Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 18 Oct 1883, p. 5

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 :AJ lyi 12th residence of f" °° the 11, 'eford.danXtT ^e'liodist Parson, f^y eveaiag T lowell, MrTrh, ' ^8 M»««,,e| !â- * ^.O'l H ' 1 â- " ' " itTIT^rA QressStuWsTweMs n tffhii.Ki. Croceriea. BlanketS) Wincies. Underclothing. Boots and Shes. uTf v.rv,nl in nri^ f ' """ ^^°^'^^ gToceries Blankets, White and Grey Ladies' and Gents' Fall A large, varied and attrac .hades varying in price trom always np to the mark and at at orices heretofore unheaid and Winter Underclothing in tive lot of Boots and Shoes for "r .rui. Fn.licK Q u *^^ ^^^^st living prices. of. great variety suitable for all the Fall and Winter trade. Tweeds in linghsh, Scotch «r. â-  â-  â- , r i u- i. r i ,• 1 ,• ^1 » Wincies in plain and fancy classes. which for style, qualitv and Ljid Canadian, in fhe newest i. i u .. • J H J r u- ,, at rockbottom pnces. I and most rashionable styles. TOIEBOISTTO HIOTTSEI/ â€" â€" â€" price cannot be excelled. TXTTCX-I-A-^v^ iBKOTTsTnsr iof Mr.Wm.Mcf andlOd*yg, • W. T., on tl f^'^f Mr. Donal, -Mr. Joseph Lam ars A^RKETS. •9a; Spring K eas, 60; Oats, natoes, 40c; Hay g Flour, 84.75 t^ :iKl^TS. •10; Spnns, »1.0Oi Oats. 37cto88ot '0 to ?8.25; Pota. Gutter, dairy, tac 325 ACEEi mi lEUOMIiNION Wanted. xeJ salaries to a'l Women can have R ROUND. from 540 to S7^j Terms and ouu .INXiTON, Toronto, Ont. •11, A C'.J. to. Scw4 \\ oik l; 11 n ran teed â- tube' tLe stand,, J;Op. 1.59-3ml^ E. ovu iny bnsiness ndebted to me by t settle 'he same I ace uut can be the BatLk, Mart- ;nY FOSTEE. tf vard f vard fur any case psia, SiekHead- ition or Costiye- Vesfs Vegetable :iou are strictly urely Vegetable, :sfaction. Smu; 30 Pills,. iiggists. Beware^ oi,s. Thegeno- JOHN G. WESr 51 83 King St. rial package sent; f a H cent stamP-. ig Store. Is of IRETON :DfTORS- of Chapter 107, of Margaret t Glenelg, in «« vho died on tr 1883, andaa ^er estate are on. NOVEMBER to Benjamia larkdale. in *»* xecutors, if the â-  ,le, soliiator deoeaW*' for then h**-^^. 1883^. THE PEOPL,ES^ JEITEI.- L,ERS OF iARXOALECMTSWOSTH, ARE AWAY AHEAD When in town do not fail to call and see their immense new stock. THEY have the ORLY GOOD stock in this section of Country. THEY buy for CASH, IMPORT Direct, and are not FRESH at the Business. Mr.Brown's Watch repairing is giving FIRST CLASS SATISFACTION. And now the small boy goes forth in search of beech nute, etc. We acknowledge receipt of sub- scription for Standaw) from B. J Smith, Lisle P. 0. Mb. Akch. Donaldson, of Muokoka, will please accept thanks for $1.00 for Standabd. Eight girls wanted at Miss Green's Dress Making Parlor, six, apprentices and two assistants. 161tf The Meaford Mirror says, in last weeks issue that the Canadian Farmer and Grange Record, which is publish- ed in Welland has came out as a week- ly. W onder when did our cotem learn the fact The above paper has been published weekly the past two Tears. Qua lady readei s who belong to the Methodist Church, and who have not yet fettered themselves by marriage, will learu with interest that the United Methodist Conference of Canada has, in adopting a marriage ritual, left the Local and Other Items. NfTii'Li in these columns intended to benefit »;/ indindnal or Society will be charged ten ni a line fur the first insertion and Jive nU a line each subsequent insertion. Tbimble WsioHT has an immen- se stock of fall and wii^r goods which are going off like hot cakes, 'f hey can scarcely attend to the wants of their numerous customers, they are uow shipping their butter and you can see by their new advertisement tkis week every thing is upside down. The annual thanksgiving services of Chnst Church, Markdale, were held on Sunday last. The decora- tions in the church were of evergreen, flowers and of various kinds of frait, and displayed great taste. Ber. Mr. Ward preached an able and impres- sive sermon in the morning, from the text, "The end of the world is tiie harvest, the reapers are the Angels." Mb. Doll has a display of hand- some jewellry now at Doll Brown's jewellry store, part of which he will take with him to the North-west. He has two cases of beautiful soUd gold watches of the latest design and also a consignment of diamond zings vala MAEKD ALB FLAMING, SASH, DOOR AND FURNITURE •o â-  oOo Lumber Planed or Matched While Waiting. word -obey" out oftbe questions asked f at $1400. This is indeed Uie of the woman to be wedded. "^«* J^^plaj- of jewellry ever offered Si" John A. McDonald was unseats A last week. 11k, a. Gill is going to paint Mc- Firlaud's .elevator. Mr. C. Price of Williamsford sta- ;iou has again opened a general store. k SKATING riuk is being built in Tbornbury, it is )190 feet long and 90 'eetwide. .\ttextion is directed to the adver- "Sement of George Grant Co. of the •lavkdal.' sash and door factory. Two (if the Canada Pacific line rii.anieri fortbe Lake Superior traflfic, :.â-  Mpfi-ta and Aigowa, arrived at ^iontreal last Friday, from Glasgow. AcciDKNT. â€" On Monday last, Ruben Wallace, a brftkesinau on the T. G. :. fell otY the tram near Bolton and as^Liiuiisly injiired. He is recover- We are looking' forward with hope- ':i anticipations for a long and lovely aiau buiamer. If it don't beat the 'uite mail's summer this season it â- J bs no great shakes. ill'.. Jos. Manarey, Euphrasia, will •i^e an auction sale of farm stock aplemeuts, c., on Thursday Nov. i^t his premises lot 18, con. 10. twelve months credit on approved â- Jper. See posters. Punting. â€" Mr. A. Gill, painter, ^iio had to chant,e his occupation â- sring the summer months, owing to i'or health, has now returned to his "ade and is prepared to execute all 'Mk entrusted to him in painting }4pering c., in a workmaulike and ^lisfactory manner. N'oTicE. â€" The pews in the Methodist Jurch will be re-let at 2 o'clock, on fcrsday, iNovembr Ist. Pew hold- who wish tojretain their seat an- year can secure it at the.old price calling at the office of C, W. But- ge and -settling fqr the same a»y e up to the above date, otherwise y will be let to the highest bidder. OaoANizED. â€" Bev. Mr. "Manlws ing agent for the Upper Oanaos '^Qch of the British and Foreign '"le society, preached in the Presby- church last Sabt^^ moniing " m the methodist chw^h the* $ame ^iog. On both occasions he ^ye mg information rejlativeiiO the '^e society and its workm^^ _A ch of the societo was re-orgwiiK- 8 follows Wip. Lucas, President; ^.Browuj (Jeweller,) Seeretary Bougias, Treasurer William (merclumt) Depodfcnr Com-. The resident minifteif irath • Â¥offatt, B. 1 Biggar, and C W. ftiier' Accident. â€" On Wednesday evening as the mixed train wuut North, at Chatsworth, Thos. Hazard, a brakes- man fell off at the cattle guard, the cars passed oyer one leg breaking it several places below tUe knee. He is lying in a precarious condition at Chatsworth. Sad News. â€" Ma" Joseph Lamb of this village received a telegram on Monday morning beajing the sad tid- ings of the death of 'bis sister in Moose jaw N. W. T. Saturday the 13th inst. She had moved to the above place about a year since with her husband D- C. McLean and family from Price- ville. This is the third death m the family in three years. The reports of the yield of grain from farmers who have threshed are' generally of a good character. S.; â- Coleman, whcue farm adjoins this village, tiiresiied last week, and will, have a yield of 25 bushels of spri»s. wheat per acre and between 40 and. 50 of oats, while the grain is of a good quality. In Gleuielg we are told that while there will be a falling off ixx ihe wheat crop, the coarse grains "ftill more than make it up, as there js an abundance of all kinds of the latter. Mekited Success. â€" The Dundalk Herald ha.s entered upon its second year of publication under its present proprietor Mr. T. Hall, wad i^. we are pleased to learn, const9.ntly grow- ing in ilie popularity of the residents of that village and district. The pa- per is newsy, spicy, and ably edited, has a high moral tone and is untram- melled by political bias or sectarian prejudice. We have no doubt it will receive the liberal support which it richly deserves. Very lew have any idea of the amount of expense as well as other difficulties a country editor has to contend with. We bespeak for the Herald that success which is its due. One of our exchanges, in speaking of newspapers, and what is expected of them, very forcibly remarks that "there is no business in aU the wide world so subject to spougmg as a newspaper. It really seems to us that pubhc cor- porations, societies and associations in general haye peculiar ideas about prin- ts. They think we ought to pnnt, for sale in this town. Be sure you call and see them before he is gone, which will be on Friday. An Agbekable Subpbibe. â€" A para- graph appeared in the press last Monday to the effect that robbers were at work in the city. Late in the even- ing of that day there appeared a sus- picious-looking person at the residence ' the Rev. A- Wilson, pastor of the Sash, Doors, and Mouldings always on hand or made to Order. All kinds of lumber, Lath and Shingles kept in stock. Furniture of all descriptions to be seen at our Warerooms. Lumber and cordwood will be taken in ex- change for Furniture. O-eoxgre O-isirLt £z Co., I*r opriet ors MABKDALB, Manufacturer of all Kinds f V of Carlton street Presbyterian church, who seemed not to know very well what hb wanted, but muttered some- thing about a carpet. The servant who answered the door called her mistress who, thinking the man was some eyil-designing person, wanting to get some knowledge about the house for an evil purpose, spoke sharply to him, telling him he must be mistaken, and that this was not the house. Not moving away at once, and the lady being somewhat alarmed, she called to the servant to go and bring Mr. Wilson, who, however, was not in at the time. With this the man made off. Shortly after Mr. and Mrs. Wilson left their home to sjiend the ejeniag at the house of a friend. No sooner had 1 hey left than the man entered their house \yith a large roll of carpet on his shoulder. Soon the parlour was cleared, and a beautiful and costly Brussels carpet was quickly laid. The man who thus caused such alarm turn- ed out to be the agent for the time, of a few iiiends in the Bev. fentle- man's congregation, and the sui^rise that awfiited him and his lady on their return home may well be imagined. Such surprises (tend greatly to make a happy uad prosperous pastorate. Drop Valve, Cylinder, Force, and Cistern Pumps. All kinds of IRON PUMPS m. snppuxD. J. W. FORD Is giving splendia satisfaction in GRISTING, By the New Process at the Harklale FloBriii; lis. Special attention to parties from a distance so that they t-ay have their grist home the same day. Dundalk. m puff and publish aU for nothing, other words, they seem astonished we ask half price only for obituary notices, cards of thanks, tributes of respect, personal commutications, or anythmg else that only intorests a few lersons, and nat the general refers. Tbey think it costs no money to adver- tise/ puff, c. And this one and angther will sponge. They forget that this business makes them known they fytgei that printer's ink maKes mne taSig of their immense fortitoea they fonret that it takes money to pay ;^osito«-to buy iiA, »^ papSTand lastly, they forget even to SS you for gratutiously puffing Jcir business aad ser?ins the pubUc. From OTW own correspondent. The BitAbies for McCuUough's sew hotel were raided on Tuesday. Mr. SkeffingtoM Pell has been re- appointed eoUectw of taxes for Pro- ton, Mr. S. McDoweii, ar., has parehas- sd Mr. Langler's hotel, near Dundalk. and took possession on TttesdiEiy last. The mouicipal iituatious does aou appear to be moeh ehanged. U i certain our present reeve wUl not sewk re-election. It is rumoured that J. 1. MidcUetoQ hsB sold bis business at Melaoethon station and is about to open a teaneh store in Toeonto. The oat meal mill is now in wwk- ing order, but oats are rather slowly coming ill. The lato.hsivebt is prob- ably the cause. The drainage eonto«etom ate poih- ing the work as well as tbey oan, but experience gr«at diffieoltjr in j^etting men to work on the dnios. Good wages are oflsrecL If dun -tn 9Uf Burphis lalxtters juooni Jftricdide. they eonld re«ililj pnk* it|ilvjin«Bt here. The m«Ui strain pasring throus(h the oentre of e TiUa^ %ill be about te* feet deep. New FALL Impoiiaiions arriving daily at K. J. SPHOITLKS FLESHERTON. Opened this week large stock of Ladies' Coats and Mantles in all the latest designs and patterns and very cheap. Also in large variety Black and Colored Silks, Velvets, and Velvet- eens from 35cts. up, also Ladies' Clouds, Bonnets and Hats. Trim- mings and Shapes, Ladies Collars, in a th e latest styles In Boots and Shoes our stock is complete and selling fast and cheap. Another lot of that Famous 20ct. and SOct. TEA just received. Also a fall stock of Nails, Putty,. Glass, Hinges and builder's hard- ware of all descriptions selling at the lowest possible prices. A full stock of Preserving Sugars cheap, also preserve and Ctem Jars in endless vaariety. Hl^^thstandin^ the incessant grttmbiing of merchants;. 9li[|cally, of duM times R, J.SprOUle, of ivliJsherton,;. S9ys his business is increasing daily, having mose busiDes.s" his than he can possibly get throvgh of hands. with with his large stai]^

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