Brown noil is leaving Mark- *^ into the Wholesale " Business in Toronto, Â¥â- '.-. shinglo leave Mark- Plv hie has entered » -fun- ^- Ln'WlatcofFlesherton, hrartical watchmaker Lof over i^ years ex- ^^^ comes with the best 0ndationsfrom some of ;,;,, watchmakers in the [^rown'i^'ill ^^^^y on the '.-^nUarkdale. Lrkenirustedtohimwill 'in a workmanlike man- .grk will be guaranteed, 'mds sold will be found mnted, or jnoney refund- ill Brown's, p-oole's Watchmakers Jewellers j)ALE ONLY. ,«^^_--;ai«*^p 3itMni*i i^?:s:r'!^f**^"*^ Gnat m pr^antiong eelebration "monthly faiks. Satarflay before Flesherton. ^ji^Monilftv before Durham. 4ues(iav before Orangeville. ,B_\[uniiay lefore OrangeviJle. [,._\Yeiin(-day belore Oranpeville. ie-The secoiiJ Thursday in each Fftst- -TbirJ Wednesday in each -Mondav before Durham. Til Tuesilny in ench mouth. ;.,i(iv nrfo'-e Durham. iii Other Items. i f/it'.-r filuinii^ intended to benefit ml ,„â- Sariftij wil! he charged ten ':,'\rth,' /('.xf insertion and Jive .., j,'.:-;i iii, .I'^nifnt insertion. t:. 1! day ci. mes on Sunday. ICCUet i ' -i- C i*i-" 8 ball sets, il H;lli. Ac;iliin't ranler, apply siv.. AViUianisCoril. twill not liktly be pro- th;- rJi of June. ;.liil Dininond rinps for ihovs'ii's from §10 to biiif Mbttey to l*aii OB few woDerfv .♦ eev^n per cent, eaay teSi^TrS.^ menl. Apply to M: Riciuttion!^' Wenndefstan^, that the EnirhBii ha^TaVl'5""*^^-^ M--5f!S^ ^rpets and stair carpets at about half he orumary "Cheap Jack" prices a" the •Torouto House' Wm. Brown's. Fifty baildingg destroyed, 200 badly damaged, three liyes lost, and many persons injnred, is the record of a torando which swept over Kaa sas City OD Sunday. M. Richardson is showing a l)eanti- ful a.s^orUaent of new dress goods very clieap. The Ladies of the Methodist (Jliurch arc making great preparations for their annual Baeaar and Concert, to be held m Dafferm Hall, which prom- ises to be the most successful yet hbld. li'resh new season Teas, etigais and general groceries lower than the low- est at the 'Toronto House.' WilUam Brown'rf. Mr. Thos. Brady sold a cow to Alex. Lyons, cattle dealer, this week for $50 which weighed 1370 lbs. William Brady also sold u spring calf wliich weighed 205 lbs. for $8. This is the khid of stock that pays. Our respected townsman Mr. F. Sargeant, butcher, has built a fine re- frigerator and is now in a position to keep fresh meat in prime condition during the hot summer months. He has a wide repntatiou for fair dealing and supplying his customers with a good ariicie m his hue. Fob Sale. â€" Frame house, good stable aud skatiug riuk; will sell cheap on easy terms, apply to W. F. Doll, Markduie. BUCKLEN'S AENICA SALVE. The hest salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises. Sores, Ulcer; Salt Ilheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corus^and all Skin Eruptions, aud Positively omcs Piles. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by A. Turner Go Insueance. â€" W. J. Bellamy, Beal Et^tale and insurance agent, Fleslier- tciijWill be in Aliirkdale, at liutledge's lioiel, every Thursday until further iio- Birtbday oommittee sra vaking a 4et«tnuBed enort to hsVe a grand duitalilr^^itt' ^mnaementa, athktio mxae^^x^ WMjea, 4c. MABEDAXiB. 't H«Sco?â„¢' "" *^ Wtamed bam j^- W, E. 8oatfag«(e, was in town on Mre. J. W. EDiott, of Chataworth. Tint ea ner iMar, Mrs. Tumer of Markdal last Eev. Mr. Forrest, (Presbyterian), ot Dan- *f"'JP"«ihed i» the Presbyterian Church, Markdak. on Saturday last to an apprecia- tive aadience. Mr. k Mrs. COieUew, of CoUingwood, were m Town on Saturday and Sunday, Mrs. ^neilew renuiins a short tinw â-¼isiting at her Fathei *i, .(.lohn Lyoa», Esq.) f Mr. Wm.'Tumer.of Owen Sound, father o Mr. A. Turner, of the Medical HaU, Mark- dale, gave us a call on Monday. Mr. J. E. Anderson, who had his residen- ce in Orange Valley burned List winter, has erected another on the same ground, and is now occupying it though incomplote. Mr, John Benson, of Toronto, is in Maik- dale this week. Mast« Wm. Keefer, brother of Mrs. D. E. Wright, merchant, was in Markdala this week. He has a situation in Detroit, Mich., »8 ttlegraph operator on the Canada Sou- thern Ey. A. GifFord. Esq., was InMarkdaleonTnes- oay, he is a valuator for the Canada Perma- nent Loan and Saving Society, and is mak- ing a tour on that business. Mr. W. G. Thomas. Shoemaker, removed with his family this week to Sandfield.Mani- toulin. Mr Dick, Implen.aat Manufacturer of Al- ton, was in town on Monday. He was sur- prised to see that steam engins were built at the Markdale J'oondry. Wes Whitby returned from Leeds Co., en Wednesday. Mr. A. Hill (tailor), returned this week from Staynor where he hai been spending a few days. Smp Yatvci^ Cr^ifler, Foree, and Cliiteni Piunps. AB kinds ol F*tefls]«crton Station. Jb now giying Gteneral _. TT w -r mi n-ii-^^ SatiBfadiotL, Qhoi^lng Hone Niroricli^ flay. avfi IRON -PUMPS avmsKP. Tomto, Srsj uike CAN HAVE YOUR QRIST HOVE THE SAME DAY. r iEIL lOOiNOIISL â- CO ' I36-1S1 GEOReE WILSW. Wholesale ad Retail SHAKAHAN'S CAKKIAGE WOEKS. EVENING EXBESS TRAINS will run in direct conneotioc with the Palace Steamships the "Spartan." ".Africa" and "Magnet" of the Owen Sound Steam Ship Line which leave Owen Sound every TUESDAY and THURSDAY for Sault Ste. Marie and all intermediate Ports, and every TUESDAY and SATUEDAY for Lake Superior Ports, connecting at Thunder Bay irith the Cana- dian Pacific Railway for Manitoba and all points in the Canadian Northwest. Saturdays steamers run direct to Thunder Bay, aud those travelling by this trip and route will reach Winnipeg as fast as by the all train route, and at rates very muen lower. SHIPPEES OF FREIGHT should con- sign via tte Owen Sound S. S. Line. For rates and all other information apply to any of the agents of the Owen Sound S. S. Line, the Toronto, Grey and Bruce Railway, or to D. McNICOLL, ED. WRAGGE. Gen'l. Freight and General Manager. PaKsenger Agen t Toronto, April 20, 1883. CANADA â- TO JHE FRONT. Still Victorious. BUTCHERri BEEF, PORK OR MUTTON SUPPLIED, from a single pound to a whole carcsBB». at the lowest market prices. FISH FOWL IN THEIR SEASOU ;|M; Since starting butiuess in this place two years a«o, Mr. D. J. Shanahan has shown an amount of enternrise and pusli which is truly commendable. The buildings have been enlarged and fitteed up throughout, and are now perhaps the most extensive in the coun- ty, yet the immense Htock of material togeth- er with the large number of rigs of vanous dimension? which are now n: ariog comple- tion, fill the premises from top to bottom. The successs which attended Mr. Slianahans efforts the past year, and the reputation his works already have for good material and e\- celence of workraausiiip and finish, has prompted him to lisK u much greater outlay this season, consequently he is building about 75 whteled ngs, aoout 2 of which will be fiuishtd by the 24th of May, indepen- dent of a number aheiiuy gone out, ana the pubhc who may visit .Markiiale that day are cordially invited to ex imine for themselves IMMENSE MAJORITY IN FAVOB OF THE Mill H I Farmers having Fat Cattle. Sheep, or Pigs to dispose of will do well to call at No. 3 Burns' Block, opposite the new Union. Block. Markdale, Oct. 2oth, 1881 THOS. MATHEWS, lanssS EslaiUslmeiT! MARKDALIE. EVERYTHING IN OUR LINE KEPT ON HAND OE MADE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. A PRIZE AT EVEUT EXHIBIT16N HELD IN CANADA IN 1881 AND 1882, AT WHICH PRIZES WERE GIVEN. trprppaiTuMi s are btinpj marie grounds lor the â- l;:r;lii];iy 'tlebniiion. L -t iiiUur:s iMoQil Purifier and ::i Bitt-fH kuo-Mi, soU by U" V. iDi: h.. • ff;-;,i' 10 siiicerely thank assisted in savinj^ le devouring ele- IV estsblishment, are indeed of superior work n.auship and finish, and it will be to the ad- vantage of thoae who contemplate a purchase to inspect Shaiiahau's tine display ' 1: 111 ;.-A *iiif parlor Organ two â- . 'lii'itiiil cii'alogue price -1 11 '^.v tor SOO, • r. warranted to M. Kicbard- -Vfi'i arc 111 !~ ev^-rvliin\ ^i'lUialmn' Markdale on tbe will) be sure and display of car- tice. Insurance at tne lowesi possible ^i^iie i^ town. The work turncid out by this rates. MoLey to Luau on Real Estate at 6 to 7 percent per Hunum. Cuiivey- ancmg m ail its braucbes carefully aud properly executed. A Splendid Chance. â€" $350 organ, new, will be suld by auction at W. F. Doll's sale on tbe 19tb can be seen at Doll Brow us store. Tbe American Aqiicaltiirist for May is on our table. Tins valuable jour- nal should be in tbe bands ot evei\v fanner and mecbanic. Of course peo pie generally think it won't pay to in- vest so much in rtading matter, when tbe fact IS such literature is worth ten times its cost to all who desire to im- prove aud economise in farming. This journal is clubbed with the Standabd lor $1, subfacriptiou price $1 50. Orange Judd Co., puulisbers, 751 Broadway, New York. A meeting will be held iu â- = g'ioii=, T.r.stres and Casb- â- ^'aL"mt lialf the ordinary price ^â- T"roiitc III use' Wm. Brown's. l;"';«sitt;ni; of Division Court â- "â- 1 lie inl I in Markdale on tbe and ir; Chatsworth the day "i^i^liiiif: to purchase a good '•'"'"'ii. sulkv, set harness c, 'M'tud W. Y. Doll's big sale N«-tlie I'.ltli. Htf^thf ladies. ChII and '^ee '^f/^inttmoiit of millinerv atM. Fi-f'n\s. All the new styles for '""i are nnw in. â- â- 'e-.;. while :,]r. Joe. Galbraith l";.^f'i"i- Us his work in Hogg's "•iif-ar Fi(}shfrt;on, bis hand °,"'tbyth,, n-aidiinery. The •tilled and two of tho hat lacerated. fu'^â- ai Ir; ""o^^'^ Gallery is ^te to r la.. A s C'l hvc.'A. yiii- -- -...1 u fiuu OUUOIII"' "i;.:f there is not mHCli i-iaryr.ins in picture **^"i aloiiiu-.. A ofood assort arvvuv wl (ro you wear two ii' get suustruck." is *fjathei " ' • Well the fact ^»t;er ,., Ui.-v are selling them f/-^' Tnuihle 'â- Wrights, I â- ';/'"iii'a take twoâ€" only 25c '.y tuat so-.' Ill haVH- one, 3ro\vn have made a large 'Sir stock, and dcfr COtQ- -i-y iiour :0. the Re- vere House on Friday evening at 8 o'clock for the purpose of organizing a base ball club. A full attendance is requested. M. EichardHon is just opening a lar^'e consigirm'-nt of Canadian cot- tons, purchased dunng tbe late de- pressed cotton market. ANo Denims, Tickings, Shirtinus. Grey «nd White Cottons at greatly reduced prices. Foot R.vce.â€" On Friday last tvro young bloods from Montreal, (travrl- ters) named Mann aud Trees siiccaed- ed in drumming np a foot race with our townsman, Mr. Jas. McDougaU. Mr. Mann first had arace of 1(K) yards coming in a short distauce in t'le rear, after which Trees, who claims to be the best amfttenr runner lu Canada and who has taken three medalj at the Montreal g»mes, induced Mc- Dougall to try a race with hwi. By this time quite an ioteiest was excited and money put up. Aftar maKju number of fals^e sbirts tbey together, McDougali takm_ aud wmUJpg an easy victory, rehevmg the Montreal boys of some- $15. Mr Robert Oliver who lives ou the oldDarhara Road. Artemesia, mar Piiceville has a very fine herd a Devon caWe, which are tlie only henl of thatK^d ill this section "f ««"^^_ Hp has a hno thoroughbred bull ^a veirs oW.«nd also one 14 moatiisold iir kale Any person r6qaning sucli do *ell to see them aathey are lai,l?le breed of ciittle.. Olcneis:. The follo\, iiig is a recapitulation of the As- setsDient of Glenelg lor the year le8J, Kindly luruisJied I'S by J. to. lilack, A.-isessor Nuii^ocr ot auros aasc^iSea .. LS,2'?7. isi am Oer of acres cleared .. .. 31,684. Assessment oa realpropurvy $6t)4,UlU. ABsesaui'toaperoOuiil properly #1"^,240. j-Oial a.s.sesimenc fcb.t),2oJ. Persons, iul'anulies, raced on roll Number of cattle rsuiuber of sheep xNumOer 01 noi;s isuuiuor oi noi'ses Cuiiareu liom 5 lo loyr'sold Children trom 7 to 15 Clnidrvn frim lli 'io2i " lilltllSlU 18C5ii iJeatns lu i«82 iNauics OQ ro.l Acres iu fall wheat Acres m woods '.. Acies m swamp Acie.-i lu orcbard and KarJeu 3,743. 3.4-J7. 6,176. 1,4()4. Ji4. it! I 411. ei. 25. 9ae. 1,934. 2U,077. 8,"iO. 332. First prizes and Dif lomai were a"sarded the WiiUams' Machines in 1882 at the Ex- hibitions held at the following places in Can- ada: â€" Truro, N.S.; Antigonish, N.S.; Ham- ilton, Out.; Belleville, Out.; Waterford, Ont.; Simcoe, Ont. These celebrated Machines, bearing the Manufacturer's Trade Mark, are fullv war- ranted, may he purchased all over the world. Over li 10,000 of these Machines are now in use in Canada, which of itself is the best guarantee of their merit. C. Treadoolu, Agt-ut, Markdale, and also for the celebrated ii(dl Organ. The Do- minion Organ supplied. Sowing machine oil kept for sale. C. TKEADGOLD, Maekdale, P.O. A WJ A CRO ST I C7 Look out ye farmers and ihresheis all And see that you buy for Spring, Summer Right splendid g.)od oil. [aud Full Won't be misled by statements bland. Insist upon having the very best bi.and, IÂ¥owgood as ever, in fact it is grand, Eveilastiiig wear without giit or sand, machines run smoothly, no jarring or noise. And engines too in its use rejoice. Carding also it suits, as you plainly ses. Heavy gristiug cannot do without me. In fact all machines are blessed by i s use, ISew or old it '.vill save from wear and abuse. Every mn-n try it, we are sure it will please. Our initials, when read, will give the cue In looking for oil, the best and the true, Long in the market, but ever new. Manufactured solely bvM'cCollBrof..Co., Torcut^. No connection icithamj otiurfiim. 127-1.';3. LIVERY! IN CONNECTION. $500 Reward We will piiy the above reward for any case of Liver Complaint, Dysptpsia, Sick Head- ache, Indigestion. Constipation or Costive- ness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the direction's are strictly complied with. Tbey are purely Vegetable, and never fail to give satisfaction. Suiiar Coated, Large Boxes, containing 30 PiUsv 25 cts. For sale by all Druggists. Beware of counterfeits and immitatioi's. The genu- ine manufactured onlv by JOHN C. WEST' CO.. '-The Pill Makers," 81 t3 Jung St. East, Toronto Ont. Free ti ial package sent bv mail prepaid on receiot of a 3 cent stamp, for sale at Turner dtCo. Drug Store. Health is Wealth i 20t a off A regn'ar Monthly Cattle Fair will be held in the Agricultural Grounds, Markdale, as folows 1S«3 â€" SATURDAY May o Dj. June y Do. J"iy " D. Aug. 4 Do. i3«pt. S Do. Oc*- 6 Ho. Nov. 3 Do. 1«5- 8 THE BEST [iiCHEAPEST. Coolness of temperament "s a virtue, but the refreshing coohiesg of the Preserved meats, Fraits, and Vegetable's, KSPT AT THE BELFAST HOUSE, MARKDALE, beats all the iceberg? ever floated down the AtlitUtic Ocean. Dr. E. C. West's Nerve akd Brain Treat- ment, a guaranteed specific for Hyste-ir, Dizziness, Convul.sions, Fits, Nervous Neu- ralgia, Headach" Nervous Pro.-^tr.ation caus- ed bv the use of alcohol or tobacco. Wake- fulness, Mental Depression, Softening of tho Brain, resulting i/i Insanity and leading to misery, decay and death, Premature Old Age, Bair enness. Loss of Power in either sex, Involuntaiy losses and Rpermatorrhcpa. caused by oi'er exertion of the brain, self- abuse or over-indulgence. One bnx w 11 cu e recent case li^a h h^x contains one mon*^h's treatnunt. One do.lar a box, or six boxes for fiye iioliars sent by maii pre- paid on receipt of price. We guarantee six boxes to cure any ca=!e. With each order re- ceived by us for six boxes, accompanied with five dollars, we will seu.i the purchaser a written guarant-e to refund the money if the treatment dtes not effect a cnr-^. GMrv- antees i -Sued only by A. Tnrnei Co., loie autliorized Agfut for Markdale Ont. Jolir C. ^vâ- l:Sw dfeCo. sole p;o,nietor,Torontc.Cnt. The Belfast House Teass and Colleeis give an exhilirating influence, not equalled in Markdale. except by Benson's WHISKIES, BRANDIES, WINES, c. Those WHO rt-libh, tfte 'pipe of peace" will find the Tobaccos and Cigars at the Belfiist Hoim» nnsurpa.'^sed north ot Torouto. Cheeses, -B(dogn» Sansage, and Biscuit in ftodless v»ri«ly, all from the best manufacitsjerg" at the Belfast Honse. Ap- ipirs, (greeaand dried,:Spie»8. Sweetmeats, W?;. 'Jftilet and Fancy Soap*, Essences, • Pwrlnmes, and Famiiy Oi's. of the purest Chabbin^ Dam^^^ery- Dsty^- anaUty; FIou-, Potatoes, Pork. Herring, \^ nujJ^tn^ x^»f#*Sfe ^^ J J ^^ fdried und salt,) kopt constantly on hand. l^'Our Bottlpd Gin i»j imtwrted directly EUGENIA Grist, Saw aadLati Ills Having mad« eqtensive improvements in tlie lead i my Onst Mill I fdcl couSJcut I can give good gatisf action. GOOD FLOUR AL(VAY8tQ.H.HAN.D. MAEKDALE A constant supply of Fresh wout a va Ca.sto'N Sawii^ and BOla Filled on the shorte. t lin^iice. LUMBER AND LATH ALWAYS i ON HAND. Cbwry. Btt»:jmut, White Abh, Black A«h BasBwdbJ.'Piiie and Hemlock Logi .vAatoi 60ly. ' ' M. AKITT, EugeuLi. fr-^m tiie numufactnrers. aud ot»r Bottled Wiaes are pat up at the 'Vint.afjt. I'i^Mes in b'lttles, Mastard in ean*. aud in fact er- erything in tb« grocety trade A recent ad- ditiun to n^ Anauces will enable me to pur- diase in ttaw hi^d; au^^^^ " Europe aud AnieikBi,«^ »..#i£* :_â- - â- Wi:.SOiI 3EN30N I on hand, at the LowSf.t Living Prices OMers soiicited, and c'eiiv- ered free lo all parts of the Town. Farrner.s having fat ?tcck lo dispose of. will please leave their addres.=cs." TERMa STRICTLY CASH. ' A' I V- FJijEn. SARlEANtv â- •â- â- .. J â- : i ,--j. ' â- â- ".. " â- '£. "^i ' r %\ I] t t ' t! I Ki :(? IfVf t' i^ mr^