Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 17 May 1883, p. 8

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 e FEEE OP CHARGE. All persons suffering from Cougbs, Colds Asthma, Bronchitis Loss of Voice or any af- fection of the Throat and Longs, are re- quested to call at A. Turner « Go's Drug Store and get a Trial Bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, free of cliarge, which will convince th^m of its won- derful Merits and show what a regular Jo Ur-size bottle will do. Call early. DO NOT BE DECEIVjSD. In these times of quack medicine adver- tisements everywhere, it is truly gratifying to find one remedy that is worthy ff praise nnd which really does aa recommended. Klectric Bitters we will do as recommended. They invariably cure Stomach and Liver Complaints. Diseases of the Kidneys and Urinary difiSculties, We know wherei f we speak, and can readily say, give them a trial. Sold at fifty cents a bottle, by A Tuincr Co. A VEXED CLERGYMAN. Even the patience of Job would become exhausted were he a preacher and endeavor- ing to in'erest his audieuce while they were keeping up au incessant cougbitig, making it impossible for liim to be heard. Yet. Jiow very easv can all this be avoided by .-imply nsnig Pr. King's New Discovery for Coiisump- lion, toughs and Colds. Trial Buttles given away at A Turner Co"s Drug Store. A twelve hours' Leayy sno'v fall has lilocked all the roads iii the neigh- bourhood of Deadwuod, Dak. ANSWER THIS QUESTION. Wliy do so many people we see around us, rem to prefer to suffer and be made mise- rable by Indigestion, Constipation. Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Coming up of the food. Yellow Skin, when for 75ets., we will sell them Si ilotrs Yitalizer, guaranteed to cure them. Sold by \Vm. Brown's General Store, Markdaie. SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE. This is beyond question the most success- ful Cough medicine we have ever sold, a few doses invariably cure the worst cases of Cough, Crnop and Bronchitis, while its won- derful success in the cure of Consumption is without a parallel in the history of niedicine Since its ti'^st discovery it has been sold on a guarantee, to test which no other medicine can stand. If you have a cougli we earnest- ly asK you to try it. Price lOcts. i"iO cts. and il. If your Lungs are sore, Chi.'st, or Back Lime, use hhiloh's Porous Plaster. Sold by Win. Brown's General Store, ^Jarkdab;. SHILOH'S CATaRAH REMEDY- A marvellous cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria, Canker inouth, and Headache. AViih each bottle there is a;i ingenious naspl inji'ctor the more su'-cessful treatment of those complaints without extra charge. 'rice50c. Sold by Win. Brown's geui ral store Mark- dale. If you vish to subsc.ibe, or renew Vdur subscription inr tiio daily or woL'kly Mail, or Gb-he. Daily World. ?.liiiitrenl Star, Fanners Advocate, Canada F. inner, Ainuiicnn Ai^iicul- turist, or Scieutific Aiuciican, hand your Kul)SCiiption to us at the Stan- jiAUD Ofiice, we will forward it and run our own risk. THE GREATEST HEALING COMPOUND Is a preparation of cariMjlic acid, vus .lino ' and ct. rale called Mc(iic^.r tV' I'ari^s".^ Cai- bolic Cerate. It will ciur any m);t, cut, bum or bruisi whin all o;hcr p:c; .irations lad. Call at Hill Bros, (ii'ueral Store and get a package. Twcnty-live cents is all it costs. The town of Leamington, Out., was visited hy a tire yesterday morn i iug, the business j-.ortion of the town Indtig consumed. The C. P. 11. sta- tion, iraniif'ration building's, and a ' iiiunber of business jdaccs at Qu'Aj- jielie, Man., liave also been destroy 3d j bv fire. i McGregors speedy cure. From the mfny remark.- Me cures wrought by using McGregors Speedy Cure for Dvspep- sia. Indigestion, Constipation and Aff cJuu of the Liver and from the immense sale of it I v.-ithout any advertising, wo have concluded to jdace it extciisivt-ly on the mnket, so that tiiose who suffer may have a peifect cure. Go to Hill Bros. Geneial Store gi't a trial bottle free, or tiie regular size at fifty cents or one dollar. The Toronto Dailr Wo 11 is the spiccist, newsyist paper of ilie clay, only '25 ct-i a month, ju.-t the thing for mfchanicft. Sub- icrijjtioin taken at tlii-i oliico will be sent dirtct through the .nail, s]iecimen ccpics can be seen at the tSTANi.AP.D Office. KRAMS-3 FLEID LIGHTNING Is the only iiistantanedus relief for Neuralgia, Heaiiache. Toothaelie. e'c. Rubbim: a few- drops briskly is all that is needed. No tak- i'l nauseous nu'.iicines for weeks, but one iuiinit-e's application remoyes all pain and will prove the great value of Eram's Fluid Lightning. Twenty -iiive cents per bottle at Hill Bros. General Store. \Vm. Luciis i Co, banke'-s, Markdaie, have $200,000.00 1^" lo'iu on real estate. biraigUt ioan system. No fines. Low interest: modtr.tte charges. THE QUESTION HAS OFTEN BEEN ASKED. Can â€" Rupture â€" (abdominal hernia) be cured? We most eiiipkatically soy, YES. That this part of the body offers lio excep- li. 11 to those physiological laws which gov- ern the wliole phy.sieal economy and it makes not ft particle of difference whether the age of the Rupture is one vear or a hundred years. For proof of this send for a Free Boo.^ on Rupture to The Excelsior Rupture Cnre M'fg Co., Prescott, Ont. 132 84. Our correspondents will do well to be?.r in mind that tlieir copy will require to reach us •«u Tuesday, to insure an insertion the sam6 Week. \Vrk given ont. Oa roaeipt of your ad- dress we will make an offer liv which you cnn earn $.S to $? pvenings, at your home. Me.i, Woman, Boys or Girls can uo it. H. C. Wilkinson Co., IC J iind 107 Paltcn St 1 «cw York. ' THE i BEST PLACE TO GET IXWK TO YOUB nraSBKSTS AND GET SARGENT'S PATENT LQADLIFTIiiailACHIliE THIS SEASON. North cf Toronto, is at the JWLarliaale G^allery. Have You Seen Tu. SEEN WHAT WHY THE BEAUTIFUL :-: PHO' â€"TAKEN BYâ€" That's so. for a friend of mine Lad Lis taken there and he says they are even better than what he had taken in Toronto. JAMES HAMILTON. ARTIST. It wiU save you one or more hands everv tVTt Z '":rof"ih: Tw'^to V^:?? it MR. S. G. paling, late of Messrs. Not^.an k Tm back. Toucan pitch fiom the lead as you are pitching down instend o^ "P-.^Jo'i f° unload in half the time, and with greater ease .ban in the old way. Agents wanted in every county. Wm. SABGKNT. Berkeley V. O. or Grover In- Laues, JK'uildings, Toronto. 03 ALL KINDS REDUCED RATES, *Zi Made of Special Iron, Q T1:ls CliLepest and. IBsst. QLJ Support Homo industry and procure your Plow Points AT THE g Markdaie Foundry r»low I^oint?-, :i lor- $1. Old Iron taken in Exchange. Mr. James Buhuer, Flesherton, haw Kecured in Mr. p.,] ""°' ft Artist, having been ♦â- mployed with the aforesaid tirm forh'J°" ' Parties should not lo()^p this opportunity of Beciirin.r a ^^T^^ tlieselves or friei.d-i at low rices. All photos lakAi'by the '**" I stHutaueous. Jiabies a Bpecirtlty. D.m't wait for fine weatf^^'" come all and see i\ r yourselves. All work guara tf ed. ' Yuurs truly JAMES DUl.Mjp^ A. M'INTYRE 0\ TEA! TEA! TEA! It I A. M'INTYRE t*i :F'lo"CLr, :F'lo\:Lr, ^^icvi^ 1st McINTYRE'S LIQUORS I JIQUORS W McINTYEE'S Cigars, Cigars. McINTYRE'S Colloe, Coileo, TAILOR, SYDENHAM STEEET, j^^-^f^:£^:EiiDufi.iL.:E, And ever ythiu g kept n in a first-cla.'^R (iroce rv aj, i Lir alwavs on hand, che.a.p foi! cask. WEAL! fVlEALlMEJiii] McI.Xiyi;].;^ Pork; Pork. Pork McIN J Yitj-s ARTEMESIA WAREHOUJ o Dry Goods, Hardware, Crockery, Boots Groceries, Provioious, c. Stock kept full luiil wcVl L'Oo(l.s iccoivci^ everv \ve(;i;. is-:oitc-J \i,. "SUCCESS THE REWARD OF MERIT." Takes mucli pleaFnre in returning thanks to Ins nnuicrous customers for tlieir heuity support in tlie i^n^A, and liojies by stili furtlier stiulYi"g l-keir interest aiiil LH)inlort to acquire a sti.l 'reator ainoiuu of patrouage. Tiie coiistfiiitly increasing: dcuiand tor gooJ biyli.sli fittiiif^ carmeiits is a greiil proof of the advancing tastu (d' our younjr nun and their ambition to ke"p pace with '.lie times. The latest styles always cii liand, and wlnlc I wonkl prefer making my garments always in the prevailing style, yet my customers who choose to Lavi^ them otherwise, my depend o i ct-tting "tliem ju':! to their orders. Tailoring in all its bianclics. (Jutting done on shoitest notice, A GOOD FIT GUARANTEED. .V. IIH.l^, OYER McFARLAKD-S STORE. MY BRANCH STORE AT EUGENIA replenished with new goods everv week. For salcciitnii f rc:i-':i: My Saw mill, Shingle Factoty, and Lirrei AT LITTLE F.\IJ.S. AliK IN (iPililA 1 h •:-. All kinds Saw c$:s bought at the MliS or sawn m n f faimb«i-, I.,ath, Broom llaiidics, Siiiu;;lcs :nid I.iTncforl AM. IKHil WHO IS UNACQUAINTED WITH THE CJEOCRAPHY OP THIS COUNTRY WILL SEE BY EXAMINING THIS MAP, THAT THE NEW SPRING IMPORHTI' Chicaco, Rock tsLAivio Pacsfso R'y Beins the Great ni^nf-rrii I :„ „t, .. ._ " â-  9 Being the Great Cenfnl Lin». nffoM, to t«-av»lf.r« r.-, -^^^^ ,^ graphical position, the shortest andb^^^^nTrTt' ' '^®^^"" °^ '*«' ""ivaled eeo- Southoast, an. th. West. North'est^.nd Southwe-"°'" '"" ""' Northeast and ot roVd bre:,;7hV;;L;::t^rand r; p;cr ""'°"' '« " °^ '^^ ^^'-p-- â- -» Ual^u;%";^:s^rM^"fnean"d'^l^eL\;;:fdHn°nrnT' """' '*«^" «**'»-. Washington, Keokuk, Knoxv:n3, Oska-oosa Fi^rf.^r'o' °^"f"P°f*' Muscatine, Iowa City, Atlantic, Avoca, Audubon Harlan Cuthr^A Den Moines. West Liberty. In Iowa Gallatin, Trenton Cnniero„"f„H ?/ "*^V«° ' "*®^ '"' Council BlvifTa, rnr.L^itt!-Vh-" '•---• -- "GREAT ROCK BSLAWD ROUTE" ^nc.dU't:o"'c^?otrrl1.;^"a^'e%*:?dlr^lf^? "V' advantages and coZ^rts ^^.AVEori^?NEl^^'^^P„^^SlEr^^'" MOST MACN,nc,;;rHORT?N^^ScUN,NG c°h"a'!J g'^AR^S^"'""" ' " *^« -atest designed and handsomest PALACE fLEEPINOe/ir """' PU«-LWAN'S that are acknowledged by nresa and T.t^^- r^ 5 CMS, and DINING GARS ROAD IN THE COUNTRY and in wkPI *^ *° *** **" FINEST RUN UPON ANY the low rate of SEVENTyIfIOe CENTS eIcJ?"' '"•*"' " •"'*«** *° traveler^ at TWo'TRlmTelc^" warb^tw^n CHpe"J^^°° «"' '" WISSOUR, R.VER. via the famous ' between CHICAGO and MINNEAPOLIS and ST. PAUt, ALBERT LEA ROUTE bot:e^rNrp°;rNVJ»7'Rrm^o"nT rorn^ ft^d^a -•'-^"' coined, and Council Bluffs, St. Paul, Mlnnea^ohi and rnJ;rm^f-»t"°'" "" *•«» 'ayette Formo^edt'^l^e^Tn^^-â€" ^f£^^^ Begs to announce the ari. his immense NEW STOCK SPEING GOODS which are n being marked off, and will be s at the lowest Tight Money pr:c OUE MOTTO is SMALL P5 FITS and quick returns. I am sick of the credit busm which requires large profits to s tamiii, and should have b'eenburi long ago; therefore I will offer spe mducements to cash and pro' paying customers. My MILLINEEY PAELO] under the able management of Harbottle, was opened on 16th inst with the prettiest s ever seen in this part of the ca try, and will be sold at rock W' prices. SALT SALT SAi^ Just received, one car \o'^\ Farm and Dairy purDOses, is selling fast. "^:a ^â- â- "t.i If;- y OU ^-""^^ 7FRY THiJRSD'Wi At Min; " ii ' 'li-o IN Aiiv vN' ;: uio.^in tliree uion.lis. Z'-i I e"'d of tlic yc'^i-. N«Mi^M' L-il al' Hreai-i^ srn iai'l wii. Ltiou of tUe publisher. Audy L^-su-itUoatpiViii-ui) wm tie for the years subs;ni.:i jiply with the ruhvs. TERMS OF ADVERT t^f column one year I^lf do. l'i liiiirter ilf. '" Lhtb do. do ,J 'l'^- Iver ten lines, first iiKcr lor. â- ch siibse'-iuf.n* iiiscTtioii The number of lines to bo Lace nccupieil mertsurcJ by /rUier. Advevlisemon's v |irectinu=5 ^^^1 '•J' publishea luvrgel accordingly. All ti: tscmeuts must br' in the of. Tou by llo'clock on the wed: n" th'eu: (iublicaticm. .JOB PRINTi: I)f evory description^ e iieatiiess siiid despatch at ttlie bTVNTARn. Markdide C. W. RUTLl ITT/'ELL DIGGrliR AND I I VV orders pvomplh" alt deoceâ€" Sniuer's Hill. Owtu lirGlient, M,D., M. .=;. I Physician a-wX .Sirn-'e.' krraihtate of University. Vk- I Ecu. Graduate, of tbr- ^aim Avletli OpthalnKi- I Member Cull, rhvsician.-.v.' S T:enJtivl C Cameron DENTAL SUIK. I ©ffice over D. A. Cameron 1 Store. PonlettSt,. OWKN Every attention piven to tb the natnral teeth. Artitieial I red on Gold, Celluloid, an.i j Will bo at Markdaie the each month, a. Cameron, M. P., (t C." L.F.P.S.Glasuo-.v, M L.D.S-.OiP.*. 1 j!r MARSHA] (GRADUATE OF TOl X of Dentistry, \vil! Hotel, Markd.ilc. on the T n?sday of each month an 1 Hotel. Flesherton, the d third Wednesday m each i: tice of his profe.-sion. ^January )th, 1SS3. Frost I^ BARRISTERS, AKi^ Law, Solicitors ni â-  aucers, d-c, Owen SounJ Flesherton, Olfico opi'n faeretofore. AuRED Frost, J CouiUy Crown .\.ttoi J. NI.ISS BARRISTER, :ma.sti: in Chancjrv, Notai' car, c. MONEY TO LEND AT Offices â€" Owen Sov.nd. Poulett St.; and in Mai baud's Store, on Friday Week. Ci'casorA' ^l BARRr. -rv.^.SOLI ani».es, c. fec, OiTiOEs in Owen Sou; «â-¼Â« W. F, Wolfs Stor, ' MARKD mJPniifot each wocl; --las-Punds to lend on i ^, Markdaie, March I.' "^i^ Alexandci ToSTJER of Marria-e "*- Life Insurance in B. R. c. Conv Anctioneer for the Com **erckanta, and Land jMndeitoaud charges â-  PrioeviUe, Sept. 17. 1 IVOTT '^.^iLRENTS AND Gt ' cbren will confer •enefit fliemselTes if tl ttJ^^eii tliat I will no â- ^ W years of age in my Koykdaje, Jan. 1 oth

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