Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 5 Apr 1883, p. 1

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 OL. 3. "No. 30. MARlvDALE, ONT.,APRIL 5, 1883. No. 134. y^ 'M i rriiLisiiED THURSDAY EVENING, At }.[r.-kilal:i Ontario. l*3X' Anxxmn IX ADVANCE. J, .)- :„ three montlis, 5"i it not paid till â- . 'i ,if the year. No paper discontiuued ',;.:" ',11 ii'-ears ire paid up, except, at the ".â- 'V'if'tiie I'lilili^licr, aiul parties refusing ' ,,, v.itln'iit 1' iviiij; up ^viU be held respon- T, fr- rlie veiir-i subscriptions until they l"j,„;vw:th tlierulos. â-  TEKMS OF ADVERTISING l(Vr,Vriiii out' year... ' â-  ' (In I'l'l do. 27 50 1.1 00 8 UO 4 00 8 3 r-mlfiu: ..ivrMi lines, first insertion per lino ;„,li ^noMMpien*. insertion rii." iniiiiber ()f hues to be reckoned by the ,Mce "Ci-iipieil measured by a scale of solid ,.(v;ir. Ailverti^emonts without specific .â- ^lif.n^ will lie published ti'l forbid and r*;'tl iii'ciiriliiifjly. All transitory adver- must be in the office of bublica- Ili)'click (in the Wednesday proceed- ,1.' lljrir pulilication. .JOB rRINTING I} every description executed with Hdifiss aiul despatch at the Office of i^eNT.iMiAKo, Mark(l;ile. C. W. RUTLEDGE. Editor PROPKrETOR. I^T^EIJ. OKail'in AND DRILLER. ALL niili-rs promptly attended to. Resi- .;o-.S!u.;i-r's Hill, Owen Sound 122-3o Sbent, M,D., M.R.C P. S., O. I'li'^iciau and Surceon, Priceville, I'liate of Uuivursity. Vict. College." ,. New York, and â- .-.. Graduate, of the same, Avleth Medii^al Institute. Optlialmic Hospital, N.Y. iaiiLrC'ill. PhysiciansA Snrgeors.O.- 1C4 Dental Car*cl. |Cameron Knight, 1)E.\T.\L SURGEONS, I'Sceover P. .\. Cameron and Go's Drug â- â- â- 'K. I'ouIettSt., OWEN SOUND. I £wv attention given to the preservation of |:jej!i;iiraltetth. Artificial Dentures mount- ^l«i Gold, CtEuloid, and Rubber bases. 'ViU be at Markdale the kst Tuesday in -ich month, i CameroD, M.D., C. F. Knight, L.D.S. LF.P.t S.Glasgow, Medalist Royal Col- L D.S., Out. lege Den. Sur.,Ont REVERE HOTEL. mARKDAI.E. BTEENS McCASKILL PROPRIEIORS. rpHIS popular Hotel has changed hands hu S^^ *^^^® men cater to the wants of the public Good ;tabhng and attentive hostlers. The best brands cigars, good meals and large onimercial room, nection. of Uquor and comfortable rooms, Barber shop in con- 130-ly. CHATSWORTH HOUS^ (late MOBROW H0C8B,) CHATSWORTH, Ont. C. H. MATTHEWS, Propeietor. The best braad of liquors and cigars al- ways in stock. Good meals and omfortable rooms guaranteed. Good stabling and at- tentive hostler. n^ Markdale House. Thi« commodiins and popular hotelis fur- nished in first-class style, is one of the finest hotels in the County. Good accommodation for travellers. 'Bus to and from all trains. Charges moderate. A. RUTLEDGE. Propbiktor. COMMERCIAL HOTEL PRICEVIIiLiB. Ont. Large auu commodious Sample Rooms Good Bed Rooms, e. The Bar and larde well supplied with the best the market af fords good Stabling and attentire Hostler's THOS. ATKINSON. Proprietor m:i^mm SOBT. ASKIIn, IVT AltliD ALE Has opened out a First-Class Furniture AM UNDERTKING ESTABLISHMENT, And therefore has supplied a want long felt, especially in the Undertaking Line. COFFINS, CASKETS, SHROUDS, and all FUNERAL FURNISHINGS supplied on the sliortes notice. A. Silend.icl Hearse ttff hire at moderate rates. John McDonald, CHATSWORTH, DIVISION Court Clerk, Issuer of Mar- riage Licenses, Commissioner in B.R., Conveyancer, fec. Deeds, Mortgages, Wills, (fee. attended to promptly, accurately, neat- ly, and cheaply. Private funds to Itnd in small sums on easy terms. Notes discounted |I P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. DE]\T1ST, IllPaniATE OF TORONTO SCHOOL I' M Dentistry, will be at Rutledge's I Mil, Markdale, on the thi'-r" Wednesday of '•jbcontli for the practieo of his profession. Iwjary'.lth, 18S3. 122-74 i0at Frost Frost, AND ATTOENEYS-AT itors in Chancery, Convey Ai'., Owi'u Sound, have resumed at â- ' n, 0;lico open every Thursday, as I)A:::;isri;];s -L» L;UV, Solicit 'r.x-T, J.W.Frost, Uv Cii)'vn Attorney. LL. B. 1 R. JTI. Galbraith 1 UCTIONEER AND GENERAL LAND r\. Agent, Williamsford Station. Auction Sales attended in all parts of the County. Goods sold on commission. Rates moderate. Pianos, Organs, and Sewing Machines; also Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Vines, Agricul- tural Implemennts, and Machinery of all kinds on sale. Wihiamsford, Jan. 27. 1881. gibsoTa McMillan, CONTRACTORS. Contracts taken for all kinds of BRICK AND STONE WORK, Plain Ornamental Plastering. Calsomininq in all Shades and Colors. FURNITUEE! From the Common to the Best and Latest Styles, in everything in the line. Call and see for yourselves. ROBT. ASKIN. J. W. FOED, Is giving splendia satisfaction in GRISTING, By the New Process at th^ Uuklale hmi lis. Special attention to parties from a distance so that they may have their grist home the same day. Sill IS BFXIEYM GENTLEMEN,â€" If you want a first-class Buggie or Wagon call at MGKENNA MASON'S CARRIAGE WORKS MARKDALE. They can supply you with anything from a Lumber Wagon up to Extension Too Phaeton. S To buy from them is to A 1^ I O IV E Y I Union Carriage Works. All work manufactured from First Class Material ' In the Latest and Best Improved Style, and finished with Engrlisli YarnishL. Charges moderate and satisfaction guar- antee^l. Orders left at ahe Stasdard office will receive prompt attention. Markdale, Feb. 6th, 1883. I26-Iy. fTm. Brown, ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, c Commissioner in B. R. c. Conveyancing in all its branches promptlj attended to and carefully executed. N. B.â€" Money to Lend on Real Estate se curity. Painting Trimming Rigs will receive prompt attention. All Eepairs executed in the shortest possible time consistent with good workmanship. Good Work a Speciality. Bemember the Shop, opposite the Cheapside D. J. SHANAHAN, They are both practical workmen, end employ uono but PRACTICAL WORKMEN They guarantee their work Second to none for Lightness of Draught and Superiority of Finish. They use nothing but First-class White Oak for Wagons, and thiice Extfa Second Growth Hickory for light work. The immense amount of work turned out of McKenna Mason's shop is snfficien proof of the wide reputation they enjoy for doing good work. The BEST is thb CHEAPEST ts the END Poor ch=ap work we positively will not take. Special attention given to Re- Trimming and Repainting all classes of Carriage Work. Satisfaction guaranteed (or No Pay) in HORSESHOEING SHOP 'Williamsfcrxf. Mr. C. Price is pushiug his new hotel towards completion. He has leaseji it to Mr. Wm. Vogan who will open on the Ist of Maj. The house will be called the Queeus hotel. Messrs. Johnbton Patton have purchased the sash and door, togetlier with the pump business, from Mr. S. Watson and are now in possession of the same. They are both young industrious men and will no doubt do a good trade. Mr. E. Morris has sold his tailoring business to Mr. M. Hall, of Orange- ville, who is a young, pushing fehow and doing a lively business. C. Price has sold the place lately occupied by Mr. Gauley, shoemaker, to S. Watson. M. Steele has closed up his busi- ness. W. Crowthor|had a sale lately and is going to Meaford. A. Williamson, carriage maker, is building a number of wheeled rigs. On Friday last while Mt. F. Kempt was running a planing machine his hand was caught in the plainer which mangled it badly, splittmg the thumb He telegraphed to Chatsworth and being unable to procure medical as- flistance went to the above place where he had his and bdressed. The revival services carried on here by Mr. Hart have been successful. They were closed last week, resulting in an addition of 30 members to the church. A successful social was held at Massie by the Methodists recently. Proceeds about $13. We are pleased to note that Mrs. Cameron, wife of Mr. John 'anieiou, Reeve of Holland, wiiose life was dis- paired of a shoit time ago, is now iii a fair way ot recovery and nble to move about. An operation was per- formed recently by Dr. Bennett, assist- ed by Dr. Jamiesou of Durham, re- moving her left breast on which a tu- mor had grown to a large sizp. Mr. Pertira is fitting up the old tannery for a cabinet factory. Mr. S. Watson is recovering from his recent illness. Markdale. Dec. 2nd, 1881. Proprietor. 64. JOHN NOBLE, MARKDALE. GENER'LBLACKSMITH -On Mill Street opposite Sproule's Hotel. McKENNA MASON to STALLION T .1. :tiassoi P"'::M':i;, master ANDDEP. REG I " -! t^ia'.ic, !â- /, Xotaiy Tublic, Conveyan ""â- â-  T(^ T,i;\D AT SIX PER CENT. â- ' "â- â- â- .)! Sound, in Vicker's Block ""â- â- ":â- : a;!;! in Markdale, over MeFar "^â- â- ':i' oil Fj-;day and Saturday every LOYAL MARKDALE LODGE. Of C. 0. 0. F. No. 78, will meet in their hall on Monday evening. April o'clock p. m. 108 2nd at ei^ht W. L. YOUNG, Sec'y. 'rc*a»ior* Mo rrison. Kl -1..-^, SOLICITORS. CONVEY- â- ^. A-c. ,tc, i: in O-.veii Sound, Duflferin Block, • 1" Wolfs Store and in ^MARKDALE; Mctaiiaud's Store on Tliursday •\v..j â- ^.-l:iy of each week. â-  riinJsto len.lon reasonable terms. w 'â- â€¢EASun, Q. G Duncan Mobwon â- ^"â- ^'lale, March 15. 1882. 79-lv I '^xander Brown. |r J '"f Marriage Licenses, Fire and '1 B p "'^^'â- ^"ce Agent. Commissionei Wti " ^Conveyancer and Licensed Vh "' "^® County of Grey. Farmers, Pi:' nts. and Land Sales, Punctually at- ' charges made verv moderate. ""lle, Sept. 17. 1880, ' 1-V XOXIOE- r ,£P.^\^ -^^"D (tUAEDIANSOF chil- Wsr'ff ""' '•â- Â°"f'ei' a favor upon me and childte- J â- """^^ ^* ^^y "^^^^ inform their 15 ve â-  " 'â- ^"1 "Ot allow any one under • "" 0' "ge ia lily Billiard Room. Uaj;.,,, D. M. nOGAX.ProT'riptor. aa.j, J- MANHOOD HOW LOST, NOW RESTORED =-. We have recently pnbUshed a new rsEAI. Sedition of Dr. CnLyEBT?iA;s Cele- V^-Jf^BBATED Es*AY ou the vadicai and permanent cure (without medicine) of Wer- Vous DebiUty, Mental and Physieal incapaci- ty. Impediments to Marriage, c.. reuniting from excesses. „ „ 13- Price, in sealed envelope, ualy b cents, ""•Sec^lSt^^TuThor, inthis sdminible Essay, clearly demonstrates, from tnirty years' sncc^ssfol practice, thatj^arm^g con- Lqnenoes may be radically ci^.^°^* ^l iigerons use of internal medicin^ or tte ^of the knife pointing out a modterf ci^ at once, simple, certain and «««f^; J^^ means of which every snfferar, no ^tte^ what his condition may be, inay cur? bmseii cheaply, privately and radically. ^-This Lecture should be in the hands of every yoftth and every man in the tend. TfctTiilverwell Medleal Go,. 110-^. HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY. Wm. Lucas Co., FOR SALE. OUNG "Stanley" is a fine bay horse 4 years il(i this spring, stands 16^ hands high, IS possessed f heavy bone, and good action. Will be sold on reasonable terms by getting good srcurity. Pedigree can be seen at this office. Apply to JAIVIES MEGILL, Everett P. 0. 131-.33 X Tos. oronto Tp. IN large or small amounts, at all times, on good 3udorsed notes, securiiy. or ou collateral P.O. box 450 INTEREST AT 6 PER CENT. Allowed on Savings Deposits. 'Drafts issued and Collections mai^e on points, at lowest rates. Vr.M. LUCAS, Manager. September 23, 1880. 2-lv W. C. RICHARDS, BUILDER, CONTRACTOR, ARCHI- TECT. â€" Residence on jli.l Street, Mark- dale. Markdale. Jan, 21th, 1833. 1211y WARNIF^'G. ALL NOTi'.S AND OVRRFUE AC- connii) not ptad uuiiby ine pieseit month will be handed in fo^ colluciion. (f i-csTzr..^ :.:.aLdide, Marelillp^, 13,-.. iJi-ct JOHKSTON'S ' ISARSAPARILLA lOB "i im coKPLAinT, imnu^^ And for Purifying the Blood. It has been In nse forSOyears, and has I proved to be the best preparation in the mari cet for SICK HEADACHE, PAIN IN THE SIDE OB BACK. IJVEB COM- PLAINT, PIMPLES ON THE FACE, DYSPEraLA, PIJ^iES, and all Diseases tbat arise from a Disordered Liver or an I impore blood. Thousands of our best la take it and give ft to their chil- Physiciaiis prescribe it daily. Those w1m use it once recommend it to others. It is made from Yellow Dock, Honda- ras SaraapariUa, WUd Cheny, Stillingia, Dandelion. Sassafras, WinteRreen, ana other well-known valuable Boots and Herbs. It is Btrictly Tef^tabie, and can- I not hurt the most ddicate constitution. I It is one of the best medicinee in use for ^egnlating the Bowels. It is aold by all responslbls dmgsists at I OBs doUar for a quart botUo, or Bixbottlaa I for flva doUara. I Those' who cannot obtain a bottle of this I xncdicine'f rom their dragi^iiit may aend xa oue I dollar, and we will send it to ""â- "â-  V. nSSffSVS It 80., KaanftetnTRi; I Aa!ieRttai Ott. fiatnit, ICeh. ;o"e '.;as i)PeL a "[ood Mr. (). W. biiii.ii of -*- Adveitise in the ctaxSIiakI/. Berkeley. Business is hooming in this village, owing chiefly to the entetprise of our saw and shiugle mill men. Much credit is due to Mr. G. S. Brown, of the saw mill, for the ener- getic and praisbwoitliy manner in which he has coDJncted the b'isiuefs since the mill came into his hands. The shiiiglf! mill is no"v ma"if;,'oJ by Mr. Pt. Bailey, late Jof Markdale, and has a capacity of lC,OwO Fhin^^lts per flay. This new iiidu.strv i.. qi"'ii ii ready markLit '.o llie faraiHi-s Jor ciio-ir cedar timber, hupinpss iloii' M'lunt I'oi'C^t, ill i^i^M] li ;,) iis. Aitagethcr tlii.s \vi:itrr 'â- ;is Ufcii uno of marked actr. i"y in (..;:â-  vi,' j,-. After an iiljseucc of 20 Cloy, th:? trail! ardvej ]i;;o ".i '.; ' ---:i.y, u~c:n\i- pauied with t^'AO cii,",;;!. niia a s.'ow plow; and about uU '.;jvoi;.i-;. â€" /-'â- â- â- - vie IV. ScEARCiTV oi- I"';-r.D.-- i'lit^re :s Lrroat searcitv ufloeii aiiioiiLT tUe l./ra; i.^ in this Ui i^hboriiuud ^wl.)-^ \r, ti;.; c.\.- ceediiiylv h^'i-t. i-V'U .:«.-'0 •-â- -. niuer. Hay is Sibiii!/ at, tVnij li i,.» i;5 j'r ton. b.raw i.s i-.ut oiiVr. J u! m^'V jiii-^" and the hiiy' is l)ou;^ii!. v,[i by tli • f.c i»- er;. arouud tiiC town uuro tl.itu by the town j)0jjnj. jf iiio hiiww a.)' ri ui't go soon. li. \iiil I" iiiiiM v,'.,i'l, iji some sectiinjs Li kCci ilie ou,lL.o i 'i.i ftarviug. â€" Rtiirw. Mr. MacRie has riin tvc:! iV'ini town and taken np Ins r â- si'if"'-^ ou his faim in (i!ei:eltr. 'V'' .\[.-. MacRae iiia^ sec m, to i!.r;taj i- b;Je amongS; us iu a .short. ti'Uf' â€" ^â- â- â- â- ii.v. E. J. Doyle'tj s .\v iiiiA i.a.i 2^ni:A :ui: i tlia se.:.sor:8 work. Mr. Cjrnett ba^ parohrs^^ a lot Irr the t erection of the chw •«• c.o y. It is l-..\-.:cd Uiai' 'li'e i^katii'g i:l'i.. *• Ut. r* I ' i 'i 1 1 i â-  i 1 ' ' â-  1 1 1 f; â- I â-  !J il "iki'l I f!. i. r^ ^â- ^.^^

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