Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 11 Oct 1883, p. 5

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 :»^' Boots and Shes. A large, varied and attrac- loressStuffsTweeds Groceries. Blankets, Wincies. Underclothing. Dress stuffs in all the latest Teas and general groceries Blankets. White and Grey Ladies' and Gents' Fall ^., _. ..„..- Uades, varying in price trom always up to the mark and at at orices heretofore unheaid and Winter Underclothing in tive lot of Boots and Shoes for "^^"^T^im En r h Sc h ^^ ^°^^^* ^^"" P"^«s. of. great variety suitable for all the Fall and Winter trade Twee ' ^^ Wincies in plain and fancy classes. which for style, quality and Mnd Canadian, in 4^ be newest i. i l ^. • • /v n j P"^*^ at rockbottom pnces. pnce cannot be excelled. Ud most fashionable styles- ' ' TOIEeoa^TOTO X^OTTSB,' â€" â€" â€" â€" i THE PEOFJLES JEIVEL- L.EM.S OF IIRKDALE MI7SW0ST1i, ARE AWAY AHEAD AVhen in town do not fail to call and see their immense aew stock. THEY Irave the ONLY GOOD stock in this section of Caoiitry. THEY buy for CASH. IMPORT Direct, and are -not FRESH at the Business. Mr.Brown's Watch repairing is giving FIRST CLASS SATISFACTION. Mr, T. Mathews baa leased the premises oconpied by A. McDougall as harness ghop and will mooye into it next week. Mr. Nevimn who had leased this place is nit now eomming. Shawls for the Ladies and Hoods for the Biibies' We Lave a complete stock o' Clouds. Hoods, Shawls, etc., and at prices never before offered iu Markdaie. Reynolds Sou. Quick, Now. â€" You can have either the weekly Mail or Giohe with the Standard to the end of 1884 for $2, 'ash. Be alive and secure the balance of the year free which is wortli 50 cents. kcal and Oier Items. Ni'TicKs i/i these columm intended to benefit tv^ iiulindiuil or Socie, .f will be charged ten 'Ms a line for tlie firsi insertion and five cuts a line fach subsequent insertiotL. The ProviQcialFxJbjbition atOuelph ffas a g'raud success, Wlio will briiip us a load rf wood ;iii6 week; dout all speak at ouce. Our iDurkct repscts are now chang- ed regular .-uid farcaers can depend on '.-eir corrcci.aess. Eigiit girls wanted at Mi«« Green's Liefs Mi.kinj:; Parlor, six, apprentices ind two a^^sistauts. IGltf Weatlu-i- prophets appear well ijffeej tji:il there will be a fine open 'L V\\ lit that be just splendid. Tlkerc I- a tremendous heavy trade ^iiiit; (I lit ill freight and pii'^sengers 'â- "M Owtii St'uiid North by water. Tlittf were 1,077 entvies at the Hollaiul Centre Agricultural Show, -tlJ lit Wiiliamsford Statiou last "ridaT. We have to thank Mr. J. Seegmiller, wretary uf Northern Exhibition held 5:^Ulkertni). for Press badge and «ipy of prize list. The leaver Lodge of C. O. 0. F. 't Thuriitury started with 3ight mem- ffs a vtitr ago and lias uoir about •ny. ilr. James Stewart of Artemesia '"'k mc r. prizes lor grajn at the East '^â- ^'â- y couuty fair tliMi any other 'Siiiiuor. Tiip te'.M^raph wire from the village •"hei;^ ];, station bfis been reuaoved '•'las i.j; i,eeu iu operation for some •iiie. Tl. Miss Walker, who was Married last week, will be verry much missed in the Englich church of this place as She has been a constant and zealous worker iu^Sabbath school and church work. Reynolds Sou (ure selling boots and shoes at Prices that beat anything ever offered in this section of Country Come in and see our stock, we keep the boots you are koking lor, and don't you forget it. If you w'«h to subscribe for the Globe, Mail, Star, Farmer's Advocate or Montreal Witness or renew your subscription for any of the above papers hand in your name and sub- seription to this office. The Privters' Circular never printed a more truthful sentence than the following The smallest country news- paper IS worth more to its subscribers in a month than its price for a year, and does more for its neighborhood for nothing than many a high official does for his munificent salary. Canadian Pacific Railway (T. G. A B. R. Drv'ifiiONS.) â€" We learn that as soon ae the new management has tak- en charge work will be proceeded with to complete the new elevator com- men ed last fall. Other works of im- portance will be done, such as extend- ing the sidings, erection ofshedp, new station, c. It is probable that in these works tLe Company will employ* at least 200 men all winter. â€" 0. S. Adtgrtiser The next meeting of the Teachers' Association of East Grey, will be held ' in Andrews' Hall Thoruburj-, on Thursday and Friday October 18th and 19th. The new School Readers will be discussed on the afternoon of the first day. It would be well for teachers and others interested, to give the subject their careful attention, and to come prepared to enter into and discuss the subject forcibly and intelli- gently. â€" Thombimj VejUure. True merit brings its own reward, in the case of Burdock Blood Bittf rs it is rapidly bringing its reward in its in- creased sales, as a prominent Druggist recently said, "it now sells on its mer- its;" It is the grand specific for diseae- CUeaclff C*«a«:il. This council met at the Town Hall on 1st instant. All the members pre- sent. Accounts passed â€" W. Whitmore, repairing scraper $1.50; Thomas Cook, repairing plough $2.00. Davis, Mullarky, â€" That Richard Jack be paid, $5.00 for repairing bridge at Lot 5 con. 8. â€" Caried. A petition was received from R. E. English and others for a grant for the town-line ot Holland and Gleuelg' Mullarky, Davisâ€" That $15.00 be granted to repair the town line between Holland and Glenelg, from Glahcott P. 0. East, on condition that Holland grants an equivalent for the same place carried. Davis, Mullarkyâ€" That $12. be granted tu cut a hill at lots 56, con. 4 S. D. R. carried. Duusmore, McMillanâ€" That $20.00 be granted to repair a hill at lot 28 con. 2 E. G. R. carried. Council adjourned to meet at the same place on 10th December next. In the Gâ€"^m •€ MARGARET IRETON (deceased) NOTICE TO CREDITORS- The Toroitt* Grey aM«l Bmce. The directors met on Saturday, and it 18 believed that Mr. Sutherland Taylor was appointed general manager pro teiD. It. id said that the $250,000 whch the Ontario and Quebec w«re to give for the lease of the road has not yet been paid, though the amount ia oveidue. Pricevillc. From a corrtipondent. Our saw mill commenced opera- tions on Monday and will now be run constantly every working day. The proprietor Mr. John McLeod, has a large stock of logs in his yard and will be able to supply the demand. The grist mill will commence about the 1st November. Mr. McGowan has taken a partner in the person of Mr. Black from Mt. Forest, and who has been employed iu American mills the past five years where grinding is done on the new system, they are now put- ting in purifyers, or roclers m their mill here and will no doubt be able to turn out a superior quality of flour, So mote it be. • «» Chats worth. Ponoant to Section 34 of Chaptei 107, B. S. O., the creditors of Margaret Iretin, late of the towDBbip of Glenelg, in the county of Grey, deceased, who died on or about ttte 5th day of May, 1883, and all parties having claims upon her estate are on on before the FIFTEENTH DAY OF NOVEMBER next, to send by post prepaid, to Benjamin Coleman, of the Viilai^A of Markdaie. in tns county of Grey, one of the Executors, of the personal estate and eltects of the deceased, (or to James Maason, Markdaie, solicitor for the executors,) their Christian and Surnames addresses and description, the full particulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts and nature of the securities (if any) held by them, and in default thereof the assets of the said deceased will be distributed, having regard only to the claims then receiyed or those of which the executors then have no- tice, BENJAMIN COLEMAN)-, JOHN WM. FOBD. l^-^ecutors. J. Masson, Solicitor for Exiecutors. Dated this 1st Day October. 188.?. A. CAJElTy, To all who are sufiferiD^; from the errors and indiscreiions ot yon^j, uer ous weak- ness, en'r ^ec.y, )o-s ol manhood, Ac. I will :,eT3i" a jecei e » '1 cuie yoM, FBEE OF CflA ^. £. Th'h s;e.i Bemedy was dis- covo edbv n missionp'-T iii Sou^h America. Send a be^ '-addressed envelope vo Bet. JosKPH "' Inman, Station D, New York City. WAIVTED. Three teachers wanted for- the Public Schools, Maikdale 3884. One- male and two female teachers. Male teacher must hold at J' second class Provincial. Fe- male83rd class Pi ovincial. Applications statinf; salary and grade of certificate received until November Ist, 1S83, by the undersigned. B. COLEMAN. See.-Treasurer. Markdale,Sept.22,1883. 159-61 A lÂ¥illian IWcLeod, BOOT AND SHOEMAKEB, MARKDALE- Orders promptly attended to. Sewetl work a specialty. All our work guaranteed. Teims strictly cash. Bemember the stand, opposite Mathews' harness shop. 159-3m NOTICE. TORONTO MARKETS. Fall Wheat, »1.00 to »1.10; Spring, »1.00 to »1.12; Barley, 5^»o to 70c; Oats, 38cto n9c Peas, 70c to 73c; Hors, J8.00 to »8.25; Pota- toes, per bag, 90c to 9lc; Butter, dairy, i5c to 17c; ejva, 18c to 00c. As I have decided to remove my business from Markdaie, all parties indebted to me by note or book account must settle the same immediately. Statement of acooTsnt can be had and payment made at the Bank, Mark- dale. HE1«IY FOSTEB. Markdaie, Aug. 8th, 1883. tf CARD OF TH ANKS. As am now about leaving Priceville and having been engaged in various branches of business for over twenty je^e, in this vil- lage, I take this opportunity of kindly thank- ing all my old friends and the public general- ly, for the very liberal amount of patronage they have bestowed upon me in all the vari- ous branches of business in which I have been engaged. I hope you will give my suc- cessor in business a hearty welcome when he comes amon:; yon, and I alss .wish that he may prove himself worthy of all the sup- port you may favor him with, and^ at the end of twenty more years he may be able to do what I am now doing, viz.: thanking yon again for your very great liberality. I remain, dear friends. Yours very truly. ALEX. WEBSTEB. Priceville,Oct.3,1883. lay, '""pn/t listiiext week. In the minutes of Holland council "'^Wished ill Uus paper lasi week the 'Haw 1 iissed for breaking school ^^"if'uNn.8 Should read No. 2. Wtidame DeLanijey of France, form- â-  ' Miss )lltn3bhaw of Owen Sound, •"urttl in the latter town recently â- -"iii of the french Missionary service. Mr. Jo.s.pli Swinburne, of Glenelg, '*f«ved ii.juries which caused his •'Stluectntiy, while endeavoring to â- 'â- ^P froui a load of peas which was '^^'^lie time upsetting, ^farafter no hair cutting will be J^i^fe on Saturdays after dark, by â- '^tli, tlic- barber, as he is too busy 'â- ^^"ig iiid belling Reiuyenator â- "tters. " yon Lave a friend living at a ;;s^auce who would be it-terested in iit\v5 of this district, just leaye us •" aiid we w ill forward the Standard "age paid twelve months. We '"'ire to say you could not send a '^it th4it would be mere appreciated 'c ()~]irey Agricultural Society fl'lthfirAill show at singliampton ^, ,,., „- ^Tat^lav. ^Ve will give full reportres of the Blood, Liver and Eadueys, 25 000 bottles have been sold during the last three months. For sale by A Turner Co. Markdaie. From a corretpondent. Chatsworth, Oct. 8. â€" On Saturday night Robert Green, of this village, attempted tomurder his wifebyshooting but for interference of his motherwould have accomplished it. Green has for some time, been drinking hard, aud while in this stace procured a reyolver from his show case,went into the houe caught hia wife around the neck, and pulled the pistol from his hip pocket. His mother seeing this caught his hand He discharged the pistol, but without cflfec^. His wife broke from his grasp and fled to a neighbour's almost dis- tracted, and for some time feared he was folio vring her but m the mean time his neighbour secured him and awaited the arrival authorities, but for want of proper Affidavit Green will be brought up for threatning and *)Ound oyer to keep the peace. New FALL ImporiaiioDS -arriving daily at- Chang^c in KAtlway officials. One of tho results of the late amal gamation of the Toronto, Grey, and Bruce Railway with the Ontario and Quebec is the resignation from the former of Mr. Edmuud Wragge, man- ager of the liue. The vacancy has been filled by appointing Mr. W. Whyte, manager of theCiedit Valley Bailway, to the position, so that that gentleman now holds the position of manager of the Credit Valley, Toronto, Grey, and Bruce, Ontario and Quebec railways, all branches of the Canada Pacific line. Mr. Wragge has been appointed to a position im the Grand Trunk in order to meet a want long felt by merchantb and business men in Toronto. Full powers have been given him to deal with and settle all questions in dispute without reference to Mr. Hickson at Montreal, thus entailing delay and inconvenience as has hitherto been the case. The A Iff* Boom (From Tht World) There is much rejoicing amongst ths merchants of Mauitouliu Islandn, as since the Algoma election farmers aud others who were seeking for credit ard unable to pay their store bills a week or two ago, are now loade^l down with shekels, and are settling np all rond. One of them called last uipht and paid his thretj dollars for the Wvrld. The Markdaie niversary, will Metuodist S. S. An- take place iu the Methodist Church in this place, on Tuesday evening, the 16tb Oct. The entertainment will coosist of usual dialogues, recitations, readings, music c' to commence at 7:80 p. m. admis- sion 10 cents. The Anniversary Ser- mon will be preached on the 2l8t at 10:.S0 by the Rev Mr. Wilson and at 7, by the Bev Mr. Oasson a coli«ctioa will be taken np it each sendee iu be- half of the S. S» R. J. SPROXTLE'S FLESHERTON. Opened this week large stock of Ladies' Coats and Mantles in all the latest designs and patterns and. very cheap. Also in *large variety Black and: Colored Silks, Velvets, and Velvet- eens from 35cts. up, also Ladies' Clouds. Bonnets and Hats. Trim- mings and Shapes, Ladies Collars in a the latest styles In Boots and Shoes our stock is complete and selling fast and cheap. Another lot of that Famous 20ct. and 50ct. TEA just received. Also a full stock of NailSj Putty,, Glass, Hinges and builder's hard- ware of all descriptions selling at the lowest possible prices. A full stock of Preserving Sugars cheap, also preserve and Gem Jars in endless variety. Notwithstanding the incessant grumbling of merchants- generally, of dull times R^ J, SprOUlOy ^^ Flesherton, s?ys his business is increasing daily, having more business than he can possibly get through with "wiih his. large stafS of hands. â- â- Â»- "i«.- •Si»

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