Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 22 Feb 1883, p. 5

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 m lUi JSii^BJHJ^iw" '^^'^WPiilPilP t "TBII^tj 't«r^ Brown ^m^ XPKl^O,^^^^ iicfunded and Bridges ^^^^•. ^Section Bat;.;;;- •• uie Account Tiind.. Jce g. Stati 9S. Jueons â-  ^n Land ""ery.ij;;- 2, as above. 1 correct and u, «eo,. R FIRTH,! rse For Sale GENERAL rUEPosjj ol I warranted sound ' erMgned wUl be .^y -JAMES I ositethe IiishLake^ tie It on Stat N GRIST giving Gena satisfaction, â€" o â€" ng done orking day, â€" â€" YOUR 6RI8TI IE SAME DAY. :0. MOORHOUS ertakii ets, â- rial Pobes, Gloves, Crapes,! â€" ANI 9ings for Fune Shortest Notice, ami i llonrs from GEANl RKDALE. '11 ii^sorted stock of N ITURI e quality, di »» i^* FOR SALE. E. G. BD.. HOLI lI -(TfS cleared, well eiririKgood lo(?hoa?1 2 half mile' from ;ain will be P^" 'J r particulars appiy '°^ or to Chas. ii^-* to Debtors. 1 to call 1^^ *%â-  Melical Hall, or »'»1 ve trouble. A" e will be ackno«*a» T. S. SPBOUI'B.J" FOR SAtE* This farm i« »*% thalout4«i^-7 ,e bash with sn^*rtli lace It is *J' stream of g»«.( hoaae. and *Stitf« For price «»* IT.ontbep««»2lft* farm waggon »^^. uy oil is leaving Mark- L .0 into the Wholesale [f V Business in Toronto, P/'"' shin' to leave Mark- Wdhr,) he has entered of ,n [{• V, /rt/^ of b'leskerton, brariical watchmaker [.^.^llr "f orer i^ years ex- ^^' ndcnmes with the best lit: a^ ^icndationsfrom some of u^r n'dtchviakers m the Bm'n I'iH carrv on the Lj5 m Markdale. ,.^jyk emnisted to kirn will ' in a "jrkmanlike tnan- ,^'ork '.:•?// be guaranteed, 'Iccods sold will be found t-eintcd, or mo:fey refund- )11 Brown's, I figopie's Watchmakers Jewellers Hill's TllocU, MAEKJ^ALE ONLY. bland Other Items. Osprey council will meet at Fever sham next Monday, the 26th. J irst cl*88 flour and all kmds feed at Barrhead MUls again. New importations now on the way from Europe for W. J. McFarland. M. Richardson's Annual »ale com- mences first of March, at Flesherton. GX)0D NkWS fob EviBYBODT.-Blirr head Mills thawed out. and runum- Oil full time. " u ^w" ?\^^ "" ^°Sar just received by W. J McFarlaud. Purchased be- fore recent advance. Hunter and Blyth are nominated for South Groy, but Trimble Wjight have won a victory in drawing the crowd. An old coat,ve8t,and hat was fourd on Monday morning noar where the file occurred. The party who lost them can have the same bv calliuK at Trimble Wright's. A rapid thaw set in on Thursday, Hud continued until Friday uight.dur- iiig which timts a great quantity of rain fell filling cisterns, and even eel- lei s in some cases. The water famine IS now past but the roads are in a bad condition. Who are you going to vote for? Well, thty say Sir John gives good markets, but Trimble Wright give the best bargain in goods. Madam Wilson has been in Mark- dale for some weeks past, and appears to have a good knowledge, of phreno- logy, besides telling with wondeiful accuracy past happenings and present circumstauces, also foretelling future events as to prosperity or adversity, c. It pays to keep a good breed of stock. Mr. Tlios. Boland recently kill- ed aiid dressed two hogs, 5 months old less one day, which weighed 298^ lbs. They were a cross between Berk- shire and Poland China, and were purchased from Mr. Jas. Fair, 6th line St. Vincent. The weather continues stormy â€" however, you need not suffer from cold when you can purchase a suit of clothes, boots, cap and mitsfur $7.75. The Chesley Enterprise comes now to hand in an improved form having changed recently to an eight page 40 column. It is a creditable sheet, and the efforts of the Editor, Mr. J. Ste- phens, will no doubt be ap^)reciated by the citizens of that prosperous vil- lage and vicinity. M. Richardson's Sale of dry gooils and clothing commfiiices 1st of March, at Flesherton. Mr. Giirney, the Durham bank tel- 1 let, who decamped recently leaving a shortage of $19,000. has been captured at Buffalo by detectives who were sent out. Gurney disgorged to the amount of $15,100 and iiis bonds covered the balance, so that the bank is fully in- demnified from loss. The prisoner will likely be extradited and prusecut ed according to Cauadiau law. Talk as you please in lavor of doc- tors and lawyers for M. P. P., but the farmers have decided unanimously in favor of Trimble k Wright for cheap goods. The Stayner .Sun says the N. N. W. By., has braved the storms and e s. per ie need but elight delays, and is the only road which makes an}' pre- tence to run on time, and lo the sec ond item following lu the same is-^ne affirms that Stayner is for all practi- cal purposes, the terminus of the rail- way, trains being unable to reach C'd- lingwood owing to the drift. A dis- crepency somewhere. Mr. Lauder's meeting in Duffcriu Hall, Markdale, on Friday eveniu?, the 16th was fairly attended. Mr. A. Elliott was voted to the chair, and called the meeting to nrder about 8 o'clock. Mr. McColemau. Reeve ol ColUugwood Tp., and the candidates. Messrs. Laude- and Miles addressed the meeting on the questions of tlu; day. Tiiere was good order maintain- ed, ind the speakers received a good hearing. A majority of those. present appeared in favour of Mr. Lauder. March is generally a quiet month. M. Richardson, of Flesherton, always makes it lively with his Annual Sile. -^H.-The railway has been The Editor of the Fleshj^ton Ad- ^^'«P'ea,ly all the time this .a^c. tola his readers '^° ^^«^^« "j^o, """i ^^e can leither aet mails that we, of the Stand *BD,)na(i lost ;:ft- Our "tribal Ire suf ^^"' ^50 of om: dd subscnbers. and '?f"' goods which tbev ordered that we didn t get a new one. mw, Ml,au« .J.:l "-^^ }â- .." .^^^. Mr. Fawcett knew the above state- ment waa false and misleading, ihe Stahdabd neyer Lad as large a cireii- lation aa^at preneut, and its popular- ity is unjae^tioned by the pub.ic, who are the judges. Last week he made the annouiKsement that we had burit -ur neutrality in politics.whioh statement is also witbout fonndation TO THB Electors ol East Riding OP THE COUNTY OF GREY. lOOL BOOKS.â€" All the auth- jvit books for common schools for lie Medical Hall.â€" A. Tcsner Co. lit jWiartoiiEclioof the IGthinst., lliev have hd uo railway com taticn since the Gth,in that place, wtlie storm, and great depth in. rrtiiiway is doing about the best IE Canada, the company and Ktes deserve credit for the vigor- fcanDer m which they haye labor- jiet-p'the load open. rtlie first time m the history of laniidiai) Parliament, father and lire sittiiifj; as uicirbers of the JHii'ise of Cummnns. The gen- ^n who ocjipy this relation the who other aie Sir. Charles Tup |ni Mr. Charles H. Tupper, mom â-  rPietoi!. lEsii [inm-il Sexsmith, supposed Irom .\lii;iiit i"':-rest- Ont., while jiui'M a well on the farm of John In. si: mi'iL'.-i west of Wolseley, ';.\i,. ^.\V. T., struck gas, ':\\\ n.[o C(;nld be lowered taut! p,i\vtri(Ss, owing to the Tile biiJv iias not vet been re-- :i. luwislit-* subsciibfc, or renew •i;'cnptnii fur tlie dailv or :«• Mail, ur GlMbe, Daily World, lull h^Uii, l-anneis Advocate. " Farmir. American Agricul- .1)1' Scientific American, hand |^!lUcâ- l•ijâ- t;o:l to us at, the St.\n- Ste, -ive will forward it and â- own n.s,ic. OExnmxH,â€" Having been solicited by a large number of the Electors of this Riding to offer myself as a candidate for your suffrages, for the representation of this Riding, in the Hoase of Assembly of Onterio, at the approaching elec- tion, I have consented to become a candidate for the following reasons 1. There is a growing feeling in this constituency that it should be re- presented by a resident farmer, and not, as at present, by a Toronto lawyer whose interests (owing to his profes- sion and location) cannot be identical with yours. 2. I am a farmer, and have been a resident of this County for thirty-six years. Having represented the Town- r.hip of Euphrasia in the County Council for ten years I flatter myself that I am well acquainted with your wants and requirements and will, it elected, use my utmost endeavors to further your interests. I may state that I haye been iden- tified with tne Liberal Conservative party, although always advocating in- dependent principles â€" refusing on all occasions to accept the errors in Leg- islation of my own party, as wise and useful, or to denounce the best acts of my opponents to be injurious and "coirupt," as at present practised by party politicians. If elected I will vote and act for the best interests of my constituents and the Province of Ontario, irrespective of party â€" I will support "measures and not party." I will use my best and most earnest endeavors to nave the jurisdiction ci the Division Court extended from $200, as at present, to $400; and also to have our Municipal Assessment and Line Fence Acts amended ^o that many of our local differences can be settled at home, without the aid of Lawyers and expensive litigation. Believing the time has come when Farmers, independent of party cries, will assert their independence by elect- ing one of themselves. I confidently solicit your vote and influence at the approaching election. I have the Loner to be, Gentlemen, "Vours ob'd. Servant, ROBERT MYLES. Euphrasia, Feb. 12, 1883. I're-iicert given )v the BflUFaraily iilC' Sii.crers, in the Methodist "â- 'H ThiTilay evening, was well 'I'lH.'tuitlirtanding tlie political •â- J-Mu rli,. Mllarrc at tlic sartie liitju- ^it'licli'iiis were reudcr- iiiiiiii.- ju.ii u-'asterly manner, I'-i't i^eeiveJ with applause. Re- â- 'â- !' conceit S2J.75. ^F;irm.r^ Advocate for Febru- laiiil. aiiil is in no degree be- fdrniei- ibu\.-. in valuable in â- m:\ t(..r tlie a^^•iculturists. The â- â€¢"t'T, eftVrs SlOO, in prizes for f|-L Viivie'y of fall and spring â- ^^k Competed for at the next â- '*^ii*l t'xliil,i[[.,„_ commencing at I"' Sevtembor 24, 1883. Geue- *^ais of interest, on the farm, r*iiy, Stncii, Garden and Apiiiry with the u.sual intt-i- 'JiHtter for the Household and '.^Circle may be found under •e^pective heaaingb. $1.00 per. ' 'ibi^criiitiuus taken at this IWlAINITIEIDI â€" AT The Eclipse Mill. 100,000 ft. CheiTT, 500,000 ft. Hemlock, 100,000 ft. Baswood, also tlm and maple sawlogs, and 800 cords cedar bolts 4 feet 8 inches long for which the Highest price will be paid. Spariing Brothers, Proprietors. 125-129 J. W. FORD. pv, MARKDALE PLOUE MILLS "atJ a momh ago to be but there p„ „ "e uo profipect of jetting ^116 merchant bought' some /jP'^yab.e in thirty days and the 'l^ Paymeat arrives befora tbe ^.â- 'fe received. Ordering bv e^- leinr. "'â- ^^ there has 'been ' Talk of sent for about 2 c,qj, j " *° ^^ t^va. express J Klitbv ,, ""'i upon receivivg »«Ti8m. "t'veyance but the fi'i r /. y '""" ^t present. We can say \eith d,ft« respect to truth that our position as a pubhc journal is unchanged from the (Kjmmsncemeut. Not «o the Adcancfx Be-Fresh-ing In the oool MMrtion of loiBe people that theyoan sell below ooct, Ac it may Dot be anuBa to let the puUie o( Markdale and rar- ronnding eoontry know that "Wilson Benson* of the "BELFAST HOUSE." MABKDALE, can sell " ehe^ter than the cheapest," and "better than the bett." aH kinds of Groceries, Liquors, c. Consisting of TEAS, TOBACCOS, SPK^S, CANNED FISH, ETC., And for those wishing pore Wine for ao- ramental purposes, will find a brand that will eqoal anything on this side the Atlantic. Other Liquors equally pore. Spkcui, 1 Pure Holland Oin. Cheese from the best manufactories. Our WhiskieE are from the firm of Oood- •rbam Worts, Toronto, aad the public may rely on receiving them as they are sent. FLOUR. POTATOES, and everything in the household line kept constantly on hand. Henceforth my Store will be supplied with Fruits of all kinds, such as APPLES. PEABS, PLUMS, Ac. FRUIT CAKES of all kinds always kept on hand. Essences, Hair Oils, and Perfumery of the choicest nectars. TOILET FANCY SOAPS, better than the best. CANADIAN A WESTERN PORK, of first quality. Everything in the Grocery Line kept on a fuller and more complete scale than at any other place in Maqkdaln. WILSON BENSON. Just Arrived! A LARGE STOCK OF NEWUDFISHIOIULE MABKDAIiE Heat Market. A eonataat svpply of Fresh Meats! on hand, at the Lo'w^eut Living Prices. Orders solicited, and deiiv- ered free to all pjirts of the Town. Farmers having fat stock to dispose of, will please leave their addresses. TERMS, STRICTLY CASH. FRED. SARJEANT. Markdale March 33. 1882. 80-lT JNO. MONTGOMERY, B ^V Iv K I* Beg to terder bis thanks to the inhcbitants of Markdale and surrounding con.try for pait patronage, and to intimate -o them tha. he is prepared to supply the pubuc with Fniit. Pound and Plum Cake either plom or ired and omameDted. Also Bridei' Cakes got up in the best stylo that can be done this side of Toronto. Bread, Buns and Cakes! in gr^it variety. AD these »«,inanufacture'l on his own premisee by himself, besides Bis- cait of e^ery description from the best man- ufacturers in Ontario. CHOICEST CONFECTIONERY in n-e»t variety. Tea Mee irgs. Socials, and " »nd en the most rea.»onable terms. JOHN MONTGOMEBT. Mar-VdJe. »»â-¼â€¢ M«»4 ^^- ^^^'*^ Boots and Shoes, NEW OROCERIES, At prices which will astonish you. Call and see. SEEING IS BELIEVING. GENTLEMEN,â€" If you want a first-clas» Buggie or Wagon call at MGKENNA MASON'S CARRIAGE WORKS MARKDALE. They can supply you with anything from a Lumber Wagon up to Extension Tod Phaeton. To buy from them is to SAVE MOIVEYI Highest price paid for Butter and Eggs or aoy kind of Fo^»l at the Cheap Stokk. JOHN DOUPE, Flesherton Station. Nov. 15th. 1882. 114-.Sn:. Health is WealthT Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Tkeat- MENi, a guaranteed .specific for Hysteria, Dizziness, Convnl.sions, Fits, Nervous Neu ralgia, Headach" Nervous Pro.-(tration caus- ed bv the use of alcohol or tobacco, Wake lulness. Mental Depression, Softening of the Bruin, resulting,' in Insanity and leading to misery, decay and death, I'remature Old Age, Bair eiiness. Loss of Power in either sex, Involuntary losses and Spermatorrhopa. ciued by overexertion of the braiii. self ab ise or over iudul«eufft. One box wil C'J. e recent csise Each box contains one uiou'h's treatment. One dollar a box, oi six boxes for five iiollars sent by mail pre paid on receipt of price. We guarantee six boxes to C'lre any case. With each order re ceived by us for six Imxcs, accompanied with five dollars, we will send the pnrchasfT s written guaraut^-e to refuud the money ' the treatment does not effect a cur' Guar antces issued only by A. Turner Co., sol( authorized Agent for Markdale Ont. Johr C. West C© sole proprietor. Toruuto, Ont. They are both practical workmen, and employ none but PRACTICAL WORKMEN They guarantee their work Second to none for Lightness of Draught and Superiority of Finish. They use nothing but First-class White Oak for Wagons, and thiice Extra Second Growth Hickory for hght work. The immense amount of work turned out of McKenna Mason's shop is snfficicn proof of the wide reputation they enjoy for doing good work. Thk BEST 18 THR CHEAPEST in the END Poor chf ap work we positively will not take. Special attention given to De-Trimming and Repainting all classes of Carriage Work. Satisfaction guaranteed (or No Pay) in HORSESHOEING SHOPâ€" On M'll Street. opposite t'j Sproule's }iotel. McKENNA MASON. THOS. MATHEWS, MARKDALE. 1- VElllTHING IN OUR LKIE KEPT ON HAND OB MADE TO OEDER ON SHORT NOTICE. LIVERY! '•(\\K("r!0\. IVIANMO0 HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED /^'^~-^ We have recently rnblished a nev fiEA.Ij jedition of Dr. CrLVEUWK*j/s Cei.k- ^â- ^^^^IT^^BRATED Essay on the vadical ani' permanent cure (without raedicin;' of Ni-r vous Debility, Mental and Physical incupnci ty, Imrediments to Marriage, c., resuitin^- from excesses. fc*" Price, in sealed envelope, only 6 centn. or two postage stamps. The celebrated author, in this adiniraV)K Essay, clearly demonstrates, from thirty years' successful practice, that alarming con- sequences may be radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicines or the use of the knife pointing out a mode of curr at once simple, certain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. ^s'This Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and nvery man in the land. Address Tho GulvarwoH Mtdlcal Co,. P.O. box 450 41 Ann St., View Fork 110-62. $500 Reward r We will piiy the above reward for any case of Liver Complaint, Dy^ptpsia, Sick Head- ache, Indigestioiv. CouKtipation or Coetive- ness we cannot owre with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are strictly compUed with. They are purely Yegetable, and never fail to give satisfaoooD. Sqi« Coated. Tiaxge Boxes, containing SO PiJle, 35 cts. For sale by all Dmggiitfi. Beware of counterfeits and immitatioKs. The genu- ine mapnfdctHred only by JOHN C. WEST ± CO., 'The Pill Makers," 81 A 83 King St. East, Toronto Ont. Free trial package *ent by mail prepaid on receint of • 3 cent «tamp. For sate at Toi ntsr JIeCu. Dru^ bto^e. JOHKSTOK*S ' SARSAPARILLAI And for Purifyins tha Blood. It has been in nee for SOyears, and baa I I proved to be the tet preparation in the market for SICK HEADAC HE, P AIN IK THE SIDB OB BACK. UVEB COM- PLAIN'T, PIMPLES ON THE FACE, DYSPEPSIA, PILES, and aU Diseases that arise from a Disordered Liver or an impure blood. Thousands of our best people take It and give It to their chil- dren. niysieiaQS preKribe it daily. Those whouae it onoe recommend it to others. It is made from Telknr Dock, Honda- ras SanaparlUa, Wild Cherry, Stillingiik I I Dandelion 8»w«fr.«. Winteivreen, and I other w«U-ICBOwii vahiable Boots and I Uerba, It la strictly vef^table, and can- not hurt the most oelicste constitution. I It is one of Ibe best medidneii in tue for â- EteguteUnfftheBoweh. It MfoliTby all iwponribla drnniM at I one SUar tor a quart hsttla. or aixbotUaa r°TI 1^«wnKt ^*f^n a boMleof thU mnlMiMift^ their dr«(tKM (Mf (end w oaa doU*r,.«iri^«iUaea7u.tolkMB.. [AatBfc«fc»»t. Mnlk KA TO SELL OR REI^Ta IOr 1... CON. 12, HOLLAND. 122 J acres, 100 cleartid. g»od buildi-gs there- on. Tnrms easr. Applv to Jnmes Logan^ Postmaster, near tbe premises, or to M. 8. KELLOW, TanwP. 0. NcTember 14th. 1H52, 1-i-ttv ,HM- U 'W yM^ J

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