-y V â- â- . *-f mil rnm-m 'MS^l-' Great Sale of SPRING and SUMMER GOODS at and under Cost |jiowgoir.g on at the TORONTO HOUSE. How IS the time to secure Cheap, Seasonable Goods in time for the ipresent season's use. The Highest Price allowed for Farm Produce. \i3li^ ",|j, June 20th, 1S83. WM. BROWN %. ^rJl n s Ice. the â- hiui^ In -sh-p 'Dig Mar- ]V/iol-?sale Toronto^ leave Mark- le luis entered zeilh Mr. IF. ate oj riesherton, r'ical ivateJunaker f over 13 years ex- envies iv:l;i tlic best ationsfri/in sonic of 'ntdiviakcrs in the :il carry aalc. on the The cheapest Boot Shoe house in town, Reynolds Son, The ddvattce after squealinn;- long and loud, has at last received liis bot° tie of maple syrup. Mr.R. 8. Rae, Tailor.is prepairiug to erect a double store betweeu the dru" store and Hill Bro's block. If you're well and want to keep well take rcjuvenator stomach bitters, to be had from Smith the Barber. Mr. Thos. McGr-de of Glenels? whose miod has been affected lor soiae tisne past was on Saturday conveyed to the aiB/lum in Toronto. The prize list for the fall show of the South Grey Ajrncuitural Society Wm. Hogor, Flesaertou Station, is doing a good trade, and. replenishes his stock weekly. He is also shipping a quantity of lumber from his saw mill at Little Falls. Attempted Burglary. â€" On Friday night last about half-past twelve, a person entered the residence of Mr. Thos. Moxsea, Markdale, by a side window, some of the family being awake aroused Mr. McNea whojumpT ed from his bed, when the burglar made a speedy exit without seciu'mg any valuables. Had he delayed, Mr. McNea was determined to mark him well. Boots Shoes 6till selling at very loy prices, at Reynolds Son's* Always go to Smith the Barber lo have your hair cut before Saturday night, as he is busy shaving ou that evening. The American Agriculturist for July presents n great variety of iuterestiug and valu.able matter. \Vt giye a few of the many topics treated "'Stone Bridges,"" "Commer- cial Kowis," "Stems of Plauts," "Home- Made Capers," "Winter Eedislies," "Water Lilies." "Hideand Horn Furniture," "Home- Made Tents,'" "Home-Made Butter- workers," "Enemifts of the Melon Vines," "Evaporat ing Fruits aucJ Vegetables " "Sheep Scab," "Preventing Forest Fires," "Apphcation of Plant Food." Among the numerous con- FilEE PiC-NIC. â€" The S. S. of the C. 1 tributors to thi« number are the following Fleshtei'toii Station STEAM GRIST MILL GEO. MOORHOUSE. -â- .0:- CristingChoppingin a^ satisfactory manner, EVERYWORKINGDAY. Flour, Bran, and general mill always on hand. feed, M. Church, at Walker's appointment, will hold their anuual pic-nic on July prami- -r-i -I • :riistcd to Iiini icill jrknumhke vian- ill he :?!d gueiranteed, ivdl be found loney refund- -1 T n 1 Uu.i 15 Brown's, \V.;tjhnMlcf rs tV Jewellers iiAI.F. OXT.Y. ilLV FAl'iS. UJIlti-. lav lii'lorc Fleslierton. dry li./foio I'urLam. y bi'fiHL; Oi'ari,L,'t'vil!e. ,iy l)vi-i;'f Ui;'.tiL't;vi!ie. â- -â- l.:y lielcre (JrM!i;.'evillf. -â- â- e.j:i I i'liursii-iy in each ".hd Wcdr.osil'iy in each V l.i-fore Purliani. jt -ib-y in tach month. .- \.i i I'c Di.rhr.ni. is to hand. The show is to be held niDarhaioi, on September 2oth and j 2nd, (Dominion Day ), on the '"-^f" I ses of Mr. Edwin Ewar Pi. J. Sprrule, Flesherton, is now running off his large and well assort- ed stock of spring and summer goods at leduced rates. New advertisement next week. Mr. Bryan of the Mansion House is already reaping the benefits of Ins additional she 1 rjom, having on Sat- urday the 18th accomodated 83 teams and that on a day when nothing un- usual was going to draw a croivd. T. F. Bro^vn, L. D. S. M M Oilier items. Turrs ' Ciiiiv a: Mr ,, .^givu til Xu 1..;; -:;:! 11 D â- (.-â- '.7,j(."-; intended to benefit •â- y. i-.-" irill he chanjed ten â- /,â- 'â- â- • nr^t in.iert'ion and five â- .-:!!/ :eqi!ent UL-eitiu:. Seeds "â- o^^ mostre- s, pure, fresh, and true !- .Medical Hall, A. Tur- c'lips razor, strop or hone L!.(; Barber. is now m Markdale. Ail nee ling fatisfactory dental work, plates, filling, or extract- ing, will kindly call at once, charges moderate, satisfaction given, office at Doll Brown's jewellery store. Pic Mc. â€" T'ne pic-nic at Lyon's corner, town line Holland and Eu- phrasia took place on Friday last. A ycry pleasant and enjoyable time was spent and about $21 nettei.1 for the S. School ot that place. A. Mclntyre Las his store well stocked with fresh groceries, fruits, swt.ot meats, provisions and pure wines and liquofs. Mc. is always pleased to wait on his customers and will give you the worth of your mouiy every time. The bills for Dundalk Dominion Day Celebration are o-at, and show a ses 01 iUr. ii.awin Jiiwart, near the lake on 70 side road W. T.' S. E. Tp. of Holland. The usual pic-nic amusements will be in yogue, as well as a good eutertaiument, -provided by the S. S. children, and their friends. All ar3 cordially invited to attend. A collection will be taken up in aid of the school. Those Be^ks.-- George Tryon, of Priceville, has one of the cnbs which Orange Judd, S B. Keed, Prof. J. W. San- horn, Dr. Geo. Thurber, Pro/. A. J. Cook, Da\-id W. Judd, Col. M. C. Weld, Itev. Wm. Clift, B. D, Halsted, Chas. H. Shinn, W. W. Moeeh, 1). D. Bishop, Edward Pratt. .T. AV. Barrow, i). Z. Evans, A. B. Allen, H. A. Haign, J. J. U. Giegory, Fred, (n-undy, W. H. StouB, E. E. Hexionl, F. E. laisself, L.F. Beatty, I. ymiLhon, A. Carr. Tiii.s mimber i of the Aiiiericiin Agriculturist is more elegant- ly illustrated than any so far issued. It con- talus more than 70 Original Engravings and Illubtrations. The mosr. valuable and prac- tical of these are five designs for a houpe costing $2,500, and seven designs and en- gravings of a Prize Barn The i'uUpage En- gravings by Hiilm and Gary a'-e exceedingly beautiful. The) Household Department CASH for WHEAT. EOUGE WILSON, Wholesale and Retail J#«^ BUTCHER! wo noticed in the Sjandahd as being abounds in illustrations, and tho Humbug captured last vveek, and is making j Deuartment now receives moro attention progress in taming it, but ^Yhittaker tlian ever boifore. This month it exposes a â- [ " t ^+- ti „ .-.+1,^ 1,.-,., „^,. large number of new Jrauds. Price tjl.oO a who got cUrirge oi the other lias not ' ° been so fortunate, the night of tl • capture he ca"ed his pet, and su[.- posed all was secure, but ou rising in the morning found that young bruin had worked his passage out, and has not since been heard of. ^Ye are in reseipt of the prize list of the great Industrial Exhibition As- sociation of Toronto, which vrill be oi:en from the 11th to the 22ad of September. A number of new and special attractions are to be provided this year, among othtrs an exhibition of Gas vs Electdcity, Japanese Day Fire Works, which is something new in this country, Balloon Eaces, Military Band Concerts. Gilmore's .celebrated Band of New York will be present. Other novelties are in contemplation year single number, 15 cents. Orange Judd Co., Publishers, 751 BroaJway, N. Y, T. C. B. RAILWAY. TIME TABLE. BEEF, POPiK OPt MUTTON SUPPLIED. from a single pound to avhole carcasf^, at the lowest market prices. FISH FOWL IN TKEiR SEASON Farmer^ having Fa; Cattle, Sheep, o}-.- Pigs to dispo-e of will do well to call at No. 6 Burns' Block, o])posite the atw Unioii, Block. Markdale, Oct. 2oth, 1881 Clianji'e ot Tiiiae. 20th, 1882, On and after Monday, Nov. trains will run as follows GOING N in. liend Down. A. jr. i p. M. GOIXC SOLTH splendid prize hst for atheietic games, ' of winch due notice will be gwon preparation a first class U IS mian!: 'raiigemen 12th. lu town can compete base ball playing, tug of war, o., which will take place on Monday July 2nJ, in the agricultural grounds. Discount from 10 to 20 per cent on all sales of Clocks, Watches,.and Jewellery till September 1st, in order to make case room for a fine fall assortment. Call and get prices, a good stock to select from. Doll rown, Jewel- lers. Bain. â€" This week so far has been extremely wet, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday we had heayy showers, ac- ":VI1 Is .V Son, for choup bootsl^Pj^pj^^^jgj 1^^ heavy thunder and hospitality and â- idless yai'iety lirrhtning at times, so far we have not uiiiiKii Dav will be celebrated in heard of any damage in this section, t'd' v.. li.S nv,i ckf;ii:... 1' 1. I y hr]s3 races and other u- hills £how a good prize ,.:i.\au has now 120 head cattle ou his extensive o.-ides a number of gra- ,; stallion "Jimmy Puz- at the Mansion House 10 -t-30 o'clock P. M. av until the 1st July. liECTvaE. â€" Prof. Canton will deli- ver a lecture in DuSerin Hall, to-mor- row evening (Friday), on Phrenology, Love and Matrimony, together with a delineaition of the Laws of Life. The Professor is a graduate of the world renowned 0. S. Fowler's School, and is meeting with marked success. The subject is particularly valuable to the youth, and parents should make it a point to attend this lecture. Admis siou 10 cents to cover expenses of room ite. The professor wishes to thaidv the people ol Markdale for tlieir patronage sinee Lc cauia 7 30' 05: 9 55; 12 20 2 25 11 50 12 OP) 1 30: P.M. 1 i 25 C GO 45 8 41 :0 15, U 8 45 J 55 r. Jt. A.M. ' P.M Toronto 10 45 C'AKnWELL JUN'J. Oi'.angevii.l:: .. Mount Fouest.. Teeswater .... F ESHEUrON .. ]\rAItKIT,R Owen Ciouxn 9 05 S 27 'i HOi 5. (ji 'V. -W' 27: .\-M. '.I 10 7 31 Ci 50 4 30 2 45 4 47 4 30 3 10 P.M. Tor- but reports of freshets corae in irom Forae parts of the States, Quebec and j I'^i'U Ct ti:,. â- 'Ills av the lower part of Ontario. Masonicâ€" Laft Sunday evening the Eev. Mr. McDiarmid preached a sermon, especially for Masons, in the C. M. Churcli of this place. The au- c.ience was veiy large, and quite a few members of the above order were present from Flesherton and other places. The Rev. gentleman went f ^f iUr. trrnnd di- into the hi.storv of the order to some agent of the f,nand d .^t^nt, and showed how it was a step 't; x?fl?lisrChuTc. 'pir^gBtonetoa christian life, being a E^c^lm' 1 8 o'S^: i ' tri^tly moral institution, conducting during the past week to this place, The following is the final draught or Owen Sound District, of stati* na- A Mixed Train will also inn betweer onto and Owen Sound. See Time Table. 1). McNicoLL, Edmund V\'i!Ar,i,K. (ien. I'ligs. Aijt. Genenil Mcnatjer A Farm for Sale. VEIiY desirable noropcrtv bjiuf 100 West of T. and S. Boad, Artemesia. one; mile froin the town of Markdale, on the gravel road. 70 acres -cleareJ, balance hard.^ood, has a lai'ge stone dwelling house and log one, is well watered with never failing spring creek; splenolid soil, and in a very desirable locality. Terms easy. Apply at this office. Markdale, March 29th. 1883. .^. of the Markdale foun- bu.-y fitting up the ^i o_ Hills siave factory and also I ^^^^^" gougrmation services m Christ's turning factx)ry. iIlUl:- Jery nr,; tery for itffistr'iugs jJi' MabK has completed painting m P,i,,s. ^,,.,. j^ elevator, which b'is '"'proval it cry much. It is a fijooi ' ^^ faiiitiug shingle roofs. '^^- C;esar, station agenl.has a very ^^^y ard beautifully arranged eudos- "ftiu tiose proximity to the station ""^li is laid out fcr'a croquet lawn I '""flwer garden. ^ff Josepli Larob has taken great 1^^" iu improving bia grounds in I '*ff his dwelling, and has them l^"vjry tastefully arranged. all business before an open Bible. I Chbist Church.â€" The Lord Bishop â„¢*^^"' I of the Diocese of Toronto, conducted (English) Church. Markdale, on San- day "evening last there were 27 can- didates for confirmation .mostly young people. Avery large congregation were present to take part in the devout ex- ercises. ThefBishop also confinaed 81 at St. Mary's, Maxwell, on tke same day. The incumbent, Bev. Mr. Ward, intends going to England for a few months and will start abont the 5th July. Mr. F. Davis of London, has been licensed to take charge ^t the Parish during tlie incumbenls 9fi- gence. We wish Mr. Ward »,Tery j)leasapt trip, and Bt/e.retamv for the C. M. Church. Owen Sound, Jacob E. Howell. M. A., James Sett, Wm. B. Danard. superannuate.l. Brookholmr Bobert Godfrey Wocd- ford, A. Tlnbadeau Walter's Falls, John Fepier, B. A. Chatswortb. j Duvid Perry; AVilliamsford Staiou.j John Hart Markdale, T. W. Camp- j bel, B. D. Flesherton. Davi C. McDowell Eugenia Falls, Thomas I Grandy Dundalk, Thomas J. Snow- 1 don Pricpyille, Solomon C. Ed- munds, B. D. Wiarton, \\. Tor- rance Lyons Head, W. A. Strong- man (Samuel G. Rorke). (Colpoy s- Bav) Uepwortb, Thoan Legate AUeniord, Robert Johnston Cape Croker,Adam Glazeir D. McDowell, Chairman J. Howell, Financial se- cretary. S. V,.Lake goea to Durham iu "Walker ton district. PiCTtTBESQOE Canada. â€" We have received from Mr. W. F. Crysles, agent, two more numbers of this eminent Canadian publica- tion. The two numbers before us are writ- ten by J. Howard Hunter, and are very in- terestuig and instructive. The engravings, which are especiaUy fine, are mostly views v{"j| Bceues in and anand Hainilton, Dnudas, Guelph and Elora, the latter plbces he-. iDg^tiUknowntoajtreatiofny in To all -who are snfi'ering from the errors and indiscretions ot youth, ner " ous vreak- ness, early decay, loss of manhood, Ac, I will send a receipe thst will cui-e you, FEEE OF CHARGE. This great Remedy was dis- covered by a missionary in South America. Send a aelf-addressi d envelope to Rev. .TosKPH T. IxjiA.N-, t'tdtiou 1), NciD Yuik City. MAnMm0m Barriiead Mill for Sale. TENDERS -will bo received by liie under- signed Executrix until Monday, the .2nd July, 1883, for the purchose of tlie property, known aj the Lariiscad Ciri^t Mill together with lots li)l, 1U2 and 1(13 in ths third concession West of T. S. Road. Township of Glcnelg. Tenders received for the .Mill with 60 acres upon which it â- â- â- itfU'ds, there is also a Inrgv frame dwelhng lionso on this lot, an.l for the 100 acres nnoji w/iich' there is a large sui.' stantial barn, either jointly or severally The liighest or any teuder not necessarily accepted. For further particnlars applv to RHODA REID, Executrix,. Or to Oraugevilie. J. E. McGarvin, Actcn, Ont. 112-4.J $500 Reward We will pny the above reward for any ease of Liver Comjilaiut, Dysptpsia, Sick Head- ache, Indigestion. Constipation or 'csti\o- ness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Ijiver Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with. Tbey are purely Vegotalile, and never fail to give satisfaction. Suijnr Coated, Jjarge Boxes, containing 30 Pi!;-, 2.) cts. For sale Ijy all Druggists. Bew:iit- of counterfeits and immitaitioi'S.. The genu- ine manufactured only by .JOHN. C. WEST A CO.. '-The Pill Maiers," 'l i~3 King St. East, Toronto Ont. Free t'ial package sent by mail prejiaid on n^ceiut of a 3 cent stamp. For sale at Turner ctCo. Drug Store. Health is Wealth! this Co, Uiepo numbers of spec^ interest. Th% wort ws a wiicrie is a eredit Dp.the raij(^tiriaK ing- pqjf KsbtCT.. HOKLOST, HOW RESTOBED /^^^'~~-~^ We haye recently published a new SEAXi jedition of Dr. CtVLVEuy.s3.i.'s Ci?i.E- ^â- ^^^^Y^^BKATED Es)AT OU tlis radical and permanent cure (without medicine) of Ner- vous Debility, Mental and Pliysical incapaci- j ty. Impediments to Marriage, c from excesses. I5fi" Price, iu sealed envelope, only 6 cents, or two postage stamps. The celebrated autlior, in this admirable Essay, clearly demonstrates, from thirty years' successful practice, that alarming con- sequences niay be radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicines or the use of the knife pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain and effectual, by means of which e-pwy sufferer, no matter wh^t-lds eondition may be, may cure himself cheap)^, ^vately aitd radically. tS'iniJ^i^iectture skould be in the hand» of, every youth and every man in the laud. Addtess Th» GolvanMlllledlcal Cor« Et. E, C. West's Neeve and Bhain Theat- MEXT, a guaranteed specific for Hysterin, Dizziness, Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Neu- reKuitinf; j 'â- a'gia, Headaehf-, Nervous Prostration cans- I cd bv the use of alcohol or tobacco, Wake- jfulness, Mental Depression, Softening of the Brain, resulting i/i Insanity and leailing to misery, decay and death. Pjemjifcure Old Ag' Barrenness, Loss of Power m either sex, Involuntaiy losses and Sjj^rmatorrhoEa, caused by o^er -exertion of the braui, self- abuse or over- indulgence. One bo"x w^ill cu e recent ciisc.-*. Each box,, contains one • monUi's treatment. Oe dollar a box. oc six boxes for liye dollars sent by maii pre paid on receipt of price. We guarantee six boxes to cure iuy-.c»se. With each order re. ceived by us for «ix boxes, eccompairied with five .dollar.-*, we will, scud the. purchaser a:t written gaBrautee to refund the money if the treatment does not effect a «are. Guar- antee.-i issued only bfi A. Turner Co., lols- â- art %^i.A!!ti •â- a»a «a w..» r»»k authoriBcd Agent for Markdale Ont. Joh% T,0. IxUtioO 41 Amm^^ Mew^orlt ^^g, ^^^^ ,^1* pnap]deta« TeaoatQ.OnW. '1' '£ty *• â- -'.*" 3s: '•§ â- i» "'â- ll â- -â- ;i- " M B â- i fl;- ^- â- 1 ' ^i. t t â- /•â- â- ' t 1- («« ff H â- ;..*... k'f^S"^i*!' /fejV.iSS.,,--*..