Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 22 Mar 1883, p. 5

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 'W WM^'WW^P«W«"«s«^PiiH||||P iP^S'P'f^^^BWiffWISW'fBPpPW^^ ppiP -.â- ^^ ".,â-  1ST Mm "one ever cJay, DAY. 30SH0USE. ^obes, ves, Crapes, i '^2? Fynerali " " 'iue, and at .1 eh! â- â- t.Ml Stock c/ tureI l-ty. :.ll ai niodera'J OFJUSTI 55 J AIR. ;â- ; Jri'GMEXT 1 Ma-^ter of tlio iMj -.â- ;â- .]!. 1, nyaile in tLi â- i'l- -J-Jnl day of Soil 1 a.t ;i .-â- ul.-equeutfll -•a â- â-  Il'S'Ii; Ml the G;! rr 'viU lio sdld, v.-iJ ;.,; ?.!i;.^r,T.bjAbr4 AUCTIONl \LE HOUSE, il. ili-'fc's Hotel, isthj .^lAKHDiLE. /z day of Apri' J' (jiK in Id" afternooaj i\iiiii I'ropeity: lul 1-2'.;, in the Ij Lo:s N^ubers lo ^sio-iS. W. 'ftbi .;â- :..!. :i I the To»-:i| ,;:v Cuu.ify of tlrf;| ,./ v'ii;ch about I- iJi a iroo'l state ij â- :.,;cr i^ fC.'.-cm' »":;« aial 'A aiLi) tiniW -i Th- feucejCT :.a ,..:i ^vatc:t .;) ;u-'a rLciireJ, 'â-  o: :;i'lo tm-^. .... 1 a ;,or.d sta'j.ll i:" acres ficareil, aai^ â- ; -, cloaroJ. „.,-. i:'iit..f aua^r .:.;::;. on n^c le^^j-^i ,,j :â-  hai! ia:l« "H 1 !,,cfs aiTord g-**] \Ia-tr.ia.'iifipar^^ • varcot-'.-" â- y/iciung to .aU. .a- " "P.! .;i mriit, 11. .n one ruonth, »' 1 ^••uvinii,' condif" ib.l.aa front. MfJ iJ this 7tb ^y- Owen Sound- J. MASSO|N^J of t^^ StA^l JKi Brown ,,,. pr// '5 !cnving Mark- ^^ jr r;/9 //^^ Wholesale ;; ;^, /;,•,. 5/;; fss nt Toronto, •'â- â- ".., r/r-;!" /o /cay^ Mark- ' ..1/ »j/i-",-i " â-  ..;••,.- i //6' has entered ^i--'rsk!p ^^ith Mr. W iv V, iiii^ of Fleshcrton, L. '.U*="32B*^--- ^KO ^Good Friday toKporrow. Preaching in the Methodist Chnrch to- mcarow evening. (Friday .)at 7 o'clock. A lodge of the Canadian Order of Odd Fellowa. was orgaoized in Walters FaUs last week. Bnsiness places in Markdalc wiUl be closed ],r:i:al'i:^atchmaker\^:^^"^^ '^^y-) "^b apubUc â- /j. (;:v;' 15 years ex- '[t:, i'c riics ivilh the best :i:o!i sfroni some of\ Wrighi Another shipmont of that 28ct tea, fresh and strong just to hand at Trimble ;.;/" â- jj!ih;i:akers in the" MLlI :iU carry â- kdalc. on the toll i!ili About SlOO ^rorth of new type is being adJed to th^ Standard office, we are deter- mined to keep aheatt. Mr. Mark Armstroog. jr., left on Saturday I last for Lockport, New York, to purchase 'J'"" Vu to Jlini 'Vill â-  ^^*^® ^°^ '-^^^ turning factory. â- '.vknianllkc r.ian-\ ^^i' =Int\re has been to Toronto tnis ' I '"awl^. and a new stock of Groceries and j L quors will be opened in a few days. :// '-â-  rjtaranteed, \Ye had a call from our old friend Stanley ;; '/i." liill be found "â- "â- ynoUs \,ho has been a few days homo. refund- â-  ^^^ returned to Toronto, on Monday last. i A young man who ca-inot afiord to get his I'lieiuls picture without hooking them out of tho riioto gallery, shouldn't have auy, J. L. ur inonty 3rowii s, /.â- :;i.aake;-.5 Jewellers m: only. ,-\"i'S. ijiown. f Tv :ia;i;" ;â- 'â- ' â€" Tlios. Ho.lf,'ia-^. ,)r,iL a â- Justice â€" J. Masjon. i bA Oilisr Items. â- -iHK iiitt'thh-d toheni'/U i,;:j :i-ill he rltarned ten ',r- 1 in-ertlcn and Jlce imnt in.-^ertir. \\. T L. :Jar.-liall ftud family, of rutauviiir' to Port rurrv. hi; hi Will i;r;u to .;.iAvil r.nt. ciitil' ill fur Kulc, nearly :!" given for casli. Tiios. Cooletlgo. fair lifts bceu ea "J. Tlie lii-ot -was A jvu; './.; e 'inpacy is bemg â-  â- â- .iZfl i.l ];,ii:'1itlk, f T llu' pUrpOSO ' .::,;ij;i!. ::-:'â-  a c!i"Osu factory I '::;:i A ,:;:j;iitiuMl S 'Cioty ijave i '.lA tl l;i; thuii finnua,! Exhibi- :.:miT;i' i-l-iy aiiJ I'nJay, Oct. ,;ijil â- '*.!. iLe liv. 11 A;^-i-icullural Si.ciiity I'eucciU'.a to cnuifi'-e their already iLodi Us liaii, by ]iu^ting an ad- .atoit, inaliiiirr it cloublo its pres- ::::o. Thi^ will inakc the build- l-'xeof Iht; hrt ia the cciuity. lijKMi will lo iuld al tiie house f.lf- av' i.icliardn'Hi, 9th line' â- 1:1:1, i:; (ji) i I'rulav CVGnUjg. â- â- }' \V:' ' ^;i!o oi ilic Prcsbyter- â- â- "'iLM ;l,.iKuale. Come one, "ii, 'â- : 'jii'iiiioci you agood tunc. -!'â- â-  ' :: v.-. â€" Tii;; Xorlli Grey 'â- "It-'.i ;--'.:aj.y will hold iLs an- â- 'i'l'ia.: ^.. â-  :;i â- d c- ij. c t St ailii illS and id on Vpr^ 1 •- .3th, T sttai of m lUOV *Sl and Si^C 1 cor- M be m ado â- -0U 0, l.'.v aflornonn, 0:- 1 ;ck, the are alarm v,as fiiv.nd that the :p riiom t)f the sti\a " lieon caused bv a'lami^ The lii'e j •ii,^ wuhout strious i Ir. S. Damn.ic, Idiiu' Committee, I pri.'posed plan â€" ,;nufK. Arc Jlr. \7. J. Deuni=, (late of Cedarviile.) is u.iw catering to the public wants in the I CJâ- oâ- ,\^l Hotel. Prioeyiilu. Mr. Tuck having I ricired. j Tho Stanlap.d is a Viihiab'.e niGdium for i advertisiug, iiaving upwards of four thoasauj I readers, al.-out Sou fanulies get it, with an I average of not lesi thau G readers to each I copy. j Jlr. .John Ford lind a bnantiful day for his i sale on Tuesday, and an immense crowd attended, things generally went oil like hot c-.kes. The stock especially briugiing very high prices. Ti5iT5 A Money Saved. â€" An immense qusntity of grain ha been brought iuto Markdale this winter, aud a larg.' majority of the Farmers kill two birds with one shot by taking a load of Trimble Wriidit's cheap goods on the home trip. The JIarkdalc riiotogvaph Gallery has 1 been thronged every day the past two weeks. Mr HamilloE, the new artist, has secured the services of Mr. Brown, for a short time, who has been aa vopr.lar aud successful dur- ing the past j'car in the art. Accident. â€" ^^^JileMr. James Hopkinsou, Miss McDonald, Thou. Scarlett, Miss Limp- tun, were out for a drive last Sunday at what is known as Hardy's Churcb, tlicir horsos became frightened and ran awsy breakiug the b'cigh aud throwing its cccu pants iuto the snow. Miss Lampton got he:- ankle badly Mangled.â€" I«ricit(l^ JlenilJ. The social at Mr. John Hamiltons last Friday evening. A crowded house ft jolly time a complete Buc;cgs.. Mr. Hamiltons large brick house was weh filled, and a very enjoyable time spent everyone was made welcome, and all seemed to make thsmselveB ocrfectly at home, aiid done just about as they pleasei, "Boys Sir" they did enjoy thpmsclvcs and no mistake, procseds §20.- Anotihb Fire. â€"On Sunday last about ' three o'clock p. m.. while Mr. Leavens was â-  at Sunday School his wife discovered a smoke i issuing from a room upstairs, which proved j tu be ou fire. She promptly gave the alarm I and in v very short time a crowd was on i hand and the fire was speedily extinguished, I It is supposed that the fire origiuated by the chiiaren playing with matches in the room, which had a straw tick just filled with frcsh I straw. The lors is very tiifiing. New Additions.â€" 'Yc are receiving a hoc of nsw and fashionable type specially adapt- cd for circulars. Tlioso who purpose getting out a spring circular will do weUto giye us a call. \Ye have also on the way a let of new tvpo to be used eMclusively for pamp'dets. and Voters Lists. Couneillors would do well Easte* cards at Medieal HalL Miss Lazier is TimtiDg frienda in (hran Sound, at iwesent. Mr. E. Pnrvig of this villaee, has Btrawher- ries now in bloom. Dr. Sproale M. P., is expected home for the Easter hoUdays. There will be skating on oar rink on Good Friday, weather permittuig. St. Patricks day was celebrated thronghont the Dommion on Saturday m the customary manner. R. H. "WhHby made a fljirg visit to Mark- dale and returned to Orangevihe on Tues- day last. Ladie's now is the time to procure a dress of that beautiful oOct cpshoiare, at Reynolds Son's, Don't forget the grand clearing sale at Reynolds Son. now going on, immense hargains can be procured call and see for j'ou'selves. Mefsrs. Doll Biown have arranged to open a branch store opposite Elhott's drug store, Chatsworth. For cheap bargains in every description of Dry Goods Clothing etc., yisit Richardson's sale next week. Sav John, where did you got that pair of boots at Reynolds Son. There you can get a good fit, and at your own price. Mary had 'a httle watch, bet the watch it would not go. Mary .should have got a watch at Doll Brown's, they always giye satis- faction. BEST g| GNlAPEST. o Coolness of temperament n aTirtoe, bat the refreshing ooolnesg of the 4 Preserved Bleats^ Fraits, and • TegetaM«s, â€" KEPT AT THE â€" BELFAST HOUSE, MARKbALE, beats all the iceberg? ever floated down the Atlantic Ocean. itect, t.. make a note of this, as we wiU bo enabled thereby to give them a job with every letter All kinds of municipal 1 i'resbytorian erected next sho"\vD iis be d)vterian con- iv 11 -::' Ci: ..1 â- J, ti;o •: "lie \T-y-. ' -.ri-r the iillizabe- '.;',: 'c lure. â€" Advance. Ovi 'Jiouday rnorn- 1 r\-s. South, stoam- ;.ard with a novel V'h abdut three miles 'ruck a calf. Ko one I" e., '•^ lb ca "a^lcrth^ h '".v anything about it • 'aine into the station f auid lying on the icud light, compara- 1. he was able to run 1 ta!;cu off the platform -^^ht'u^ worio for his free. ride. '•i:.ic ncrt}i -n "â-  i^"n..nvk, while chopping on icai^KXT -_john Ruhl, of the 2nd I"^J'l' 'â- '"'â- "-â- " 'i^^i^ chop: L J last, was killed by a limb striking Ftittl"^*^ tlie left ear. He died almost ,J' ^^ '^3 a single man pf about 2? "^â- â€"Ilc.nover To. ost. and figure perfect- stationary kept on hand at Toronto prices, support home and send us your orders. The British motrop -lis was horrified last ^oek by a diabolical attempt to blow up the U.cs;; church IgoTernmeot building.. At nine o'clock p- The proposed j m. on the 15th, while the House of Coni- "• • ' moos was sitting, a tremendous explosion pas heard, the galleries in the Commons chambers were shaken, and general conster- nation and alarm was created. The news was quickly received that a dastardly attempt had been msde by miscreants to blow up of- fices of the Local GoTernment Board, West- miuster, by dynamite. So far as can be ga- thered in a hasty exploration the exp osiom took place from the interior of the bmldmg. which WPS entirely seattered. So great was the force of the explosion that the streets in theyicinity ^re strewn with broken The guards at the Parliament bmidmgs were immSely doubled. And the residence^ the Ministers are closely guarded It ha^ Tow transpired that a double artempt to rwuptJ.eI^e.omceontheprevj^sday feiled taron^b some mijiehanoe to^tbf, 7^ creants. Reynolds Son have some verv fine lines of glassware and stoneware, of the very la- test shapes patterns an I colors, at the very lowest prices. Mr. E. Kennedyl (late of the Traverston Woolen Mill,) removed this week to Horn- iug-, MiUs to take charge of a Woollen Fao- tcry in that place. A young man who cannot afford to get his friends picture without pilfering them out of the photo gaUerj-, should'nt have any. â€" J. L. Brown. Richardson's clearing sale has been very successf-al judging by amour; of goods put out since 1st March it will be continued till tiiB end of the m,jnth. Carson Price, of Williamsforl, is selling off h's winter goods at and unclercost to male way for for spring and summo- goods. His stock is complete, aud baigans may be ex- pected. Yv'c had a call ou Tuesday fom Mr. C. H. Matthews, (of tho Chatswonli n.)tel) and Mr. C. Price of WUliamsfod they report their respective villages in olout the same place, noUvithstanding Wiggiis' storm. The Miirkdale p'uotograph ^llerj- ha.= been tiirouged every day tlie past tvo week?. Mr. Hiinilton, tho new artist, his S(-;cuv.';i tlte se'-vices of Mr. Brown for a Kjort time, who has been ao popuhir aud bV5ce?f^ful during the past year, iu the art. Yet Another Fiee. â€" Yesterday while Mrs. Caswell WIS removing, it appjarssome of the bed clothes were thrown caxilessly against a stove pipe, and took fire, bit was soon dis- covered and extinguisesd witlout much dam- age being done. Doctors, stand aside. â€" Clear heal and voice, easy breathing, sweet breath, perfect small, taste, and hearing, nc cough, no dis- tress. These are couditiovB brought about by the use of Trimble and Vright's famous 2oc. Japan tea. Complete tjoatment for all. Give it a trial; samples free. PacFsssoR WioaiNS AcrAiN.â€"V.'Jiethcr pro- fessor \Vigui;;s predictions ire fulfilled lo the letter or not,, no one will deny that we are having a rough time of itand many a; e showing their wisdom by prefairii.g to face the biizza'-d â-  nf jly housed ii one of those first class suits, sold so che.p by Trinille Wlig::t. C. 0. O. F. â€" Tiie Loyal Mffkdaio Lodge No. T'S, of th« Canalian Orderof Oddf .•How.'j are in a healthy and prospe*ous condition, and growing iu numbers. Attheir last meet- ing the ofiicers for the feusaiug term were lu.-'alled audareas folio vs: T. W.Rutlcdge, L.M.; R S. Eae, M.N.G.; Gfprge Grant, N. G.; William L. Youne, V.G.: Adam Turner, Sec; A. Mclutyre, Treas.; J*ex. Kay, V\'ar- den A. McFarland, Condictor W. G. Tho-oas, Inside Tyler; ChaslRichards, Out- side Tyler; Jos. Gioson, UB. of N.G D. McFarlaue, L.3 of N.G.; C. .. McMillan, B. S. of Y.G.; John Cffi.-ar. L.Siof Y.G. Mant'facture of Cheese.-J-A meeting was held in the stone schoolhousj, Meaford Road, on Monday evening last to tJka mto consid- eration the propriety of havig a eheese fac- tory established iu that vicMty ^^- Cor- nett, of Lansdown townshij county Leeds, wa.s present, and offered tofereet a suitable building lor the manu!a«tur^of cheese and butter, antl furnish plant and jxings through- out and Manufacture cJ'ees4for 1]/^ pants per pound, on condition t]t the milk of two hundred cows would bc'guaranteed for one year. Those favoring Jhe scheme are now endeaToring to seoure t^ reqmred num- ber, in order to have the 4»eli desired en- terprise established. W succeed, as it is. in our oi^on. a move m the^Urection^^^__ The Belfast House Teass £Liicl Coffees* giye an exhilirating influence, not equalled in MarkJale, except by Benson's WHISKIES, BRANDIES, WINES, die. Those who relish the ' pipe of peace "' wiU find the Tobaccos and Cigars at the Belfast House^tmsurpassed north ot Toronto. Cheese, Bologna Sausage, aud Biscuit in endless variety, all from the jbest manufacturers, at the Belfast House. Ap- plies, (green and dried,) Spices, Sweetmeats, c. 'J oilet and Fancy Soaps, Essences, Perfumes, and Family Otis, of the purest quality. Flour, Potatoes, Pork, Herring, (dried and salt,) kept constantly n hand. t^'Our Bottled Gin is imported directly from the manufacturers, and our Bottled Wines are put up at the Vintage. Pijkles in bottles. Mustard in cans, and iu fact ev- erything in the grocery trade. A recent ad- dition to my finances will enable me to pur- chase in the h4ad markets of Europe aud America. WILSON BENSON. AN ACROSTIC. Look out ye farmers and threshers all And-See that you buy for Spring, Summer Kight splendid good oil. [and FaU Don't be misled by statements bland. Insist upon having the very best brand, IVowgood as ever, in fact it is grand. Everlasting wear, without grit or sand, ITIachines run smoothly, no jarring or noise. And engines too in its use rejoice. Carding also it suits, as you plainly see. Heavy gristing cannot do without me. In fact all machines are blessed by i's use, New or old it will save from wear and abuse. Every man try it, we are sure it will please. Our initials, when read, will give the cue In looking for oil, the best and the true, Eong in the market, but ever new. Manufactured solely byMcCollBro',.Co., Toicnto. No connection with any otlier fii-ni. 127-153. MAEKDAIjB Meat Market. A eonstant supply of ° Fresh Meats! on hand, at the Lo"west Living Prices. Orders solicited, and deliv- ered free to all parts of the Town. Farmers having fat stGck to dispose of, will please leave their addresses. TERMS, STRICTLY CASH. FRED. SARJEANT. Markdale March 23. 1882. 80-Ir SEEING ISBELIEYING. GENTLEMEN,â€" If you waut a first-clasa Buggie or Wagon call at MCKENNA MASON'S CARRIAGE WORKS MARKDALE. They can supply you with anything from a Lumber Wagon up to Extension Ton Phseton. To buy from them is to S^VE IVIOIVEY! STALLION FOR SALE. "^TOUNG "Stanley" is a fine bay horse 4 I years -dd this spring, stands 16^ handu h gh, is possessed of iioavy bone, and good action. Wdl bo sold on reasonable terms by geflii^g pood security. Pedigree can be seen at this office. Ajijilv to JAMES MEGILL, Everett P. 0. 131-.T.'5 TossorontoTp. They are both practical workmen, and employ none but PRACTICAL WORKMEN They guarantee their work Second to none for Lightness of Draught and Superiority of Finish. OeC f oar tbis ottce. j*|,W4k4oa* Is giving splendid satisfaction in GRISTING, By the New Process at the Marklals Floum; MHIs. Special attention to parties from a distance so that they may have their grist home the same day. Health is Wealth! They use nothing but First-class White Oak for Wagons, and thrice Extra Secoud Growth Hickory for hght work. The immense amount of work turned out of McKenna Mason's shop is snfiicicn proof of the wide reputation they enjoy for doing good work. The best is thr CHEAPEST in the END Poor cheap work we positively will not take. Special attention given to Re-Trimming and Repainting all classes of Carriage Work. Satisfaction guaranteed (or No Pay.) in HORSESHOEING WHOPâ€" On Mill Street opposite tj Sproule's hotel. McKENNA MASON A^ ^ll»$- ^, TAjLOR. Over McFarland's Store, fVlARKDALE. tS" Special attention to Catting. ^3^-; Dr. E, C. West's Nekve and Brain Treat- ment, a guaranteed specific for Hysteria, Dizziness, Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Neu- ralgia, Headache, Nervous Prostration caus- ed bv the use of alcohol or tobacco. Wake- fulness^. Mental Depression, Sof teniuf; of the Brain, resulting in Insanity and leading to misery, decay and death, Premature Old Age, Barr enness. Loss of Power 111 either sex, Involuntary losses and Spennatorrhoaa, caused by over-exertion of tlie brain, self abuse or over-iudulKence. One box will cu e recent cases. Each box contains one mouth's treatment. One dollar a box, Oif^ six boxes for five doUars sent by mail pret~ paid on receipt of price. We guarantee sls boxes to cure anj' case. With each order re- ceived by us for six boxes, accompanied wi^ iJ fiye dollars, we will bend the purchaser, a ' â-  written guarantee to refund the money iT the treatment does not effect a cure. Guar- antees issued only by A. Turner Co., solf authorized Agent for Markdale Ont. Jcd^a C. West Co. sole proprietor, Toronto, Ont, If you -want a yonr Order -with Perfect Fit leave S( ntember "nth 1882. $500 Reward We will pay the above reward for any ca*e of Liver Complaint, Dys-pepsia, Sick Head- ache, Iu4is^*tiou« Conbtipation or Costiye- ncss weisannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pi^s, when thQ, directions are strictly comphe4 with. They are purely Vegetable, and never fail to give satisfaction. Sniiar Coated, Large Boxes, contaiiung 30 Pills, 25 cts. Fyr sale by all Druggists. Beware of connterfeits and immitatioiis. Ki e gen n- inc mannfuctured only by JOHN C' WEST CO., "'.^e Pill Makers," 81 A 83 King St. Xadt, Tor9)}to. Ont. Free trial package sent by nuil pi^iiaid on receipt of a 3 eent at^p. for sale'fit T]^°r CS^Dm« 8»oie, ^gA\ th.e Year /?-, JOHNSTON'S jARSAPARILLAI And for Purifying tho Bloof. It has been in use for 20 j-ears, and has I j proved to be the best preparation in the market for SICK HEADACHE, PAIN IX THE SIDE OR BACK, LIVEE COM- ' PLAIST, PIMPLES ON THE FACE, I DYSPEPSIA, 1 ILES, and all Diseases 1 that arise from a Disordered Ijver or an I impure blood. Tbo sauds of our best I people take it and give it to their chil- dren. Physicians prescribe it daily. Those who uae it once recommend it to others. It is made from Tellow Dock, Hondo-, ras 8ars:-.pariila, Wiid Cherry, Stillingia, Dandelion, Saiisafras, Wintei^reen, and other well-laiown valuable Boots and Herbs. It ia strictly vpf^etable, a nd can- I not hurt the most dehcate constitution. I It is one«f the best medicinob in use lor Begolatlnz the Bowels. If 1« •olifby »1 one doUitr for five do' 1 Those who cannot ob^*n a bottle c' thi* I rasdldiie'f roai tbeirdni^i^t ii.'-twiidneoue I dollar, and we wiU nfid it to tin-'in. V. 7CZfST0H "C MaaafietaKrt, I Aateitlmigv Ost. Mnit, ITSi. •II rc-Bponrible drn^ffi*»*» rt I rt boKie. or sixbotti m 5 :» â-  m-{i •: 'Urir I' i si'if ;| *~' I i A i â-  'U â-  -.â- â- â- â-  •if- \:i U Mi

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