Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 3 May 1883, p. 5

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 ^^am t C .â- 3tfe"*.f' ,r f»,r, „ -^Ip f ^Ta*«fi^ .iiiUlO J-iVUv i 1. *ws".t** I f'«=s 10II $c^rown is Mr- ^oll is leaving Mark- U ^° ^\ into the Wholesale tdUry Business in Toronto^ 'dnoi Wishing to leave Mark- lit allog'^^f^^^' ^^ ^^ entered 1 hartnership with Mr. W. mO WN, late of Flesherton, â- ^ a practical watchmaker livelier i over 15 years ex- Jmce, ^«^ comes with the best Ificm^nendationsfrom some of f tiding watchmakers in the ninion. \fr. Brown will carry on the 'mmss in Markdale. \ll work entrusted to hiin will 4m in (I wjrkmanlike man- ^^11 work will be guaranteed^ nil ^oods sold will be found ffipmented, or money refund- it toll Brown's, Ike People's Watchmakers Jewellers Hill'j^ Block, MARKUALE ONLY. MONTHLY FAITiS. ItiWeâ€" Saturday before Flesherton. iitwtfithâ€" Monday before Durham. Maliâ€" Tuesday before OrangeviUe. jiitrtuuâ€" Muuday before Orangeville. lobmieâ€" Wednesday belore Oraiipeville. ifgenlleâ€" The secoud Thursday in each gUUtll. \mi Forestâ€" Third Wednesday in each month, ieiiileâ€" Monday before Dorham. -Tiird Tuesday in each month. -Monday before Durham. « nl and Other Items. I m theae columiu intended to benefit \j\tdwidual or Society tDill be charged ten III line f(.ir the first insertion and Jive Inline each subiequent inMertion, Minjl and loi for sale in Markd«]e, a [Tdesirable place, apply at this office. ICrOCjUet in 4, 6 8 ball sets, I ilie Medical Kail. Ihrnts and dress goods in great var- '.cbeap at Foster's. rcorre'pnndents will do well to Bear in i that their copy will reqnire to reach as klieiday, to insure an insertion the same Btv. Mr. Wilson (Presbyterian) will isch in the Methodist Choich next I evening at 6:80. ' May the 5th will be eattle fair Tutiis place, and don't you forget it. An Sis being made to have forei^ buyers 1 the Mai kale fairs. IBoots A- shoes cheaper than ever at polds 4 Scai. esteemt d station agent, Mr» 5Sf, will pleay.j accept thanKS lor a tiot lettuce for dinner Tuesday i* Marriage Aid Association now Ijers 1,600 and is rapidly inoieas- Psys §250 to »eOO at mar- *• Mr. Bnden is the aftent here. 188 86. ^- Boll will mU by auction '" May loci, 1 Baggie, nearly 1 Democrat, new 1 sulky 1 le lian,ess, new 2 Bavmond 'ig m^bii,tfl and 2 Wilson B., Dumbei' f other articles. See [N8ofbpa,.fiful dress goods for |«%Dold;-i: Son. |j»J^ANCE.-\v. J. Bellatnv, Eeal i.V?*^ iiis" ranee agent, J'lesher- 7" be in Markdale. at Bntledge's "•«'«ry TLursday until further no- jBsuraDco at tbfl lowest possible "oi^ey to Lean on Beal Estate ' percent per annum. Convey- ^? in all ita branches oarefally and "y executed. ^SjCKLEN'.^AltNICA SALVE. i. s!**^" '" *^^ ""'^^ '°*' ^*"' sores, TJiocrr, Salt Bhe«m, Fever •iT"' "'^PP*^ Hands. Chilblaias. 1,' *U S in Eruptions.und Pomtively J^- I' is CTaranteed to give perfect ,j^^"°""'"'oney refunded. Price 26 ' "^s. For sale by A. Tamer Co ESjur-Tuesday May l»t fceing *i/' ^^*"^«' ^«rm tins, etc. t J JN out, the air became filled ^^bJ""' ""d on the balmy ^Cy^ niiglit be discerned a V.t,";\^ as the fisherman put a ..â- Jptation-'ou his bait. And. •"UlJf .^"'^^ ^« beins; handed Sfi"' .^;^-- Smith, the barber. klejT,r'*.'» "^at^l^ " oyer fifty "eauties ia two hours,â€" ocx^ *fe«fe-j »^ ^»ne^ of candiea ai gomery'g Bakery. aada MoDfc. eynows Son since they got their 8 see i new spring; stock up. JewSS^";- 7' °^ ^1 Brown' wWT^r"*^!' if you don't se. waat you want step inside. fc« k -i?' ,®* Bowes is preparing to to build a brick house. to'^reSTrthe Goidd property, on George st. is ^1?®°'°°' "^*^' Belfast house, r.^A^ Prepartion* to erect a brick residence on the property recently purchased fron? T. E. Bavis. T^» PLANTiNo.â€"The second Wed- nesday m May has been suggested as a (iay for tree planting in Markdale. We hoiieto see a large Munbar out next Wednesday. Notwithstanding all the wise made about cheap goods only real bargains can be obtained at Fosters. The Meaiord Mirror says there is a Barber m Markdale who keeps Sco- mach Bitters for sale. Excellent Bit- ters they are. for we have tried them. The fourth Methodist quarterly meeting of the conference year will be held in Markdale. on Sunday 18th. Rev. Mr. Gee, of Thombury will preach and conduct the service. Accident.â€" Mr. Wm. Shepherdson near Blantyre, while giving his stal- lion extrcise recently, was knocked down and tramped on by the horse, and considerably bruised, but is able to be about again. Smith the Barber will bo in Duo- daik next Tuesday, 8th of May. (Fair Day) to cnt hair, shave, shampoo, dye c. Be sure and come and get a go»d hair cut. We visited Mason's carnage works this week and find that he has, roady to go out in a few days, a number of Buggies, Democrats and Waggons built of good material and show prime workmanship. Those in need ot such would do well to examine. Doll Brown have had their shop renovated and whitened, and tUe win- dow yery much improved. This es- tablishment will compare favorably with the city jewellery hoasea. A complete and varied stock of every- thing in their line on hand. The last t vo numbers of "Pictur- esque Canada" were delivered to sub- scribers here last week. I'hese two numbers deal with the city of Toron- to, its public buildings, parks, c., and are the most attractive and in- teresting numbers yet published. AcciDEMT. â€" A short time ago John Callahan, son of Owen Callahan, 12th con. Glenelg, aged about 20 years, while chopping in the bush accidently cut his foot splitting ii through the great toe to the middle of the instep. Dr. Armstrong dressed the foot and he is doing well. SuocEss.â€" J. B. Trimble's stallion "Clear Grit" carried off first priae at the North Grey spring show held ait Owen Sound on Wednesday the 25th ult., for best rcad8t€r,al80 1st in same class at Eupkrasia spring show, on Friday last at Bocklyn. His general purpose "Blaefc Prince" taking Ist in his class at the latter pliace. There was a little boy in town the other day, and he said "Papa give me 10 cents," "what do you want it for" "to gD to Smith the Barber to get my hair cut." The semi-annual meeting of the South Grey Teachers' Association will be held at Flesherton, May 22nd and 28rd. J. A. McLellan, M. A., L. L. D.. yrill be present and deliver ad- dresses on several subjects, besides a irood pr(^ramme prepared by the local Teachers. A musical and literary en- tertainment will be given on the even- ing of the 22nd. A meeting of those interested in arranging for the celebration of the Queen's Birthday in Markdale. was held in the Markdale House on Tues- day evening, and was fairly attended. TL» following officers were daW elect- ed for the cnrrenl year. Wm. N. Haakett. (Hardware Merchant,) Presi dei»t Thos. Mullarkey,Dep.ty Beeve of Glenelg. Vice President Wm. li. Yoang, Bank Clerk. Secretary {Geo. Hankett, Hardware Merchant, Tr^' Collectors were appointed, who have sx^ee canvassed the village with soc- eessfall results. The meeting ap^ ^^ in fayor of having hor» races thin year, and the course on the ^»- SuuS irounds wUl be fitted wp for inta Friday evening ( to SUt at the Bev;re Hou8«| at 8 p m. Stamped satins of all the lates Beaolds Sou' «ool. polM. ^te!. ii in tiM yaitl jS^M^ti^ "2»*. «» paaae^iger tratte is alw ^«*n«- Be mnch to that iha viUaaan m. othen iaterMted entortam luqpra of '^^ *?!?*^* *°* P*wengcr station ereet- w. Should tlrara be a statinn opened, a wotdjonsft wwild almost innnediaUy be put Sl^J^x^^^^'eHwnd is already al- wtted for fliat porpose. Mr. Sargent has the material on the 8KHttd for. and will shtvtty eommenee ths erection «f a waggon shop. It will be boilt close beside Mr. Abbey's M«^ir.T«ith shop. Mr. Brown basallheeaado-inhis saw BUU working night and day, and. is tnrmnit out Kood work. " "SifA«T."â€" The rumor is eurrairt that a numba of young fdlows vinited a certain sugar bush not far from here and vwy gen- erously helped themselves to what sap they could get, also to awertainanaes suitable for "taffyingoff." It u said the proprietor is not at all pleased, but was not "Smart" enoueh to carry out his threats. AVisrr,â€" Our little hamlet was almost taken by storm one evening lately by the â-¼isit of a number of ronng folks from a neighboring Tillage, however, they aRieared to enjoy tbemselves and we found them T«ry entertaining. Seeding has fairly commenced in this vi- cinity. Durham. The roads round town are remarkably good for the time of year. The C. Methodists intend making great improvements to their church. Mr. Thos. Donaghy has taken up his resi- dence here and we believe is going into the Photo business again. Mr. T. H Newen.formwly rf the Markdale Stakdabi) has the management, mechanically, of the Chronicle. Mr. McNally has removed to Chatsworth after a four weeks stay amongst us. The citizens will give Mr. W. E. MoAlistera complimentary supper on the 6th inst. The boys are talking cricket. The Chronicle complains oi bad and wipVedi boys in the viriaity of his office. This speaks bad for his inflkence over tb» boys of which he boasted som* time since. A great msvft of the young men round town are either leaving or changing their situations. Epping. FiBE. â€" On Tuesday evening the two barns, with their contents, on lot 17, 4th con., Eu- phrasia, helongiuK to Mr. Enoch Ball, Mea- ford, were burned down. Mr. Ball'-s loss will be S«i00, and Mr. A. Killongh the tenant on the farm will lose as much in stock and grain. There is a slight insurance on each, but nothing like the loss. The cause of the fire is unknown, as Mr. Eillough' was in Thorn- bury when it took plce, shortly after six o'clock. '1 « • m sa-, -^ â- ' AETEME8IA COUNCIL. Council met in the Town Hall, on Mon- day, April 2nd, 1883. Presient Messrs. Christoe.Elliott, Wright, McArthnr and McEee. Minntes of March session read and ap- proved of. Communications as follows presented and read. J. L. Moore re lots 185 and 186, Ist East. Joseph Bnchannan re Petition encloped Angus McDonald stating that he would not act as pathmaster. Petitions presented and read as follows, B. Smith et al asking council to pass a by-law to prevent hogs from running; at large. David Foster, et al, re 110 side road, 2nd con. East. Wm. Knight, et al, asking the council to take steps to have trees planted in accor- dance with the Ontario Tree Planting Act. Duncan Muir, et al, re opening road be tween 20Srd con. N. D. R., at lots 21. Accounts as follows, presented and read W. H. Campaign, floor to Moses Sherwood W. J. Bellamy, quarter salary Postage ac- count to date Richardson's for stationar;^ i A. R. Fawcett, Printing, 3. By-law no. 352, appoioting pnlftesaster was read a third time, and pas ed. Wright, Elliott, that the request of J. L. ^fmire be granted and that any of the other parties in similar circumstances be released, and npan tho said parties presenting release deeds for signature, the Reeve oud Trca (or proper executing parties) are hereby authorised to sign the same, carried. McArthnr. Wright, that the petition of David Foster, et al, be refened to a commit- tee, viz Messrs. Christoe and EUiott, com- mittee to report at next session of council, carried. Wright, MoArthur, that the petition of R. Smith, et al, be laid oyer until ne\t session of council, and that a notice be published m the Advance, that this council then pass a By-law to prohibit sheep and hogs from run- ning at large, carried. Elliott, MeArthnr, that. Geo. Bowles be paid fli2.30, in. accordance with a resohitlon ef council of 1880, and that John McKech- nifl be lefnnded i2, being statute labour re- turned against his lot in Priceville Village, carried. McArthur. Wright, that the following ac- couif 8 be paid M. Bicbardson. #4 0.S A. B. Fawcett. printing. »8 W. J. Be^ny salary, f 47 f!0 Postage account to date, fi2.'^( cflrried MeArtbnr. Wright, that one htiH of A. Ji. Fawcett's accrunt fi.r ailvertising town line deviation between Euphrasia and this town- ship be paid, carried. McArt'mr, Wright, that Wm. Hacking be refunded 50 cts, being eiTor in assessment, carred. Council adjourned.. W. J. Beixamt, Clerk. BESTJII OHBWIir. GoefaMssof fanqpamnentia aviitM. but the rsfreshiag «oola«w flC O* Fralts, ^KBfT AX BELFAST HOUSE, MARKDALE, beats an the ioebergr ever floated doim. the Atlantic Oeaan. The Bellast Hoiis»- rPeaei a,nl Ooffees give an ezhilirating infinence, not equalled in Markdale, except by Benson's WHISKIES, BSiillDIES, WINES, Sto. Those who relibh the " pipe of peace " will find the Tobaeoos and Cigar8 at the Belfast House unsurpassed north ot Toronto. Cheese, Bologna ^nsage, and Biscuit in endless variety, all from the [best manufacturers, at the Belfast House. Ap- ples, (green and dried,) Spioes, Sweetmeats, o. Toilet and Fan^ Soaps, Essences, Perfumes, and Family Oils, of the purest quality. Flour, Potatoes, Pork, Herring, (dried and salt,) kept constantly n hand. IS~Onr Bottled Oin is imported directly from the manufacturers, and our Bottled Wines are put up at the Vintage. Pi:kles in bottles. Mustard in cans, and in fact ev- erything in the grocery trade. A recent ad- dition to my finances will enable me to pur- chase in the hsad markets of Europe and America. WUiSON BENSON. EARS FORI MILLION 17100 CHOO'S BALSAM OF SHARK'S OIL positwely Restores the Hearing, and is the Only Absolute Cure for Deafness known. This Oil is abstracted from peculiar species of small White Shark, caught in the Yellow Sea, known as Cabchabodok Ronde- LETii. Every Chinese fisherman knows it. Its virtues as a restorative of hearing were discovered by a Buddhist Pr est were dis- covexed about the year IttO, Its cures were so nnmerous, and many- so seemingly mir- aculous, that the remedy was officially pro- claimed over the entire Empire. Its use became so universal, that for ovei 300 years no Deafness has existed among the Chinese people. Sent, charges prepaid, to any ad- dress at 11.00 per bottle. Hear what the Deaf say It has perfonaed a miracle in my case. I have no susaaAJy noises in my head, and hear muehi bettor. I have been greatly benefited. My deafness helped a great deal â€" ^think ano- ther bottle wiU euro me. Its virtues are unquestionable and its cura- tive character absolute, as the writer can per- sonally testify, both from experience and ob- servation. Write at onee to Haylock and Jenney, 7 Dey Street. New Tork,enolaeing 91 and you will receive by return a remedy tiiat will enable you to hear like anybody elso,and whose curative effects will be penanent. You will never regret doing so." â€" Editob of Meboantilx Rktibw. IS'To avoid loss in the mails, please send money by Registered Letter. Only imported by HAYLOCK A JENNEY, late Haylock A Co., Sole Agents for America. 7 Dxt St New Yobx 93-143. Health is Wealth I STlEMIli^iNi: Satisfaction, Choppins: done every Working day, â€" o â€" CAN HAVE YOUR GRIST HOME THE SAME DAY. BEft lOOIIHOHSE. 125.1£1 6E0RGE WILSON. Wholesale and Retail GLENSajG G0CN«2C[i. Consul met ak tbo Town BhU e» 2Mi April, pursuant to. th*. aril of the Beeve, for the px»rpose otp^'ovfct^g lor the building and repairing of brd^ges. VembersJilJpieeent, .- ^. *..' The road compiij^aieners were «nthorised to repair bridges and other dangerous places in their respective wards iSlqvm dollars wijr» ph«J»d in tllp'hands of Patriclc'Neil to pav for work performed re- pairing of bridge at lot 13. con. 3; Widow all the latest gmith was granted S5 as c'laritv. C. W. Btl'ledfe was pail $14.«a for printog. voonoil adjoutaed. [BUTCHER!} TDEEF, PORK OR MUTTON SURPLIED. JZ} from a single pound to a whole carcass, at the lowest market prices. FISH A Ef WL III THEIR SEASON Farmers having Fat Cattle, Shfiep,. os Pigs to dispose of will do Veil to calEat No. 3 Bums' Block, opposite the new Union Block. Markdale, Oct. 25tti, 1881 THOS. MATHEWS, EanesS EstailisWI MARKDALEw EVEEYTHING IN OUB-LINE KEPT ON HAND OR MADE TO OEDEIT ON SHQBX' NOTICE. LIVERYI IN CONNECTION. AH ACROSTICr Ijook out ye farmen andihresfaeis all And see that you buy Ibr Spiing, Summer- Bight splendid good oil. [and Fall Don't be misled by statements bland. Insist npoir having the very best brand, IVow good as ever, in fact it is grand. Everlasting wear without grit or sand, machines mn smoothly, no jarring or noise. And engines too in its use rejoice. Carding also it suits, as you plainly see. Heavy gristing cannot do without me. In fact all machines are blessed by i.s use, New or old it will save from wear and abuse. Every man try it, we are sure it will please. Our initials, when read, will give the cue In looking for oil, the best and the true. Itong in the market, but ever new. Manufactured solely byMcCoIlBr««.(t^ .. Toronto. No connection with antf other firm. 127-153. Dr. E. C. West's Nebve and Bbain Twsa*. MENT, a guaranteed specific for Hysteria. Dizziness, Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Neu- ralgia, Headachn, Nervous Prostration caus- ed by the use of alcohol or tobacco. Wake- fulness, Mental Depression, Softening of tha Brain, resulting in Insanity and lei^ing to misery, decay asd death,Premature Old Age, Barr ennebs. Loss of Power m either sex. Involuntary losses and Spermatorrhoea, caused by over -exertion of tJie brain,' self- abuse or over-indulgence. One box will cu e recent cases. Each box contains one month's treatment. One dollar a box. or six boxes for fiye iiollars sent by mail pre- Iaid on receipt of price. We guarantee six boxes to cure any case. With each order re- ceived by us for six boxes, accompanied with five dollars, we will send the purchaser a written guarantee to refund the money if the treatment does not effeet a cure. Qti»- antees issued only by A. Turner Co,.t.ok authorized Agent for Markdale Out. Johc C. West Co. sole proprietor.Toronto.Ont. MAEKDALE Meat Market. A constant supply of Fresh Meats I on hand, at the Xjo-vTOHt Xiiiring Prices. Olders solicited, and deiiv- iered free lo all parts of the Town. ^y Farmers havsmp fat stock to dispose of, willi^i^a^e leave their a^resscs^**^ â-  u s.. *, i TERMS. STRldtlV bIsHr FRED. SARJEANT. Markdale Maidi 33. 1888. 80 Iv Sing^ie copies of the Stan- dard 5 cottts. $500 Reward â- We wilj pay the above reward fpr any casa of I«xer"Complaint, Sji^pt psia, Sick-Seatl- aohe. Indigestion. Ctoi-t^atiou or C«BtiM ness wftoannot cnre with West's Vcsgetablo Liver Pills, when th« direction:^ ar» strictly complied with. They are purely Yegetablf and never fail to give satiHfactiou. Su;ar Coated, Large Boxes, coutainiug 30 Pill?, 25 cts. For sale by all Druggists. Bewate of counterfeits and immitations. The genii- ine manufactured only by JOHN C. WEST A CO.. '-The PiU Makers," 81 83 King St. East, Toronto Out. Free trial package sent by mail prepaid on receipt uf a3 cent staiu]).. For sale at Turner Co. Drug Store. nuisi muT «r f-^BUCHU UeaFTMIIEtT aKXX3V3ES1[ IHESnGATOSS IH UBL Ikls Mpeoiflc fai tiie enie of all diseases a^Hie XUDeys, Bladder, Frastatic For. tlM oC tiM Urinary (^vaiis, Lritation of |tli»Ile^a(theBiadd« AinUBgUriDe. I Qleet. aoBorrbea inaUttaslamiJd oC KIdnen. Acid Uriae. Skwdy I Pa lalntt eBegioa of tke Bladder, F. IN THE BA^ tMnary Calculus, Bi Calenlos, Ben-U C«dic Betention of I Uiiae^ Syament XTriustton, Graven aU Its (onns,^iiabilUgr to retain the Water BftlcalaHr to petaaas a dvanaed In lit fti ' n A ECEwgy iMwi ' M uyoatbat. ttalMneibrtti natntoi Mioti itiwadd and bnndnc and the Prioa ft, or Six BoMe* «Br (W. CkoN wha emiot ObMa atettto ^.tU* iUtt â- ad wewMls MTBio th^a^ _^_ JOHNSTON Sk CO. oa. Binon, iba. I for Ow U. a aad Ouuula. I- M -( '(â-  s ' i. 1 i^M 1 n h '•1 â-  ' 'i f lAjf^. 'f^^i

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