Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 17 Jan 1884, p. 5

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 i"--^^^,;^- mV-^-w^V*-; ftr'.lM-'-.: ' hi^ iT=^iax i^rs. THIS txteiek:- vstii-iL-; of Ready r-hiuixts, Shawls Mii""s, Gloves, 111 utiicr articles! DressStuffsTweeds Dress stuffs m all the latest shades, var3-in^' in price from 10 cent" UD. 1. Twee Is in English, Scotch and Canadian, in the newest and most fashionable styles. Groceries. Teas and general groceries always ud to the mark and at the lowest living prices. Blankets, Wincies. Blankets, White and Grey at Drices heretofore unheaid of. Wincies in plain and fancy at rockbottom prices. Underclothing. Ladies' and Gents' Fall and Winter Underclothmg in great variety suitable for all classes. Boots and Shes. A large, varied and attrac-- live lot of Boots and Shoes for the Fall and Winter trade, which for style, quality and price cannot be excelled. TO D i^roro :E3:o"crsE,' TXril^Z-^Hivi: BISOTXriLT STANDARD TIME. A fine assortnicntof luaiches Clocks, Rings, Ckains, Setts, Buttons, Specks, Ckfirms, c. Also an extra lim nf Electro- plated goods for iabk use. Watch and clock repairing personally, attended ie .and gtiaratitced. Honest cJwtrges-. W. k. BROWN, Tti8 Jeweller, f ^V 1?^ I^ I ^^ L E- Ucal and^Oth efMs. Notices in t'he-ie colitmna intended to benefit 4%ny i-ndlviilual or Societij u-ill be charged ten cant» a lir: i:ent3 a. line f\:r the t'uft insertion and Jive (irk subiequent insertion. Oil the 6tb Easter Sunday come x\pril. Mr. A^kin, is opening out in Keid's Block. The Oniano Legislature will laeet on the 2i'.Lid. The Domiuiou parlimeiit meet-a to- day, Tluusd;iy. TuE local election in Renfrew Co. comes off ou the 18th. wpre very excbaiJiJes. numerous lu Marrice last week Publishers ouglit to haye soruethms: for instrtii.L,' such items. No. 1 Coal Oil only 25 cents a Gallon, at McFarlauda. It is suid that girls who siiig "Baby inJLo" seldom get, marriiod. Mr. Benson has removed to iiis new premises opposite the Furniture factory What is it tlrnt has a mouth and neyer epeaks, a bed a id never sleeps? a river. J. 11. HrLL is travelling for AJex Kay, Markualo Harvest gloye Manu- facturer, The remains of the late Capt. Weibb j Be is a staunch man wore exhumed and reinterred ,at Oakviood Cemetery, Niogai'a, Jast Thursdav. Pure honey for sale at the Medical Hall. Those iudeted to the Standard will oblige by payinc: the same before the 2Sili Jauuai-y. If you •wisl] a sweet breath and clear complection, drink McFarlands pure Japau Tea. Mr. J. H1CK.LING of Osprey will please eccept thanks for a two lb. bottle of pure honey. The next sittings of division court, No. 5, will be held in Flesherton, on Thursday Jaauary 24th, 1884. Alex Kay is pushing the Harvest glove business and ex-pects to sell this season 1,000 dozen pair, Clever. Wes. Bowler lias a large quantity of j'ood red brick on hand, Those, who aiiti-eipate building next season should see him. OcsR new head teacher has made good impression, and quite an im- provement is already to be seen in the management. Money is very close yet not suffici- ently close to be available, accept perhaps Matri-Money, which appears quite plentifull. School Books. â€" Royal Keders, Canadian Keadtsrc, and all tlie ordinary text books at the Medical HaJl A. T inner Co. The Inspecjors were in town on Wednesday and satisfactory settlem- onls were made in reference to the losses in the late fire. 3Ir. John Deavitt, who has been a Gouncillor in Holland lor a number of years left this week with his family iiv the Northwest. We wish him success. Trj.vcle WitasHT will Lave an auction sale of store goods, on Wed- uotday and Thursday next week, com- mencing at 11 o clock each day. See thtiir advertisement in this paper. TaE Mt, Forest Confederate is one of Qur best exchanges, but it is gener- ally so poorly printed we have great difficulty ill reading it. Please .send us a good exchange brother. Mis. JoH.v Camebon Pieeve of Hol- land is spoken of as likely to be ,wa:"den for b4. His claims are good .and. ought to be favorably considered. we The lady cmjiloyees of the Markdalle House gave a leap-year .assembly one evening last week which .caeoe off very succcisinlly. To improve your appearance., 'bring your razor to Smith, the barber and have it put in good trim, and then have a daceut shave. Tis just one month since I iswore off' drinking any tea except McFarl- and's. and my friends say I am much improved in appearence. The ice is in good order and the riuk well ))attouized, wo may expect the proprit^tor, Mr. Montgomery to give a Masquerade shortly. The sncw is so deep on parker street, ^leaford that the men who reside on it carrv tneir wives home from church on their back So says the Mirror. J. McKf.nna is opening out in the building in rear ot the bura't block where he will be pleased to meet his old, customers who need anything in the blacksmithing line. Our Patrons who wisn to subscribe, or renew their subscaipticn for any of tl-e following publications will do us a favor by handing the amount in to us at the Standard office, viz. Wf-ekly Mail, or Globe, Family Herald and Weekhj Star, monthly Farmers 4d- rocate, American, any of the above with the Standakd for $2.00 cr biugly for one $1. except tJje Aijri- mlturi^it which is $1.50, and we would like to sec him get the position. About 40 subscribers to the Stavd- AP.D have Tjromised to fetch us wood for their subscription, and yet we were three days this week without a stick, our next neighbor had a supply how- ever, which he cheerfuUy divided. For first class axe handles go to Fiunerly'd shop, Elizabeth st., op- posite the bank, Markdale. You can Uring your own timber and have them made to order, or you can get them all ready maaa at the shop. Sign of the Big Axe Handle. 169-72 The first meeting of Township Council is fixed by act of Parlimeut, and is the third Monday in the year which will be the 21st iust. The County Council will meet the following day. The fourth Tuesday in January being the first meeting by statute. The Berkeley Sabbath school tea meeting, which was adyertised for the 4lh January was, owing to the severe storm, postponed until Monday the 7th when there was a good attendance -and a pleasant time was spent, $30 was realized which will be applied in behalf of the School. Sabbath OssEsvAiiCE. â€" Ono of the sabscribers to the Globe was made happy on Saturday last, by receiving through the post, one of those celebra- ted Globe watches, and to his joy, as well of that of his fiunily, found that on Sabbath morning no amount of coaxing, pursnasion, or threats, would make it gu, and thus be guilty of Sabbath desecration. We wonder if â- ill the Glub« watches are so scrupul- ously pigus. â€" Duodalk Herci(J. Why is love like a potato Because it shoots from the eyes. Mrs Spr'^ule will not accompany the Dr. to Ottawa this year as stated in the Standard last week. It is understood that the girls have adopted the following as their motto for wan The Chesely Enterprise came out ' in a new dress last week which gives it quite an improved appearauc. The Proprietor has been elected Councillor for the Village of Cbesley. No matter how badly your watches clocks are out of order if yon want them repaired leave thme with me. I will carefully,honestly, practically put tlieu in time keeping shape W. A. Brown, Jeweller Markdale. W. B. Johnston, Esq., of the Busy Times has been re-elected reeve of Port Elgin. Mr. J, H. Little of the Owen Sound Advertiser, and Mr. J. Stephens of the Chesley Enterprise have also been elected to the council in their respective towns. They will accept our congratulations. We acknowledge receipt of subscri- ptions from H. McLaughlan. Manito- waning, $2, which pays to IGth Aug. 84. G. M. Anderson, Shelburne, $1. for 84. W. H. Best, Woodford, per. S. Wiley. §1. for 84. B. McConnell, Alpena, Mich., $1. for 84. Wm. Crawford, Millbank, $1. for 84. Extensive auction sale of village lots in the village of Markdale, on Saturday, Feb. 2, by M. Armstrong. The above lots are all well situated in the best part of the village, com- manding a good view and convenient to railway statiom. Terms, one tliird cash, balance in one and two years. Mr. F. Sarejnt has sold his butcher business in this place and will remove to a farm 10 milQS from Barrie, where he intends to engaga in agncilture. We regret to loose Fred, as he is a good citizen, a pushing business man and honerable in his dealings, we hope however change will be his gain. A Secret. â€" The secret of beauty lies in pure blood and good health. Kejuyinater Bitters is the grand key that unlocks all the secretions. It cures all Scrofulous Diseases, acts on tie blood, Liver Kidneys, Skin and Bowel.'*, and brings the bloom oi health to the palid cheek. Sold only by Smith, the barber. Parties desirous of procuring a good reliable watch for its real value cannot do better then deal with VV. A. Brown, Markdale. He is handhng a superior line of watches in gold and silver cases, and giving excellent satisfactiot He understands thor- oughly his busiuess and besides, his integrity is unquestioned. Enterancb Examination. â€" At the recent Entrance Examination to the High School held here, 7G candidates presented themselves, 45 of whom were successful. The following is the list of successful candidates, with the number of marks taken by each â€" Hattie Cain 397. Maggie Reid 393, Elizabeth Bowes 386, Emily Boddy 370, Martha Somerville 370. Fanny Notter 346, Fanny Wightman 334, Maggie McDougall 829, Bepsie Bich anlsou 318, May Trotter 815, Martha Frost 310, Bertha Grady 310, Isabel Dobie 307, Aggie Kennedy 805, Corbet 304, Winuifred Grrady 804, Alice E. Todd 301, Mai ion Beatty 296, Amelia Squire 293, Mary Iteton 291, Jane Telford 283, Mary J. Walker 282, Auni«5 Webb 280. David R. Dobie 459, John H. Brown 432, Geo. C. Bowes 411, Jas. A. Dodds 892, Samuel Douglass 881, Walter Ferguson 877, Fred Dennisou 368, Wm. T. Armour 862, Francis J. Walker 852, Geo. Wain 851, Howard Ireland 888. Hy. DeLaMatter 881, Wm. Crow 825, Arch. McNab 818, Stephen Jones 811, Jos. Gibbs 806, Hy. A. Scott 806. Matthew Kennedy 305, D. W. Ferrier 298, W. A. Bridget 289, D. A. Sinebir 282, James Cram asO.â€" 0. "i.T'mtf., The Kimberly L. 0. L. will hold their annual soiree and oyster supper in the Orange Hall, Kimberly on Friday evening the 25th January, Preparations are being made for a good time, and a cordial invitation is extended to all. Tickets 25 cents. leap year :â€" "If you see what you Several good speakers are expected. it ask for it " ' pasters for further particulars. Euphrasia District L. 0. L. â€" This lodge met at Rocklyn, on the 12th inst., when the following were elected office hearers for the ensuing year District Master, T. Gilray D. D. M., Jas. Longhead Chaplain, Chas. G. Deavitt R. S., Thomas Abercrom- biii. F. S., Jas. Knott Troas. Thos. Beid Lecturer, Wm. Gutbrie Di- rector of ceremonies, S. Braidner. Proton district L. 0. L. held their annual meeting in the hall of L. 0. L. No. 797 Dundalk, on the 8th inst. officers elected for current year Dis- trict Master, Geo. Rutherford, Shel- burne D. D. M., D. K. McArthur, Hopeville D. Chap., John Abbott D. S., Samuel Edgerfon, Ventrv F. D. S., Wm. Booth, Dromore D. T., Neil McDonald Hopeville D. D. of C, Aliek McConnell, Dundalk D. Lec- turers, re-elected, Thos. Hanbury and J. W. Morrow. Com. We saw a good instance the other day of the singular notion some people have of economy. A man came into our office and stopped his paper alleg- ing as his reason the "hard times." Half an hour afterwards the same party "set them up" at the McAlister House and invited us to imbibe. To- wards evening the "economist" left for home in a "salubrious" state. Ife had "saved" two cents a week by robbing himself and his family of a welcome weekly visitor and squander- ed at least two dollars. â€" Chronicle. How" to Make Scandal. â€" Take a grain of falshood. a handful of run- about, the same quantity of nimble tongue, a sprig of the herb backbite, a teaspoonful of don't-you-tel!it, six drops of malice and a few drachms of envy add a little discontent and jealousy, strain through a bag of misconstniction, cork it up in a bottle of malevolence, and hang it up on a skein of street yarn shake it occasionally for a few days and it will be fit for use. Take a few drops beforo walking out, "and the desired result will follow. The Markdale Literary and Gym- nasium Club Jgave an entertainment in the Orange Hall, on Thursday evening last which was well attend od. The bar performance by nine of the Club was something remarkable for amateurs and drew from the audi- ence repeated applause, The music which continued throughout by Organ and three Violin's was highly appreci- ated, while prof. Sproule proved him- self master of liis profession as a step dancer. With a little more drilling the Club will be able to take the cake from anything of the kind in the Dominion. Osprey Election 1884 REEVE. Gammey, 219. McGirr. 173. Sing, 116. deputy REEVE. l^lclntyre, 267. Potts, 184. COL'NCILLOBS. Inkster, 177. Irish, 88. Johnston, 210. ISeil. 29. Phillips, 62. Smclair, 81. Speers, 221. Tavlor. 289. Our Elevator. â€" Mr. White, Man- ager of the railway, accompanied by the Chief Engineer, has been in town this week, in connection with the elevator and our citizens will be ple- ased to learn that while heie he let contracts for the stonework to Mr. Chambers, and for timber to Messrs, â-  Thos. John.cton and John Han-ison. He says the work will be pushed with all possible speed to be ready for the opening of navigation. We have never had oui prospects in railway and shippinof matters look so bright as at present; and tho new manager is creating a favorable impression by the energy with which ho takes bold of matters and pushes them on. â€" O. S. Tiinei. were in Personals. Dr. and Mrs. Washington, town this week. J. W. and Arch. Speers, of Alexan- dria, Minn., were in town this week. Willie Lyons arrived from Mani- toba last week, he will return in a few weeks. Mr. Thos. Gamey, Reeve ol Osprey, gave us a call on Monday. Mr. Gilray, Reeye of Euphrasia, called on us this week. Mr. Thos. McGee, of Kimberly, re- turned a short time ago from Colora- do, he gave us a call this week. CARD OF.THANKS. To The Public. â€" Having sold my business, and decided to remove from Markdale I take this method of re- turning thanks to iny numerous cus- tomers foi their patronage during the two years I did business in this place. I would also solicit your continued patronage for my successors, Messrs. Sarjeant Buruside, who wiM doubt- less supply the wants of their cus- tomers in a satisfactory manner. Respectfully Yours, Fred Sarjeant. N. B. Those indebted to ^he un- dersigned will please call and settle without further notice. Fred Sarieant. The New Year. The new year opens disastrously, so far as accidents are concerned. During the 111 st weeks Toronto had to mourn the loss of twenty-eight of its citizens, all young and strongmen, by a single railway accident, and at nearly the same time in Bellertlle Illinois, an equal number of fair young women suffered an equally cruel death. Last year was remark- able for the wholesale destruction if Uuman life by various kinds of accid- ents and misfortunes. Let us hope and pray that the present year may not bring m its tram so many terrible calamities. Preparing^ to Double Track. Kingston, Jan. 8. â€" The Grand Trunk have laid down a large quantity of rails at iliflfereut places along the line, iytend for use in the laying of of a second track. At the Kingston station there are deposited about 20, 000 rails, and a similar quantity at Gananoque. MARKDALE MABEETS. FaU Wheat, »0.60 to f 1.00; Spring »0.C0 to tl 00; Barley. 4J to55; Peas, 66; Oats, 2Cc Batter, Ide; Eg(^, 22c; Potatoes, 85c; Hay. »8 .00 Pork, 6.00 to 6.50; Floor, «4.75 to 15 00; Wool 17 to 30. NOTICE. Those indebted ta the un- dersigned will please call and Fettln without turther delay. Owin„ to the late fire I am iu need uf all outstanding accounts. K. ASKIN. SUFFOLK BOAK. One of the finest animals ever brought iito this district for servicu at Lot 6. Ccn 7, Euphrasia. Age, year past. 171-80 Term-i, tl at time of service, D. B. ELLIS. FABIVS FOB SAI.E. Lot 117, con. 1 weft, T. S, Bead. Artemesift.'contaiaiag 60 aor8R, 40 of ol which are clearsd and under oltiv'ition. Lot S part 15, con. 12, fiofland 63 ftCTf^, 40 deareu; all mcessary buildings tbeieou. Lot 13, con. 13, Glenelg, 100 acre» all bobh. For teims und particalars appljF^' to J. G. TRYING, Markdalo^ Oet.16.1333. 14-

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