Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 22 Nov 1883, p. 8

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 ?-,!- .t- Ji-^TT'"*^^ ^i mm rtHM TAILOR, SYDENHAM STREET, THE BEST PLACE TO GET A North cf Toronto, is at the rviarkdale GJ-allery, That's so, for a friend of mine had his taken there and he says they are even better than what he had taken in Toronto. JAMES HAMILTON. ARTIST. A regular Monthly Cattle Fair will be held in the Agricultural Grounds, Markdale, as follows â€" 188 3 â€" SATUEDAY Nov. 3 Do. Dec. 8 MAEKDALB Meat Market. A constant supply of Fresh Meats on hand, at the Lo^west Living Prices. Orders solicited, and deliv- ered free to all parts of the Town. Farmers having fat stock to dispose of, will please leave their addresses, TERMS STRICTLY CASH. FRED. SARJEANT. Markdalfi March 23. 1882. 80-Iy J. W. FORD Is giving splendia satisfaction in GRISTING, By the New Process at the Misk Floumj Mills. Special attention to parties from a distance so that they Clay have their grist home the same day. MARKDALE, Manufacturer of all Kinds of Drop Valve, Cylinder, Force, and Cistern Pumps. All kinds of IKON PUMPS SUPPLIED. ALEX KAY MILL STREET BUCKLEN'S AENICA SALVE. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises. Sores, Ulccrr, S»lt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Eniptions,and Positivelj cures Piles. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 ^Dt8 per box. For sale by A. Turner Co dJ=J^ SEEIM MELIEYING. GENTLEMEN,â€" If you -want a first-class Buggie or Wagon call at MCKENNA MASON'S CARRIAGE WORKS MARKDALE. I [They can supply you with anything from a Lumber Wagon up to Extension Top Phaeton. To buy from them is o They are both practical workmen, and employ none but PRACTICAL WORKMEN They guarantee their work Second to none for Lightness of Draught and Superiority of Finish. They use nothing but First-class AMiite Oak for Wagons, and thrice Extra Second Growth Hickory for light work. The immense amount of work turned out of McKenna Mason's shop is siifficien proof of the wide reputation they enjoy for doing good work. Thk BEST IS THR CHEAPEST in the END Poor cheap work we positively will not take. Special attention given to Ee-Trimming and Eepainting all classes of Carriage Work. Satisfaction guaranteed (or No Pay) in HORSESHOEING SHOPâ€" On Mill Street opposite to Sproule's Hotel. McKENNAMASON, WAR IN CHINA! France threatens China with a devastating war in con- sequence. Wilson Benson OF THE Belfast House, Markdale Has purchased a Large Stock of the CHOICEST TEAS In the Market, and wiJl sell at lower prices than any in the trade. Purchasing direct from the Eefinery, his SUGARS cannot be excelled for quality and lowness of price. BACON, HAMS, CHEESE, SALMON, LOBSTERS, SAEDINES In findless variety. DAIRY SALT of best quality. TL, I Q TJ O lES S, Of b«st brands and of every variety. In short, there ia nothing in the Grrocery trade that cannot be supplied at the "Belfast House" by WILSON BENSON. July 6, 1882. T. C. B. RAILWAY. TIME TABLE. diang-e ot Time. On and after Monday, June 18th, 1882, trains will run as follows GOING N TH. OOINO SOUTH Read Dmm. A.u 7 30 9 05 9 5.5 12" 20 2 25 11 60 12 06 1 80 P.M. 4 25 6 00 6 45 8 U 10 15 y.o 8 45 9 5S P.K. hiod Up. A.M. Toronto 10 45 Cabdweli, Junc. 9 05 Objlmoevili.b ... 8 27 Mount Fobkbt.. 6 30 Teeswatbe .... 5 00 Fleshbbton.... 6 43 Mabkiai.e, 6 27 Owen Sound.... 5 15 A.K. P.M. 9 10 31 60 30 46 47 30 10 P.K. A Mixed Ifain will also inn between Tor- onto and Owen Sound. See Time Table. D. McNicoLL, Eoinnn) WBi.oax. Gen. Pott. Agt, Genial Manager M(8CELLANEOU THE 6BEATEST HEALING COMPOUND 18 a preparation of carboUc ajad. vasehne and cerate called McGregor $• Parks s Car- boUc Cerate. It wiU core any sore cut, bam or bfuise ^hen all other preparations lail. CaUatHill Bros. General Store ftnd get a package. Twenty-five cent* is aU=. it eosla. WONDEBS NEVER CEA8B.â€" We DOticed lastweek a circumstance which occurred in Wisconsin where two females were married as man and wife, no family of course. The Thombury Standard re- ports the marriage of William John- ston of Clarksburg to James MuUarkey of Glenelg on the 28th nit. we will expect the same results fo follow. KRAMS'S FLUID LIGHTNING Islthe only instantaneous relief for Neuialgia, Headache. Toothache, etc. Subbing a few drops briskly is all that is needed. N© tak- in nauseous medicines for weeks, but one minute's application removes all pain and will prove the great value of Kram's Fluid Lightning. Twenty-fiive cents^per bottle at HUl Bros. General Store. A Glkn Huron correspondent to the CoUingwood Enterprise says. Mr. Plewes, with his characteristic dash and enterprise, has embarked in a new venture. It is actively engaged in buyiug up large quantities of barley for direct shipment to Pennsylvania, i'his is one of tlie brothers who pur- chased McFarland mill property recently in this place. McGrectOes speedy cure. From the many remarkablie cures wrought by using McGregors Speedy Cure for Dyspep sia, Indigestion, Constipation and Affection of the Liver and from the immense sale of it without any advertising, we have concluded to place it extensively on the maket, so that those who suffer may have a peifect cure^Go to Hill Bros. General Store and get a tnal bottle free, or the regular size at fifty cents or one doUar. The Toronto Daily World clubbed with the Standard the balance of this and all of next year for $3.50. FREE OF CHARGE, All persons suffering from Coughs, Colds Asthma, Bronchitis, Loss of Voice or any af- fection of the Throat and Lungs, are re- quested to call at A. Turner Co's Drug Store and get a Trial Bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, free of charge, which will convince them of its won- derful Merits and show what a regular dol- lar-size bottle win do. Call early. "What would you do if you were me and I were you " teuderly enquired a young swell of his lady friend, as he escorted her home from church, "Well she said. "If I were you I would throw away that vile cigarette,, cut up my cane for firewood, wear my watch chain underneath my coat, and stay at home nights and pray for brains " The talk was finished in silence, and it is persumed that for once in his life the young man thought hard. DO NOT BE DECEIVED. In these times of quack medicine adver- tisements everywhere, it is truly gratifying to find one remedy that is worthy of praise and which really does as recommended. Electric Bitters we will do as recommended. They invariably cure Stomach and Liver Complaints, Diseases of the Kidneys and Urinary difficulties. "We know whereof we speak, and can readily say, give them a trial. Sold at fifty cents a bottle, by A. Turner Co. Just the Thing. â€" We have just re- ceived several thousand envelopes suitable for dunners circulars, c., which we are prepared to furniBh, w^tJi advertising cards neatly printed in the corner or blank, at prices which will astonish the natives. We have also replenished our stock of billheads, which had run low, by a choice as- sortment, comprising some new and convenient sizes not before introduced into this town, and which we are enabled to dispose ol at remarkably low rates. Merchants and business men generally wi'l find it profittable to giye us a call when in want of printing of any kind. A VEXED CLERGYMAN. Even the patience of Job would become exhaustc i w6re he a preacher and endeavor- ing to interest his audience while they were keeping up an incessant coughing, making it impossible for him to be heard. Yet, how very easy can all this be avoided by simply using Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump- tion, Coughs and Colds. Trial Bottles given away at A. Turner Co's Drug Store. Bad Off.â€" A young settler near Wapella, Man., after experiencing the miseries of a bachelor's life for a year or more, writes to a more fortunate friend in the east as follows â€" You will be thinking that I am never going to Wright to you again, but between housekeeping and cooking I never get time to write to anyone. Say old fel- low, for heaven's sake get me a wife. Send her by rail, by mail or any other way she can come, and if she can't come I will go and fetch her. There is nothing in the guise of a woman within forty miles of me. Ask every young lady that comes into the shop ifehe will marry a man on sight, and if yoa strike one send me word! Get one that is white, or has been • if she is not pretty white I will not be able to tell her from my bed clothes." Here is a chance for some one. ffis dispair has cured him of being over critical, and now any one will satisiv him who is ytUXfi,â€"0. S. Adttrtuw â- i££ BED A ii E *y\ PLANia, SASH, DOOR AND mm -oOo- Walti Lumber Planed or Matched While naitin I :-X oil Sash, Doors, and Mouldings always on hand or madd^ Order. All kinds of lumber, Lath and Shingles kept stock. Furniture of all descriptions to be seen at iir our Warerooms. Lumber and cordwobd will be taken m change for Furniture. O-ebrgre 3-ra.3n.t cSfi Co., Pro prietory. W M. H^O G^ FLESHERTON STATION Respectfully announces that he has received a large supply of I N Dry Goods, Winter Clothing, Boots and Shoos, fe o As these Goods were bought to the best advantage tbcy will be sold ven low in price, and will be found well worthy of an inspection by the general public, also on hand a full stock of Fresh GrocericB,, Provisions, Crockery, c., all of which- will be sold cheap for cash or fann produce. I offer for sale or to lei my water power Saw Mill at Little Falls witJi about 400 acresof timber land. A good man liberally dealt with on either purchasing or leasing the place.' AVJVE-BtOGJ-O, Fleslierton Station. Nov. 1st, 1883. Good Work Guaranteed -AT- Miners PholoCTliMfirj FLESHERTON. Oa*ll 3,t C3I1.C© and see samples of work which we area not ashamed to show. All kinds of Framing done cheap at Tu^S. IBTJ-I^livCIEIEB'S, FLESHERTON. New FALL borMions -arriving daily at- n. J. SPROULE FLESHERTON. 'S Opened this week large stock of Ladies' Coats and Mantles in all the latest designs and patterns and very cheap. Also in large variety Black and Colored Silks, Velvets, and Velvet; eens from 35cts. up, also Ladies Clouds, Bonnets and Hats, Trim- mings and Shapes, Ladies Collars in all the latest styles. In Boots and Shoes our stock is complete and selling fast and cheap- Another lot of that Famous 20ct. and 50ct. TEA just received. Also a full stock of Nails, Putty, Glass, Hinges and builder's hara- ware of all descriptions selling av the lowest possible prices. ^^ A full stock of Preserving Sugars cheap, also preserve and G-em Jar" in endless variety. ^ts Notwithstanding .the incessant grumbling of ^^^7^00, generally, of dull 8mes R. J. SpfOUlC, ^^ ^^^ ^ess s?ys his business is increasing daily, having more Dus. ^^^^ than he can possibly get through with with his large ..., of hands. VOILk 4,-, M Markdale jtt lm«i eveay Thareday at tkteet, Markia ^FlRitgâ€" 41 per lyear in ad ^got pftid witkin tkt%e mont^; Piofe8«»SBl •mL^u.sines! â- ^iritee w** «ad€»,*f*r year, ?â-  " 1 TR. Whole «ofom».,-. .-. ..$50 KJ Half columns ...v 2? 0(1 'Qoai^n'oolaD^-,' ..15^ lycinchspMfe OC 'Three inch spttce 10 OO Casual adveitisenMnts 8 o« '^sertton, S'Mnts per line 'insertion, n^pared measure. Editorial Hotioes, or not i^unn 10 c0l{s per line first ii ««acb subaek^ents insertioa. StrsT aUttnala c., «dve^ "91, the AvertisenKat ii«t -linies. 08 PRINW Tac ikSttXD office has « 'xaent'of posti^ as well as in 'cial itttenti^ to orders 'tj 'filled%itii ^patoh^. EDl1?)R '"KD PROF SAIVUEft. WAH â- "TTTEMi MG^ER AND I VV orders promptly -att •"denoeâ€" Snider's EliJi, Oweu J t^ • â€" â€" â€" â- -â- â- ' â-  â- B. Ghent, M,D., MsRj Physician and S*irceoB KruadefcttMsf^University. Vic( â- ., ,, New •Hcta. Orade^te, of the same • „ V, Avteth H • „ -», Opttalaic â- XfeMfeer CoH 'Physi^iitfns S J.P.^UAiRSHAL 1ENT1S1 J'^^ RtBtTATE OF TORO AJT of Dentistry, will h 'Hotel, Sarkdalc, on the 1st f^esdaytrf each month aaJ al â- â€¢aotd, Flesherton, the da; thiid Wednesday in eacii mo "Wee of his professions January 9th, 1883, ^«0aU Fr*s« Fr BARRISTERS, AND A Law, Solicitors in CI ancers, ftc., Owen Swand, Flesherton, 0£ose^en ev heretofore. llJBKD FnosT, J. County Grcwn Attcrite J^ MASSO BAMHSTER, MASTER in^hafioery. Notary JL KtnnutK or rijtvs OmcEs â€" Owen Sound, B»ul«* St.; Branch office i HeFariaad's Store, on Frii erery week. Creasor Ifln BARmP.-iv»,soLicr anoes, g. C, Omcis in Owen Sound, •â-¼er W. P. Wolf's Store a g. MARKDA ^^^vt W. J. McFarland's S '•â- d Friday of each week. ^^Punds to lend on reaf "«»H Cbxasob, Q. a Markdale, March 15. 188 Alexander B T'SSUER of Marriage Li A Life Insorance Agen *â-  B. B. fec. Conveyan( Anctioneer for the County j Merchants, and Land Sal '•^ei to and charges ma( Prioeville. Sept. 17. 1880 Wm. Bro ISSUER OF MARRIAG Commissioner in B. R Conveyancing in all its l "•ttendad to and carefuUy e: N. B. â€" ^Money to Lend o '••rtty. ' W.'C. RICH XUlIiDEB, CONTRAC ,\r T»CT. â€" ^Residence on ^j hfkdale. Jan. 2ith, 188 JOHN N • MARKDi ffiNER'LBM â- ^-' ^. 'v-i-i-^"f- /-"xisMM^^yL^ ifi. ESH A SPECIA]

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