Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 27 Dec 1883, p. 5

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 I I ""ll^fffl '"w=jii '1 ^^s^m^^^" "#-;, ^^^^^ (^ '^^ "'7i^^ ^• ;JC N- iressStuffsTweeds j)res- stuffs in all the latest ^ades, varying in price from 1 certs up. XweeJs in English, Scotch .J Canadian, in fhe newest '.dmost fashionable styles. Groceries. Teas and general groceries always up to the mark and al â- the lowest living prices. Blankets, Wincies. Blankets, White and Grey at orices heretofore unheal d of. Wincies in plain and fancy at rockbottom prices. Underclothing. Ladies' and Gents' Fall and Winter Underclothing in great variety suitable for ail classes. Boots and Shes. A large, varied and attrac- tive lot of Boots and Shoes for the Fall and Winter trade, which for style, quality and price cannot be excelled. 'TOIBOlSrTO X^IOTJSE,' "VsTIX-I^^ILvd: BI^OTXTl^T STANDARD TIME. A fine assortment of watches 'Clodis, Rings, Chains, Setts, 'buttons, Specks, Charms, c. \{lso an extra line of Electro- thitid floods for table use. Watch and clock repairing [crsonaliy, attended td and inmvJeed. Honest charges. |w. A. BROWN, The Jeweller, iical and Other Items. Social.â€" The Methodists of this place will sober off from their supera bun- dant Christmas tea-meeting with a social ill the church on Friday evening next, 28th a large quantity of the best of the provisions provided by the generous friends of the church are in reserve together with a rich program. Admission 10 cents. Sermons will be preached in the Holland Centre Methodist church, re-opening on Sunday the 30th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Caseon of Markdale. A tea-meeting will also be held on the evening following, Monday the 31st when Rev. Mr. Casson, will deliver a lecture. Admission to tea and lecture 25 cents. r'v? roluinn.' intended to benefit r Sdcietij will be charged ten '^Ti^'Hs in t! '.ni'.iriiuial i I a '/Ht' fnr the /;;â- .â- â€¢â- { insertinn and five I f^^ tbose "itâ-  (crh subu'quent inncrtioji W. J. Ill \v?:, wants 10,000 saw *;i ilelivovel at Barrhead mills. IIcFaklani) tt rjs ulm, birch, Hull want 1,000 ai:d red beech, stave Ihk pnllui;,' f^r ward No. 3, (Glen- will t;iku place in Mullarky's cpor ^llcp Markdale. The nkxt sittings of division court, 1. 5, will be held in Flesherton, on ai'saay Jauuary 2-4th, 1884. Frank ' t. elev.'i [aylob, son of Walter Tay- tli line Euphrasia, has a II mouths old which weighs isiiKKs Association. â€" We are asc I to liurn from the Bruce Her- tuat tile Ei'uco cauuty printers i -.:icct-L'.led in organizing. We e (ii'iv will follow suit forthwith. ^V. J. Ui:yuH\KT. of the Toronto rnin.i .\,,(i gave ns a call on urdty. He secured 20 subscribfi'" iat wiilo-a-wake paper durii)g ?ne 'loiu-s l;e spout in Markdale. niKK. â€" The Nomination for *ve, Ii iiuty-Reeve and couiacillors tlic Trwiiship of Holland will be i m Vogan's flail, Holland Centre ifi'-n on Monday the 81st December Carson Price, Tp. Cltrk. HE Berkeley Sabbath School will tlifir annual entertainment on iay the -kh .January in the Presby- an church Berkeley. Several Rev- 2J auil other gentlemen are ex- ^J to address the meetmg. Tea P- ui. Admission 25 cents. ^ST.- On Saturday the 15th inst., ftcn :,ir. Geo. Lamb's, farm and '•^'iah, a newly made "log cabin" t nil. I three sKains of yarn. The » Will icave them at this oflBce obli-,l.o, and they will also be *weil. ^^- aiiunal tea meeting of the Majk- Pi\sbyterian Church will be held i-Nevv-Yrar's day. Tea served at ^- A good program is being ^^red and a good time expected, ts iio cents. Proceeds in aid of '^iildiug fund. I-'K FIRST class axe handles go to pty's shop, Elizabeth st., op- p the bank, Markdale. You can your own timber and have Daade to order, or you can get all readv mace at the shop. F.aoftbeBig Axe Handle. 169-72 â- ^^ ^:" "E merit brings it? own reward, [e case of Burdock Blood fitters 'â- apidly bringing its rewHrd in its psed sales, as a prominent drug- receutly gaid, "it now sells on its prit is the grand specific for *5es of the bloqd, liver and kidneys, bottles have been sold during »3t three months. For sale bj A. pf if Co. Markdale. Professor Gregg, ot Knox College, Toronto, will conduct the Anniversary services in the Presbyterian churcli, Markdale, on Sunday next the last sabbath of the year, both morning and evening, 10:30 a. m. 6:30 p. m. As l)r. Gregg is one of the popular fathers of the Presbyterian church and widely known tliroughout the Province, a rich treat will be in store who attend these services. Collections in aid of the building fund. L. O. L. No. 1383.â€" The above lodge which meets at Kells' corner, is in a flourishing condition, elected their ofcers for 1883 as follows Bro Jas Lackey, WM; Bro Thos Kells, DM; Bro Geo Sewell, Chap; Bro T Boland, Sec Bro Geo Wright, Fin Sec; Bro J B Boland, Treas Committee men, Bros S Bowls, R Sewell, S Lack- ey, A. Sewell Bro C Shears, Dir of Cer. The annual school meeting was held in Markdale, on Wednesday, when the ordinary business was brought before the few who attended and found satisfactory. The trustees report show a total of 275 names on the Fchool register for 1883 with an average attendance of 80. Mr. Lyons was the retiring trustee, and Mr. T. Hill was elected in his place. The sectian elected C. W. Rutledge as their auditor. Canadian Almanac. â€"This depository of useful! knowledge is now in its 37th year, and l?ontaius its usual authentic commercial, statistical, astronomical, deiiartmental, ecclesiastical, educa- tional, financial, and general inform- ation. There is not as much useful and comprehensive information, published in any from of its size, and all for the pattry sum of 15 cents. It contains a map of Ontario worth twice the money, for sale at A. Turner Co's Drug Store, Markdale. Our Patrons vho wisn to subscribe, or renew their ..^Dscaiption for any of the following publications will do us a favor by handing the amount in to us at the St.\ndajid office, viz. Weekly Mail, or Globe, Family Herald and Weekly Star, monthly Farmers Ad- vocate" American Agriculturist, any of the above witb the Standard for $2.00 or singly for one $1. except the AgH- culturist which is $1.50. A Beautiful Gift. â€" The Great Rock Island Route has issued a new and most comprehensive Cook Book, of 128 pages, filled with new and re- liable receipts from the lest caterers of this and other contries. No house, wife can afford to be without it; and though worth one dollar, it will he sect to any address, postpaid, upon receipt of ten cents in stamps. As they will go like hot cakes send at once to E. St. John, G. T. P. A., Chicago, Illinois. Markdale Grange No. 834. â€" Offi- cers for 1884: Bro S Douglas, W M; Bro G Bichardson, WO; Bro B Cole- man, Lecturer; Bro Jos Myers, Stew- j^d i Bro Sheil, Chaplain Bro A i;iliott. Secretary Bro Thos Elliott, Treasurer; Bro Ed Lomas, Gatekeeper; Sister E. Prew, Ceres Sister Ali6e Drew, Pomona; Sister Mary Walker Flora; Sister E Walker, Lady Assis- tant Stewardess Bros B Coleman, Thos Elliott, S Lacker, executive com» raittee; Bro G Bichardson, dele^te Division Grapge. The Guelph lottery swindle has been consummated. The prizes have been drawn on a scaled down basis, the total cash value distributed being $68,325. divided in alleged prizes of $17,000 down to $7.50. It is declar- ed that 65,693 tickets were disposed of, which means that, according to their own admissions, J. L. Mnrphy et al have got away with $63,057 of the people's money. Farmer's Advocate. â€" The Decem- ber number of the excellent farmer's periodical is at hand. The prize essav "The Advantages of Maintaining Township Exhibitions" by H. F. Honsberger of Springfield, Ont., appears in this number. Farmers who deny themselves the advantages of a good agricultural monthly, stand in their own light. The Aevocate is a good one. Thirty six pages, $1 per annum. The Advocate is interesting practical and cheap. Wm. Weld, Publisher, London, Ont. Samplet at this office, and subscriptions taken. A New Years Gift. â€" Residents of Grey County, are iuyited to send in a number by card or otherwise, between 1 and 1000, to compete free of charge for a neat, nickle, lever, alarm clock, value $3.75, number will be put with clock, open to Jau 1st, noon, nearest to exact guess gains CHRISTMAS. SANTA CLAUS O n 0»^ M^iOSCAS- ^^$ii$i t We desire to inform our numerous Friends and Patrons that we have re- ceived and are opening our Annual stock of Christmas Goods, Fancy Gootls, Toys Books, and Chrismas Cards. Our stock of Christmas Goods this season is Larger, Cheaper au^ Better assorted than that of any previous season. Call and examine. Satisfaction guaranted. Liberal discount to purchasers of Lots for Christmas trees. A. TURNER CO. â- .^^SihiSS'm the clock. Give full address with No. Clock very useful to early risers, send in your guesses at once. Gues- ses will be numbered as received, so if two alike first one wins. Address W. A. Brown, jeweller, Markdale, box 5. Award made by Mr. C. W. Rutledge, and published first week in January, 1884. The annual Christmas tea- meeting at the Methodist Church was a genu- ine success. Tea was served m the Orange Hall thereby avoiding the crush consequent on having it m the same building as the entertainment. The eatables and drinkables were of excellent quality and in abundance. According as each table were served they repaired to the church where Dr. Sproule, M. P. took the chair at the hour appointed, sharp on time, and after a few appropriate remarks entered upon the program which con- sisted of music by the choir and Rev. Mr. Casson's lecture. The former did exceedingly well, the assistance of Mr. Brown with the flute and Mr. Mason with claronette was valuable and well appreciated. The lecturer gaye his interesting, amusing and edifying lecture in his usual yigorous and elo- quent style, which wao received with applause. Everything passed off orderly and highly satisfactory, both to the public and the committee. Pro- ceeds $97. The C. P. R. and the Elevator. â€" Last week Mr. Whyte, General Superintendent of the Ontario and Quebec system was in town. Mr. Whyte was waited on by the Town Council and the Board of Trade in reference to the completion of the elevator- The construction of which was commenced by the Toronto, Grey Bruce company last winter. In the course o- conversation Mr. Whyte said that if the C. P. R. or Ontario and Quebec Company had agreed to pay $140,000 a year for the use of the T. G. B. R. it would of course be to their intrewt to build the elevator in order to enable the road to earn as much money as possible, and that if the town would stand by the agree- ment entered into with the T. G B. R. that the elevator would be bul*. The cost of the elevator with complete set ol machinery, equal to that in the Midland elevator, (which is said to be the best iu now operation in Canada) will be about $70,000. At a special meeting of the Goanoil on Monday evening last the by-law granting $16,000 to the Toronto. Grey Brace tu assist in the building of an elevator was renewed, or time extend- ed for the completion of iHe elevate till July l3t 1884, on or before which date the elevator nnder the new managmeut u to b^ Qompleted.â€" U^ ' Tine*. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE TO THK CEEDITORS OF James Thompson. Notice IS hereby given that the creditors of James Thompson, late of the Township of Artemesia, in the County of Grey, Farmer, who died on or about the 4th day of April, 1883, at the said township of Artemesia are, on or before the TENTH DAY OF JANUARY, next, to send to either of the undersigned Executors at Flesherton, their Christian and Surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, a statement ot their accounts and the nature ot the se- curities (if any) lield by them. After the said Fourth day of January next the said Ex- ecutors will distribcte the assets of the said James Thompson, amongst the parties en- titled tliereto, having regard oniy to such claims as the said executors shall then have notice of Tiiis notice is given in pursuance of Chap. 107. Sec. 34. R. ». O. ' Dated at Flesherton this 11th day of De- cember 1883. (Signed) ISAAC SINCLAIll. 171-74 WILLIAM HILL. JOHN MONTGOMERY 325 n ACHES m THE LARGEST IN THE DOMINION 325 Begs to tender his thanks to the inhabi- tants of Markdale and surrounding country for their patronage for the past eleven years and to intimate to them that he is now pre- pared to supply the public with FRUIT, POUND PLUMB CAKES either plain or iced and ornamenti^d and a large variety of other CAKES always on hand. Also Biscuits of every de- scription from the best manu- facturer in Ontario. A Large and Varied As- sortment of Confection- ery and CHRISTMAS TOYS, Salesmen Wanted. steady employment at fixed salaries to a'l willing to work. Men and Women can have pleasant WORK THE YEAR ROUND- Good agents are earning from $40 to S75 per mouth, and expenses. Terms and out- fit free. Address STONE WELLINGTON, l«l-75 Toronto, Ont. J. W. FORD Is giving splendia satisfaction in GRISTING, By the New Process at the Marklals Flow; MiUs.. Special attention to parties from a. distance so that tiiey t_ay have their- grist home the same day. THE BEST PLACE TO GET L m mmm North of Toronto, is at the*li:d.ale Graller*y, suppUed on the shortpst notice ard got up in the best style tl^it can be this 6id3 of Toro)jto. Apples, Oranges a variety of Nuts al- ways on hand. Tea meetings. Socials and other parties supplied ou the shortest notice and oa the uiost reasooabie terms. 169 90. That's so, for a friend of mine h«d his taken Ihere and he says they arw even better than what he had taksu. in Toronto. ^^j^^j^ JAMES H.AMILTON, ARTIST.. BOAB PI«. The thoroughbred boar Chcsteb White, will be for service at his pen, Markdale, forwith a fine boar six months old. Tenns â€" $t. at time of BPrvice. 1671 Wat. DQDQLASa, MARKDALE HOUSE, MAEKDALE, ONT. MRS. RUTLEDGE, PROPRIETOR. S' VFFOLK BOAU. One of the finest auimals ever brought into this district for servlcti at Jjot 6. Con 7, fiaphrasia. Age,. year past. Terms H at time of senrice, 171-80 D. B. ELLIS. BERKSHIRE ROAR. An early- spring pig for service at his pen, two milea Goatfa of Markdale. Terms, 75 cents at tim» of service, othecvn^e $1. GHAS. LITTLEIOHXS^ -5' Tl

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