BP!^PPfi^«5!P"^5^'f^^^^^?r\^ j 4 Th4 Stakdabdo^ i* noUd for being prompHmjUUng oritnforjob pruiiitgt u/Ueh iarbeen tJu msama of greatijf in- creating ttf eiutom. We are in neapi of many UtUrt of AtMat and good wiikei from outlfinp poinU for neatntu in de- sign and dapatch in forwardinq orders. Our business is increasing espeeiaJJy in fine work, which we made a specialty, having added recently to our already large assortment of material of fashion- able type, besides having one of the most rapid and perfect running job ptesses manufactured. We are prepared ta ex- ecute ail kinds of work in PamphleU, Circulars, Later Heads, Note Blanks. Receipts, Budness Cards, Funeral ards, Posteis, Hand Bills, Dodgers, Prints Kfivehves, dc, dc. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. Address all letters to C. W. RUTLEDGE, diANDABD Office, Markdale, Oot. Tha Standard. MAEKDALE.JULY 12th, 1883. FICTION At no period in the History of the world has fiction held so prominent a position as a factor for good or evil as it does at present, true, its importance and powerful influence has, from the eariiest ages, been recognized, l)Dt never has it occupied so important a place as it d^jm to-day. The necessity there- fore of a continuous supply of pure fiction to uounteract the pernicious influence of the demoralizing class of stories which has, un- fortunately, so widespread a circulation, is patent to the most superficial thinker. In this matter the Standabd has aimed at the best. The class of fiction to be found in its colums from week to week will bear compar- ison with anything published. Its stories are pure in tone,e)evating in their influence, and are written by writers of acknowledged ability, whose names are well and favorably known in the world of literature. Id. this connection we would direct attention to the new Serial "SteUa," which commenced last week. It is powerfully written, faoinating in plot, and pure in tone, and will be found deeply interesting in the phases of human life and motives depicted. BLEST. Eiaat^w thfflhigoetluti ip w lni no fll, ' Whoes wtMda are Always txae. That ke^ "thekw of kmjiMia" stiU WbaXewfym^V^ do. Blegt be the ean that will not heftr Detraction's en-vious tales 'Tis only thrmigh the list'ning ear That fahehood ean prevaU. Blest be the heart th^t knows no snile, That feels no wish nnkind. Forgetting provocatioD, while GK)od deeds are kept in mind. Blest be the hands that toU to aid The great World's ceasdess needâ€" The hands that never are ainud To do a kindly deed. Blest b«,tha thoughtfol brain that sohemes A beaatifol idael Manjund grows great throng noble dreams And time will make them teal. Do good in thought. Some fntnre day 'Twill ripen into speech And words are seeds tnat grow to deeds, None know how far they reach. Like thifitle down upon the breeze, Swift scattered here and there, So words will trayel far, and these A fruitful haryest bear. Where goodness dwells in heart and mind Both words and deeds wiH be Like cords that closer draw mankind In peace and charity. ' » â- PIC-NIC AT FLESHEBTON STATION. BEEN DAEING BUKGLAEY AT COLLINGWOOD. Coi.LiNGWooD, July 4. â€" Last night a dar- iug i;urt;lary was committed here by men who evidently understood their business. The safe of Messr?. Best and Nettleton, liquor dealers, and two safes of B. Callary's Glasgow House, were opened by drilling -inall holes close to the combinations, then 'uiiig powder to break the combination, Messrs. Eest and Nettleton suffer to the ex- ti'iU of 5100, together with yalnable papers, '.iul Mr Calary's loss was ?200 in cash. Dur- ing tlie night Mr. Calary, who sleeps direct ly over Best Nettletton's store, fancied he Ii'jard some great noise, but paid no atten- tion to it, and was greatly surprised this iiiorniog on going to his store to find that ho was minus S200 ar^d his two safes de- stroyed. The matter has been taken in hand br the proper autliorities, and what small •-â- Ires ascertained, telegraphed to different towns and cities. Strange to say the doors 'f each store were bolted and locKed as left by the proprietors the night before. The burglars must have effected an enterance by skeleton keys. Last Thursday a very successful pic-aic was held at the Orange HaU, Flesherton Station, in aid of the Sunday School Library of that place. Mr. Hogg as Saperintendent, presided, and Mrs. Doupe, prepared the viands, for which that Lady deaeryes much piaise for their rare dehcacy and flaTour. After doing ample justice to the '•goodies," recitations, dialogues, and select pieces of music were sang, in which Mrs. W. Mitchell ably assisted, rendering the occasion one of the happiest we have attended in many a day. It would be impossible to particularize where all acted their several parts so well, no doubt the most interesiing part to many of the yungsters was Mr. Mitchell's "Hobby Horses," which this gentleman generously placed at the disposal of the young people â€" success to your efforts, friends. THE -QUBSltON U$B 0FB8N Diatthk iKl ill «he body offers no aw»p- t{gatothojr^%riok««»i law. ^f^^K?^ em the wlioJe!HijWical eoonomy Mdit makes not a partide of iMerenoe whrther JK»«? of the Baptwe is one year or a htodjfd years For proof of this send for a Fi*e Book on Bnptora to The Excelsior EoFt^ Cnre M'f « Co., Prescott, Out. lSi-84. MARRIAGES- Thomp8o»â€" EiDUtT.â€" At the MethodUt Parsonage, Collingwood, on the 23rd nit., by the Bev. J. G. Laird, Chas. H. Thomp^ son, late of En^and, to Fanny Badley, of Artemesia. DIED. Elliott.â€" In Leeds Co.. Bastard Tp., on the 6th inst., Mr. Edward Elliott, aged 94 years. McMiLLAH.â€" In Glenelg on the 7th inst., Mrs. Alex. McMillan, eldest daughter of Mr. John MoPhee llth eon., Gltnelg, aged 25 years. CoLBKAH.â€" In Markdate, on the 7th inst., Mr. Samnel Coleman, sr., aged 74 years. TItBO'S in OF GOODS MAEKDALE MARKETS. Fall Wheat, »0.96 to »0.92; Spring »0.98 to «0 98; Barley, 50c; Peas, 65; Oats, 40c Butter, 16c; Eggs, 15c; Potatoes, 45c; Hay, «10.00 Pork, 7.60 to 7.76; Flour, «4.75 to $5 00; Wool 17 t o 20._ FLESHERTON MAEKETb. NOTICE TO QUIT. Fall Wheat, »0.90 to »0.93; Spiinp, «0.95 to eo.97; Barley, 67c; Peas, 69c; Oats, 41o Butter, 15c; Eggs, 14c; PotatoeB.40 c; Hay» $12.00; Pork, »7.45 to »7.60 OB IT UAKY. DONE FOB. It becomes our duty this week to chronicle the death of an old and highly respected citizen in the person of Mr. Samuel (Joleman, aj;,, who de- parted this life on Saturday the 7th inst. Mr. Coleman was born in Kd- dare Co., Ireland in the year 1810 leaving him 74 year* of age at his death. He emigrated to Canada in the year 1833, settling in Leeda Co. and 20 years later he removed to his late residence, Artemesia Tp., where he resided up to his death. This section of country was a dense forest tJurty years ago when Mr. C. settled here, the first settlers being but three 01- four years in the Township previ- ous. None but those who have ex- perienced it can tell the amount of hardships and privations the pioneers of this country had to endure. The f subject of this sketch was, however, an industrious, pushing and frugal (arraer, was always foremost in farm iog operations, and by many years of hard toil and indomitable enerj^y iu clearing the forest and cultivatiao the soil, became the possessor of a beanti- iul farm and comfortable home. His family are grown up ftud well-to-do, while his highly re»pect8d and much beloved partner in life passed on be- fore some eight years s»go. Mr. Cole- man lost his health some two years ago and has since .s^fleved very much with dyspepsia, w-hich was the cause of bis death. He was kind hearted, a loving father and obliging neighbor,, and his remairs were followed to their last resting place, in tlie English Church Cem»tei7 on Monday by a large eoncowse of friends and ac- quainfeancci. WAR IN C HINA! France threatens China with a devastating war in con- sequence. Wilson Benson OF THE Belfast Honse,HarkdaIe Has purchased a Large Stock of the CHOICEST TEAS In the Market, and wHl sell at lower prices than any in the trade. Purchasing direct from the Refinery, his SUGARS cannot be excelled for quality and lowness of price. BACON, HAMS, CHEESE, SALMON, LOBSTERS. SARDINES In endless variety. DAIRY SALT of best quality. "Ill I Q TJ o le s. Of best brands and of every variety. In short, there is nothing in the Grocory trade that cannot be supplied at the 'Belfast House" by WILSON BENSOH. July 6, 1882. Oue of those happy events which, in this C anada of our9,8eldoin comes more than once ill a lite tiine,took place at the residence of J.W .A.niistroDg, Esq., Flesherton, on Thursday last the 6th when his eldest daughter Miss â- lennie was joined in the holy bands of matrimony to Mr. J. D. Clarke, assista-at Eilitor of the Hamilton Times, Eev. Mr. I I McDowell, chairman of the O^ea Soond: 'istrict of the C. M. Church, Derformed th« L'.remony, the bride was waited apon by .Miss Aiienhea^l. of Toronto.andMissLizier, oi BclviUe. aud Mr. Clarke w^^s 'Stayed" by Mr. H. B. Walier, of Waaterten, and Dr -Vrnir„rong, of ifarkdale.brotlier of the bride .\ftci aieception the «»uai crBgrat .lations V. eio tenderd by the laige number of friends l^resent, everyone appeared brim full of hap- iness, the biide and gjoom being no exccp- ron to iLe rule. The presems were of a -opwioi- finality,, and v«ry numerous. The yvMr;5 eor.ple took the afternoon tnin for â- J-:"L'o, Philadalphia, New York and other J- »HS result, after all the efforts fair U-.e. acoss the lines. The very be.st wishes 1 '" f^'"^- ^hich have bcoti made by a â- f the community go with them, and we ^^"'^^i" class of '-leaduig" ministersâ€" liave no doubt, judcins from what we know ^^^'^^ whom tlie nu"blic,'had of ilie amiable couple, that a happy aud ' " ' " 1 !i =;jjruus hfe is before them. The union of t,h« Metliodist church- es of tins country has at length be- come an assured fact so far as it can be made such by the action of the local cburch courts of tlie largest of those bodies. Q'he basis has received the endorsatiou of nearly nine-tenths ol the Qurterly meetings of the Maiho- ihst Chuich of Canada, and of five- sixths of existing Annual Conferences Tlie conference which is to be orga- nized in Manitoba e^rly next aonlh will, u is beheved, vote pretty nearly soliJ lor It, aud in that case propoi. tion in favor of it will be six-sevenths This resuit, after all the Farm for Sale. Pifi ACRES, being lot 74. 3rd West of T. tt\J E, Helland, fout miles from Markdale, 20 acres cleared, wali fenced aoid watered, balance good bard wood, bush, with sufficient cedftr for fenaing. For terms and otbes^articulars apply to "WM. ROJWE, on the Premises. Berkeley P. 0., July Srd, 18:3. •41 Farm for Sale. AVERY desirable: Doictpatty being 100 w ^*^' ^** 1^ *^ 112, l8t EMge We»t of T. and S, Boad, Asteneeia. onemUe from the tovHt of Markdale, on the gravel road. 70 acrea cleared, ba^wwe hardihood, has a large stone dwettaig howe and loaone. 18 well watered vath uevey failing spring creek; splendid 8oii,»din ^ery deskabll locahty. Terme easjr. *^ ,, ,, A»rLT ATTRIS omcE. Markdale, March 29tk. 1888. GEORGE WILSON, Wholesale and Retail BUTCHER!! ook for bet ex khmgsâ€" must be high- ly satisfactory to the i)*osecntors'"oi tlie measure. Egjpt I ^^'^-^-^cas Sc Co. bankers, Marklale â- â- " ' n7j?^9^^^^'0Q to loan on r. al estate, btraiglit loan system No fa-.Gs. Low interest: moderate charges! 'hoion-. ia sp.-eading its ravages in â- •It I iv.s.'u:. The town of Damiotta is m a fearfaa state, surrounded by a cordon of •old rs. who entirely olstmet all accass or H..Tess, with people dying at the rate of j Our coii-CDou.Vnf, win „ vJ... -^ '"'"â- " "' ---^ci.ion the i. TEEF, POBK OR MUIXON SUPPLIED aii/ire^trfrX^i^*^"'^-'-- FISMF0iriJHiTHEUI8£A8WI Farmers, havii^ Fat «e o) Bloek, l-'JZ^^^'^A^-^'f^" Block. ' •*PP*«»*« *^ new Markdale. tet. 25th, 1881 Union KJ. m-ier in the fact:. To all wh«are anffeiiac f mm tk- ness. r^c ^TT "F^uist Win cure yon, FREE OF CHARGE. covered by a missiona^li; '^IJtilJ^A'"" 'â- Ssnd a self.addre8s..7?«vS?.Mf'^5«' Inman, Station D, JOREPTT T City .^.^^'"'edywasdis- d envelope to New Xork, Trimble Wrip MiiHUDALE Having received Notice from theil landlord, Mr. John Eeid, to vacalJ his premises on or before the 24tl day of August, '83, have decided t| offer their large and well assorts Stock of over $25,000 Wonb of Good! at LOWER PEICES than ever be fore heard of, As the Stock musj be cleared out in the next 6Q day a Great Slaughter in prices inay[ be expected. We have no special lines offer at special quotal but prices in evary line be reduced and all will li( sold r^ardless of cost. Bear in niind that as this is a gen] uine Sale the Bottom Prices ^^ be reached. No pains will be spared to convince you that WE MEAN BUSINBS^ TRIMBLE WRIGH^I Markdale, June 2fith, 188;^. It 1 L Mr. t)o// is leav\ lo go iMa the \(lUry Business in jnoi wishing to lea hltogetherj he ha partnership with mWN, late of F lis a practical wa cwdler cf over 15 m, and comes wit xommendations fro kading watchmake iinion. Brown will car in Markdale. work entrusted U e in a workmant 3 People's Watchmakers HiU's Bloc MAEKUALE ONL MONTHLY FAIB aturday Leforc Fli th â€" Monday befoie Di -Tuesday before Orai aâ€" Monday before Or^ nrne â€" ^Wednesday before [BTiUeâ€" The second Thur jiontL Forestâ€" Third Wedue L -Monday before Durl nâ€" Third Tuesday in ea *â€" Moaday before Durli i ix these colli mue irtte: iml or Society nill I liw for the lirnl inner ffiKeach aubseqnfnt in.- fkfirst class razor, st Swth the Barber. eOrangeiaen will d Hon House to-day, TL jevfflde walk is bei pto street Irom Mj Jflie School House. t Thojk or IT. â€" McF [hjg tea direct fron KX) ehests just 1 fre welt and want i ^Weaaior stomach t nfitiiai the Bark ..P'ails Cr€ We Potato bug di *4e Medical Hall b^ b^ ** McFarland.' â- ^i^rated tea at A ' flavored tea at 1 5 tea at McFai-lan 't^fltMcFarlau. fcParland's tea. ieeofligbtinp IS them about I I |||^mi(^g_: