Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 26 Apr 1883, p. 5

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 "is^-j^^ifiSW *»^l-»rT-"^»W5J-?- -rt4ty!"SS-Jl'^/»"i%.p^-'1w»^s^ -V Ljf If Brown Uf Voll is leaving Mark- â- ; ffo into the Wholesale ll Business in Toronto, Jwishmg to leave Mark- dto^ethtrj he has entered trtnersht^ ^ith Mr. W. fotolKiV, late of Flesherton, (J prarM^^ watchmaker %tllerioverisyear^eX' "'r( and comes with the best i.0mendat ions from some of .Jinr watchmakers in the Kr Brown mil carry on the ^,ss in Markdale. ,jrk enirusted to him will in a wjvkmanlie mzn- latent LoJrJft 'â- f' ,•£0 m 1 --ork li'ill be guaranteed, III (roods sold will be found Wnmted, or money refund- r' loll Brown's, Fje People's Watchmakers Jewellers Hill's IBilocli, i[ARKj;.U.E ONLY. Ill and other Items. in theie riilitmn.i intended to benefit isnitliial or Six-ii'ty will be charged ten ,lint fur the lirat insertion and five \iiM fach mh equent insertioTt. and lot for sale in Marlciale, a eirible place, apply at this oflR. e. iraahave a»lii^t ray son, yes i/'liri-, jiQiihas some new otyles cb' -p. li;«. Neilson of Inistoge h aw sold hiv hK and removed to Dundclk. bquet in 4. 6 8 ball se's, (iledical Hall. iMrrespondents will do well to be:^i' iu JMUheir copy will reqniie to rea. h ns ifjjj, to injure aa insertion the ti',me Miores m Markd.'Ie will close fvt 7 tiaarp accept Saturday'cr the IIIjv. CmtDiners will do Well to make if this. tF. Doll will be in Markdale fov flays about the Ist May. His 01 fine American Jewelleiy, ts, Gold ai^d Silver Watches, iic, will be worth inspectiug. purchasers it will pay to loaiiim. iNCE.-W. J. Bellamy, Eeal InsuraDce agent, Flesher- Nbeia Markdale, nt Rutledge's ^tvtry Thursday until further no- isarance atth« lowest possible •!ioLey to Loan on Eeal Estate "percent per annum. Couvey- •aallits branches caotefully and 'y executed. adsaTei bis custoraets the whdle- isatj protit as he importp dire t putupean markets. ',^n. of the Mansion Hoube, h;is [^c property opposite his Hotel, he is "ay the old buildings, and wQl f-Etl across the lot. He appears to K'ot stamp of a man for the business laadhas m.i,!.' a wonderful change rPMBises, the prospects ai-e " take a large share of pnbhc ^L'SLEN's AliN'ICA SALVE. pst salve i„ the world for Cut?, ;^"fM, Ulcer Salt Rheum. Fever •""• Chapped Hands, Chilblains, I, »'l San Eru))tion8,and Positively "â- "' ^t is suaraiiteed to give perlcct ^^"•fr money refunded. Price 25 â-  '^^- I-'or :,le by A. Turner fe Co 'â-  ,; ^t'll Will sell by auction h lot: ' We wonld like to Bee m»» -.*. ^^Id. Son are now to the W With «»eir new spring stock of good. Mr H. J. McDonald, of Winnipeg, «n of ^ntl W t """•^^ ^^ ^-^o. ronto last Monday. We received by maU an advertisement fromVandeleurP. O. this wedc without a signature, which we hold over until the name 18 sent. Saturday May the 5th will be cattle fair day in this place,»nd don't you forget it. An effort la being made to have foreign buyew to attend the Markale fairs. The old Parliment buildings at Quebec were burned o. Tue day ni«ht la8t,20thin,t. The loss is estimated at »250,000 which i mdstly coyered by insurance. In reply to our enquiry of last week con- cerning Agricultural Society groanns. we are diiected to state that the society intends to put the grounds in condition for the 24th May sports as e ly as possible. The spring assizes for the county openei on TuesoHv in Owen Sound, Mr. .; ice (ialt presiding, the calendar is not vfeiy heavy consisting of fouiteen civU and thi-ee criminal cases, the Beatty stabbing affray being one of them. Fob Sale cheap for cash, or would exchange for lumber, one young horse, five (5 years old, s .und and true to work single or double. Apply to E. J. Sproule. Flesherton. An immence stock which we are selling Beynolds fc Son. A meeting of those interested in the cele- bration of the Queens Birthday in Markdale will be held in the Markdale Home on Tues- day evening, the Ist ef May at 8 oclcik for election of officers and other busixmsn. by order ol the secreta'y. A monster snow plow has been built at RoAcster lor the T. G. B. Railway, which was tested near Ora.ngeville on Monday last, snow being shoveled on the track in a cut to the depth ef 6 feet for the purpose, the trial proved entirely satisfactory. The Toronto Daily World is the spociest, newsyist paper of the day, only 25 cts a month, just the thing for mechaoucs. Snb ffcriptions taken at this office will be t-ent direct through the mail, specimen copies can be seen at the St anaabd Office. Mr. John MacBae, of Wiarton, brother of Finlay SiiacBae, Esq., Reeve of Glene.'g, Liid an actioa against the corporation of Wiai-- ton some time ago for injuries received fi'om a defective sidewalk. He recovered $200 and costs. Oar village pohce would do well to make a note of this. THIS «E8T II GNEAPEST. ^^ootaBMof t«ip««»enf« fttBtee. Inrt He refreahmg ooofaiesK ol the Fnitts,as« BELFAST HOUSE. MARKDALE, beats an the ioebetSF ever floated down the Atkuitic Ocean. of boots and shoes at great bargains, The Belfast Honse Teas ana Ooffees I give ui exhiUrating inflnenoe, not eqoalled m Markdale, except by Benson's WHISKIES, BRANDIES, WINES, «»«. Those who relish the •* pipe of peace ' will find the Tobaccos and Cigars at the Belfast House unsurpassed north ol Toronto. Cheese, Bologd* Sausage, and Biscuit m endless variety, all from the best manufacturers, at the Belfast House. Ap- ples, (green and dried,) Spices, Sweetmeats, Ac. loUet and Fancy Soaps, Essences, Perfumes, and Family Oils, of the purest quality. Flour, Potatoes, Pork, Herring, (dried and salt,) kept constantly on hand. tS-Our Bottled Gin is imported directly from the manufacturers, and our Bottled Wines are put up at the Vintage. Piikles in bottles, Mustard in cans, and in fact ev- erything in the grocery trade. A recent ad- dition to my finances will enable me to pur- chase in the head markets of Europe and America, WUiSON BENSON. 1 Buggie, nparly new 1 sulky 1 new 2 Eavtnond m%lni)t-s and 2 Wilson 3., "•'^ber of other articles. See democrat '"'^K ta'Iur ""'3 wanted "V where will good morning my Qiy son a new suit of I get them, my •'cFarland's because he has a "and don't '-«-"0 BIBLE !!!^'^*er, of sell s.hoody. REWARD. Riitiedge'g Monthly of- «^ards in their McmtMij for H fj. *.2" in p(dd to the person •TfiJ' ' "^*" shortest chapter in •t bv \r^^°' Scriptures (not the New •^^W ""' ^^83. Should two I^J iT/^r" be received, the Tf- dmded. The money will be '^112 7 "^^"" '^ay 15th, 1883. 9 Sliver ^1^°'" '•e^ard must send 20 yk. er fr 'f.^'^g" stamps taken)with â- ""f.^hich they will receive the ijij -.IE which the name and act- las^er^'n"'^^ reward and the ^â- M mn published, and in Addr.g, I^iu'ble rewards will be ' -astr.., ' r '"n-ELGE PurLIBHISO °-^. Penna. â-  •• â-  Reynolds Son are aware of the fact that they do not keep the largest stock of goods in town, but they do know that their good* are new, no oll stock, and at present they have a very fine assortment at very low prices, intending purchasers will do well to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. As will be seen by Mr. J. P. Marshall's Dertist eariin another column, he will be at the Markdale House for the time to come the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month. Mr. Marsh.all is giving good satisfaction and his practice increasing fast, hence the neces- sity of coming two days in the mouth instead of one. We would refer our readers to Mr. Wm Sargents adveit sement in thir- paper. His loadhftor was patented two yeais ago and there are now several hundreds of them through the province and the demand for them increasing fast. We telieve they are well worthy the attention of farmers, being a labor saving c ncern. besidrs enabling a farmer to house at least 4 loads per day more than by the old system. Ducks, Drrrys, Bleached Cotton'!, Grey Cottons, the cheapest and best at Beynolds Son. Mr John Welsh (late harvest alove mann- factnrer) of th's place.died athis iatheis resi- dence, Holland Tp on Saturdity Last, and bis remains were followed to their last rest inK place on Monday by a large concourse of friends and acqiamtanees. About seven months ago his wife died, the disease was consumption in koth cases. Mr.W.w«.tto Florida last summer for the befaefit at nis health but returned about two months a70 without any improvement and has smce gradoaUy grown weaker untU the end, as above. The Toronto Gnsy Brucd BaUimy com- pany have decided to run an evenii^ eipr^s S from Toronto to Owen bound, to con- ueot with the O. 8. line of palace steamers f^Tsanlt Ste Marie and intennediate pomte. Sso to wmeet with the C?,w^ito Pacifi. Sw^ytt^ander Bay fpr Mamtob. and 2?St8 Lie North West. «ne wBtt be Se diTpest moat direct roqte to Mam^ Prints of tlie newest style, oa^ jn^.to hiWid at Beyn4dla and Son- Readers of the Commercial can not well forget that a large sf ace has for years been taken up bv Kendall's advertisements â€" es- pecially of a certain Spavin Cure. We have had deahngs with Dr. Kendall for many years, and we know of some large business houses in cities near by, who have also deilt with him lor many years, and the truth is fully and faithfully proven, not only that he is a good honest man, and that his celebrated Spavin cure is not only all that it is recom- mended to be, but that the Engligh language is not capable of recommending it too higUy. Kendall's Spavin CJure will cure spaviiis. These are hundreds of cases im which that has been frozen to our certain knowledge, but, after aU, if any person confilies the useful- ness ei his celebrated medidne to curing spavins, alone, they make a big» mistake. It is the best medicine known as an outward appUcalion foi rheumatism in the famiiy. It is good for pains and aches, swellings; and lameneps, and is just as safely applied to men woman and children as it is to bartes. We know that tfaere are other good liniments, but we do believa this spavin care to be far better than any aver invented. 133-36. EARS FOR I MILLION tpOO CHOO'S BALSAM OF SHARK'S ' OIL po'sitively Bestcres the Hearing, and is the Only Absolute Cure for Deafness known. This Oil is abstracted from peculiar species of small White Shark, caught in the lellow Sea, known as Cabchabodon Bonde- LETii. Every Chinese fisherman knows it. Its virtues as a restorative of hearing were discovered by a Buddhist Pr est were dis- covered about the year 1410. Its cures were so numerous, and many so seemingly mir- aculous, that the remedy was officially pro- claimed over the entire Empire. Its use became so universal, that for ovei 300 years no Deafness has existed among the Chinese people. Sent, charges prepaid, to any ad- dress at Sl.OO per bottle. Hear vrtaat the Deaf sa7 It has performed a miracle in my case. I have no unearthly noises in m{^ head, and hear much be^tar. I have been greatly benefited.. My deafness helped a great de^ â€" ^think. ano- ther bottle will cure me. Its virtues are unquestionsbleand its cura- tive character absolute, as the writer can per- sonally testify, both from experience and ob- servation. Write at once to Haylock and Jenney, 7 Dey Street, New York,fnclosing$l and you will receive by return a remedy that will enable you to hear like anybody elsc.and whose curative effects will be peimanent. You will never regret doing so." â€" Editob or Mebcanttle Review. iS'To avoid loss in the mails, please send money bv Registered Letter. Only imported by HAYLOCK JENNEY, late Haylock Co., Sole Agents for America. 7 Iky St New Yoax 93-145. Health is Wealth -AT THE- Dr. E. G. West's Nebvb and Bbain Tbeai- MENT, a guaranteed 8pec:fic for Hysteria, DizzineSs, Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Neu- ralgia, Headach" Ne.vons Prostration caus- ed bv the use of alcohol or tobacco. Wake- fulness, Mental Depression, Softening of the Brain, resulting Li' Insanity and leading to misery, decay and dtsath.PrematuTf^ Qld Age, Barr ennebS, Loss of Power m eit^ sex, Involuntary losses and Spermati^hoea, caused by over -exertion of the bram,seif abuse or over-indulacnee. One boa^will cu e resent caaas. Eadi bct« containa.«ne month's treatment. .Qs*. 4^^ a boBi of six boxes for, fiy.e.4i^|i^iT sept hir mail pre- paid oa reoeijsVQ^ PJ^QP- We gmucantee six ' boxes to cure «fij v^» 'Witii eac^order r» eeived by n^ .f^r six bo^fifi^ aceomfm^iad with fife dollars, we will send the pai;a|»a*er a written goi|rantee to a^ftind the* nmiyey if the treatmfnt does hot effeefc a core. Ooar- antees issofd only bT A.. Tomer ^kCa.,sok aathorized Agent for Markdi^ Ont. Johc C. W^t ^^^ "ol* im|iriei0r.TorantD,Ont. Single copies of the Stan- DA^^^ 5 cents,. 1ff^iftf^^ T f„ g;^ While presenting our compliments^, to our hosts of custoqiers and the public at large, we desire to make^ our very best bow in acknowledge- ment of the liberal patroriage we have received since opening in Markdale^ and having passed, through a most successful winter campaign, the results of which have surpassed our most sanguine expec- tations, and so contributed to the consolidation of our commercial basis that we are now better than ever prepared to offer our patrons facilities the equal of which have, never before been placed within the. reach of the public of thLS section of country. Our stock which is already ex- ceptionally large and well assorted is being daily augmented by fresh arrivals of Spring Goods. Our stock of Boots and Shoes just opened out and nowseUing like wild fire cannot be beat in the county, and we re- spectfully *invite an inspection by an intelUgent public. MR. TRIMBLE is now on the market for the purpose of personally selecting such goods as are best calculated to-, suit this section of the country, and neither pains or ex-^^ pense will be spared in order to olace before our customers such a spring stock (when complete) as will, astonish and please, and at prices that canoot fail to suit. Having been thoroughly traind to the business from our childhood, and having enlisted our whole interest and at-- tention towards making it a success, and being thoroughly acquainted with the section of the country in which, we arer; placed, we flatter ourselves that we understand something oi the wants of the people and also how to buy so a* to be able to sell at such prices as will convince the most sceptir- cal. Our motto isâ€" A LARGE BUSINESS ON SMALL. PROFITS â€" on a cash basis, avoiding the neccessity of charging good customers extra to make good our by bad debts. We are prepared to prove to the satisfaction of every man that the old credit system is not only false ia.. principle ruinous, alike to merchant and customer. Selling for cash we can buy for cash and turn our money over and, over, thus securing to^ qxlb customers goods at prices at which we could not bay them, wholesale on the old system,, and to ourselves the satisfaction of a prosperous business on a safe footing. An inspection of our Stock is respectfully invited. No trouble to show goods, being desirous- of an opportunity to convince you that we do not advertise for the sake of puff- ing, but are in a positioato back up all our. assertions witli,. solid facts. Wind, is cheap but not lasting, while truth' ii^.indistruct- able, and' in business integrity and honor will win iii-the end while boastful admiratipn will fall behind; Toour old customers we would say that we aje^pjepared to surprised even you. in. quantities, and qualities andpriccs, while to thoLC who have not yet discovered the advantajjeof. giving us a call we would present a cordial invitation to compare our stock, and: prices with what. they, have been., Vised to in the past. Triml^le Wrights ,IPi 'I. iv -!' r n â- 'I â-  J i t I â- ; 1, .5' kH':in. h A ^â- â€¢'.t' *f '*â- â- 

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