigned. Lot 23, Con. 11. W. J. SHEPHERDSON. Blantyre P.O. Franco Chinese War. Nothwithetanding the •deaoltfing war now raging in Chinai it will not increase the price of Teas at the Having imported prior to tbe open- ing of hostilities, a suflBcient quantity to supply a,000 MEN for a period of 12 months. In other departments of the Grocery tiade the BELFAST HOUSE I:as KILLED BY THOU- SAND tboae who assome to trabsacfc business by pnrchasfng of small deal- ers exorbitant rates â- ' interest on long credit. Our impo^ jf ' -ATS, SALf»rON, .ARi!NES,HAMS, PRES^.fr LOdSTl .8 BACC.,A.30RTED PICKELS and every articles in the grocery trade A GOOD COSLIETIC. The best cosmetics are good soap und water to obtain purity of the skin while for boils, blotches, obstmote humors and im- purities of the blood. Burdock Blood Bitters IS the best of all jkurifiers. KRAM'8 FLUID LIGHTNINQ Cures 'Toothache and Neuralgia quick m flash, reheves any pain instantly, tbe cheap- est and quickest apphfiation known Vihr suffer witb toothache. Neuralgia, Headache to miVrS" °* ""T ^?^ "^^^ 7on can g.. to Hill Bros, genand store and get a nerfwsf and instaotaneous cure for twen^A^S Aak for Kram'B FluiiLightaiim. *â„¢" The place to buy your Seedo is at BARKER'S, Drugclo re â- D URHAM GEORGE"llfiLSeNr Wholesale and Retail IBUTCHER!} • â€" "DEEF, PORK OR MUTTON SUPPLIED irbeTo^ttaten^e!:'"'""^^"^^""' FISH FOWL IN THEIR SEASON Fttmers having P«t Cattle, Sheep, or Pi«8 to dispose of will do well to calL Mttkdide. Ootasth. 18B1 LIQUORS Of the best brands and quality. Wine for SacranMotal purposes warranted pure. Brandies direct from the man- ufacturer and all other kindsof liquors. Coffees,^ Teas and Tobaccoes cannot fail to give satislaction. Oranges. Lemons, c. Family Flcur supplied at Lowest Rates. BELFAST HOUSE, MABKDALE Feb. 6th, 1884. PATENfl JIUNIT Se CO., of the S tim T iriU AtrtarrruK mn. Harks.. CopyriKhts. for the UnlteTsStScanada. RSSS?f2?2S ?^^^»»rt7-?even years' experience. In U^S^Sl!^^ i*"2H«" MUmVa CO. aiTnoOced mine BCtKNTIFIO AMKRICAN. the luveiit hBst and iDAI te assort Rings fs, Speck |w extra ^^rroods fo tchand ')ersmally, att liecd. 1 in thene colt iaal or Soci ie for the fi each subie^ hornbury evey last eong"s stea orking full ToRRY, of t a brick [)HN CONNOF fiK^is new sav BWirasia. VnXJtA.Y 10 cen lO^l^hen you c [nappe's for 25 a AJIW|L Wilson iklMliu will plei or Standar: [nml Hamilton lAmoi Markda 8 dif stuff incl rain* PSOUL bar? gaini ghkrthis week, Pg B.'.^ANDEEKIN, ^pt^br thanks fo i of Ipe House ofC ;ly biund in a be as eeautifuU sj le j»v\y part o enly changed o lother cold dip son who have ' sSbscription fo r-TOiting anoth !Xt» 25 cents. Vheu paid in i 1 Months, otiie IRST class a: f's shop, Eli i, Markdale. timber acd I or you can [the shop, idle. BfllJKLEN'S ABl I bMt Salve in the i â- toftrs, salt rhemr odjkands, chilbla n^ons, and pt)s 7 »quired. It ii tjlitisfaction, oi â- ^ents per bo: T^ICo. I*.â€" That not » «a has this w Fa«Iiioiia,lle Tailor, OVER MACFARI.AND'r STORE. A PERFECT FIT GUABANTEED. ts to 25ct8 n ia»|le Wright â€" f-^ â- mIok stock of just oper lery Markd ftssortmen and shapes oderate pric COMMISSIO Ms«»ntaius the lug geuti der the pro ct of 1876,' f South James E PAY ScHoo:.. 'What bird a man " Je girl Bugf she expiaii [wouldn't be ise he had [who have Jt for their e iiver it ont be dec( it in sr ^e will alloi if dehver^ ig the w©od Ut will be V tUtsS^