Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 10 May 1883, p. 4

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 J-^,^i "'v- .-. :» 'I 'iiin •t1 P^l il; '-fi4f!r^^^v*'*^- The Stai^dard. MAEKDALE, MAY 3kd 1883. DELAY IN THhi MAILS. Our ffofescribers at Pomona Post Of- fice have been complaining of their papers not coming; to that oflSce reg iilarly. We bee; to say to them, as well as to all our subscribers, that the Standard is mailed every Thursday af- ternoon, m time for the 4:30 p.m. mail, •a-nd we are iguorant as to where the â- delay is. It is very annoyiug to sub- *cjibers when their papor does not •come regular, and we are of opinion that maii clerks, (at least some of them) are either iocapable of properly dischaigiug their very important duties or else an extreme carelessness exists on their part. We very often receive our Owen Souud papejs from Toronto, a day â- later than they should arriye, and oc- -casioually our Toronto mail from Owen Sound. We have mailed mat- ter to l^'lesherton (six miles) which did not reach that place for four days, and various instances of equal irregu- larity and delay could be mentioned. We are not given to complaining un- less there is a just reason, but we deem it our duly to call the attention â- of the public to these matters anc* â- hope that good results will follow. ^jtfmdawji LOST HIS BALANCE. Tlio FleshortoQ Advance is quite annoyed because it has been unable to excite the ire â- of the Standard, bless your heart, we are â- only the more amused at the bombast of the Advance in reference to us, and only require to consider where it comes from in order to appreciate his mighty efforts. If the won- derful sheet had a reputation of reliability. ve might be led to give serious considera- w nlfh k and applied a little closely, " put nothinK but what was fair and allowable To the Editor of the Stamsabd. Deab Sib, â€" I am sorry to be under ttie necessity of again correcting Mr. K. He stat*« in his letter No. 3 that the Observer of letter No. 1, is not the writer of letter No. '2. If T. E's informant has told this he is certainly very onreliable and ontrathfol, but if he has depended on his own imagination for his information I must say it pospessas the same qualities. In either case he should be more careful in future as he wUl see they have led him astray and are not to be depend- ed upon 88 reliable. The facts are that no other person or company of persons dictated or are in any way respondsible for the letters referred to afid Observer of 1 and 2 and this makes 3 are one and the same person Again, he says if I had written my own name your readers would have known what prompted me to write such trashy stuff. What he meani by this I know not, nor do I care. What did prompt me to write was to say a little in defence of the institutions establish ed for the benefit of the farmers of this Prov- ince, which he denounced, but did not at- tempt to prove his statements and insinua- tions respecting them, either by arguments or facts. Whether trashy, as he says, or not, I leave that with the intelligent readjrs to judge, as they are in a better position to do so fairly and impartially than T. K, is. Again, he states that I have never been able to confute his first letter. Well, sir, I think that I adduced a few, of the many that could be given, facts and arguments in support of the position I took, whether they were suf- ficient to sustain my position and confute T. K's statements or not, of course I leave others to judge, but in reading this asser- tion of his I was forcibly reminded of the character whom Solomon describes as being wiser in his own conceit than seven men that can render a reason. In conclu.sion he says that it is ungentle- manly to not write oyer my own UEJne. Now sir, this is not true, as the questions discus- I sed are of a public nature and for the gene- ral benefit, and I am in no wise personally interested in those institutions, other than in common with every other farmer (one of which I am). I have endeavored to discuss them as public questions on their own merits, and avoided, as far as possible, private per- sonal matters or things foreign to the subjects discussed. True, some deduc- tions were drawn from the facts aikd argu- ments adduced and applied a little closely, ' "^Bwrrtts. â- sitsKBc;^^ i jj? g» ' r p pistaii Mebcxb.â€" In Aitemeida, ton the 29th ult., the wife of Mr. John Mercar, ei a son. AsKDi.â€" In MaAdale. on th« «h. insU, th« wife of 1 Bobert AaJdn, (Undertaker.) of a son. Mamn.â€" In Bni*ra«», on th« ©th in«t., the wife of Mr. Thos.. Mann, pf a son MARRIAGES- Boyleâ€" McMasict â€"By Bev. Jas. Ward, at the Markdale House, on the 1st inst., Mr. Peter Boyle, to Miss Eliija McMaster, of Euphrasia. all REBUCEO RATES. l^cial Iron, 'i ,.fl:)«,^*: AT THE MAEKDALE MAEKET Fall Wheat, »0.90 to #0.92; Spring »0.96 to SO 98; Barley, 55c; Peas, 72; Oats, 42e Butter, 16c; Eggs, 16c; Potatoes, 40c; Hay. 812.00 Pork, 7.f=0 to 7.75; Flour, »4.75 to 55 00; Grass Seed, ?2.00 to ,$2.10 FLESHEETON MAEKETb. Q^ 3iif4»ort ^Bie indaBtry and procure your Plo^ p^ g Markdale Foundry. r»lovr r*oint»5, 3 tor- Old Iron taken in Exchange. ^1. Fall Wheat, $0.90 to $0.93; Spiing, «0.9S to $0.97; Barley, 57c; Peas, G9c; Oats, 4Io Butter. 16c; Eggs, I6c; Potatoes,40 c; Hay, $12.00; Pork. $7.45 to $7.60 TOEONTO MAEKeTS. Fall Wheat, $.0.97 to $0.98; Spring, $1.05 to $1.08; Barley, 553 to 73c; Oats, 45cto oOo Peas, 70c to 78c; Hogs, $8.00 to $8.25; Pota- toes, per bag, 70c to 75c; Butter, dairy, i7c to 20c; e.'jes. 20c to 21c. â-  " Coiar-i: of ^Revision. Township of Holland. Notice is hereby given that the first sitting of the Court of Eevision for the township of Holland, for the current year, will be held in Vogan's Hall, Holland Centre, in the said township on Monday the 28th day of May, 1883, at 10 oclock in the forenoon. Cabson Price, Tp. Clprk. Holland.May 7th, 1883. 139-41 Covirt of Revision. Township of Olcnelg;. F" A li M: E I* LOOK TO YOUE INTBBISTB AND OET SARGENT'S PATENT LOAD LIFTING MACHINE THIS SEASON. It will save yon one or more hands everv day you are drawing in, as you don't need a man at the front of the mow to pitch it back. You can pitch fiom tlie load as you are pitching down instead of up. You can unload in half the time, and with greater ease -ban in the old way. Agents wanted in every county. Wm. SARGENT, Berkeley P. O. or Graver «fe In- lianes, M('uildings, Toronto. MarU Uuililif CatUe warjingI There i« aent lU., ingcoldfroL'itff,^ want to Sickn Guard Against Keep your feet dry 'jy procuring "oar BO_OTS! 'Iry au,l â- f^U is lea^i^ '^â- tnto the W -g Business in lUf^shing to lea' iethcrJ ' T inership mth 0^Jateo/Fi â-  prariical wa .jerof over 15 and comes wiL Ifnendationsfrm [w watchmake ^fown will car] in Markdale. cork entrusted ic in a wDrkmanl mrk will be gu l^oods sold will tsented, or mone^ â€" raoMâ€" KAY_TH0||,M,bj,O^ tion to the charge it makes last week, but of •course it has to say something, and it ap- pears that untruth is the easiest of access, hence the groundless statement. THE QUEENS BIRTHDAY IN MARK- DALE. The committee of management for the celebration of the Queen's Birthday in this place are determined to make it the most s-uccessful ever held here. They have ap- propriated nearly $200 in cash prizes alone to hoise racing, and the course which is on the Agiijultuial grounds is being fittted up for that purpose. Then, as may be seen by posters, a largo amount is given, ah in cash, for atheletic games. These together with t JO Bazaar by the L. A. S. of the Methodist church will draw au immense crowd. in controversy. Thfcre were some other points in T. K"s second letter which I intended to touch up- on, but as he holds out the flag of surrender, I will desist for the present. When he nest goes into public print with letters I would advise him to base his assertions on facts and not on his own opinions. With no ill will towards T. K. and wishing him still bet- ter success as a farmer, I bid him "good speed" and remain, Dear Sir, Yours Truly, Obseevtr. â- ^'H.iT THE ST.^NDARD WOULD TO SEE. LIKE A sir feet sidewalk to the station. -\ud a row of maple trees hkewisc, and the boys not to destroy them. McFarland's elevator painted and Hill iJros' finished. An immense crowd in Markdale on the 24th. An account of what the village police are doing. A lockup built, â€" or the cause for one re- moved. Further repairs on the Sidewalk and ad- dUional crossings. Personals. Mr. P. McArthur left on Thursday for Owen Souud, where he wUl foUow his trade, (carpenter.) Mr. W. F. Doll stayed in town over Sun- day. Messrs. Thos. Gilbert Cooledge,left this place with their families, on Tuesday, for Taunton, Ontario Co., where they intend to reside, they have leased their farms in Eu- phrasia. Edward Hanlaa, was ia Markdale,on Mon- day, looking up a place for he and family to reside a few weeks during the summer, in- tending to spend the time tishiug c. It wasn't the champion. Wesley Lyons rpturued to Sunderland sta- tion. Midland Railway, to resume his duties a i operator. Messrs. Jelly, Ex. M. P. P., .T Lindsay Merchant, Mr. Millar, Bank manager, L. Napp, wholesale hquor dealer and J." Hem- street, butcher, all of Shelburne we-e in town Monday, they put up at the Mansion House. Mr. Turner now occupies the large brick residence erected by Lyman Anderson. W'm. Brown, Esq.. has removed to his new and commodious residence on Ehzabeth street. Mr. W. A. Brown, of the fiim of Doll Brown, now occupies avpartmeuts in the Reid McDougall block. Askin^ undertaking estabUshment has been brichtened up with paint. AJ.10 Mont- jromcry's Bakery, Mr. Lamb's lance, Mr. Com walls premise., and the windows of the Ktaxdard C'flice have been frosted. SPRING ASSIZES. (Concluded.) Dow vs. Coulter.â€" Particulars of this case have already been given. Verdict against defendant Joseph Coulter for $30, and in favor of defendant George Coulter. J. Mas- son for plaintiff. D. A. C.easor for defend- ant. THURSDAY. Eatmosd vs. Dufur.â€" Action of criminal I conversation. The parties reside in Meaford Verdict for plaintiff $2000. John Creasor' Q C, and J. S. Wilson for plaintiff, W d' Pollard for defendant. „ ^^^ J"y brought in true bUls against Frank, Wilham, James and Edward Cost ey and Joseph Coture for obstructing coastable in discharge of duty. The cases were post- poned tiU next assizes. Queen vs. John Do^xe.â€" Prisoner was tried for unlawfully wounding Geo. Beatty at Markdale in October 1 ist, the particulars of wh ich were published at the time. The i urv found the prisoner guilty, and he was sen- tenced to twelve months in the Central Prison. A. Frost for the Crown. « J Lane, Q. C, for the defence. BucHXKR vs. SuTHEKLA.\B.â€" Action to re- cover the value of raihoad ties alleged tc be sold by plaintiff to a Mr. Baxter, agent of the defendant. The defence contended that Baxter bought from a man named Thomu son, to whom plaintiff had sold the ties The Judge found that there was no sale to Thompson, and gave verdict of $419 foi plaintiff. A, Frost for plaintiff. John Crea sor, Q.C., for defendant. Hasktli, vs. Mhxigan.â€" Action for the re coyery of p strip of land claimed by plaintiff, but which defendant contended was part of the road allowance. Judgement reserved. John Creasor, Q.C. for plaintiff W P Vr.\ lard for defendant. ma^ " • i 1 01- THmAT. Scott vs CAVERs.-Action for interplead- er to decide ^ho was entitled to certain moneys m the hands of the Sheriff. Verdict for defendant. D A. Creator for plaS D. Morrison for defendant r'«iu"n. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the first sitting of the Court of Eevi- sion, for the Township of Glenelg, for the current yuar, will be held at the Town Hall in said township, on Monday the 28th day of May, 1883, at ten o'clock in the forenoon. Jas. Brow.n, Tp. Clerk. Gleneig.May 7th, 1883. 139-41 A FOR SALE. CHOICE CORNER LOT AT WIL- LiAMSFORD Station with large premises suitable for store and dwelling, also stable and shed. This place was formerly occu pied'as a store, for which now their is a good opening, will be sold cheap, apply to James Ireton, Williamsford Station, or to Thos. Yates, Owen Sound. 139-41 Mr. H, B. Jackman, traveller for J. 3. Taylor's Fiie Proof Safe, was in Markdale liiKt week, be made two sales. Taylor's safes haveawoiid nnowned reputation, and the price and terms are within the reachi of all. Mr. T. Spron:e, late of the Bever%,was in town a lew days. W. J. McFarla^ slipped §2. cars ^•'gTaia .4!:; weei. Masson vs. STUBBs.-Acticn for bill of v.'" I'"^.";* *°' P'**^"*^ ^y consent for $^82, subject to award of Thomas Gordon Esq. S. Masson for plamtiff. WU oa A Evans for defendant. »»u.oa s. Lefler vs. St. ViKCENT.â€"Tue nkint.ff sued the township of St. Vincent for $lT(S damage for injuries sustained through S faUmg of a bridge. At the time of thfacd c.dent plaintiff did not think he was bur ' Th.TJS" *^°»«^f'«-ward.s began to compS' The township Council contended that he was no suffering from the effects of the aSdIn? Kttri'""'^^""' ""'I HlsocontendS that they had no notice that the bridcre w^ out of repair. Judgment reserved ^7 f Lash Q.C, and Wil^n EvS„r .] .i' John Creasor, Q.C. forlfeSt ^^'^^ SATUBDAT. LamoNT vs. E0BBBT8ON.â€" Thp n^y^\^. engaged in real estate speculati^ln k^' toba, and the present action w^!T ?^*'" recover $650 belonging tSplaTn^â„¢J^^? ,*° claimed defendant investelwit^'A^" ^« sPiit v«^;..*^' invMtel without his con- nT P^- •'"' Creator, J- A. Creasor for defend- AUCTIOat SAI.E OF ValuaWe Fari Property IN THE COON JY OF GBKT. Under and by virtue of the Power of sale contained in a Mortgage, there will be offer- ed for sale bv Pubfic Auction, by Jas. M. Wtbitcr, Eq. Aucti. â- â€¢ r At the Eugenia House in the village of Eugenia, on WEDNESDAY. 23 DAY OF IWAY, 1883 At the hour oi 1 o'clock p. m. the following land, in one parcel Being composed of the North half of East half of lot No. 1, in the 7th con. of the Township of Euphrasia, in the county of Grey, containing 50 acres, more or less About forty acres arre cleared and in a good state of cultivation, the remainder is eorored with good Mapl* and Elm Timber. On the premises there is erected a good frame house, log barn and stable Terms of Sale. -Ten per cent of the pur- chase money down at the time of sale, snl- ficient tomake 25 per cent within ene mon the balance to remain on Mortgake. or be paid m cash at the optien of the purchaser. Ihere will be a reserve bid. For further particulars apply to M^srs Mulock, TUt, MlUer Crojiiht^ Yendor8so hcitor8^99King8tEast,Tor'onto T. c. aTbT^railway. TIME TABLE. Change of Time. Nov. 20th, 1882, A regular Montlily Cattle Fair will be held in the Agricultural Grounds. Markdale, as fo'lows â€" IS W3 â€" SATURDAY May 5 Do. June 9 Do. July 7 Do. Aug. 4 Do. Sept. 8 I'o. Oct. 6 Do. Nov, 3 Do. Dec. 8 Farm for Sale or to Pent OT 4, CON. 12 EUPHRASIA 132 acres, 90 cleared and in gcod state of cultivation, has 2 houses and 2 bain-i, sui- table for either one or two tenants, and will De either Itased or sold separate or in one parcel. Possession given at once. For par- ticulars apply to Gilbert Cooledge, on the premises. Markdale P. 0. 135-38. Satisfaction Gnaraniee,! icatci Cork Soles, all .aesTZ on hand. RemfcmWrthcD^ opposite the new ^-.Jl* Office. CANADA T^HE^ Still Victorioui) iMyfENs:^ iu.jonnY in f.^top, orajf WilHaiSeiiii^l A PRIZE AT EVERY EXHIBIIlov jj, j IS CAX.U.\ I.N Uk\ .i.v,,, 1,^ " AT WHICH PlilZES WKI;e GIT»v"' L To all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions ot youth, ner ous weak- ness, early decay, loss of manhood, c..I will send a receipe that will cure vou FREE OF CHARGE. Tliis great Remedy was dis- covered by a missionary in Sonth America. Send a self-address, d envelope to Ebv. Joseph T. Ikmaw, Utation D, Nev York City. First prizes and Dif Inma.^ weiei the Williams' Machine.^ in Iwi a: tl«] hibitions held at the followiiifrpLactssj ada: â€" Truro, N.S.; Aiitiponitli, NS- ilton. Out.; BelkvillcOm.; Wateiioiji Simcoe, Ont. These celebrated Jliicliines, IwjJ Manufacturer's Trade .Mark, sr-iaj ranted, may be purcLastJ all oTeru^n Over 100,000 of tlit-e .Mac-hint, t., in use in Can.ida, which of usdi is aj guarantee of their merit. C. Treaiigold. Agt-nt, Slaridale, mi for the celtbrated Bell Organ, h] minion Organ su))pIieJ. Sewin; oil kept for sale. C. TREADGOLD, iUroniJ THE i BEST TO GET PUI FARM FOR SALE. r P?n^ ^°^- ^- ^- KD- HOLLAND, -Li lUO acres, 70 acres cleared, well water ed, good orchard bearing good log house and barn Situated 2 half miles froifi Chats- worth. A. bargain wHl be given in the above property, for particukrs apply to Geo. Noble, Markaale, or to Chas. King. Shei borne. \^^ North cf Toronto, is at tk ^Aai-lidale GaUe That's so, for a fneud of mml bis taken lliere and hcbavst even better tliau what be bad in Toronto. JAMES HAMILTON. â-  On and after Monday trains will run as follows GOING N TH. FARM FOR SALE. 7 on ^C:RE8â€" being Lot 20. Con. 10 Jzyy Wl-'nelg. This farm is three miles from Markdale. with about 40 acres cleared balance, hardwood bush with sufficient ceda^ for fencing the place. It is well watered with never faiUn stream of spring water, loung orchard, log house, and staUes. Clear w1 " ««^ *^Jt°- '°^ P"«^ "1 terms ap- ply to MRS. MIGHT .on the premises, Mark- oa e J-, o.â€" Also a farm waggon and fanning mill for sale Farm for Sale. MARKDALE, Manufacturer of all Einii I'l Drop Valve. Cylinder, Force, m^ ' Pumps. eOINO SOUTH Read D»wn. A.M. P St. 7 30 4 25 9 05 6 00 9 5.5 6 45 l-i 20 8 44 2 25 10 15 11 50 U â-  12 OC 8 45 1 30 9 55 P.M. P.M. TOBONTO 10 4t Cakdwell JcNi Obangevillk Mount Forest Teeswateb f. esheutok... Markdale Owfis Sound... Read Vp â- a 05 27 30 00 4B 27 5 15 A.M 9 8 C 5 G C P.M. 9 1(( 7 31 G 50 4 30 2 45 4 47 4 30 3 10 P.M. A"V'F:RY desirable Doroporty being 100 acres; Lots 111 and 112, Ist Ramre West of T. and S. Koad, Artemesia i3 from the town of Markdale, on the irravel road. 70 acres cleared, baknce h^rdw^ S.?ttst;y^^-^-^'«^K \ro1J • »r ^PPLT AT THIS OFFICE. Markdaie. March 29th. 188.1. All kinds ot IRON PUilB ficrrLiEP. sent. Verdict Q.C, for plaintiff ant. Eatmckd vs. Dufitb i^: for board. Verdicâ„¢"";iSHS k° "^^^ « A.Creasor for Ji«nTr ^j^t SSJl A Mixed Train will al=n »^« i ' ontoandOwenSord."»Ta"re ^°' D.McNicoLi., EdmuxdWbaook rj.0 I"-^ord.f^.r!S:i^,^? MaxLsion House, JAMES^BYAN. -°^^^' i'BOPBIBTOB. refurnished the 8am^ffi°J^'?H"^«» w^ to receive a share of piw£ SK!1P^^^9 choicest brands of Uo ior« ^T^^- ^he ISU Farm for Sale. sell or rent. Lot S 1/2 14, con. 9, 3 frnâ„¢ T*^ t?" "•^" ^••°° Markdale and 3 from Eocklyu. containing 100 acres 70 acres cleared and in good stafeof culSon fit to run reaper and mow«r, and E^ Sin .!i '^^^•'"'^thneTar failing spX only ;0 rods frombaw; nasayo^rngSITd bouse, bam and sUble. ThWk a ^hel^i^T" Forpart^culars^ap^^^ AMDEL WBIOHT. B»kljmP.O. railavaV '•nypersuk bujt EVENING EXIiESS TKAIXSJI^ direct connection with '1" "'"' '.r" the "Spartan." ".Africa" aud "^^J the Owen Sound Steam S"P ^^^j leave Owen Souud tvciy TliES THURSDAY for SauU St«..llan" and cver.T i^ Late Siipa"" dian Pacific EaiJway for MRnitd* points in the Canadian Nortlnrfsl-^ Saturdays steamers run direfiU Bay, and those travelling 1'.^ "" i„ route will rvach Winnii)eg as lasi^^^ all train route, and at riite.^veo'" ji SHIPPEES OP FREIGHT J^^ siifn via tte Owen Sound S. S-.^ For rates and a^ other ii^roan^j »o any of the agents of tiic Owen lAnn thn Toronto, (irev and I^°^ intermediate Pxrtb, and SATUEDAY for connecting at Thunder Baj Xiine, the Toronto brte I«McNICOLL, Qenl. Freight and Passenger Agent. Twonto, April 30, 1883 People's Watchmakers lill's I^loc MAEKJ JALE O'SU "monthly FAIUy Saturday before Tic Jiâ€" Monday before Di -Tuesday betoie Orar Dâ€" Monday before On -Wcdnefcday belore lieâ€" The second Thur: rcrestâ€" Third W«due -Monday before Durl -Third Tuesday in eac -Monday before Durh; and Other I in theife columns iritei h'rftwJ or Society rrill I |ifi for the jir^t in^er \m each %iib equent in- !rame of the new st I on TufsJay last iquet ia 4, c ledical Kali. i and dress goods i: |ieap at Foster's. TED. â€" Acabioet m; Pereira, \Villiam' Ikndid variety of crt Ck)ttou Etc., at ' splendid Diamou t Doll Brown's fi di. [best nature's Blood fch Bitters known |tbe Barber. your eye en Doll Jery window, if you roa want step inside p Veiling in bit land bright bronzi flors at McFarland'i iith reported last we p Burnett's should pustead of a danghte nolds k Son have fnew spring stock n j no trouble to show pgret tolearuthat I lost a mare recenth "y inflammation a N8 McCaskill h I by some means got Nay night iu his "Shot the next mori f exchange is no r h»te in yom- pocke Fund's and spe wha [ytm will get in exch ?w occared at tlie 11 RJ»t m which S. L. 3 pooled; we have not F»r8, but miderstoi â- ^ove^it. Mrth Methodist °5 ^fjhe conference Markdale, ou Si *^' Gee, of The "and conduct the s. r *20.00 BIBLE EE^ I5»S*-' of Rutledge^ LJ«»We rewards in tU P^;which IB the folio t«f 'bl' *.2^ R^i'i Wmlr^ IS the short. B\ iTTP**^* Scriptures |irfflK"*«?|Wfr8 be re ^mded. The i l»i» ^^r " **** reward K*^ /noTOBtage stan Ilffl*2i ""^^chthev V |t«^i' m which the 1 W 2L^^«' o* tbe re L*^Sat." be pnbl ' ^^ â- â€¢i"^. *j*~ ^s

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