5#. poorest .hjj. "Wtoatly jlOOrUN MIRACLE. "«o smoked; ' oat the tol impi-orement. •^'^J. Dublin, Ji â- ^ Lord Lieaw. t tm.e exclaS "^P^ ^yaccttjL i^ds; policeo^ iUiidetectivegjJi tbo Throne R,J|J[1 liat the late Wa i the German nobi '" ^^I'j^g the uaii^l ".^ork! Thi,,' I states Marshal, on equal termr ' as a fellow-ol, al Bcienti6c mem ling for fear of I page agaih, andL sircar IS the c.jJ ey cunijlaiats, ;U artiliciaily and cv.-a eggs (,witl ctl 1 icrcdible mortalitjl isand as the rat« mdrb" for Oviedoi inautEcient foodi umbers never vi VC3 ' Where ars principal hospiulij t Charity, numb at once to be rep id female attend., nforced upon the i ic Assistance by incil, who have n leir annual endo»ii_ s of franc3 conditio itcd cheapness iita] s of a v^'hicago maaf f mcjiufacture is to 5 rod nets â€" coke, gasi :;irbonâ€" in the pnw^ l; v.ill be left butai cry atom of hydrsj cial will be tumsdi or twelve thouaindfij coal, lie â- willobtaial jii^s arc to bo buiitj ^tiv says tha; the wi^ 1 currency inwamiJ f pcDp'.e who is by mail, and sually patched and d i!y overcome byredif 1 it is torn or worn asi] â- l silver in letter?, il-vajs answer, inj i lu' a ii'.oney order AND TLSDi. 1,,].; Miaincliiuiit-;' ,;..ii, c:u-hcf thev»;!iJ( L ,e lc5crs'M10. ,.r.l U.nie at tin- D«! .a"i„r tiuit the^v;^( t'lu'.i-. â- '.cakint; 1^=-'"" V. ;• :ca^ the lu'oW .., 1 Army w^' i;V" i! i* nowoaWi • Nvri-.cs a iM-ovl.ien; 'prwc cd analarDC 1 th-' â- '-â- " „e cnaPt" From the Life of ""tomment Gentleman. '%%n. if^^ss.. Gtote.) of this paper were more or roaiicrs ^^^ remarkable statement â- I'r leading citizens which ap- I-iv's issue. So unusual ""4^ ices connected with i^ â- â- â- • """'".mcnt did it occasion on the "f.;'l circles, that a representa- " ""'"np- was commissioned to m- "' Sand verify its facts The â- ^' i to wat. a statement made by â- 'â- iirralioc, formerly of London ' '.â- â- Sew York and Boston Dis- ' '^company' whose office is on •^â- 'â- "^M-' Lirrabee was found by ",,-Vn in tiis private office, and lo'i-ally I have been dead, f:,, J von sec me. A iittle over ;,;, taken sick. My trouble ' re "t liMt and I thought it was " "]; riit cold. Si)mehow I felt V t"i "lat lime, although I took ^ie'rf bleep. Then, again, I had 'Z^,y-^ paiu.s in various parts f "â- "MT"arPftite wa? good one day ;,.« hatever thcnext and my head vcrle-s muchofthotime. A .ward 1 noticed much that was â- '.^ -th..(l..,;idsl was passing and "'iimcnf sciun and a strange ac- ':;!"::^:arciiu .t. sun I did not I,;:, ta^se fniiiL's meant anything "i al'ou-cd the illness to run along .jj-ii ,!ay of i )ct jber I fell pros â- '"remont steec. I coistantly at- -c'.-icti-.dariihysician, but in spite 'u'")t i::v«':ug worse and finally ' riy ^i"' '" the vicinity of the ' ;iway tiirty-six ounces of water. "i !i:e ior :iic time, but I soon be- ajhef re. 'I'acn the doctors gjve ,..:re:v, drclared I could not lire vin'tv-fjur hours and iny daugh- cei" ,„â- 'if.Hic and rpsiflin;^ in I'ari.s, was tele SLiil i lin;;cred nlong for ;ar ni re dead than alive, UP hope. (.)nc night â€" it utioa a» s i.ai.p' n- *!• .:at weuais oidoneineslj "and have you no: r^ ^luisin ss is brcU „., .•„. \,at'i- 'â- "•• â- " ,â- - ..\Vi,ei-e call vn'J :;.ut- Tahiti ^^«f H-^a, always •^'•0' 5 ill a ircih-wate: n.^lotbnes. of their die man who steps o« I much in common. "j| ,:t down ^IJX^^ motions of the i^ and enterprise a^«^^?: :,„an who we. the „;â- the mnsseb â- 'â- â- shells o:.";^;^^;b r ;-.ji- tlicy I'^e^*" vs V -glesWorth,.^ indtaloi Pi^^^'calffoi the most ecODom.'^^^l hcnevcr I smoke ovj ial:e3ineblowtbe^^^ " '"f" let ih*' that IS I'-i' „tgt«»' sine tlowcr-po«" and always ^^g « ht person, ^-ngifor*! te Nicholas ^n^^ iuick-witted o^^^wtfj Hlajoke,refe2itf of^ ty of thesylSgm^ fellow, rep" ^jtfRl famous Une, ^^ ' -ji:;! i,r Apiil, I very web. re- -y af.^rd.Mit, who was reading •J. r;'j, V:-'-i'\\ an article which ;vv .dsiM^c and sufTcrings exactly. i-,(' Si. me t-evL'i-e cases of liright's !. ui cured, and go clearly and It tljtc the case that I ;, ;;y t!u- iiicaiis of ourc which ;, -o'l si lit my man to tl • diut; â- ...fia 1) tt',0 cf ths medicine un- n V ;iy?idiiis antl friends, and 'J,: il..i.; at 10 o'clock. At t':at ,....;ur:i::; intensely. I coubl iiol -.1 .i Miii.t luvaths and could ;ar.y iiir into n:y lungs. I was .-.C:! f;'cu; head to foot, and the ,v 1/ Lrt was irregular and pain- ::•%• ii.iniing i was ablo to v; li'.r pain began to leave mo â- :r: ilt'jica.ed. I continued to .1;-, :ii;d to-ilay, sir. I am as v.a^ lu my life, nnd wholly v. â- i'-nni, almost miraculous r.i.;'s S f' C'rj. I do not ...~ :!.•'.. ill" i-s made of, orany- ':.;:, :â- ;;: I know it saved my -,: :.'/\,i: !,p l.y the doctors and â- ;•: ic.id fur weeks that it has â- 'le.'t \\ :,i'l' cvir ^ir.cc and has i: y f; Kills to whom I have :. ;:. My uxovery ii to re- al i: a? excited much attention, :u Wed a.- otlicrs have inves- r~i ^h!y. I am glad they have, ;â- . '.i.t r' -;;;'.â- ; of sucii a wonder- '.ii'O ku'wa tj the many thou- ".:•.-â- â- ' ila liLi .1 V. ho arc suffering â- •i:t'i:' k; incys, liver, or heart, rr.ar,' lian^crous forms.' â- •.;.'aii'.c (if tlie press thanked ' ir ill? very frank ^nd clear II ' wir- aliont to leave theotlic.^ -I â- 'iii.ni p['od np to him and • â- w;.-.--.c -.ing iiiformatiou about â- â- ; 3 'â- icknc-s a:n! recovery. The â- 'iiiit II. v a â- , v, hereupon the i ' .v.- .- r.io P-'l the way t vr^. y {varpo-c. Kidney I c 111 r.gly iiici casing .â- 'I i 1 have a very near .-!• ' nil. ..'a as Mr. Lir- ' â- •â- V â- â- •â- c tile physicians â- ; iiks, and I tell " •â- c-llll." I, k^.l the man of y "y confirm every- i-.. -^ -:a,"il. 1 called at i. â- â- .• v.iiere Mr. Lar- â- -I t,i;.i o; his sickness. til i.i'c ilio proprietors, "=-~ ai.il Mr. hirrabee'scasc. ti.c ekctric annuu- *â- ' y for wcaks and ai lu il rang I said, a of -Mr. LirraLee.' " ever dreamed that i wh 11 the doctors ii. r jum they would • i say there was no 'lit-. ;or the funeral j' c:v was simply a "• J iiiison wlio said c A (• wa-i a very re- iniily physician -^â- r 5^1,1 ^^:e Cu •â- -i".a c, i-dllLV t -•-li tD d eve y hour for a n.vi r called to see it lie was prepared tke rccoNcry was re, and if he had tr.viblcd with Al- "' â- iii'.cs he would C;,;i yv,' 'e,=e this remedy. [-."â- ;â- . ti-i;cy diiliculties are â- .^^-:i most people think and __;_-P-m9 which are supposed ^-;-|^3 ariic from the kidneys. \J^]^i after gestation are â- orrrv, ^I'^u^'inous troubles ,?f^Qpt attention. •^/^^epr. Melville K. Webb, -.^..""y- 'O" you see 1 was de- "^bbT"" '" '^-^ matter. I -..,â- ""°=" clear-headed and ,:£-'eniaa,andhesaid: 'r^W bro!""^^"" ^^se from hav- â- '^«;t.gitedic as a medical |L-,L'T""^le cases I have '^•^bW ^^^^'1 themani- ;;,j^^Pucation of diseases, and j^^ej',/ subjected him to the lv.,.,^^'mat,oa possible, after â- can fiQ,| Q,jt ^^^^ him.' His kidneys, liver, longs and heart ^ir^T^^ "^ll •n^wund.^l^an o^ add that, from what I have seen I would unWutingly recommend thuSmedy 7 above m^fu^l' "" *^« statements above made which come to the newsnanpr t°r fdd'^*- the general pubUc! m^^L^ hTalt 1 k"' ^^"" ""O^em miracle of and th!w ^^? performed in our a.idst. and that, too, by the simplest of means and one which is Within the reach of every one. It should be remembered that Brit-ht's disease is not usually a sudden compfaint. «W ^^tk""'"*^" '"° "S^* ^°d its growth Slow The symptoms by which it may be detected are different with different person. DO two people usually having the same. Thi tact was manifest ia the case of Mr. Lar- rabee and he had no idea of the terrible complaint ^»^ich had attacked him until it became fixed upon him. Secondly, testi- monials oi such high character and so out- spoken in tone, conclusively prove the value ot the remedy and its superior nature to the proprietary articles with which the public fiare formerly been flooded. "Tb 9 greater includes the less," and the remedy which has beenproxenao valuable and has saved a life after It was brought down to death's door must unquestionably be certain in the many minor troubles which are so disastrous unless taken in time. • T 1^1 I Tho Earth's Great A£e. In a lecture at San Francisco, Trofessor V\ iiliam Denton gave several striking illus- trations of the earth's age. First, he said, wo had evidence of th earth's great age in the tiny particles of soil beneath our feet. The great trees of California with from 1.350 to '2o.")0 annual rings ot vegetable growth, reveal the fact that these monarchs of the vegetable world were saplings v,lieu Nebuchadnezzar was born. The great fallen M march of the Forest das been estimated to have been 4000 years old, and grew from seed propagated by older parent trees, and tlicse in turn from grandparents, whose crumbled dust forms a lich vegetable mold to nourish their younger progeny. How many such generations occurred no one can tell. But older than these arc the glacial beds. When these ploughed their way over t!ic surface of North America and tJcaadina- via they planed out mighty beds and ground and polisned down the uneven surface of a f jrnier age. In this remote age the coast of Kcw Eiighrid was like that of (irecnland at the present day. Fow geolo;i^t3 will place the glacial period at less than lOO.OOOyears ago. But wo could go ba"k f^tiU further. In the tertiary strata of California has been found what ia called the earliest human re- mains ever discovjre 1. These existed many thousand years ago, when one-half of New Jerocy, one-third of Virginia, and all ot ITorida, and part of Texas and (ireat Britain were under water. The Mediterranean sea was then double its present size, and the Gulf ot Mexico extended to Ohio. A large part of California was under tho bed of the Facitic ocean, and water then cx- t nded back to tlio foot-hills of the Sierra Nevaila mountains. But i Ider than this period and formation was the underlying stratiiicatioii of chalk, still older was the Triassic, and older yet the new red sand- stone â€" Buc'ii as comes to the surface in parts rif Scotland. Again, still lower, tho old Silurian, then tho older Laureutian, seen at the surface in Western CJanada, andoliler yet than all t esc the granite or I'reat under- lying rock â€" tho parent tliat thrusts itself up as the hac'rc-bonc of cont uents, cutting through all others to show us on the surface what is below. What an infinity of time must have passed away in tho auccesaive fonnatiim ot tliesc rocky layers Frlotional Electricity In the Press Room. We looked into tho press room of one of jioston's large printing establishments thi.s week Th-^ foreman was furious and the proprietor sorrowful. Friclional electricity in the printed sheets of paper as tliey left tho presses was the immediate cause (jf their trouble. It is an interesting and not un- common phenomenon, and is not e2s ly ex- plained nor easily controlled. It has puzzled i'rofs. Bell and Wad man, and the best electricians wo have about here. Tho pack- in" upon tlic press cylinder seenii to act as aifinductor, and the paper leaves the pre.s thoronu'lily electritied. We watched a press running off 1,700 por hour. Suddenly the printc.l sheets clung a!:0ut the cylinder as though pa^t:; 1 upon il, and had to be torn olV in strips. A-ain, we lifted a few fresldy printed Ic lives, and they ripped and crackled like thestitehes in an old ceat. Then we saw a lot ot cardboard being printed. Tho sheets stuck together as solid as a b:ijk,and could not be separated until the electricity had partly passed off. A printers' p:e;c of brass rule placed in this pile off car.iboard.with an end projectincr, threw off sparks wdien ap- proached within an inch by another piece of i-ule. Two sheets sucked together when held" fourteen inches apart. Wet rags placed ar. und the delivery table and let into a bucket of water cliarged the water with electricity in forty minutes so that a positive shock was felt upon a hand being immersed in tho paib Electrical currents were le.t in the hands and arms upon handling a pile of paper eight minutes alter being printed. The bother to the printer is a considerable one It entails inconvenience and a serious loss Valueble work is frequently spoiled by tho electricity packing the 'ca^xs so closely .ns to offset the fresh ink Then the presses have to be slow-speeded with fre- Suent stoppages. Nothing so demoralize t'he press-?ooni as this mystery of trictiona^ electricity when under full headway â€" f'0;n the Paper Trade World. ^___ •â- â- » ^- ft: THV LOCK-KILN CLUB. Brother G rdiner Xzplalns the Platform of te Clab. "Heah am a letter," said the old man as lie held np a missive, "dated at Washington an wnt in a eplendiferons han' axin' to have de posihun of dis club on varus quesh- uns an' subjicks defined fur de benefit of de public. De Secretary of Stite kin post np mhis office de foUerin' facts: "On religun dis club rather leans to de Baptist kind, but am not so bigoted as to Stan' idly by an' see a Methodist Church ccnsumed by fiah or carried off by a freshet. "9^ Poilyticks we wote split tickets, aimin' to elect the smaller rascal an' to beat masheen nominashuns. "As to free trade and protection, dis club can't express its contempt fur a guv'ment which levies a tariff of ten per cent, on wo- men's corsets an' can't brina; a million-dollar official embezzler to justice. "Oa civil sa-vioe reform wo doan' slop ober worf shucks. De cry am as holler as an old log an' as thin as de woice of a Coa- necficut oaby. "On social etikette, we eat wid a fork, address ebery gem.lan as 'Kernel,' an' we gmorally manage to start fur home befo' bein' kicked out. "On de temycrance qneshun, we argy dat if a man doan' know mo' dan to let whiskey git de upper-hold of him he'd bjttar be tie to some lamp-post whar' de fool-killer kin fied him. "As to the labor qieshun. pay fa'r wages, demand squar' work, an' keep the jail doors op?n fur deinagofiiues who encourage kicks and strikes. "Dats whar' an' how we stan' from ebery Sunday mornin' to Saturday night, an' I may add dat we shall be happy at any time to counsel wid Congress, gin advice to do LeQislachnrs, an' frow out waluable sugges huns to social bodies. Let us now attack de leg'lar pro£;ram;ne of 'uiziness." Liberal Belief. We do not believe that God is less just or merciful than are H» feeble human midd- en Or that He has prepared a hell for those who never knew Him, or for children no? baptised prior to death. Suc'a thoughts Le dc%ding^o the Almighty We ^o no believe in the sovereignty of God as taugni by the Calvinists. Gol is a king, absolute 1 1 ^!ht and by a perfect law of love and ?Jst?cl T^is belief makes man free ^^r;..ni reason and conscience. Such a Sl^el mara«Il of love, long -ffer^g gentleness g^ae«s f^f ^aShfurke The temperance. ^°| '"^^^^'cod b^ome pres- tempest and t'?\°':%^°^e °tiU smaU voice ent to tl^V""' ^^' Xith Him, and takes wbica makes ns one witu ±±i^, rUfear^d doubt from onr bemg.-i?«' Jarncs Freeman Clarke. BoHton. Bcrnnardt- Damala Bernhardt, says a Paris letter-writer, can not get on without much advertising, and I ought to add that few people now need it more, for her star begins to pale, and there are rumours of an approaching catastrophe. Then, she and her husband have called tiie Indeyendenre Francaise to acc-ount for an- nouncing the imminence of a suit for judicial separation, but this perhaps is sim- ply another form of advertising. Jacques certainly has not proved to be a good invest ment; in "La Dame aux Camellias," thanks to madam's lessons, he was very successful in "Les Mercs Ennemiss," in spite of his defective accent, he gave great promise, and it was fondly hoped that at the The itre Modernc, of which he was to be the manag- er and the star, he would rise to renown in "Jane Grey," and " Carmagnola." But these expectations have been disappointed Jacqu 8 suddenly declared that he was tired of the stage, and abandoned the part of Andr:ic Bc/eski declaring at the same lime that somebody else must take in hand the new management. Bernhardt was aghast, the gossips say moreover, the man had struck for higher wages, and, to show hiw much he was in earnest, he be- took himself to the Gvmnase and there signed a three years enc'agement (luckily a professional one) with M. Koning. All this is a heavy blow to the comedienne, coming as it does on the top of the financial disaster â€" to wit the loss of those 420,000 francs which she had invested in a factory run by one of her relatives, who has failed. Then too all her diamonds are advertised for Kae at the hotel Drouout, and ty the time this letter reaches you thoss jewels, gained by sobs and tears and smiles, those souven- irs of triumph and success, will have been scattered by the auctioneer's hammer. Not onu dollar remains of the harvest of dollars which she reaped in America. It is all well enough for Mme. Gabriello Ellinni to save up 5,000,000 Gabriello never had any talent, and was by nature prudent but Bernhardt is a genius, and was in duty bound to imitate her celebrated predecessor AdrieunoLecouvreur, whose casket fetched 40,000 livies when sold for the profitof Mar- shal Saxc. Not that 1 predict penury to Mme. Damala, but I remember the case of Sophia Arnould, who once rolled in wealth, and yet who was reduced to live on the charity of her hair-dre:ser. Then there was la Claison, who died in a garret, and Gul- mard, only to glad to marry a dancint Use "Teaberkt " and you will find Your Teeth become as pearls Twill fragrant make the Br^th of all. Boys, women, men aad girla. rOR TNI mnm, liver and urinary orsans THE BEST BLOOD PURIFIER. Thrrr U »ntr •â- * woy by which any din- case ran be cared, and thatl* by rrmorinx â- he caave â€" irhrreTcr Ic aiay be. The (real medical aalharUles at the day declare thni nearly every diaense ia caased by dernnKetl kidneykor liver. 1'a rratore Iheae lher« fore ts the anly way by which health can be He- cared. Herelawfarre WAK.'VEK'H M.«I'li: 'IIKE ha* achieved Ita yrcat rcpnlntion It acta directly apon the Itidneya and lirrr and by vlacing them in a healthy condition drirea diaeaae and pain trom the aynlem. FerallKidaey.Llrer andUrinary iroublea; for the diatreaaing diaorden efiroincn Inr iTfalaria, and phyaical iroublm ceiorHlIt Ihia (reat remedy baa no rqiinl. lt mat-r of impoatara, imitatiena and coucu liona aaid tobe jnat aa (food. Cor Diabetra aak tor n'A i: ER'8 â- «.« FE DIABETES rURE. "or aale by all dealera. H. H. WAENER CO.. roroato, Ont., Kocheittr, K.Y., London, Eng. Ixenerai Financial Agency Sums of from 5200 to $.t0.000 to invest in Pa- tent Ki},'hts. Hmincss Chaneos, Manufuclnres, Hotels, Saloons, upd any kind of inercliantetjle or exclianKealjle property. 4. I. FTANH Jt «., Leader Ijunc. Toronto. •RUPaiMURED' Cluthe's Perfected 'Trus?. Latest Pat'd, U. and Canada, Dec. 20 1882. Ttierc is hardly any other disease wliich so nn dermines the heallFi. and happiness of hun drcdsof thousands of families as Hernia or Rupture. It creeps intoahnost every household as a worm it causes nervous debility, impairg memory, extinguishes the spark which nviRor- ates tho relation of life in Domestic t'Irclea and inspires devotion to the most sacred in- stitution oftinarria^;e, moralily,tc. In addition to the above it especially afTects TOon both physically and socially, of all ages and positions. It destroys energy and wears out the human machine ten-fold quicker than a.'e or labor. Sufrerer,Iic Wise. Unpture as well ns Deform- ity can only be treated l)y meeluinical treat- ment, aftei the doctor has "failed to hold your Kupturc. After yon have tried your druRKist's stock and "Lininicnta," and failed, Itupture always increasintr illSt(^ad of deereasiuK, I say Come to or write to me and I will do for you all 1 can. Medals, Philadelphia Centennial, and first prizes wherever exhibited. Nineteen years material experience, 12 years established in Canada, thorough acquaintance with tho Anatomy of the Human Frainc,nauiral mechanical advantages have made me a per- fect master of this profession, and everybody Ruptured or Deformed should send stamps for book on Rupture, and the Human Frame, containing valuable information, registered by CHA8. CLUTHE, Surgical Machinist and Artificial Limb Maker, IIS KI\« hTUKKT WEST. TOKO.VTO. AflV Cor. of Main Huron Streets, B'lfTalo, N. T Near TiLsoNBrRo. Ont., Dec. 14, IS81. I have been ailing for year* with Bil- iousness ar.d Dyspepsia, and was reduc- ed to a mere skeleton. Last fall 1 weighed only eighty-six pound-s. 1 was induced to try ZorES.\ by ilr. Thomson (of the firm of C. Thomson Co., drug- gists, of this place), and. many thanks to him, I am now an entirely new wo- man and weich 124 pounds, through the use of this new compound. MILS. (^AROLINK FORBK.S, Wife of Mr. R. CL Forbes. mack's llla.;uetic HI icmc. TNAOS MARK 1i Positively cures Nervousness in'all its stages. Weak Memory, Loss of Kruin Power, Night. Sweats. Barrenness, Weakness and Ueneral Loss of Power. It repairs Nervous Waste, rr- invenatt's the .Taded Intellect, strengthens tho Knfeebled Hrain and restores surprising lono and vigor to toe Exhausted tJcnerative Organs in either sex. Sfi. With each order for Twelvo packages, accompanied with live dollura. wo will send our written (Juarantro to refund tho money if the treatment does not effect a cure.. It is the ChrapcNt and Brut Medicine in the market. Pamphlet sent free by mail to any address. Murk'x Mnenellc Alrdlrine is sold by dmjr- gists at 50 cents per box. or 6 boxes for IJiK.M, or will be mailed free of postage, on receipt of money, by addressing MrcIi'n niasnciic Hedl- clue «'o.. Windsor. «nl., 'auuda. Sold by all druggists in Canada. BRANTFORD SINGLE DRILL With Fertilizer Attachment, FERTILIZER DLSTRIHUTOP^ it?r Send for tpstimonials showincr tho profltji resulting from the use of Artillcial Manurea. We also manufacture the Bsst Single Drill, Single Seeder, Drill and Seader Combined, Sniky Iforitr Rukc. and KprlDg Toatb 'ultivator. Ever introduced in the Canadian market. â- •:'â- Send for Descriptive Circular giving full information. J.O.WISNER.SON,GO., ISrantrord, Ontario. (Mention this paper.) mabter, after having refused the hand of the Prince do Soubise. Alio; these were idols in their time, yet their fortunes came and went '-like the lamps of the footlights,^' to nuotela i'elisscr, who died in a hospital, though the carpet of her boudoir was cov- ered one day by her admirer with bank-not(« to the value of a million. But Sarah will never get on unless she ceases to be an an- achronism and will follow the lead of Mile Dava^er and Marie Magnier, who have laid by for their old age and a rainy day. It la not enough to triumph cce must profit by victory, as Hannibal told his captains. Rachel was better adv.sed, and though the 1 274,371 francs which she left to her heirs cut a'eorry figure in comparison with some of the fortunes of the queens of comedy and sont- yet it was enough to keep any reason- abl° woman from starvation. Bernhardt must bestir herself, for popularity is flitting, and she cannot stand the nervous pressure much longer, if those who are in her conh- dence tell the truth. Still, with her dia- monds, she has not yet lost her prastigi. The diamonds of Mile. Mars were stolen twi-^e and tv.dcc recovered and then sold, for fear that a third larceny might be irre- mediable, and none the less that great act- ress was hailed with rapture when it pleased her to play Celimmeor Berraice, although in the provinces the house was never crowded un ess the bills announced that 'Mile. Mars would wear all her jewellery!" So true is the assertion of Mme. Gomuel, the spright- ly chronicler of tho seventeenth century •'Diamonds on a woman are as necessary as cSe in a mouse-trap " M. Claretie and othe« bewaU the sad fate of the great trage- die^e and then console her by predictmg S ^n^richer harvests in the future " for S valiant creature, whose dream is to Ss^ciUte dramatic art in two theatre at a r^T lud show the Parisian how Shaks- ^e and Goethe ought to be interpreted." Mil I iW I " Use dispatch. Remember the world only took^iTdSs to create. Ask me for wl«t- !^ryoa please except time; that is the Sythin|^»^=^ " beyond my power. UPHTR BRON'ur CROUP, ASTHMA, JOHITIS, NEURALGIA. Johnson's Anodyne Liniment I (for Internal and External Use) wlUJ instantaneouBly rblieve these ter- rible diseaAoH, and will positively I cure nine eases out of ten. lufornialion that will save many lives, sent free by inall. IXfn't [delay ansonient. Preveutii^n is better than cure. I. S. JoilNSON CO., BOSTON, MaBS. SCALES. GURNEY WARE'S STAIARD SCALES, For Railroads, Rolling; Mills, Grist Mills and Elevators. Scales for everythingâ€" Hay, Coal and Stock. All sizes of Warehouse Scales. Counter -Scale of all kinds. Fish, T'ork and Wool .Scales, Butchers Scales. Scales and Beams for Pedlars Waggons. All sizes of Railroad and Warehouse Trucks, Alarm Money Drawers. Every Scale warranted. All makeK promptly rrpnirrtl. O" Send for illustrated catalogue. iiLDiiG m\ •' Our Great Sale is fast drawing to a close our improve- ments "will be completed about tbe 15th of March, when wo will show a complete stock of New Goods in all the D epart ments, and we have no hesitation in saying, that our stores, when finished, will be second to none on this continent. 1 1 PETLEY PETLEY, ""•JSoSSâ„¢'