Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 31 May 1883, p. 1

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 ell assortad witi and LiimefMl IVX. HO [Vr-RY §1 IS PUBIISHET) THURSDAY Ey^NlNIQ At JlukJalo Ontaria^ I*i?i- A.nxim»i IN ADT..NCE. C. W. RUTLEDGE. Editor l*Koi'BiETOii. " fELL DKiOt'^B AND DKILLEB. ALL oiilcrs piomptly attemle«l to. " Besi- ^je^Suitlt-r's Hill, Owen Souml. 122-35 .Ghent, M,D., M.R.CP. S., Q. ' Physician aiul Sin-jreon, Pricavillfe, iduaie of UuivGrsity. Vict. College. ,. New York, and inn. tiraJnate, of the same, Avleth MeJiftal lustitnte. Optkaliiiic Hospital, N.Y. fcaberColl. Plivskians Snrgeor s,0. J C4 i|^pppular H(t;el lia-i changed Itancli â- :£:{! •,,•1 R^/tte alx've men.cuiter to the -wijuts' g'-V'^jB^lSr GooJ ytebling and atteutive li^sflers. The 'best braudis of liquor and cigars, good meals, and comfortable rooms lit^e onuwjjei*! rob^a. Baiter shop jii con- neclion.. 130.ty. (lATR HOUBOW HOUSE,) •i C, H. MaTTHEVVS, Pkoprietoh. I-^a AittJLil Seeds, Dental Cstfcl. ;ameron Knight, DENTAL SUEGEONS, 6m over P. A Cameron and Go's Drug Itore, PoiilettSt.,OWEN SOUND. tiery attention given to the preservation of IjMtural teeth. Artificial Dentures mouut- lunGeJ'i, Celluloid, and Eubber bases. I Will be at Markdale the last Tuesday in 1 month, LCamerfm. 'SID. .A C. F. Kmght, L.B.S. I L.F.P. (Tlasgo w, Medalist Eoyal Col- L.D.S., Oat. le5?eDen.Sur.,0nt |,P.MARSHALL,L.D.S. ©ENTIST, iRADUaTE of TORONTO SCHOOL of iVntistry, will be at Butledge's Miirkilale, on the 1st and third Wed- lay of each month au J also at Munshaw's Buel. Fk-stiertoa, the day following the iWeduijiilay in each month for the.prac to{Lispioft;:sion, Elamiarylltli, l.-^-^S. 122-7-4 The best brand of hquora and nigars al- ways in stock. Good meals and c 'mfortalile Tooms gaamuteed. Good stabling aui at- tentive hustler. m Markdale House. This commodious and popular hotel is fur- nished in lirst-class style, ii one of the finest hotels in the Coonty. Good accommodation for travellers. 'Bus to and from all trains. Charges moderate. A. KUTLEDGE. Proprietob. commercial'hotel' P5ICi.VHjLjB. Ont. BOBT. :ASEIN, Has opened out a First-dass Furniture UN0ERTKIN6 ESTABLISHMENT, And therefore has supplied a want long felt, eapecLally in the Undertaking Line. OOFFIKS, OilBKBTS, K SHROUDS, and all FUNERAL FURNISHINGS supplied on the shortes notice. I ,,'cQarwinual importations of M «1 Garden M to hand (per 88 Erlting) from one of the best houses in £uroi«, and melndes^all the leading seeds. roim41n§: Sections Sorted umi • Sised for tlie Sileiidid. Hearse tor hire at moderate rates. iCc0al. Frost Frost, )\ER1STEES, AND ATTOENEYS-AT law, BoUcitors in Chancerv, Convey fleers, A(3., Owen Sound, havB resumed at ttiion, Oliice open every Thursday, as More. MD Feost, J. "W. FaosT, LL. B. Countv Crown Attorney. 1 Large aud commodious Sample Bopms Good Bed ttooms, etc. The Bai- and larde well supplied with the best the laarket af fords good Stabling and attentive Hostler's TH03. ATKINSON. Proprietor John McDonald, CHATSWOBTH, DIVISION Court Clerk, Issuer of Mar- riage Iiicenses, Commissioner in B.E., Conveyancer, c. Deeds, Mortgages, Wills, C-, attended to promptly, accurately, neat- ly, and cheaply. Private funds to lend in small sums on easy terms. Notes discounted FURNITUEE! From the Common to the Be$t and Latest Styles, in everything in the Une. Call and see for yourselves. ROBT. ASKIN. J. iTTAS$[»0]«, )iREISTEE, MASTER ANDDEP. EEG ' in Chancer}' Notary PnbUe, Conveyan P.iC. IJiJNET TO LEND AT SIX PER CENT. lOficesâ€" Owen Sound, in Vicker's Block ilett St.; anil in Markdale, over MeFar 's Store, on Friday and Saturday every 57.1y Cicasordr M« rrison« )AEPJ\ -xic5,SOLICITORS. CON^'EY- •'weei, (1-c. c. pncEsinOwen Sound, DufFerin Block, I " F. Wolf's Store and in ,-,^ MARKDALE; f*\.J. McFarland's Store on Thursday K^ridsy of each week. P'FuuJsto lend on reasonable terms. F Cbeasor, Q. CS Dvmcxs Mobwoh |«»rkdale, March 15. 1882. 79-ly Alexander Broini. tSUER of Marriage Licenses, Fire and "jife Insurance Agent. Commissioner B- c. Conveyancer and Licensed ft'oneer for the County of Grey. Farmers, *ats, aud Land Sales, PunctuaEy at- i^sto and charges made ver? moderate. ' 1-y |--;« »u dna Charges mad« imceville, Sept. 17,1880. tansion House, MARKDALE, "SBEYAN, Pbopbixtob. B. M. Oalbrattli AUCTIONEER AND GENERAL LAND ^-m.. Agent, WiHiamsford Station. Auction Sales attended in all parts of the County. Goods sold on commission. Riites moderate. Pianos, Organs, and Sewing Machines; also Fruit and Ornamental Trees. Vines, Agricul- tural Implemennts, and Machinery of all Jdnds on sale. Wihiamsford, Jan. 27, 1881. GIBSON McfflLLAN CONTRACTORS. Contracts taken for all kinds of BRICK AND STONE WORK, Phiin Ornamental Plastering. Calsominina in all Shades and Colors. Charges moderate and satisfaction guar- anteed. Orders left at ahe Standard ofiace will receive prompt attention. Markdale, Fd). 6th, 1883. 126-ly. Orders by mail will rereive care- ful and prompt atteoition. (SEEDSMa:?.) DURHAM. Man* a7th. 1883. 133 WARNINC There is great danger of tak- ing cold from wet feet. If you want to Guard Against Sickness! Keep your feet dry and warm by procuring your B O 1" S 1 â€" FttOM â€" KAY THOMAS, Satisfaction Guaranteed. Med- icated Cork Soles, all sizes, kept 'n hand. Remember the place opposite the new STAyjARD Office. 45» Bev. JflB. Seott h^s returned to Owen Sound ;9|a:Flondi^ where he W spent thfl last t^O,..lil»te?ft., â- â- .; .-:,!' .,â- ::â-  TKB'ljd^ne stcn-eHouSe at the shore end xit Boyd's imtt, Owen Sound, was burned recently. A spark from a passing engine is supposed to have been the cause. The Railway Oompany are {making ex- tensive improvements at their dock and sta- tion at Owen Sound. The freight shed has already been enlarged to a considerable ex« tent, and the dock accommodation is being largely increased to meet th requirements of Uie rapidly increasing trade. We under- stand it is the intention, when the improve- ments are completed, to have a stationary engine on the dock \vith a orana for moving heavy freight between cars and vessels. â€" O. S. T'ime$. A tug of War took place at IngersoU on the 24th between the Police forces of Toronto and Hamilton, the former winning 14 two stiaight heats. Accident. â€" While house cleaning on Fri- day, Mrs. B- O'Connor of this town fell from a steo ladder breaking one of her legs in two places. Under skillful medical breatment she is progressing as well as cjuld be expect- ed. â€" Oranqeville Advertiser. I e»» Union Carriage Worlis. All work manufaotured from First Glass Material In the Latest and Best Improved Style, aud finishod with Wm. Broivn, JSSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, Ac Commissioner in B. R. e. Conveyancing in all its branches promptlj attended to and carefully executed. N. B.â€" Money to Lend on Real Estate se emrity. I A^Q LEASED THE ABOTE HO- m' t' A^' thoroughly overhauled and PKf *® same, I am now in a paction Cr,^ ^i^are of pnbUc patronage. The jst brands of liquors and cigar* kopt. ""eals also good stablings ale, Mar. Uth 83 'â-  -iSMj DALE cM »»P«!* and shingles kepSonhil^ and cut to orderf Filled on: Nottce, 2 action given in ifXi^sMf^ â-  Hi. ^oprietor, :, /^^^l^. LOYAL MARKDALE LOOOE; Of G. O O. P. No. 78, will meet in theii hall on Mondi^ evemag. May o'clock p. m. 108 28th at eight A. Turner, Soe'y. MANHOOD Painting Trimming Rigs will receive prompt attention. All Kepairs executed in tlie shortest possible time consistent with good workmanship. Good Work a Speciality. Remember the Shop, opposite the Cheapside D. J. SHANAHAN, JOHN NOBLE, MARKDALE. GEM'LBLACKSMITH HORSESHOEBNG A SPECIALTY. Markdale. Dec. 2nd, 1881. Proprietor. 64. Â¥1. Lncas Co., BA NKE RS, IMoney Loaned *N large or small amounts, at all times, on good seenrity. sndorsed notes, ,or on collateral INTEREST AT 6 PER CENT. Allowed on Savings Deposits. â- ^Drafts issued and Collections mst^e on pohits at lowest rates. W.M. LUCAS, Manager. September 23, 1880. 2-ly «HN8T9N LOST, HOW RESTORED We-haye reoently published a new le^tion of Dr. CutvBBWKii's Cili- „ BBATXC EfliiAY OH the radical and permanent cure (without medicine) of Ner- iwB Debility. Mental and Physic^ incapwi- ty, Impediments to Marriage, o.. reBUta* {r^noesees. »„»..».+. i^" Prio». in sealed envelopw, «inly fr eenw, or two postage stamps. j„vt.. The aeletoTted auflwr, in this «d«itt^ Bsant. ^d«***y d£aBon«tr»teB, from «m^ P.abox450 «A.«St.lfewr^ W. G. RICHARDS, BUILDEE, CONTRACTOR, A ABCHI- TSCT. â€" ^Residence on Mill Street, Mark- dale. Markdale. Jan, 21th, 1883. ' ' 12417 J. w. Isgi^mg â- S^! faonon IB SEEING IS BELIEYIN6. GENTLEMEN,â€" If you want a first-class Buggie or Wagon call at MCKENNA MASON'S CARRIAGE WORKS MARKDALE. They can supply you with anythiug from a Lumber Wagon up to Extension Too Phseton. Durham. Mr. Geo. Bailey's house had a very narrow escape from fire on Monday last. The Bank of Comtneirce are a*out closing their branch here. Fleslierton. To buy from them is to They are both practical workmen, and employ none but PRACTICAL WORKMEN They guarantee their work Second to none for Lightness of Draught and Superiority of Finish. ,3*1^*5* :ig«d edi -«« ^. ,, distfmee so that they :ay have their gi^t home the same day. They use nothing but First-class White Oak for Wagons, and thiice Extra Second Growth Hickory for hght work. The immense amount of work turned out of MbKenna Mason's shop is snfficien proof of the wide reputation they enjoy for doing good work. Thb BEST 18 THB CHEAPEST tn the END Poor cheap work we positively will not take. Special attention given to I!e-Trimming and Repainting aU classes of Carriage Work. Satisfaction guaranteed (or No Pay) in HORSESHOEI NC HpX^P-^On Mill Street opposite ta jtiK SpEoule's iotel. :|i^|CBiNNA. MASON. m the Stan©ari to tdf feOow- 4Saurtham eet this roar J9J Wor^doae at South Grey JTeachebs' AssoaATioN. â€" The Semi-anna»l meeting of this Associ- ation was held in this village on Tuesday and Wednesday the 22nd and 23rd May. There was a larger attendance of Teachers, although the wwatLer was anything but favorable. Mr. McMaster, the President, called the meeting to order ami after prayer by Mr. Ferguson. Inspector, the President r^d a very practi- cal iddress to the teachers. Dr. McLeUan of Toionto. delivered addresses en "The art of Questiom'ng" "InteUigent teaching of simple rules" and "The Teaclier and his work." Mr. Tail, of Colhngwood, gave addresses on "Text books, what the are and what they ought to be" and also on "How to teach Ge- ometry to beginners " Mr.- McCabe, of Dur- ham read a paper on "The Teacher's posi- tion and his salary." Mr Ferguson. Inspec tor, read a paper on "A Glance at the pas year." Mr, De LaMater, of Owen Sound, gave an address on "Trustee Boards" Mr. Bundle, of Dundalk, had a paper on "Musi c in Schools." Mr. Patterson, of Maxwell took up "Decimal Fractions" Mr. J. C. Buchana n read a paper on "Agricultural Chemistry in Schools" and Mr. Bain, Sec'y. read a paper far Mr. Riel on "Teacher's patienee." Dur- ing the first day a immb^ of drawings were exihbited from Flesherton and other school s which were highly creditable to the schclar.-^ A number of questions from the "Question I'-awer" were answered. Mr. Tait, of CoUing- wodd solved the diffiouit problems in Natural Philosophy and Arithmetic. The following resolution ^yas jjut to the meeting and-' car- ried. That all Teachers'.in, South Grey shall pay into the funds of the Association th o sum of $1 yearly, for which sum each Teach- er shalj receive the Canadian School Journal and the u?e of the Teachers' Library. Ou the evenuig of the first day an entertainment was held in the Town Hall. Mr. Anderson render^ some fine Scotch Songs. Mr. Tait gave a number of excellent recitations and Dr, McLellan delivered his popular lecture "This Canada of Ours." as a public lecturer the Dr. cannot be surpassed. In fact the lecture was a marvel of eloquence, patriotism and elocution. The officers elected for next year are J. C. Boia. President C. Ramage, Vice-Pres- ident ;M. P. McMaster, Secy-Treas.; Man- aging Committee, Messrs. Gorsline, Dunbar, Smith and Clark; Delegate, J. C. Bain; Auditors. Messrs. Gon'hne and McArthur. This was considered to bo the best meeting ever held by the Teacheis of South Grey. The next meeting will be held bt Durham in Octob©'" 24th Mat. â€" The Ladies Aid of Presby- terian Church celebrated the evening of the 24th, by giving an entertainment in the Town Hall. rfr. M. Richardson very ably filled the chair the programme wa^ well sustained by songs from Mr. Auderion, music by Miss McDowell; readings by Mr. Fawcett and Mr. NcMaster Recitation by Miss Hjpkins Song by Miss .Ada Sproi'Ic Music by Mr. Campbell, Speeches by R«^t. A. Wilson and Dr. Christoc, «nd recitation by Mr. J. Blaokbume. The ladies are to be congntnlated on the success of their en- tertflumient. Proceeds at the door $2-^.00. Ghavoe or Pulpits.â€" Bey. Mr. Forest of Dundalk preached in the Town Hall (Pres- bytenann'laat fiabbaitti, ani!t' Bev. A. A\ ilson pieaehen at ibnndalk. The idMiTT or tBb pa/tfB.r uphebd ---Xhi Monday a^Mr. J^ W. Aryisirong;. Clert of Di^rtaiori CoJirt, seemnpani^ by four^ his temilyaadMr A%«hheaa of Torotto w^re d***ini oiit on' UsktBig «xpidition, oie of the Beats of'ttb riq^gj)!^^ ftp^- Riid emptidd the contents on Mi6 rdnftfr Mister Wesley had one aim loiocked' ont;; ti j omt. The ottiers ^fi9f4!9d ^{^ua .|h}j[^' D«. Chri»; toe was called and replaoed the wounded Umb. We a'e happy to inform you that the dignity of the couit waa upheld by Mr. J. W. Armstrong retaining his seat. »' -if ^»- "*^ ' 1 ' U I U. A-Ki!^ •^k- '^k- i«

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