Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 22 Mar 1883, p. 4

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 â- â€¢'i!'4H«^-f!fT«5 T' » V ' s if â- ft' â- I â-  d '.-.â- i im: BIBLE CL'BIOSITIHS. bTRANGE FACTS G.UXED BY A STUDY OF THE GOOD BOOK. The learned Prince of Granada, heir to the Spanish tbrone, imprisoned by order of the crown for fear be would aspire to the tbrone, was kept in soli- tary confinment in the old prison at tbe Place or Skulls, Madrid. After tliirty-tbree years in tins living tomb, death Came to his release, and the iollowing remarkable researches tak- en from tbe lible and marked with an old nail on the rough walls of bis cell, told how tbe brain sought employ- ment through the weary years In the Bible the word Lord is found ],8o3 times the word Jehovah. 6,P- 'o times, and the word reverend but once, and that in the 9tb verse of the 111 Psalm. The 8tb verse of tbe 118tb Psalu. is tbe middle verse of tbe Bible. Tbe 9tb verse of the 8th chapter of Esther is the longest verse. Tbe 3uth yerse, 11th chapter of St. .John, is tbe shortest. In tbe 107th Psalm lour verses are alike, the 8th, 15th, 2l6t and 31sL l^ach verse of the 12Gtb Psalm ends alike. No names or words with more than six syllables are found in the Bible. The o7tb chapter of Isaiah and the 19th chapter of II. Kiugs are alike. The word girl occurrs bnt once in tbe Bible, and t-liat in the third verse and ord chaprer of Joel. There are found iu both bcoks of tbe Bible a,r)8G,483 Ktters, 773,093 v.'orJs, 31,373 verses, 1,189 chapters and GO books. 'I'lie twenty-sixth chapter of the Acts of tbe Ajjoctles is tbe finest chap- ter to read. The most beautiful cbap- ihoir ierual sections, »t the nex» mctoting of CA||C FQR« the " S^o'S BAL^S^"«l«iS bonndanfig of said sections. „, T OIL positively Bestcr^ t^ «^^^ Mdntyre. Johnston, that report No. I of i;^^ j^ the Only Absolute ^^^'^J^^^ of the Printing Commiete be adopted, and ^nown. This OUis abst«ct«i ^^ ^he that the Clerk send the Minute Book to the species of smaU White S^„^ Bonde- Flesherton Advance, and get 400 cop^ of Ye^w ^;^Xnle'^^ ^T^^eu the Minutes of 1882. and Auditors Report i^â„¢" ' â-  .-â€" ~* v,«.,inB were printed in pamphlet form. Eeport no 1, Printing Committee Council Room, Feversham, 10th March, 1883. Tour commHtee beg leave to report taking all things into consideration, to give the Its Virtues a. a -to^^ ^^^Se 7" discovered by a Buddhist nr es. ^^ ^e"rei'a^nt the year UIO. Its cures were so numerous, and many so ^j „„ seemingly mir aculous. that the remedy was ?ffi"^||yPJ,' claimed over the entire Empire. Its use became so uni^e^i^ A^t ^r f ve' f ^^^'^^ Deafness has existed among the «^n „,i.U..o,.Le Mi„u.,u, a.e "»'°-„rch'S^P"P»'i. """' Flesherton Advance being the nearest print ing office, in case he print them as cheap as they were done in 1881. All of which is respectfuUy submitted. J. Speeis, Chairman. Speers,Johnston,that this coancU adjourn to meet at Mclntyre, on the 20th March, current. The School law requires thatâ€" "the Trus. tees of every rural corporation sliill before 15th day of January in each year, give notice in writing to the Clerk of the township in which their school is situated, of tbe names and post-office address of the Trustees then in office, and of the teachers employed by them." Only those of section No. 1, have com- plied with the above. Will the others kindly do so. „, WM.MrLNE, Clerk. BUCKLEN'S AENICA SALVE. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcer?, Salt Kbeum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptins, and Positively cures Piles. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per bux. For sale bv A. Turner Co people. dress at $1 .00 per bottle. Hear what the »«a^^^fs; It bas performed a miracle in my case I have no unearthly loises in my heaa, an hear much better. Ihave been greatly bsnefited. My deafness helped a ^reat dealâ€" thinK auo ther bottle will cure me. ;, u= mra.- Its virtues are uaqnestionableand its cur a tive character absd^te, as the writer can Per- sonally testify, both from experience and ob servation. Write at once to Haylock and Jenney, 7 Dey Street, New York,enclo mg «1 and you will receive by return a remedy that will enable you to hear like anybody el^c and whose curative effects will be Pf ^a^e"' You will never regret domg so. â€" liniTou or Mercantile Review. IS-To avoid loss in the mails, please send money by Registered Letter. TrMVT7V Only imported by HAYLOCK JENNEY, late Haylock Co.. Sole Agents for America. 7 Dey St New Yobk 93-145. CHOICE ASSORTMENT JUST AIEIVED AT THE Medical Hall. A. TURNER CO. 131-32 ^ARMFOR SALE. r OT 6 CON. 3 E. G. RD-. HOLLAND, 1 J ICM) acres, 70 acres cleared, well water ed good orchard bearing good log house and f ' Q,-..,,,t«,l 9 half miles Irom Chats- Flesliertott StS^ STEAM GRIST Is iio^\^ giving Satisfaction, â€" â€" Chopping done eve Worklrtg day, â€" o barn. Situated 2 half mile CAN HAVE YOUR GRISI^qu THE 8A?^E m, ill the worth. A. bargaia ^ill be given above property, lor l^f^^^^^H ""^tla Ehol' Noble. MaPkdale, or to Chas, King.^bhol- burne. " BIRTHS. Wright.â€" In MarkJaie, on the 20th inst., tbe wife of :.Ir. E. Wright, (Merchant.) of a daughter. CAES.vr..â€" In MarKdale, en the 10th inst., the of ,, ,, ,, „- T, 1 1 v.ifeof Mr. J. CiBsar, (Station Master, iL-r in the iiible is the 23ra rsalm, a daugi^ter. and the four most inspiring promises i3l;wers°â€" In Glenelg, on tbe 19tb inst., tbe ;.rc Jjhii, 11th cbj^jtcr 2ud verse;! wife of Mr. Icobt. Bowers, of a daughter. Jolin, Gth chaiiter and 37th verse j Williamson.â€" In Oranscville, on Sunday St. Mutthcw, 11th ch.iDter and 2Sth j lltbinst., tbo wife of T. Williamson ,Es(l., verse; and STth i'salm, 4th vcise. j of twin Daugbrers. Tiie 1st verse of the COth chapter of I Bowes.-Iu St^.Vincont. on theOth ;nst.,the l^aiali is the ouefor the new converts. All who flatter themselves with vaui MABEDALE, Manufacturer of aU Kinds cf Drop Valve, Cylinder, Force, and Cistern Pumps. boastiuj;s of their perfection should learn tlie Gth chapter of Matthew. All humanity should leai'n the chap- tir of ,St Lulie from the 20th verse to its cnduj" â- wife of Jas. Bowes, Esq.. jr., of a son. I McCoNNELL.-InDu«daik, on tbe 14tb inst. tbe wife of Mr. Chas McCouueli, of a fon. TsEPLE.â€" In Pundalk, oa the IGtb inst., the wife of Mr. F. F. Teeplc, (blacksmith,) of a dau'zhter. • ill kinds of IRON PUMPS Clydesdale Stallion FOR SAt.E. That splendid Clydesdale Stallion "Scot- tish Cliampicn," from imported stock and the property of Wm. Shepherdson w'll be sold cheap- Tlie horse .tands IGJ hands bigh is i veai-s old, jot black iti color, and a sure foal getter. Any one wishing to get a bargain should take advantage of tms offer. Stock taken in part payment. Address W SHEPHEEDS0N,iot2^, Con. 11, Euphrasia, Blantyre P. O. ,^^ll!__ To all who are sufiering from the errors and indiseretions ot youth, ner *! ous weak- ness, early decay, loss of manhood, c.J will lend a receipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHAP-GE. This great Remedy was dis- covered by a missionary in South America. Send a Felf-addresscd envelope to Rev. JusLPH T. IxMA.v, iitation D, New York City. MARKDALlTlLrEKETb. Undertakiii! Coffins, Caskets, Burial Fobes, Gloves, Crapes, Sll Furnlsh'm -May he had or Slio; ilou. aiiii a; j Fall \Micat, S-O.a.-, to t?0.93; Spring $0.9a to £0 'j8; Barley, ioc; Pea«, 7.); Oats, 4!ie Butter, l^c; Eg;s, 15c; Potatoes, iOc; Hay, S12.0U Pork, 7..'0 to 7. CO; Flour, §1.75 to 55 00; Grass Seed, ^2.00 to 12.00 SUrPLIEP. DIED- ^mvesiiantiexix^B. Notice. â€" Wo v.-isli il; disiiuctly uiirLe'.--tooil t];:U we do not bold o'lrselves responsible for tile opinions expressei.1 by our correspouJiiits V Eujgeiiaa. A IT WAS, As IT IS AND EVER WILL B':. â€" â- '.iba i5arl"yi-om b;i.s 1 ecu inpu':iig some of ar nei:,'bb(n;;s to uoeds cf valor, aial for V, bifb lar M.ijt'sly's repretcntitivii foi tlie ]ii;;inteiiaiico of oruL r bas invited tbcm, bj i';i' n-unl '.ij'iutcil loniis, to a cunferencj at 'J'iioTr.buv,^ oil M'.aaliv. I'liibler is ^-otiia;,' I'Tctty scarce, and if "i;!ns, or .nny otlicr iiuiiifin bi-inf:, sends :n-i! more .storms, tiiey ba i not better come o'-vHiif,' avoutul bere, A larg meilin,:; bell on tbo 10, at Vandc- â- ir to agitate auutilier clieoso factory in that ^â- tinn. Tiiat's tbe cboi-se. iltailway apitation a"l along tbo varifT, and !â-  ave goir.p; to bave it as soon Pt it is bniU. i.e route i.i not yet detlnitely settled uj'oii. '".uji'Liia y- 1 fits in ber clisv chair, c.iim- :-)(i s,.v,.ii^.;y awaitiii;-' developments niiu f siu-vtin;,' of tjio iiiui â- ! 0!se along tbo val- 1 'i'ben you will see her get up majesti- â- ,i;v find say, â- â- \oii luust liavi: your station i'.iU light i.iro," aiid then v.e'il all sboai iiiaiv for as.- Sewell. â€" 111 Euplirasia, on tbe 9th of March, Win. Suwell, aged 77 years, 6mon, QuiNTON. â€" In Enpnrasia, on the 9tb of Msrob, Samuel Quintou, aged 3 years. Thomas. â€" Iu iMarkdale, on the 17th inst., lufant daughter of W. G. Thomas, (sboe- luaker.) aged -1 weeks. Wair,irT. â€" In Hrilind, on March 17th, the wifu of Mr. Penjamiii Wright, aged Co years. Farm for Sale. To sell or rent, Lot S 1/2 14, con. 9, Euphrasia, 8 miles from Maiidale and .S from iPiocklyn. containing 100 acres, 70 acres cleared and in good .state of cultivation, fit to run reaper and mower, and balance JiarJwcoJ bush with sufficient cedar for fen- cing. Well watered with nevsr failing spring only 10 rods from barn; nasa young orchard, bouse, barn and stable. There is a new steam saw mill on next farm to it. Clear deed can be given. For particulars apply on tha premises to SAMUEL WRIGHT, RDsklvn P. 0. D. McArthnr Has opened a new Confectioner Store In Duulop's block MAEKDALE. FLESHEETON MAEKi.Tb. TENDERS. TENDERS will be received by the under- signed up to the 1st April, 1883, for the erection and completion of a School House in S. S. No. 17, Euphrasia. Plans and specification may be seen at the residence of Joseph Manarej, W. ^lot 18, con. 10, Euph- rasia, Harkaway P. 0. Building^to be com- plete by tlie 1st August, 1883, and paid for the 15th Jan., 1881. The lowesiror any ten â-  der not necessarily accepted. JOSEIH MANARY, Sec. Treas. Euphrasia, M»rch 9th,1883. 131-4in. Fain^Tieat, $0.9!) to t.O.O."?-; Spiing, f0.05 to S0.97; Barley, 57c; Peas, 69e; Oats, 40c Butter. 18c; Eggs, I5c; 1 otatoes.40 c; Hay, 512.00; Pork, ?7.45 to ?7 GO, TOBONTO MARXISTS. Fall Wheat, $.0.98 to $1.00; Spring, $1.05 to S1.08; Barlev, 55j to 7oc; Oats, 45c to 50o Peas, 70c to 78c; Hogs, «i8.00 to S8.'i5; Pota- toss. per bag. 70c to 75c; Butter, dairy, l7c to 20c;'s' 20c to 21c. GEO. GrEAi xxLE, Also a well asscTt.'il PUREST ORE from piain to fine prices. iU.LI lis;. INTHEHIGHCOURTOF UUOI CHANCERY DIVISIOl T. C. B- RAILWAY. TIME table; Cliange ot Tinae. On and after Monday, Nov. 20th, 1832, trains will run as follows beattse: 1-.-. 151 AIR. -| PURSUANT TO Tir: X James Massox, Es^., n" -hjIEXI Ma- LlV Oi tit preme Co rt at Owen Re- '.ll'l. V. s le il! action and bearing (late ti " 'J-! i /.;r o; tember, lf'S2, and rr u,ii t Ui â- lil-e^-Z rectioiis of the said Masti â- [â-  2 J ' 'kMTiIif day of March, 18s;;b ili(-,re 'â- â€¢ i' if' the approbation ot the â-  ai., "i;; 'i.i K. YatlJlU.l; A..- i. :.-.'â- . BIT PUBLIC AUCTIOil AT THE MAhKD'iLE H*'L-I. generallj' known a^ PutiiiC'c's Lote.. ;s3 VIL1.AC1E OF r?lAKKD.Ut| Ofi Thursday, ^th day of Ap^^ 1883, i;o alloteaiiii: jiasseJ e'\er ' bang- r. !il(.ir.t sonit-t eui heaii- c'.ejiion discussion exeile- liiUSt yi t I lie line. We INTHEHIGHGOURTOFJUJdTICE. CHArJCi-RY DIVISSOS^. DEWSO."' vs. WIESOX. PURSUANT to an order of the Court of Chancery, made in this action, there wiU bo sclil with tbo approbation of Thomas Hodgins, Esq., Q. C, Master in Ordinary, iom v;' at •at anotl: wi 1 11 out ' When l-";e~bert. can be g\t len er wiuTel' will a r].ai;';g linl small le^'ilets iU ean ^iw oit •an Ave. iVe' r. ieiinet reniovo.l ef Sulliv::::, a '..â- â- : u lys f.oZJU dl.ilr'g t.,e r,.v â-  ;â- _•â- ' wliieb rendere i are â€" U.S.'Ti^cr. \i i: IS not iii-:c- l.e allowed to being erected li";e :iarkdale a tl.ating rink tors o-T a -Mrs. ago. SLe got VL;e sj'ell some iitaiion iie'ces- OSPi^iZY COUNv I i5.y ti7::vi:ii:ti, I All and singular that certain parcel or tract I oflandaud p-remises situate.lyingandb^ingin I the Townslii]! of Proton, iti the County of I (irey, and being composed of the South ' West part of Lot number Two Hundred and Twenty, in tlie Second Concession South of tiie Toronto and Sydenham Road, except- ing thereout tlie part occupied by the To- roiito Grey auil Bruce Railway, in tbe said i To',vusbi|i ,if Proton, containing by admea- j suremen; Fifty acre^, more or less. j All tende-s miist be addressed to Thomas i Hodgins. Esq.. Q.C, O-^goodo Hall, Toronto, I and be received not later than 2 p.m. of iTliiii'sday.lM of April I next. The highest or other Tender'not ncc- j e.ssarily accepted. PURE SEED WHEATll "THE \%"E STERN." MR. ANDIEW NESBITT, LOT 110. 2nd rang} \Y. T. S. Road, Glenelg, li miles from Jiaikdale, has 200 bushels of pure Wdstern sjiring seed wheat for sale. Mr. Jas. Bell, Artei^osia, near Eugenia, secured 5 bags ot this Kvheat wliich he sowed last year and says Jt yielded him ^50 more than the same amorpt of Russian or other varie- ties wliich he EJwed on equally as good laud. The price is §1125 per bushel-. ANDREW NESBITT. i 131-33. on House, mIrkoale, JAMES BRlEir, Pbopeietor. HAVING LiASED THE ABOVE HO- tel, and thoroughly overhauled and lefurnished the same, I am now in a position to receive a shate of public patronage. The choicest brands of liquors and cigars kept. Good meals also good stabling. Markdale, Mer. 14th, 1883. ]311y T lo t Growers As • 'onncil to pass e .d;i meeti'ig if tills t'onncll was held 'v.,-!sb .m en the !.L'tli inst. ni'.HTs mI; jvesen!. j,in-.uijif.;Uii n i.emi rri s.'i-.;ie n ot Ontario iv'ont I ' V ';i\v' t-'.kiniT H'ivmtagc .• iM pLi^nring Act 1S5S3. I"*;i'Sis and rrp.orjs. â€" "(dinston, Mcla- ♦ v-o^ib«t all standimi onlers grsn'ifyingaidto j.ig^nts be resented from this date fcr- v.M.'-.i, and th!»t the Clerk notify theTr8»sur- 1-1 to tbat â- - -ct. "Ts!yi«r. "^fc!utyre. that th'i Cleik notify the 'Fnistecs cf Scliool Sections No. 1, 2, 4, Sj a, and 10, to appear for the iotaresti of Terms of Saleâ€" One-tenth of the purchasp money shall be paid in cash when riotice of accepted tender has been given to purchaser, aud a sufficient amount withm one month thereafter, without interest, to of tb Oi '^.i'--" '""' together with the cash payment one- quarter of said purchase money, the balance to be secured by mortgage on the premises at siv per cent per annum, in the three equal yearly payments. The other conditions of s.ile are tbe standing co-ditions of the Court of Chancery. Further particulars can be had from Den- ison Macklem, Solicitors, 15 Toronto Street; Messrs. McCarthy, Hoskin, Plumb Creelman, Sohcitors. Toronto. (Signed) THOMAS HODGINS. Dattd the 14th March, 1883. SEORQE WILSOM, Wholesale and Retail {BUTCHER!! BEEF, POEK OB MUTTON SUPPLIET). from a single pound to ayholo carcasB at the lowest market prices. ' FISH FOWL Ml THEIR SEASON Farmers haviag Fat Cattle, Sheep, or Pigs to dispose of will do well to eall at No Markdale, Oct. Jotb, 188^ GOING N in. Rid Vowit. A.M. p. M. T .30 4 25 9 0.51 (5 00 9 55i 6 45 12 20' 8 44^ 2 25 LO 15 11 ,50 U •â- () 12 Ofil 8 45 1 30 9 55 P.M. I P. M. TOKOXTO ....... Cardwei.l .Jckc. Orangeville Mount Forest.. Teeswater .... f. esheuton .... Markd.vlk, Owen .Sound.. GOING soutu Rend tip. P.M. 9 10 7 31 G 50 4 30 2 45 4 47 4 30 3 10 P.M. at the hour of Two o'closii i'l the following valuabli la,L A.M. 10 45 9 05 8 27 r, 30 5 00 C 43 27 5 15 A. 11. A Mixed Train will also inn between Tor- onto aud Owen Sound. See Time Table. D. McNicolij, Gen. Fasf!. Agt. EriiiuND Wkaoge. General Munaqer. mimm. tLc 1:' le .itfi,- bM..^^ -ii.ft P J lUaf^- ...vU EVERYTHING IN OUR LIKE KEPT ON HAND OK MaDS TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. LIVERY! IN CONNECTION. INSURANCE m\^ LAND AGENT, LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of Grey. AoENT for the foUowmg reliable Companies • CITIZENS' of Montreal, AGfilCULTUEAL, of Watertown, and TEADE COMvrKRCE. (Mutual)- of Toronto. A number of Choice Fariiis lot sale, also Village Lots Auction Sales conducted in Town or Coan- S^i^ J j;*^*.^'*^*^; ^*»'Se« moderate. Bills, BJaals Notes, and Stamps provided. ^EQ, NOBLE. Lobs Numbers ICS aii.l 1-. â-  :n a; Concession N. E., and Le:- N-"!«= and 131. in tlie 1st Cer.:- -i' ' " Toronto and Sydeubam i; :.e.. ;:; ship of Aiteinesia, iu tik Cru.i consisting of 20U acres, ijf w..;e. acres are cleared and ;:i a en cultivation. The reiiiai:..-.r i-t cedar, taniara.c, balsam, a;. 1 •-â- â€¢ The soil is atood'iay I" a " in good repair, aud l^i. lai. i- •• On Lot 131) there are 4(1 ;iei orchard in bearing, lie stl o. :i dwelling house, a line frau: â-  i i- with stone found :-•.: on ani a i' urKlorneatb barn. On Lot 131 there are 2" :u:â- -^ a good spiing crec'c. On Lot 128 there :••' :\" plum orchard of almut oie 'â- " and a log barn and log i:' i~ â-  On Lot 12'J there an ' ' ' This fnrin property is:i..;-. • ed m a good ucigbl'i-l-io -â-  gravel road l)otwc»-;i tbi- â-  ton andi^farkdalc, o;i llu â-  ' B. railway, distant two a- i '•' Flesberteii, and three n •• •â-  â-  'â- '•' Mrkdale, both of T^bicb ' --- iliarkets. This ]Toperty will lie 1 1. "â-  time and place auMve ;ei-:i' â-  ' served bid J^ veil Ijy tbe .\l:i " â-  â-  â-  and if not '-odd then in ;â-  will be sold free from .e'V.^ 1 :^' brances save ariorr;:ag ' ""' • ' the amount and paii.'i :;:. ' -^ made known at lime of ' ' tion to the .soli.'jitirs u;: 1 â- 'â- ' diate poss.essiou g:V( n. 'J â-  rare opiiortunity to any i r^ ' • tain a fine farm, Tbu per cent, to be I'l i 1 •â-  ' of sale and the balance ui i' ' •â-  out interest. In all other respects i'.e tions of sale will be lie.' -; of the Chnuceiy Division of .Justice. Further pavtieulars can 1 Frost Frost, or Creasor Sound. Dated at Owen Sounil March, lSf?3. ll-i^ ._, iiai. -, • c'l:"' J !:ii ' -â-  ,•r^:^l Ttii " FKOST..^- FROST, "Mteiidors' Sohcitors, (Signed) O.en SrujJ J. ^^^" 130-4t. Master a^ Oneii- Single copies DARD 5 cents. of tlie St.^1 SSbSK^X- ts..sLffi-i^.^. -^fc r^- ^...^,. .V

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