Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 3 Jan 1884, p. 5

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 f^!^iStf'-W" â-  y'^:^:'"\^^^S^0-Â¥^-^ j-"':S^^ â- V:\, -•â- â€¢ "â-  â- :;-"-.* -».'-^ f f-T}-.- 'i^-'j^TT.m itc Committee 'i-t of Finance in the chair. fcbate on tUes report of the' fiu.illy adopt." Whole. KN'ING. d Christoe nao-. he .si3cial com- \le suffrage be teu a. id Paul' fporf. to restrict lows and un-' 'J amendment aeiit m com- the report of ee was adopted. 1 and Miller. â- ort of Finance McOirr moyed ;tiiy resolution, lie reason why' .-iiould not be iiie.ijc -was lost I 'ti, ]\rcXicol, ^;â- .â- i;ae, Cam- liiiy, jJcGirr, -V^uew, Mc- ,n.;i boll, Stark, â-  lv. Erskine, :;cey, Blyth. .iiimc'U. Vasey, iiuoii, Ileming, .Meivechnie, â€" Cbiik moved to f ;ii Iveppsl was ;:!.-o lost. The' 1. lu-holm moved uiil .uid Bridge â- a advertise i^.i-r lliu Potta- rotincil were 1, i.-ii, Warden, "liliriouai for â- â- â- {â- â- .â- \ to Chair- â- fy i 'ommittee, jiinec. and ^5 ,^'.!K-:itioi], Eoad â- ".;â-  ' mimittees. 'i;rii"d. "0R3 OF ^?QLENELQ â-  .•â- qiKst of a i rir-'payera of c. 'usuntod to iid: te f.)r the L iho ensuing )\v short and I ;; VDi; personal- iio;u;s of ask- xnii\ pleilging ;;-â- ,• luy earnest iutcivsts of the ;IJ, servant, ,!; I.AilB. â- â- " '1 i, on tka ' Mr. James ' â- _. Littlc.of I) 1 rl: â-  -20111 nit., ' tiither, King- 1:. :ki .LOjsli, AuJ- ";-.l â- . t'lirJ son of i\'u;i:iy Tyrono [-â- i;i".;;,.;- of Hugh '.;. .• â-  Wurks. V. ,:â- . ...y, by ' .:i-.' residence "' r Mercer. ArtLincsia. ' 'â- â- . M. I'ar- -â- " ':- ;,'.:., by the â-  'y'::'i Watorsou, â-  i -Vrtenieaia. lOe cf tiie !v the Kev S.-niau, of â-  i;i;,-hter of A. -:;y R-v. A. '•; 'â-  !;.!alo on i. ;, X.iiioleoii ... Khzabeth Liivi^ b. â- " S,.. Ill- ^0.60 I i' I lats, 27c .. -.:.:c; Hay. i ' .11-, ^-1.75 to :KlTS. b.' Spring, §1.00 ;;it.s •â- i7cto4Uc ill.' r".2.' Pota- iitcr, d;ury, 'u'i_- Jof; in the ' '^rf .ocatiou!;, .M STRONG, Mn,rkdale. /;^ DressStuffsTw^ds Dress stuffs in all the latest shades, varying in pn^e from lo cents up. Tweeds in English, Scotch and Canadian, in i^he newest and most fashionable styles. Groceries. Teas -and general groceries always up to the mark, and at the lowest living prices. t:e3:is t^tj^:'^:^. Blankets, Wlncles. Blarikets, White and Grey at Drices heretofore unheal d of. Wincies in plain and fancy at rockbottom prices. Undej'cJothing. Ladies' and Gents' Fall and Winter Undeixlothmg in great variety suitable for all classes. Boots and Shes. A large, varied and attrac- tive lot of Boots and Shoes for the Fall and Winter trade, which for style, quality and price cannot be excelled. Toiieoisr'Z'o zehzotts^],' TXT^Xui-^ix/^ :Bzeo""^7v^:LT STANDARD TIME. A fine assortment of ivaiches Clocks, Rings, Chains, Setts, Buttons, Specks, C/iarnis, (t^c. Also an extra line of Electro- plated goods for table use. Watch and clock repairing personally, attended to and guaranteed. Honest charges. W.A.BROYv'N, The Jeweller, ^V II: T^ 1 ^V J^ E Local and Other Items. XoTii'Ks ill tlii'e ami indir.'hi'd rr S centi a tl:u' fff thr ni\t insertion anv â- jcntu a tih:' "i-li n!-iiiiu-:it itocytion tiiDi!^ inti'iidi'd til benefit I'ty v:iU he c!tiiri;ed ten A HEAVY fall of snow Wednesday. Mr. AV. Bknsox has bouglit out Hull's hvery. Marki).\le School opens on Monday ne^t the (Jtii. First (L.-^ss oatmeal for sale a." Bar- head .Mills, cheap. PiEYNOT.jis tt Son's liavG just opened a branch store at Pocklyn. iM. Sttxivan has purchased Dan. Blauey's brick block for $2,o0,). A NKv; arrival oi that famous tea at Reynolds 1*0 Son's. It will pii\ yuu to purchase it. There is nothing so tempting and refresh! u'j; as a cup of pure japan Tea, try it. A GiRi. in }iar!cvlalo is said to have r.iinted one night this week while asleep; miirlity stranj^e. The ne.\t sittings of division court, No. 5, will be lickl in Fleshcrton, on Thursday January 2ith, 1881. The Maekd.s.le SxAXDARnhas improv- ed wondcrlully of kite in its cdirorial and other matter. â€" Thorubury Staiul- ard. The p.\ety who took a. new tin pail from the Orange hall, belonging to the Gymnasium Club, will please re- turn it immediately. The ^M.vrxdale Literary and Gym- nastic Club will give an entertainment in the Orange Hall on Thursday even- ing, the lOtli Januarv. The McAliste House. â€" Mr. W. E. McAlister has re-purchased his Hotel from Mr. 11. Horn, and ^lias taken possession, again. Mr. McAlister is a popular hotel keeper, and ban already received calls from hosts of friends. â€" Greij Rtvieic. For first class axe handles go to Fiinierty's shop, Elizabeth st., op- tlic bank, Markdale. You can bring your own timber and have them made to order, or you can get them all ready made at the ehop. Sign of tl^c Big Axe Handle. 169-72 The Prize Clock. â€" Quite an inter- est was taken in the New Year's gift by our jeweller "W. A. Brown, 81 guesses were sent in, the lucky one being Mr H. Gill of Markdale. The number in' the clock y^s-s G.4-0, Mr. 'txill's guess i65(), the next nearest being George .Bowes which was GG6. A nice cloth Mantle. $1.75, at Mc- Farland's A satin trimmed mantle §2.50. at McFarland's A rich satm and fur trimmed mantle §3.75, at McFarland's A superb mattesno mantle. §5.75, at McFarlands. The above prices are for only and are less than wholesale cost. The anniversary entertainment of the Presbyterian chr.rch in this place which came off on New Y^'ear's evcn- inn was a success. The ciiurch was well filled and the best of order pre- vaild throughout. After tea was serv- ed Mr. Thos. Kells was called to the chair and an ioteresting, pros^ramme gone through. Proceeds between §G0 and §70! The Berkeley Sabbath School will hold their annual entertainment on Friday the 4th January in the Presby- terian church Berkeley. Several Kev- erend and ether gentlemen are ex- pected to address the meeting. Tea at G p. m. Admission SC cents. Canadl'.n Almanac. â€" This depository of usefuU knowledge is now in its, 37th j'ear, and contains its usual authentic commercial, statisticrd, astronomical, departmental, ecclesiastical, educa- tional, financial, and general inform- ation. There is not as much useful and comprehensive information, published in any from of its size, and all lor the pattry sum of 15 cents. It contains a map of Ontario worth twice the money, for sale at A. Turner Go's Drug Store, Markdale. CHRisTMAsTiiEE.-^TheChristGharch S. S. held their annual Christmas tree entertainment in the Orange Hall on Thiu'sday evening last and was a com- plete succeps. The ball was packed full, and the program, consisting of music, dialogues, recitations, etc., lÂ¥hat to Do. If you know the facts of a local item always report to the editor. Don't wait till the paper is published and then express surprise that the item did not appear. Editors cannot be m every place at the same time and must gather a great deal of news from others. Let eacii one feel it a pleasure to furnish an item for the paper whenever .they can, and not wait for somebody else to report what they know. The editor of the paper can thus be asissted and the intrest of the paper greatly increased. 325 I til m U 325 ACRES THE LARGEST IN THE DOMINION EXECUTOR'S NOTICE TO THE CEHIJITOKS OF James Thompson. Notice IS hereby given that the creditors cf James Thompson, late of the Township of Artemesia, in the County of Grey, Farmer, who cffed on or about the 4th day of April, 1883, at the said township of Artemesia are, on or before the TENTH DAY OF JANUARY, was very interesting and well render- ed. The tree was handsomely decor- j next, to send to eitlier of the undersigned one week ' ated and heavily laden with presents I Executors at Fle..herton. their Christian and ,, ., T • 1 J. -u i. 1 Surnames, audres.=es and descriptions, the tor the CUlldren, which were distribut- £,,,1 j-.articulars of their claims a statement ed hy ^anUi (JIaus himgolf. Proceeds ot their accounts "ud the nature of the sc §22. Cheese Factouy Meeting. â€" The patrons of the Flesherton Cheese Factory met in Flesherton on the 24th ult., to wind up the business of the factory for the past year. The secre- tary laid before the patrons a state- ment of the business done by the lac- torv. The total amount of milk fur- a favor by handing the amount in to us at the Standard office, viz. Wfekhj Mail, or Globe, Famihj Herald and Weekly Star, monthly Famurti 4d- vocaW, American Agriculturist, any of McFarlands I fij^ ^i^ove With the Standard for §2.00 â-  â- r singly for one $1. except the Agri- â-  .Itnriit which is .§1.50. Ti.E excellent sleighing of the past j two weeks has been a most welcome i and valuable boon Lo the country, I iuid never have we witnepsed better use made of it. Every available team is at it early and late hauling grain, wood, timber etc. Ac. The weather all School Books. r^cyal Reders, Canadian Peaders, and all the ordinaiv tt:xt books at the Medical Hall A. Turner ct Co. A GETTER robe lost between Markdale and the back line ea"t of here. The party finding it will bo rewarded by leaving it at Peyiiclds and Son's store. Those who aid not attend' the social in the Methodist church on Friday evening missed a treat, it was as good as two ordinary tea-meetings. A most enjoyrble time was spent. See Mr. Geo. Lamb's notice in another column. He is a candidate [for councillor for Glenelg. is an intel- ligent honest respectable farmer and is worth V of your support. Badly fooled. â€" A young man was I engaged to be married at Markdale on f New- Year's day, had purchased the [ring, procured the liceuee, invited the I Minister and ordered dinner at the [Markdale House, but dear-o-dear how le girls are, did'nt she go and larry another, feller the same day fooled her intended as weU as the imister. OurPatkons who wisii to subscribe, I nished by the patrons 889,053 lbs. or renew their subs^aiption for any of making 87,383| lbs. of cheese which tLe following publications will do us^vas sold for §8882,07 the to- " tal cost of runnhig the factory was §1910. 2G, leaving §6971,81 to be divided among the patrons. Com. The Flesherton Methodist S. S. Anniversary took place new year's night and was a decided ^success in every way. The tea was excellent, after which a program of recitations, dialogues, music, c., by the schaol was carried through with promptitude thereby leaving a good margin of time to get home, for those from a distance, this was a commendable featux-e. The little folks took up their part ad- mirably. The rendering of the Im- manuel Cantata was something grand. The school report was read showing every department to be in a flourish- ing condition with oyer $50 in the treasury. Proceeds of anniversary §90. The re-opening services of the Methodist church, "^^illiamsford was conducted last Sabbath by Key. \V. Casson. The church was filled on each ocasion, On Monday evening a tea-meeting was lield in Vogau's hall, when an abundance of good things had been provided by the Jadiee. After tea the friends^jroceeded to the church which was crowded to its utmost capacity, many being unable to ob- tain admission. Tlic chair was occu- pied by Mr. Burchej. Mr. Casson delivered an able and interesting lecture on Prevalent Mistakes^ of the j as weir as the sleighing has been 'that could be desired during the holidays thereby giving an impetus to trade, making many a bright counten- ance and happy heart. Le.u' Year Penalties. â€" It is claim- ed by some young ladies that a silk dress is the penalty imposed upon young men who reject a leap year proposal. A sen.sible young lady rise;-; to remark that she would prefer to do without tiie dress, if rejected, as it would only be tell-tale. Now then, firls, if you are seen wearing a silk dress this season, everybody will know you have made an unsuccessful The annual meeting of all township i proposal. agricultural societies is the second I Our Gymnasiuu Club have conduct- Thursday in January, that will be ' ed themselves very creditably in their next Thursdav the 10th inst. diritifcs (if anyl held by them. After the said Fourth day of J+^nu;iry nest the said Ex- ecutors will di.stnbute the assets of the said James Tbomp.son. amongst the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to such claims as the said executors shall then have notice of. This notice is given in pirrsuanco of Chaii. 107, Kec. 31, II. S. O. Dated at Flesherton this 11th day of De- cember 1S83. (Signed) ISAAC SINCLAIK. 171-7-1 WILLIAM HILL. Salesmen Wanted. steady cniployincnt at tixcd salaries to a'l willing to work. Men an,l V/omtn can have pleasant' WORK THE YEAR ROUND- Good agcnt-3 are earning from S40 to 375 per monih, and expenses. Terms and out- fit free. Address STONE WELLINGTON, l«l-75 Toronto, Ont. J. W. FORD Is giving splendid satisfaction in CRESTING, By the New Process at the MarUak Fkuria^ Mills. Special attention to parties from a distance so tliat they tLay have their grist home the same day. PLACE JOHN MONTGOMERY ^3 ..^^ ^^ jS ^w« Begs to tenflcr his thanks to the inhabi- tants of Markdale and surrounding country for their patronage for tliu past eleven years and to intimate to them that he is now jjre- pared to supply the ijullic with FRUIT, POUND PLUMB CAKES either plain or iced and ornamented and a large variety of other CAKES always on hand., Also Biscuits of every de- scription from the best manu- facturer in Ontario. A Large and Varied As- sortment of Confection- ery and CHRISTMAS TOYS, North of Toronto, is at the iVlai'liclalo C;^sLiller'y, That's so, for a fi'iend of mine hud his taken there and he says they are even better than what he had takan in Toronto. JAMES H.AMILTON, ARTIST. SUFFOLK BOA32. One of the finest animals ever brought into th^s district for service at Lot (i. Cun 7, Euphrasia. Age, "ear past. Terms^ ^1 at time of service. 171-80 D. il. ELLIS. practice, which is held from 8 to 10 p.m. three nights in the week. There no doubt, 'thosa who bok upon J^y ^^V:'^^ ^^^^ '"S^^^y fPP'^f ^^^f ^^ are, such societies with disrespect and per- haps contem()t, and no doubt sa.y they might be better employed. Well, per- haps they might, l)ut were it net for this organization many of our young men would doubtless amuse themsel- ves in more questionable ways. Young people will have pleasure and those who stand at the counting tables, or sit on the shoemakers bench, or are following the many callings of indoor- lator have need of exercise and i;'ecre- ation and we see nothing wrong in a whirl on the bar or a round with the gloves, so long as a gentlemanly de- meanor is carried out. Our boys, (consisting of many married men as well) have had good sport, together with healthful exercise, and we have no doubt at all they haye thereby been prevented from falhng into drinking and other bad habits. We hope they will favor us with an entertainment in Markdale shortly. the audience, mons and nearly $100. The proceeds of ser amounted to meeting Osprcy. Fram oiy ox-n corresvondent. J. W. H. Millne, Student of Queens College, Kingston is home lor his vacation and preached last sabbath for Key. J. Chisholm. The Presbyterians of Feversham had a Christmas Tree entertainment for the benifit of their Sunt^y school at that place on Xmas eve which was a grand success. The Methodist tea-meeting fl,t Max- well on Christmas day was well at- tended and in every respect satisfac- tory. Miss Annie McKinnon, the very populor school teacher »t Feversham was the recipient of a handsome pre- sent a^d a,ddreB8 on tke !^ al^. supplied on the shortest notice and got up in the best style that can be this sid2 of Toronto. Apples, Oranges Sl a variety of Nuts al- ways on hand. Tea meetings. Socials and other parties supplied on the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. 16990. FABiWS FOR SALiE. Lot 117, con. 1 wei-t, T. S. Eoad, Artemesia. containing 50 acres, 40 of of which are clearsd and under ultivation. Lot S part 15, con. 12, Holland fiS acres, 40 cleared; all necessary buildings thereon. Lot 13, con. 13, Glenelg, 100 acres all bush. For terms and particulars apply to J. G. lEVING, Markdale. Oct.16.1883. 16 BEKKSIIIBE BOAR. An early spring pig for service at his pen, two miles south of Markdale. Terms, 75 cents at time cf service, otherwise $1. CHAS. LITTLEJOHNS. TEACHER ^VAJ^TED. For L'nion School Secction No. 1, Euphrasia and Ar- letdsia. Female yiolding Second or Third Class certificate, duties to commence 2nil Januarv 3 884. Anply personally to Wm. Matlrews, Kobt. Carrulhers or Jame.s Stewart, or bv letter to JAMES STEWART, 172-74 Eugenia P.O. FAUW FOR SALE. Lot 89 and 90 seond range vrest of T S. Boad, Glenelg, 100 acres, 85 of which are cleared and under cultivation fit for reaper and mower to work on. Buildings an.l fences in good repair, soil clay loam, well watered, and in a good state of cultivation. This is a desirable farm and well located ^eing 2^ miles from the flonrisljing village of Markdale, P»r further particulars apply on jwemises or by letter to 162 72 Wm. MUTBIE, Markdale P, Q. WIHES AND LI0U9RS CHOICE BRAP«SDS. Brandy in Hogsheads. Scotch and Irish Whiskey in Tr. Casks. HoUaijd Gin in Tr. Casks, Jamacia Rum in Tr. Casks. Fine Old Port and Sherry in Tr. Casks. Native Wine in Tr. Casks. Five-year-old Rye Whiskey in Barrels, White Wheat Whiskey i.i Barrel. Rye and Malt Whiskey in Barrels. Domestic Whiskey in Barrels. Liquors in Cases. Bottled Ale and Porter. H. PARKER, Druggist, • DURHAM. .«;- T'" ,V. V;.- l^J fV,-"' ' :.^'5'^^*5; '.^5* MiMMiMMliiiiiiMiiMMIliMlMii

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