Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 28 Jun 1883, p. 4

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 ^^ Jl.T.^ The Standard. MAEKDALE. JUNE 28th, 1888, SirE WALKS. Otirstatnte labor OYerseers have complet- ed the siJewslk ta the Lailway crossing, makin.; a first class substantial six feet walk, with cedar scantling and sleepers. It now remains for the E'y Co. to continue it to the Btatiju, which is veiy badly needed, and we siacertly hoi^e they wiU do so forthwith. It is ouly about ten rods, would not cost much, and TT.juld be very highly appreciated by our citizeT? and the travelling pubhc. Our sta- tioii has recently been sending out from 20 to 2-5 cars of freight per day and a large pas- senger traffic bojiJes, and we think the least tlie C ' can do is to make a respectable way of getting from the station to the village '"ilew.-iik, I'HEENOLOOY. Tlio cpj (.-i- ci ya; tio;:^ ID S;i •If. science ot Phrenologj- lias very little ;ion from intelligent and leamt-u r.nd yet few fully appreciate its full The various pi'ofessions and avoea- r lile aie being tilled, nud we venture in liiac- casts out of ton the young r.i.-.n si.'irtiiig cut, or even his parents, have but a very remote idea of what particular i u-ino-s he is best suited for, and at wh"t l;e will best succeed. We believe parents should endeavor to have a phrenolof,ical cx- I'.niiuaiioii of their children before deciding wlia; I'esiucss in life they fit them for, and tl;i-= Fv.e in mnuy irstanccs years time to- gfthtr witli needless expense. Experience is valuable, yet when many 3"cars, and per- \i-\y~ tiif iiiimc of life is spent in cxperement- irj.u' :\- to \w.iU lino CI business we are best u.l;ili:i';, it becomes a very costly tcr.chcr. Il'ISH LAKli riC-NIC. Mr. W. L. Yonng, iMuik derk, reamed on Saturday, afte spending his hdiday* in Chicago and oth» Southern cities. Mtb. a. CheUew of Collingwood, has. been spending a few days in Markiale, John M. Walker returned from Duluth on Saturday. « C. W. Kntledge of the Stand abd and wife left on Monday on a trip to Niagara Falls and Buffalo via Toronto.and returned Wednes day night. We are glad to see Mr. Henry Wilson out again after his recent severe Ulness. Mr. Wm. Lockyer, of Manitouhn wa." in town on Thursday. Eev. Mr. McDiarmid returned from Con- ference on*Friday last. He will remove to Sault Ste. Marie the first week in July. Eev. T. W, Campbell, B. D.; from Park dile, takes Mr. McDiarmid's place. Mr. M. Curtis, general merchant of Fever- sham gave ns a friendly call on Saturday. Mrs. J. W. Elliott of Chatsworth spent a few days in Markdalc last week with her sister Mrs. A. Turner. Mrs. Eutledge, sr., is visiting fi'iends in Toronto, this week. Mrs. Arch. Lyons returned to Sunderland Tuesday, after spending a " few weeks at Markdale. toldyli«kmthatw«« enough, fie now sned for the price of 40 wrds, claiming ftat LaiWnwasmidlora 100 cords, *nd-iMd told him he -would be naid for ^atever quantity the Government aJfelwed. He was unable to ah»w that there was any specific price or payment to Larkin for the stone- work, which was included in the general con- tract, and was: consequently non-suited by His Honor. CreasorA Piatt tor plaintiff. Jno. Creilsor.'Q. C, for drfendant. Merritt vs. Brinkman.â€" Action on account, Verdict for plaintiff ?80, but without cpsts^ on the ground that the suit ought to have been brought in Division Court. J. S. WU- son for plaintiff. Jae. Masson for defend- ant- .T,, i« MacmiUanvs. MeMahon.â€" The plamtiS, who is a soUeitor, sued defendant for a bill of costs. She claimed that she bad paid him for all he had done. Verdict lor defendant. S. J. Lane, Q. C, for plaintiff. John Creas or, Q. C, for defendant. W. W. Stephens, druggist, of Meaford, ap- pealed from the conviction of the Mayor's Court for selling liquor to a minor. The Jury, after hearing the evidence, deliberated for several hours and disagreed. J. S- Wil- son for appellant. John Creasor, Q. C, for respondent. ISnyiuifs and ISifliugfs fr«m Sur- rounding Sections Sorted and Sized tor the Standard. DIVISION COUET. Tills nimnal festivity is looked forward to with snticiiiaiions of pleasure by the sur- inunriir.g 1. ..l-lic, and to the present they lia\i' ii'.vcrb(en disajiiiointed. On Thursday l:i-t ,i.e weather looked vciy discouraging,' in tile 1 'li-iijg but clDnred up and a bc-iutiful â- "!:,;.- fi.llov, ed. The roads were anything but ;j'nl, (.w^ng lo tlK' euntmiu'd wet Vv-cathtr 're\ii usly, and the place being in the midst of a truly district where roads at the in .-t nothing to boast of, yet by twelve '•"eloek the euciosure on the noitli shore of tlie iieaniifui lahe was well tiile-l willi i.kas- ure -eeke;?, horses, carriages, etc. A large ]^int.'i-rni having beou erected for dancing, a i;'.!^( r.ninbf :â-  enjoyed themselves immensely wiidu I'arks Lros. produced excrllciit music ir( rn the violm and tlute, The dinner, which r.js: (lily ten cents, was of the very best the cuiilry could afford. A large number of frxl v,ere demolished, one of which (a turkey) y.^ understand weighed 20 lbs. whcndresse.l. About f'lOO wpre served, while a great many canij in the afternoon v.lio did not dine. r-ir. J. Townsend, proprietor of the Cre\j ilr.-i--.i\ ruihain and C. W. Eutledge, rro-i rie;, ;â-  of 1'i.? MAr.KPALi; Si'.vxPAr.D beinr' O ciio-m candidates for tlie gold headed caup,!. (ffered as a present to the one re- eivir.g the !;rer.test number of votes at lOcts eat!;, tlio voting commenced and cseitcdcon- side: able interest, the idea being, Durham ft„'ain Maikdule, and after the lapse of aic;!t nil hour's time the state of the poll w:i.- aiin.innecd, resulting in a victory for MurkJ.ale by 105 of 2c majority. Father O' C 'nneil of r\It. Forest then presented the c;ui" wliich is a beautiful ebory one with s..l:d j;i)ld head, valued at f25, to the editor of tj.e Stand ARP, who expressed his sincere thniiks to the committee who had the choos- i'\g ot the cjuididatos, and also to those who so cl.eurfully placed him in possession cf the bigbiy appreciated and vpluable present. Jfr. Towi-.send also thanked those who gen- eiunsly supported him and his town, and tuii;:;:h not successful in the campaign, trn-teil that ho would be successful in giving a poi'd report of the pic-nic generally. A gold cross was then voted on between Mis.- hyan and Miss Tuohy, resulting in a vi'te.rv for the former. 'i'l'C juizes for athletic sports were as fol- U v.s Foot rate, 1st Jas. McDougall 2ud O. !-.r 'Cue. l-Io]\ step and jump, 1st J. Mc- Cue tind (VMcCr.e. Eutting stone, 1st Alex McMi'lan 'IvA Eonald Morrison. i\-:hirg ]-iasFedoff quiet and orderly. ptipular This court held its sitting in Markdale, on Thursday last, there v.-ere quite a number of cases disposed of, but as we were unable to bo present we could not get a full report. The cases are those of most inter- est to tne village, r. JIc.\rthur, vs. rresbyterian Church Tiu.-^tees, aetiou brought by P. McArthur to obtain balance of contract for building Church. Trustees brought an oSset for domages caused by a portion of the brick- work faHing down during a storm. The jud.ire however, g-iye decision v.'ithout going iuto the defence, holding that McArthur was not responsible for the falling of the wall. Littlejohns, ys. T. G. it 13. 11. Co., action to gavuishee moury supiiosed to be in the hands of Hill Pros., garnishee discharged. liyi'ues McCaskill vs. D. Ho.can, action brouL;ht by Byrcns it ifcCaskiU to garnishee n;oney supposed "to be in the hands of Geo. Nol'b case postponed till next court. Jjiccn-e Inspector, vs. D. llogan, this case was similar to the last, and was also post- poned. iMcFarland, vs. Doll, action by McFarland to recover money k-nt, judgme nt for McFar- land. BASE BALL MATCH. On Saturday Inst a scratch team from Markdale visited Williamsford and played a match with the "Young Canadian Ollicers" club of that place, the visitors whinniii" bv 27 to 18. The ground was cxceedinglj' rough. The following is the score TOCNS CANADIAN OFFICERS. runs. Hall, c. (captain) i Baker, p 2 Algoe, 1st b 4 Ireton, 2nd b 2 Patten, :-Jrd b 2 Close, s. F 3 Eagle, r. f 3 Bruce, c. f Foster, l.f 1 Totals .. 18 outs. 4 3 2 2 2 2 1 2 18 There is to be a Masonic excursion from Mfcafonl to Wiarton on the 2nd July. A deputation from Meaford Council waited ou Dr. Sproule last week in reference to har- bor matters. An Orangemen's pie-nie will he he'd iu Flesherton on the 12tli July. Berkeley Orange Lodge ccmes to Markdale on the 12tli. Mr. Samuel McDowell of Dandalk left for Texas last Thursdaj' Mr. E. J. Doyle has purchased 70 head of cattle to graze on the site of Shallow LaKO. The Ov.-en Sound C. O. 0. F. purpose hav- ing an excurcursiou to Manitoulm Ilaud shortly. The Toronto Conference of the C. M. Church accei.ted the basis of Uuiou by 100 ol a maj^ority. Chatsworth intends celebrating Dominion Day in good style. The programme oflVrs some good prizes for running, jumiiing, hoise-raciiig etc. Ou Tuesday the 12th Orangevillo voted a loan 01 5'J,00u for eight years to a coinjiany for tbe*pu)-pose of enlarging their woollen manufactory. The by-kw was passed by a majority of 127. Mr. Wm. JIcMulieu of Shelburnc has sold his brick residence in that place to Mr. John Jelly for $1,700. An engine for the C. P. E. pa.?sed up th T, G. B. E. recently to he shipped acros by water. Mr. Duncan Boyd, of Sullivan, killed a bear on the townlme of Sullivan and Ben- tinck on the llth in.^t. Alex. B. McNabb, formerly merchant and Postmaster of Durham, and well known in this county died at Blue Eapids, Kansas, a few weeks ago. The deceased was Reeve of Ghnelg for several years. â-  Hanover has band. " WM' ',â- ^â- ^â-  OF G NOTICE TO mm e ross irom t ^0 vac Having received Notice landlord, Mr. John Esicl his premises on or before the day of August, '83, hi -v^ V '.^ aecidel a newiy organized brass MAEKDALE. runs, outs, G. S. Brown, l.f. 5 1 J. Munshav,' s. s 4 3 J. Telford, r. f 4 K. Sproule, c. f 3 3 J. Hill, 1st b 4 1 A, Brvan, 2nd b 2 2 WMNfcCaskfall, ird b "2 2 T. Potter, c I 4 Dr. Armstrong, p. (captain) ....;- 2 Totals .... £7 18 1 W» â-  Connty Court General SQ«sion Mt. Forest purposes spending $400 in prizes for horse racing ou July 2ud. Paris green was discovered on the grass ou the roadside near Healhcote recently, having evidently been placed there for the dastardly purpose of poisoning cattle as it was mixed with salt. Wiarton is to have a pubhc hall this year. Miss Chapman of Wiarton, feU down with a hghted lamp iu her hand, and now lies iu a critical condition, having been very badly burned. â- ^ BIRTHS. offer their large and vzeJl Stock of over $25,000 w at LOWEE PEICE assoi than even Freeborn.â€" In Holland ou the 1.5th inst the wife of Mr, Robt. Fieeborn of a son.' Ross.-â€" In Euphrasia on the 9th inst., the wife of Mr. John Ross of a son. Ellis.â€" At Kimberly, Artemesia, on the 16th mst., tne wife of Mr. Thos. Elhs of a son. fore heard of, As the Stock be cleared out in the next 60 a Great Slaughter in prices m^ be expected. .S) ines (From the C. S. Times.) WEDNESDAY. B;-own vs. Annis ct a?.â€" This was. an ac- tion of repleviu to recover a horse w'jich the plaintiff had bought from a man named Kay at Markdale, but which had Ijoen taken pos- session of by defenditct who hves in Co. Ontario, on a chattel mcrtgage. The jury believed the chattel mortgage was not made in good faith, and at hny rate was not regis- tered in Grey, where the horses were. Ver- dict for plamtilf. Jas. Masson for plaintiff. J. McSweynfor defendant. Nesbitt vs. Annis and Freebor vs. Annis were similar cases to the last, respectinc^ horses supposed to be covered by the same chattel mortgage. Verdict for "plaintiff by consent in both cases. Jas. Masson for plaintiffs. J. McSweyn for defendant. Tlie Grand Jury brought in a true liill against John Hopps, for stealing a watch and no bill against Thomas Burr, accused of stealing a money letter. THCRSDIT. Queen vs. John Hopps.â€" Prisoner was tried for stealing a watch from Jas. Shea, at Markdale on the 24th May. Verdict guilty aud sentenced to three months in gaol. A ' Frost for the Crown. S. J, Lane for de- fence. Ramsay vs. Trout et a?. -This was a case brought by John I. Ramsay 'of Sydenham agamst Trout Jay of Meaford, for alleged unWull seUiag of his goods. H appears ,, fiist- the. defendants had an execution against ottl. for the sm;;U bum of suventy- plaimiff, under .whish the baUiff seized his iive c3uts eaca. gwxlsf, but as they were covered by ehattal Th. • Ch:ortgo. Rrck Island A Pacific Rail- mortgage, he ouly sold the eq»ity of redemp- tion. This WAS bought by .-Trout Jay who MARRIAGES- i.M F; 1 ir Cas-in. the Pastor, is very i.'servcdly so. His pmiablo disuosition ',â-  " v.;lh bis integrity and busine^-s tact !i-:naj.;i: k iiTnirs generally are valuable 1 r:;.-.catii US. Th;: jie-nic was a grnnd sua -- on ill, wiioh; r_v..\ all apjitared well their dayV recreation. Brown -Bailky.â€" At WiUiamsford, on the 27th inst.,.. by the Key. Mr. Hart. Mr Edward Brown, to Miss Ameha Ann el- eldest daughter of M«. Robert Bailey both of Berkeley, Holland Tp. BTRNi;sâ€" Ry.^n.â€" Ai the residence of the bride's father, Glenelg, on the 27th inst. b the Eey. Father Cassin, Mr. Michall BjTnesof the Revere, Markdale, to Miss Mary Ann, daughter, of Mr. Timothy Ryan. DIED. We have no speci offer at special qn but prices in every line be reduced and all will sold regardless of cost BUBRITT .ISeJ wit THF GREAT NORTHWEST. n.e grcnt increase in trayel to the North- W •â- â- t. has forced the "Frmous Albert Lea ho .t'" to put rpc.n its hue maguificeut' I'iv. g Cars, in which p.isseugers will be erv\' meals '-tc.ond in ijuaiitv to no .- la- way. \Thicli contros tiiis route, has always md'T-.trined a repuiation for giving travelars irrst meals ou its Dining Cars, and in I'uttiug ou t'ns l'"'ie the same class of cars, it fills a want that the traij-elling public will ap- prcciate. •• I'n a Albert Lfia Roiite." is... « rrying a very irge si lire of the^Northvestejii, travel, a.n I, although early ip tbe.seti^t), has: com merle vl to seU pie '.sure lusorts 1.0^ ^i^rautce au iopof: nse Etunmer tn^c. ., Jay, â- who then sold nndei it. Rinnsay, claimed that there was not ^sufficient rotice of sale but was ngn-suited,by His Honpr .without goine into evmeace f«r dfelence. Creasor* Hatt for pIainl4£E. W. D. Poljftrd for the de- fendant Gibbons vs. Laj-kin.â€" The pJaintiff took a. â-¡tract from defendant for kh mi ,7,-.,- Iu tourist^' tickets Ih? yariouai stone, for h^ at Owen sSf Sf 8 m a volume sufficiently large specxfications of which called for Thn„ iZ^ InArtemesuon the 16th inst., l„^ o.' ' '^^"^^^^' °^ ^- "l^-d Burritt aged 28 years. WooDLAND,-In Durham on the 24th inst Mr Joshua Woodland, jr., of consump' tion, aged about 33 years. Abbott.-Iu Durham on the 25th inst.. Mr Joseph Abbott aged about 27 years. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE The best salve in the world for Cuts Bruises. Sorea, Ulccrp, ShU Rheum. Fever Sores,, Tetter. Chapped Hands. ChUblains C0131, and all Skin Eruptions.and Positivei; Piles. It is guaranteed to give perfect sati^iftction, or money refunded. Price 25 .cents per box. For sale by A. Turnerl cl, MAKEDALE; MABKETS. Fait Wheat, J0.95-to «0 09- a^ • «„ .. to 8098; Barley" 50c- P^ g^^W ^?^^ ro 00; Wool 17 to 2^'^°"' "^^ » FLESHEIiTdN MAfiKETb. Fall Wheat, »a:90 to so Qi. )a».j -i. #0.97: B«rW. ^.."i?"-^^=-Sl«ing. »6.95 aS Prices QOr^.. to #0.97; Barley, .57c; Pea .^un ui wuica caii«d tor a hnnilrMi Bi,i*« 1- T,""' ^»«8, 0%: Oatn 4.^n 1 f^- Bear in mind that as thi uine Sale the BotCom be reached No pains willbe spared to con you that WE MEAN BUSINGS TRIMBLE WBIGI Markdale, June 2gMi, 1883. I. I I â-  I i Great i tow goir. Now i ^resent s Markdale, June oil B As Mr. Do!!is!c. {ale to f^o intj iJic feK'ellcry Busiurss i iale altogetlitr,) lie \:ito partnership ::â- :! \, ROWN, latcoj vho is a prartical 2nd jeweller y over wience, and cov-ic^ :, if recomnwndatio;:s J \he leadini^ i^atclimu )omimon. Mr..Broi:';i :.-:il r \usiness in Mar!:.hi!. All zi'vrk cninisL. \e done m a i^jvi^m. ver. Atl "cZ'ork liill be 2nd all goods sold :â- : us represented, or :n H at Do.ll Brc The People's V\',Ujii';i; i tl ill's l?i MAllKiiALl. (• MONTH LY 1 A Markdale â€" Sa tnr.lay In f. â-  â-  Chatsworth â€" Mo::iiiiv !â- *...• iiulalkâ€" Tuesday b-f-!. Fieslierton â€" Monday l i-i r- Slieiuurne â€" Wedin- 1 ;, " â- â-  Drangeville â€" The ;-i-cu:i 1 i month. louut Forest â€" Third \\ month. PriceTille â€" Muiulav btfu:" 1 Durham â€" Third Tu.^s 1; iv: Janover â€" Moodr.v i'l i " â-  1 ' ILocalaMOiii! Notices in tiiese .• /.•(..i' Mij imUiidiitil or ' i-/"' |»en(.s a line for l!:-' 'ir-t tents a line eacli iiii!iciivi Turnip Seeds lliable growers, luui.' li to name at the 'Uea'cal uer Co. For a first cl;i?s rnrrr go to Smith the iKiriiLi' Mrs. Caswell is inlii; |to give the Oranmuiei linuer, on the 12tii. No house iu low]! vithR=yuolds ct Sen, I |and shoes iu eudl-.^^ v:i. Dominion Day v-ill b j Flesherton l:)y hc]s?r:i mme?, their' hil!,s tlio list. Mr. Thibuuaeiiu Im^ sf bis own cattle cu |Ptock faim, besides a i The trotting stnliio;: ler," will be at tlie }. *tab!e from 3 to -l-oO ^^â- ery Saturday until ti Mr. MurrAv, aL'eut o '|si(nof the Sous cf T ^ive a lecture in the M. |ttu (Thursday) Jivcni Moffat Bros, of the |«ei7 are busy fitting l^^y for Hulls siave i J^nastrongs' turning ft ijjMr. Mabee Las coir Ir^ firos. graiu eleva I improved it very mucl "wapaiiitint; shingle r I ^. Caesar, station a ««ty and beautifully i Ifc^-^ close proximitv '5«l'wlaid ootfcrs |«iflo\Ter garden. ^if Joseph Larob h 1^8 IU improving lfc.vJ» " improving \^ of his dweUiSg, *»Wfy tastefully ar â- :;*â- ' :a»:- M.

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