-i -» -^^^ftviTj^Jf- -» â- i'V*'f^-^f^^~fV â- •-^â- ^â- 'â- ^â- kfV- d^'T^I^"**^!*^ rQL, 3.-N0. 34. ONT.,MAY te t883; No. 138; IS PUBLlSHSIft ^^^ TH JRSDAt EVENINdi, At Markdalo Ontario. IS ADVANCE, jjjin tliree montbs. $4 !* tf«l paid t^ t^o{ the year i«t9i«. No paf^ ^scontioned jjnlil grears are paid up, 'except at the of the publisher, aud parties refasing wituont paviag up wili be held respon- for the years subscriptrons until tbcgr Wi with the rtttes. TEKMS OP ADVERHSINO colama one yedr. do. do. do. d». iit to- .150 no 27 60 15 00 do â- .•• « BO do •• 4 00 t«n lines, first insertion per line 8 iiubsequent insertio* 3 ,e Dttmber of iines to be reckoned by the e occnpieJ measured by a scale oC satid Advertisements without tt^ecifie will ^e published tiH forbid and 1 accordi«»ly. AR tranitory adver- jflits must te in the office «! baUiea- pjlo'cloct *a the Wednesday peooeed- llheirpablicittiou. jm .P-RINTINO de*cription executed with bess mi. despatch at the Office of JinNDARo, Markdiile. W. RUTLEDGE. Editor Pbopeietob. every Si.TirEi. WAUDEL.L., ELL DIGGER AND DRILLEB. ALL «r(}(*s promptly attended to. Eesi- Snider's Hill, Oweu Sound. 122-35 ltient, M,D., M.R.C.P. S., O. IPksician and Surceon, Priceville, Kute of University. Vict. College. New York, and iGradiiate, of the same, Avleth Medical luBtitate. Opthalmic Hospital, N.Y. kikColl. PliTsicIans SurgeorftjO. 104 Dental Card. [ameron Knight* DENT.^L SURGEONS, Rwer I). A Cameron and Go's Dmg .Matt St., OWEN SOUND. ijattentkn given to the preservation of alteatb. Artificial Dentmes monnt- Celluloid, and Blubber ibases. iktt MiJLdale the last TseedajBt meron, M.Clfc W.it^. Glasgow., 'D.S.,Ont. C. F. Knight, L.B-S. Medalist RoyaU Col- lege De«_ Sur..,'Ont REVERE BYRBNS M McCASKII.1. T*^ ??"â- ' Hotel hag-dhtanged hands «# »u A? "' ™«" c**" to the wants iifer^ Oocd »ubUag and attentive â- owtets. p»e beat brands at liq«or and f*"*, g«od meals and eomf octsbl^ rooms large 'MkmeroialMom. JUrbecslfopincon- nectiolk 180.1y. CHAT8WORTH HOUSE (un msBow boosb,) CHATswoinrn, oat. C. H. MATTHEWS, Pbopbotob. The Wst brand of liqaors and eigars al- "ways m stodt. Good meals and e.mfortable tofflms guiHuteed. Good stabling and at. tsatiye hoatler. n^ Markdale House. This commodiouB and popular hotel is fur- nished in first-class style, is one of the finest hotels in the County. Good accommodation for travellers. 'Bus to and from all trains. Charges moderate. A. RUTLEDGE. Pbopbiktob. COMMERCIAL HOTEL PRICBVHjLiE. Ont. Large aud commodious Sample Rooms Good Bed Rooms, o. The Bar and larde well supplied with the best the market af fords good Stabling and attentive Hostler's TH03. ATKINSON,, Proprietor John McDonald, CHATSWORTH, DIVISION Court Clerk, Issuer of Mar- riage Licenses, Commissioner in B.R., Conveyancer, Ac. Deeds, Mortgages, Wills, c. attended to promptly, accurately, neat- ly, and cheaply. Private funds to lend in small sums on easy terms. Notes discounted B. M. Oalbraith A UCTIONEER AND GENERAL LAND J\. Agent, Williamsford Station. Auction Sales attended in all parts of the County. Gkods sold on commission. Rates moderate. Pianos, Organs, and Sewing Machines; also Fruit and Ornamental Trees. Vines, Agricul- tural Implemennts, and Machinery of all Visds on sale. "Vrndamsford, Jan. J7, 1S81. MARSHALL, L.D.S. DENTIST, tlliCrATE OF TOBOlfTO SCHOOL Dentistry, will be at Butledge's Uwkdale, on the 1st and third Wed- ' of each month for the practice of his SiOD. «"iai79th, 18S3. 122-74. itfijiu Frost Frost, |«2BISTEES, AND ATT0ENEY8-AT 11*' Solicitors in Chancery, Convey f'*e,Owen Sound, have resumed at "^H, Office open every Thursday, as |lifore. "Fmwt, J. W. "int?Crown Attorney. Fbost, LL. B. 1 J. iriAsso^i, aSTER, MASTER ANDDEP. REG "ChaBfiary, Notary Pablic, Conveyan P'^TO LEND AT SIX PER CENT. "wen Sound, in Vicker's Block '•; and in Markdale. over MeFar «, on Friday and Saturday every 57.1y Creasor* ninnis«n, -^Ji^SOLICITOaS. CONVEY- '^^^ 4c. A-e, rcBsinOwea Sound, D««erin Block, • ' Wolf's Store and in GIBSON McMillan, CONTRACTORS. Contracts taken for all kinds of BRICK UD STONE WORK, Plain Ornamental Plastering. Calsomininq in all Shades and Cohn. â- fiift; io h^sn Alt«^# %)^l» EOBT. ASKIl,. Has opened oat a First-ClMa Furniture â€" AXU UN0ERTKIN6 ESTABLISHMENT. And therefore has snpplied a want long felt, espeeially in the Undertaking Line. COFFINS, CilSKETS. SHEOUDS. and all FUNERAL FURIIISHINaS sapplied on the shortes notice. -A. Silend.id Hearse i« hire at moderate rates. PUENITUEE! From the Common to the Best and Latest Styles, in everything in the Ime. Call and see for yourselves. ROBT. ASKIN. a"*-a| Charges moderate and satisfaction guar- anteed. Orders left at ahe Stakdabd office will receive prompt attention. Markdale, Feb. 6th, 1883. 126-ly. Wm. Bromm, XSSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES. Ac Commissioner in B. R. o. Conveyancing in all its branches promptlj attended to and carefully executed. N. B. Money to Lend on Real Estate se eurity- Union Carriage forks. All work maniifactared from First Cuss Miteriil In the Latest aod Best Improved Style, and finibhod with Ii^nsrlisti. 'Va.i'iiisli.. «. Paiffting Trimming Rigs will receive prompt attention. All Repairs executed in the shortest possihle time consistent with good workmanship. Good Work a Speciality. Remember the Shop, opposite the Cheapside D. J. SHANAHAN. Markdale. Dee. 2nd, 1881. Proprietor. 64. ifTwMARKDALE; ,,-,•'â- Met arlaniTg Sti^sexm Kridsy Thursday M each week. p'^dsto lend on leaMoatMe terms, ^kdil, ^•Q. «. Marcii 15. 1882 Dcrvcia Mobimn 79-ly Alexander Browm. .^"f Marriage Licenses, Fire and ^surance Agent. Commissionei •onto,, â- Conveyancer and Licensed CJ'°"'ne County of Grey. Farmers, ito'*,'"iLand Sales, Pii»etuaUy at- !e,in y liarges â„¢**« ^^'" moderate â- 17, 1880. 1-V LOYAL MARKDALE LODGE. Of C. 0. O. F. No. 78, will meet in their hall on Monday evening. May 14th at eight o'clock p. m. 108 A. Turner, Sec'y. MANHOOD HOW lost, how restored /^z-^i^ We haye recently published s new f»KAI. Sedition of Dr. Culvebweix's Cble- ^Cr-^^-BBjLtKD EsHAT on the radical and nermanent cure (without medicine) of Ner- vous DoibiUty, Mental and Physical incapaci- ty, Impediments to Marriage, «fcc.. resulting foom excesses. „_4. 13- Price, in sealed envelope, only 6 oenw, or two postage stamps. The Celebrated author, in this admi"" dearly demonstrates, from thirty Im. Lucas Co., BA NKE RS, ]W[oiiey Loaned. IN large or small amoxints, at all times, on good jndorsed notes, or on collateral seenrity. INTEREST AT 6 PER CENT. Allowed on Savings Deposits. yeiia' 'succ«siul practice, that idarmmg oon- i^S;^ may be radically cured without the ^E^gcwnw use of internal medicines or the NOXIOK. rs AND GUARDIANS OP CHIL- ^4ein^i*^°^'" a favor upon me and that I ^V^ they would inform their I of ,„: °ot allow any one ander ' 8e lu my BiUiard Rrom.-- .^- J.« ?-^H0GAN,PropStet«. "'aa. ].5tli, 1833. uaeKie knife pointing out a mode of curs ^onee snnple, certain and effectual, of which every sufferer, no ma^ ^i^his eondition may be, may eiire hinwelf cheaply, privately and radically, «-Thi» Lectare-should baJ»JiM Btaaa ot ev^ youth Address TInM P.Cboi^ Id ^^Drafts issued and Collections ms^a on points, at lowest rates. W.M. LUCAS, Manager. September 23, 1880. S-lv W. G. RICHARDS, BUILDER, CONTRACTOR, AECHI- TBCT. â€" Residence on jlill Street, Mark- dale. Markdale. Jan. 2ith, 1833. 124}y J. W. FORD, Is giving splendid satisfaetioit in GRISTINGr CMr aimaalimportetioBt «t. Field and Garden Seeds to hand (fu S8 ErUdmg) frem one of the best houses in Europe, and indades all the leading Orders kyatall wUlrer^ire Ail •â- « Freatpt •tCeatl IX. P^VRKCIR, (SEEDSMAN.) DURHAMI. Marnh 27th, 1888. 183 BEOROE NOBLE, INSURANCE AND LAND AGENT, LICENSED AUCTION^R For the County of Grey. AoBNT for the following reliable Gompaniss CITIZENS' of Montreal, AGRICULTURAL, of Watertown, and TRADE COMMERCE, (Mutual) of Toronto. i4 maOmgn flwm Seetiwis tor tke A number of Choice Farms for sale, also Village Lots Auction Sales conducted in Town or Coun- try on Shortest Notice. Charges moderate. Bills, Blank Notes, and Stamps provided. GEO. NOBLE. JOHN NOBLE, MARKDALE. GEM'LBLACKSMITH HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY. SEEING IS BELimG. GENTLEMEN.â€" If you want a first-class Buggie or Wagon call at MGKENNA MAiyON'S CARRIAGE WORKS BBARKDALE. They can supply yon with anything from a Lumber Wagon up to Excension Too Phaeton. To buy from them is to SAVE jVtOlVETf! They are both practical workmen, end employ none but PRACTICAL WORKMEN They guarantee their work Second to none for Lightness of Draught and Superiority of Finish. They use nothing but First-class White Oak for Wagons, and thiioe Extra Second Growth Hickory for light work. The immense amount of work turned oat of McEenna Mason's shop i^s snfficicn proof of the wide reputation they enjoy for doing good work. Thk BEST IS THB CHEAPEST tn thb END Poor cheap work we positively will not take. Special attention given to r.e-Trimmiug and Repainting all classes of Carriage Work. The NiwOi Grey Teaehen* Conventim viU be heU at tlM High SduMl, Omn Sound, an Tueeday and Wednesday, May S3nd and 33rd. The BesideaMe of Madam Wilson, Owan Sound, was burned on Saturday the Slsk, together with 176 in money. The OraogeviUe Oosctte of last wtek makee it appear fr Hm a elip from our paper that we had a disastrous fire iu Markdale. The flra ooenrred in Dundalk. The Mount Forest Confederate u now printed on a steam power press It has en- tered on its seventeenth year of publication and gives an interesting review of life during that time in last weeks issue. Orangeville has good prospects of having a Post Office and Custom House ereeted in tiie near future. The cattle By-law in Shelbnma is being observed. A debating club has been lately formed at BadgOTOs. Mr. G. M. Anderson of Shelburne, late of Markdale, leaves for the North-west this week. The C. 0. 0. F. of Tbombuiy have had an annual supper. They now propose an ex- cursion to Orillia on the 18th iuRt. Petterman's mill in CoUingwood was de- stroyed by fire on Monday the 23rd together with a house owned by Mayor Dudgeon. No insurance. Mr. N. Campbell of Durham had over S70 in his pocket when the sad drowning accident Lccurred, which was all right when the body was found eight days afterwards. The next division court will be held in Markdale. Meaford driving park is to be fenced forth- with. Bev. J. Eakin, Presbyterian, of Dundalk is about to remove to Wingham. The cheese factory prospects are good at Dundalk. Work has commenced on the Dundalk oat mill Accident. â€" Mr. Joseph McArdle of Hope- ville met with an accident on the 17th inst. He was engaged in logging and by some means or other had his leg broken. Dr. Ghent set the injured limb. â€" Harald. On Wednesday last a young fellow named Duggan, hailing from Mealord, procured a horse from G. E. Phillips' livery stable, under the pretence of going to Flesherton, promising faithfully to be back at night. In- stead of going to Flesherton he struck off for Meaford. Hearing nothing more of him on Saturday Mr. Phillips procured a warrant and placied it in the hands of constable Peter- son. On Saturday night about eleven o'clock the horse was found tied to the gate post at Mr. Phillips' door terribly used up, but the driver was not to be seen. It is likely he will soon be caught. â€" Herald. An Oddfellows, lodge, Manchester unity, was opened at Lion's Head recently with a good membership. A lodge of the Canadian Order of Odd Fehows was opened at HepwortU last week by Bro's Geo. Howitt, P. G. and Jas. Doug- las, P. G., of Owen Sound. A lecture ou marriage will be given in Wiarton on Friday evening the 4th. Admis- sion 25c. After marriage it is a usual thmg te have free lectures. On Tuesday last week as Wm. McCoy and Sam. McLeod were driving down from Little Current their team broke through the ice abreast of Trotter's Point. McCoy at once pluckily jumped on the back of one of the struggling ponies and cut the harness then, after considerable exertion and seriou-i risk, he and his companion succeeded in getting both the animals out, but one o ' them again broke through and was drowned. The borses belonged to Jno. Riddell of tbe Commercial. ' â€" Manatoulin Exposito' The trial of Mann, the murderer of the Cookes, was postponed at the L'Orignal as- sizes owing to the absence of material vitnesses. By the Neiw Pnweys at i 'r,-f Oj i .T^tt Mr^ Speeiftl atteniioa to parties from a .^istanoe so lfaMi|ir^iy have tbttr Satiitfaction guaranteed (or No Pay) in HORSESHOEING KHOFâ€" Un Mill Street opposite t Smvole'H Botel. McKBNNA MASON. Advertise in the Standarl. i.i-:MU^ M fsilaset 1 IVkfy JU«." h*d jpeiur WOLSiJiLEY. •J,' i» A correspondent sends the following, which we insert with the request that more be given us for publieation â€" Mr. R. Ninnons had a very fine piano ship- ped to his bwn address last week,and as there is some very fine young ladies in that otion of country, no doubt our bachelors v ofteu drsam of 'music in the air." Wolseley ezoels in good water, abuudauCJ of wood, best land in tbe North- West Terri- tory, and beautiful scenery, as we are only six miles from the far-famed Qi^'Appelle rivtw and valley One proof of my statement is ^t a great number of the ex mounted pcdioe have chosen Wolseley for their lot, alter traversing the whole of the territory. £i,o other dasd of men were better able: )u^ of location and soil. There is a great deal of land open for homstead entry north of tile city, Mid a number of townships will, be^ia the market early in the qtring. W» ue looking for Wolseley to have more emi- m^ts an any other station ou tUo 0. P. S.." Our. iOctmaster and gene lal merchant, Mr. M(vtJuter, has enjai^gtid hia builditiK, ibai wiltgive gpud aoeommedatiun !•« priuK stodi. Itessra. Gross dc Dill are doing a good iradu in gauenil merohandike, aud last but not luast is 4f L. Dodds, who has a beaafeif ~i a- fnl huQiesfead in th» sohndw, called fiaktn. '• t' GlenelgParm,as weUa« ajiftne store m tovaiu} -fz «hieh would do «fe^aj|i^tJ^||^c4c nnujo'.^ other pomts. ^, .;^., I ^,-:: a.^^^ â- r^-" io tma iti-toU »4i \o J**^ ten: kwmw- urn