Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 8 Nov 1883, p. 5

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 duals u ^KOOOn "IS sons oqi " ^t that ts the da KETb. 'â- â- ; Oats, 30c â- ^'â- lOc; Hav, 'ts, ;i7cto4(i« ' 'J-'-iS; Pota. :r. dairy, ^.jj,. â-  lATTELS rRlCK, ITQftS. Chaptasld- Kirkpatnek, n, County ut ir about "the aving claim* ore the IBEH,1883 IkuJ Wood.i,- Cirey, on» L-state ami in and ,-,iir- ion, tlie fill! statomeut of lie secnntitr* fault thereaf wiii bf dis- the claim+ m whicli tk iecutur-,. T, 188a PEKATICNS, iges, ruled,, rect diary of 18 and sales lick, grain, •alendar for ,s, and also Hi'inoranda â- und iu any T FABiiel. ,TE. eet, t'A5AIA. I HAND ed on th» LWAYS Blact kih yg wantei times, ov collaterti' ENT. ks. 1 ms"" 2^f TX/':b:.b QressStuffsT weeds Dress stuffs in all the latest sha«Jes, varying in price from 10 cents up. Tweeds in English, Scotch and Canadian, in the newest and most fashionable styles. Groceries. Teas and general groceries always up to the mark and at the lowest living prices. Blankets, Wincies. Blankets, White and Grey at prices heretofore unheard of. Wincies in plain and fancy at rockbottom prices. Underclotfiing. Ladies' and Gents' Fall and Winter Underclothing in great variety suitable for all classes. MaMale and Toronto Boots and Shes. A large, varied and attrac- tive lot of Boots and Shoes for the Fall and Winter trade, which for style, quality and^ price cannot be excelled. BieO"';77"2:T •XIliv^EIB- A iine assortment of watches Cli'ilis, Rings, Chains, Setts, Buttons, specks. Charms, c. 'Also an extra lint of Electro- blatt.d goods for table use. Watch and clock repairing l^crsnnally, attended to and •guaranteed. Honest charges. W. A. BROWN, The Jeweller, Local and Other Items. y.iricBS in these columns intended to benefit â- xmi individual or Society will be charged ten ,-,.»N line for tlie first insertion and five I'Hf- II iine each subiequent insertion. OniPLETE outfits for auctioneers, at the St.^ndard Office. \V II FN is butter like Irish babies? When it i. made into pats. Mr. Bryan, of the Mansion House, lia 'Ut up two lamps outside. The Standard to the end of 1884 to uew subscribers for $1.00, cash. P)L\nk: notes, receipts and all such forni.s for sale at the Standard Office. A Lodge of the Ancient Order of Initod Workmem has been organized iu 'r:ra. Tho.s. McNea has purchased a coal buniiiit,' stove and a supply of coal for till- V iuter. Ikf. Toronto D*ily World clubbed with the Standard the balance of this and lit of next year for $3.50. A '0RRE8P0NDEVT Ssks US "if it is right to kiss a young lady on the eve of ii*r departure," Cirtainly not â€" Kiss iier on the mouth. M Farland is making things hum ia iJj« butter line, he purchased 5,000 pouud-. in one day this week, at big pdcos, Mc. is the butter king. Tiu; Silver Medal won at the To- ronto Industrial Exhibition by J. R. TriiDlne's "Clear Grit Jr." may be sefti \a the window of R. Askin's ^V .: have made arrangements with the World Publishing Co. whereby we are enabled to club that newsy and in- ♦ieppident daily paper with Uie Stan- iAi([ for $3.50 cash. Highest price paid for Butter, Eggs. Fowl, Potatoes, Lard, Tallow, i^bwpskins. Geese Feathers, at Trimble Wvight's. T. Sell or Trade.â€" A large cow TiBiug 5 years, farrow, will sell or trade for ;t s^ood cow in calf, Joseph Hender- son, Lot North 5, con. 7 Euphrasia aboui six miles from Markdale. Robert Nejbitt, brakeman on the G. T. R., who was struck by a bridge while the train was passing under near Belleville recently, has recover- ed so that he was able to resume work last Tuesday. The Ontario and Quebec. â€" Mr. Abbott, inspector of ties and timbers on the Ontario and Quebec railway, says that he expected to see construc- tion trains running from Toronto to Ottawa by the Ist January next. Reduction in Prices. â€" Trimble Wright haye this week reduced their notorious tea from 80 to 25ct8 per lb. in single lbs or 5 lb. lots, 24ct8 per lb. by the chest, if you want a bar- gain procure a box before the lot is cleaned out as it cannot be replaced. The Marquis of Lome and the Princess Louise arrived at Liverpool Monday, and were accorded a flatter- ing reception. In reply to an address from the Corporation, the Marquis referred to awakening interest of England in the affairs of the Domin- ion. True merit brings its own reward, in the case of Burdock Blood Bitters it is rapidly bringing its reward in its increased sales, as a prominent Drug- gist recently said, "it now sells on its merits;" It is the grand specific for diseases of the blood, liver and kidneys, 25,000 bottles have been sold during the last three months. For sale by A. Turner Co. Markdale. Fortunate Southampton. â€" It is rumored that the Beatty line ot steam- ers intend to make Southampton in- stead of Sarnia their southern terminus next season. Tins move will save a distance of 240 miles every round tripe, and as time means money in these fast days, the cliange seems only a natural one. Southampton people are jubilant over the matter, and look forward to a big boom next spring and summer. â€" 0. 6" Adcertisor. The Cheapest Life Insurance yet, or. 1 ounce of prevention vs. a pound of cure. â€" Men and women who are unable to pay the heavy premiums asked by msurance companies should call on Trimble Wright at once and procure ore of those all wool suits of underclothing, guaranteed a sure pre- ventative for colds, cough's o., and sold lower than any other retail house in Canada. Revovai.. â€" Thos. Matthews moved this week into the premises late'y oc- ccupied by A. McDougall. Mr. M. will now have abundant room besides being in a better business stand. It is unnecessary for us to say anything in commendation of his abilities as a harness maker, or of his integrity as a business man. His history for the past eighteen years in this place is surely a sufficient recommendation, and we bespeak for him a largely increased trade in his present commo- dious and convenient shop. Tam, what on airth is 8 yon heap o' stuff stacked up at Trimmel Wright's store door odd the like o' I never saw, hoot Will, it's easy The Steaheb Ontario Lost, all hands saved. â€" The steamship Ontario enrouted for Port Arthur and other points North, sank while takine; on coal at a wharf, all hands were saved as well as the most valuable pait of her lead which was slightly damaged by water and shipped to Toronto to be sold by auction. Trimble Wright who are always on the look out for cheap good, have purchased a large share of the cargo which will be opened this week and sold off at what it will bring, look out for them. To Be Discontinued. â€" Some people have hitherto been under the impres sion that letters, if unsealed, could be sent from one post office to anotner for one cent, and many letters have been mailed that way. Instructions have been issued to postmasters that here- after all such letters if not prepaid, are sent to the dead letter office. The same remarks apply to accounts for parties in other places. Of course letters and accounts mailed for deliv- ery at the same post office go for one cent. People should bear these things in mind and they would save them- selvea much trouble and loss. W M. HOGG, FLESHERTON STATION, Respectfully announces that he has received a large supply of t 1 N Dry Goods, Winter Glotbing, Boots and Shoes, o As these Goods were bought to the best advantage they will be sold very low in price, and will be found well worthy of an inspection by the general public, also on hand a full stock of Fresh Groceries, Provisions, Crockery, c., all of which will be sold cheap for cash or farm produce. I offer for sale or to let my water power Saw Mill at Little Falls with about 400 acres of timber land. A good man liberally dealt with on either purchasing or leasing the place. A?VTVI, H:OGr», Flesherton station^ Nov. 1st, 1888. The conservatives of West Simcoe liave cJiosen Dr. Wylie of Stayner, as tbeir ^itandard bearer at the coming electron to fill the vacaacy caused by Pbilps being unseated. We are pleased to learn that W. J. McFarlaud has made sale of his but- ter at a good roand price to Thos. Todd k Sons, Liverpool. Tlie quan- tity sold was two car loads. The County Judge will hold a court of revision for Holland Township at Campbell's Hotel, ChatswMrth on the loth November at the hoar of one o'clocif p. M. People don't have to be haoled by *be coat collar into McFarland's store His immense stock of sound fwsh Koods is sufficient to erovd bisiitN^ ^ith large buyers. • Oaprey. From our own corresvOndent. The barn of Mr. Fisher, 12th con. of Osprey was set on fir«» last week, by sparks from an engine of a steam thresher, which wa3 at the time en- gaged in threshing his own crop, all efforts were put forth to extinguish the fire, but all in vain the wind was too strong and the result was the en- tire destruction ot the barn and all b'lildings attached, together with all his grain crop. No insurance. Miss. Mary Reid, student of the Philadelphia school of elocution, and daughter of Jackson Reid. Esq., of Maxwell, recently gave and entertain- ment in the Presbyterian church,Max- well. She fully sustained her repu- tation as a reciter, with the graceful movements of her beautiful figure and the clear and vigorous ring of her melodious voice, the attention of the whole audience is nveted from the very moment she ascends the platform until she descends again. All who heard Miss Read once should certain- ly seek every opportunity of hearing her again. T, 0-- II5"VIISr (3-, MAKKDALB, Manufacturer of all Kinds it Drop Valve, Cylinder, Force, and Cistern Pumps. J. W. FORD Is giving splenJia satisfaction in GRISTING, By the New Process at the All kinds of IRON PUMPS BUPPLIEP. Special attention to parties from a distance so that they t_ay have their grist home the same day. was you seen ye hana been mucle trae hame, yens mantle claith, traser claith an sack, drawers, flannels an a sort 6' claith to keep baith men and woman warm, an if ye just look roMid the corner ye'll see stane boats an 80 ft ladder, and to tell ye for a certain fact, for cheapness the same Trimmle Wright is no beat this side o' John O'Goots. Mk. a. Websteb, of Priceville, is about to take his departure from that place, having disposed of his business and purchased a farm near Toronto. Mr. " ..)8ter has been a valuable citizen to Priceville, being a man of undoubted integrity, excellent busi- ness qualities and high moral and social standing. The viUage loses one of its best and most esteemed citizens which will doubtless be difficult to replace. A banquet will be given in his behalf, on Thursday evening the 8th at the Gommerdai Hotel, which will be laxgdy attended. From our ow* eorretpondent. Tuesday was fair day. There rather a slim attendance. Real estate still commands high prices here, houses to rent are still scarce. Mr. Higginbotham of Inistioge re- turned from the North West last week He speaks well of the country. Mr. MulboUand has purchased Htn building lately erected by Mr. £. Hanbury, the price was $1,800. M**. Haney, merchant here, has sold his property to Mr. Wheeler, a dealer in telesraph poles. Mr. Haney purposes xemowig ta Toronto. The contractors of the Proton drains are pushing the work with energj and will it possible finish the most the work this seasod, though so lat9 be- ginning. The Melancthon drainage contrac- tors are eauoing the council scmie trouble by non-completion of their work. The council have delt very fairly with them, some consider very leniently. It is most likely that all the mem hers of the Melancthon council will seek re-election. The Reeve of Pro- ton will not oier his aerviees ^xt year, but the rest of the council ptob- ably will. The cooDdl have pladcd a lieniae fee of $80 on the billiard room. The desire of the majmty -is to sec it ckMfld, wbclhnr the pvofrictor will pay tiM hceiMM, os close up remww tobciCMi. FMJi ImDoiialioDs arriving daily at- R. J. SFH0I7LE'S FLESHEBTON Opened this week large stock of Ladies' Coats and Mantles in all the latest designs and patterns and very cheap. Also in large variety Black and Colored Silks, Velvets, and Velvet- eens from 35cts. up, also Ladies" Clouds, Bonnets and Hats. Trim- mings and Shapes, Ladies Collars, in all the latest styles. In Boots and Shoes our stock i complete and selling fast and cheap Another lot of that Famous 20ctw and SOct. TEA just received. Also a full stock of Nails, Putty Glass, BEhges and builder's hard" ware of all descriptions selling at the lowest possible prices. A full stock of Preserving Sugars- cheap, also preserve and Gem Jars in endless variety. Notwithstanding the incessant grumbling of merchants generally, of dull times ff. J. Spwyfe, of Flesherton, S9JS his business IS mcreasing daily, hAving more business than he can possibly get through with with his laree staff of hani^^-; ** ' r

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