Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 12 Apr 1883, p. 4

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 iW--'MP^!^:.. ^^^i Highest price paid for Butter and Eggs (cash ^.t^e)at g Wte^ Wright's The Standard. MAEKDALE, APRIL 12th. 1888. THOSE CONTEMPTIBLE ITEMS. CD 3 CD CQ 1 CD a. »â€" '• o Iâ€" '• CO ci- crt- M w cy5 o CO o o The editor of the FlesLerton Ad- vance clipped last week an item from our news column and part of our Flesherton Station Correspondence, we are pleased that be gave those items as tliey were â€" tor, had he ccm- mented on them without giving them ill full, those who would not have an opuortunitty of seeing the items re- ferred to, would really think we had Kjiid something worthy of censure in reference to Flesherton. Mr. Fawcett the editor says comment is un- necessary, and then tries to palm off an article as a correspondence from a farmer of Artemesia, W3 challenge Jiiiu to give the name of any respec- 1 table farmer of Artemesia who will father the correspondence referred to. It is an evidence of weakness when in order to give an article a tone of re- spect and credibility, the editor endeavours to make it appear from another source. We have never spoken disparagicigly in reference to Flesber- tcn or the citizens of that place through the Standard, much less given place to items 7iean and can- temjitible. Of course when thf editor of the Advancfi overdraws his pictures (aa he often does) we are apt to poke fun at him, and our correspondent at Fleshestcn Station appears disposed to do likewise. Anytbing we have Paid by way of cross-firing with the Advance has been in the defensive. We have many warm friends in Flesher- ton and vicinity who show in a practi- cal manner* their appreciation of a respectable journal by the generous .support they continue to give the ]\Iarkdale Stakdard, and it would not be pnidtuit to act in a disrespectful ii;anuei' in reference to our patrons or tliL'ir interests even we were per- sonal,- iiiclined to do so, but that is not our nature, and wx can assure Mr. Fawcett that he will not he able to draw us into anv such course. 3901^ tro NoTicB. â€" We wiah it distinctly understood that we do not hold oorselres responsible for the opinions expressed by oar correspondents To Mb. and Mbs. CniraiNGHAM, Respected friends, we, the members of Loyal Markdale Lodge C. 0. 0. F. No. 78. haviug, with regret, heard of the deatlj of your son Robert, our late highly esteemed citizen and brother, desire to share with you the sorrow which you are now bearing in, your present sore bereavement and also to assure you of our united sym- pathy in the same. We trust that He who in wisdom and love has re- moved him from your embrace will give you comfort in the hour of need, and grace lo sustain you amid this heavy and unexpected affliction. And now that he is no more with you it may be gratifying to you to know that durmg his residence in this place he was both a consistent and useful mem- ber of society, that by his kind and genial manner, his sober habits and exemplary walk, he won the esteem, and retained the i-espect of a large cir- cle of friends, vvho now mourn be- cause of his removal.' Though a young man he was one whose life was full of labors, being for years an ac- tive worker in the Sabbath school and latterly a promising member of the church. Recognizing his removal as an act of the Great Master, who, in His mysterious Providence does all ihings well, let us with hallowed sub- mission say, " Thy will. Oh Lord, be done." e- (G. Gram,1N.G., Signed J m cj ° (A. Turner, Sec. Markdale, April 10, 1883. TO MARKDALE KARKfiTb. • FaU Vfheat. #0.90 to tO.92; Spring W.96 to50 98;Barlqr. 56c; Peas, 72; 9»t8,42c; JUST ARRIVED and is now being opened out at the umm mil, Personals. Ab Piichardson left for Manitoba on Tuesday. Miss Lazier relumed last week from Owen Sonnd. Miss Tiirvis left for home (Brock- ville) on Tuesday. ^^ 03 Lyons is home from Sunder- land where he has been learning the telegraph business. J. L. Browne (Photographer) left on Mnuilay for Strathroy, where he tukcii a good situation. Mrs. Potter, sister of Mrs. T. Hill Merchant, whose husband died some time ago. came to Markdale on Tues- day, she intends residing in thisplace. HOLLAND COUNCIL. CD a" CD CO erf- o' hi (D B o CD Holland Council met at Yogans Hall for tlie tiansactiou of ceneral bnsin«s. Members all present, lleeve in tlie chair. Minutes of former meeting read and ap- Jiroved. â- Jame.-! Montgomery made application to fouiicll relative to redeemiuR E of 1 '7, con. 7. the same having been sold for taxes la-t Juno, left over till next meeting of coun- ci!. The committee appointed to enquire unto the Tieps. security beg leave to report all satisfactory. Signed, J. Cameron, Anthony Shnte. Moved by Deavitt. Galbraith, that the re- port if above committee be adopted. Moved by Deavitt, McKinnet, that an order be issued in favour of James Love for statute laboiir performed by him iu tlie year 1S7S. Moved by Deavitt, Galbraith. that all path- masters be hereafter notified to make their letuius to the clerk in proper time or legal steps will be take;i. Moved by Deputy Reeve, Galbraith, that the communication of li'rancis Yeo, relative to lots f) 7 8 9. (ir. St., Williamsford be .laid over till nest meeting of council and that the Reeve be impowered to get legal ;idvic9 on the naatter. Moved by Doavitt, Galbraith, that C. W. Iiuiledge account for printing minutes o, be paid. Moved by Deputy Reeve, Deavitt. that an 'order be is ued iu favour of U. S. S. No. 3, Holland. Artemesia aai Glenelg for the of S10.08 beiug school taxes for the venr 18S0. ISSl, 1882. Moved by Galbraith, Depnty Beeve. that 53 he allowed loor the use of each poUing division at the last OutMio Elections. Money orders to the amount of 183.97. wpre granted. Moved bj-DeftTitt. MeKinnett, that the conncil pdjoum to meet at "Vegans Hall as a court of Kevisiju on Monday 28th day of May, 1883. Careos Pci:j», Tp. Clerk Flesherton. (From our own Correspondent.) Cattle Fair. â€" The cattle fair on Monday was well attended; prices were high; a number of cattle chang- ed hands. Trimble's sa'eof thorough- bred stock was not a success. We trust that farmers will see the advis- ability of purchasing gnod stock and not let them be taken out of the country. 1.0. 0.F. AxNivERs.^RY. â€" The seven- [teeuth anniversary of Diifferiu Lodge No. 180, I. O.F. was celebrated In their lodge room last AVednesday even- ing. The jiroceedings were opened by all singing the I. 0. 0. F. openmc Ode. M. P. McMaster, N. G., occi° pied the chair, end in a few well chosen remarks cordially welcomed those who were present, after which i games and amusements were indulged ' in till a late hour. The lodg.3 room, whicli has been painted and recarpet- ed at considerable cost, presented a very fine appearance. It is a credit to the members and tbe people of Flesherton, in fact, it is second to none iu the couuty. We congratulate the members on tlie success of their social, and thank them for the kind invitation extended to your correspon- dent. Police Trustees.â€" It appears that our police trustees have not been legal- ly elected to their resjiective offices. This is really too bad. From our youth up we have been familiar with the following piece of poetry "Lives of great men oft remind us. We can make our lives sublime And leparting leave behind us, Footmarks in the sands of time." We have seen this prediction fulfilled this spring, here in our village, ai- most every day. Pedestrians 'can leave footmarks, or bodymarks. in the sands of mud and dirt on our ^idewalk. Could not last year's police take the matter in hand Largest arrival of the season. An IMMENSE SPRING STOCK of BOOTS and SHOES including, Boots and Shoes for Men Youth's, and Boys. Boots and Shoes for Ladies Misses and Children, being one of the largest, most com- plete, and BEST ASSORT- ED STOCKS ever shown in the count)' of Grey, and will be sold at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. Our stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING is very com- plete in Men's, Youth's and Boys suits in Canadian and Scotch Tweeds at prices that will astonish you, while in Fell Hats, soft and hard, we can't be beat and won't be undersold. In Dress Goods and Prints we can suit you sure, in style quality and price. Our stock of Fancy Goods is large and well assorted. Special Bargains in Scotch and Cana- dian TWEEDS, and in all the heavier class of goods. FLESHERTON MARKETS. Fall Wheat, J0.90 to §0.93; Spiinp, «0.9i to *0.97; BarJev, 67c; Peas, 69o; Oats, 41c Batter. 16c; Eggs, I6c; Potatoes,40 c; Hay, J12.00; Pork. »7.4o to *7 60. TORONTO MARKETS. Fall Wheat, 8.0.97 to 90.98; Spring, 81.05 to ?i 08; Barley, 553 to 73c; Oats, 45c to 50e Peas, 70c to 78c; Hogs, ?8.00 to ?8.^o; Pota- toes, per bag. 70c to 75c; Batter, dairy. i.7c to 20c; exes, 20c to 21c. T. C. B. RAILWAY. TIME TABLE. Oliange ot Time. On and after Monday, Nov. 20th, 1882, traiuij will run as follows THOS. MATHl MARKp^^ EVERYXHINGinot:., KEPT ON HAND Ofi TO ORDER ON r,, NOTICE LIVER STEAM GRIST |||| Is now giving GeJ Satisfaction, GOING N TH. Rid own. P.M. 4 25 6 00 6 45 8 41 10 15 l: 8 45 9 55 P.M. GOING SOUTH Read Up. 7 30 9 05 9 55 12 20 2 25 11 50 12 OG A.M TonoNTO 10 45 1 30 P.M. Cardwell Jlnc Obangeville Mount Forest. Teeswateb f eshebton Markdale, Owen Sound 9 05 8 27 C 30 00 43 27 15 A.M. P.M. 9 10 7 31 G 50 30 47 30 10 â€" 0- Chopping done ej Working day, â€" 0- P.M. A Mixed Train will also lun between Tor- onto and Uwen Sound. See Time Table. D. McNicoLL, Geu. Pans. Agt. Edmttnd Wraggk. General Manager. .Land for Sale. ion ^^^'^^J ^^°^^ 30 of wliicli is l.Vy\/ clea led, being composed of the E. half of Lot 10. in the 8th concession of the Township of Euphrasia. Apply at this office, or to Robert Dunlop, Township Clerk of Euphrasia, Griersville P. 0. l/VARfJING! There is great danger of tak- ing cold from wet feet. If you want to Guard Against Sickness! Keep yoitr feet dry and warm by procuring your ' :b o o o: s i FilOM KAY THOMAS. CAN HAVE YOUR GRIST THE SAME DAY, GEO. MOORHOud Vl\ Seeds, Seei Our annual importations ol Field and Garden to hand (per SS Erlkint,) from cue ik best houses in Europe, and incladtJ leading seeds. Ordersbymaii willrrofirpcai ful and prompt attentioiil (SEEDSMAN.) DURHAd March 27th, 1833. SAL.E OF ValflableFamProp Satisfaction Guaranteed. Med- icated Cork Soles, all sizes, kept en hand. Eemembcr the place opposite the new STAyi)AKi Office. 4P JOHN NOBLE, MARKDALE. BIRTHS. Blakelt â€"In Euphrasia, on the 3rd mat ta^. "' "'â-  ^-- -^^^'^^^' oh ^M^"?-Tu^' Quinessec, Mich., on tke g.-Jth March the wife of Mr. Joseph McLeod of a daughter. ^T^V^^ Melancthon, on the 26th of March, the ^.lfe of Mr. H.nry Moody of twms, son and danguter. NnoN.-In Dundalk. on March 26th. the ^^feotMr. Geo. Nizon (merchant) of a McWnxiAMs.-In Dnndaik. on the 15th of J^ch, the wife of Dr. MeWiUiam. of a all of thit place. At the M. E. P, "»«?«ge,Meaforf, byBeV MissEneaAnt^-^^^-^ai- ^n TEAS we simply defy competition, Our Notorious 28 cent Tea is having an im- mense run and i:tiil HOLDS THE FORT. Our stock of Groceries is complete in ever}' depart- ment. Our aim, since commencino- business in Markdale has been to convince the public that it was to their interest to deal with us, and our im- mense business proves that in this we have been suc- cessful, and to-day we stand prepared to give better value ior your money than any other house in this locality. While we are grateful for lib- eral patronage in the past,no pains wiU be spared m future to give our cnstomurs tbe very best bargains the martcet will afford.' /;'â- '" â-  "'l':f^'i' Trimble d^. Wright, MARKDALE. GENER'LBLKKSMITfl HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY. Keaders of the Commercial can not well forget that a large space has for vears been taken up bv Kendall's advertisement.s es- pecially of a certain Spavin Cnre. We have had dealings with Dr. Kendall for many years, and we know of isome large business houses in cities near by, whoiliave also dealt with him /or many years, and the troth is fully and faithfully proven, not only that he Ls a good honest man, and that his celebreted Spavm cure is not only all that it is recom- mended to be, but that the Engligh language is not capable of recommending it too highly Kendall's Spavin Cure will cute spavins" rhere arehBadreds of cases in which that has" been proven to our certain knowledge, but after all, if any p«-8on confines tke useful- ness of his celebrated medicine to curinir spavms alone, tb^ make a big mistake It IS the best medicine known as an outward application foi rheumatism in th» family It IS good for pains aad ache^ swellings and lameneps, and is j«»t as safely applied to men woman and diildren as it ifto horsea We know that there are other good liniments bnt wo do believe tbis spavin cmreto be ia^ better than any evrar invented. 133-36. A. CAJRO. and indiscwifaans ot yoaUi, nerouaw»k. "«,f • ^l^r aecay. loss of «i«»Lood, «. J wUl send a leceipe that ^«ill mn tmi PKRR ^vered by a missionary in SooS^Aiaeritti. Send a jieK-address^d ^QTelope TTkkt. Joseph T. Iki.^, s,a»Um i)? SS Under and by virtue of a power ol â- â€¢alii taiueliii a mortgage made by D'aJ and Husband, default iiavinj been mini paj-ment thereof, will be soil BY PUBLIC AUCTK At the Grand -enti-al Hotel, Collinfirc.':| ON SATURDAY, APRIL 14, i At 0n# o'clock p. m., the foJl.)«\Tngpro[)( Lots Nos. 28, 29 and 30 in the 10th Com sion of Osprey. County of Grey. Clavloi 160 acres cleai-ed and in a good state ois tivation balance well timbered. At the same time ami place there vdi;» be offered for sale Lots Nos. IS nn J 19 it 3 7th concession of Osprey. 100 acres tlfs" and balance of 100 acres well timbered' hardwood. The property is spleu(liiliyii' ated, being one and one-half miles Marwell, and on gravel road. Good liai ings and j-oung orchard. Terms. â€" The purcLnse^ shall pa.vmif. of $200 at the time of .=ale, tlie balamsj one-third of the parchase monev in w«€ks thereafter the remaining tm-S in cash, or secnret? fay a mortcage F^, i* f' om one to five years at tlie optioBof' purchasers. For farther particulars tpplj to CREKAR Ml'IIf- Vendors' SoEciK) Hamilton, March 24th, 1883. 52JiJ| GEORGE WfLSOII, Wholesaie and Retail FARM FOR sale: IBUTCHEB!: BEEF, PORK OR MUTTON SV?^ from a single pound toavhiJef" at the lowest market prices. FISH A FOWL W THEIR SEAi Farmers having Fat Cattle, SJJ^^ Pigs to dispose of will do well to 'i.^ 8 Boms' iiloek. opposite the «•« " Wosk. MarkdAle. Oei. a»ttw ]8»1 Farm for Sale* AVEKY desiraUe BcwpcrtJ l"*^ acres; I^ts 111 and lH WM of T. and S, Road, Arteme?*^ r.r»t from tbe tows vt Markdsle^i oDe« 'lijrdrtfl r 0T6C0N SB. G. ED.. HOLLAND. eo, BMd onhard beving crod km houae a^A SiUmted 2half mila,^„x CW ioad. 'w ^^ ^^n^TuUr^e^^;;:, wortb. A. bargam wUl be given in tie " â€" ^i«r»*l N^^Sr^" ^•'^^ apply to G^ ^^ â€" ^,, ,..^., ..... ia«4|. 5.«ndl«" If you want an A-1. hat Cheap. Hard â-  Formate. «*iiv ^1 "t" Timothy Hay One aow newly calved two eows at the calniur one mare 4 yvanold ooehorae 3 y«i«o4 Wk. BBOWN. has a largstuie dweLi»phou:e* is well waterea with never faHin? •reek; spiendU soil, and mtk retj locality. Terms easy. „-_a- " JfittkdaloiMarrfi 29th, 1883. ^^ Single copies o£ the ^^ DARD 5 cents. or Sdfl go to Trimble Wright's. ople's Watchmakers Jev nil's Blocli:, Imabkuale only. C^Awe columns intended to \ud or Society will he cluiri L for the first inMrtion a \iaehiubiequent insertion. he barber, keeps the best si ii.«e. Lndlot for sale in Markc Lie place, apiily at tliis offl- Iftnt Tonr razor put in rooc. Pmitii.the Barber. to thank Dr. Landerkin, lentary papers, other thai â- pplied. y tried to shaye himsel Lzor proved the nave, went to Smith the Barber tad a decent shave. iity valuators Messrs !Mylt ^id were in Markdale las t Ihave been through the toii nd will now take the coniiti lis oft, commeccing with 1 Is Mieiocosm, a religious S [i3 printed in Magazine fc lerand well bound, contai I articles are deeply interest Iten. Subscriptions taken [per year â€" clubbed with tl a. -The social held in DufTe f evening last, by the ladie t Church was well patronize t of the evening was epen pds Qt amusement and ga I the partaking of the goo â- by the ladies, after which pM called to the chair, wli lied creditably, acd in 1; Vmood. The programme w; Jiy,but well rendered tbr( p :â€" Music by the choir McFarhind Mr. J. R. t J. R. Trimble, gave "Ja I'hile Miss McDowell, of IK r Wwmpaniment, this wr pll given, is •urt, Mr, Anderson gave Dg the evening with his u ' the Misse's Matthew P appearance on a public r t^ieni being twins, and together at the one time Bot often witnessed, â- 8. and rendered their ' '• Joseph llawkens [tiae before a Markdale an I the people of this pla [««T always take fer the su '• •© gsve a few humor ang his views which 6 ,P«»penaitiesof the audi ' VK' Turner gave a 1 Mr. Brown, (jeweller,) I J»«traiaentHl trio Mr. V \ma came from Owen £ â- ) gave a few leeitatio ^•^ witty •♦IriahCha; always brings ' • trtiole team himi '*«ng assisted by i ' MoDowdl at 1 ' *flplay8tare ability, ^••» Wen received Mi ^•â- J* a reading in his ue « ». fcnwB Sujeant ,*^»wh oioTed many ^^WttfuUy rendered I iJTj!/?^' ' *^' Aimstre S'l^Pr. i^xcells wi Wjf i^precu ^*anto£ akuowife. kj^****«tainnient was r ^*igingofthenatioi 'tif^^rmT;^' ii„f;.i:..=., (,

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