NEW ADVERTISEMFNIS. Patent â€" Scientfiic American. for sale â€" Samuel Wright. StaUllon for saleâ€" W. Sheperdsou. Fiiiuco Ciiinese Warâ€" Thos. McNea. Hamilton's Phot... tialleryâ€" Jas. Hamilton. Mother, Home ara Heavenâ€" D. K. McPher- sou. Markdii e Harness Emporium.â€" Thomas Matiiews. y\iB Standard MAEKDALE FEB. 7. 1884. Join Creasor, Esq.. County solici tor Ijas isbued tLie following ciacular to assessors â€" I am instructed by the County Council of this County to call your attention to the provisions of the Assei^sment act, R. S. O., (;ap. .80, Section 23, which is as follows: ••23. Except in the case of mineral lands liereinafter provided for, real and personal property shall be estimated at their actual CASH VALUE, as theT would be appraisad in pa\ment of a jusl debt from a solvent deb- tor." And to the penalty on Assessors for mak- ing improper Assessments, contained in sec- 191-2 3 and further, I am instructed to inform you that any Assessor wilfully neglect- ing to assess in accordance with aid section 23 suhjtcts liimself to be rigorously prosecut ed according to law. Personals. Mr. Andrew Jones, blacksmith, has re- moved this week to Mono Mills. It is reported that i\ McRae. Esq., Eeeve of Gleuelfj. is on a trip to Manitoba. Our esteemed friend, A. G. Hunter, Esq., of Dunilalk, called on us Wednesday. Mr. John McNicoll and his nride Ifift on Monday forHarrisonMichigau, where they will reside. Mr. John Lyons, Weights and Measures Inspector, rfttiirned last week from an ex- tuiided tour through Mu!=koka. Mr. Dunbar, late tpacber of this place, .stayed in tcwn over Sunday on his way to the Norniiil Schocl, Toronto. Mr. -las. Black, of Iowa. U. S.. formerly of (ileiulg, son o* Mr. John Black first switch man at Markdale station, is visiting friends in lliis section, he gave us a call on Tuesday juul siefiks favorably of his new home. He wiU retain in March. Duiidnik. Frnm otir m~n correspondent. Quarterly services iu the C. M. church on Sal. 1; it I, last Grand carnival in the skating rink here on l-'ri'lay nitrlit. The Presbyterians exjiect soon to have a resident minister among them. Mr. Haig who purchase. 1 Mr. Doyle' i mill has taken inissession and begun Ofieratiotis. Merclianfs tind considerable difficulty in roUectiiig, owing to the scarcity of money. The ])undnik Band intend giving a concert in your aristocratic town before long. Tliey sliouid Lave a good house. A tri-weekly mail is to be establislu-d be- tween liuKlalk, Badgeros. Shrigley and .Maple Valley. Dr. Sproule lias used his intiueiiee for the jietilioners in this matter and we are pleased at the result. Last Thursday morning we had a narrow f5e.ape from a rrn 8t disastrous contiagratitui. Had the tire nbtaiued a few moments more eadway a whole block and adjoining build- ings would have been consumed. IP.iiplirnsia C'oiinoiS. The meuibers elect of the muncipal couii- eil (if the township of uphrasia for the year 18tt4, being Tlionia (iilray. Reeve; William I'aweett, Deptuy Reeve .lames Boyd, Wiu. .1. Black, and Henry Hurd. Councillors. Said members elect met in compliance with r^tatnte at the town^hii) hall, on .Ian. 21st. l.Sh-i. and having made and subscribed their iitclaraticns of (pialitication and of effice, tiled the same .villi the clerk, and took their seats ul the council board. Minute-, of la=t session of council read and lontinned. ^S' H. Dodson. on iioiniiiatiou of the Reeve. :ind J. L, Wilson, on behalf of the council, were apjioiutsd auilitiu-s and a by-law jiasse.! accordingly. A By-law was passed appointing A. T. Bnchanau assessor at. a salary nf tTo. The time lor the col ectors to return the r rolls A'as extended. The Treasurer was instructed to remit to the deputy returning olKce. s the amounts Iieieinafter placed oppo-jUe to their names ji~ payment fur services rendered at last ii.iinicipal election, viz; James Struthers, 57. ")0; Nicholas Hewson -7. 10; Nathaniel Cnrrv, 57. lU; W. H.Man- arey. S0.7(i; .fames yellaiid,S7; Thomas Ara- i.ererombie. 87. The Reeve at d deputy reeve we. ca)pointed :- enquire into the validity of the Treasurer's ftcurities. in compliimee with statute. James Ealles was appointed caretaker of liie township hail. The Clerk was orderel tn return to the t ouniy Treasurer arrears of taxes against I he fi i ol lot No. 7 iu con. ' The Treasurer was ordered to pay the irustefs i.)f Sctif:ol Sections for the use of -ehool bouses used as pulling statioes at last uiuiiioipal election, as follows Uuiou t^fchfjol .Sect;ou No. 4. S2; S S No. i-i. ?2; 'S S No. lo, S2; b S No. i). S2, and ii. John Haliburt for the use of the Orange Hall. Kimberlev, used aso as a polling sta- The RitiYc's ordem were issued on the 1 r.-asurer as follows Robert Dimlo^. elork. services at last elec- ;.in. §20; Thomas Cooledge chargel in jerror i.r statute Ubor. t'S; Xliomas Wickeu. road work, SI; Rodta; Bowser, road wori $3. Xiie eoun.'il att^oniiied until tUu lirt Fri- Artemesia Council* The newly elected Council of the Town ship of Artemesia, for the year 1884. met in me Town Hall, FlesUerton, according to statute on that behalf on Monday, Jai^uaiy 21st, 18rt4, an 1 having made the necessary declaration of qualification and of office, they took their respectine seats. Members aU present. Dr. Chnstoe in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and ap- proved. CouncU proceeded to elect a new Deputy- Bleakelv, Pedlar, that Samuel Pedlar be Deputy.Reeveâ€" Carried. Accounts as follows were presented and read â€" A R Fawcett, printing Ballots, c.,»5.2 Jas. SuUiTan, fitting and cleoning Town Hall pines, »2.25 John Rutherford, elec- tion sUtionary and Collectors Rolls, $8.41 W. J. Beilamv. quarter salary, 827 50 do holding nomination and poll^raid 3, $12.50 Payment ordered Bv Law No, 857, appointing C. C. Jamei and'Henry .Meldrum Auditors, was introduc- ed and passed in u-ual way. Blakely. Pedlar, that By-Law No. 357 be read a second time. â€" Carried. Elliott, McArthur, that the Reeve issue order in favor of the Collectors for the sum of $25 each, when they shall have their re- spective roils returned according to law.â€" Carried. McArthur, Elliott, that Robert McGowen be refunded Ithe sum of »24.60, being an overcharge of taxes on account of error in assessment for 1883.â€" Carried. Pedlar. Bleakley, that Robert McGowan be refunded the sum .of $24.60. being an overcharge of laxes on account of error in assessment for 1883, but that the Council cliarge $15 60 of this sum to School Section No. 12 Artemesia. â€" Lost. Elliott, McArthur. that Mrs. Galbraith be refunded $4 66, paid of arrears of taxes on Lot No. 132 l8t West, she being in destitute circumstances. â€" Carried. Christce, Bleakley. that Mrs. Morton, widow, be refunded $3 on her taxes of 1883. Carried. McArthur, Elliott, that Wm. Walters be refunded 76 cents being error in assessment. Carried. -Mr. McArthur moved, seconded by Mr. Bleakley, that Donald McDonald be refunded ?2. overcharge of statute labor on his non re-ident lot in 1 riceville. Carried. Mr. Elliott moved, seconded by Mr McAr- thur, that the Cleik request the Co. Treasurer to erase all taxes in his book.s against lot 26, con. 2, W D R the same having been paid to collector. Carried. Mr. Pedlar moved, seconded by Mr. Bleak- ley. that the c mncillor for Ward No. 4. he and is hfieby instructed to see to repairing and putting in a safe condition the bridt;e over the Beaver ri^er at I'^ugenia. â€" Carried Mr. McArthur i lOVed. seconded by Mr, Bleakley, tliht a motion jiassed by this coun- cil to-day to tlie effect that Robert McGowan be refunded ij24.(jO, be recimled, the council having received information from the assess- or that his assessment as the roll sliows is correct. â€" arried. Mr. McArthur, moved, seconded by Mr. Bleakley, that the Clerk advertise for appli- cations iav an .\ssesior for liS84. â€" Carried. Pay for this days' session and indigents moiitlilv allowance was ordered. W. J. Bellamy, Clerk. The American A^rinilturist (or February IHHit, Excels all r.'vious issues of this oll favorite periodical, no .v in its forty-fourtii year. It contains 'J3 columns of original aiticles, from the ablest writers on rural topics, and nearly 100 original illustrations from leading artists. Among the 167 subjects tieated are the iol- lowins: A Prize Remodelled Bain; Waj,'on Brake; Poultry Yard Conveniences; A Wes- tern Eann House; Wooden Hinges Prize Poultry Yard; Plant Boxcf; Fernery Troughs and many other labor-saviig devices. A- moug the best known writers are: Mr. Orange Judd, Mr. Robert B. Roosevelt, Prof. S. R Tliompsou, W. Z. Hutchison, Dr. I). D. Slade. Dr. Geo. Thurber, Prof. Geo. Hussman, and .1. M. Stahl. ••On the Road" is a full page of illustrated s unes and incidents of Western life, by David W. Juiul. There are two full l)age spirited engravings namely "(TOing for tJover" and "Old and New in Sheep Hus- bandry," with many other larger and timely and instructive illustrations for the farm, garden and Household. The American Ag- ricnlturist is the leading Agricnltuial Journal of the world, and should be nt every tireside. Price, post paid $1..jO. Single numbers 15 cents. Dit. Low's Worm Hvatp has removed tape worm fron 15 to 3 feet in length. It also destrovs all kinds of worm. itlore Valuable than Ever. We call our reaiiers' attention to tlie value, usefulness anil direct profit of supplying them- selves ihis year with the American Ai/ricul- turist, the cheapest as well as the most va)u able journal in the country. Every number contains oue hundred columns of original reading matter, by the leading writers of the country, uuou all topics cjiinocted with the farm, garden, or Inusehold, and nearlv oue bundled engravings, made specially for the Ameiicau Agiicultnrist. The paper, now in its 43rd year, is unquestionablv more valuable than ever before. Each number brings fre-h evidence that no time or money is con.'sidered tvliere the interest of the paper is at stake. Its house Plans an 1 Improvements profusely illustrateil, are worth more than any costly architectural works. Its persistent and fear less exposure ot humbugs and swindling schemes, is uf great value to the whole coun- try, particularly the farming tommunity In short it has something good and valuable for everyhodv. Owing to a special arrauge- ment with the publishers we are enabled to offer the S i'avoabu and the American Agi-i- culturisl for one year and the eugravings "Foes or Friends " and '-In the Meadow" for $2.10 no cents for packing and postage. MARRIAGES- Sdticcf of liirUu, MavTiages, and Deaths, ticentij file cents. liki .Mi I'cUiuarv nex; R. Dt .Clerl Stewartâ€" Bkst.â€" In Artemesia. on the 23rI inst.. by R,.v. \. Wilson, Mr. Duncan •Siewart. to M^i* ^arah Beit, all of \.rte- iU^ ill. MAKKt)ALE. Fall Wheat «0 60 to W 00 Spring Wheat 40 to 1 00 Barley 42 to fiO Peas 60 to 60 Oat 25 to 27 Butter 15 t"' 1' Eggs 22 to (to Potatoes 30 »» Hay 7 DO to 00 Pork!... 7 00 to 7 50 Flour* ' â- * 75 to 5 00 FLESHERTON. Fall Wheat $0.60 to $1.00; Spiing, $0.40 to $1.00; Barley, 35c; Peas, 60c; Oats, 20c Batter, 17c; Eggs, 20c; Potatoes.*© c; Hay, $7 .50 Pork. $7.00 to $7 25 TORONTO. Fall Wheat, $1.00 to $1.06; Spring, $1.1 1 to $1.13; Barley, 62o to 69c; Oats, 37cto 38o Peas, 72c to 74c; Hors, $7.59 to $8.0(1; Pota toes, per bus. 60c to $65c; Buttrr. dairy. tSc to 19c; exsB. 22c to 25c. I71AR9I FOR SALE. ' To sell or rent Lot S i 14, Con. 9, Euphrasia, 8 miles from Markdale and 3 from Rocklyn, containing 100 acres, 70 acres cleared and in good state of cultivation, tit to run reaper and mow ^r, and balance hardwood bash with sufficient cedar lor fencing. Wdl watered with never failing spring only 10 rods from barn. Has a young orchard, house ^barn and stable. There is a new steam sawmill on next farm to it. Clear deed can be girsn. For further particulars apply on the premises to SAMUEL WRIGHT. Rocklyn P.O. SUFFOLK BOAR. One of the finest animals ever bniught into this district for servici at l-ot 6. Con 7, Euphrasia. Age, year past. Terms, $1 at time of service. 171-80 '• E- ELLIS. $Ot|fl«. XTOTICE. _j^ All parties indebted to the undersigned are hereby requested to pay the .same to A. Turner, Markdale. Ho in the only person in Markdala authorized to re- ceive monies due me and to give receipts therefor. 17.V77. T. S. SPROULE, M. D. h r^OWt SALE. D./elli-ig House, shop, Suitable for grocery store, or other business, with dwelhng above, an. I stable on the lot, ou mill street, corner lot. gool business site, qpply to S. DAMUDl?;. Flesherum, or O. W. RUTLeDGE. Markdaje. CLYDESDALE STALLION FOR SALE. That splendid Clydesdale Stallion "Scot- tish Champion," from imported stock, and the property of Wm. Sliepherdsou, will be sold cheap. The horse stands 16^ haad^ high, is 5 years old, jet black in color and a sure foal getter. Any one wishing to get a bargain should take advantage of this offer. Stock taken in part payment. Also a few purebred Cotswold Rams and a fine Berkshire Boar for sale. Address to the undersigned. Lot 23, Con. 11. W. J. SHEPHERDSON, Blrtutvre P.O. IOGSAVANTED^ _j The nndersigned is prepared to buy all tho Baswood, Lurch Ash, Hemlock and Maple saw loj^s perfectly sound, to be deliver d at Davig' Mill, Meaford Road, for whicn the highest price v.ill be given iu cash. Parties bringing custom logs can get them cut either on shares or by the thousand, satisfaction guaranteeu as the proprietor has engaged a first class sawyer. EDWARDDAVIS, P'oprietor. ITIARHIS FOR «ALE. ' Lot 117, con. 1 west, T. A S. Road. Artemesia. containing 50 acres, 40 of of which are clearsd and under ultivation. Lot S part 15, con. 12. Holland 63 acres, 40 cleared; ail ne-je.ssary buildings theieon. Lot 13, cou. 13, Glenelg, 100 acres all bush. For terms and particulars apply to J. G. IRVING, Markiluic. Oct.l6.18S3. 16 MARKDALE HARNESS EMPORIUM EbTABUSHEO 19 YEARS. I71AR.1I FOR SALE. Lot 118, con i West T S. R., Artemesia, containing 50 acres, more or less, all cleared and under cultivation. A good bank barn, find log dwelling house on tli • premises, also a thriv ing young orchard just commencing to bear, situated alu ut 2^ miles from the thriving vi.lage of Markdale. For Terms and parti- culars api^ly at tiiis cftice or to JOHN H.VZARD. Flesherloi) Station. REVERE HOTEL JTIARKDALE. ' 3^. B"2":EB2sr:His PROPRIETOR. THIS popular Hotel has changed ijj^, and the above men cater to the ^jT* of the public. Good vtabling and attentn) hostlers. The best brands of liquor J cigars, good meals and comfortable roJ large ommercialroom. Barber shop iu^^ neclion. CHAtSWORTH HOUSE (late morrow house,) CHATSWORTH, Oni. TUCK McLEOD Propuietoks. L't for A fine a Clocks, K Bidtons, Also an ex plated gooi Watch personally *r liar anted The best br»Bd of liquors and cigars a; ways in stock. Gcxxi meals and c imfortai,! rooms guarairt«ed. Good stabling aua j. tentive hostler. \\^ COMMERCIAL HOTEL. PRlOEVrLLiE. Om. Large and commodious Sample Soooi Good Bed Rocwos, A-c. The Bar and lari, well supplied with the best the market i| fords good StalAwg ami attentive Hostler, THtS. ATKINSON, Preprietc,. Local ai SoTicBS in. th J t)li/ individual \e*nt$ a Une foi \tenti a line eaci '» â€" MARKDALE HOUSE, MARKDALE, ONT. MRS. RUTLEDGE, PROPRIETOR, SAmUEL, WARDKLL, T TJ"ELL DIGGER AND DRILLER. All VV orders promptly attenderl to. Kc- deuce â€" Snider's Hill Owen Sound l'22-3: ptcMeai. OVER M.\CF.\IiL.\ND's STORK. A PERFECT FIT GUAIiANTET'.D. THOS.MATTHEWS,Proprietor Notliing but good s^ock used and the best mechatncs employed. A ' stock of Double and Single, Heavy and Liglit HarneKs always on hand. Also Whips, Trunks, Valises, Blankets, Robes, itc, always in stock. HAMILTON'S Photograph gallerY j\i A. Ft iv r \. I^ K OYER'tHE STAyDARD OFFICE. Fiue work executed in all the latest sizes and shapes, fully equal to city work. Special attention given to A larye stocK of moulding to choose from. Call and leave your measure for a picture. •Tai^. Hamilton. The under:-i«ne(l having pnrehased the b'nelier bllille-^ from .\lii. F. .â- iAUJK.\Nr. bvg to iiniiouiH-e to the imblii; tiiey ;ire pre- jiared to ^llp|•ly all whii favor them with their lialroiiaf,'e, wiJi nil kinils of nient. the best (liiality the coiintiy can afford. Hoping by fair dealiii},' ami elose attention to business to merit a liberal patronage, we remain lte.peetfiillv \im)s, S.\HJKANT BURNSIDE. Markdale.Jau.;-!(),'s4. a. Ghent, M.D., M.R.C P. S.. C Physician Hud Surtreon, Priceville, Graduate of Uiiiver.-.ity. Viet. College. ., ,, New York, and Hon. Graduate, of tbe .--ame, ,, Avleth ^ledif-al IiisiiWi.. ,, ., Ojitlialmic Hospital, N,Y. Member Coll. Physicians it SurL'eor.U. |ii J. P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. D EXT I ST. /~N RADUATK OF TORONTO SCHO: VX of Deiiti.-try, will be at llntKJf Hotel, Markd:ile. on the 1st and third Vu. uesdav of eaeh month and also at Munsliuv. â- Hotel, l-'leslierton, the day followii;;; li.: third We luesday in each month for tlieprii' tiee of his rofe-siiin. January itth, :.-i.s:-t. VJi'-Tl. THOS. CARTER M. D, Physician Surgeon, k R'suleiiee MARKDALE HOUSE- M.u;ki'.\li. Valentl Hall, McKlTTKIil was burned t All arbeai paper cau be Fifty cori at tbe Markdi Grant Co. The first Legislature a majority of W. H. Ar pointed asses: Whitby ior A M. Byrnes sold his bu«ii King t:)WiJbh tliis week. Gr.\nd Mas J). D. a. M Sound visitei ). F. oil Moi All p.\rtik signed are h 3 he same by ther notice. All parljp ^iigu^d liy no lierelsy noiitii Lucas it Co' JlOticf HUd SH Stcond ha for sjile at '• dale, from § ing clocks foi hail and Uey trouble. Ku;,.^' ,fc CO rf r-" F"F.:;riFic AMKnrrAX, con- linn-^ lo t ;; ^M,il.•i, "j I •!â- IMieais, C.iveuts, Trade Miuu-!, C'opyris-'lit." I't the Uaiievl S;:iU'», Canad.i, Kin;l::n'l, Fruii"" Gcnn.nny, etc. lluiid liiKik nhoiit l';i:ent3 sent fice. 'l'hirty-sev(»n vcii'-s' experience. I Patentsd'it-iined tTi-cn"h JIL'NN C arenoticed' In the SciKVTiKio Amkkit.^n' tli • In-.'est, l-est, and' mo."t widul.v rirrulati d seieritlfic i):iiPfr. J:H.20!i ycar.i Weekly. "Hpiernlid enL'ravi:i;.'S a'ul intereslinii in-j fonnatiiiTi. !^;i.'einii'n copy of the Sl-Ii •ilific Aiticr-I lean sntit fr' V .lilr- s SU'.NX CO.. ,^c I^.VTIIIC A.MEKIC.V n."iro. 2'.l Broadway, Ne' Yurli. jCtgal. Franco Chinese War. Nothwithstanding the desolating war now raging in China it will not increase the price of Teas at the JOSEPH GIBSON CONTRACTORS. Contracts taken for all kinds- of BRICK AHD STONE WORK, Plain Ornamental Plastering. Cahnmiitinij in all S!i,ul(i mid Colors. ChaiRes moderate and satisfaction guar- antee i. Orders left at uhe ST.ixu.^uu olhee will receive prompt atteiit ou. Markdale. Peb. (ith, info's. ]2()lv. t P Frost Fioit, BAPRISTKKS, AND ATTORNF.YS-.\T Law, Solicitors in Chanoeiv. i.'i'M\f^' ancers, ttc., Owen Sound, have ivsnineJ 'â- : iFlesherton, Office open every Thwi-sday, rt- peretofore. j\lfiikd Fhost, J. "VV. Fbost, LL. E. Countv Crown Attorney. 1 J. ITIASSOI^, BAnillSTEK, MASTEK AND DEP. liE(. in Chancery, Notary Public, Coiivev.iu cer, ite. A numi'-eh of y.^KMS for s.u.i:. OiricKS â€" Ow( u Sound, in VickerV Block Poulett St.; Bratich office in Markdale. ovn MeFarland's Store, on Friday and Saiuila;' (verv week. "iT-iy Havinc imported prior to the open- ing of hostilities, a sufficient quantity to supply 20,000 MEN for a period of 12 months. In other departments of the Grocery tiade the BELFAST HOUSE has KILLED BY THOU- SAND those wlio assume to transact business by purchasing of small deal- ers exorbitant rates of interest on long ct-edit. Our imix r s of PRESERVED MEATS, SALMON, LOBSTERS, SARDINES. HAMS, BACON,ASSORTED PICKETS and every articles in thegroce/y trade LIQUORS of the best brnuds and quality. Wine for Sacramental purposes warranted pure. Brandies direct from the mau- ulacturer and all other kinds of liquors. Ooflfees, Teas and Tobaccoe^ cannot fail to fiive Batislaction. Oranges. Lemons, c. Family Flcur supplied at Lowest Rates. BELFAST HOUSE, MARKDALE Feb. Cth, 1884. YELLOW OIL CURES RHEUMATISM FREEMAN'S WORM POWDERSi Are pleasant to take. Contain their own Purgative. Is a safe, sure, and etTeetaai (testrorer ot worms in ChUdron or Adalti» GEORGE WILSON, Wholesale and Retail IBUTCHEE!} BEEF, PORK OR MUTTON SUPPLIED, from a single pound to a vholc carcase, at the lowest market prices. FISH FOWL IN THEIR SEASON Farmers having Fat Cattle, Sheep, or Pigs to dispose of will do well to call. Markdale, Oct. 2jtii. IHSl Creasor* ITlTrii^ioii, BARRr. -...-..SOLICITORS, CONVF.Y anr't's, Ac. c. OiFKKs in Owen Sound, Dufferin Plock- •vt-r W. F. ^Volf's Stove and in MARKDALE; Over \V. .7. jMcFailand"rs Store on Tl.ursJa} and Friday of each week. Ls" Funds to leiiil on reasonaMo tirnis. John CuEAsoi:, Q. G. Duncan Mcr.i.^os Markdale, March 15. 1882. T'.t-lv f;; Alexander Brown. ISSUER of Mairiage License.'^, Fire fti"' Life Insurance Agent. (Joniniissioiiii iu B. R. c. Gonveyanoer and Liifii^f' Auctioneer for the County of Grey. Farnu !*• Merchants, and Land Sales, Puuctuiilly ai- tendet' to and charges made verv uioiltint*- Pric*ville, Sept. 17.1880. 1-^ Wm. Brown, JSST:kR of MARRIAGE LICENSES. ic Commi.ssioner in B. R.Ac. Conveyancing iu all its branches promV't .^ attended to and carefullv executed. N. B.â€" Money to Lend ou Real Estate se cnrity. W. C. RICHARDS, BUILDER, CONTRACTOR, AKCHI TECT. â€" Residence ou Mill Street, Mart- dale. Markdale. Jan. 21th, 1883. l'-^^" William mcLcod, BOOT AND SHOEMAKER, MARKDALE- Orders promptly attended to. '^*' wo»-k a specialty. All our work f;uni'aiitt-'«^|' Teims strictly c I r^. Remembev the st-"" opposite Rerere liOtel. l^ll^J* mile East of 17G 78. Mr. John Jrey. acquit! iu his first He was conif bor.s on the v. ity as a spea Mk,. John tolegrani on the sad and leat{i of iiis â- ^as clerk Ue died very Faiu Warn tlie underbig I -ccoiiiit are i I .same is not i :^;ots Will be ' «t nioucv am 'ii'l. John •â- BUCKT.F ' Tlie lest Hab »^"i'*N ulcers, ss 'liapped hands skin CTiiiption^, "o pjij- requir I'trfect satisfa I "ice 25 cents I Turner Co. Not WITH ST â- : of the weat i^iev. Mr. C ^^'ith largt, c ' tliou^ht. an togetlw^r wit I and fluent Ipleasicg deli 1'leeply intei 3 instinctive ai •_i' AEw Saw l^uterprise, ,» mill on lo j^-hicU will b lie Ist of A ' a pushing 11 a felt War lood. Thos ill do well t hile the gi igheHt price Nound logR of I'S also ffjll t