Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 28 Jun 1883, p. 1

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 fi Liuie for sale *•( â- ^â- ^. Xo. 42. MARKDALE, ONT., JUNE 28, 1883. No. 146. inuii. si V ;JAY EVENING, .V3 511111?. -.X "2 if V.(t lH! .1 ;â- ;;!â- ( 1- (!iv-'.litii)V!ed ' v.]K â-  ;â- , -rit; at Mio f: .1 I). 11 rie-; rfUisi-ig :i '.v;ii lit' iifl'l r jsiion- :;â- :. â-  V5n 00 ... • 27 GJ .: 1.' (Ill .: S UO â- ' '± V' ]. =. V:' i'.-r"' :iii ;).â- ;â-  iine S â- ;:;â- 'â-  :::- !• '^l o '.nv •!•â- ; -â-  t '.• i(-ckono.l bv ino â- â- .I- â- . ;.l Ly a Wiilo or h'jlul Ai. ' -•-•i:i 'I â- ' witimiu sjieoi:;;' v:: â-  â-  iMii:-ii.-i ii'j fo;-i.;d a;i.i • '^i ;. .V. • Ail t! i\u-ic.o:-y ailver. i::U-' ii ' I'l :!:â- -" otli?c' oi Imoliea- l-iiiiViiirl; crii lii' wi'ilin'-sJay prueeecl- Jdi; I'iaXTIXG i\i:x :;o-^'/vip!i'.in exccntGcl with II;- ;i:;^l il^-.-rat.-;! at the Olilce of •j.xij, )i;L:i;.l;ile. C= W. l?yTLEOGE. !â- )â- :,-•â- ' A\P i'UILLKE. ALi. :- !â- â- ' â- :i;'i:y :::tc'i.;i;.l to. llosi- REVERE HOTEL, BTREi^S McCASKILL PliOPillE'IOliB. THIS napulxr Hotel ha-, cliangod liands and the a'lK.vo meu cut'^r to the wants (â- f tlie public ti.)-J itablin- and attentive hostlers. The best biiiucis of liquor and cigars, good racais and comfortable rooms, large orumercial room. Barber shop in cou-- neciion. 180-ly. GHATSV/ORTH HOUSE (L.iTi; MOBI'.OTV HOUSE,) CSJATSWOKTEl, Out. C. H. MATTIiEWS, PRoi-niEroK. The be^t brand of liquors and nigars al- â- w-ciys in Btock. tiood meals auu c mfortable rooms guanuiteed. Good atabihig and at- tentive hostler. 114 Markdale I±ouse. This commodi-nis and popular hotel is fur- nished in lirst- class style, is one of the finest hotels in the County. Good accommodation for travellei-s. 'Ius to and from all trains. Charges moderate. A. KUTLEDGE. Peoi-rietor. COMMERCIAL HOTEL PRICEVILLiE. Ont. :en" 1,1.] s., o. Large and commodious Sample Eooms Good Bed Kooms, etc. The Bar and larde well supplied -with the best the market af fords good Stabling and attentive Ho.stler's TH03. ATKINSON, Proprietor i .. '• r.^ity. Viet. C.ilk-gt-. N'.iv.- York, iiiid 'vvi;. lii Mt'dif-al In-.tirntc. "1 rJMlmic Hospital. N,Y. |fc:Ci.rin-.-y ,:^: -hu:vt;ors.O. J04 berGii Sl Knight, Di:N'TAL SUllGEOXS, (o'-r Ii. .\_ C.iiueroii and Co's Uru," prfv-rs-.. (AVKX SOUND. BKtai'a..! â- .i;. lu tijK lu-eservation of p'i.u,..i^ii, .11 Liiiciai J_)enxures mouut- ' .. 1, a;:d PLubber bases. Jt^:;t ;i.:);J.,;^ the last Tuesday in ISOKii, N"E.M.!».,.v C. F. Knight, L D.S. â-  f A- -V I riu.-L' .-.v, Medalist Eoyai Coi- 'â- s.. 0:n. lege Den. Snr.,Ont [.MARSHALL7L7Dys! ^KiJ]-: OF TORONTO SCHOOL Dt;ui,t;y, v.-;il be at Kutledge's l^vU-w. on t!!9 1st and tliird Wed- F'^feidi luuiuli and also at Afunshaw's llr.d'^^"'"'""' '"-^ '•^^y following the I'sonejlav w. uacL month for the prac •til. I.s-:; Mansion House, JAMES BRYAN, MARKDALE, PliOPRIETOB. 122-74, â- Tr. i^i'gltl. F«)s,t Frost, ^ISTElts, AND ATTORNEYS-AT "^^. ^o;u-',turs in Chancery, Convey •â- Â«.,0t,:; Hi.inul, have resumed at ' "-cs (jpen every Thursday, as iFiiosr. J. ^Y. Fbost, LL. B. r"!i:vCr„.,vn Attorney. ' 1 HAVING LEASED THE ABOVE HO- tel, and thoroughly overhauled and 1 efurnished the same, I am now in a position to receive a share of public patronage. The choicest brands of liquors and cigars kept. Good meals also good stabling. Markdale, Mar. 14th 83 1311y FARM FOR SALE. LOT QX;ON. 3 E. G. ED., HOLLAND, 100 acres, 70 acres cleared, well water- ed, good orchard bearing good log house and barn. Situated 2 half miles from Chats- worth. A. bargain will be given in the above property, for particulars apply to Geo. Noble, Markdale, or to Chas. King. Shel- burne. 128-tf. R. M. Oalbraitli 4 UCTIONEER AND GENERAL LAND J\. Agent, Williamsford Station. Auction Sales attended in all parts of the County. Goods sold on commission. Rates moderate. Pianos, Organs, and Sewing Machines; also Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Vines, Agricul- tural Implemennts, and Machinery of all kinds on sale. Williamsford. Jan. 27. 18S1. EOBT. ASKIN. Has opened out a First-Class Furniture UNDERTKING ESTABLISHMENT, And therefore has supphed a want long felt, especially in the Undertaking Line. COFFINS, CASKETS, SHROUDS. ' and all FUNERAL FUEtNIS KINGS supplied on the shortes notice. Siileiiclicl Hearse ft»r hire at moderate rates. â€" All kinds of â€" PICTURE FRAMING Done on short notice. ROBT. ASKIN. Union Carriage Works AN, ACROSTIC. Ijook out ye farmers and tliresheis all And see that you buy for Spring, Summer Right splendid good oil. [and Fall Don't be misled by statements bland. Insist upon having the \eiy besS brand, Now good as ever, in fact it is grand, Everlasting wear without grit or sand. Machines run smoothly, no jarring or noise, And engines too in 'its use rejoice. Carding also it suit.s, as you plainly see. Heavy gristing cannot do without me. In fact all machines are blessed by iis use, New or old it will save from wear and abuse, Every man try it, we are sure it will please. Our initials, when read, will give the cue In looking for oil, the best and the true, liong in the market, but ever new. Manufactured solely byMcCoUBros.Co., Toronto. No connection with any other jinn. 127-153. EUPHRASIA COUNCIL. Union Carriage Works. All work manvifactured from First Glass Material In the Latest and Best Improved Style, and finished with Eng-lisli A^amish.. I^STE!;. AIASTEll ANDDEP.REG *-aanccry. Notaiy Public, Conveyan FTO LKXD AT SIX PER CENT. '--Owen Sonml. in Vicker's Block "â- ; and ill Markdale, over MejFar fe, on Friday and Satuiiay everv 57.17 " easoiA Mo rrison, -^'-^.SOLICITORS. CONVEY- ;• *t. Ac, ??,iaO„.,.i Sound, DuSerin Block, â- 'â- ^^y-i. Store and in r.j^.'yARKDALE; ;, â- -vctiiriandA, Store on Thursday fjj^^" *° '""'1 on reasonable terms. ' aie'v "-â-  • Duncan Mobhon ^^' ilarch L.j, 1882. 79-lv GIBSON McMILLAH, CONTRACTORS. Contracts taken for all kmds of BRICK AND STONE WORK, Plain Ornamental Plastering. Calsomining in all Shades and Colors. Charges moderate and satisfaction gnar- anteed. Orders left at ahe Stakdard office will receive prompt attention. Markdale, Feb. 6th, 1883. 126-ly. LOYAL MARKDALE iODGL Of C. 0. O. F. No. 78, will meet in their hall on Monday eTeniag. Jane 25th at eiRht o'clock p.m. -^ 108 A. Turner, Sec'y. Painting Trimming Rigs will receive prompt attention. All Kepairs executed in the shortest possihle time consistent with good workmanship. Good Work a Speciality. Remember the Shop, opposite the Cheapside D. J. SHANAHAN, Proprietor. Markdale. Dec. 2nd. 1881. " 64. Wffl. Lflcas Co., BANKERS, ]\loiiey Loaned. IN large or small amounts, at ail times, On good andorsed notes, or on coUateial security. WARJ^NC There is great danger of tak- ing cold from wet feet. If you want to Guard Against Sickness Keep your feet dry and warm by procuring your IB O O T S 1 â€" FitOM â€" KAY A THOMAS. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Med- icated Cork Soles, all sizes, kept en hand. Remember the plice opposite the new SiAyjjAKD Office. 49 JOIIN NOBLE, MARKDALE. GENER'LBLilCKSMITH HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY. SEEING ISBELIEYING. GENTLEMEN,â€" If you want a first-class Buggie or Wagon MCKENNrWbON'S CARRIAGE WORKS MARKDALE. They can supply you with anything from a Lumber Wagon up to Extension Top Phaeton. To buy from them is to INTEREST AT 6 PER CENT. Allowed on Savings Deposits. IS'Drafts issued and CollectionB made on points, at lowest rates. W.M. LUCAS, Manager. September 23. 1880. 2-ly W. C. RICHARDS, BUILDEB, CONTRACTOE. ARCHI- TECT. â€" Residence on Mill Street, Mazk- dale. Markdale. Jmi. 2tth, 1883. 124]y g J^^attder Brown. ^f* Marriage Licenses, Fire and »uianeo Agent. Commissionei ietf" .^"'•'^â- eyancer and Licensed mts ""f "untyof Grey. Fanners, 'and k "" ^^^®^' PunctnaUy at- iiia Q '^•^"â- g"' made verv moderate. ^«,S, â- H. 17,1880. 1-7 ^m. Brown, liS!- ^^RRIAGE LICSNSEB,*C Ito »*f '" ^11 its branches promptlj ^jj^^dcarefuUy executed. -° l^end on Real Estate se BEAVER JALE MILL. Lumber and shingles kept oahand, and out to order, Satisfaction given m aU cases. R. JOHNSTDN, m. LACKY Single copies of the Stah- 5ARP 5 cents. J. W. FORD, Is giving ^oidid satisfaeticm in GRI8TINC, They are both practical workmen, and employ none but PRACTICAL WORKMEN They guarantee their work Second to none for Lightness of Draught and Superiority of Finish. By the New Process at the^ • «*i«r Special atieaiioti to parties distance so l^iait tiiey cay bavc their grist lunne the sauie day. V They nse nothing but First-class White Oak for Wagons, and thrice Extra Second Growth Hickory for light work. The immense amount of work tinned out ol McEenna Mason's shop is sufficien proof of the wide reputation they enjoy for doing good work. Thb best .is thr CHEAPEST in thb END Poor cheap work we positively will not take. Special attention given to Ee- Trimming and Bepainting all classes of Carriage Work. Satisfaction guaranteed (or No Pay) in HORSESHOEI NO »HOPâ€" On Mill Street opposite to Sproule's Hotel. McKENNA MASON. Advertise in the Standari.; STmATLING ^SCOVeftY! L09T MANHOOD SfE^OHED. A ^.(ia oOooftlU IxtriMrndeiioe eaiafiifr 9niB» sTetvoa. DtHOftT. Imtltmmoi ele., I In^rmin everr Imovs xcnedr, bM dis- a abBniUsiffnse. wUdi te ^riM weoATBX M Mlaw.«8JStatj4*Mr •» â- . IfOEfEi^ Township Hall, lath June, 18;r. Tne Court of Kevisioii of the Townshp of Euphrasia, met pursuant to adjournment o: the above date. Members all present. The North J of lot 17, concession 3 .va-: assessed to Bcbert Loughead at $550. East J of lot 19, sou. 5 'JiU acres) II!;; ;i CuTy, valuation 1500. East i of lot No. 1., coa. 6, was aSsesst- 1 to Henry Williams, vahiatton.s $1000. Robert Smith wa? asses^â- ed for NJ, Lr. 26, con. 6 instead of James Marshall. The assessment of John Murray, Jr. j duced $200, on real estate. James Andrew Myles, was assessc 1 t tenant to Geo. Kenny for W. i of lot :;:; ccn. 3, and his name struck oii' the Kiil a-j farmer's son. Thomas Myles assessed as tenant xo I!. Myles, for E. of lot 25, con. 5. anvl L.^ name struck off the lloU as farmer's som. Erskiue, Paterson, that tlie assessiu' Eoll for the year 1883, as now final: ;••-' vised be confirmed and that llie cierk cer! iv to the same, as required by statute. CairJc The court orose. Council resumeil. Minutes of last session of council iLaJ and approved. A petition signed by James Arthur, i-ir. â-  G5 others, asking for the opening of 24 ;i.-. 25 sidehne in the 6th concession, laid ;i.:t;-;'.: for further consideration. A petition signed by John Hurlburt r:; 31 others asking for the opening ot 3 an • side line in the 5th and (ith conces ;ov. -â-  accepted, and Mr. Ellis and Mr. Boyi ..: pointed a committee to examine said re, I, and report at next meeting of council. J. McNabb, Esq.. P. L. S. was app jirit to survey 21 and 22 side road in the li!=;. and 12th concessions, and to defiriu t; o proper limits of said road according to '.i.v. The Deputy Eeeve and Mr. Ellis wl-;ij .;;. pointed to e^puine the 7th iine at lot :. and report at next meeting of Council. H|Tiie treasurer was instructed to reuji: ;..â- . follow." viz To Kowsell Hutchinson, SI. 80, for â- â- .:,â-  tionary McLaren, of Monitor $9.50, l' printing A. Holden, $1.50 for^; road scraper- The lieeve's orders were issued u li. Treasure to pay as follows, viz. To Thomas Jordan, $50.. salary a l. lector The Deputy Keovo MOO to p,..7 lor road work Geo. Crabtree, 51.5J, forri ing fence at town hall. On motion being made and secondi:! ;J.c council adjourned unto. Faiday the Gtli '.av of July next. FiObeut Duslop, Tp. Ck;n. «â- â€¢-». â-  NOETH WEST. 'The following we clip from a comm\:::.'.a tion in the Adi-ance,iroia. Mr. R. Gordo;; â-  f Flesherton, who is on a trip to the NrT'h W^est. After enjoying the hospitality of M:-, uijil Mrs. Cullen (whose kindness I nuMf shall forget) for a few days, we retur!i'.;il ♦â- â-  Begina â€" our friend placing his coruforiabk' rig at our disposal, and kindly driving li.- tc the city. On Monday evening, June 4th, I si.ircl on my homeward trip, arriving next mom.ii;; at Wolseley where our old time friends, M.-, and Mrs. G. L. Dodds, gave us a henrty welcome. They have settled down in oae f i the best localities of the Qu'Appelle distric' and this rising town has a betteV appearaLCo as regards surroundings than Eegina. Tlie the reason is because all the farms surroun ing Wolseley, being of a superior qi well watered, and all taken up and improvt ii by actual settlers, and nearly every haU' bct tion having a neat cottage, even quite c'o^o to the town, gives it a home-hke appetaani â- .- in a strong contrast with Eegina where tht farm houses are miles out, giving the ecu;- try a desolate appearance. Wolseley is J' tined to be one of the liveUest places on th' line, and our friend Dodds will be found in ,â- - comfortable and well stocked general stcr' doing a splendid business. He has the run of the place, and and also does the bulk i' the traide of the Primitive Methodist .colo.i.y located about 30 miles North of this p\:.r^â- . and composed of upwards of 150 fiiiaiiit y.. We paid a visit to the Dodds homostond yesterday, and I find that our friend ha.s uul been nnmindful to himself with regard to providing a pleasant home when herctixs from pnbliclife â€" ^hebeingthe leading' lan of that place, having lately been commission* •! a J. P. He is also issuer ot Marriage lAcct' sea and only requires a good supply of ihiy gentle sex from Ontario to make yotst'-rul pioneers of this locality happy. The iinuv diate vicinity of the town is chiefly setLlid by emigrants from Nova Scotia, who are, i energetic and pushing habits; and luy i;i. pression is that in the near future this s •- tlemtfnt will be one of the richest ca oho Ime of the C. Â¥. K. to Us MttMftStulLir-' eet w«wap Ice. #«k WorfcctoBc at Kinibcrly. The attempted elopomeut of a yo;ir;^ couple who thought they ought to be m.irr; il notwithstandiuK that the damsel's fath'r was of a different opinioo, has caused a gieAt deal of talk and considerable hard feeliof with one rou^i and tumble fight which ;â- * BOW in the bands of one ol Her Majesty's Jostioes of the Peace, B. Gihay, for spttlc- ment. It is to be hoped that the whole ftSair. win be settled there. A shoemaker would find plen^ «f werk and a nice location in Kirrbcrly. â- 'â-  ;â-  Akz. Fawcett Bdd two cow* last week fe*^ 986. This kind of etock is more profitable' than wheat raising. Crops look wfll. The potato bug is here again taking f jro- ible pcoMasioD of the potato erop. l-f 'I • I i 'I i -;^ 1. â-  â- ; 'v^ *; iMM::-

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