Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 1 Mar 1883, p. 8

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 DYSPEPSIA LIV li COMPLUNT. Is it not wor'h the small price of 76 cents to free yoUi,-.el{ of every syuiptum of these distressing complaints, if you tliiuk .--o call at oui store and get a bottle of ShUoh's Vital izer, every bottle has a punted gaarai t e iri it, use according y aud if it uue-; you no g' otl it will ci-st you Si'M at Wm Brown's Genejal Store. .\.iir-diiie. If you ar*^ ec noinicii: h; ci want to makt' a acjllar i^o as t i' ^- sii:ii lirfip It iitu H iiii^bi' ;.â-  ly u \. t OH,' WHAT A cue GH I Will;:^oU liefd iiii- Whim 1... ^he ^ign:d ler{^ips oi tlie -un .i|'p oi' .•; il, it iiiOi e lerril'rie disease co.i-.iiiii i \.r ^,^ ,.i, ncIvcs if i.i)U cull MfToid lo ;. n ,-,i: .- of ..(Icts^ to niU-^liL- n-k aui do noi li !,â-  ;â-  i. lb. vVt- ll'i'ij froiu ex, i-i '.fii ' .a /i i, .oii' Ciir.' wiUl'ii'-f yuiir C,'u!i^,'ij. .t li l.i!l liiiS fvplaiiiH, A'iiy iiiiirc tiia .1 .\] i. on Lio-i:ci v.-er^'.-old tlie (ju-t M-ai. J 1. .:. 1. lOllo, and Wiiooiiiut; i ou^-li i 0. .-li.lil.'lS -lo iiotj'lk'ivitlioiK, it. I'o L ... â-  u- .. .-^idr-, la 'l.(-t. iisr- hh ii^ii' l'..roU- il .-I'l Soia al NVui. Biowii'.T (â- â-ºjiit.iMl "-.o.t .\!aiivi!aie. "1 dnij' 1,0 10 1' l:i o,.(i-nat ,rea huslnuiil," rtaiJ .1 Ji"lUS. '-It lilakt-M liun I'll]] J â-  I (J lijaliY fiitiji.1- i- I dii.iKjf, a ,:;(jrf s auv thiii^' I liatc ilV lli-c \\" liavi; -1, So itv ,11. •' i~^:i\c co'c, for (JatHiaii. Diijhi.;:^! 1 t. i .:.i in .a' :. it' 11. .id Acor, ill iitii!;..! ,.â-  CA Alli.ll KKM!:ii'l A na.u i..j-.- r .1. â- ; â- V, ai rd.,M I'Oltiii i -r it ir v.,;i â- ,â- â€¢ 1, 1 ., :.;.)! and hVV, ct liiriiili. 1' ;c â-  1 -ciil â- ^•i a. VViii l;iu\'.irr (oiiiial .-i.'iu "'a. .oa..-. â- ' \\ liv, " askf il a l;' ' viii ,-,s ol her little cliaiLj â- , "di- sv. 1 1 i ' I Oli t 1 ;^ivc us uur iiai[\ iia a â- . W iiv i.ou't (ve a.-^r: fur i'HU' u, iiv â-  ua v.-, 1 r a leoTot. S. X3ae, TAILOR, SYDENHAM STREET, Il^vC-^f^iKlErXD-^f^X LARGE COiSI The People's Photo UST TO HAND IN week"" •â- JfCaii8e' rt c waiiti' t'le-ii," replied tiio iij.ociuious eiii ai. A (;i::Ni':KAi. siw.mpkde. N'ltvur was ^ucll a iaili iiuidi- ior ai:y Dr 1^4 Slcac U-- IS iiow at .V. 'I'luncr aCos for ;. â- ['rial Lottie of Dr. K.ii),"r New i).-cov, r^ .0. "ousiuiii'taai, (.'ou^'lis and â-  ola.-^. All pe: vou.s aO'ccted wita A-tluua, lironciut. Hoarseness, Severu 'J-ai^dij 01 any alieciioii of the d'ljroat and Lini;i can j^il a 1 r 1 Liottle of tins greaL jrce, by callin:,' at above Drug Suiru. Wiuiupe^' has pliiced a milliou uiiu a juarter of her delieutUi es ou tu' New York market at 99^. TKUK TOHEK TUUST, Too much cauiiot be said of the ever faith- ful waie and mother, constantly watchiu^ and caring for her dear ones, never negiecL- ing a single duty in their btdialf. \V'hen they are as,-,ailed by disease, and the system »honld have a thorougli cleaning, the stomacli «iid bowels regulated, blood jairilied, a ma- larial poison exteimiuated, stio must kno.. !hat Electric liitters are the only sure reme- '(y. They are the best aud purest mcdicino :n the world and only cost fifty cents. Sold by A. 'i'urnei. The long pending procsediugs in tlie courts in Montreal to iiphet tlie amalgaiuatiou of the Mnntreal lele- L,'raim Co. with the great North Wos- teiu Lave been withdrawn. BULLIONS CHVEN AWAY. Millions of liottles of Dr. King's New i'is eovery tor Consumption, Coughs aud Co'ds, h.ive been given away as Trial Boitlcs i f Ua large ai/.e. Tliis enormous outlay would be disastrous to the proprietors, were it not for the rare merits possessed by the wonderful mt^dicine. Call at A. Turner it (Jo's T)rug ,*^toie and g(;t a Trial Bottle f'lC?, aud try for yourself. It never fails to cure. Pans pliVsiciauH say that Pritice Napoleon is quite sick for want of ex ercise. The Prince should purchase a c(nintry newspaper aud try to run rt himself. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best salvo in the world for Cuts, Bruises. Sorea, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever 8'jres, Tetter, Cliapped Hands, Cliilblains, Corns^aud all S^in Eruptins, aud Positively oures Piles. It is guaranteed to give perfect talisfaction, or money refunded. Price '25 t uts per box. For sale by A. Turner Co Wm. Lucas Co, bankers, Markdale have $200fp00.00 to loan on real estate, btraiglit loan system. No tines. Low interest; moderate charges. C.y:.VERTS CARBOLIC CERATE. Try it for Chapped Hands, Cuts, Burns, Biuisi-s. It is a preparaticu of Vaseline, Cail.HiIic Acid and Cerate. It will cure any sore where all other preparations fail. Cidl at Hill Bros, (ieneral Store and get a package. Twenty-live cents is all it costs. 127-40- When a certain bachelor was mar- ried, the members of the Bachelors Club broke hnn all up by sendiUf:. him, as a wedding present, a •:op'» of •'Para- dise Lost." KUAMS FLUID LIGHTNING. Is the iiilv instantaneous rehef Neuralgia, Headache. T'iothache. etc. Rubbing a few- urops briskly is all that is needed. No tak- ing nauseous medicines for weeks, but one minute's application rrmoves all pain and will prove the great value of Krams Fluid Lightning.^ Twenty five cents per bottle at Hdl Lios General Store, Markdale, 127-10 H;ppine33 iz a tramp, haz no home, no kreed, uo mathematick?. MCGREGOR'S SPEEDY CURE. ^A^m :ss22::H:22To:ir. Continues to take Pictures, Do Copying and Enlarging in jjj FRAMES and FEAME FTT ill "reat variolv a:;(l latest desi-^ns ai ]. ^da,. ., ... ., tiire.' i.i Il of ino ^^ 1"" [11 lira;- a â-  T„f 'li.' lail.:;-' Markdale, Feb'y. 8th, 1883. WM. BROWN ilk n A. M'INTYRE TEA! TEA! TEA! A. WI'INTYRE T^lo-CLX, lE^loiJLr, lE^louLr. n McTN TYRE'S LIQUORS I LIQUORS McINTYRE'S Cigars, Cigars. McINT^PvE'H MEAL MEAL MEAL McINTYRES Pork, Pork. Pork. McIN TYRE'S ColTee, Collee. McINTYRE'S Teas, Teas. And ever ythin g kept n in a first-class Grocery and Lic^uor Store, always on hand, ciie.*p fok cash. 9 R. J. Sproule's Of evei'v dosf np Desfci's- mid ••'â- s; ANNUAL MAEKDALE Sash and Door Factory SASH, DOORS, BLINDS MOULDINGS, HOLLOW BATTONS, FRAMES Lumber, Lath and Shingles, Always on Hana. Orders Promptly Filled. The Subscriber wishes to return thanks to the people of Markdhle and vicinity, for the very libeial patronage they have given him in the ptkgt, and hopes by close attention to business to merit a continuance of the same. " ' I have now extended my business, and will in futnre keep a full Stock of P I N E L U M B E R Direct from the North Shore. ALL SIZliS, DEESSED AND UNDBESSED, J\.ll Ivinds -^ri^lain and t^ancy TuT'*\in" Done in a first class manner. Clearing; Sali Is now goiug on and WILL CONTINUE UNTIL THE CaU early and secure bargain?. Heavy importations of Spring' poods are now ou tlie â- Â«iiy, au() our presect large stock must be cleared ont ami will be Fold out at aud under cos-. '::i.i. ni(i(.^:i From the many remarkable cures wrought by I'riir.jr McGiegor's Speedy Cure for Dvs- ixps:a. Indigestion, Conatipation and nflfec. tjou of the Liver, and from the immense 8ale of it without advertising, we have concluded to plaoe it exten.sively on the marke, so that tho.e who suffer may haye a perfect cure. (to to Hill Bros. General Store and get a trial bottle free, or the ie;;xilar size at tiftv n ul8 and one dclLir. 127 4f). One of the wouders of tlie world is liie salesman wbofiils o ask "Ary- thiag eise tc-3»y, sir " Markdale May 27lh. 1881. THOS. McNBA. ARTEMESIA WAREHOUSE jb^i^i:»iit:RTOiV STATiorv. o â€" Dry Goods, Hardware, Crockery, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Provisions, c. Stock kept full and well assorted with new goods recciveil every week. MY BRANCH~STORE AT EUGENLA repl9ni6bed with new goods everv week. For sale cheap for cash or produoe. o My Saw mill, Shingle Factoty, and Lime Kihi AT LITTLE FALLS, ABE IN OPEBATION. All kinds Saw o£:s bought ajlheMill or saws on sharoo. I.«»ber, Lath, Broom Haadles, ShLgies and Li«e for «ie. Markdale PUMP Fact MAKER OF ALL KINDS OF PUMPS, DKOP VALVE PUMPS. CYLIrsDEll PUMPS. CISTE^^ FORCE PUMPr, A-lac, ALL KINDS OF IRON PUMPS SUPPL^^' Satigfaction cuaranteed on all rav work the 1 roof of i: ^^ ,^ aci tliatl am doing a larger busiLnWiiow than ever|-, uio i ump business. Keinember the t-tand, 1 door north of i"' Sydenham Street, Markd^' ^FARM FOR S^ linn ACIlES-bein?,i^i from Markdale, with »w j_ j I balance, hardwood bnsn ^^ for fencing the pl»^^. of with never failing fZfii' Yeung orchard, log boo^'rij,. dead can be f?i»e" i" iJjeP^j pi, to MRS. miiffifi^,,J mill for B1« LOST MA A Tiotim of TOttttltoi iSSJTj "â€" ^•*"«ti#. «et fomr Job i^ork Aovfm at

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