Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 24 Jan 1884, p. 5

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 STANDARD TIME. â€" •- â€" A fine assortment of watches Clocks, Rings, Chains, Setts, Buttons, Specks., Charms, c. Also an extra line of Electro- plated goods for table use. Watch and clock repairing personally, attended to and guaranteed. Honest charges. W.A.BROWN, The Jeweller, I ^Sl II I^ I ^^^ L E sion of uded to • famil-?, IV h that uf youi\- ilogy ou ([uesciou people of we de-, to you ur cou- l direct • 10 p-o- t^r this hi our ircy ByTja-' â- '•n have â- a preiith ;, td. In â- "h us we an 1 wise 'lUiiistra- ,rs haTe ;hid our i ari-h. uiditTer- i ])ain or I assured II precept upon us, tl. lupt to unseemly s of euc- Luuch you iiiu' yoar it is now â-  vnu this I heartfelt lauy yearB uis of ad- i-av'l, pre- irolouging â- I), on be- th'j Flesb- ;i',tiou. Tf pleasum Wilriou to le and par- which we •elcome. I ;.; relations ;her are not V impaired) â- f liie past iit; j'lu, nay londs of es- on are bs- i.rt while i bly to this 1 encourag- tliauk you, ,aft is a rich • tht senti- ccompaQied, ly atTection it. and for loyalty made 1 kuow that y have had .rough theat and greatly 1 ive had to mstauces aS* lorue up by â- rful support making you I bled m some â-  that I am r whom I am e between a stamp oEft d the Qti^ec m\ and Other Iteis. ^^oTicErt ill the.-'e columii^intemledtobenefit I'y indiiidual or Societi/ iriU bi" charged ten \ts a lin for tJtf Inst i7i^ertlon and five I line each ?,nb;equent in.ertion. Til" pirl or buy Who learns to skate, Starts I'Ut with joy And air ulate. Soou â€" liuni)), kerfliimp Two huddeu jars, A thuudcrinK thump. Tfu tliousaiid stais. S. Pedlar was elected Deputy-reeve \i Artemc'sia. Therk was a $90,000 fine in Corn- fall on Tuesday. A QfAMiTV rf matter crowded out lis week, will appear next. M'-Nea has a tasry and well filled rrocuiH-. and his goodt; are fresh. SixTiiKx TiiN- hlacksinith's coal for ileiby W. J. MeFarland. Coal Oil. oiilv 20 cents a gallon at .lot â- â-  as a tated 4 he seen in our truvtees were wretched weather Standakd before con- still will the Two til IcFarland' ^eek. TiiF.r.'s not a hide to Idewalk since the new lee ted The mails arc in a ^tion, and the stormy )ntiuues. TilCiSK ili.l'drd to the here I'V p-.iying the same Jth Jamuiry. James Shea has leashed his 'atbers lop and will cany ou the shoomaking this place. iWooi) is coming to the station in rge quaiititiL-s. And considerable luare timiicr. rARTiKs are looking about hiding a saw mill m this plax;e, wo U be sure of one. I The trains on this lino make mdcrful good time, being very little Jlayed In the snow. Mr. .Tas. Brown, has resigned the ?rksliip of Crleuelg. and J. S. Black I appointed in this place. The thenuometer registered 15 [low zero?.- at eight o'clock this lursdav Idnrning in Markdale. T. Mt^EA moved into his spacious Bmises on Monday, and has greatly llarged his stjck of groceries Sec. [s ORDER to secure a fine photograph is desirable to have aclearcom- fxiou then use McFarl.and's Tea. rREY Division Grange No. 2 will Bet at Rucklyu Tliursday the 7th of jruary, lb84, at 10 o'clock, a. m. Che County Couucil met in Owen md ou Tuesday. Mr. John Cam- Reeve of Holland was elected rdeu. great portion of the St. Lawrence {ar Ili'fiuery was destroyed l^y ,on Tuesday, in Montreal, Loss ^0,000. (URTo\ is taking steps towards linng a line of Steamers the cDm- season between that place and Arthur. ChOpI Books. â€" Royal Canadian Headers, and all cft-dinary text books at the Medical A. Turner Co. la. Das. McCarty of Gknelg has phased the west of lot 11 con. 10 lelg recently occupied by Alexand- Vilsou for $1,180. lEE subscribers are yet iu arrears be Standard, we will not give names to the public but will Jard them ' to the Clerk of the Bion Court before long if not lup. t. Cabter, has arrived to take Dr. le's place in bis absence, Dr. was verv popular as a medical itioner when here some years and the public arg very pleased ^ye hm back. OuB railway station Ims been won- derlklly improved'by being tlnM-tfnghly renoTated, painted, Calcimined and a new floar put in. ASOTHKB CHA.NGI. â€" Mr. H. J. Mid- daugh has resamed eontrol of the Middamgh Honse and £andolpb is going to leave Dorham. â€" Durham Chronitie. Fob SiLK. â€" A pair of Colts rising two and three years respectively, apply to Andrew Irving one mile East of Markdale T. S. Koad. 176-78. Don't fobget the masquerade to- morrow eveniDg (Friday.) The Gym- nasium Club will give a bar perform- ance at nine o'clock. Caittion. â€" We would caution the public against the use of impure teas and would say McFarland has just received another lot of 200 chests pure I Japan, strong and full flavored. Adv. I Andrew McFabland, Sec. of the i Markdale lodge of G. O. 0. F. was I pro^e *^cd with a beautifuJl silver Plate I Cako Basket, by his brethern of the lodge ou the occasion ol his marriage. The Editor of the Advance struggled through one of his periodical fit's last week, Nobody hurt we expected a chaige in the weather after it, but were dissapointed. Mb. VV, E. McAllister, is again to the fore catering to the wants of the public in Durham, he is an ofif-handed obliging host, and travellers may depend on being treated with courtesy and attention. No matter how badly your watches clocks are out of order if yon vyant I tlvem repaired leave thme with me. I I will carefuliy,honestly, practically j put tlien in time keeping shape 1 W. A. Jjrown, Jeweller Markdale. PiEv. Mr. Wilson, Presbyterian Minister, was presented with a beauti- full overcoat and whip valued at $40, together with an addresn by the young people of his? Flesherton congregation ou the evening of the 16th inst., lers A Secret. â€" The secret of beauty lies in pure blood and good health, liejuyinater Bitters :s the grand key that unlocks -all the secretions. It cures all Scrofulous Diseases, acts on the blood, Liver Kidneys, Skm and Bowels, and brings the bloom ol health to the palid cheek. Sold only by Smith, the barber. Say Neighbor. â€" Why do you drive all tlie way to Markdale to do your marketing and shopping Because I have figured closely the past year and finds it pay's to purchase my good's at McFarland's, it is by all odds the best ]3lace. He keeps everything I want and at remarkable low prices. I know it. Assigned. â€" Mr. A. L. Robertson, of this town has made an assignment. It is an unpleasant task to record it, as he is an honest, industrious young man, his only error being getting in too expensive a stock, for a start, when hard times were impending. He will still carry ou his custom tailoring and it is to be hoped will get a fair share of patronage. â€" Durham {Chronicle. Mr. Wm. Cameron, brother of John Cameron of the Globe, and marager of the London Advertiser, died Friday last from inflammation of the lungs. He was a good man of business, and to his energetic habits and persever- ance 18 largely to be attributed the success of the Advertiser. Our Patrons who wisli to subscribe, or renew their subscaiption for any of tbe following publications will do us a favor by handmg the amount in to us at the Standard office, viz. Weekly Mail, or Globe, Family Herald and Weekly Star, monthly Farmers Ad- vocate, American Agriculturist, any of the above with the Standabd for $2.00 or singly for one $1. except the Agri- culturist which is $1.50.' Further Improvement. â€" We have just learned from Mr. Mark Armstro- ng that he has decided to plant a row of maple trees on each side of the new street's which he is now opening up as referred to iu another column. This will be a move in the right direction and will doubtless be highly appreciated by those who intend pur chasing lots on the above streets. South Gbey division grange No. 43. Officers elected for 1884: Master,^ W. Irvine Overseer, H. Wilhs Sec., C. Moffat Lee, John Blyth Stew- ard. Jas. Skene Ass. Steward, Bro. M. Meams Treasurer, Jas. Edge Gate keeper, Jas. Benton Ceres, SisterEdge; Pomona, SisMoffat; Flora, SisBedford; Stewardess,Sister Binnie: Asais., Qillis. Auditors. Oeo. Binnie and Geo, Lamb. Exeeotiya Commit- teeâ€" C. Moflat, JohA Plyth and Jas. Edge. â€" Review. Mb. James Bbown, Township Clerk «f Glendg has resigned bis position and J. S. Black is appointed te tak« bis place. Mr. Brown has held th« offiee some 25 years during which time he discharged the onerous duties of his office with marked ability, giv- ind the best of satisfaction to the township. Tbe Council board will miss him as he was well posted on municipal law, and was therefore a valuable aqnisition to the official board. Mr. Black, his successor is alfo experienced in municipal matters having served faithfully for many years as assessor, collector o., in ttiis township, he is unassumiug yet pains taking and will doubtless make a good Clerk. Much as the financial pinch has been felt during the last year the statistics in regard to the number of failures in Canada show that they were not nearly as many as during the year 1879. In '79 there were 2, 875 failures reported in the Dominion against 1,460 in '83. On the other hand the number of failures in '83 in the United States is reported at 10,- 187 against 6,652 in '79, or an increase of 8,535. In regard to '79 in Canada it will bo remembered we have had a succesion of poor harvests, while in '83 the case was quite different. There were more failures in Canada last year than iu the two preceding years combined and nearly as many as in the three preceding years. A statement has just been made by the Canadian Pacific railway Co. showing the amount of work they have accomplished during the past year. Nearly seven hundred miles of road were built during the year, con- sisting of 553 miles of main line, and 140 miles of branch roads. The rails are now laid to the summit of the Rocky ^lountains, nearly one thousand miles west of Winnipeg, leaving a gap of but 300 miles to com- plete the road through to the Pacific Cceaii. Nearly two hundred miles of the branch north of the Lake Superior have been completed, leaving something over 400 miles yet to build. It is now estimated that the entire road conecting the Atlantic with the Pacific, wholly through Canadian territory, will be completed iu 1885, and that the trip can then be made across the continent in ninety hours. Lord Lansdowne^s wish to be tbe first Governor-General to cross over to the Pacific by a Canadian railway bids fair to be realized. 6!art8$pxxnd0t«a Nockb. â€" ^We wirii it distmetlir nndaniood that ire do not hold oonwIvM respcAMibl* for th«f opinions expraasod by onr eoiresptHidonta. VILLAOS TBTT8TBB8. To the Editor of the Standard. DexB Sm. â€" In reference to our 'Village Trustees I would, in common with ratepayers generally, like to see the trustees of '88 giye an accoaut of their stewardship would also like to see our new trustees turn over a leaf and adopt a more systematic mode of transacting the business of the village why not have the minutes of their meetings reported (that is if they have held any). CiTzxn. LOOS ur ANTED. The nnderaignod is prepared to bay all tbe Baswood, Barch AiJi, Hemlock and Maple saw logs perfectly â- onnd, to be delivered at Davis' MiQ, Meafotd Boad, for whiota the highest price will ba gLYcn in cash. Parties bringing custom logs can get them cut either on shares or by tho thousand, satia^action goaranteea as the proprietor has engaged a first class sawyer, EDWABD DAVIS, Proprietor. NOTICE. Those indebted to the un- dersigned will please call and settle without further dslav. Owing to the late fire I am^ in need of all outstanding accounts. R. ASKIN. UFFOLK BOAK. One of the finest- ever brought into this district for service at Lot 6. Con 7, Euphrasia. Age, year past. Terms, Jl at time of service. 171-80 D. R. ELLIS. S' animals THB VAIX.KT BOAD. To Editor Standard Deab Sib, â€" On again seeinR my in- formant about date of Mr. Flesher's departure for England, I find ampl0 proof that Mr. Flesher was here till middle of October, 1880. So the Eeevo's plea that he could not get a deed from Mr. Flebher in Sept. 1880, same time that he got Hogg's deed because, (as he said) Mr. Flesher had gone to England a year before that time, falls to the ground from the fact that Flesher was here. Perhaps he will now state why he did not secure both deeds at same time. Most cer- tainly he ought to make best amends he can by using every effort to get the deed at once before the season advances and let those ratepayers who are will- ing to do work at their own expense ou the road get at it as early as possi- ble and not be making needless apolo- gies for Mr. Flesher, who can be in no default till after the Reeye presents the deed to him for signature. I trust the Eeeve will be active in this matter for "Artemesia expects her Keeve to do his duty." Yours truly, Wm. Hogg. NOTICE. All parties indebted to the- undersigned are hereby requested to pay the same to A. Turner, Markdale. He is tho only person in Markdale authorized to re- ceive monies due me and to give receipts therefor. 175-77. T. S. SPROULE, M. D. NOTICE. All who arp indebted to tbe undersigned, are hereby notified to settle the same either by cash or note, at once, as I am obliged to make close collections owing to the recent fire. JOHN McKENNA. S*LE OF Lots. â€" As may be seen by posters, Mr. Mark Armstrong has decided to offer 20 lots in Markdale for sale iu the most handsome portion of the town for residences, and to this end the following important and com- mendable changes will be made. Mark Street will be opened from Queen St. atMr. iJowes residence South wards to Wellington Street and thence went to Mill Street by Mr. Edward Davis residence, another Street will be open- ed west of Montgomery's Bakery running south east from Mill Street to Mark Street, the frame barn will be removed off the reserve to lot 102 leav- ing room for a row of lots on the new Street as well as a row on each side of Mark Street. This is certainly a very desirable portion of the town for a residence, and a number are already enquiring after them from outside who expect to purchase and build. The terms are easy and we understand the price asked will be within the reach of all, Mr. Gilliand, P. L. S. has been laying out the ground, and a diagram can be seen at any time by applying to the proprietor in this place. A good farm of 100 acres in Euphrasia, 4^ miles from Markdale will also Le offered for sale at the same time and place, this is a bush lot, and as timber is becoming yaluable, should sell at a good figure. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock on Saturday the 2nd Febru- ary at tlie Markdale House, Terms for village lots one third cash, on approved paper at 8 per cent interest, balance in to and three years at 8 per cent- for farm one half cash, balance in 4 years at 8 per cent. THAT CONTEOVTERSY. To the Editor of the Standard. Sir. â€" The advance man has again emerged Irom his den into which he beat such a hasty retreat some weeks ago. There, in silence and solitude the very personification of Mother Hubbard's only dependant he has lam ever since, until last week when he got on imaginary bone, he slowly emerges, gives a few groans but cane bite. Would it not be more systematic for him to finish that other matter before he takes up a new sub- ject? That he should presume to publicly comment upon my business matters without knowing the facts shows plainly that he was not seeking to maintain the rights of any one pnblic or private, but giving vent to his pent up spleen wounded vanity and degenerating ihe calling he assum- es into a species of b^ckmailing and slander in a way which for sake of the profession I am happy to say n©. true journalist iscapable. Mr.Fawcekt should remember it is yet fresh in the minds of his readers that he tried this on me before with what success I am willing to leave the public to judge. I am curious to know what the man's object is. It he presumes his influence personally or through his paper effects me one way or anoth- er he is mistaken for while I fully appreciate the good will and respect of iny fellow men who are worthy,, vet I hold iu contempt any efforts men of his stamp make to injure me. Be- grading the matter of which he speaks with such assumed knowledge other- wise wilful ignorance, I can give a satisfactory explanation to any one desiring it. In conclusion 1 would suggest that wlien he undertakes to write about me again to either know f what he is writing about or have the decency to mind bis own business. Yours respectfully. W. G. PiCKELL IpOR SAL,E. Dwelling House, shop. Suitable for grocery store, or other business, with dwelling above, and stable on the lot, on mill street, corner lot. good business site, apply to S. DAMUDE, Flesherton, or C. W. RUTLEDGE, Markdale. FARMIS FOR SALE. Lot 117, con. 1 west, T. S. Road, Artemesia, containing 50 acres, 40 of of which are clearsd and under â-  ultiration. Lot S part 15, con. 12. Holland 63 acres, 40 cleared; all necessary buildings thereon. Lot 13, con. 13, Glenelg, 100 aeres all bush. For terms and particulars apply to J. G. IRVING, Markdale. Oct.16.1883. IG FARM FOR SALE. Lot 118, con.. i West T. S. R., Artemesia, containiug 50 acres, more or less, all cleared and under cultivation. A sood bank barn, and log dwelling house on the premises, also a thriv- ing young orcliard just commencing to Lear, situated about 2J miles from the thriving village of Markdale. For Terms and parti- culars apply at this office or to JOHN HAZARD, Flesherton Station. MARKDALE HOUSE. MARKDALE, ONT. MRS. RUTLEDGE, PROPRIETOR. Fagsliioiiable Tailor, OVER MACFARLANd's STORE. A PERFECT FIT GUAEANTEED. ROBT. ASKIN, Has opened out a First-OIass UNDERTKIN6 ESTABLISHMENT.. AudthereSure has supphed a want long felt^. C4SKETS, COFFINS, SHROUDS, and all FUNERAL FURNISHINGS supplied on the shortes notice. DEATHS- Credit Sale Register. Fridat Jan. 25th, at Mr. Richard Sparling's Lot 27, con. 10, Euphrasia, a large quan- tity of farm stock, implements fec. Sale to commence at 12:30. Tarms, 12 months on approved paper. W. J. Shepiierdson, auctioaeer. Wbdnesdat, Januaby 80th, At Mr. John Coulthard's, lot 14, con. 9, Osprey, farm stock, implements o., will be sold without reserve. Sale to commence at one o'clock p. m. Terms, 12 months on approved paper. Ira H. Perigo, Aaotioneer. MARKDALE MABEETB. Notices of BirtJis, Marriages, and Deatlu, twenty five cents. EixiOTT. â€" In Artemesia, on the 21st inst., Mrs. Thos, Elliott, sr., aged 73 yrs.. 4 m. IXeafse for hire at moderate ra*es. â€" All kinds of- PICTURE FRAMING Done on short notice. ROBT. ASKIN. Moiiithly Fairs. Mesh- Fal4 Wheat, t0.60 to tl-OO Spring 90.60 to l-OO Barley, 40 to 55 Peas, 66 Oats. 26c Batter, 15c Eggs, fie PoUtoes, 35e; Px^ l?:SS • ""^^ '• " *â- " ' ^^""' *^' W each month. Markdale â€" Saturday before erton. Chatsworth â€" Monday before Dor- ham. DondaUt â€" Tuesday before Orange- yille. Fleshertonâ€" Monday befmre Orange- Tille. Orangeville~'E1i« Msond Thtir4d«| THE i BEST PLACE: TO GET T North of Toronto, is at the ila.T)s:da,le Gf-alleyy-* Thai*b so, for a friend of mine bad his taken ihere and he says they arv even better than what he had taken in Toronto. JAM.I8 H.AMILTQN. ABTISI,.

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