TiExis ttteese:; .:ji' NERoi rs, premises, assortment DALE on '^11 shades. ;res, NE^y '^11 Prints, :ulars, new new Boor, V Fringes, ^- Shoes ,\: 7 ancl it- gssStuffsTweeds stuffs in all the latest Groceries. Blankets, Wincies. Underclothing. Boots and Shes. re'=~^" " '""" Teas and general groceries Blankets, White and Grey Ladies' and Gents' Fall A large, varied and attrac- ^-es, varying m. price irom always up to the mark and at at orices heretofore unheaid and Winter Underclothing in tive lot of Boots and Shoes for „ iiT)_ thp InWPQf ll'jrinrr T-.T-iV/sr. up. i.gjsin English, Scotch -jnaJiriH, in fhe newest ,,^-,5^ fashionable styles. l^oieoiNraro I the lowest living prices. »'t reacv- :ss variety iidcrcloth- of, great variety suitable for all the Fall and Winter trade, Wincies in plain and fancy classes. which for style, quality and at rockbottom prices. price cannot be excelled. ;t. i " t,LKf«* OF hOilE^GHATSWOSTH, ^^ AWAY AHEAD [â- ':;c"i in tov/n do -^ec their llarge as- Legg-ns lists, new »0, "'Z listing Oi. ear ring- in a vvtii bottom. Ifull t^ â- standard Iw things |e visited Imported jcriplio"' ;ure yo^ iod taste o styles^ j.Ll-i-.. HEY hav the ONLY ]D ^tock HI this section ,r;v. THEYbuv for liH, IMPORT Direct, not FRESH at the Ilrown's Watch re- is giv.ng IS! OLASS SFAOTION. 1 and Other Items. -, n ',,•-,• i-,,lit):ins intenh;d to henejit ijiJr- -^rfii't!/ icill br .-hiirf/ed ten ,•:â- "I'lh" fir.t inseiiiiiii ohd jive v f ir'r ~ti'ir,ii-/'nt In.-ieition. I li.-in Hous!' Owen Souad, iT'p-.'i'Ltl. Dr. Washington is viditiug .;;. M:irk(lale. e Stuffs 'J-' f^' kinds at the .. .i.^il. A. rurner Co. "â- ';â- P;ir'i;Li-,of Thnrnbury,gave .j;:- v,\;;!: while in town. :â- ' :- 's iii"\^' papor, the F'coi}o- .i i'.i'idily bo issued this week. ^Vm. '..iiijhl-, of St. .Joseph's vl^;â- i:._' friends in this sec- â- . Iriilny, is tho i';-;iini,' season tsnl.'s nfthe F r- iiraounted I We regret very much to learn that our respected towusraan Mr. A. Mc- jlutyre lias, owinsto financial difficul- I ties, closed up business for the present. i J. K. Hull has purchased the lot oppaite his dwelling fiom E. Burnett, Und will proceed at once to erect a j large livery stable and carriace house. i Notice. â€" On and after Saturday, i luth September, 1883. the Steamship i Express Train, timed to leave To- not fail to i ""'IT^ '"' «^^'".f,7^^;.«v"^0- Saturday I at 1.4i p.m., will be discontinued. immense ^^ -nn M)' Edward Large has the contract for ^Ir. E. S. llae's new bilding. The material is now bein^t, placed on the ground and work will be commenced at once. New Eings, nev; Chams, new cases and fine movements, also new Violins and A 'ordiaus just received at Doll Browns, stock v.'ill be complete by the 25tli rnst. Dr. Dowsiey, of Owen Sound, was in the village for a few day's last week. He is successor to Dr. Lang, and is building up a large and lucrative prac- tise in Cwen Sound. The ceremony of driving the last spike in the Northern Picific Railway was completed on Saturday at a place appropriately called Golden Spike, Montana Territory. Our subscribers will bear in mind that the subscription to the Standard is ^1.00, only when paid in advance or wibhin the first three months, other- wise "51.25 will be charged. Our enterprising Photograplier is now fully prepared for the fall rush, having his gallery renovated, painted and carpeted, it now presents a bright and tasty appearance, and the work being turned out justly calls forth the admiration of his numerous custo- mers. The Reeve of Glenelg was m town this week. Wonder what he thinks of the curiosity called a bridge, over Armstrong's creek We are told he drove through the creek rather than risk his horse and buggio over it's not dangerous Mr. McRae. Curiosity.â€" Mr. Rich. Dnudle. of Glenelg, captured a young snake last Saturday which had two distinct and well diveloped heads. It's a pity it did not get leave to live, as it would surely have been a terror to potato bugs. It can be seen at Turner Go's Drug Store. Sunday night's frost was very severe in many sections of the Dominion, and great loss in vegetables and fruits is reported. In sc, le places ice form- ed half an inch thick. The destruction m the States has also been very great, i corn and tobacco having suffered the A young man named McDonald met with a bad accident on Monday after- noon at a threshing held at Mr. Kirv- in's, on the 12th concession of St. Vincent. He was in the act of push- ing some straw into the threshing machine, when his arm caught in the knuckles of the tumbling rod. The sieve of his coat was torn into shreds, and his arm fractured in two places. Monitor. Mr. Nevison, of Uxbridge, visited this town this week. He has leased the premises occupied by Mr. A. Mc- Dougall for a term of five years, and will take possession the 15th October. Mr. Nevison has some sij; or seven grown up sons who are harness makers and the business will be carried on extensively. We regret however tc loo.se our respected townsman Mr. A. McDougall who we understand has accepted a remunerative situation at Port Arthur. New FALL ImDoiialioDs -arriving last day for this le.-^herton to o ver of fruit and preserv- :d at K.J. .S'proule's, â- â- '1 I ^â- 1.,,, â- " ;iill like to examine .\f:ricultaral prize list, •:â- â- -. "iiico. ALTicultural Society i';:'ii Exhibition at Shel- -11.1 r.ti). Sproule's, Flesherton, -t ;i;ul cheapest raisns, '\j-ix in the county. i. â- ".and of Hope enter- Orai! !.-..â- Valley fchool !â- "v. !-'riday evening. .i'l andean, left on Thnrs- 'I' rlin, Unt., where he "1 a course of medicine. j'lilier.lson, of Blantyre, 111- stuck of sheep some wold and Oxford most severely The Meaford Mirror, (the office of which was destroyed in the late Mea- i ford fire) is aga. u before us. The i proprietors lost very heavily in the burning of their plant. We congratu- late them on their ;5peedy resumption to business and tie respectable ap- pearance of the Mirror from the new dress, and wish it uabounded success. On Monday morning as Mrs. T. BuUevment was out driving near the junction of Bayfield and Sykes streets the horse took fright at somo boys jumping from the sidewalk and shied 1 0^' the road upsetting the buggy and .1 endless varietv ti,j.owiug the occupants violently out ' ' Mrs BuUevment was? considerably r sliop is much im- tapered, and ceding ~he '.York was perform- i-:s 1 1-' prices that astonish " not fail to call and r'-D'-l inspect prices. hMBs foj; R^LE. â€" A ehaice lot r buwu tirade Ram lambs for r-D Ii-.viu'k and Thos. Irwin's '^li'-e East oi Markdale. i_;"'-li. McKonzie, secretay of "'MhTy Agricultural Society '° '-tcept thanks for copies of '"'•id ^:(lln^hmentary badge. 'I"' ^Vard sailed per S. S. "f'2i t:ie (;tli,from Liverpool, ,-^F"-j;ted ho.oe early next Ij;"' S. Pobinsonhas filled his ',/â- " great acceptance during ^^^^' and lias made many "'ii'ls We send out this week a large num- ber of accounts and would ask those receiving them tc let us have the amounts as soon as possible. We are depending on those numerous small accounts for a livelihood, aad. have wages tc pay, and material to pur- chase and cannot possibly exist on air as many appear to believe, just try and put the Golden Rule in prac- tice, even for a short time, and we know it will make our heart glad. As our readers are aware, our Roman Catholic friends in this Dio- cese have been without a Bishop since the death of the late Bishop Criunou, nearly a year ago. It is now annou- nced that Rev. Dr. Carberry, Prior of the Dominion Convent, Rome has been appointed Bishop of Hamilton. The new Bishop, though hading at present from Rome, is an Irishman by birth, and is said to be a man eminent for his piety, learning and eloquence. Advertise your stray animals in the Standard. Those who harbor stray animals without making it known cannot collect anything from the owner if they are called for. Adyertise them and you can collect expenses for keeping as well as for the adver- tising. If you have lost any animals the surest way to get them is to make your loss known. If they are lost to vou for ever, its worth a dollar to know it. A dollar's worth ot advertising will accomplish wliat may not be done in twenty dollars worth of time looking and enquiring for the animals. Killed by a Runaway Team. â€" A man named Geon;;e Weir who former- ly hved on lot 7, con. 13, Proton, for about S years, was killed on Friday last near Sand Hill. He was in the act of passing another team, when his horses took fright, and having notaing on the waggon to sit on except tUe reach, he was thrown off. the hind wheel of the waggon striking lam in the back of the head. He died in about 15 minutes afterward. He leaves a wife and five small children, the eldest of whom is only 7 years old. His v/ife only heard of the accident just a few minutes before her husband was brought in a corpse, and she was almost distracted. The corpse was conveyed to its last resting place near Dromorf) on Sunday last. Deceased I was an industrious young man about I yS years of age, aaid was perfectly i sober at the time of the accident. His daily at H. J. SPnoULE'S FLESHERTON. Opened this week large stock of Ladies' Goats and Mantles in all the latest designs and patterns and very cheap. Also in large variety Black and Colored Silks, Velvets, and Velvet- eens from 35cts. up, also Ladies' Clouds, Bonnets and Hats. Trim- mings and Shapes, Ladies Collars in all the latest styles. In Boots and Shoes our stock is complete and selling fast and cheap. Another lot of that Famous 20ct. and 50ct. TEA just received. Also a full stock of Nails, Putty, Glass, Hinges and builder's hard- ware of all descriptions selling at the lowest possible prices. A full stock of Preserving Sugars cheap, also preserve and Gem Jars in endless variety. Notwithstanding the incessant grumbling of merchants generally, of dull times p^ J, SprOUle- of t'lesherton, s?ys his business is increasing daily, having more business than he can possibly get through with with his of hands. large staff shaken up and bruised, though fortun- ately no bones were broken.â€" «o«Uor. Picturesque Canada.â€" Parts 21 and j of this elegant, instructive and sad accident has thrown a gloom over the entire neighborhood. â€" Herald. MAN HbBli HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED x?^^^-~-x We have recently published a new SB All jedition of Dr. Culverwe'Ci/s Cele- ^^^^^~u^~-^BKATED Essay on the radical and I permanent cure (without medicine) of Ner- vous Dobility, Mental and Physical iucapaci- ly, Impediments to Marriage, c., resulting from excesses. l;^" Price, in sealed envelope, only cents, or two postage stamps. The celebrated author, in this admirable Essay, clear^ demonstrates, from thirty years' successful practice, that alarming con- sequeuces nmy be radically cured wthout the dangerous use of internal medicines or the use of the knife pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. tS'This Lecture should be in the hands o every youth and every man in the land. Address The GulverweH Medical Co,. P.O. boK 450 41 Av^ St., New I'orfe 110-G2. Union Carriage Works Onion Carriage Works. Ail work manufactured from First Class Material In the Latest and Best Improved Style, and finished with Eng-lissli ^^ai-nish. 22 'work were delivered 3ek. These mo?t interesting in this vicinity last we parts treat particularily of the western sections of this Province and the many explanatory illustrations give a person a good idea of the physical con struction of western Ontario. The vork continues to mamtam Uao sup- erior qualities, in point of artistic as wallas mechianical execution, which diaracterisd the first pai-ts P«sented and every subscriber ought to be well pleased with Uis ipveytment. BIRTHS. Brown.â€" In Maridale. on the 7th inst., the the wife of Mr. Brown, Jeweller, of a son. Lamb.â€" Iq Glenelg, on the 2()th August, the wife of Mr. Geo. Lamb, of a daughter. Camtaionb.â€" On Monday, tho 3rd inst., the wife of Mr, W. H. Campaign, Little Mills, Flesherton, of a son. DIED Bennett -In Peteiborough, at his fathers lesidence on the 7th inst.; Dr. H. Bennett, of Chatsworth, aged 29 yews. FOR 8ALE LOT 3, GEOKGE ST. SOUTH, MARK- :iAii£, containing a fi'th of an acre. Will be sold at a Bargain. The owner will be at tho Markdale House, on the 24th Sep- tember. For further particulars app)y to WM. McCUTCHEON, Markdale P. 0., or to C. W. BUTLEDGE, at the Standabd Office. Farm for Sale. f:ff\ ACRES, being lot 74. 3rd West of T. t)\J AS. B Holland, four miles frona Markdale, 20 acres cleared,, well fenced and watered, balance good hardwood bush, with snfficient cedar for fencing. For terms and other particulars apply to WM. ROWE, on the Premises. Berkeley P. C, Jwly 3ra, 1813. '41 Palnfing Trlnmli^ Rigs will receive prompt attention. All Eepairs executed in the shortest possible time consistent with good workmanship. Good Work a Speciality. Remember the Shop, opposite the Cheapside D. J. SHAN ATT AN, Proprietor. Markdale. Eec. 2nd. 1881. 64. BUcuLEN's ARNICA Salve. The best salve in the worW for Cuts, Bruises. Sore«, Ulecr; Salt Rlienm. Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, CoruSjand all Si^iu Eruptian«,*nd Positively onies Piles. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Pnco 2.) cents per box. For sale bv A. TurnRT Co. Advertise in the Standarl. â- *fi- vl'll ;* J*..