Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 3 May 1883, p. 4

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 ?^fW^f' f ml' il. \i M â-  t •i' i. p. i â- "i 'i z.K"9f^ •-T^'^w "Tar' H'^ti'i-fsf^v i- !-, .*V'» fa uai,»'M,.~"'--^" mMMMiM^" New Kote Lociâ€" 0«o. BUckirood. Plow Pdntoâ€" IfMkdalo Foondiy. CbiM20,' Bock Island A Baeifio Baihniy. The Stattdard. MABEDALE, MAY 8bd 1888. INDEPENDENT PAPBBS. Onr contemporary soath appean im hia "hobby horse" when endeaToring to belittle the oonrse of the Stasdabs in reference to its politieal standing. We might here rea- sonably ask, what has the Adoane* made of its pecoliai course in politics. First on the fence, not knowing on whiich side to get down, preferring rather to "bide a wee" in order to ascertain on which side the pasture grew the most Inxoriant, thereby intimating that he was (as it were) willing to be "anybody's dog for broth." He got down, howeyer, and to all appearance is down yet. In endeavoring to discuss matters political he has clearly shown that he understands no more about them than (fignratiTely speaking) a cow knows about a fiddle, henee the Reformers have turned from the wonderfull sheet with disgust, while respectable Conserratiyes look upon it with distaste. Then in order to draw out the sympathy of his supporters he would make it appear that we had created a sentipent of hostility to FleshertoB. This ia a falsehood of Advance creation. What wUl be next on his program, time will tell. ON OUB TABLE. Tba Nor-Wett Tarmar, prinMdaad fob- Uafaedin^nnn^egattlpwMiiUB. Biaaa Acriflohonl jonnud, etrntuoa OT«r twonty pagw, well Ohutrated and aboonda with m- tereatiiig newa items from the prindpal points in th« Kordi West. Our JAtOe One*, tat May, this litUe gem neret fiuls to interest and amuse ih« j'oting folks, and often the older axuei, it ia protnae- ly illustrated and printed on exeeOent paper. Clubbed with the Standabd for |1. Sawyers IntenuUional Penman, a monthly magazine devoted to pen art, and natural science, it contains some Talnable instmo- tions. and cannot fail to prove valuable to those desirous of improvinsr themselves in that much desired Art. Published by Sawyer Bro's., Ottawa, for 91 per annum. SPBING ASSIZES. EAKLY CLOSING. Our merchants have aU signed an agree- ment to close their shops at 7 o'cIock every evening during the summer seisou Satur- days excepted, when they wiU be kept open until 9. We hope customers will bear this iu mind and endeavor to have their shopping done early in the day, and thereby assist to carry out the arrangement. The selesmen and attendants need out door exercise as well as other people ai this commendable move will materially aisist 'q that direction. ANOTHEE OLD KESTDENT GONE. Mr. James Noble died on Tuesday morning at the age of 45 years, after an illness of about thirteen years, during which time he has been unable to engage in the duties of life. His disease was consumption. Another Stabbing Aflray. ONE, FAltEELoF TORONTO The VICTIM. THB WOUND NOT LIKELY TO PROVE FATAL. On Friday evening last an altercation oc- curred at James Hogan'e boarding house in this place.among some of Paddy Bums' men, who are engaged loading wood on the Rail way. There being no cars to load that day a number of the men got drunk in conse- quence of bemg idle, but how the row start- ed and who was the cause seems a mystery, however, a wounded man (who was also in- toxicated) went to the Station immediately after being stabbed and requested protection from Mr. Ceesar, the agent, which was the first intimation of anything being wrong. Mr. Ciesar at once sent for Dr. Armstrong, who arrived m a few minutes, and on ex- amination found a wund in the windpipe, such as the small blade of a pen- knife would make. The Dr. dressed the wound which he thinks is not dangerous. Mr. Cse.sar had Farrel forwarded by next morning's train to Toronto where he was sent to the Hospital. The cause of the row was, no doubt, too much whiskey more than anything else. The perpetrator is not exactly known, bat it IS generally believed to be Hogan, who has suddenly disappeared Another of tW gang was arrested for disordnly conduct at the station and lod^s in. No. 1 PoUce station until morniQg,.when ke was liberated. Personals. Geo, J. Blyth,Esq., was ia town but week. Mr. Fiweett, of the Adnanee, gave us a •all on SatHiday. Mr. Hall, of th» BeraU, called on Satur- day. Bill Seott arrival om the Connty Town on Saturday. Mr. M. W. Tandewatar. of Allenford, was in town mm Monday. We had a call from Mr. Jenkins, of the Durham eknmicU this week. Dr, Freeman, of Georgetown, made a .short visit with his b'^othsr-ia-law, G. 8. Bowes. Esq., last week. Miss Freeman, his daughter, has bean spending a few weeks in town, they both took their departore on Monday for home. Mr. Brown, of WoodstocK, brother of onr rtspected townsman the jeweller, stopped « M 11 few Jays last week. Will Richardson, left for Manitoba,' last WttU. The Spring Assizes for the oounty com- menced on Tuesday last. Hon. Justice Gait presiding. The criminal business was very light, the only prisoner in gaol awaiting trial being one on a charge of stabbing. There were six jury and eight non-jory cases on the civil docket. Mr. A. Frost conducted the Crown business. The following gentlemen composed the Grand Jury â€" Neil McCoIeman.Forcman, George Buskin, Harris Knight, Wm. Yanstone Adam Good- fellow, Wm. C. Brown, Richard Olmstead. Anthony Shute, Wm. Westaway, George Atkey, Jas. H. Adams, Thos. Rogers, Robt. Guy, Richard Heron, Jesse Ketcbum, John Weir, Jno. M. Tupper, Samuel^oyd, Robt. Harkness, John Robertson, R. D. Bigger, Wm. Edwards, Thos. Luton. The following eases were disposed of â€" Leader vs Nobthern Railway Company. â€" This was a case where Mr. Johnston Leader of St. Vincent sold barley in Toronto to a Mr. Davis by sample, and shipped it by Northern Railway. It appeared that the grain on arriving in Toronto was inspected and pat into elevator with, other grain of same grade, and a car load from the same bin afterwards offered to Mr. Davis, who re- jected it, as not being accorJing to sample. Mr. Leader sued the Company for the price of the grain, claiming that they had agreed to deUyer his grain to the George iStreet switch. The Company contended that by the printed condition on the back of the ship- ping bill they were permitted to inspect grain and put it in elevator, dehvering out an equal quantity of tbe same grade, and that no verbal agieemeut could alter that con- tract. The jury fuuuJ that the agreement was to dehver the car at George Street and Judge entered verdict for plaintiff. (3o9. John Creasor.Q. C., for plainiiff. H. Fergu- son for defendants. The Grand Jury brought in a true bill against Johu Doyle for malicious wounding. Cbeasob v» Pearson, et al. â€" Action on promissory note. Verdict for plaintiff by consent, $481. Creaaor fe Morris for plain- tiff. C'reasor Platt for defendant. Queen vt Cablton. â€" This case was post- poned from last Assizes. The Crown offered no evidence, and the prisoner was discharged. Babbeb vt BARBER.-Referred to Geo. Inclis. Esq. Queen vg John N. Snabe. â€" This was the celebrated Snake ca^e, which could not be trie! at the last Assizes, because the Indian mysteriously disappeard during the Ceurt. He now says he was drugged and carried away in a buggy, but cannot identify who did it. D. A. Creasor, on behalf of the pri- soner, took objection to the indictment oa the ground t^at the uecUration before a Commissioner, who was- not a "funsiionary" within the meaning of the- ilat, and conse- Hpently had no right to take a dclaratien. His Lordship overruled the objection, and the trial proceeded. The facts are already familiar to our readers. The jury acquitted the prisoner. wesnesbat. Dow vt CouLTXB. â€" There appeared to be an old feud between the parties, who hve in Proton, and one day the two defendants, young men named Coulter, had a quarrel with young Dow, in which the latter got several teeth knocked out and sustamed o*her injuries. Dow's father brought this aetion to recover damages. The defendants contended that Dow had struck at one of them with an axe before they molested him, and what they did was in self-defence.â€" S. Timet. 09 AIL KIRDS^ REDUCED MTE8, lade Of SpecM Iron, o Pi Support Home induttiy and procnre your Plow Pomts g Markdale Pi â- ATTHX Foundry. mo-vr Points, 3 tor 91* Old Iron taken in Exchange. WARNJSg There is great .i. â-  l^-^VromwettrjJ Guard Against Sici Keep your feet .1,7^1 »y procuring yo^H â€" rson_ • KAY AjTHoin Satisfaction Guarante«i ^. icatedCorkSoleB.S.^, on hand. BemembfrtS' opposite the new ^^l ^4I^\ BIRTHS. IfiWiNâ€" In Artemeaa m the 25th ult., the wife al H. D. Irwin. Esq., of a daughter. EPwabds.â€" In Artamesia on the 25th nit., the wife of B. H. Edwarda of a son BuBKSTt.â€" In Markdale on the2ndinst..the wife ot Mr. Ed. Burnett of a daughter. DIED- NoBU.â€" In Markdale on the 1st inst., James NoUe, aged 45 yeara. Mr. F A R T« E «. S I.OOK TO TOUB IKRBX8T8 AXP OCT SABGE]fT*8 PATENT LOAD LIFTIlia MACHINE THIS SEASON, MARKDALE MABKETb. Fall Wheat, »0.90 to fO.92; Spring $0.96 to »0 98; Barley, 66c; Peas, 72; Oats, 42c Butter, 16c; Eggs, 16c; PoUtoes, 40o; Hay, $12.00 Pork, 7.60 to 7.76; Flour, 14.75 to 95 00; Grass Seed, $2.00 to .12.10 It will save yon one or more hands everv day yon are drawing in, as you don't need a man at the front of the mow to pitch it back. Yon can pitch fiom the lead as yon are pitching down instead of up. Yoa can unload in half the time, and with greater ease .ban in the old way. Agents wanted in every oounty. Waa. SARGENT, Berkeley P. O. or Grover *b- lianes, 3f('nildii|gs, Toronto. CANADA â-  TO THE Still Victorioi, IlOCXHaE KAJOBITT IN Jmi fiai M;! IN CANAB* IN 1881 °^' FLESHERTON MARKETS. FaU Wheat, $0.90 to $0.93; Spring, $0.95 to $0.97; Barley, 57c; Peas, 69c; Oats, 41c Butter. 16c; Eggs, I6c; Potatoe8.40 c; Hay, $12.00; Pork, $7.45 to $7 60 TORONTO MARKETS. FaU Wheat, $.0.97 to $0.98; Spring, $1.05 to $1.08; Barley, 55o to 73c; Oats, 46c to 50c Peas, 70c to 78c; Hogs, $8.00 to $8.25; Pota- toes, per bag, 70c to 75c; Butter, dairy, i7c to 20c; exn, 20c to 21c. LOST. A NOTE drawn about the 1st January, '83, by Robert Stafford in favor of Geo. Blackwood for $90.00, payable six months after date. AD parties are hereby warned against negotiating for the same should it be found as payment thereof to any perss^ but. myself is stopped. 138-40* GEO. BLACKWDW). T. C. B. RAILWAY. TIME TABIiE^ 01ia,ng-e ot Time. 20th, 1882, HarUab Mnilil; Callle A regular Ifikthly Cattle Fair wUl be held in the Agricmlural Grounds, Markdale, as fo'lows â€" i8«a- SATURDAY Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Bfcy Jane Skdj Oet. Nov. Dec. Land for Sale. 1 fifi ^*^^^" •txxit so » which is J-^iCTJ afeared, being composed of the E. hsOftofiLotlO, in the 8th ooneesaim) of the TbwaaJiip of Euphraaia. Awly at this office, OT to Boanr Dina.op, Townahip Clerk of Euphrasia, Qriersville P. O. llT-tf ATWBICBJRIZEBWEEEoiT^.^ First prizes and Dirkaw -^ the Williams- MaoHmes in 1882 « 5l hibitions bdd at the fc.llowicR ni.^.*" ada:â€" Tmro.N.S.; Antigonigh kT' Uton, Ont.; BeUeville, Out.; vifeLS Simcoe. Ont. *»«nori,(| These celebrated Machines W Manufaatorer's Trade Mark 'tnl iaDtad„iM7 be purchased all over iC, €•«» 100,000 of these Machinl m nsa-oa Canada, which o{ it»tilf U tk gaarant' ' of their merit. C. Tbeadoold, Ag^nt, Markdale nil for. the celebrated Bull Organ. minion Organ supplied. oil kept for sale. C. TREADGOLD. THEBESl PUJ TO GEr L North of Toronto, is at tlit iM.a,i*k:dale Grallen Farm for Sale or to Pent. On and after MondJMjr, TXvr. trains will run as foUowii OOINO K TH. Ittad Dnm.. 4 2 6 OO 6 45 8 4# 10 15 .o 8 45 9 56 P.M. OOIMO SOUTH A.M. 7 30 9 05 9 65 12 20 2 2.5 11 60 12 06 130 PJS. Read Up. A.M. TOBONTO 10 46 Cabdwbll Jdkc. teANOEVILLK Moims FoBBST. TEESWSdBB .„,. f. eshsbtob .. Mabkdalk, OwBN Sound.... 9 05 8 27 6 80 6 00 6 43 6 27 6 16 A.M. P.M. 9 10 7 81 6 60 4 30 2 45 4 47 4 80 8 10 P.M That's so. for a friend of mm I bis taken i here and he bays tiierj eyen better than what Le liad i in Toronto. JAMES HAMILTON. AIIIII EUGENIA Grist, Saw andLathl LOT 4, CON. 12 EUPHRASIA 182 acres, 90 cleared acd in gcod sUte of onltivstion, has 3 hooses and S bams, ani- table iyrt either cme ot two tenants, and will ' ^^°^ aatisfaetion Be either leased or soU separate ot in one parcel. Possession given at onoe. For par- tioulais apply to Gilbert Coolodge, on tte premiaes. Markdale O. 1SS.88. A Mixed iTam will also inn between Tor- onto and Owen Sound. See Time Table. D. McNiCOLL, EDMUm»WBAOOK. Gen. Pott. Agt. Oenermt Manager. V MoArthur, has removed to Orange- mUp having secured a aitnation therft. Mr. Th«. Eiaeloine, ^o left far »* iflton a if w weeks apo has returned and intends fol- jovvioi; h\A triMlein this sectinn. 1. \Wle31 lyous lett for Goilingwood jticerdaj. To the Editor of the Staktabd. Dbab Sib.â€" Re Observers letter No. 2. He commences by saying that my assertion connecting hjm with club 13 of Chicago, is false. Now Isir, I want you to understand there Is a Utile party connected itith this letter writmg. the Observer of letter No. 1 is not the writer of lettfer No. 2, thus the Mat- ter IS explained and ifc Observer in the first place had written over his own pignature it would have been unnecessary for me to reply us your readers would then have fully known what prompted him to write such trashy â- tuff, attacking a letter written in the in tereats of.ihe whole farming community, one sentence which he or they have never been able to confute. Now in conclusion I b^ leave to say that so long a, he or any other «f tt^P«tyaresonngenUemanlyasni «»-«iertk.mtooungentlemanlytohaveany U, be; ul Snn EVENING EXBES8 l-RAINS will run in direct conneetion with the Palaee StoMnahips the "Spartan," "Afriea" and "Maimed of the Ow^ Sound Steam Ship S^^lich TOnT?2^?v^'"c "7" TUESDAY and THURSDAY for Sault Ste. Marie and aU ^o!^J® ^•'**' »°'l every TUESDAY and SATURDAY ior Lake S^^rior PotU connectmg at Thunder Bay witt IhecS duui Pacific Railway for Manitoba and^ pomts m the Canadian Northwest!^ Saturdays steamers run direct to-lhunder Bay, and those travelling by this trin un!i route wiU iej«h Winnipeg 'as ^aXbytSS »" *n«n route, and at rates verrnwcn low«. .SHIPPps OP lFRElGH?SSd In' «gn via the Owen Sowd S. 8 iS^ *^°" For rates and aU othsr infM^ation anni. to any of the agent, of the O^SSSdW lane, the Toranto. Grey SS^^^^' D. McNICOLL ED. WRAGGE ^pi^^^^JlSft. ^-Aer. Toronto, April 20, 1883. A. GASEtiy, To^ who are suffering from the errors •od indiscretions ot youth, ner ous weak- ness, early decay, loss of manhood, 4o..I Of CBIARGE. This great Rem^ was dis- covered by a missionary in South America. Send a self -address* d envelope to Joseph T. Iiwa.x, Station D, New Having made eqtensive iinproTiaat| iny Gnat Mill I feel cunfident I GOOD FLOUR /IL^VAYSQKil Chopping Done Every M Bilk Filltdoii ALWiB Bbv. Ttrh Mansion House i»ARKDALE, Pbopbibtob. JAMES BRYAN, FARM FOR SALE. L^,'S»CON. 8E. G. UN. HOLLAND, 100 acres, 70 acres cleared, weU water hM^. Sitnated 2 half miles frlm Cuate- worth. A. bargain will be given in the NcWe, Marfalal., or to Chas. 1^, sh^: FARM FOR SALE. 1 A A ACRESâ€" be; from M, i.l 1""' balance, h.-.'d«fo. for fencng ije with never tzP' Young orchiin!, u^ deed can be givoj/ ply to MRS. L ICf Custom Sawing and ahortf^st notice. LUkBER AND MTH ON IMNIUl Cherry, Bnl'.jmut, "Vrhite ^, Bl«t* Bass wfliad. Pine and HemlociLogn 691jr. M. AKlTT^.Kngenii MARKDALE, Manufacturer of ail Kini« c* Drop Valve. Cylinder, Force, uid C»*| Pumpa. All kinds of IRON PUMPSI .V'l: u- .I-.L SUPTtJ";!*. Aoiniiristrator's W\ AVERY deairaUe pmxipertT be w^ ^*^' ^^o** "1 andliW Ih 1? 100 11% lb. r..^uge from road, has is t-'3,S «1 70 acres deared. bahmce harf wood* krge atone dwellinr ' """««. wall watered with never one, spring Yours Truly. Tho*. Kjl:,s. TTAVpffit LEASED THE ABOVH Wn to r^seive a share of ;i^ " P««iti«n ckiii«e«t brMidsofliSS^SS*"^. ^^^ no^ce7^~" (Stgne.1) Mr.S.CAST«ELL. T" /â-  ta ^A- W Farm for Safe Eiwhna ft; 8 inan Ikmk^j.. »««ela«wid»r.a.ia a* to ran i«i hardwood bns'.i n^ aa ' CUV. WtUws -wt*^ t' onlylOrtdafoia^ ;;V â€" ',. _^ horn*. b«n ai,d s Lo. '•^'V^'±, deed can Iw nivsn -a, ' â„¢ -« «. Clear th«pr^SiLur* ^*'^*'-«^o«J»« apply on SAJIUEL WBliHT, »J9klya P.O. â- â- ' ' •'•-â- ' 3Tir;' »â-  -65 â- â- â- . '». •:,. -CO â-  â- â€¢ fC |f.v icg spring TUB8UAHT to Section 34. of C*^^, 'J: of tlw Revised Statotei of IW* I notice is heivby given that e*d""'Jj|,ii| Isons haidng claims wpon t^*****^ jv, frl WUliam. CMBuingham, forsMrly of «»' I Ihge of Mkikdale. in tb. Coun^^^l dark, wh» died on or abou* the 23ri March, 1888. are, on or before the TENTH DAY OF MAY. 188*^ to send by post prepaid, to MessrS' ^^1 Hall Fuilerton, 20 King street, b»»' route, Solicitors f« William Con adminiatrator of the estote and enef^^ aaid Bobert William CunninghssMJ^ 'Is^: oi'rir i«n and surnsmes, ***Ttii«r tc-.:,.ioL-;i, Ae full P«^'i«»'»;Litt«»i w .V.-j ,.n'.- s si-.tement of tl'eir "'tLm 'â-  1 • -:. ;a. 9 f f tlieir ..ieowrities ""'^^^11^ tiiRii. Aud notice i» aUo herebfP^^ s:.v. 'ho last mantone.1 dstel» "^,i^l aiiaisiTKtor will proaeed to "'*;" -jtif^ j awata ©f th* deeeasad! """"S** "^i^,(£j oitfted, haying retard eitly t****^ tb*] vhiolk the said adbiistrators *^^^ hwe BkI notice, and tba* he J"'"*?' ^ffi- fc»the assets or any part '"fl^^dji* Witod to any person of which de«( " h«8hall not then have had uoti*- ^^^ ' Dated at Toronto, this 17th A«»;u. 1 REEVE, HALL A FULLKK^trit*1 Soliuitors for the sajiaJ"" MONTHLY 1 kdale â€" Saturday befo £Vorth â€" Monday bef tâ€" Tuesday before herton â€" Monilay befo ome â€" Wedneoday grille â€" Tbe second lamth. at Forestâ€" Third \; I month. B â€" Monday befon -Tliird Tuesday omâ€" Monday before ICBS ia thete eoium jiadtridiuil or Society t a line for the firtt I a line each aubteque r correspondents wil that their copy will rseiday, to insure an BT. Mr. Wilson (1 ach in the Metlioc bbath evening at 6 ay May the 5th I in this plaea.and don t is being made to h the Markale i ate shoes ches aolds k Son. ihr- i i. »r t^

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