M«»;,;'it;"S^:SJ^/^jt**fl^AW"^, :4T^V^J^ '^-: .^^«f â- M Th8 $tai):day4 MAEKDALE JAN. 8, 1884. TLLLiAGE POL.IC£. Our new police have been elected to office, and now we will offer a few suggestions. It appears from past experience that the builfliug of side- walks and keeping the same in repair is one of the important duties of their oflce, it has at least been the chief question as regards expense, and for aught we can see, will continue so. "We believe however this is the proper season of the year to lay down the plans for sidewalk building for the coming year, and would suggest the advisability of procuring cedar or pine instead of hemlock lumber, experience has taught us that a hemlock side- walk wears but a few years at most, and eomething more durable should if possible be procured, however, whether any change is made or not in the ma- terial, one thing is eertain, this is the proper time of the year to secui-e con- tracts for it, we would say ask for tenders for what will likely be requir- ed, the mills are now being stocked for the commg season and we have no doubt a very material saving can be made by contractmg now for what will be required the coming summer. We want all the sidewalk we can get and that of a substantial kind for a certain amount of outlay. IVOMINATIOWS. In Glenelg the nomination was held in the town hall in tlio centre of the township, there was a good attendance the following were nominated For reeve, F. McRae Esq. and Mr. Thos. Dtivis for deputyreeve, Messrs. J. A. McMillan and Wm. Glencross for Councillors, Messrs. JSeil, Lamb, Dunsmore, Whitmore, and McCuaig. In Markdale the following were elected by acclamation viz, Messrs. Wm. N. JIaskett, Thos. Hill and A. Turner. Holland. â€" Eeeve. -Tohn Cameron, by acclamation; Deputy, A Shute, W Norton. Councillors â€" R McKmnett, James Galbraith John Gillespie, • Thomas Williscroft, W Crawford, J Murray, M Howey, J C Kennedy, J Watters. Bentinck Township. â€" Eeeve, Dayid McNichol Deputy, Jacob Messenger, Henry Brigham 2ud Deputy, John McCallum. Councillors â€" Dix^kson, Hurd. Luuney. Corlett. Willin. Melanctiion. â€" Eeeve, Bailej' Hew- itt Deputy, August, Walker. Co- uncillors â€" Gowan, Shook, Bales, Hogg, Thompson. Owen Sound. â€" Meyor, David A Creasar by acclamation Eeeve, John Chisholm by acclamation Fir t Dep- uty, John W Frost, Matthew Kennedy; Second Deputy, James C MiUer by acclamation. Councillors â€" Bay Ward, Duncan Morrow, M Forhan, John Pearson, J C Griffith, Joe White, Geo Anderson Centre Ward, Wm Mand- ers, Jas H Little, Wm Barclay, Jas Sanderson, W J Pater sou, John Tucker Eiver Ward, James Brown, Samuel McLean, Eobert 3tfalcolm, Jas White, Eobt Taylor, Owen Vandusen. OspREY. â€" Eeeve, Thos Gamey, And- rew Mcuiir, Josiah E Slug Deputy, Archibald Mclntyre, Edward Potts. Councillors â€" John Jnkster, Jonathan Irish. Thos Neil Wm Phillips, Jas 'ii)clair, John Speers, Jos Taylor. Ubangeville. â€" For Mayor, John Geen, Joseph PattuUo, Robert Mc- Keowan, Dr Heniy Eeeve, Jcnu Gilchrist, Joseph Foster Deputy, Eobert Hewitt, James Bennett. Co- uncillors â€" North Ward, Eoid, Beatty, Bennett South Ward, May, Mole East Ward, Moore. Bell, Mortimer West Ward. Kearns, Carbert. F A CampbeH, G B Haonah, G Irwin, A a Noble, Wm Bobertson, Jno Stew- art, Jno WilBon. ' Amabel. â€" Beeve, Jas Allen, D Port- er Deputy, P Andersou, Shell, Councillors â€" Baker, Smellie, Miller, Webb, Broadfoot, Phelp. Meafobd.^ â€" Mayor, Chas Watt» J J Johnson Beeve, Alex Thompson, Bobert Agnew, Councillors â€" West Ward, D L Lajton, Hector McDonald, K Hurd East, Biliott Thompson, Chas Little, James Hogg, J Sparling North, John Groom, T C Wilcox. H T Law, Alex W Cooley, M Eobinson, David McCann, Hugh Clelland. DoBHAM. â€" Mayor, D Jackson, Jr, J A Munroe Reeve, G McKechnie. Councillorsâ€" North Ward, J Burnet, C L Grant, R McFarlane East W Laidlaw, G Whitmore, J Dunsmore, A J Lowick West, Dr. Jamieson, K Greenwood, Gayner, W Tucker. Aktemesia. â€" Reeve. Dr, Christoe by acclamation Ward No. I, J. Mc- Arthur by acclamation No. 2, A. Elliott by acclamation No, 3, Thorp Wright and J. Blakely No. 4, Mc- Kee and Pedlar. Euphrasia,â€" Eeeve, T. Gilray and E. Patterson Deputy Eeeye, J. Erskine and Wm. Fawcett Council- lors, D. E. Elhs, Jas. Boyd, H. Hurd. J. M. Davis, Jas. Elliott, J. Black, Mr, Blackwood, Shepherdson. J. Clugston, W. J. What we may Expect, in A January thaw, and a freze. And more snow. Another wedding in town soon. More than usual interest taken Municipal elections. And some of the defeated candi dates exceedingly sore over it. The coming session of the Dominion Parliament an interesting one. The female franchise question dis- cussed. And the franchise extended to ths dear creatures. The college aid question considered. And found to be a difficult question to grapple with. A redaction in letter postage con- sidered. But no change made at present. An insolvent law aflked for and noli^ given. 1 â- â- Personals. A list under this head was mislaid last week and consequently did not appear. C. W. Speers was in town a week ago. G. White returned from St. Thomas recently. Mrs. Rutledge, Sy^ has returned from Atliston. Mr. John Benson is in town this week from Toronto. Mrs. Hall, of Dundalk, spent Christmas in Markdale. Miss Wilson is home from college spending her vacation. E. H. Whitby is Jiome from, Orange- ville spending his holiday's. Louis N. Thibaudeau is home from Berlin spending his vacation. Ed. S. Rutledge retm-ned from Manitoba the 2.2nd December.. Mr?. Freeman, of Georgetown, is visiting her sister Mrs. Bowes. George Littlejohns is home from Owen Sound Business College. Mr. John Porter, oiBrainerd, Minn, machinist, was in town Saturday. Mr. Mrs. Thibaudeau of i^titt^ptxu^nt^B. NoracB. â€" ^We wish it distinctly understood that we do not hold onrselves responsible for th« opinions expressed by our correspondents. YAIiliBT BOAD. To the Editor of the Standard. Sib,â€" In reply to Batepayer, per- mit me to say that his commamcatjon shows many errors, besides an animus against myself unwarrantable. I state most emphatically that no deed was given to us for road through Hogg's laud, upon condition that said road was to be continued to the town line. The township paid for this. (Hogg's) road, aboat $40 to Plewis for right of way, to let him out by the terms of his agreement now before me. Mr. Flesher'fe ground lor refusing his deed was well taken until he knew the re- lation the road bore to the boun- daries of his lot or lots,, the plans were returned to surveyor to obtain the desired information, without suc- cess. He was unfortunately incarcer- ated at the time. Mr. Flesher was not here when ttie survey of the road was obtained, but was here in 1879 when he was approached regarding it. Ho left suddenly in the fall of same year, and has not been here since. Mr. Hogg gave us his deed in September 1880, or a year after Mr. Flesher had been in England, yet he insists there has been negligence. But I presume it is not so much Mr.Flcsh- er's deed that gives trouble, providing a case can be made against the Eeeve. Mr. Hogg, it will appear did receive value for his lot, its extension was not the consideration, as was stated. I do not blame Mr. H. lor hijs effprta to have the road opened, but I do. blame bim for his misrepresentations. I have no personal interest in it what- soever, I only said that the people in proximity by their representative to the council insist against opening the road, unless Euphrasia joins to carry it further and the writer does not express any one's views but his own and one other. As to other matters it is a pity be did not mention them, if as true as those already mentioned they will be easily answered. But as usual, whilst elected to do my duty to the whole township, I shall refuse to be dragged into schemes for expendi- ture of the township's moneys, creat- ing taxes irksome to be borne, unless it be the desire of a majority of the ratepayer s. Ratepayer seems to over- look the fact that Mr. Flesher's deed, or no deed, does not affect the open- ing of the road in the least, no more then does the absence of deeds from the other parties But Fleshor and the Reeve have got to take it never- theless, I guess we will survive the shock. W. S. Cheistoe. The Casse «Hf Ms GkIcCi. "What are yoa crying about?." ask- ed a kind hearted stranger o^ lad tcIio was standing in front of a newspaper ofBjee weeping a§ if his heart would break... 'Oh dad's gone upstaii^ to, lick the editor." "Well, has bo comedown yet " pur- sued the gentle Samaritan. "Pieces ofhim have," expljained tjaft boy, indulging m a fresh outburst teacs, "and I'm expecting the rest every minute." The. Xew Conaty Assessment. Th? Coupcil went into Committea Qfthe Whole on report of Finance Coi^mittee, Mr. Frost m the chair Alter a lengthy debate on \u "Valuators, Report, the report of the Finance Committee was finally adopt ed in Committee of the Whole. SATUfiDAY MOENING. Messrs. Chisholm and Christoe mo. ved that the report of the special com! mittee in favor of female suffrage be adopted, Messrs. Totten and °Paul moved to amend the report to restrict tae franchise to widows and un- married women. The amendment was carried. Alter some amendment mittee cf the whole, the the Education Committee was adopted*. Messrs. McColnaan and Miller moved to adopt the report of Finance Committee. Messrs. Christoe and McGirr moyed m corn- report of The gentlemen appointed ed by the county council to. value the eoauty for asselssment pui'poses, hav- ing finished their labors, presented their report to the council at the meeting last week. After a long and warm debate the report was adopted, j i° ammfndmeut a lengthy resolution, setting forth in detail the reason why the Valuators' report should not be adopted. The amendment was lost on the following vote IVa.sâ€" Chribtoe. Elliott, McNicol, Messenger, McCallum, McEae, Cam- eron, Shutf. Tottei:, Clark, McGirr, Mclutyi-e, McGregor, Aguew, Mc- JNaughtâ€" 15. xYai^.9â€" McColman, Campbell, Stark, Hewgill, Brien, Gilray, Erskine, Caulfield, Paul, MuUarkoy, Blyth, Schenck, Fisher, Dunnington, Vasey, Bowes, Eead, Lang, Gordon, Heming, Chisholm, Miller. Watt, McKechnie, â€" St. Vincent gain.by the valuation a little over $400- per year. I liere append thetptals.: Artemesia $1,496,317 Bentinck 1,774,874 CoUingwood 1,857.576 Derby 930,026 Euphrasia 1.500,600 Egremont 1,752,136 Glenelg 1,311,378 Holland 1,331.470 Keppel 972,562 Normauby 1,931,740 Osprey 1,370,350 Proton 1,326,703 Sulhvan 1,544,054 St. Vincent 1,960,264 Sydenham 1,645.620 Sarawak 273,000 Owen Sound 1,573,000 Meaford 627,000 Durham ' 248,000 Total value of County $25,327,169 Artemesia. Bentinck, Glenelg, Hol- land, Osprey, Proton, Keppel, Sulli- van, and Sarawak lose by tlje valua- tion, the other townships gain more or less. St. Vincent gains most. â€" Meaford Mirror. County Council. A TERRIBLE ACCIDENT. AN APPALLING ACCIDENT ON GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. THE Sixteen Killed and Wounded. as Many Wednesday morning the suburban train lett Toronto with two cabooses containing the workmen of the Hum- ber bolt works and colided with a freight train on a sharp curve near the Humber. A most heart rending scene of mangled and torn, dead and dying was there witnessed. The ac- cident was caused by the driver on the freight forgetting his orders. Strange but True. St. Vincent Township. â€" Beeve, Jas Bowes, Jr, Cyrus R Smg Deputy, Nicholas Bead, Jas H Burnett. Co- uncillors â€" Mclatosh, Montgomery, Carson. Shelbitbne. â€" Reeve, Wm Jelly, Councillors â€" E Berwick, J F Belfiy, happines§. are visiting at Mr. J, B. Thibaudeau's. T. W. Potter was in town a week, he returned on Friday last to his ranch in Texas. Eobert Benson and Wm. L. Davis of this village have gone to Belleville Business Collage. Eev. Dr. Gregg preached the an- niversary sermons in the Presbyterian church last sabbath. Mr. and Mrs. Griffin and daughter of Dakota are spending their holidays with C. Eeynolds, Esq. Mr. Willard Porter, of the job de- partment in the Mail office Toronto, gave us a call on Saturday. Jake G. Keefer spent a few days in this place and Fiesherton, he re- turned to St. Thome s last Wednes- day. Eev. J. Hart, of Holland Centre, filled Mr. Casson's pulpit while the latter took Mr, Hart's pulpit in Wil- liamsford. Our very highly esteemed friend Mr. Andrew McFarland, returned on Friday last having taken unto himself a wile in the person ot Miss McPher- sm, We wish them long life andmach Great, and oftimes happy results hang on trifling circumstances. Less than a year ago, and not a thousand miles from Markdale, a well- to do young man, an agriculturist at- tended a township show fair, he ad- mired various improvements in the different classes of produce exhibited and was a good judge of things gener- ally, but a pach;age of butter arrested his special attention, various were his thoughts whUe halting to thor- oughly test the quality of this par- ticular exhibit. He doubtless thought to himself, "if I had a wife who could just make such butter" perhaps he thought out loud when an acquain- tance informed him that a young lady in township had made the butter, and he at once determined to make her acquaintance, many ob- stacles were in the w^y. She was a totai stranger to him, had neyer saw her or perhaps he; people, didn't even know where she lived, but one thing be did know, she could make good butter, be was determined to know more, the course pursued, how the wonderful progress was made, and obstacles surmounted has been to a great extent a mystery to tlie winter, but diubtless a satisfactory and happy point in the «vent ^as reached From the O. S, Times. The. County Council met on Wed- nesday evening, 19th., D. McNicol, Esq., Warden, in the chair. The Warden addressed the Council, atating that the principal subject to come before them was the report of the County Valuators, now ready. A nu- mber of communications were read, amongst them one from the Women's Suffrage Association, asking fcr a petition in favor of female suffrage. Mr. McEae moved that the Council petition the Legislature to give votes to women on the same terms as men. After some discussion the motion was withdrawn to allow the memorial of the Women's Suffrage Association to be considered by the special committee. The Council then adjourned till Thursday afternoon. THURSDAY AFTERNOON. The Eeeve of Durham introduced a by-law to change the place of hoidiAg the fair in that town. Dr. Christoe presented the. report of the committee appointed to form a new school section in Proton, which was adopted. Messrs. Dunnington and Eead moved that a memorial be sent to the Legislature to amend the assessment i law by exempting all live farm stock, and by making an assessment good for five years when satisfactory to the Municipal Council, which was lost. Messrs. McKechnie and Messenger j nioved to exempt all personal property, also lost. Messrs. McKechnie and Pa'ifl moved iio memorialize the Legislature to take the question of assessment of personal property into serious consider- ation, with a view to adopting an equitable scheme. This was also lost. On motion of Messrs. Elliott and McColman, it was resolved to memor- ialise the Legislature to make it the duty of Township Councils to enforce sub-section 1 of 87, chap. 204, B. S. 0., instead of the County Councils. FSmAY AFTEKNOON. Dr. Christoe presented report of Co.unty Property Committee, which was adopted. After considerable opposition from 24. Messrs. Totten and Clark moved to amend the report as far as Keppel was concerned, which was also lost. The report was then adopted. Mos.'srs. Miller and Chisholm moved that the Chairman of Eoad and Bridge Committee be instructed to advertise for tenders for bridge over the Potta- watamie, which was lost. The thanks of the Council were presented to D. McNij*t)l, Esq, Warden, with §100, and $50 additional for incidental exi)ense?. Fifteen doiiarg was voted to Chair- man of Public Property Committee, §10 to Chamuan of Finance, and $5 each to Chain d an of Education, Eoad and Bridge, and Printing Committees. The Council tlien adjourned. TO THE ELECTORS OF THE TOWflSHiP OF GLENELG Gentlemen,- â€" At the request of a a number of prominent ratepayers of the ToiFuship, I have consented to offer myself as a candidate for the office of councillor for the ensuing year. The time is now short audi will be unable to call on you personal- ly and would take this means of ask- ing your influence and vote, pledging myself, (if elected) to use my earnest endeavors for the best interests of the township. I am gentleman. Your obedient servant, GEOEGE LAMB. MARRIAGES- Seaton Little. â€" In Owen Sound, on the 19th ult., by Rev. A. H. Scott, Mr. James Seaton, of Holland, to Miss M.ary Little,of Owen Sound. McFaelandâ€" McPherson- On the 26th ult., at the residence of the bride's father, Eing- wood, Oht., by Rev. D. Mackintosh, And- rew McFarland, of Markdale, third son of the lais Thos. McFarland, country Tyrone Ireland, to. Mary, fiftli daughter of Hugh McPherson, Eingwood Carriage Works. Merceb â€" Foster â€" On New Year's day, by Rev. Wesley Casson, at the residence of the bride's mother, Alexander Mercer, to Isabella R. Foster, both cf Artemesia. â- Watebson â€" Clark â€" At the P. M. Par- sonage, Markdale, oa the 2.5th ult., by the Rev. J. S. Corcoran. Mr. John Waterbon, of Glenelg, to Miss M. Clark, of Artemesia. Seauian â€" Wintersâ€" At the residence of the hride's father, on the 25th ult., by the Rev J. Chishohn, B. A.. Mr, J. Seaman, of CoUingwood, to Miss Sarah, daughter of John Winters, Esq., of Maxwell. Thibaudeau â€" Mathewson. â€" By Eev. A. Wilson, at the Revere hotel "Markdale op New Year's day, Mr. Louis Napoleon Thibaudeau, to Miss ^lartha EHzabeth Mathewson, both of Artemesia. MAEKDALE MAEKETb. Fall Whe.it. §0.95 to f 1.05; Spring »0.60 to 81 08; Barley, 4J to55; Peas, 6; Oats, 27c Butter, 18c; Eggs, 22c; Potatoes„35cr Hay, the Dtp. Reeve of Bentinck and Others J? ;«? iJo'l^' 5.00 to 5.60; Flour, »4.75 to the by law chaH(j[iDg the place for holding fair in Durham was passed. Dr. Christoe presented report of committea recommending that a petition in favor of female soffirage be presented to the Legislature. Mr. McKechnie presented report of Finance' Committee, recommending that the report of County Valaators be adopted, that the different Treas- urers refjeived par cent, fpr dis- when a few weeks, since their marriage j bursmg grant to volonteei-s, and that ai^ared m the Si li ^ttii^ a namber of aeeonnts be paid. io 00; Wool 17 to 20 TORONTO MARKETS. Fall Wheat, »1.00 to W.IB; Spring, »1.00 to 81.12; Barley, oOc to 7ftc; Gate, 37cto 40c Peas, 70oto 73c; Hogs, 16.00 to ?6.25; Pota- toes, per bag. 90c to ?lo; Butt^-, daiij, lHo to 20c; exes, 28c to 25c. " 25 Building lots in the village of Markdale. first class locations, good terms, vpplj to ' ' M. ABMSTBONG, -•Vv.j; ft«s; %^'.- -:-^**-j- "'m t6^ M ai«Mli«Mkia aMi ;:^« ^t«-i' .Mm