fi^mm/ifmm^'Vf^fWff^- %^TvS^â„¢?T^^ .s-n?!,-'^-^ ;~- m( C»t JAM. tor aaaJf :/• 01 ce. heat xo^ ;ea by jf, 'Pafanid ill mve theiiy new. ^^ij 3ala of which i, Josedof theK 'iicession nfj^^ y at this office islup Clerk ot 117-U. 'tation i rMiii G-eneral n, © every lay, ^iSTHOME )/lY. HOUSE. 125-151. f $c Brown ^;/ ;5 leaving Mark- into the Wholesale justness in Toronto, 'shin^ to leave Mar k- "llir'jhe has entered hrslnP ^nthflr W. l\'\\lateofFlesherton, prarticd watchmaker [rrj oi^er i^yearsex- 'l^i copies v:;iih the best ,0idationsfrom some of catchviakers in the ]larkdale II carrv on the m i,rk entrusted to him will â- ,'(i '^â- jrkmanlike tnan- ill be guaranteed ,,ods sold icill be found pjid, or money refund- Brown's, ,: â- , â- ^'atchiuakers Jewellers Lkku.'lI^e only. li Otiier Items. MiO'l'fiin intended to benefit l\ ;.r Sncietij will be charged ten â- the firft insertion and Jive :~uh'equ"nt insertion. Icommg lu like a lamb. direct importer doiop laricklC' MarkUi'câ€" W. J. McFar- â- ' pre: ss we are king. Aiulerson's iniormed residence laicv. Artemesia, was des- ilout 6 a. ra. We are ve any particulars other hou^c was CDnsumed. A. son of struck by bes, rapes. r rsinaraU -^ .ice, 'ncl at All ANT, stock of U RE f.U at modetSta 119U" DMERY, '.lie inhabitant*- ;n coui trj for ate ;o them that Lie public with Plum Cake lamented. Als* Vx'st style that Df Torouto. id Cakes! ;re manufacture* ~eU. bo.sidos Bii^- 1 the b^st man- â- ario OTIONERY rgs, Socials, aiwl- e shortest notic* uiihle terms. NTGOMEBY. 2. llH-Sta mm. EASING WITH- •Raoiiss. m© c-T€ry â- workiat.' stance i.^a 1**^* the same day. 1 F«*ed prosQjpt^ •Barrhead MUU*'^, :Lir,nTNi:G.- [Glen?lg was ir.iig the tliunder storm Pr. JaiDiesou hafi been and iie is slowly re- â- nlllicl-' i.L,â€" The carnival which t Friday uight was well iiuvLiber of niasiiers c' i.f nny 1k1(1 in thin f â- I'Mwiii:' are the snc- I winner:^ • â€" â- ' Gfiit Skater, Ther- A. Piicliardsnn Fat 1 Kichnvdsc.n Highland iaruM'ii Comic Cos n Faiioy Skater, Jas, Drefsed' Little Girl, |twpeiitpr'a Costume, D. fCofturae,Cr. A. Wilson jC.Iiicliards Best Nun, pmati, A. McFarlaud F',E. Sproule. '-tSClUPTIOXS. â€" A fiub newspaper is such a I't is often lost sight of, pfflt importance to se- fpt attention of the sub- 'â- 11 say, when they pi paper to read, well' •aui iu town I must P'P'""' When he CDmes ry likely forgets it, and r"'y a dollar and he hnoldsul)scriberthinii8 '^ithe publisher's for- 'f^-lents himself until F^bio opportunity pre- 'lien very lilcely for- "^t the same time not '^y means desirous ••"'-^ on the part of l"'^?t the delay in amouut paid. True, ""' ' '^ne there would â- 'Ut whoa those ^^S'al hundred no |:"s'.Jer knows how :^«iJave taken a look ^^^-nptiou list since ' " the amount of ' "" that account t'uuk if every '^â- re^vswould" tr W. Fiedler's credit sak. Onau* 12th Harcb r. ^T majority elect to dfiak Me- Farland'a Tea. on the 6th March. Henry flamiltou's credit sale, Hol- land, the 7th March. Mr. Whitby 16 on the war path as- sessing Artemesia Tp. Col hngwood Township seed fair to- day, let, at Ularksburg. Grain has been coming to market in large quantities recently, M W Armsirong have their steam b'.iler on hand for their factory. Montreal is to have a cutlery fac- tory, the first :){ the kind in Canada. There has been a dearth of news in local papers for two weeks, they being filled with politics. New Church.â€" The Presbyterians of Che^l. y Cdntemplate erecting a new brick church next summer at a cost of $5,300. Alex. Duncan removed a new steam boiler from the cars forhis saw mill iu Gleuelg on Monday, to take the place of au old .one. R. J. Sproule, Flesherton. is now selling off his large slock at and be h)W cost iu order to cleai" the way for spring importations. Blank Receipts, Notes, Due Bills, Monthly School R3poits, and Muni- cipal Stationery Reports, on hand at the Standard OflSce. The produce of the British Colum- bia fisheries last year is valuated at (me million nine hundred thousand, an increase of four hundred thousand dollars over that of the previous year. Weit Issued. â€" A writ m Queen's Bench has been issudd by Mr. Juo. MacRae against the Municipal Cor- poration of Wiarton for injuries sus- tained from a fall caused by a defec- tive sidewalk. Ho is a brother of F. MacRae, Esq., reevo of Glenelg. We had a call from Thos. Gamey, Esj., of Osprjy, Mr. Josiah Gamey, Osprey Tp. Treasurer, Mr. M. Akitt, of Eugenia, C. C. Pear'je, Captain of the rescue hook and ladder Co., Owen Sound, T. Hall, Dundalk Herald, and Mr. Arch. Speers of Winnipeg, the past week. Sad Death. â€" A student of the in- stitute, Mr. John McDonald, of Price- ville, died on Wednesday of last week. He caught a severe cold when just re- How much did yo« Iom cm tbe •!•. ctiona 7 Bdmund Williams, sale, Hdlwia. on th 6tli March. Be-Fresh-ing â- â- uce :P'-i-ehi 'tbe vl.-.' IP- sub make 'IS month they k^f least $200 of ^/^ve Tvages to pay » ••â- '•hase, which two «liD of $1,000 ,,,, JP«id on our pa- f Jth and we think ,^7^thusinaprac- \*jpealed to m a ,:j^ expect a nn^.°"' Bincere '°r 1883. now in cir- hearty from measles and his case was aggravated by meningitis. The unfortunate young man was huried in :he Presbytt-nan cemetery. â€" CvlKntj- HO"d Kfiterpiine. [Mr. McDonald was a hrother of Mri;. Allan McDongall of this p'ace.] Tlic latest indoor amusement is ter- med the "Printer's Delij^'ht," and is pel formed in the following mauuer .• lake a sheet of note paper, tuld it carefully and iucluse a bank note t;uf ficiently large to pay up arrears, and a year in advance. And what adds imuensely to the feat is to sand along the niuie of a new subscriber with cash to balance. K;ep your eye m the printer, and if you detect a smile, the trick is a success. Try it EuGKNiA Temperance Club.â€" This club held their second entertainment iu the C. M. Church ou the evening of the 14th ult., to a good congrega- tion. Mr. T. B. Gilliland was call.d to the chair, the duties of which be pleasantly discharged. The recita- tions and dialogues, together with se- yeial short speeches were of a pleas- ing and instructive character. The singing of the choir added much to the enjoyment ot the evening.â€" It/- vatice. Mr. Win. Clark of Sullivan met with a singular accident last week, he had a dynamite cartridge lu his house for years. The cap was gone and he supposed the dynamite was extractefl, he took the cartridge between his fiuger and thumb and endeav.ured t.) hor" a hole through it to make the iiead of a small paint brush, when exploded blowing half the fore comph^tely off and badly shattenns? his thumb. He is doing as well as could be expected. Another w.irniug not to fooll with dynamite.â€" ^Vt^s/e-y EiitfTprixe. Whipping CmLpauN.-The head master of she public School at Ham- ilton has been fined ten dollars by tue Police Magi'^trate for severelv whip- ping a bov in ihe school for disob^^di- ence. We hope to see parents and trustees take a resolute stand on this question, and not allow children to be Uirashed by any ^^^^^-r^^Zr, Post. [We thinly if chiWren were taught to obey at home, there Wd be very btUe 'occasion for tl^^^ing at school, but if they «re allowed to do as thev please in the fjumW ^d diw- bey the commands of their parenta ' they cannot be expected to go onpani- eJjed ftt school.â€" B*-3 New Tweeds, new Daeks. new clo- ihuig. this week at MoFarland's. The thermometer registered 10 be- low zero, on Friday morning last. Mr. Donald MoLeod, (shoemaker) of this place, has removed to Michi- gan. Tbe June meeting of the County CouncU of Dufferm, will be held in Shelbame. A consigcment of first-class Oat Meal to hand at Barrhead Mills, for sale cLeap. Mrs. M. W. Vindewater, of Allen- ford, is visiting her friends in Mark- dale and vicinity. A load of fall wheat was brought into Meaford recently containing 123 bushels and 6 pounds. Grit and Tory should now bury the hatchet and go to McFarlaud's and get a new suit of clothes. Mr. P. Beattie, Police Station, Winnipeg, will accept thanks for $1 for the Standard for 1883. The election is over. Grey gained the Tory vote, but Mclntyre sells the best of Groceries and Provisions, c. Subscribe lor the Standard, com- mence any time, $1 a year, 30 cents for three months, 10 cents a mouth in advance. Those who have made arrange- ment« to bring us wood for their sub- scription will please fetch it along as soon as possible. Mr. John Hazard has purchased the Galbraith farm, being Lot 118 con. 1 West of T. S. Road. 50 acres for $1050. Last Saturday John McLean, son of John McLean, Esq., High-street, had his right hand badly ground and burnt by getting it caught on the grind-stone driven by steam, while at work in Kennedy Son's foundry. â€" U. !S. Ad- vertiser. A social under tlie auspices of the Methodist Church Ladies' Aid Society will be held in the Dufferiii hall on Wednesday evening, March 7tu. A ricii programme is being prepared and a good time may be expected as usual. Admissions 15c. Changed Hands. â€" We understand that Messrs. Byrnes McCaskill have bought out Mr. T. Sproule, of the Revert! House. Both these men are experienced in the business, and we have no doubt they will conduct it in a first class manner. N B__^/^ll those indebted to the undtrsi;ued will please to call and settle their accounts on or before the 10th day of March. After that date all my accounts remaining unpaid vill be placed in court for collection. This is IB the last warning â€" pay up and save costs. â€" A. McIntyee. Agents Herald. â€" This is the title of a neatly got up paper in book form, puhUbhed in Philadelphia, at the low price of 50ats a year. Those in want of au agency of any kind sliould not be without it, as it is crowdeil with advertisements of all sorts for them. It also exposes all frauds and swind- les. K.ill's Journ.\l or Health. â€" A copy of the above useful Journal for January is before u«, it contains 32 pages and is in its tliirtiolh year of publication. It contains nselul and practical information on healtli and sanitary matters. Tl'e price ($2) has been reduced to ^1, lor new sub- scribtrs. J. W. Ford, of the Markuale l?lour at d Grist Mill.ground 1,000 bushels of gristing during seven days after the recent thaw. He has his mill cleared of the enormous amount of ijrain which had accumulated duiing lw In the eod luantioo of some peofrie th»t thi^ can 8«U below nost. e it may not be •misa to let the public ot Maikdale and sor- roanding oonntry know that "Wil««oii Benson, ..f the "BELFAST HOUSE." MARKDALEi, can sell " clieaper than the cheapest," and "better than the bett," all ^inda of Groceries, Liquors, c. Consisting of TEAS, TOBACCOS, SPICES, CANNED FISH, ETC., And for those wishing pure Wine for jue- ramental purposes, wiU find a brand that will eqnal uivthiKg on this side tbe Atlantic. Other Liquors equally pare. Spbciai. Pure Holland Gin. Cheese from the best manufactories. Oar WhiskieE are from the firm of Oood- erbam Worts, Toronto, aod tbe public may rely on receiving them as they are sent. FLOUR. POTATOES, and everything in the household Une kept constantly on hand. Henceforth my Store will be supplied with Fliiits of all kinds, such as APPLES. PEARS, PLUMS, Ac. FPUIT CAKES of all kinds always kept on hadd. Essences, Hair Oils, and Perfumery of the choicest nectars. TOILET FANCY SOAPS, better than the best. CANADIAN WESTERN PORK, of first quality. Everything in the Grocery Line kept on a fuller and more complete scale than at any other place in Msu:kdal«. WILSON BENSON. Just Arrived! A LARGE STOCK OF NEW A^D FASHIONABLE d5-Z- O-OOIDS, Boots and Shoes, NEW GROCERIES, At prices which will astonish you. Call and see. MABKDATiE Meat Market. A. constant supply of Fresh Meats! on hand, at the Liowe.t Living Prices. Orders solicited, and deliv- ered free lo all parts of the Town. Farmers having fat stcck to dispose of, will please leave their addresses. TERMS, STRICTLY CASH. FRED. SARjEANT. Markdale March 23. 1882. 80-1t sliNii IS bfxieving; GENTLEMEN,â€" If vou want a first-class Buggie or Wagon call at MCKENNA MASON'S CARRIAGE WORKS MARKDALE. They can supply you with anything from a Lumber Wagon up to Extension Too Phaeton. Highest price paid for Butter and Eggs or any kind of Fowl at the Cheap Stoee. JOHN DOUPE, Flesherton Station, Nov. 15th, 1882. 114-.Sn:. Health is Wealth To buy from them is to S^^^E IVlOIVEYr They are both practical workmen, and employ none but PRACTICAL WORKMEN They guarantee their work Second to none for Lightness of Draught and Superiority of Finish. Dr. E. C. West's Nebve and Brain Treat- ment, a guaranteed ppf-cific for Hysteria, Dizzipees, Couvulsions, Fits, Nervous Neu- ralgia, Headach" Nervous Pro.-itration caus- ed by the use of alcohol or tobacco. Wake- fulness, Mental Depression, SoftGuing of the Brain, resulting i/i Insanity ajid leading to misery, decay aad death, Premature Old Ag«, BaiT enueos. Loss of Power in either sex, Involuntary losses and Spermatorrhcea. emitted by overexertion of the brain, self abuse or over-iudul;,'eiice. One box will cu e recent cases. Each box contains one month's treatment. One dollar a box, â- â- six boxes for fiye ilollars sent by mail pre paid on receipt of i)rice. We guarantee six boxes to care any case. With each order re ceived by us for six boxes, flccompanied with five dollars, we will send the puichaser a written guarantee to refund the money il the treatment does not effc'ct a cure. Guar antees issued only by A. Turner Co., sol' authorized Agent for Markdale Ont. .loiu: C. West kCo. sole proprietor.Toronto.Ont. They use nothing but First-class White Oak for Wagons, and thiice Extra Second Growth Hickory for light work. The immense amount of work turned oat of McKenna Mason's shop is snfiicicn proof of the wide reputation they enjoy for doing good work. Thb BEST IS THR CHEAPEST in the END Poor cheap work we positively will not take. Special attention given to Ke-Trlmming and Repainting aU classes of Carriage Work, Satisfaction guaranteed (or No Pay) in HORSESHOEING SHOP â€" On M'll Street opposite tj Sproule's liote!. McKENNA MASON. it fingre water, »nd is now prepared to let far- mers have their grist hoi';e with them the e»me day they bring it. We h«ve heard nothing of the do- in-s of the n(-w village police bf.ard by \v,iv of iniuutes of priceedings. If they .ioaiiyhusiut'ss, the i-ntepayers would like to know sometiiiug about it. We think eicli House- lioliier shf.uld be supplied with a c )py of tlie by-laws, and ih-^n have the law put m force. Lnd we are satisfied it would be to our iuterest both as individuals and aa a corporation. How TO Send Siuteb --The Joarr,- al of Commerce gives the following novel way to send silver coins by mad: _Take a block of wood a Utile larger than the coin, and bore itwitli an an- Lr, one and one-quarter inehes for Ibidf doUar, and one inch for a quar- fer-as deep as wiU contain as miuiy oLes as you want to send. FiU die SoTe and tack a thin piece of wood orrthe block. Wr addrew. pu on ^e reqnisite atemp. and deposit Jhe block and coil«it8 in tbe poat of- $500 Reward We will p;ij' the above reward for any cas of Liver Complaint, Dyi-pepsia, Sick Head- ache, Indinestion Con.-ti|jatioii or 0o8ti\e ness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely Vegetable, and never full to Rive sati.sfactiou. Suiiat Coated, Large Boxes, containing 30 Pilis, 25 cts. For sale by all Druggist.-*. Bewan of counterfeits and immitations. The geuu- me manafactnwil only by JOHN C. WTiSl CO.. -The Pill Makers"" ?1 fe 83 King St East, "Toronto. Oot. Free trial package sen: by mail prepaid on receipt of a 3 cent stamp. For sale at Turner ACo. Druz Store. W|A|]S|T!E|D| AT The Eclipse Mill. 100,000 ft. Cherry, 500,000 ft. Hemlock 100,000 ft. Baswood, also tlm and maple sawlogs, and 800 cords ccilar bolts 4 feet 8 inchei long for which the Highest price wil be paid. Sparling Brothers, Proprietors. 125-12. THOS. MATHEWS, liml EsliiskosaT! MARKDALE. EVERYTHING IN OUR LINE KEPT ON HAND OR MADE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. LIVERY! ^^' iJcT iKun mucT 01 FARM FOR SALE. LOT 6 CON. 3 E. G. RD., HOLLAND, 100 acres, 70 acres cleared, well water ed, cood orchard beving good log hooae and bun. Sitaated 2 half milw from Chata- worth. A. bargain will be given iu the •bore property, lor partiealars apply to 0«o. ,KeU«, Kadtdkin. m to Chaa. King. Shal BUCHU DIE OF THE lEtT IHTISTiaATOSS IH USR It is aspeciflc in the cnre of all diseases I of the Kidneys, Bladder. Prostatic For- 1 tion of tbe Urinary Organs, Irritation of I tbe Heck of the Bladder, Bumiog Urine. Oleet, Qonorrbea in aU its stages/Mucons Discburres, CongesttoB tf Va» Kidneys, Brick Dust Deposit, Diabetes, Inflamma- 1 tion of the KidncTB and Bladder, Dropsy of Kidneys, Ada Urine, Bloody Urine, Fainin the R^on of the Bladder, PAIN IN THE BAC^ Urinarr Calculus, Benal Calculus, Eenal Colic, Betention of Urine, Frequent Urination, Grarel in all I tts forms, laabiUlT to retahi tbe Water particolarly inpewong advanced in Ufa I n IS A IIZTDrrBSIiaATOB that restores the Urine to its natural ctdor, I temovea the add and baraiog and tbe eflectirfthwfuiiwlie moot in to«1ra«n g drink. Prie* tl, or 81k BoMm for $8. Thon who eaimot obtaia a botUa of tUs^ medieiaetraaitlMirdrac itOar and we will siod I Baad (or CbeilaB. Sol W. JOHNSTON^Ca "'"***'*?" Oit iUUUU, lOek. I jMBfei flor Ik* O. a and TO SEl-l. OK iribr«Ii rOT 1.5, CON. 12, HOLLAND. 3 91 U acres, 100 cleared, good bnildi. j;p »}icn-- on. Termn easy. Applv to Jilu..!^ Ix^gaii,^ Postmaster, near tbe jirfnii • â- â- , or to M. 8. KELLiAY, Ti.aP. O. {(oremlMSf iitb, la^. lil-:f^ \i Hi â- â- ' â- X i f !t â- iV ' â- -1... K'M '1 'â- i •«J; M :^^i f^.-: