Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 17 Jan 1884, p. 1

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 rvj-,r^,^, ^^^^rfy-. -WSSfeKSff "l^p^^p J"" -TJ^JT^ â-  -LW^iT^.^^; T*â„¢* â- ' â- ti;^^ ^â- 'â- ---'â- ^^^^T^- -» I I JUPfl^^U y will be sold ve#j^ -tection by the rroceries, L be }g the place.' on StatiOil* ork which weS- FIESHERTOM. OL. 4.--N0. 19, 'he MarMale Standard issued evesy Thursday, at the office, Mill Street, Markdale. Terms â€" ?1 per year in advance; §1.25 if at paid within three months. Profes-iona! and buniues.i cards one inch tace and umler, ver year, ?4. yn. C 510. 3 mo. rnoie column ^0(1 00 ?27 .50 815 00 ialf column 27 00 15 00 10 0!) [uarter column .... 1^ 00 10 OJ G 00 fwo inch space 7 00 4 00 three incii t^pnce .... 1(» 00 5 00 Casual advertisements 8 cents per line l.rst isertiim, 3 ceuth pia' line each subsequent isevti(jn. noni'a)'ed measure. Editoiial notices, or notices in local col- umn 10 ci.'nts i)er li'.;i lirst insertion, 5 cents ich sul)-eipi"nts in-erriiin. Stray animals Ac., advertised .8 weeks for fl, the advertisemtiit not to tscaed twelve lines. MARKDALE, ONT., JAN. 17, 1884. No. 175 mss. -JOB PRiNTINC. The Stantiakii odie iias a splendid equip- lent of jnwtc*- as well as fine job type, bpe- ei.ll attention to orders by mail. Orders illed with dispatch. EDITOR AND ITlOrEIETOK. «^A.7IB,'t:g. WAEtDELL,, nrrELL Di(iG:;it and drillek. all VV orders picmptK attended to. Kesi- Jence â€" SuiaerV UiJl Owen Sound 122-ii5 |B. Ghent, IvI,E).^ M.^..GP. S., O. Physician and hr.vtri.'on, Priceville, lOraduate of Univer.dty. Viot. College. ,, New York, and Hon. Grr, luate, of tbe siime, ,, Avieth Medical Institute. Opthaliuic Hospital, N,Y. lemberC.ilI. PhysieiansL'c Sargeors,0. 104 .P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. DENTIST, '^KAruATf: o:- tukonto school ^X of D.iiti.^tiv^ v.ill be at llutledge's Hotel, Markii lie. on ^he Island tlurd Wed- jgsdav of iiieh ni(ii'.th an 1 also at Munshaw's otel. Til .^^lirrt'in, \\w liay following the third \Ve^luesdav-ir. ea_}i month for the prac Itiee jf \\\ jirol'e-^sinri. January Otii, Tss:5. T22-74 iegai. (ARRISTEUS, AND ATTORXEYS-AT Law, Sidieiiojs ii; Chancery, Ctjnvey incurs, ,te., Owrn Soir.el, have resumed at j'leslierti'n, Ollice open uverv' Thursday, as aeretofoi e. LLi-UEF. r:;j.-r. .T. W. Frost, LL. B. County Crown Attorney. 1 (AREISTEK. PIASTER ANDDEP.EEG in CliancLry, Notary Public, Coaveyan eer, c. A N;-:iii!i,;n of f.^ums for s.\le. Offiov s â€" Owen Soanl. in Yicker's Block It'oulett Su; Uraiich oliice in Markdale, over MeFarlaud's Store, on Friday andSatuiiay [every wtek. 57dy €'rfas«rA' _^I«irrisoii, BAERl" -x..,SOLICTTOES. CONYEY- auce-, iVc. Ac, Offuks in Owen Sound, Dufferin Block, [•over \V. F. Wolfs Store and in MARKDALE; lOver ^V. J. ^lel'arland's Store on Thursday |,and Fridiiv of each week. t:2r'Fuiids to It nil on reasonable terms. John C!iE.\si,K. 0.0. Uukcan Morlson Markdale, .March lo, 1882. 79-lv Alcxiiaidcr Srown. ISSUER of Marriage Licenses, Fire and Life Insurance Agent. Commissioner Fin B. 11. i.Vc. 'JonveT. ancer and Licensed lAuctioneer for the County of Grey. Farmers, |2klerchauts, and Laud Sales, Punctually at- tended to and charges made very moderate. Priceville, Sept. 17. 1880. " 1-y â- SSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, Ac Commissioner iu B. R.e. Conveyancing iu all its branches promptly attended to and carefully executed. N. B. â€" Money to Lend on Real Estate se surity. W. G. RICHARDS, â-º UILDEE, CONTRACTOR, ARCHL TEcr. â€" Residence ou Alill Street, ilark- iale. Markdale, .Jan, 2ith, 1S83. 1241y §0tel«. OHN NOBLE, MARKDALE, [EM'LBLACKSMITH rIORSE SHOEING .^ SPECIALTY. REVERE HOTEL, PROPRIETOR. 1'^HIS popular Hotel has changed hands and the above men cater to the Wftnts of the public. Good itabling and attentive hostlers. The best brands of liquor and cigars, good meals and comfortable rooms, large ommercial room. Barber shop iu con- nection. 130-ly. CHATSWORTH HOUSE (late IIOP.KO'W HOUSE,) CHATSW^OKTH, Ont. C. H. MATTriEWS, Proprietok. The best branel of liquors and cigars al- ways in stock. Good meals and c mtortable rooms guaranteed. Good stabling ana at- tentive hostler. 114 COMMERCIAL HOTEL PRICEVILL.E. Ont. Large and commodious Sample Rooms Good Bed Rooms, c. The Bar and larde well supplied with the best the market af fords good Stabling .and attentive Hostler's THOS. ATKINSON, Proprietor GIBSON McMillan CONTRACTORS. Contracts taken for all kinds of BRICK iHD STONE WORK, Plain Ornamental Plastering. Cahomini/Kj in ali .SIuuUs and Colors. Charges moderate and satisfaction gnar- antCG'i. Orders left at nhe St.^ndaf.d office will receive prompt .attent.on. Markdale, Feb. (Jth, 1883. 126-ly. GEORGE WILSOH, Wholesale and Retail iBUTCHER!! BEEF, PORK OR MUTTON SUPPLIED. from a single pound to avholo cai-cass, at the lowest market prices. FISH FOWL IN THEIR SEASON Farmers having Fat Cattle, Sheep, or Pigs to dispose of will do well to call. Maikdale, Oct. 25th, 1881 m^^^ Jk-S^ Onion Carriage Works Union Carriage Works. Ail work manufactured from First Glass Material In the Latest and Best Improved Style, and finished with Eno-lisli "Varnisli- Painfing Trimming Rigs wi receive prompt attention. All Eepairs executed in the shortest possible time consistent with good workmanship. Good Work a Speciality. Bemember the Shop, opposite the Cheapside D. J. SHANAHAOSr, Proprietor Mukdale. Dec. 2ad, 1881. 64^ jM 'William McL.e*4, BOOT AND SHOEMAKER, MARKDALE- Orders promptly attended to. Sewed TTork a specialty. All or.r â- work jrnarantced. Teim.=; strictly carh. Remember the stand, ojHK-site Revere Hotel. io9-3m MARKDALE HOOSE, MAEKDALE, ONT. MRS. RUTLED6E, PROPRIETOR. -^- :e3:iz-il., l^as«h.ionatle Tailor, OVER MACFARLAND's STORE. A PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. THE BESyTuUJE TO GET in FDM! North of Toronto, is at the rviai'lcdale Grallery, That's so, for a friend of mine had his taken tliere and he says they are even better than what he had takou iu Toronto. JAMES H.AMILTON. ARTIST. THOS. MATHEWS, HI MARKDALE. EVERYTHING IN OUR LINE KEPT ON HAND OR MADE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. LIVERY! IN CONNECTION. EUGENIA Grist, Saw andLath Mills Having made eqtensive improvements in my Grist Mill I feel confident I can give good satisfaction. GOOD FLOUR AL\VAYS ON HAND Chopping Done Every Day. Custom Sawing and Bills Filled on the shortest notice. LUMBER AND LATH ALWAYS ON HAND. Cherry, Buttarnut, White Ash, Black Ash Basswood, Pine ind Hemlock Loga wanted 691y. M. AKITT, Eugenia. im:^mm EOBT. ASKIN, Has opened oat a First-Class UNDERTKIN6 ESTABLISHMENT, And therefore has supplied a want long felt, OOFFIKS, C4SKETS, SHROUDS, and all FUNERAL FURH IS KINGS sappUed on the sliortes notice. A. STleiniid. Hearse for hire at moderate rates. â€" All Mnds of â€" PICTURE FRAMING Done ou short notice. .ROBT.-ASKIN. SO!fl£ DAY. Seme day for me the sun will cease to shine Some day the light of Heaven will sure be mine Some day the grief, the pain wiU all be past And I shall see my Saviour's face at last. Above my pulseless heart the sweet birds' song "WiU chant my requiem,the whole day long; The fragrant flowers their perfume sweet will shed And summer rains fall soft upon my head. The changeles stars their sUent watch will keep The loud winds roar above me as I sleep The winter snows he deep upon my brest Yet not disturb my calm and peaceful rest. Therefore I labor on, from year to year, Trusting iu £iim,with never doubt or fear; Content to bear my burdens aUthe way. If I may share His blessed rest 'some day.' Wm. I. Smith. Artcmcsia council. Council met to-day â€" members ali present. The Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last session read and con- firmed. Communications as follows prepen- ted and read. From the clerk of Euphrasia, re Valley Road, G. A. Hutchinson, re drain, a pamphlet and blank from of a petition of the Land Loan Amendment Association. Accounts as follows :â€" W. T. Mc- Rhc, services on the Town Line duration, Euphrasia, $3 Wm. Mitc- hell, work on bill at station $3 Insurance on Town Hall $12,50 R. Cook, repairing scrapers $1.25. By-Laws 354 and 355, appointint^ deputy returning ofiicers and places for holding Municipal elections, and extending lime lor returning the Collectors Rolls, were introduced and p issed in the usual form. Mr. M. Richardson, personally waited upon council regarding jiis lot in Fleshertou. Moved by Mr. Wright, seconded by Mr. Elliott, and reoolved, That where as it has been represented by Mathew Richardson, that a small triangular gore known as Lot 1, at the corner of Durham and Sydenham Streets, iu the village of Flesherlon, now and for several years past owned and occupied by him, was in or about the year 185G, agreed upon between John Flesher, previously owner thereof, and W. K. Flesher who then became owner there- of to be thrown open for public use as a road of thorough-fare, Market fair or pleasure grounds, and that doubts have arisen respecting his title thereto in consequence of such agreement, and whereas the said land was never accepted or used by the Municipal CJouncil of the Township of Artemesia, or by the public as a road or thorough fare. Market Fair or Pleas- ure Grounds. Therefore be it resolved That the Council do declare that the said land was not at any time, and is not the property of this corporation as a road or thoroughfare. Market Fair or pleasure grounds, nor open to public use as such, and the council do and hereby does expressly refuse and desclaim the same. â€" Carried. Mr. Elliott moved, eeconded by Mr. McArthur, That the Reeve be author- ized to sign the petition to the Ontario Legislature, playing for the adoption of the Torrens or some other system of Land Transfer in this province. â€" Carried. .Orders for the Trustees' rates for the different school sections, were authorized to be issued. Mr. McArthur moved, seconded by Mr. Wright, That the following accounts be paid â€" InsuraLce ou Town Hall. $12,50; W. Mitchell repairing hill, $3 R. Cook, rcjpairing scrapers $1,25 N. BoyleR, refpud of taxes he being in indigent circum- stances $2.06. Mr. McKee moved, seconded by Ml-. Wright, That S. Pedlar be paid twenty-four dollars and 87 cts. being Artemeaia sliare erectin» bridges on town line duration, Artemesia and Euphrasia. Also James Siewart $3. 50 for job on sameduratioa. â€" Carried. Mr.,Elliott moTed, seconded by Mr. McArthur, that James Johnston be refunded $3.28 cents, leiug charged in -excess ou account of iu assessment. â€" -CaiTied. Mr. McArtinir 'novel, ^eccn- Mr, Wright, That Mr. T. McK ee be paid $3 for letting aud inspecting jobs on the deviation Artemssia and Euphrasia. â€" Carried. Mr. Wright moved, seconded by Mr. McArthur, That the Reeve issue order in favor of Isaac Sinclair for $12, being road jobs in Ward No. 3. â€" Carried. Mr. McKee moved, seconded by Mr. Wright, That L. Williamson be paid $154"or job on 35 side road. Ward No. 4. â€" Carried. Mr. McKee moved, seconded by Mr. Wright, That J. M. Webster, be refunded $1.50 statute labor returned and after wards performed. â€" Carried. Order for this day's session and Indigents monthly allowances were issued Mr. McAathur moved, seconded by Mr. McKee, that the thanks of this Council be tendered to the Reeve Dr. Christoe, for the very able and impar- tial manner iu which he has presided over the council, and discharged its duties as Reeve of the Township for the year which is now about closed. â€" Carried unanimously. Council adjourned. W. J. BEi^LAMY, Tp. Clerk. Town Hall, Flesherlon, Dec. 3i-J, 1883. Euplirasia Council. The council met pursuant to ad- journment on the 28th dav of Decem- ber, 1883. Members all present. Minutes of la-^t session of council read and confirmed. The sum of $4 charged to John Hunter for statute labour, was struck oft' the roll, as said labour was per- formed. Tbe sum of $7.G8 charged in error to William Neely, as arrears was struck off the collectors roil. The taxes charged as-aiust Robert Robinson on the collectors roll, amounting to $1.53, was remitted ou account of age and afliiction. The Reeve's orders were issued on the Ti'easurer to pay as follows, viz David Wilson S7, labour on 4tli line Samuel Pedlar, $21.87, work on town line, Artemesia Thomas Abtrcrombie $50, grant to agricul- tural society Joseph Howey, S3, work on crosway John L)evins,§1.10, dynamite for blasting rock over- charge in statute labour William Abercfombie $51.74, chopiuij and clearing road John Conn. $22,50, Vv'ork on 3rd line Francis Eaton, $20.87, road work James Thurston, 50 cents, work at bridge Rohert Dunlop, clerk, $20, postage and balance of salarv. and extra services $130, total $150. â-  The amounts paid to mciabers of council as indemnity for amending meetiogs of council., and all o*^^her services during the year, as follows Thomas Gilray, Reeve, 8^6.40 Jas. Erskine, Deputy Reeve, $52.50, Jas. Boyd, Councillor, $50.60 D U. El- lis, Councillor, $61.10 J. C. 'ater- son. Councillor, 852 50. On motion being made and seeoad- ed the council arose. Robert Dunlop. Tp. Clerk. Reuniting lÂ¥ith t!ie County. Prercott. Out., .Jan. 8 â€" A voto was taken yesterday by the freeholders of Prescott to pass a by-law efl'ectiiiii a reunion ef the town with the counties of Leeds and Grenville, from wluch it has been separated Pome fifteen years. The by-l.iv/ was carried by about seventy votes. Monthly Fairs. taxes ertov Markdale^Saturday before Flesh- ertou. Chatswortb â€" Monday before Dur- ham. Dundalk â€" Tuesday before Orango- ville. Flcshorton â€" '^.[oi".uily i'CiOiC Oiiii-j:- I ville. Oraugcviileâ€" TIio 8£C:ad Thur.-Jay .)v in. o;;cu ra.-^iiu. J^Sws-WSP '«Sife:"

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