Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 12 Apr 1883, p. 7

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 i 3S«e mmm'vmBm mn ^iPiPiiiifPp' PiPipPRfPpiiiPiiPPi? "S»-«*-â€" „j_„ "If^^rnsaaar "Â¥-â-  iR* jarr --Sf^SSE-Hfer '^:j^jst^ ;^^T MINING BOOM •res tiaS icconnt cl tlie feewatin Co.'s Works. Progress of tlie Opimtlaaw-^ ninnlpi-g Mlnc-r'-ilcigo ;ipital EnsU- ins in. i\ Meagher, tornier'y of King- ]•: nartner in a large jiining con- â- ;:';. writ'ji a,3 lolbwa under •'i ' â-  Wiiiii'P"' at S 30 p. n., and after â-  '" !.|.3 ride through a pictnresqne -â-  'â- '^uriP"' ' '-1 "" brigh-. little town ""â- u rr'i e After doing :he place in ' hcpe '3' ss-wr'^S *s^" *° draw us "'^jye^ but which was, *e found, an â- ^^"ble *hi"n ^^ *^-° *^" account of the ;., V. 1.1 lar. (T if -iiml fur l.orsts to caTy exploring we retired to dream oTcr the tramp .rJIl'SS .V- that lay before U3 the next day. I ""â- 'â- "cck io '1" morning fcnnd U3 on the '"'t Ha Isla'ul, where the Eeewatin Co.'s ' a-e located. The scenery of the Lake I' r\Voo(l3 i3 simply grand, Thecountless â- ' 1- that cover the lake are covered with "'t'k trees and shubbery, which creak "^^ o'an i" '^^ silent-, stillness under their "^Vioe and snow, designed by old Jacft "'jD all imaginable shapes, and which â- ';â-  anJ sparkle iu the bright sun like so "I j»wels. The crisp morning air, the |*^"ffhite snow making a velvety carpet, l' the pal*? 1^'^s heavens cloudlc'-s the r^.hiniQb' brightly like a huge globe of r,:iied out the st-enc, while the occasion- ';;,jjj p[ a blast in the surrounding mines I -ill that disturbcdthe death-like silence, J^n' the panorama the grandest by far ' Vthing wo had ever -n, ar l\ 1 seen. Four hours 'i^VwaUiinS brought us to the Keewa- «mp. ^^ '^h sharpened appetites we j;tice to a real miner's dinner, after aJuperintccdent Andrew Hamilton â- J [a hand. KNTKKlNi; THE rillAFT. .., {irst place visited was the main or shaft, which is sunk to a depth of G5 ver wiiioh is erected a comfortable liir, 'Jlx-SO lect. It is kept warm by a -tuvc which ina,kes the place habitable "raiit incloMit-nt weather. We v/ere ./it) the 'bottom of the shaft in the Tht; sL'i-iitio 1 experienced in the de- â- UJ3 anvtiiint; but a pleasant one. If â-  i,e wai to break or anything to go â- \vitn the niachinery there would be 5.' left bat mangled corpses and pools a; tlie i'oo 1 and bad deeds of one's life !.;â-  .-ithe brain iu au instant, but be- L'h'.lauce was struck v.-e were landed it: Jie bottom. lr. Hamilton showed '...a.'., v.liich i= abjut two foot wide, ~a;.ailv increasing ;a width as it de- Ihtj gold can be plainly V tilt; luikci eye and flour gold is '.,:-c;.:!:!,;"-cd tbiough the rock. The :,:â- ;.â-  i' \..;11, as it i-s ca led in mininij ., .! â-  L.ii ;\'Ji;lc of about 70 ° and is ;:, ;.!5 I. .t '.crc p'siishtd; the hang- .; I 'â- 'â- ' â- ml tlie side wnlks are ircc .: .-. ;. v.'iiig the careful manner iu ,:;e v.- ik been bus executed. Owing .-.;: :.iM,s of ll.o walls this shatt ...:., j: I bj timborei, which isagreat .â- â- j. tl" '-o'npany, as one of the most .. i:: ';.; :- li'ion the wrong side of the I -.hi: ' t;:nbsri!]g. JSlr. Hamilton .['./i iij i:!-it sinking w^-uld be cou- .1 ' a depth of one hundred feet a h.' 1. i'li n they would begin to ,.!ilt;ij ' What is meant by drifting --â- ;:!;iiy. :- lowing the vein in either ijii-i, iipjii a level, and stoping is inqthio imi-p vein matter. The quartz h-.ii. r ;,d:ty kuiwn as auriferous and ;;;i- â-  -,,.. \-. itb a large percentage of ' :;:. â- . i: is claimed to be free mill- -ivh.L-" in provements have gone on .*;t!i *l:c .-iiafc sutiicient timber is ;.-"-! ';â- ; ^-.ound for the thirty stamp A :. â- â- . b'l-.ise, "JOx-ii feet, is nearly -â-  A-:.:;;.,r building, •24x.3'J feet 'â- â- -" ... in heiglr, is occupied by f.iiiue-.;;; .It and foreman it is com- â- ;.:... -.. ;; appointed, being divided 1 ' -.-1 assay ofKcc and sleeping â- â€¢ â-  ' bai-n, store-room, black- â-  ' I.. i,o-a;,e and the building at ' ' .; ' i y th' men, make quite a â-  i !.-â-  .. iL-mselves, and next fall ' -^ â- "â- / â-  ^-lipp d aud well-appoint- •â- ;â- .-.. .-'i working the immense '^. "-i â- â- -;.: dlovv the large output li..' increased force of :.â-  1 â- -)-i:ig attracted by the ' hnh-.iK'i about two miles dis- ;â- â-  .,i that it was the blasting r.!r. -AivNii'iic IIIXE, â-  1 '.o- woit. The shaft of this â- un about seventy feet, but it ohcing shaft, so Mr. Fred '•*"â-  ti' Miptriutendent, informed us. -_ ' t â- I -nr-M :, ,r practical purposes. Mean- "'â- ev aiud-cctiug a mill to work the â- taken out, and are making the ;-roect«a.y improvements in the way of Is u "i. etc They will begin to sink their â- ""' -«"it at once. On our way to town 'i^l' a viut to the Pine Portage property, |.^„ "i^ile," us It 13 called. Here two things r-.»Mmiii^-_buildings are beins; erected, ' '"6 enterprising timbermen are makins; I ^= necessary picc.s for the new mill which ... !Q purchased from Messrs. Fraser I!-- LI "^n purchased from ers of Chicaga. .„*-. ^, •°='to, one of the owners, infonned us 'iili'-iors of Chicaga. Mr. Doby, of ne of the own„-, â- ^'fcy expected to be rushing in about J;;,»etl,.. Pig ^^3Q stated that his firm h^Faul Sr,3,000 for the property, 12,000 â-  -1^ auu the balance on the 1st of June. -•^s are o.her companies in active |»cv T"' "o'^l^'y in Argylc. This com- l-llw erected a ten-stamp mill and lcd ';â„¢"""g in about ten days. Being ••ciii* "' '^^ ^°^ '^â- 'si* any of the other Hi ^^'° "'^^^ «'ell satisfied with »vj " ^^ad seen, and were convinced .-• ' ' (loul^t that there is gold in paying iitlii "' '° '"' ^^^^ o^ t^e Woods, and I'-tann* 'â- '^quired is time and capital to 1 5*;""' '*• Winnipeg, on the streets, r*Iiic .f ' ^° a^'out the hotels, the whole Ix'eriil ^°°^e«ation is mining. Already I'^e nf K ^^^^ ^^° opened for the pur- l^stjv'^^dling stocks. On vN'ednesday IwAr^Joftradeand stock exchange I "^ion i"' .^°^" to tte public. This as- â- ' » Cm ' ^^^ organized in anticipation I "^m. They occupy the large two- „??.S2^Sfc.%-Ss^-g** » Uttie more than a •w.»i • .- L „s â-  Jamis F. Meagher. occnrred'here iS^js year ago. LATE FEWS NOTES. Wl wmSi^i'^ii^^^^" ' tie affirmation ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^Pes^bS;^^^^^ ihe Madrid Government has decided not CuW^^f *^* ^^^ "o^«d t^ Keceo. the ihSei±^^*V P°«-^« inforn;.ticn ated. "'^^^'^^ *o '•«*"'» to Cuba when liber- The Bishop of Bohemia has become so that he has declared any one prof^sing the behe^f^in spiritaalUtic doctrines guiftyof nfTk°°^°'**" '^^^ "" °f *^«aWe officers «ni 1 ^^^°^° army. *l»o went to Oonstan- tmople to reform the Turkish army, has been appomtedaide-dacamp to the Sultan ^S Master of the Horse. The Paris i^Varo says that General Tri- baudm s dismissal from public life is only adjourned. The Intransigeant says that the country relies on General Thibaudin's firm- ness to prevent the Republic from falling into Gene, al Gallifefs hand.s. It further says that the country's weakness is the sig- nal for audacious reaction. It is stated in St. Petersburg that the date of the coronation ceremony ac Moscow may beputofFuntilJune. The date has been left blank in the invitations forwarded to foreign Powers. Precautions of all kinds are continually invented in the hope of thwarting the Nihilists. The story ,cf the Alliance of Germanv, Austni, and Italy against France, which is now generally looked upon as a feeler, has been made the occasion by the Italian press for li.^^uy anti-French articles. Socialist members of the PL.8ichstag, sup- ported by Progressists, have given notice that they will introduce a motion in regard to the arrests of Socialist Deputies. Four other Socialists were arrested at Kiel with Herrs Volhnar and Frohme. The latter has also been released. The entire left of the Reichstag will vote ?gainst the ministerial bill increasing the duties on wood. The resistance of the Daurs iu Schleswig to t!ie demands of Prussia that they serve in the Prussian military service is as strong as over. Thirty have jnst beea expelled from the country. A petiti-n from the president and faculty of Yale College, h-as been presented to the Xew York State Senate in favor of the JN'i- agara Falls Park bill. The Prohibitionists at Topeka, Kansas, have, probably, ele:t€d the mayor tncre. The body of John Pierce, of Titusvillo, Pa., drownde 1 on February 4th, was found by the IScv. Mr. Hoover recently. Mr. Hoover is a noted divine of the Methodist Church atSunville, and had revealed to him through a dream the location of the corpse. Col. Forsyth reports that he lest the trail cf the Indians in the Chihuahua Mountains. l\lex!can advices to Sarta Fe report that a marauding band has been driven from Sonora into Arizona, after kill- ing tifty-two ptople. Nothing has yet been heard from Capt. Black's command. There has been no sitting of the Quebec Police Board for several months past, as the majority of the members refused to serve since the Courts declared they wire not entitled to any remuneration for thi hr services. A movement is now on foot to try rnd get the whole force under the manage- ment of the city corporation. There is a rumor that the agents of Mr. Senecal have already acquired the Island of Anticosti from the proprietors, for the pur- poses of coloniz.ition. His Grace the Archb'shop publishes in the Canaditn a letter requesting owners of C.i- tholic papers not to reproduce rumors of ec- clesiastical changes unless authorized by competent parties. This is understood to apply particularly to recent rumors of the coming division of the Diocese of Three Pi,ivers published iu the press. It is announced that Count de Puyjalcn is likely to have the direction of the mmeral and other exhibits of Canada to be exhibit- ed in Paris. The Government steamer " Newficld " with the Canadian exhibits for the London Fishery Exhibition, has sailed. The New Brunswick steamship Company have failed in their efforts to contract with English builders for a new steamer to re- place the "Cedar Grove." The company find that thay cannot replace her tor le=s than $200,000, and the purchase of a new vessel stands over for further advices. by In Case of Inanrreotlon. Among the papers lately distributed thf Party of Acfion iu the soldiers' barracks at Paris are some which enable the young recruit to grasp the whole art of revolution doSto the m^utest details. There is one^ Sstence, which tells the revolutionary iSr whai he ought to do immediately f hPre is news of an insurrection. He must Set fceto^ barrack. To enable him to do ?M8 he must make for where the steaw and Ser i^flanimable matter maybe hm-J^ any case, he must set fire to the niatresses. Wnr making a fire he must employ a com- Sa^ iUs at hand, of -petroiei^and Khol of petroleumsimplyor usea^c^dk if no better means are available. "^â„¢ " i^ has commenced to bum up, he must Zn turn on ^he^jets of^gas^in the^cor^ rii^^^^nKiusteitber force the officers SiS^^volt. orslaytherecalci^ang. 2 {tat not onelshaU remam ^^^ JJj mart then join the people m the "tow^ «^ KJ to buii thepnblic b^^i^g^ S the police °S«T^^'3r^ P«J"Sui« S^whiST petroleum ^1^4«^^th white phosphorus. jXUvawiyitc^amtka Baider were found to be nntwyM^pj^^i^ ^y asv Kusman detachment except a few Cioasarciu, who gaUoped away at sight of the enemy. In the night, however, outposts were placed to watch the FrcLph manoiuvre, and ascier- o^!Sl^^ PPPose. Capt. Symony, of the bixth Regiment of Dragoons, being in com- mand of a squadron on vedette dutv, per- ceived a consicferable body ot Russian Lavalry When the moon rose. It was detailing those outposts along the French line. He chargel It, and almost entirely cat it to pieces witi the sabre. Gen. Peliair publisbed a sea- eral order in praise of Capt. Symony, who also received the cross of the Leg on of Hon- or for hu gallant conduct. After this par- tial encounter the expedition returned to its camp without being attacked by the Russian troops on the Mackenzie Heights, as was expected. I had enjoyed the ride exceedingly, and my immediate chief, as well as tha Amhaasador, was glad to hear from me all necessary jparticulars of it. From the hiUs on each si( of the valley of the Tchcrnaya, which formed a sort of neu- tral ground after this movement to clear it of detachments, the hostile aimies could see each other distinctly withont using field glasses. Communications were soon estab- lished between them by s-gnals at the ad- vanced p-st?. A French sentry would tie his pocket-handkerchief on his bayonet,and a Russian sentry wuuld leave a bottle of vodka, or brandy, at ths end of his bear. In the evening a comrade not on guard would go to the spot, and, taking the bottle, would put a couple of loaves of white bread in its place. This traffic was carried oi: with great mutual satisfaction until it be- came known to commanding officers of regi- ments, who suppressed it peremptorily. The soldiers were in the habit of seeing WD ite flags raised, and staff officers of th^ opposed anni -8 me ting amiftably to trans- act whatever business might been hand, ard it was not surprising that they should try to follow the example for the settlement of their own little bargains. After long prac- tice, the management of short armistices under flags of truce was reduced to a perfect system of friendly regularity. A white flag would appear on a rampart or a trench. Firing would cease on both sides. Heads would be raised from parallels and rifle-pits often not many yards distant from each other, and soldiers woald see tlie enemy whom they had been firing at. N ill-feel- ing was ever shown on either side. They would even smile and nod to each other. The French would cut jobes, which, trans- lated by scnre Hus,-i m officer, v.-oukl be re- ceived by his men with shouts of laughter. Russian infantry soldiers were supplied with 1 letter boots for marching in mud and snow than those of the allied armies, who took every opportunity of procuring a good pair from the feet of a dead enemy on the field ot battle. This became a jest in the inter- national chats of an armistice. I remember once a diminutive young Russian officer holding ui his well- booted foot, and calling our in broken Engiisti, with linguistic pride: "Come! Take!" A herculean Captain of the Black \Vatch replied, .vith his Highland bonnet iu his Hand, high in the air " Accept a fair exchange. Y'ou would look better in this " Much laughing resounded from trench to rifle-pit. When the respec- tive stafiofEcirs had finished their conference aud sainted each other courteously, they retired to their lines, the flags of truce were lowered, aud firing lesumcd in the batteries with as much virulence as ever. On one occasion two Serge in ts, an Eoglishinaa and a Russian, had been mak- ing ft icndly signs to each other, when the truce tudiicnly ended; the Russian, still standing up inadvertently, would certainly have had at least one rifle-ball through his head if the Englishman had not delayed the fire of his men while he made various gesti- culations to him to go down from the ram- part, which he did with a wave of the hand lu acknowledgment of his enemy's courtesy. â€" Temp'c Bar. Fuel and Water on Ocsan Steamers. A correspondent asks for information as to the anjoimt of witer and coal consumed by an ocean steamer in crossing the Atlantic, and whether sea water is used for filling the boilers. Great changes have occurred in ocean steam navigiliw since the first Ciinard steamer caieied Boston harbor in 18-10, by which the quantity of fresh water and coal required on a Sing'e voyage has been very much rcducad. The introduction of the surface conden'-ing process prevents the waste of s'team which is now saved for continual service, and thereby greatly reduces the quantity of water needed. The Canard steamer Atlas, of 2,393 tons, before leaving port fills her boilers with fresh water.^their cipacity being from 40 to 50 tons, and this quantity is generally sufficient to last through the voyage, but in case it runs short the distilling apparatus on board c n mike up the deficiency from sea water. For fuel she usually carries about 600 tons of coal, the daily consumption being from 35 to 40 tons, and the run across the ocean requiring about 4C0 tons. The Servia, the latest aduiion to this line, an immense steamer of 7,392 tons, requires about 175 tons per day, while the old Scotia, whish was only about one- quarter .the size of tbe new steamer, consumed from 150 to 175 tons aaily. This great saving in coal is owing to the invention of the compound marine engine. Tr-.Bo8fon Journal. ^.1'^r?B'"«r .i/.J^3 '•")â- Â» SaVia â- !, I L- â- 9 Dead in Her Iiover'a Arms. Mary J. Cunningham, a young lady in the western section of Washington, died sud- denly of heart disease recently, at the resi- dence of her parents. A young man named John Collahan, to whom she was soon to be married, called during the evenmg. He re- mained until about 10 o'clock, when he started to leave. Miss Cunningham canght his arm, saying, "Please do not go yet. He turned with some gentle protestation when he noticed that she was very pale and gasp- ing for breath. He canght her m his arms and called for assistance, but m afew mo- ments she was dead. Dr. fl. L. K John- son, of the Columbia Hospital, was tent for and arrived promptly, buf; too late for his ser- vices to be of arau. F»» THE KIDNEYSaiVER AND KtlNARY ORGANS TMC BEST BLOOD PURIFIER. TkereUoBlyeme way by which rnvj dis- ease caa be tmrtd, aad that Is by re««vtax the caaso^whercTcr It ntmj be. The cr«at Medical «ath*rltlcs af the day declare that â- early every disease Is caascd by deraased hldacys ar liver. T* restore these therefore Is the emly way by which hralth eaa be se- eared. Here U where WABVEK'S SAFE OITKE has aehlercd Its creat repatatlMk It acts directly apom the kldaeys and liver and by Blaeliuc tfeeas !â-  a healthy ceadlUaa drives disease aad pala tfwk the systew. V*r all Kidaeyt UviMaad OrtMiry treablea « f)»rthe distreaslas disorders •rwoatCK I r»r Malaria, aad physical treaitlcn cea^ralty. this â- **•• rcBMdy has â- â€¢ c««al. Bcwni-*! •f la^postars, ladtatleas and mncoctl«i» said t* be Jast as ceed. Far Midbetes ask Ibr WA£!i£K'a SAxE SIABETEELOTJSE. For sale hy all dealers. H. H. WARNER CO., T«i«ata,OBt.»B«chwterK.T., IiaadaajEac MISCELLANEOUS. AC fUti DAY can be made o; VO or female. C. W. DKyXli ' agents, male 5. To roronto. CHRIS.SHEPF.A.HP ManufrotMasonican other So ciety Je wels, lot King K., Toronto RCBBKK~!Vi'i»IP.*.â€" ADDRKSSR. H.COX IKingj,. E.t3t. Toronto. Agents w anted 111 J|T/1|JPO Send for fron iUiistrated cata If HI UnCOa loguetoKYKIE.theJuweler 13 Yoa^e Street. Toronto. m-| rvrw FOR A WOKICIN'U MODEL «l5X»"vf steam Engine. witti lamp complete. C. FOr TER. 31 King-3t.. East. Toronto. Uf IDC VVIN UOW GUARDS, WIRECLOTH IT in C and Wire Goods at the Toronto Wire Works. 116 King St. W est. T. G RICE. p A n n Q Valentine and Easter in $1, %2. $4, UnnUOi $.i. or SIO lots. Hy post pre-paid. H. J. M-VrTHEWS BROS.,_Toronto TTIGHLY CULTIVATED 89 ACRE FARM only. best soil; Kood buildings. Price §1500 W. WIANCKO. Sparrow Lake. Ont. TAGS. Pacenr e.yelet. smootu surtaco heavy and verv tough. Send fo new price list. J. G. WOODLAND â- S^ CO.. Printers. Toronto. R" OOVlSti MATERIAl«*. CARPf;T AND Buildihg Papers, wholesnlc and retail, at low^)riec, at HODGE WILLIAMS, i Adel- aide, St., East, Toronto. ^TOCK OF GOODS WANTED IX KX- kO CHANGE for large good farm, having vil- lage and Railway station on it, or would bell cheap. Apply Box 1. Dundalk, Ont. ONTARIO VETERINARY COLLEGE. TO- RONTO. Students can enter from Oclo- bcr until January. PROF. SMITH, V. S., Edin. Principal. Foes, tiftv dollars. dOiUUUaUUU and other property in On- tario for sale bv the CANADA WEST LAND AGENCY COMPANY, 14 Ade".aide-st. East, Toron to. Send lor list. AUTOPHONES, $6.50, INCLUDING FOUR tunes. T. CLAXTON, dealer in Musical nstruments. Piano Music, Band Music, c. ataloj;;ie3 free. 197 Yonge St.. Toronto. We believe in morality, but when rfmaa becomes so violently opposed to gambling that he wont shake with the ague wo feel like writing him down a fanatic, and turn- ing onr attention to other affairs. /^"1.4SiAl»14.«i AIITIiAL AID ASSOCIATION Vy Co-oper.itive Life Assurance. Provide for families in case of death. W. PembertonPage, Sec. S7 King St. Wc Bt.Torento. Agents wanted. F" ARM^FOR SALE â€"BEING LOT 10(5 Gwillirabury, adjoining town ot Holland Landing 212 acres. Northern R. R. Station sit- uated on corner of this Lot, the land is high rolling clay loam Brick house frame Bank Barn. J. W. G WHITNEY. Estate Ageat- 25 Toi?ept o-3t. Toronto. PORTLAND CEMENTS -FIRE BRICKS Fire Clay. Sewer Pipes. c. Large stock of tirst-class brands. W. :McN.A.LLY CO., Importers, Montreal. PRICE TICKETS, SHOW CARDS, 'VIN DOW SHADICS. Newest designs. Send for price list. F Williams, -t King E., Toronto. RSrWoOD C0., OAKVILLEâ€" M AN l FACrURERS of Outside and Jt,-.; I Blinds, Sash. .Doors, and Mouldings. SenJ i prices, Oakville. Ont. CLERKS AND SCIIODLMASTERS-VVHY not add $5 to Slo.OO per week io your salary after busine.^ hour-a. Address with stamp, H. Mc ALISTER, Drawer 2633 Toronto, O nt. STOCK~BROKER. 'iT^^f^o^ Member Montreal Stock Exchange, 13 Hospital Street, Montreal. ORK FARMERS' COLONY FREE tickets to purchasers of land. Choice Homesteads free. Send for map, pamphlet and guide. Cheapest tickets to all pomts west J. ARMSTRONG. 1 Victo ri a St.. Toronto. AlBlOUGAE mil MACHINERY. NEW PAKACO.V SCHOOI. D£SKS. M. BEATTY SONS, WELL AND, ONT. Early Amber Cane Seed imported from the Southern States. Send for catalogues and prices. Ontario AgriciQkral CollegB will commence on the 16th April. Examina- tions for admission on II APKI L. For circular givine full information, applv to JAAIES MILLS. President. Giielph, March 21, '83. Generd Financial Agency. Sums of from $300 to $50,000 to invest in Pa- tent Rights, Baainess Chances, Manufactures, Hotels, Saloons, and any kind of merchantable or exchangeable property. J. I. ETAKS A CO., Leader Lane, Toronto. X{,ollixis IrSros., Arbitrators, Public Accountants, Trustees, c., 27 Wellington street East, Toronto. FIXAHCIAIi KXCSTIATIOSS. including the formation of companiesâ€" procuring partners and capitalâ€" the pnichase aad sale of bnsi- MSMB, d«ttenta«aa,'*0. on good farm and other properties at inttiUik No exorbitant Srnr 4k hvik 'h^pvtt Breatb and be ma Tjr '_iSi»xfio d^i|uaDUy «s voti naile; Ptirtiiei i)sjtxii^^Mi^ii^fUl "TKASintKT" ,AiD^ f^(N^ i;i^^^ «ad;fQr Tec^ nonpareil* VkoVmeA rates of intt: „ »lMuior'»9artaer,or k»«l^( ar Ouvoaad of, wvtt* Will you exchange a dironic case of DysMpsia, or agree to break up a Bil- ionsTemperament â€" to give your torpid Liver activity, and thus strengthen yoor Digestion, regain energy, ccmiort, health and spirits, all for 75c A single bot- tle of ZoPKSA will do this. A few doses surprise those who try Zopesa. For Biliousness and Dyspepsia in their many forms it is a Panacea, and is warranted to cure them. It acts speedily and pleas- s antly. Try a 10 cent sample, FARMS.â€" PUODUCTIVELAJSDSONSALT water. Climate mild. Society good. Taxes low. Freights cheap. Lists free. ISLER Jf KEKINS, Cambridge. Md. PARKER EVANS' INTEKNATlONAi Boiler Compound eradicates scale from boilers instantly. One fourth the first dose pre- vents future incrustation. Perfectly safe, and saves 25 per cent, in fuel. Send for circular to 501 St. Paul stireet, montreal. inri ACRES FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE, lUU within 1^ miles from station, on the Nip- issing Railroad; nearly all fit for cultivation; good barn and bank stable, with dwelling. BANKS BROS., 60 Church-street. FIRE "APPABATUS Hand Fire Extinguishers, Second-Hand Steamers and Hand Engines for sale. Charges for Eureka, Fire-King and Babcock Extinguish ers. Celebrated Double Jacket and Eclipse for Hose. Samples on application. Send for circular. Fire Eitinffuislier Manufaetmng Co. 35 « .37 QIXEX ST., EAST. TORONTO. ONE MILLION A WEEK. Decided opinisns expressed in language that can be understood: the promptest, fullest and most accurate intelligence ot whatever in the wide world is worth attention. That is what everybody is sure to find in any edition cf THE SUN. Subscription: Daily (i pages), by mail, .Mc. a month, or !96..50 a year; Sunday (» pages). iHl-'-iO ])pr year; Weeklv (» pages), ^1 per year. I. U. ENGL AND.^bljsher, Ne\N Yo rk City "REUABLE" THE SUN It will pay purchasers of seeils to send tor my deycriptive and pricod annual catalo^u;^ or a "Cultivator's Guide" for 1SS3, sent free on plication. Address, RELIABLE SEED HOUSE. 14T King S treet Eas t. Toronto TORONTO MINING 30URSE. THE KEEWATiN MINES Kerw.tlin SiocU ailv.inciug rapiilly. Lake Wluuiprg Stock up $1 00 per si;:::*-. Assays sliowing $i;. to $300 per ton. The Ml'Jfns ludnslry of the rr:tl XorSh- west now firmly cstnbll.shed. For information and circulars apply to TORONTO MINING BOURSE- r4 King Street. Ent, Toronto. BAEB WIRE FENCING. Lyinaa Barb awarded first prixoi at Exhi- bitions held at Montreal ani Toronto, 1S32, for Excellence in Quality and Make. It is made from the best of steel wire specially drawn for the purpose. Our facilities enable us to make the Lyman with barbs 4. 5, G, or T inches apart as customers desire. The i and 5 inch barb wire is used principally for small stock, or low- er wire on fence. The 7 inch make runs from 16 to 16 1-2 feet (one rod) to the pound. All of these are gruaranteed equal in strength to any wirs fencing made. Send for circular and prices to your nearest Hardware Agent, or to DUMLVION BABB niBE CO.. NOXTBE.II.. N.B.â€" Delivered free on board care at Mon- treal, Que., Toronto, Hamilton, and Woodstock, Ontario, Halifax. N. S., or St. John, N. B. CONSUMPTION,! BKOKOBfmS, CATAKKH, ASTHMA DISEASES â-  oribe I EVE Jt EAB. CAN BE CURED. BV OF •TOEOHTO^ULMONAEIUM." 20 years' experience in Ontario. The roUowlac Letter speaks far Itself- Deab Dr. Nash,â€" I thank you for my present excellent health, after vour suc- cessful treatment. Bronchitis, with a com- plete loss of voice, so prostrated and annoy- ed me, until after treatment with some of the most eminent medical talent, and with- out success, I resolved to avail myself of Eour services, and can now say that my ealth was never so well. I anribnte my present good health to your system of in- halations, iEmd constitutional remedies. abicerel7 jronrs. T. M. Hkxxessv. Toronto, Deo. 16, 1882. Dep. P. Works, Ont. Penonal ezaaiiaatioa is preferred, after which yon oaa be tteated k home. If im- possible to call, write ftor Qoestiotts and Cir- oidar. CoBsiinstton fMe. Fees Moderate. 8. L. VASE, X. O.. K. O.P. 8. 0.. 'ntBONTO PULKOK.ABimt" 10 Chvnh-atnat. Torea'v, Ontaiia^ f H '55 • -it 1 1 1 X si I â- â- 1 1 1 i :. i f f ' ' •: \f I -I ]-f â- â-  â-  f M r â-  'ill ^Arm .IH

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