Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 28 Jun 1883, p. 8

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 wmmim -l ia:'K. s ;;l at tt. tu. T- vfu ' ' *o lil â- ri-;]ii- I n -;â- ,-!â-  .11, C, â- t\ Viiv iU irBEE OF CHARGE. All ]vr?on.s suffering from Cough^. Colds Astlmia. Uroneliitis, Loss of Voice or any af- feeti'ju of the Throat and Luns^- aie I'e- â- juestetl to call at A. Turner i Go's I'rttg Store i.:; 1 pet a Trial Bottle 'f ]ir. Kir.,u"s New- ;- â- ov.-ry fos Consumption, frff or • â- h'li-'u:. â- vhicLv-ill coiivir.c-' liii-i;' of it- wou- .lerful y. fits aii'l .-iiO-A- wl ;i- :i ii-:ulaf do' lar-.iiz.; "Vdv will do, Ca.l i^.tri^-. vo :^0T iiE i)KCi::iV,:ii. In il;( -p tiiiic-; of loui'-k ni"liciiM' pA^'vy- t;^(ia(i:' t'.-fi-ywlK-n-, it is tiuiy t-'rHt.iviii^: to tiiid •.â-  rfiiiedy is '-vortiiV â- â- f 'rii-r â- .i\i' v,-l:i.-ii rually d. •-= as ifconnm n led. J^Iijctric ijitievs we \vi!l Jc as ri-coninuii'leil, Tiirv i.r.-:ina'oly cr.rc .Stomach and Tivt-r iiiidai ,;-. l)::-easi.'s of tiia Kidneys and "linar"'tiir-nltio AVc kin'w v,-,l.jiu. f wo â- . TKii rc:idil\- s;y. ;:ivo them :i trial. nf:y c.jnts a oottl.-. hy A. Tuni'.r A Vi-.XKDCI.lill'.YMAX. â- !]e oaticoce of -hil) wdul-l h^f-oiiie ' v. t :â- ' iir a '" aidicr and i.'nd.i. 'â- .(), â- - .\ ]â- ( ' lii~ audii nte vdidi tiay â- .v-a.' u," a.i iii{;f-~ant eii"4'nin_-. lu.ili.n;: it n,r ]/nj to h,- ihard.' '.t. h...v \- i-ai; :dl tins hi; av.iidi-,1 hy -imply â- . Kin^" X"v ]»i-.;ii\"i â- â-  '"!• ' on-iniip- n-iis and Co! -s. Trial Ij -tth .^ :ji\\:n k, iuviier cV Co's jJnij: Sti^ie. To '/iiiNiEES. â€" Foi' Sale, n. two tiui\l:, ];; case, AYtiltirit cabinet, ;is ,!,'(ioJ ;i.- new. lieasnii lor sellni,L(-^it IS not iai-oe euoipoli fur our oltieo. IN e will lia\e to purchase tiiiother small oi;e or sLoi and get a larger one. Wonlil ,.reler tho*'latter. Ajiply to tLis Olhce. A.NhSWEr THIS QUESTION. Wiiy lio so manyiicoph' we see around us, em to reefer t'j sutJi.'r and he made nii-e- ' rahlc hy i iidii-fstioa, Constipation, Dizziness, T.o-s ol Appetite, Comiiii,' up of tli" food, I Yellow I;i)i. wlien for 7oet., wo will sell them S. '.oil's Vitalizer. ;_'uaranteril to cure theiii. hy \Vm. Brown's General Store, ilariidaie. " sHir.turs coxsuiurTiox Till- !- heyond qti(:stion the most succi'ss- fill Cou;-'!i nie.licine v.'c have ever sold, a few i do-es invai'iahly cure the wir.-t cases oil (.'i.u;,di, Ci-oop and Broncliit:.-' wlide its won- deiful siVL-ess in the cure of (i^'onsumption is witliout a parallel in the liistory nf medicine. Since it- iit discovery it has hi-eii -old on a ;;iiaraiitee, to test which no oth^a- medicine can stand. If you have a ceUL'ii v.-- e.-irnest- ly a-K yoii to ti-y it. Trice IPcts. :,[) cts. and i SI. If voiir Lungs are sore. Chest, or Back Lame, i -e sLiloli's Porous Plaster. Sold hy Win. Brown's (ieneral Store. iSIarkdale. SIIILOH'S CATaHAH KEMEDY- A marvellous cure f.'r Catarrh Diiditlieria Canker rriouth. and Headache. ^Vitll each hcittle th.ere is an ingenious naspl injector fur the iinae successful treatment of those comidaints without extra charge. Price oOc. Sold hy Wm. Brown's general store Mark- dale. THE GREATEST HEALIXG COMPOUND Is a jireparation of carholic acid, vaseline and ceii le called McGre^c.r A- Parks's Car- liidic Cerate, It will cure any sore, cut, hiiin or hruise when all other preparations fail. Call at Hill Bros. General Store and get -.1 package. Twenty-five cents is all it costs. Tlio Stanuai;d the balance ol '-i, fciix months, for 50 cents, to any addresis, subscribe at once. i MctrKEGOliS Sl'EEDY CUBE. 'j I'roui the mf nv remarkahle cures wrought hy tisiii;: Mc(rregors SjH'edy Cure for I^vspep sia. lnd:gesluai. Constipation and Afl'.ctioii j of the Idverand from the imiuense sale of it without any atlvertisin.n, wc have concluded to place it extiiisively on the iiiaket, so that tlio-e who suffer may have a pel feet cure, (to to Hill Bros, (.ieneral Store and got a trial Lottie free, or-tiie regular size at tifty cents or one dollar. KBAMS'S FLUID LIGHTNING I the only instantaneous relief for Neuralgia, Headache. Tcjothaclie. etc. lUilihing a few drops hriskly is all that is needed. No* tak- in nauseous medicines for weeks, but one minute's api)lication removes all pain and wil' prove the great value of Kram's Fluid Lightning. Twenty-fiive cents i)er bottle at Hill Bros. GeiTeral Store. \Vm. Lttcas k Co, hauliers, Markdale, i;ave $200,000.00 t' luan on! real estate, btraiirltt loau svstem. No lines. Low interest; moderate charges. I THE QUESTION HAS OFTEN BEEN ASKED. Canâ€" Buv-iture â€" (abdoininal hernia) be cured" IIV );;i.sf cinj/Iuiiicdlly nai/, YES. That this part of the body oti'ers no exccp- ti;ai to those physioliigical laws which gov- ern the wliole physical economy audit makes not a particle of difl'oreuce whether the age (if the Ilupture is one vear or a hundred years. For proof of this send for a Free Book on liuijture to The Excelsior Itupture Cure M'fg C^o., Prescoit, Out. 1^2-84. Our correspondents will do well to bear in mind that their coi)y will require to reach us on Tuesday, to insure an insertion the same week. "Work given out. On receipt of your ad- Jress we will make an ofi'ia- Lv which vou can earn '6 to S7 evenings, iit your lome. Men, ^Voman, Boys or Girls can do it. H. C. Wilkinson A Co., I'Jo aud 197 Fulton St., New York. A ^20 Bible Reward. The publishers of Rntlediie'!! Montldi/ offer twelve valuable rewards in their Muntlilij for July, among which is the following We win give §^20. (»0 in gold to the person telling Its who was Canaan's Father, by July luth, 188.^. Should two or more correct answers be received, the rewaid ^yill be di- vided. The money will be forwarded to t)ie winner July 15th. 1883. Persons trv-ing for the reward must seud iheir answer, for which they will receive the Angost Monthly, in which the name and address of the wiuuer of the reward aud the correct answer wiU be published, and iu which several mor« valaabe rewards will be offered. Address, Bctledob PcBiasHUfo CoitPASTj Eas^on, Penna. Mk Dosllilf W :f'..^t:2^' F A K^ M. li: Jrt^ a5 LOOK TO Torn INTErESTS AND GET J SARGENT'S j PATENT LOAD LIFTING MACHINE j THIS SEASON. H AVE Seen T You OEEN SEEN WHAT WHY THE HEU BEAUTIFUL â-  â-  -1. rcg in the fu'h "vs SATUP Do Do, Do, Do I'o 'Vo Do, uhar iMonth Agricultun lv Ca 1 Gr :te' r .â- an.i-- â- 1^!^ '.i DAY will be held â-  ,-„,.,- [arkdale, as It will save you one or more hands c^ e.v I day vou are drawing m, as you don t need a imm" at the front of the mow to pitcu it Urick y.atean pitch fiora the load as you â-  â-  ' â- â-  ---- You can â€"TAKEN BY- :\fay Jitue Julv Au,' Sept. Nov. Dec. o ' aie pitching down instead of up. unload, in half tlie time, aud with greater ' ease Jian in the old way. s' 'Tents wanted iu every county. A^m. C. S.\BGENT, Berkeley P. O. or Grover In- ' i lianes, MC'uildings, Toronto. MAEKDALifi, .Manufacturer of all Kin 1- f THE BEST FUl ME. R. G. PALING, kte of Messrs. Notman Iras^r's st;p:i, j Mr. Jtxmes Buliuer, 1-lesherton, has securea m :\!i' p,] ;,^, ;^^'^%ni.. Artist, liaviiif? been employed with the aforesaid firm h.r ,, u::^y'^^^-' Parties shoula not loose thi; opportunity of sccuriio: u iir.t i.,°' " theselvcs or friends at low p-ices. All photoslaken l.y i",,,, ,,(,,^. ,„,J""'« stantaneous. Jiabies a, specialty. D(m"t wait for iine v.i ;.;),,./ .!^^^^. come all and see fur yourselves. All work giia.ra- t'-d. ' ^^^ Yours trulv JA.MES lU'LVl" i-^ • TO GET North cf Toronto, is at the 'bi Droji Valve, Cyhiider, Force, aud Cistern Pu^niis. All kinds of inox PUMPS seiTLii;!' EUCENiA Grist, Saw and Lath Ills Having madfc" e(itensive improvements in my Grist iMill I feel confident I can give good satisfaction. GOOD FLOUR ALy^/AYS ON HAND That's so, for a friend of mine liad liis taken there and he says they tire even better tnaii what he had taken in Toronto. JAfv1E8HAMlLT0N,_^ ARTI8L To the Farmers of Grey. IH-W'E made arrangements with Chath- am Harvester Co., to sell for then their .IBowcr, ^lElJJflo Koaper and two SIoi-iSC 4;or Billdrr. All material in tiiese machines v,-arrantedof tlie best (luality. ]-]very machine warranted to give satisfac- tion or money ov notes refunded. Pailit!S in need of any of the above machinea, can insjiect them on fair day's at i'leshertoii, Markdale aud Chats fforth, consult your best interests, and examine for yourselves. ALEX. McKECHNIE, 14.:' uC} Traverston P. 0. lads of Special fro:;. Chopping Done Every Day. Custom Sawing and Bills Filled on the shortest luitice. LUMPEE AND LATH ALAVAYS ON HANL Cherry, Bui'.jrnut, V\diite Ash, Ijlack Ash Bassv.'ood, Pine and Hemlock Logs wanted 091y. M. AKITT, Eugenia. Tsrsulo, h] anl M THQS. MATHEWS, W AT T!i;: Markdale Fonncir?. 2Bo"bt- S. ZESa.e. TAI L 5 MARKDALE. EVEXIXCi EXPESS TPAIXS will run in direct connectioi; with the Palace Steamships tlio "Spartan." "Africa" and '-.dagnet" cf the Owen Sound Steain Sliiji Line whicli leave Owen Sound everv TUESD.AY ami THURSDAY for Sault Ste. .Marie and all intermediate Ports, atid everv TUESDAY and S.ATUEDAY for Lake Suiierior Ports, connecting at Thunder Bay with the Cana- â-  diau I'acihc Eaiiway for Manitoba and all points in tlie Canadian Xoidhwest. Saturdays S'teanua-s luu direct to Tliundta' Bay, and those travelling by tliis trip and route will reach V\"innipeg as fast as by the all train route, and at rates very mucu lower. SIIIPPEPIS OF FUEIGHT should coii- sis,'n via lie Owen Sound S. S. Line. For rates and ail other information apply to any of the agents of the Owen Sound S. S. Line, the Toronto, Grey ami Bruce I'aihvay, or to I). McXICOLL, ED. AVRA(iGE, Gen'h Fr(dght and General iManager. Passenger Agent. Toronto, April 20, 1S83. MAEKDALE Meat Market. A constant supply of Fresh Meats on hand, at the Lowest Living Prices. Orders solicited, and deliv- ered free lo all parts- of the Town. Farmers having fat stock to dispose of, will please leave their addresses. TERMS STRICTLY CASH. FRED. SARJEANT. EVERYTHING IN OUE LINE KEPT ON HAND OE MADE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. LIVERY! SYDENHAM STEEET, j^^uf^:£^IZID-^^»Z. IN CO^sNECTION. ^^ TFT. Tr :^:n:iLuiL.,£L.i^T Insurance J^gent Fleshe Will be at the Markdale House Markdale First Class Companies only represented] Money to loan on good farms at 7 p^r. cent. TAILOR. Over McFarland's Store MARKDALE. Special atteution to Cutting Fittiug. Orders promptly filled, and satis- faction Guaranteed. JS.. Hill, Markdale March 23. 1882. 80-lv IN BAGS OF 280LB8. -ATâ€" LOWEST PRICES Turnip SeeD The largest stock at H. PARKER'S Drugstore DURHAM, THK BEST II CHEAPEST. o Coolness o! temperameut 's a virtue, but the refreshing coolnesg of the Prescrv^ed Itleafs, Fruits, and Vegetables, â€" KFPT AT THE â€" BELFAST HOUSE, M/fRKDALE, beats all the icebergs ever floated down the Atlantic Ocean. The Belfast House Teas and Coffees I giye an exhiliratlng influence, not equalled in Markdale, except by Benson's WHISKIES, BRANDIES, WINES, c. Those Who rehbh the •' pipe' of peace " ' Will find the Tobaccos and Cigars at the Belfast House unsurpassed north ot Toronto. Cheese, Bologna Sausage, and Biscuit m endless variety, all from tlie btst manufacturers, at the Belfast Honse Ap pl.s, (green and dried,) Spices, Sweetmeats. Ac. 1 odet BJid Fancy Soap,, Essences, Perfumes, and Family OL's. of the purest qiiaaty. Flour Potatoes, Pork, Herring, (dried Pnd salt,) kept coustantlv on hand U*'Our Bottled Gin is imported directly from the manufacturers, aud ow Bottled Wines are put up at the Vintage. Pi 'kles m bottles, Mustard in cans, and in fact ev erything in the grocery trade. A teomt ad- dition to my finances will enable me to nur- ^.m the head markets of Europe and WU.SON fiO^gttl^, WHO IS UNACQUAINTED WITH THE VEOCRAPHY OF THIS COUNTRY, WILL SEE BY EXAMINING THIS MAP, THAT THE Chicacso, Rock Bsland Pacifsc R" ^fLlVJ'l ^^^V '®"'"' â- â- '"' "0"«*3 to travelers, fty reason of Its "n/i;^'J, graphical position, the shortest and best route between the East, Northea? Southeast, and the West, Northwest and Southwest. .„rtoal"" nf r^ H ^*f "y "" 'f'ctly true, that its connections are all of the prmcip" Of road between the Atlantic and tho Pacific. „ otta** La s^iio^ ^.^ line and branches it reaches Chicago, Jollet, P^ff'L'.scat;" Wn!hl Vi^ J"®?' ""°""® """ Ro^" Island, in Illinois; Davenport, M"^rtl. ^wfr^f. r:.^*°""" •«"0«"'«. Oskaloosa, Fairfield. Des Moinos. West u ^^^ in^owi "o f"'°' '^*°*" Audubon, Harlan, Cuthric C-nter and Council wo^r^»L aJ^w'"' Trenton, Cameron and Kansas City. In Mlssour,. a"" J^^ TnVl.^ Atchison ;n Kansas, and the hundred, of cities. vlHaces a" Intermediate. The ai "GREAT ROCK ISLAND RO^TE KEAtI??-.!. J'"w'7."i '""P°«®«' O' COMMODIOUS, WELL VENTiLATEU. ^^^ Mok7MA«i?«h^^!fr"°'-S"f EREO and ELEGANT DAY COACHES l^^^^^*^ 2fes7d^fl^^'*^^^T."°"°' "ECl-'NING CHA3R CARS ever built; P%^C*^ ihat aJS. »o^^^ "** handsomest PALACE SLEEPING CARS, ^nji D'N'p% A* via ThU faTi!!^u8 **°*' " between CHICAGO and MINNEAPOLIS and ALBERT LEA ROUTE. h.**^**'^*' **""**' *•"••• '" ••"•» anci Kankakee, has recently bW^ ^^ between Newport News, Richmond, Cincinnati, Indianapolis and w- ana Council Blufta, St. Paul, Minneapolis and intermediate points. «„„ " T.^'"°."«»' PaBsongers carried on Fast Express Traj^s- ^|fl««|^ W.II .1 ?i«Cll®*^"*?. '"*0""atlon, see Maps and Folders, which '^^l^^^^nt^' wall as Tickets, at alt principal Tlckst Offlo«s in the United States ?nd c» f?- R. CABLE, E. ST. JOHN .,«» 13 PUBLISHEI :rY THURSDAY At MiirkJalo Ont: IX AIlV.i^NCi:. L25 in three months. ~-2 t^dff the year. Xo \r.\Y I all arears sre i).iiJ up. \u of the publ:--her, au.l j 1 wilbont p.iviu;-' up wii: [for the years subscript l)lv Tfith the ruks. "terms of ADYERl Icolumn one year do. do er do. do Ith do. do do r ten lines, first iuscr.iou I subsequent iusf rtiou be number of hues to ho I occupied measured hy ber. Advertisements ftinns will be publi'ued ged stccordiufily. AH Xv nents must be iu ik e ot |by IJE'clock on the wcj Lek j^ablicatiou. JOB PRINT r: [every desscnption e jtness and despatch at IbfiiNDABD, Markdale. C. W. RUTLI Eliitoi; a SAMUEL WAK] ILL DIGGER AND D orders promptly atti eâ€" Snider's HDl, Owen .S rhent, M,D., M.R.C [Physician and Surtreon daate of University. Vict New \. Graduate, of the same. Avh-th M Opthaluiic h [iberColl. Physicians a; S: Denta^l C: imeron DENTAL SURGl: iover D. A. Camer.iu e, PculettSt., OV\'EX S 'attention given t.i th..' Mural teeth. Artiiicial I 'Gold, Celluloid, aud Ri p be at Markdak^ the 1 1 month, ^ameron, M.D..A C. F. K-P. y. Glasgow, :\[, |LD.S., Out. k ^. MVTARSHAL DEXTIST {.Raduate of toro: of Dentistrv, wiU 1,. ".Markdale, ou tlie 1?- »y of each month and ai^ '• ^esherton, thu J:;v f Wednesday in each moj pl Jus profession. ^y9th, 188-3. Frost n-o RISTERS, and AT I ^aw, Solicitors iu Ciir Pvc.. Owen Sound, h: T°pon, Office open evei fofore. ' Peost, j_ \y ity Crown Attoruev J. JTIASI*»0}) ISTEE, MASTER I'hancery, Notary Pi ^EY TO LEND AT sn t^^r^wen Sound, in C' »*•; and in Markdal °«re, on Friday and ^»^asor* i»in ri ^^^~ -A«,SOLICIT( 8, Ac. fcc, IW^^wen Sound, r- P. Wolfs Store an. Iw.j vM.ARKDALI t"**y of each week. C^. March is. 1882 Itlpf **^***««' «r« El^f^oflfa^^g^ Lice B.-^«ranoe Agent. â-  «c. Conveyancei ' for the County of *»ill« Q '^^'•ges made ^e, Sept. 17, 1880. B^j '•^â- t. Brow ^J^MARKIAGE] *.-.]^^ «WefuUv exec r. *o»VtoLeudonI CHICAAQ »,* ..jfjj.-

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