Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 6 Sep 1883, p. 5

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 'd th, ,est ARKD Preii assortn AU Ishmeres, \f I new fall P: circulars, [rts. ne.v new Fri IBoots, Sji( =s^ c.. rtment of r 1 endless v hoes, unden rvthin' call liappy, " S2,00 gry '"" L.^kets e s kept in one [i th hd ^t IS e usual sta and new they have ' 5tock of inj Aery desci we feel sul ctiona^toi BIC^3 LOOK HERE O fl r^ ce o (H ft d o tie O 02 P â- rH c6 c6 f3 S 2 fl 9 o c6 CQ ?H CD O ce CD (D o 'oG-^ rQ :i3 CQ rj O ri f^ CD CD f3 •iH ?H O 2^-^'S' o t P o o l O CQ 0«tH M O O k^ •rd (Ho 00 00 CO U0 u a J. R. Trimble intends shipping three horses to the Toronto exhibition lor the races. An exchange puts it thus: Tight pants are going out of fashion, but tight men never will. You can buy your Boots Shoes from 10 to 25 cts cheaper ut Rey- nolds' than any other house in town, don't fail to call and see them. The traffic on the Toronto, Grey Bruce Railway last week amounted to $83)07. showing, as compared with $6,860la8tyear an increase of $2, 106. Ra4i lambs fob sale. â€" A choice lot oT South Down grade Ram lambs for sale at H D Irwin's and Thos. Irwin's a short distance East of Markdale. The vote on the main motion for THE PEOPLES J E1Â¥EL- LEHS OF lARKDALEGHATSWOSTH, ARE AWAY AHEAD When in town do not fail to ^-all and see their Lmmense new stock. THEY have the ONLY GOOD stock in this section f Country. THEY buy for the adoption of the basis of union was CASH, IMPORT Direct, ' .md are not FRESH at the Business. Ikown^s Watch re- pairing is giving FIRST GLASS SATiSFAGTION. .MJXTHLY FAIUS. IIirkdiiR- -Saturilay bt-foro Flesherton. I :i:Uawortli Mdiulay before Umham. 1 iii'Uilkâ€" Tiifsday before Orauj^eville. f'itiiu--!\[oiKlay Viefure Oraiii:;evijle. " itibiinie â€" Wfduesday before Oraiifreville. ji.iut;i'ville â€" The i"couil Thursday in each mom II. Jlouut l'i):ust â€" Third Wednesday in each muitii. Pr:ci,-viiif--Miinday before Durham. Ii'irliaiii â€" Third Tuesday in each month. HaiKivt-râ€" .\b)uday befo';e Durham. X.iri. i 'n the^e cohunni: intended to benefit ivj iu'iir'hhial ,,r ^ncictij will be char tied ten 'it: It Ini' I'lir the firxt intertiun and five a iith' I'licit Aitlxequent insertion. â- 'Rti For atiay mare see adv. in this Not a |i,iir of filioody Boots at .Mc- Farlaiul.' V Don't t"r_;et tlTo Cuttle lair on Satur- day uex, ilio ytJi.^^iiteiTiber. .Meiiiiu thdi' Aixricullural Society 'Viil li..:,l I Fa-M-:\liil)itioii at Slief- '.lUt- (.'c. lih ami 5t(j. •i. 1;. Tii'iiblf'ri trottiuij liorse, i'r;!t\ui;i :ii- Vviiu the opuu IrottilJ!,' ;:;â- -â- â- â- , .It :v!.-;ifv)ril races, \\\'^. Sist. lii'jC'u.l i'r',;.ii'v WLM'her â- -. )i.t;"i" •-'.:: "i ' ;!' ' i-l"'ai l'!|l:- \fV' iili'fl). â- 'â-  ' I â- .â- â-  ' II â-  ,! L_a la: li I â-  c v\\\ u ' 'l ii: .s si ' A" 'J',:' ' I' I " l'[l â- tit, and li: .l!i .1.' Sr T i).l'-lj- A ' -w- ^i...: ;i)^ )i ' 'i,'\\ l|0[id towij, souie- it U|i. h^st a Lorse taken at midnight Monday night in the General Conference at Belleville, and carried by a vote of 123 for and 38 againts. One volunteer is considered as good as two drafted. The popularity of the Standard is shown in a practical manner, by a constant stream of new, voluntary subscribers. This is a very encouraging state of affairs This week W. J. McFarland will show -the contents of twelve cases Shawls, Blanket3, Scotch Tweeds, Velvets, Laces, Scotch Gaps, c., im- ported direct from MaucLiester Eng. and Glasgow Scotland. Our old friend Mr. E. D. Wilcox, has not forgotten Markdale, having forwarsjed a special exhibit from Manitoba for the Glenelg Agricultural Society which will doubtless be a pro- minent feature at the show. Mr. J. B.Fuilef Portrait Artist, of Toronto, is staying a short time in this place and makes a specialty of enlarging pictures from small photo- graphs to full life size. We have ex- amined some of his work which speaks for itself, and shows rare ability of exexecution. Ifhe work is done by hand, and is of a superior order. T. F. Brown, L. D. S., will be in Markd9,le for a few weeks from tlie 1st September. 4.11 who need den- tal work at moderate prices will be carefully attended to. Preservation of teeth by filhnsc a specialty. Office at Doll Brown's Jewellery store. W. F. Doll left here, for New York, on Tuesday, to buy American Watclies he expects to reiuru ua about 15 dnys with a vpi'y larye assortinent of Wal- 1,1. am, £lj;'ni, Spriu^^iield, and otlier American Walcliesiu lluutiug and open 1'aco. liovami stem wiiiuiu.ii' box aiidd'ic roof ca'-es. Mi. DoU wiU be \n ilH^kdale bovcd (.i- ei^ht dr.ys tie la^t of tiiis inooiii, be- fore stavtioij a'..;-aiii for ilie West. Astonishing. â€" 107 chests ot Tea sold by W. J. McFiirland in less than 8 weeks or over 4,000 lbs. beiug an average of 76^ pounds daily. Mr. Fred Young of East Garafraia, has lost fourteen fine sheep and Iambs by lightning. Some of theoa were torn by the fluid and so thrown in a heap promiscuously on the ground. His loss is over $100. Some people possess more taoDey than sense. The latest example is Wannamaker, the Philadelphia merc- hant, wbo threw away $200,000 ia advertising last year and only pocketed a profit of a million in the transaction. The case of Queen v. Archibald Mc- Clellan, of Toronto, was advanced a stage before Judge McDougall last Thusday, whenan adjournment was made to secure the services of a ma- terial erown witness. James Nelson, jr., of Euphrasia, killed a large garter snake on Monday last while harvesting, and strange but true, the snake was literally cram- ed full of potato Bugs. The neigh- bord since vow yengeauce on any per- son who will kill a snake. Are you insured it not you should I'o the sure way is always the best. Mr. W. L. Youog is agent for the British America, Lancashire, and Fure Insurance Association of Loudon, England. These are good strong companies, and Mr. Young is a reliable agent, and does his work in a prompt and business like manner, give him a call. f Mr. Henry Meldrum/ has resigned ' his position S^ agent^or the T. G. B. Ky.. at Flekliertcju Station, which pos'tion he has nTled for ten years, to the entire satisfaction of the company and pubhc, and credit to himself. He was the recipient ot an address and present at the hands of the company. Those famous solid leather boots, Mens, Womens, Girls, and Bo,\8, ARTEMESI A WAREHOUSE Dry Goods, Hardiare, Crockery, Boots and Slioes^ trroceries, Provioions, Ac. Stock kept full and well assorted with new goods recoived every week, o MY BRANCH STORE AT EUGENIA replenished with new goods every week. For sale cheap for cash or produce-: ' My Saw mill, Shingle Factoty, and Lime Kiln AT LITTLE FALLS, ARE IN OPERATION. All kinds Saw o$:s bought at the Mill or sawn on shares. o Lumber, Liath, Broom Handles, Sbiui^les and Liime for sale. W. J. McFarland's. Was there ever such a year for storms of one kind and another? How tlie winds take the matter in hand! Then in the water, then fires, and bo forth. How is it all to be accounted for? It is just as well for the wisest to say they don't know, for after all this is just what it amounts to. An enlertaioraent will be f,'iven in tbe Orange Valley school house, on Fiiday tlie ]4!:li September, under the auspices of the Artcmesia. Band Gold and 8il\v • 'i cf l-J"pe Lodge. There wi'l be a play aclod entitled, the first and what it led to. tofiether with Music, Fieci- lation. etc., from Markdal" norl Flesh- ci'tou amateni's. Admission Lj cents Double tickets 25 cents. m A. M'INTYRE TEA! TEA! TEA! A. M'INTYRE X^lovLr, lE^lOTJLr, ^^loiJLr. McINTYRE'S LIQUORS I JJQUORS McINTYRE'S Cigars, Cigars. McINTYEE'S Coffee, Coflee- McINT'iEE'S MEAL I MEAL! MEAL I McINTYRE'S Pork, Pork, Pork. McINTYRE'S Teas, Teas. And ever ythin g kept n in a first-class Grocery and Liquor Store. â-  always on hand, chkap fob cash. m It « The damage by volcanic eruptions at Java is a huudered times worse than the first dispatches would indi- cate. A number of craters were in active eruption at one time. Whole ^^ «. cities were swept away and tens of 2,000 pairs opened ana marked off at, thousands of people killed. The for u'liiil U'j animal worked as rnouse sLo^k jnst hour Ti-'mblft iV- Wiii^'lit ai^pear to have j '.^ood lioofs oi' doini,' an es.ten8ive fall tirade, it we would .Juiige by the nu- opeuod. There is ij;t \:\: 0. L; V, 'ilVe 1,. '1 tii-j !â-  liircnoon ai)(t at iioou lie and died the same day. \\ 111. Sargi.iit is going to exliir I'i.'i ut Ijal I'itcr at thelndus- •;: il.;Uuji, Toronto, Mr. J. lii; las patent juimp sucker. t' ninirauGo meeting Tuesday i-^ vi vy i)i'orly attended, had • Niu'LTor show there would ' a c' uwJcd house. A lodge 'js of tenipeiaiice is being 'jriraiiiM'.i, l;o\vever. I'A-T. -At Sparlmgs 'Eclipse Mill.' "1 Fruiifv last Tho-. Watson, sawed «nd filg.,a 1-1,500 shingles in lOtiours, \UiilL' Willin Bailey' packed them the same dav. This is hivrd to beat we Mr. ^\ m. Ford who is a jractical ^illtr .i r.rant Co, has been visiting j'ls Lr 4i,ti here recently. He strong- " I'ecomau u(^6 a fall wheat called the Mithi^ai; Amber, now the leadingva- ^â- 'ety m Brant Co. .1. W- f'ccfrd has o'liered '.:0 busheU which yvijl be to ^^'itjcl Ut xt week, the price will be about 'â- 50 per bushel here, i^irties wishing "fry a bushel or two will Kquire to "'^ua la their order at once. A yc'-v successful lea meetiurr was hald in ihe Methodist Church. Dnn- i dalk, on Thursday last. The pastor ' llev. Mr. Snowden, made an appeal stacks of goods and an endless v.,. ie. p;i; t^e Jifiuidation of the Parsonage tvto choose from, and we have ncv! '^^bt. $350, tne whole of which was Read ' "^^*^^^'"'"" 'ougratulatoi-y Add'-esses afterwards delivered by the est and Cas- ces have spent themselves, the temp- erature is again normal, and the sky clear NOW IS THE TIME TO bAVE MONEY By buying first class Sewing Machines from C. Treadgold, who has a good supply on hand for sale. His success in the pat has more than mot his highest hopes and lie still feels corvinced that in order to build up a solid business it is necessary to offer 'ooil art^eies for sale as nothing else \vill stand the test of a discerning public. All kinds ot sewing machine shuttles, needles, oil. and otlier re (juisits requi'-ed in the sewing machine busi- ness can be supplied liy him. He also deals in the leading crgans of the day, such as the FdlTIOLISf Bell '^iiJ Dominion orgaun. i'or ii'rther ])articniars tlie [lublic is cordiallv invited to applv to C. TREADGOLD. 149-54 Maikaale, PO.. MANHOOD HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED xJ^^-^x We haye recently published a new ^SSAIi jedition of Dr. Culvebwei,l's Cele- ^-^^"iT^^^BBATED Essay on the radical and permanent cure (without medicine) of Ner- vous Debility, Mental and Physical incapaci- ty. Impediments to Marriage, c.. resulting from excesses. t2S" Price, in sealed envelope, only 6 cents, or two postage stamps. The celebrated author, in this admirable Essay, clearly demonstrates, from thirty years' successful practice, that alarming con- sequences may be radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicines or the use of the knife pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. Ids^Tliis Lecture should be in the liaiids o every j-outli and nvciy man in the land. Address Ths Quiverweil Medica! Go,. P.0.box4ou '11 Ai»« St., l\f\v 5'oi'k lio-fi. doubt their prices are righ their new advertisement in this papec 1 ^^;^i'« a^.erwards dehve and then go ai^d inspect for yoursel- I^cvs. Mr. Shernn, For an I ves. 1 One of the items of Maxwell news j sent us last week which we published i was, we are informed without 1 a'ion, there being no truth reports that Mr. Long's about-selUu found- in the sen. AN\oy.\NCE. â€" It i=! a common prac- tice amonii some of our shop bovs to sween the du^-t and wast.^ paper out on tbe street, everv morning, these I jmpers are conlinuall rolling about to neither is the Hotel likely to change j ilip rreat aunoyrnce of persons with iiands. The reported purchaser of i skittish horsfs and ai?e apt to cause the latter has not been in the Town- ser'ous damage by teams taking fr'Tht ship fur 8 mou. and running away^ A I'ttle care J;, 1 ., â-  T „.„â-  „.„„!. would save all this annoyance. The new bridge at Lomas s creek j â- ' on the town line hetweeu Artemesia Wo will in a short t^m*^ 8fnd to and Euphrasia, is now about comple- each debtor a statement of their indebt- te and reflects cred't on both con- edness whether for subscription or tractor^ and commissiorers. The iobj other account, and will e\pecj; a IB a substartial one, which will not he prompt resp.«nse from each. Next week we enter upon our fourth year in the business and we ara de^^irous of having old scores settled, we have never vet been in court either as_ a witness or a party, but fear we will not be able to say so^long, a a we have A batch of delhiquent^fornext division Court sittings, which will be. held .in October. BUCIiLEN'S AENICASAL^.^E. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises. Sorea, Ulcer; Salt llheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, CornSjaud all S.iu Eruptions, and Positively cures Piles. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by A. Turner Co in need of repair.-, for many a year. We have yet to see a more competent road commissioner than Mr. A. Eliiott his road jobs for tbe past seven or eight years are suificicnt proof of his, ability in these matters. The con- tractors. Messrs. Bla,;a, Wyvill have not we believe raade^decpat wa32s on thejoh^^. $500 Reward We will piiy the above reward for any case of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Head- ache, Indigestion, Constipation or Costive- ness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely Vegetable, and never fail to give satisfaction. Susjar Coated, Large Boxes, containing 30 Pills, 25 cts. For sale by all Druggists. Beware of counterfeits and inunitatioiis. Th» genu- ine manufactured only by JOHN C. WEST CO., "ThePiU Makers," ?1 83 King St. East, Toronto. Ont. Free trial package sent by mail prepaid on receipt of a cent stamp. For sale at Turner Go. Drug Store. Onion Carriage Works. Ail work manufactured from First Glass Material In the Latest and Best Improved Style, and finished with Subscribe now for the Standard, only 25 cents for b^gblanse of year, -9^ Painting Trimming Rigs will receive .prompt attention. All Kepaijr.s executed in the she rtest possible time consistent witb good workmanship. Goop WoiTK A Speciality. Remember the ph'p, opposite the Cheapside D. J. SHAN AH AN, Markdale. Dee. 2nd, 188-1. Proprietor. 64. Advertise in. the STANDAU^t., 9 f .-j 'm

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